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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Real Time Vehicle Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Shurdhaj, Elda, Christián, Ulehla January 2023 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze how object detectors perform under winter weather conditions, specifically in areas with varying degrees of snow cover. The investigation will evaluate the effectiveness of commonly used object detection methods in identifying vehicles in snowy environments, including YOLO v8, Yolo v5, and Faster R-CNN. Additionally, the study explores the method of labeling vehicle objects within a set of image frames for the purpose of high-quality annotations in terms of correctness, details, and consistency. Training data is the cornerstone upon which the development of machine learning is built. Inaccurate or inconsistent annotations can mislead the model, causing it to learn incorrect patterns and features. Data augmentation techniques like rotation, scaling, or color alteration have been applied to enhance some robustness to recognize objects under different alterations. The study aims to contribute to the field of deep learning by providing valuable insights into the challenges of detecting vehicles in snowy conditions and offering suggestions for improving the accuracy and reliability of object detection systems. Furthermore, the investigation will examine edge devices' real-time tracking and detection capabilities when applied to aerial images under these weather conditions. What drives this research is the need to delve deeper into the research gap concerning vehicle detection using drones, especially in adverse weather conditions. It highlights the scarcity of substantial datasets before Mokayed et al. published the Nordic Vehicle Dataset. Using unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs) or drones to capture real images in different settings and under various snow cover conditions in the Nordic region contributes to expanding the existing dataset, which has previously been restricted to non-snowy weather conditions. In recent years, the leverage of drones to capture real-time data to optimize intelligent transport systems has seen a surge. The potential of drones in providing an aerial perspective efficiently collecting data over large areas to precisely and timely monitor vehicular movement is an area that is imperative to address. To a greater extent, snowy weather conditions can create an environment of limited visibility, significantly complicating data interpretation and object detection. The emphasis is set on edge devices' real-time tracking and detection capabilities, which in this study introduces the integration of edge computing in drone technologies to explore the speed and efficiency of data processing in such systems.

Distributed management and coordination of UAV swarms based on infrastructureless wireless networks

Wubben, Jamie 26 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] Los Vehículos Aéreos no Tripulados (o drones) ya han demostrado su utilidad en una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Hoy en día, se utilizan para fotografía, cinematografía, inspecciones y vigilancia, entre otros. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los casos todavía son controlados por un piloto, que como máximo suele estar volando un solo dron cada vez. En esta tesis, tratamos de avanzar en paso más allá en esta tecnología al permitir que múltiples drones con capacidad para despegue y aterrizaje vertical trabajen de forma sincronizada, como una sola entidad. La principal ventaja de realizar vuelos en grupo, comúnmente denominado enjambre, es que se pueden realizar tareas más complejas que utilizando un solo dron. De hecho, un enjambre permite cubrir más área en el mismo tiempo, ser más resistente, tener una capacidad de carga más alta, etc. Esto puede habilitar el uso de nuevas aplicaciones, o una mejor eficiencia para las aplicaciones existentes. Sin embargo, una parte clave es que los miembros del enjambre deben organizarse correctamente, ya que, durante el vuelo, diferentes perturbaciones pueden provocar que sea complicado mantener el enjambre como una unidad coherente. Una vez que se pierde esta coherencia, todos los beneficios previamente mencionados de un enjambre se pierden también. Incluso, aumenta el riesgo de colisiones entre los elementos del enjambre. Por lo tanto, esta tesis se centra en resolver algunos de estos problemas, proporcionando un conjunto de algoritmos que permitan a otros desarrolladores crear aplicaciones de enjambres de drones. Para desarrollar los algoritmos propuestos hemos incorporado mejoras al llamado ArduSim. Este simulador nos permite simular tanto la física de un dron como la comunicación entre drones con un alto grado de precisión. ArduSim nos permite implementar protocolos y algoritmos (bien probados) en drones reales con facilidad. Durante toda la tesis, ArduSim ha sido utilizado ampliamente. Su utilización ha permitido que las pruebas fueran seguras, y al mismo tiempo nos permitió ahorrar mucho tiempo, dinero y esfuerzo de investigación. Comenzamos nuestra investigación sobre enjambres asignando posiciones aéreas para cada dron en el suelo. Suponiendo que los drones están ubicados aleatoriamente en el suelo, y que necesitan alcanzar una formación aérea deseada, buscamos una solución que minimice la distancia total recorrida por todos los drones. Para ello se empezó con un método de fuerza bruta, pero rápidamente nos dimos cuenta de que, dada su alta complejidad, este método funciona mal cuando el número de drones aumenta. Por lo tanto, propusimos una heurística. Como en todas las heurísticas, se realizó un compromiso entre complejidad y precisión. Al simplificar el problema, encontramos que nuestra heurística era capaz de calcular una solución muy rápidamente sin aumentar sustancialmente la distancia total recorrida. Además, implementamos el algoritmo de Kuhn-Munkres (KMA), un algoritmo que ha demostrado proporcionar la respuesta exacta (es decir, reducir la distancia total recorrida) en el menor tiempo posible. Después de muchos experimentos, llegamos a la conclusión de que nuestra heurística es más rápida, pero que la solución proporcionada por el KMA es ligeramente más eficiente. En particular, aunque la diferencia en la distancia total recorrida es pequeña, el uso de KMA reduce el número de trayectorias de vuelo que se cruzan entre sí, lo cual es una métrica importante para las siguientes propuestas.[...] / [CA] Els vehicles aeris no tripulats (o drons) ja han demostrat la seua utilitat en una gran varietat d'aplicacions. Avui dia, s'utilitzen per a fotografia, cinematografia, inspeccions i vigilància, entre altres. No obstant això, en la majoria dels casos encara són controlats per un pilot, que com a màxim sol controlar el vol d'un sol dron cada vegada. En aquesta tesi, tractem d'avançar un pas més enllà en aquesta tecnologia, en permetre que múltiples drons amb capacitat per a l'enlairament i l'aterratge vertical treballen de forma sincronitzada, com una sola entitat. El principal avantatge de realitzar vols en grup, comunament denominats eixam, és que es poden fer tasques més complexes que utilitzant un sol dron. De fet, un eixam permet cobrir més àrea en el mateix temps, ser més resistent, tenir una capacitat de càrrega més alta, etc. Això pot habilitar l'ús de noves aplicacions, o una millor eficiència per a les aplicacions existents. No obstant això, una punt clau és que els membres de l'eixam han d'organitzar-se correctament, ja que, durant el vol, diferents pertorbacions poden provocar que siga complicat mantenir l'eixam com una unitat coherent. Una vegada que es perd aquesta coherència, tots els beneficis prèviament esmentats d'un eixam es perden també. Fins i tot, augmenta el risc de col·lisions entre els elements de l'eixam. Per tant, aquesta tesi se centra a resoldre alguns d'aquests problemes, proporcionant un conjunt d'algorismes que permeten a altres desenvolupadors crear aplicacions d'eixams de drons. Per a desenvolupar els algorismes proposats hem incorporat millores a l'anomenat ArduSim. Aquest simulador ens permet simular tant la física d'un dron com la comunicació entre drons amb un alt grau de precisió. ArduSim ens permet implementar protocols i algorismes (ben provats) en drons reals amb facilitat. Durant tota la tesi, ArduSim s'ha utilitzat àmpliament. El seu ús ha permès que les proves foren segures, i al mateix temps ens va permetre estalviar molt de temps, diners i esforç d'investigació. Per tant, es va utilitzar ArduSim per a cada bloc de construcció que vam desenvolupar. Comencem la nostra recerca sobre eixams assignant posicions aèries per a cada dron en terra. Suposant que els drons estan situats aleatòriament en terra i que necessiten assolir la formació aèria desitjada, cerquem una solució que minimitze la distància total recorreguda per tots els drons. Per a això, es va començar amb un mètode de força bruta, però ràpidament ens vam adonar que, atesa l'alta complexitat, aquest mètode funciona malament quan el nombre de drons augmenta. Per tant, vam proposar una heurística. Com en totes les heurístiques, es va fer un compromís entre complexitat i precisió. En simplificar el problema, trobem que la nostra heurística era capaç de calcular una solució molt ràpidament sense augmentar substancialment la distància total recorreguda. A més, vam implementar l'algorisme de Kuhn-Munkres (KMA), un algorisme que ha demostrat proporcionar la resposta exacta (és a dir, reduir la distància total recorreguda) en el menor temps possible. Després de molts experiments, arribem a la conclusió que la nostra heurística és més ràpida, però que la solució proporcionada pel KMA és lleugerament més eficient. En particular, encara que la diferència en la distància total recorreguda és xicoteta, l'ús de KMA redueix el nombre de trajectòries de vol que s'encreuen entre si, la qual cosa és una mètrica important per a les propostes següents.[...] / [EN] Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have already proven to be useful in many different applications. Nowadays, they are used for photography, cinematography, inspections, and surveillance. However, in most cases they are still controlled by a pilot, who at most is flying one UAV at a time. In this thesis, we try to take this technology one step further by allowing multiple Vertical Take-off and Landing (VTOL) UAVs to work together as one entity. The main advantage of this group, commonly referred to as a swarm, is that it can perform more complex tasks than a single UAV. When organized correctly, a swarm allows for: more area to be covered in the same time, more resilience, higher load capability, etc. A swarm can lead to new applications, or a better efficiency for existing applications. A key part, however, is that they should be organized correctly. During the flight, different disturbances will make it complicated to keep the swarm as one coherent unit. Once this coherency is lost, all the previously mentioned benefits of a swarm are lost as well. Even worse, the chance of a hazard increases. Therefore, this thesis focuses on solving some of these issues by providing a baseline of building blocks that enable other developers to create UAV swarm applications. In order to develop these building blocks, we improve a multi-UAV simulator called ArduSim. This simulator allows us to simulate both the physics of a UAV, and the communication between UAVs with a high degree of accuracy. This is a crucial part because it allows us to deploy (well tested) protocols and algorithms on real UAVs with ease. During the entirety of this thesis, ArduSim has been used extensively. It made testing safe, and allowed us to save a lot of time, money and research effort. We started by assigning airborne positions for each UAV on the ground. Assuming that the UAVs, are placed randomly on the ground, and that they need to reach a desired aerial formation, we searched for a solution that minimizes the total distance travelled by all the UAVs. We started with a brute-force method, but quickly realized that, given its high complexity, this method performs badly when the number of UAVs grows. Hence, we created a heuristic. As for all heuristics, a trade-off was made between complexity and accuracy. By simplifying the problem, we found that our heuristic was able to calculate a solution very quickly without increasing the total distance travelled substantially. Furthermore, we implemented the \ac{KMA}, an algorithm that has been proven to provide the exact answer (i.e. minimal total distance travelled) in the shortest time possible. After many experiments, we came to the conclusion that our heuristic is faster, but that the solution provided by the \ac{KMA} is slightly better. In particular, although the difference in total distance travelled is small, the \ac{KMA} reduces the numbers of flight paths crossing each other, which is an important metric in our next building block. Once we developed algorithms to assign airborne positions to each UAV on the ground, we started developing algorithms to take off all those UAVs. The objective of these algorithms is to reduce the time it takes for all the UAVs to reach their aerial position, while ensuring that all UAVs maintain a safe distance. The easiest solution is a sequential take-off procedure, but this is also the slowest approach. Hence, we improved it by first proposing a semi-sequential and later a semi-simultaneous take-off procedure. With this semi-simultaneous take-off procedure, we are able to reduce the takeoff time drastically without introducing any risk to the aircraft. [..] / Wubben, J. (2023). Distributed management and coordination of UAV swarms based on infrastructureless wireless networks [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198887

The effective use of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles in surface search and control

Berner, Robert Andrew 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / This study analyzes the effective use of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) for the Navy's Surface Search and Control mission. In the future, the Navy hopes to leverage the capabilities of a family of UAVs to provide increased situational awareness in the maritime environment. This family of UAVs includes a Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) UAV and Vertical Take-Off UAVs (VTUAVs). The concepts of operations for how these UAVs work together have yet to be determined. Questions exist about the best number of UAVs, types of UAVs, and tactics that will provide increased capabilities. Through modeling and agent-based simulation, this study explores the validity of future UAV requirements and provides insights into the effectiveness of different UAV combinations. For the scenarios modeled, the best UAV combination is BAMS plus two or three VTUAVs. However, analysis shows that small numbers of VTUAVs can perform as well without BAMS as they do with BAMS. For combinations with multiple UAVs, BAMS proves to be a valuable asset that not only reduces the number of missed classifications, but greatly improves the amount of coverage on all contacts in the maritime environment. BAMS tactics have less effect than the mere presence of BAMS itself. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

Autonomous Landing Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Singh, Shashiprakash 02 1900 (has links)
In this thesis the problem of autonomous landing of an unmanned aerial vehicle named AE-2 is addressed. The guidance and control technique is developed and demonstrated through numerical simulation results. The complete work includes Mathematical modeling, Control design, Guidance and State estimation for AE-2, which is a fixed wing vehicle with 2m wing span and 6kg weight. The aerodynamic data for AE-2 is available from static wind tunnel tests. Functional fit is done on the wind tunnel data with least squares method to find static aerodynamic coefficients. The aerodynamic forces and moment coefficients are highly nonlinear some of them are partitioned in two zones based on the angle of attack. The dynamic derivatives are found with Athena Vortex Lattice software. For the validation of vortex lattice method the static derivatives obtained by the wind tunnel tests and vortex lattice method, are compared before finding dynamic derivatives. The dynamics of the servo actuators for the aerodynamic control surfaces is incorporated in the simulation. The nonlinear dynamic inversion technique has been used for the guidance and control design. The control is structured in two loops, outer and inner loop. The goal of outer loop is to track the guidance commands of altitude, roll angle and yaw angle by converting them into body rate commands through dynamic inversion. The inner loop than tracks these commanded roll rate, pitch rate and yaw rate by finding the required deflection of control surfaces. The forward velocity of the vehicle is controlled by varying the throttle. A controller for actuator is also designed to reduce the lag. The guidance for landing consists of three phases approach, glideslope and flare. During approach the vehicle is aligned with the runway and guided to a specified height from where the glideslope can begin. The glideslope is straight line path specified by a flight path angle which is restricted between 3 to 4 degree. At the end of glideslope which is marked by flare altitude the flare maneuver begins which is an exponential curve. The problem of transition between the glideslope and flare has addressed by ensuring continuity and smoothness at transition. The exponential curve of flare is designed to end below the ground so that it intersects the ground at a prespecified point. The sink rate at touchdown is also controlled along with the location of touchdown point. The state estimation has been done with Extended Kalman Filter in continuous discrete formulation. The external disturbances like wind shear and wind gust are accounted by appending them in state variables. Further the control design with guidance is tested from various initial conditions, in presence of wind disturbances. The designed filter has also been tested for parameter uncertainty.

Autonomous Systems in Society and War : Philosophical Inquiries

Johansson, Linda January 2013 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis is to look at some philosophical issues surrounding autonomous systems in society and war. These issues can be divided into three main categories. The first, discussed in papers I and II, concerns ethical issues surrounding the use of autonomous systems – where the focus in this thesis is on military robots. The second issue, discussed in paper III, concerns how to make sure that advanced robots behave ethically adequate. The third issue, discussed in papers IV and V, has to do with agency and responsibility. Another issue, somewhat aside from the philosophical, has to do with coping with future technologies, and developing methods for dealing with potentially disruptive technologies. This is discussed in papers VI and VII. Paper I systemizes some ethical issues surrounding the use of UAVs in war, with the laws of war as a backdrop. It is suggested that the laws of war are too wide and might be interpreted differently depending on which normative moral theory is used. Paper II is about future, more advanced autonomous robots, and whether the use of such robots can undermine the justification for killing in war. The suggestion is that this justification is substantially undermined if robots are used to replace humans to a high extent. Papers I and II both suggest revisions or additions to the laws or war. Paper III provides a discussion on one normative moral theory – ethics of care – connected to care robots. The aim is twofold: first, to provide a plausible and ethically relevant interpretation of the key term care in ethics of care, and second, to discuss whether ethics of care may be a suitable theory to implement in care robots. Paper IV discusses robots connected to agency and responsibility, with a focus on consciousness. The paper has a functionalistic approach, and it is suggested that robots should be considered agents if they can behave as if they are, in a moral Turing test. Paper V is also about robots and agency, but with a focus on free will. The main question is whether robots can have free will in the same sense as we consider humans to have free will when holding them responsible for their actions in a court of law. It is argued that autonomy with respect to norms is crucial for the agency of robots. Paper VI investigates the assessment of socially disruptive technological change. The coevolution of society and potentially disruptive technolgies makes decision-guidance on such technologies difficult. Four basic principles are proposed for such decision guidance, involving interdisciplinary and participatory elements. Paper VII applies the results from paper VI – and a workshop – to autonomous systems, a potentially disruptive technology. A method for dealing with potentially disruptive technolgies is developed in the paper. / <p>QC 20130911</p>

Stochastic Geometry Based Analysis of Capacity, Mobility and Energy Efficiency for Dense Heterogeneous Networks

Merwaday, Arvind 29 March 2016 (has links)
In recent years, the increase in the population of mobile users and the advances in computational capabilities of mobile devices have led to an exponentially increasing traffic load on the wireless networks. This trend is foreseen to continue in the future due to the emerging applications such as cellular Internet of things (IoT) and machine type communications (MTC). Since the spectrum resources are limited, the only promising way to keep pace with the future demand is through aggressive spatial reuse of the available spectrum which can be realized in the networks through dense deployment of small cells. There are many challenges associated with such densely deployed heterogeneous networks (HetNets). The main challenges which are considered in this research work are capacity enhancement, velocity estimation of mobile users, and energy efficiency enhancement. We consider different approaches for capacity enhancement of the network. In the first approach, using stochastic geometry we theoretically analyze time domain inter-cell interference coordination techniques in a two-tier HetNet and optimize the parameters to maximize the capacity of the network. In the second approach, we consider optimization of the locations of aerial bases stations carried by the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to enhance the capacity of the network for public safety and emergency communications, in case of damaged network infrastructure. In the third approach, we introduce a subsidization scheme for the service providers through which the network capacity can be improved by using regulatory power of the government. Finally, we consider the approach of device-to-device communications and multi-hop transmissions for enhancing the capacity of a network. Velocity estimation of high speed mobile users is important for effective mobility management in densely deployed small cell networks. In this research, we introduce two novel methods for the velocity estimation of mobile users: handover-count based velocity estimation, and sojourn time based velocity estimation. Using the tools from stochastic geometry and estimation theory, we theoretically analyze the accuracy of the two velocity estimation methods through Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs). With the dense deployment of small cells, energy efficiency becomes crucial for the sustained operation of wireless networks. In this research, we jointly study the energy efficiency and the spectral efficiency in a two-tier HetNet. We optimize the parameters of inter-cell interference coordination technique and study the trade-offs between the energy efficiency and spectral efficiency of the HetNet.

Search Strategies For Multiple Autonomous Agents

Sujit, P B 10 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

Differential Games Guidance Laws for Aerospace Applications

Bardhan, Rajarshi January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis addresses several aerospace guidance and decision making problems using both no cooperative and cooperative game theoretical solution concepts in the differential games framework. In the first part of the thesis, state dependent Riccati equation (SDRE) method has been extended to a zero-sum nonlinear differential games setting. This framework is used to study problems of intercepting a manoeuvring target, with and without terminal impact angle constraints, in the zero-sum differential games theory perspective. The guidance laws derived according to the proposed method are in closed from and online implementable. In the second part of the thesis, cooperative game theoretic concepts are applied to make a group of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) achieve rendezvous, in a given finite time horizon. An algorithm has been proposed that enables the UAVs to realize Nash bargaining solution. In this context, criteria for time consistency of a cooperative solution of nonzero-sum linear quadratic differential games have been studied. The problems where the UAVs try to achieve rendezvous by implementing cooperative game theoretic strategies, based on local information structure only, is also addressed.

Redefining Horizons: A Study on Business Model Innovation for the Commercialization of Services within Urban Air Mobility / Nya Horisonter: Affärsmodellssinnovation för Kommersialiseringen av Tjänster inom Uraban Air Mobility

Landberg, Otto, Blomgren, Jacob January 2023 (has links)
Urban air mobility has gained increased attention in recent years due to the emergence of novel technologies. Several use cases within different industries exist. These services can substitute existing services as well as offering entirely new ones. Previous research has focused on novel technologies and changes needed to be made in order for the technology to be established in the market. However, non-technological aspects are lacking, specifically concerning suitable business models. Thus, the role of business models, and changes related to these, required for a commercialization of urban air mobility services constitutes a research gap and are of interest for further exploration. To understand how actors are changing their business models to commercialize urban air mobility three different case studies were conducted on three projects focusing on use cases connected to urban air mobility. Interviews were used as the primary data gathering method, and in total 13 were conducted. The theoretical STOF framework, which delimits the business model into four domains, was used to identify potential changes. The main results indicate important future actors in a commercialization, the degree of change of these actors and potential challenges for them. Due to the uncertainty of the role business models play in a commercialization of urban air mobility services, this thesis will contribute to bridging this research gap. Concrete changes are identified, as well as specific business model areas in need of more attention. Furthermore, the thesis contributes to the literature concerning challenges related to urban air mobility services, as well as suggesting how they can be handled. Finally, the thesis evaluates and explains how the STOF framework can be extended to new industries. / Urban air mobility har fått ökad uppmärksamhet de senaste åren på grund av uppkomsten av nya teknologier. Flera användningsområden inom olika branscher existerar. Dessa tjänster kan ersätta befintliga tjänster samt erbjuda helt nya. Tidigare forskning har främst fokuserat på nya teknologier och förändringar som behöver göras för att tekniken ska etableras på marknaden. Emellertid saknas aspekter som inte är teknologiska, särskilt lämpliga affärsmodeller. Därmed är inte affärsmodellens roll samt nödvändiga förändringar relaterade till den för en kommersialisering av urban air mobility tillräckligt belysta och är därför intressant för vidare forskning. För att förstå hur aktörer ändrar sina affärsmodeller för att kommersialisera urban air mobility genomfördes tre olika fallstudier på tre projekt som fokuserar på användningsområden kopplade till urban air mobility. Den teoretiska STOF modellen, som avgränsar affärsmodellen i fyra områden, användes för att identifiera potentiella förändringar för de olika projektaktörernas affärsmodeller. De främsta resultaten indikerar vilka de viktiga framtida aktörerna i en kommersialisering är, graden av affärsmodellsförändring för dem, samt potentiella utmaningar. På grund av osäkerheten kring vilken roll affärsmodeller har vid kommersialisering av tjänster relaterade till urban air mobility bidrar denna avhandling till att ytterligare belysa detta forskningsområde. Konkret identifierar avhandlingen nödvändiga affärsmodellsförändringar för de olika aktörerna, samt specifika områden inom affärsmodellen som behöver mer uppmärksamhet. Dessutom bidrar avhandlingen till forskningslitteraturen om utmaningar relaterade till urban air mobility tjänster, samt föreslår hur de kan hanteras. Slutligen utvärderar och förklarar avhandlingen hur STOF modellen kan utökas till fler branscher än internetbaserade tjänster.

Diseño de nuevos algoritmos de guiado y navegación con evasión de colisiones para vehículos aéreos no tripulados.

Samaniego Riera, Franklin Eduardo 15 February 2021 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Debido a la creciente popularidad sobre la variedad de los Vehículos No Tripulados tanto en el campo militar como en el comercial, y de sus capacidades para navegar por diversos entornos, ya sean terrestres, aéreos o marinos, se evidencia que la clásica planificación de trayectorias y movimientos bidimensionales 2D podría no ser suficiente en un futuro inmediato. De esta manera, se debe resaltar que el presente trabajo aborda el problema de los Vehículos Aéreos No Tripulados (UAVs) de ala fija. En este sentido, la necesidad de encontrar una trayectoria navegable en el espacio euclídeo 3D se hace cada vez más necesario. En el caso de los UAV, considerar su cinemática para generar trayectorias suaves en tres dimensiones puede tener un interés significativo para la navegación autónoma aérea. Finalmente, los beneficios adicionales que se pueden producir son importantes. La principal dificultad de este problema es que los vehículos aéreos de características no-holonómicas se ven obligados a avanzar sin la posibilidad de detenerse a través de trayectorias 3D con curvaturas limitadas. En este sentido, se ha investigado la manera de proporcionar una completa caracterización de trayectorias óptimas para UAVs con un radio de giro limitado que se mueve en el plano tridimensional a una velocidad constante. Para completar tales tareas, un planificador de trayectorias no sólo debe proporcionar rutas tridimensionales para alcanzar una posición de destino sin colisionar con obstáculos, sino también debe asegurar que tal trayectoria sea adecuada para los UAVs que poseen propiedades cinemáticas específicas. Por lo tanto, el desarrollo del trabajo ha completado la algoritmia que genera una trayectoria discreta tridimensional al definir un conjunto de puntos 3D, resultantes de una división del espacio euclídeo tridimensional de manera dinámica, determinando las mejores opciones de avance, evitando analizar cada espacio del entorno completo. De esta manera, partiendo de los puntos 3D resultantes de la planificación de trayectoria tridimensional, se ha generado una trayectoria en forma de curva suave construida en función de las limitaciones de giro del UAV (resaltando que es difícil asegurar que el camino resultante cumpla con las restricciones cinemáticas en las tres dimensiones simultáneamente). Finalmente, es importante destacar que a menudo las restricciones mencionadas se calculan secuencialmente y de forma bidimensional, sobre un par de dimensiones desacopladas, lo que limita la capacidad de optimización. Para todo ello, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de suavizado para un planificador de trayectorias que considera las restricciones cinemáticas tridimensionales completas sin desacoplar las dimensiones. / [CA] Debut a la creixent popularitat sobre la varietat dels Vehicles No Tripulats tant en el camp militar com en el comercial, i de les seves capacitats per navegar per diversos entorns, ja siguin terrestres, aeris o marins, s'evidencia que la clàssica planificació de trajectòries i moviments bidimensionals 2D podria no ser suficient en un futur immediat. D'aquesta manera, s'ha de ressaltar que el present treball aborda el problema dels Vehicles Aeris No Tripulats (UAV) d'ala fixa. En aquest sentit, la necessitat de trobar una trajectòria navegable en l'espai euclidià 3D es fa cada vegada més necessari. En el cas dels UAV, considerar la seva cinemàtica per generar trajectòries suaus en tres dimensions pot tenir un interès significatiu per a la navegació autònoma aèria. Finalment, els beneficis addicionals que es poden produir són importants. La principal dificultat d'aquest problema és que els vehicles aeris de característiques no-holonómicas es veuen obligats a avançar sense la possibilitat de detenir-se a través de trajectòries 3D amb curvatures limitades. En aquest sentit, s'ha investigat la manera de proporcionar una completa caracterització de trajectòries òptimes per UAVs amb un radi de gir limitat que es mou en el pla tridimensional a una velocitat constant. Per completar aquestes tasques, un planificador de trajectòries no només ha de proporcionar rutes tridimensionals per assolir una posició de destinació sense col·lisionar amb obstacles, sinó també ha d'assegurar que tal trajectòria sigui adequada per als UAVs que posseeixen propietats cinemàtiques específiques. Per tant, el desenvolupament de la feina ha completat la algorísmia que genera una trajectòria discreta tridimensional a l'definir un conjunt de punts 3D, resultants d'una divisió de l'espai euclidià tridimensional de manera dinàmica, determinant les millors opcions d'avanç, evitant analitzar cada espai de l' entorn complet. D'aquesta manera, partint dels punts 3D resultants de la planificació de trajectòria tridimensional, s'ha generat una trajectòria en forma de corba suau construïda en funció de les limitacions de gir de l'UAV (ressaltant que és difícil assegurar que el camí resultant compleixi amb les restriccions cinemàtiques en les tres dimensions simultàniament). Finalment, és important destacar que sovint les restriccions esmentades es calculen seqöencialment i de forma bidimensional, sobre un parell de dimensions desacoblades, el que limita la capacitat d'optimització. Per tot això, s'ha desenvolupat un algoritme de suavitzat per a un planificador de trajectòries que considera les restriccions cinemàtiques tridimensionals completes sense desacoblar les dimensions. / [EN] Due to the growing popularity of the variety of Unmanned Vehicles in both the military and commercial fields, and their capabilities to navigate diverse environments, whether land, air or sea, it is evident that the classic two-dimensional 2D trajectory and motion planning may not be enough in the near future. Thus, it should be noted that this paper addresses the problem of fixed-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). In this sense, the need to find a navigable path in 3D Euclidean space becomes more and more necessary. In the case of UAVs, considering their kinematics to generate smooth trajectories in three dimensions may be of significant interest for autonomous air navigation. Finally, the additional benefits that can be produced are important. The main difficulty of this problem is that air vehicles with non-holonomic characteristics are forced to advance without the possibility of stopping through 3D trajectories with limited curvatures. In this regard, research has been conducted to provide a complete characterization of optimal trajectories for UAVs with a limited turning radius that move in the 3D plane at a constant speed. To complete such tasks, a path planner must not only provide three-dimensional paths to reach a target position without colliding with obstacles, but must also ensure that such a path is suitable for UAVs that possess specific kinematic properties. Therefore, the development of the work has completed the algorithm that generates a discrete three-dimensional path by defining a set of 3D points, resulting from a division of the three-dimensional Euclidean space in a dynamic way, determining the best forward options, avoiding to analyze each space of the whole environment. In this way, starting from the 3D points resulting from the three-dimensional path planning, a smooth curve path has been generated, built according to the UAV turning constraints (highlighting that it is difficult to ensure that the resulting path meets the kinematic constraints in the three dimensions simultaneously). Finally, it is important to note that often the constraints mentioned are calculated sequentially and in a two-dimensional shape, on a pair of decoupled dimensions, which limits the ability to optimize. For all this, a smoothing algorithm has been developed for a path planner that considers the complete three-dimensional kinematic constraints without decoupling the dimensions. / Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por el Gobierno de España a través del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad bajo el proyecto de Investigación DP I2015−71443−R, y por la administración local de la Generalitat Valenciana a través de los proyectos GV /2017/029 y AICO/2019/055. El autor ha sido beneficiario de una beca otorgada por el Instituto de Fomento al Talento Humano (IFTH) (2015−AR2Q9209) a través del Gobierno de Ecuador. / Samaniego Riera, FE. (2021). Diseño de nuevos algoritmos de guiado y navegación con evasión de colisiones para vehículos aéreos no tripulados [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/161274 / Compendio

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