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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualisation during Large-Scale Events : Technical Support for Volunteers / Visualisering under Storskaliga Arrangemang : Tekniskt Stöd för Funktionärer

Veronica, Carlsson, Jessica, Sjölander January 2004 (has links)
Our work, which this master thesis is based upon, has been committed to analysing the settings of large-scale events, proposing, and designing an IT-artefact that can be adapted to different contexts depending on the event. In order to give examples of the contexts of which the IT-artefact could be used, it was developed tailored to two temporary large-scale events. Throughout the thesis we have been struggling with the question of how it is possible to facilitate the co-ordination during large-scale events through visualising tasks and resources. Our aim has been that the design proposal shall support the sharing of tasks and resources to facilitate the cooperation among volunteers during the realisation of temporary large-scale events. We conclude that our design proposal of the IT-artefact should be investigated further in the settings presented in this thesis and others, as we see prospects to develop and adapt the design proposal to various large-scale events in the nearby future. / Vårt fokus är ett tekniskt stöd för funktionärer under storskaliga arrangemang. Våra samarbetspartners är Hultsfredsfestivalen och Vasaloppet. Vi sätter användning av teknik i fokus och utgår från behov hos användarna i den studerade kontexten. Detta har vi åstadkommit med stöd av etnografiska undersökningar, workshops, analys av materialet samt framtagande av en designlösning. Vår frågeställning om huruvida det är möjligt att underlätta koordinationen under storskaliga evenemang med hjälp av visualisering av arbetsuppgifter och resurser har lett till att vi har föreslagit en designlösning. Denna ska stödja och underlätta funktionärers arbete genom att tillhandahålla olika funktioner och stöd beroende på behoven hos funktionärerna vid respektive evenemang. Vårt syfte är att designlösningen ska stödja fördelningen av uppdrag och ett gemensamt utnyttjande av resurser för att underlätta samarbetet mellan funktionärer.

Novel Use of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in Everyday Teaching and Learning Practices : A Complex Picture

Salavati, Sadaf January 2013 (has links)
As of autumn 2011, all schools in Sweden have adopted and applied the latest curriculum for the compulsory school system. The following is written in concern to technology: "The school is responsible for ensuring that each pupil on completing compulsory school: [...] can use modern technology as a tool in the search for knowledge, communication, creativity and learning." (Skolverket, 2011, pp.13-14) With this said, there are no guidelines or manuals on how this is to be conducted. In a report from the Swedish Schools Inspectorate it was concluded that the investment in technology is not being used for school education. The education systems keep investing in technology in the belief that schools and teachers will sooner or later adopt and benefit from the use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies. The aim of this study is to “create an understanding of the aspects that have an impact on adopting novel use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in everyday teaching and learning practices in compulsory schools.” The empirical foundation will be based upon three projects: Geometry Mobile (GeM); Learning Ecology with Technologies from Science for Global Outcomes (LETS GO); and Collaborative Learning Using Digital Pens and Interactive Whiteboards (Collboard). All were conducted at local compulsory schools in Växjö municipality, Sweden, in collaboration with teachers, students and fellow researchers from the CeLeKT research group at Linnaeus University. Two Thematic Analyses have been conducted: the first, an inductive analysis exploring the Students’ and Teachers’ Experience of using Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies in their learning and teaching environment. The second analysis is deductive and uses themes from the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology models with the aim of understanding the Perception and Acceptance of Teachers’ use of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies. In the results from the two analyses there are clear indicators on the added value that mobile and ubiquitous technology brings to the classrooms: students are able to actively participate, collaborate and discuss in different learning settings, which enhances their understanding of the subject at hand. The challenges are mainly to be found in the lack of training and education in use of the technology as a supporting tool for teaching and learning. Further factors influencing the teachers and the students are ease of use and reliability of the technology and societal changes. The results of the analysis and the theoretical base of Technology Enhanced Learning have been illustrated with Soft Systems Methodologies Rich Picture, providing a holistic view of the problematic situation and making it possible to discuss the various parts as well as the situation as a whole. This study indicates that there are several factors influencing the adoption of the novel use of mobile and ubiquitous technologies in everyday teaching and learning within a complex situation on different levels.

Smart futures meet northern realities: anthropological perspectives on the design and adoption of urban computing

Ylipulli, J. (Johanna) 24 February 2015 (has links)
Abstract This thesis explores the sociocultural processes shaping the design, adoption and use of new urban technology in the city of Oulu in northern Finland. The exploration is conducted at experiential level focusing on people’s personal perspectives which allows uncovering underlying cultural meanings, social structures and historically formed practices and discourses. The unique case for the thesis is provided by the recent technological development in Oulu that has been shaped by agendas such as ubiquitous computing and smart cities. The thesis first investigates in-depth the design process of the new urban technology, and also compares the visions of the designers and decision-makers with the practices and perspectives of the city inhabitants. Then, the adoption process of public urban technologies is studied in detail by constructing a conceptual appropriation model. Finally, the effects of the northern location of Oulu on the design and use of the urban technology are scrutinized. The research is based on empirical, qualitative research materials comparing the experiences of young adult and elderly city inhabitants; in addition, quantitative use data of urban technologies is utilized to provide an overview on the use trends. The key findings indicate that the design and decisions concerning novel technologies and the outcome are shaped by complex sociomaterial practices based on experiences from previous similar projects, and on certain preconceptions about the city inhabitants and technology’s role in the cityscape. Different people have differing power positions in relation to the development of the urban public places, and technology implementation can marginalize some segments of city inhabitants. Further, the adoption of novel urban technologies is found to depend heavily on the norms of public places and people’s long-term experiences of technology use. Finally, climate, ICT use and sociocultural context are shown to be profoundly interconnected, and thus, urban computing design must reconsider the situatedness of technology. These findings call for further sociocultural studies on future smart cities. / Tiivistelmä Väitöskirja tarkastelee sosiokulttuurisia tekijöitä, jotka ovat vaikuttaneet uuden kaupunkiteknologian suunnitteluun, omaksumiseen ja käyttöön Pohjois-Suomessa Oulussa. Tutkimus keskittyy ihmisten kokemukselliseen tasoon, jonka kautta on mahdollista hahmottaa kulttuurisia merkityksiä, sosiaalisia rakenteita sekä historiallisesti muotoutuneita käytäntöjä ja diskursseja. Tutkimuksen taustalla on Oulun viime vuosien teknologinen kehitys, joka osaltaan perustuu visioihin älykaupungista ja kaupunkitilaan sulautetusta jokapaikan tietotekniikasta. Tutkimus tarkastelee aluksi uuden kaupunkiteknologian suunnitteluprosessia, ja peilaa lisäksi suunnittelijoiden ja päättäjien visioita kaupunkilaisten käytäntöihin ja näkökulmiin. Seuraavaksi julkisten kaupunkiteknologioiden käyttöönottoa jäljitetään rakentamalla malli, joka kuvaa omaksumisprosesseja. Lopuksi selvitetään Oulun pohjoisen sijainnin vaikutusta teknologian suunnitteluun ja käyttöön. Tutkimus perustuu empiirisiin, laadullisiin tutkimusaineistoihin, joiden avulla tutkitaan ja vertaillaan nuorten aikuisten ja ikääntyneiden kaupunkilaisten kokemuksia. Lisäksi käytetään määrällistä aineistoa kuvaamaan kaupunkiteknologioiden käytön kehityssuuntia. Väitöskirjan mukaan kaupunkiteknologioita koskevat päätökset ja lopputulos ovat monimutkaisten sosiaalis-materiaalisten käytäntöjen muovaavia. Käytäntöjen taustalla ovat kokemukset samankaltaisista projekteista sekä ennakkokäsitykset kaupunkilaisista ja teknologian roolista kaupunkitilassa. Tutkimus valottaa ihmisten erilaisia valta-asemia kaupunkien kehityksessä ja tuo esiin, miten teknologia voi marginalisoida joitakin ihmisryhmiä. Tutkimus osoittaa, miten julkisten paikkojen normit ja pitkän ajan kuluessa muovautuneet teknologiakokemukset vaikuttavat uusien kaupunkiteknologioiden omaksumiseen. Lisäksi todetaan ilmaston, tieto- ja viestintätekniikan käytön ja sosiokulttuurisen kontekstin vahva yhteys, jonka vuoksi alan tutkimuksen tulisi arvioida uudelleen teknologian paikkasidonnaisuutta. Tulokset osoittavat, että sosiokulttuurista tutkimusta älykaupungeista tarvitaan lisää.

Interactive demand-shifting in the context of domestic micro-generation / Déplacement interactif de la consommation d'électricité dans le contexte de micro-génération domestique

Bourgeois, Jacky 30 June 2016 (has links)
La combinaison de l'internet des objets et des nouvelles technologies liées à l'énergie transforme le paysage de l'énergie dans la maison. Les installations de micro générateurs, dominées par les panneaux solaires photovoltaïques, sont en constante progression. C'est une opportunité pour la création et l'altération des comportements énergétiques. Cependant, ces transformations créent également un nouveau challenge que l'on appelle le « différentiel énergétique » à l'échelle de la maison : la consommation et la génération d'électricité des ménages sont désynchronisées. En effet, la génération locale est majoritairement incontrôlable et dépendante des conditions météorologiques alors que la consommation des ménages à tendance à se concentrer en soirée. Cette thèse vise à comprendre et supporter les pratiques de déplacement des consommations émergentes dans les ménages équipés de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques. En particulier, nous observons « Comment les outils numériques peuvent-ils tirer parti des pratiques de déplacement des consommations dans le contexte de micro génération domestique ? ». Pour adresser cette question nous avons combiné des approches empiriques et d'ingénierie, se renforçant et s'informant mutuellement les unes et les autres pour fournir une solution générale. Cela inclut la collection de données qualitatives et quantitatives, des analyses en collaboration avec les participants, des études longitudinales, des interviews, du co-design, des simulations et des tests en condition réelles. Tout au long de cette thèse, nous avons utilisé une méthodologie centrée sur l'utilisateur à chaque étape pour informer et valider la recherche en collaboration avec 38 ménages. A travers une investigation approfondi des routines telles que faire la lessive et se déplacer en voiture électrique, nous soulignons l'engagement naturel des ménages pour le déplacement des consommations. Cependant, cette activité se révèle complexe et fastidieuse. Nous révélons cette complexité à l'aide d'une analyse de donnée participative, une méthode élaborée afin d'analyser les données en collaboration avec les participants. Nous construisons une compréhension détaillée de la relation entre la génération d'électricité domestique et les routines du quotidien. Enfin, nous soulignons le besoin d'un support contextuel à travers le déploiement d'interventions sur le terrain. En perspective de la littérature, nous proposons un modèle conceptuel pour le support interactif de déplacement des consommations. / The combination of ubiquitous computing and emerging energy technologies is radically changing the home energy landscape. Domestic micro-generation, dominated by solar photovoltaic, is increasing at a rapid pace. This represents an opportunity for creating and altering energy behaviours. However, these transformations generate new challenges that we call the domestic energy gap: domestic electricity consumption and micro-generation are out of sync. Micro-generation is mainly uncontrollable production relying on weather while domestic energy consumption tends to happen mostly during the evening. This thesis focuses on understanding and supporting new domestic practices in the context of domestic solar electricity generation, looking at ‘Demand-Shifting’. Specifically, we look at how can digital tools leverage Demand-Shifting practices in the context of domestic micro-generation? Relying on a mixed-method approach, we provide a qualitative and quantitative answer with the collaboration of 38 participating households in several field studies including two spanning more than eight months. Through a deep investigation of laundry and electric mobility routines in the context of domestic micro-generation, we emphasised a natural engagement into Demand-Shifting which appeared as a complex and time-consuming task for participants which was not visible when we analysed their quantitative data. We revealed this complexity through Participatory Data Analyses, a method we designed to analyse the data in collaboration with the participating householders. This provided us with a comprehensive view of the relationship between domestic micro-generation and daily routines. Finally, we highlight the need for timely and contextual support through the deployment of interventions in-the-wild. Building on discussions of our findings in perspective of the literature, we propose a conceptual framework to support domestic interactive Demand-Shifting (iDS).

A Value-Driven Exploration of Online & In-Person Learning for Professionals

Sanders, Tammy S. 27 September 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to undertake a learner-centered exploration of delivery mode relevance in professional learning. Given the increasing pervasiveness of technology-mediated online delivery in nondegree professional learning at the individual and enterprise levels, this study has a particular focus on learning value ascribed by learners to online and in-person delivery in relation to their professional development. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used in this study to collect and examine data from adult professionals in an effort to determine how value is ascribed to learning. With this aim in mind, this study focused on the following research questions: Are there differences in preferred learning format between men and women? Are there differences in preferred learning format between professionals in varied age groups? Are there differences in preferred learning format between professionals who have engaged in learning online and people who have not? For participants who indicate learning format preferences, how do they define and describe their preferences and on what aspects of the learning experience do they base their preferences? For participants who indicate learning format preferences, how are these participants describing and interpreting meaningful relevance for learning in their day-to-day professional lives? A key driver of this exploration was a scarcity of representative understanding in wider research about the relationship between varied modes of professional learning delivery and professional learning transfer, which has long typified learning value in the adult professional context. By exploring professionals’ learning experiences and delivery mode preferences, this study arrived at several explanatory concepts, to include: learning preference premiums as impactful value-drivers for learners; ubiquitous blend as a comprehensive value-based approach to professional learning design and delivery; and absolute proximity as a deliberate technology-mediated merging of work and learning contexts that supports professionals in achieving full applicability of their learning.


ARIEL ESCOBAR ENDARA 11 April 2016 (has links)
[pt] A área da saúde precisa lidar com diversos problemas relacionados a questões de infraestrutura, falta de pessoal qualificado e grande número de pacientes. Como solução para problemas desta natureza surgiu o u-Healthcare, uma aplicação dos conceitos de Computação Ubíqua (UbiComp) na área da assistência médica. u-Healthcare permite a supervisão da saúde a qualquer tempo e a qualquer lugar, a partir de dispositivos eletrônicos conectados à internet. Entretanto, a ampliação da supervisão da saúde para o entorno ubíquo não pode ser feita com protocolos e procedimentos clínicos atualmente utilizados, já que essa abordagem aumentaria drasticamente o consumo de tempo e recursos. Por esse motivo, a construção de aplicações para fornecimento de serviços se saúde pode apoiar-se em áreas de pesquisa de Sistemas Multi-Agente (SMA) e Trabalho Cooperativo Auxiliado por Computador (TCAC). Nesse sentido, SMA é utilizado para automatização de processos, através do uso das propriedades dos agentes de software. Em contrapartida, TCAC permite estabelecer um modelo de cooperação entre os participantes de uma determinada aplicação. Com base nestes aspectos, neste trabalho propõese a modelagem e desenvolvimento de um framework que auxilie a construção de aplicações voltadas para u-Healthcare, baseadas em conceitos de SMA e TCAC. Para ilustrar a utilização do framework, são apresentados dois cenários de uso. O primeiro cenário corresponde a um sistema de monitoramento fetal, que realiza a detecção precoce de anormalidades no feto. O segundo cenário, por sua vez, consiste em um assistente de administração de medicamentos, que permite ajudar ao médico no controle de medicamentos que usam seus pacientes. / [en] The health area needs to deal with various problems related to issues of infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel and a large number of patients. As a solution to problems of this nature, u-Healthcare was created as an application of the concepts of Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp) in the area of health care. u- Healthcare allows health monitoring at any time and place from electronic devices connected to the Internet. However, the expansion of health monitoring for an ubiquitous environment cannot be performed with protocols and procedures currently used, since this approach would drastically increase the consumption of time and resources. For that reason, the development of tools to provide health services can be supported in research areas such as Multi-Agent System (MAS) and Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW). In that sense, MAS can be used to automate processes through the properties of software agents. On the other hand CSCW gives the possibility of establishing a model of cooperation among the participants on the application. Based on these aspects, this work proposes the modeling and development of a framework capable of providing support and help on the construction of dedicated u- Healthcare applications which should be based on the concepts of MAS and CSCW. To illustrate the use of the framework, there are presented two scenarios of use. The first scenario corresponds to a fetal monitoring system, which allows early detection of fetal abnormalities. The second scenario consists of a drug administration assistant, which allows the doctor to control drug use by his patients.

An analysis and a comparative study of cryptographic algorithms used on the internet of things (IoT) based on avalanche effect

Muthavhine, Khumbelo Difference 07 1900 (has links)
Ubiquitous computing is already weaving itself around us and it is connecting everything to the network of networks. This interconnection of objects to the internet is new computing paradigm called the Internet of Things (IoT) networks. Many capacity and non-capacity constrained devices, such as sensors are connecting to the Internet. These devices interact with each other through the network and provide a new experience to its users. In order to make full use of this ubiquitous paradigm, security on IoT is important. There are problems with privacy concerns regarding certain algorithms that are on IoT, particularly in the area that relates to their avalanche effect means that a small change in the plaintext or key should create a significant change in the ciphertext. The higher the significant change, the higher the security if that algorithm. If the avalanche effect of an algorithm is less than 50% then that algorithm is weak and can create security undesirability in any network. In this, case IoT. In this study, we propose to do the following: (1) Search and select existing block cryptographic algorithms (maximum of ten) used for authentication and encryption from different devices used on IoT. (2) Analyse the avalanche effect of select cryptographic algorithms and determine if they give efficient authentication on IoT. (3) Improve their avalanche effect by designing a mathematical model that improves their robustness against attacks. This is done through the usage of the initial vector XORed with plaintext and final vector XORed with cipher tect. (4) Test the new mathematical model for any enhancement on the avalanche effect of each algorithm as stated in the preceding sentences. (5) Propose future work on how to enhance security on IoT. Results show that when using the proposed method with variation of key, the avalanche effect significantly improved for seven out of ten algorithms. This means that we have managed to improve 70% of algorithms tested. Therefore indicating a substantial success rate for the proposed method as far as the avalanche effect is concerned. We propose that the seven algorithms be replaced by our improved versions in each of their implementation on IoT whenever the plaintext is varied. / Electrical and Mining Engineering / M. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)

Privacy in the context of Smart Home Environments : Based upon a survey of experts

Arias, Jahaivis M. January 2014 (has links)
Smart environments, particularly smart homes have become an increasingly popular topic for research and real world implementations. Despite the popularity of this topic, there is a lack of tools to enable inhabitants of smart environments to perceive which kind of data smart devices generate and to make inhabitants aware of who is accessing their personal information and the purpose for accessing this information. These issues have caused privacy concerns among inhabitants of smart environments – who would like to ensure their personal information is only utilized for their benefits, rather than being used for malicious purposes. Therefore, smart home environments motivate the need for privacy awareness tools to help inhabitants to better understand the privacy implications when their personal information is misused. To address this problem, this thesis suggests guidelines for the design of privacy awareness tools. A literature review evaluated instruments to conduct research about privacy concerns. The Internet Users’ Information Privacy Concerns (IUIPC) framework from Malhotra, Kim, and Agarwal was selected for the empirical part of this thesis project because it is one of the most reliable models developed to measure privacy concerns at the individual level. Quantitative data was gathered through a survey based on this framework. Data collected from 30 experts in the field of study was analyzed using linear regression analysis techniques and principal component analysis. These survey results lead to a set of guidelines that could guide designers and service providers as to what aspects of privacy concerns they should consider and what they should concentrate on when designing privacy awareness tools for ubiquitous computing systems, such as a smart home. / Intelligenta omgivningar och framförallt smarta hem har kommit att bli ett popular forskning samt impementationsområde. Trots ämnets popularitet är det en brist på verktyg som låter personer i dessa intelligenta omgivningar att förstå vilken typ av data som genereras av de smarta apparaterna, att de förstår vem som får tillgång till deras privatinformation och syftet till att informationen används. Dessa problem leder till påverkar användarintegriteten för personerna i de intelligenta omgivningarna. Personerna vill försäkra sig om att deras privatinformation används till deras fördel och inte missbrukas. Det finns ett behov av integretetsverktyg som kan hjälpa personerna att få en bättre förståelse över hur deras integritet påverkas när deras privatinformation missbrukas. Den här rapporten syftar till att behandla detta problem genom att ta fram riktlinjer baserade på användarnas oro kring deras integritet. En litteraturstudie genomfördes för att utvärderade metoder för att genomföra forskning på användarintegritet. Ramverket Internet Users’ Information Privacy Concerns (IUIPC) från Malhotra, Kim, och Agarwal valdes eftersom det var den en av de mest pålitliga modellen för att mäta den individuella oron kring integriteten hos användarna. Kvantitativ data samlades in genom ett formulär baserat på IUIPC ramverket. Datan samlades in under den empiriska fasen utav 30 experter inom forskningsområdet. Linjär regression och principalkomponentanalys användes för att analysera datan från undersökningen. Resultatet från undersökningen diskuterades med målet att tillhandahålla riktlinjer till utvecklare och tjänsteleverantörer, om vilka integritets aspecter vilket bör övervägas samt focusera på vid utveckling av integretetsverktyg för ubika datasystem.

Film, Music, and the Narrational Extra Dimension

Bauer, Shad A. 12 June 2013 (has links)
No description available.

IoT – Enhancing Data-driven Decision-making in Higher Education. Case Study of Ohio University

Ogallo, Godfrey G. 11 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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