Spelling suggestions: "subject:"unconventional oil"" "subject:"inconventional oil""
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Learning from the Past - Evaluating Forecasts for Canadian Oil Sands Production with Data / Utvärdering av historiska prognoser av oljesand i KanadaHehl, Friedrich January 2013 (has links)
Crude oil plays an important role for the global energy system. As there is ample evidence that conventional oil production will have peaked by 2020, unconventional oil has attained a stronger focus. In particular, oil derived from bitumen from Canadian oilsands has been proposed as a possible remedy to global oil depletion. This study aims to test the hypothesis that forecasts on the Canadian oil sands published between about 2000 and 2010 have been overestimating production significantly. A large compilation of oil sands projects, prognoses and production data has been established using openly available databases and reports. Conversion, standardization and analysis of the data was done using the statistical programming language R. The resulting programming code and databases have been compiled into a package available free and open-source online. The statistical analysis shows a significant bias of the prognoses towards an overestimation of oil sands production. The compilation shows that most authors tend to overestimate the rate of expansion of the industry. Therefore, any prognosis on the expansion of the industry should be examined thoroughly before use.
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Biodegradability of Diluted Bitumen (Dilbit)Deshpande, Ruta S. 20 October 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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An integrated stratigraphic analysis of a ~350 ft drill core from Upton County (Texas) has revealed pervasive variability of several key siliciclastic and carbonate lithofacies in vertical section, where organic-rich siliceous mudrock beds alternate with aluminum-rich mudrocks and calcareous gravity flow deposits. Sediment chemistry, especially major and trace elements derived from x-ray fluorescence, captures this variability with high sensitivity. The high frequency chemostratigraphic variability appears to be cyclic, and it is interpreted to represent the first example of deep-water Late Pennsylvanian cyclothems for the Midland Basin. Positive trace metal (Mo, Cr) correlations to total organic carbon and gamma ray response in siliceous mudrocks, in conjunction with abundant pyrite, indicate bottom-water anoxia and possibly euxinia within the basin. The influence of glacial ice-sheets on the water level of the global ocean, in concert with local oceanographic gradients, regional tectonics, and tropical paleoclimate, constitute the primary controls on lithofacies and chemostratigraphy. The results of this study have implications for understanding the depositional history of the Midland Basin, as well as for identifying horizontal drilling zones for resource development.
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Decline Curve Analysis of Shale Oil Production : The Case of Eagle FordLund, Linnea January 2014 (has links)
Production of oil and gas from shale is often described as a revolution to energyproduction in North America. Since the beginning of this century the shale oilproduction has increased from practically zero to currently supply almost half of theU.S. oil production. This development is made possible by the technology ofhorizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing. Since the production has not been ongoingfor that long, production data is still fairly limited in length and there are still largeuncertainties in many parameters, for instance production decline, lifespan, drainagearea, geographical extent and future technological development. More research isneeded to be able to estimate future production and resources with more certainty. At the moment shale oil is extracted only in North America but around the worldinvestigations are starting to assess if the conditions are suitable from shale oilextraction elsewhere. The global technically recoverable resource has been estimatedto 345 Gb, 10% of all global technically recoverable resources. Health andenvironmental aspects of shale oil and gas production have not yet been investigatedthoroughly and there is a risk that these parameters may slow down or limit thespreading of shale development. This report aims to examine production patterns of shale oil wells by applying declinecurve analysis. This analysis comprises of analyzing historical production data toinvestigate how the future production may develop. The area of the study is the EagleFord shale play in Texas, U.S. The goal is to fit decline curves to production data andthen use them for making estimates of future production in the Eagle Ford. The production in the shale oil wells included in the study reach their peak already within a few months after production starts. After this point, production is declining.After one year, production has decreased by 75% and after two years the productionis 87% of the peak production. The hyperbolic decline curve has a good fit toproduction data and in many cases the curve is close to harmonic. It is too early todetermine whether the alternative decline curve that is tested, the scaling declinecurve, has a better fit in the long term. The report also investigates how the density of the petroleum affects the declinecurve. The result is that lighter products decline faster than heavier. A sensitivity analysis is performed to illustrate how different parameters affect thefuture production development. In addition to the wells’ decline rate, the assumptionson the maximum number of wells, the maximal production and the rate at which newwells are added affect the ultimately recoverable resource. These parameters all havelarge uncertainties and makes resource estimations more difficult.
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Nekonvenční zdroje ropy a jejich význam v ekonomice Kanady / Unconventional Oil Resources and Their Role in Canadian EconomyBřezinová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to explore the significance of the growing oil sands production for the economy of the province of Alberta as well as the whole of Canada. Parts of this thesis will outline current global energetic situation with the emphasis on oil production and explain the importance of seeking new alternative sources which includes the renewable energy as well as the unconventional oil and gas. With the waning amount of easily accessible light oil reserves it is likely that the unconventional oil resources where the production is both energetically and financially challenging will become more and more important.
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Unconventional oil and natural gas supplies and the mitigation of climate change / Pétrole et gaz naturel non conventionnels et l'atténuation du changement climatiquePougy, Roberto 30 June 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse en économie de l'énergie et de l'environnement étend le modèle de Hotelling du type exploration-extraction avec contraintes géologiques d’Okullo, Reynes et Hofkes (2015), afin de prendre en compte des trajectoires en forme de cloche pour l’ajout de réserves empiriquement observées par Laherrère (2003). Le modèle LOGIMA proposé (Images à Long terme sur le Pétrole et le Gaz) explique qu’elles sont la conséquence de « sweet spots » géologiques : des zones privilégiées où la concentration d’hydrocarbures est la plus élevée. Le modèle LOGIMA a été calibré sur une base de données issues couvrant les sept principaux bassins de pétrole et de gaz non-conventionnels du pays. Les résultats indiquent que la nécessité d’apprentissage par la pratique pour découvrir l’emplacement des sweet spots conduit à une mise en œuvre d’un effort d’exploration également en forme de cloche, ce qui permet de réduire le risque des activités d’exploration. Par conséquent, la réponse en termes des volumes offerts par les producteurs à des chocs sur les prix dévient fonction de l’ensemble des ressources mondiales antérieurement découvertes. Ensuite, nous appliquons le modèle LOGIMA pour étudier l’impact causé par l’offre de pétrole et de gaz naturel « non-conventionnels » aux États-Unis, sur les efforts mondiaux d’atténuation du changement climatique. Nous y parvenons en associant les scénarios à long-terme générés par LOGIMA avec le modèle d’évaluation intégrée, IMACLIM-R. Cette étude analyse comment des différentes cibles de prix de pétrole affecteraient son offre aux États-Unis. Nous estimons cette interaction au moyen de trois cadres de politiques en matière de climat : le cadre « business as usual » (BAU), les contributions décidées à l’échelle nationale (NDC) et les scénarios de 2°C (2DS). Les résultats de l’exercice indiquent que les approvisionnements non-conventionnels sont fortement susceptibles d’affecter les marchés énergétiques mondiaux, mais leur impact sur les émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre serait limité, car les différents effets déclenchés dans des différents secteurs viendraient les équilibrer approximativement. / This thesis in energy and environmental economics extends the geological Hotelling-type extraction-exploration model from Okullo, Reynes and Hofkes (2015) in order to account for the bell-shaped reserve additions that were empirically observed by Laherrère (2003). The proposed model explains them as the result of geological “sweet spots”: premium areas within geological formations where the concentration of hydrocarbons is highest. The proposed theoretical formulation was programmed into the mathematical model LOGIMA – “Long-term Oil and Gas Images” – and calibrated on data covering the seven main unconventional oil and gas plays in the United States. Results indicate the need to learn the location of sweet spots through trial and error drillings leads to schedules of exploratory effort that allow the optimal “de-risking” of exploratory activities. As a result, the optimal response of producers to price shocks becomes contingent on the prevailing level of cumulative discoveries.We apply LOGIMA to investigate the impact, caused by the recent advent of large-scale supplies of unconventional oil and gas, in the United States, on the ongoing efforts to mitigate climate change. We do so by soft coupling long-term scenarios from LOGIMA with the integrated assessment model, IMACLIM-R, a recursive, computable general equilibrium model of integrated global energy, economy and environment systems. We analyze how different price targets, potentially pursued by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), would affect supplies of unconventional oil and gas from the United States. We control this interplay under three climate policy frameworks: business as usual (BAU), nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and 2°C scenario (2DS). The results of the exercise show that, despite having a significant potential to affect global energy markets, unconventional oil and gas supplies would have a limited potential to affect global cumulative greenhouse gas emissions to 2040, as the different effects triggered in different sectors approximately balanced each other out.
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Unconventional futures : anticipation, materiality, and the market in oil shale developmentKama, Kärg January 2013 (has links)
This thesis offers a political geography of unconventional energy development through a study of a particular fossil fuel resource called oil shale. Having long occupied a critical place in the politics and economy of certain states, most notably in Estonia, oil shale is now widely known as an ‘unconventional’ resource that is yet to become technically possible, commercially viable and socially acceptable to exploit. Following the movement through which oil shale becomes both unconventional and conventional, the thesis traces the resource through a series of geo-scientific, economic and political interventions. This study is based on analysis of technical literature and policy documents along with ethnographic fieldwork, interviews, and site visits conducted in Estonia, Colorado, Utah, Jordan, London and Brussels. Drawing together relational accounts of natural resources in political ecology and economic geography with insights from Science and Technology Studies, this project both contributes to critical research on the carbon economy and to recent debates on the concepts of materiality, anticipation, and marketization in social sciences. The thesis proposes a relational conceptualization of resource materiality, situating oil shale in multiple and conflicting forms which derive from geographically disparate practices in both resource assessment and technological development. The future of oil shale exploitation is not pre-determined by the process of global resource decline, nor is it precluded by international demands to move towards lower-carbon futures. Rather, it is determined through the conjunction of different future-oriented economic and political calculations that are entangled with resource materials and associated technological systems. Developing a non-essentialist account of markets as socio-technically distributed arrangements, the thesis argues that these rival calculations influence the design of market rules for both energy and emissions trading. The thesis concludes that what counts as ‘unconventional’ is not given, but continues to be both created and contested at the same time as it is ‘conventionalized’.
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Density and proximity of unconventional oil and gas wells and concentrations of trace elements in urine, hair, nails and tap water samples from pregnant women living in Northeastern British ColumbiaGasparyan, Lilit 07 1900 (has links)
The Peace River Valley (British Columbia, Canada) is an area of intensive unconventional oil and gas (UOG) exploitation, an activity that can release contaminants with possible adverse effects on the fetus. My project aimed to estimate the importance of this exposure. For this aim, we 1) measured concentrations of 21 trace elements in tap water and biological (hair, urine, nails) samples from 85 pregnant women in this region; 2) compared them with those from the general population and health-based guidance values; 3) assessed their correlations between matrices; and 4) evaluated their associations with the density and proximity of UOG wells (i.e., wells within radii of 2.5 km, 5 km, 10 km, and with all wells in British Columbia around residences). Spearman's rank correlation and multiple linear regression analyses adjusted covariates were performed. Our results showed higher urinary and hair levels of certain trace elements compared to reference populations (e.g., Co, Ba, Sr, Mn, V, Ga). Concentrations in tap water correlated strongest with concentrations in hair, followed by nails and urine. Positive (e.g., Al, Mn, Cu, Ga, Cd, Ba, Cr, Sr, U) and negative (e.g., Fe) associations were observed between the density and proximity of UOG wells and the concentrations of certain trace elements in tap water, hair, and nails. Our results suggest that pregnant women living in an active area of UOG exploitation are likely to be more exposed to certain trace elements than the general population, but the association with density and proximity to wells remains uncertain. / La vallée de la rivière de la Paix (Colombie-Britannique, Canada) est une zone d’exploitation de pétrole et de gaz naturel par méthodes non-conventionnelles (PGNNC), une activité qui est susceptible de libérer des contaminants avec des effets nocifs possibles sur le foetus. Mon projet visait à estimer l’importance de cette exposition. À cette fin, nous avons 1) mesuré les concentrations de 21 éléments traces dans des échantillons de cheveux, d'ongles, d'urine et d'eau du robinet de 85 femmes enceintes de cette région, 2) comparé celles-ci avec celles de la population générale et des valeurs-guides, 3) évalué leur corrélation entre matrices et 4) évalué leur association avec la densité et proximité des puits (mesures pour des rayons de 2,5 km, 5 km, 10 km, et sans limite autour des résidences). Des analyses de corrélation de Spearman et de régression linéaire multiple ajustées pour certaines variables ont été effectuées. Les concentrations urinaires et capillaires étaient plus élevées pour certains éléments traces par rapport aux populations de référence (p. ex. Co, Ba, Sr, Mn, V, Ga). Les concentrations dans l'eau du robinet étaient plus fortement corrélées avec les concentrations dans les cheveux, suivis des ongles et de l'urine. Des associations positives (p. ex. Al, Mn, Cu, Ga, Cd, Ba, Cr, Sr, U) et négatives (p. ex. Fe) ont été observées entre la densité/proximité des puits de PGNNC et les concentrations de certains éléments traces dans les échantillons d'eau, de cheveux et d’ongles. Nos résultats portent à croire que les femmes enceintes vivant dans une zone active de PGNNC sont susceptibles d’être plus exposées à certains éléments traces que la population générale, mais le lien avec la densité et la proximité des puits demeure incertain.
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Kurz- und langfristige Angebotskurven für Rohöl und die Konsequenzen für den MarktSchlothmann, Daniel 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Angebotskurven für 22 bedeutende Ölförderländer ermittelt und anschließend zu globalen Angebotskurven aggregiert. Gemäß den ermittelten Angebotskurven sind nahezu alle gegenwärtig in der Förderphase befindlichen Ölprojekte in den Untersuchungsländern auch beim aktuellen Ölpreis von 35 bis 40 US-$ je Barrel unter Berücksichtigung der kurzfristigen Grenzkosten rentabel. Sollte der Ölpreis jedoch in den kommenden Jahren auf diesem Niveau verharren, wird es bis zum Jahr 2024 zu einem Angebotsengpass auf dem globalen Ölmarkt kommen, da zur Deckung der zukünftigen Nachfrage die Erschließung kostenintensiver, unkonventioneller Lagerstätten und von Lagerstätten in tiefen und sehr tiefen Gewässern notwendig ist. Damit es bis zum Jahr 2024 nicht zu einem solchen Angebotsengpass kommt, ist gemäß des ermittelten langfristigen Marktgleichgewichts ein Ölpreis von mindestens 80 (2014er) US-$ je Barrel notwendig.
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Kurz- und langfristige Angebotskurven für Rohöl und die Konsequenzen für den MarktSchlothmann, Daniel 08 March 2016 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Angebotskurven für 22 bedeutende Ölförderländer ermittelt und anschließend zu globalen Angebotskurven aggregiert. Gemäß den ermittelten Angebotskurven sind nahezu alle gegenwärtig in der Förderphase befindlichen Ölprojekte in den Untersuchungsländern auch beim aktuellen Ölpreis von 35 bis 40 US-$ je Barrel unter Berücksichtigung der kurzfristigen Grenzkosten rentabel. Sollte der Ölpreis jedoch in den kommenden Jahren auf diesem Niveau verharren, wird es bis zum Jahr 2024 zu einem Angebotsengpass auf dem globalen Ölmarkt kommen, da zur Deckung der zukünftigen Nachfrage die Erschließung kostenintensiver, unkonventioneller Lagerstätten und von Lagerstätten in tiefen und sehr tiefen Gewässern notwendig ist. Damit es bis zum Jahr 2024 nicht zu einem solchen Angebotsengpass kommt, ist gemäß des ermittelten langfristigen Marktgleichgewichts ein Ölpreis von mindestens 80 (2014er) US-$ je Barrel notwendig.:1. Einleitung
2. Rohöl - Eine naturwissenschaftliche Einführung
3. Charakteristika von Rohölprojekten
4. Historie der Ölindustrie
5. Ökonomik von Rohölprojekten
6. Fallstudien zu den bedeutendsten Förderländern
7. Ermittlung regionaler und globaler Angebotskurven
8. Zusammenfassung
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