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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mor ror. Far är rar : En analytisk studie av genus i läromedel i engelska och franska i gymnasieskolan

Carlswärd, Linda, Lindman, Anna January 2006 (has links)
<p>I vårt examensarbete har vi genusgranskat två läroböcker som används i gymnasieskolan. Den ena heter Escalade 1 och används i steg 1 i franska och den andra heter Give ’n’ Take: Reader och används i engelska kurs A på yrkesprogrammen. Frågan vi har ställt oss är hur bilden av mannen respektive kvinnan förmedlas i både bild och text i läroböckerna samt om böckerna lever upp till de krav som styrkdokumenten ställer på jämställdhet mellan könen.</p><p>Vi har kommit fram till att läroböckerna bevarar den traditionella begränsningen som finns på grund av kön där mannen framhålls på bekostnad av kvinnan vilket förmedlar en bild av att mannen och kvinnan inte är lika mycket värda och inte heller har samma möjligheter. Dessutom framställs kvinnan som mer emotionell än rationell och mannen saknar till stor del känsloregister. Det här resultatet gör att ovan nämnda läroböcker inte lever upp till de krav på jämställdhet som styrdokumenten ställer.</p> / <p>In our survey we have investigated gender roles in two textbooks used in upper secondary school: Escalade 1, used for beginners in French and Give ‘n’ Take: Reader, used in English A course in the vocational programs. The aim with the essay is to examine how men and women are depicted in the texts as well as in the pictures and find out if the textbooks correspond to the part of the curriculum dealing with equality between the sexes.</p><p>The result of our survey reveals that the textbooks preserve the traditional gender roles where the man is the norm. Consequently, focus is set on him at the expense of the woman. This result suggests that men and women do not have the same status, rights and opportunities. Furthermore, the woman is described as more emotional than rational and the man, more or less, lacks feelings. The outcome of our survey makes it clear that these textbooks do not respond to the equal rights and opportunities of the sexes that the curriculum demands.</p>

Is English in Swedish upper-secondary school different for students in different programs?

Tennö, Beatrice January 2006 (has links)
<p>My aim with this paper is to see whether there are any differences, when it comes to learning English, between students in practical and theoretical programs at upper secondary school in Sweden. I have looked at what differences there are when the students begin the programs and how the English A course differs in material, the students’ influence on their own studies and the atmosphere in the classrooms. Earlier studies have shown that adolescents from the lower social classes more often choose a practical program while students from higher social classes tend to choose a theoretical program. The students’ grades from lower-secondary school have an influence on the choice of program as well. Those with low grades from elementary school frequently choose a practical program whereas students with better grades more often choose a theoretical program. Though in my study, the students’ former grades did not differ that much. Further, studies have shown that students who would like to learn languages are divided into two types. The students are either so-called instrumental or integrative learners. My study showed that integrative exercises are used more often than instrumental exercises in upper-secondary school. Unfortunately, there are also some students that do not want to learn a second language at all and such students are in almost every class but they can be found more often in practical courses. To conclude, I found out in my study that there were differences between the courses in theoretical and practical programs. The differences affected the students in a way that made it easier to achieve a better grade in English in a theoretical program.</p>

Elevers uppfattning om Idrott och Hälsas betydelse för ett livslångt idrottande : En enkätundersökning om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i gymnasieskolan / Students attitudes about Physical Educations significance to a life long exercising : A quantitative questionnaire about students’ opinions regarding physical activity in Upper Secondary School

Patomella, Tord January 2004 (has links)
<p>The study is about Physical Education as a subject that offers students in Upper Secondary School a possibility to a life long interest in exercising. The study focuses on whether there is a difference between study concentrate programmes and profession concentrate programmes. The study also includes differences among exercising and non-exercising students. Earlier research shows that many youths don’t have an exercise form that they spend their spare time in. This study is based on a quantitative questionnaire performed by 87 students in an Upper Secondary School in northern Sweden. The results indicate that the subject gives the student a good theoretical ground why they should exercise. The study also showed that the subject gives many of the students an exercise form that they believe that they can continue with. The students’ with the most negative attitudes regarding Physical Educations occurred in profession concentrate programmes and among girls.</p>

Gymnasieungdomar- experter eller noviser inom området hälsa? : en kvantitativ undersökning av gymnasieelevers kunskaper om hälsa / Adolescents in upper secondary school- experts or novices within the field of health? : a quantitative investigation of upper secondary school students' knowledge of health

Lindeman, Mireille January 2007 (has links)
<p>Syfte och frågeställningar</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka kunskaper om hälsa gymnasielever har. Därutöver är syftet att reliabilitetstesta det kunskapsprov som utformats och använts i undersökningen. De frågeställningar som skall besvaras är:</p><p>Vad kan elever på gymnasiet om hälsa?</p><p>- Föreligger det några skillnader i kunskap mellan eleverna i de olika årskurserna?</p><p>- Föreligger det några skillnader i kunskap mellan eleverna på de olika gymnasieprogrammen?</p><p>Hur hög reliabilitet har det kunskapsprov som använts, det vill säga, hur tillförlitliga är de resultat som framkommit av undersökningen?</p><p>Metod</p><p>En kunskapsmätning på John Bauer gymnasiet i en storstadskommun har utförts där 219 elever i årskurs ett och årskurs två medverkade. Av dessa svarade 141 elever på ett prov med tjugo kunskapsfrågor inom områdena fysisk aktivitet, kost och allmän hälsa. Resultaten har därefter analyserats i både Excel och statistikprogrammet SPSS, där även reliabilitetstestet av provet utförts. Efter reliabilitetstestet skapades ett nytt index ”Sammanfattande kunskap” och resultat beräknades även utifrån detta test.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Medelvärdet för samtliga elever låg på 11,61 antal rätta svar av tjugo möjliga på kunskapsprovet, med standardavvikelsen 2,89. En viss tendens till högre kunskap inom området kost kunde urskiljas. Inga direkta skillnader kunde ses mellan vare sig de olika årskurserna eller de olika gymnasieprogrammen. Dock kan en tendens till en högre kunskapsnivå på entreprenörsprogrammet ses. Efter utfört reliabilitetstest visade sig reliabiliteten på kunskapsprovet som helhet endast uppgå till 0,525. Det nya indexet ”Sammanfattande kunskap” gav en reliabilitet på 0,669 och dess resultat visade inte heller på några direkta skillnader mellan årskurserna eller de olika gymnasieprogrammen</p><p>Slutsats</p><p>Resultaten av denna undersökning och även tidigare forskning visar att kunskapen om hälsa generellt är relativt låg. Forskning visar olika svar gällande sambanden mellan kunskap och verkligt beteende, där en del menar att kunskap direkt kan påverka beteenden medan andra menar att andra faktorer också måste in för att en beteendeförändring skall kunna ske. Oavsett vilket samband som finns mellan kunskap och verkligt beteende kan det konstateras att folkohälsan är ett stort problem i samhället och något måste göras åt det, frågan är vad som bör göras och vem som bör göra det. Är det verkligen kunskap det är brist på eller ligger problemet någon annanstans?</p> / <p>Aim</p><p>The aim of this study is to investigate what knowledge students in upper secondary school have within the field of health. In addition to that the aim is to check the reliability of the test, which has been designed and used in the investigation. Problems to be answered are:</p><p>What do students in upper secondary school know about health?</p><p>- Do any differences in knowledge occur between the students in the different grades?</p><p>- Do any differences in knowledge occur between the students in the different programs?</p><p>How high is the reliability of the test used in this investigation, i.e. are the results in this investigation trustworthy?</p><p>Method</p><p>A test at the upper secondary school of John Bauer in a municipality of a big city has been accomplished, where 219 students in year one and year two have contributed. Out of these 141 students answered a test consisting of twenty questions of knowledge within the fields of physical activity, nutrition and general health. The results were analyzed in both Excel and the statistic programme SPSS and there has the test of reliability also been performed. After the test of reliability a new index “Summary of knowledge” was created and new results from this index were computed.</p><p>Results</p><p>The mean for all students was 11,61 number of right answers out of twenty possible on the test, with a standard deviation of 2,89. A tendency to a higher level of knowledge within the field of nutrition could be seen. No clear variances between the different grades or the different programs could be seen, although a trend to a higher level of knowledge in the programme of contractors could be seen. The test of reliability for the entire test showed a reliability of only 0,525. The new index “Summary of knowledge” gives a reliability of 0,669 and its results neither show any clear variances between the grades or the different programs.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>The results from this investigation, together with previous research, shows that the knowledge of health is relatively low. Research shows different answers within the correlation between knowledge and actual behaviour, where some people means knowledge directly can affect behaviour, and some means other factors are needed as well to create a change of behaviour. No matter which correlation can be seen between knowledge and actual behaviour, it can be stated that the public unhealthy is a big problem in the society and something has to be done. The question is what shall be done, and who shall do it. Is the lack of knowledge the actual problem or is the problem something else?</p>

Med kränkningen som måttstock : om planerade bemötanden av främlingsfientliga uttryck i gymnasieskolan / With ‘Violations’ as a yardstick : planned responses to expressions of racism in upper secondary schools

Arneback, Emma January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to map and analyse planned responses to expressions of racism in upper secondary schools. Three questions are in focus: (1) What courses of action, in response to expressions of racism, are advocated in philosophical texts and equal treatment plans for upper secondary schools? (2) What consequences have these courses of action for the formation of the mission of schools, the responsibility of teachers, and the limits of free speech? (3) What kinds of expressions of racism are these courses of action intended to be a response to? The study takes its point of departure in two theoretical traditions: Pierre-André Taguieff’s categorisations of racism are used to define the problem in the dissertation, while John Dewey’s moral philosophy provides the methodological base. From an analysis of equal treatment plans four temporal phases are identified. In the first phase, preventive measures, the purpose is to prevent students from developing racism. In phase two, limitations in schools, the dominant course of action is to prohibit violations in schools. The third phase, corrective measures, is concerned with how to handle situations that are contrary to the limitations in schools. The final phase, limitations on schools, relates to when schools are required to transfer responsibility for action to the social services, work environment or police authorities. The results indicate that the national laws (since 2006) have a strong impact on equal treatment plans, and that ‘non-violation’ becomes a dominant moral principle that displaces or subsumes other views of morality. How the non-violation principle is applied also affects the space for political conversations on topics that can be hurtful. Finally, the analysis indicates that equal treatment plans are mainly concerned with expressions of racism among students, and pay little attention to expressions of racism that occur in the organization of schools. The plans thus describe schools as a force for good that seeks to combat (potential) racism among students.

Kaoskompetens och gummibandspedagogik : en studie av karaktärsämneslärare i en decentraliserad gymnasieorganisation

Lemar, Signild January 2001 (has links)
The thesis focuses on a group of programme-specific subject teachers working in the upper secondary school child recreation programme. The aim has been to study who is appointed to these positions, and ways in which their work is affected by national and local requirements. An additional aim has been to examine the factors which affect the teachers' professional identity, and the position which they have acquired at upper secondary school. The theoretical frameworks used are profession theories, discourse theories, Bernstein's curriculum theory, Bourdieu's cultural-sociological concept, and gender theory. The study is qualitative in nature and the empirical data consists of the written accounts and diary entries of ten teachers. The teachers and three school principals were interviewed in autumn 1998. In addition to government reports and guidelines the data also include questionnaire responses from 184 upper secondary teachers. The results indicate that decentralisation has caused many of the tasks and responsibilities generated by the upper secondary reform of the 1990s to become invisible. The teachers, who form a heterogeneous group, are responsible for both a broad multi-disciplinary subject area and work-place teaching for which none of them has been fully trained. The complexity of the student groups, with many students experiencing study difficulties, has imposed considerable demands on the teachers, who have developed approaches and pedagogical techniques for dealing with the students' needs. The teachers' work with students and their experience of cooperation, team work and alternative working methods in line with government aims has proved successful, according to National Agency for Education reports and statements by school principals. Their care-oriented approach has also fitted in well with the government aim of a school for all. In this respect they are clearly professional. However, the teachers do not appear to have established a particularly prominent role for themselves in the upper secondary school system. They are very much seen by others and themselves to occupy a low-status category and to have developed their professional identity within a generalist ideal, whereas the norm at upper secondary school is still characterised by a specialist ideal. / digitalisering@umu

Svensklärares arbete : om villkor för gymnasieskolans svenskämne

Holmgren, Barbro January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this didactic study is to understand the terms of work, education and teaching of Swedish in a period round 2000. The research questions focus on how teachers at upper secondary school in conversations describe and construct their work, values in society and school, structures of power and relation to time. With the help of tools related to story and storytelling, and by connecting the empirical material to a late modern society, I caninterpret and understand the description of their work. With the help of Pierre Bourdieu&#8217;s theory I can see how values, power and relation to time are expressed in different ways when teachers of Swedish talk about their work and education.The results show that when teacher talk about work in school is it related to ideals in a global economy. Decentralization and individualization get new meanings when those words are placed in school environment and activity. Effectiveness, flexibility and individualization are words related to economy and they seem to have an effect on education and subjects of Swedish. I can also understand teachers&#8217; work when it is related to power and values on the educational field. I can see how a diffuse power acts on the field and how harmony is a dominant value and a term that influences teachers&#8217; work. New terms also form new identities related to teaching. New terms form new subjects of Swedish that in time and practice will form newhabitus connected to subjects. I call it &#228;mneskonceptionella habitus.

Elevers uppfattning om Idrott och Hälsas betydelse för ett livslångt idrottande : En enkätundersökning om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i gymnasieskolan / Students attitudes about Physical Educations significance to a life long exercising : A quantitative questionnaire about students’ opinions regarding physical activity in Upper Secondary School

Patomella, Tord January 2004 (has links)
The study is about Physical Education as a subject that offers students in Upper Secondary School a possibility to a life long interest in exercising. The study focuses on whether there is a difference between study concentrate programmes and profession concentrate programmes. The study also includes differences among exercising and non-exercising students. Earlier research shows that many youths don’t have an exercise form that they spend their spare time in. This study is based on a quantitative questionnaire performed by 87 students in an Upper Secondary School in northern Sweden. The results indicate that the subject gives the student a good theoretical ground why they should exercise. The study also showed that the subject gives many of the students an exercise form that they believe that they can continue with. The students’ with the most negative attitudes regarding Physical Educations occurred in profession concentrate programmes and among girls.

Gymnasieungdomar- experter eller noviser inom området hälsa? : en kvantitativ undersökning av gymnasieelevers kunskaper om hälsa / Adolescents in upper secondary school- experts or novices within the field of health? : a quantitative investigation of upper secondary school students' knowledge of health

Lindeman, Mireille January 2007 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka kunskaper om hälsa gymnasielever har. Därutöver är syftet att reliabilitetstesta det kunskapsprov som utformats och använts i undersökningen. De frågeställningar som skall besvaras är: Vad kan elever på gymnasiet om hälsa? - Föreligger det några skillnader i kunskap mellan eleverna i de olika årskurserna? - Föreligger det några skillnader i kunskap mellan eleverna på de olika gymnasieprogrammen? Hur hög reliabilitet har det kunskapsprov som använts, det vill säga, hur tillförlitliga är de resultat som framkommit av undersökningen? Metod En kunskapsmätning på John Bauer gymnasiet i en storstadskommun har utförts där 219 elever i årskurs ett och årskurs två medverkade. Av dessa svarade 141 elever på ett prov med tjugo kunskapsfrågor inom områdena fysisk aktivitet, kost och allmän hälsa. Resultaten har därefter analyserats i både Excel och statistikprogrammet SPSS, där även reliabilitetstestet av provet utförts. Efter reliabilitetstestet skapades ett nytt index ”Sammanfattande kunskap” och resultat beräknades även utifrån detta test. Resultat Medelvärdet för samtliga elever låg på 11,61 antal rätta svar av tjugo möjliga på kunskapsprovet, med standardavvikelsen 2,89. En viss tendens till högre kunskap inom området kost kunde urskiljas. Inga direkta skillnader kunde ses mellan vare sig de olika årskurserna eller de olika gymnasieprogrammen. Dock kan en tendens till en högre kunskapsnivå på entreprenörsprogrammet ses. Efter utfört reliabilitetstest visade sig reliabiliteten på kunskapsprovet som helhet endast uppgå till 0,525. Det nya indexet ”Sammanfattande kunskap” gav en reliabilitet på 0,669 och dess resultat visade inte heller på några direkta skillnader mellan årskurserna eller de olika gymnasieprogrammen Slutsats Resultaten av denna undersökning och även tidigare forskning visar att kunskapen om hälsa generellt är relativt låg. Forskning visar olika svar gällande sambanden mellan kunskap och verkligt beteende, där en del menar att kunskap direkt kan påverka beteenden medan andra menar att andra faktorer också måste in för att en beteendeförändring skall kunna ske. Oavsett vilket samband som finns mellan kunskap och verkligt beteende kan det konstateras att folkohälsan är ett stort problem i samhället och något måste göras åt det, frågan är vad som bör göras och vem som bör göra det. Är det verkligen kunskap det är brist på eller ligger problemet någon annanstans? / Aim The aim of this study is to investigate what knowledge students in upper secondary school have within the field of health. In addition to that the aim is to check the reliability of the test, which has been designed and used in the investigation. Problems to be answered are: What do students in upper secondary school know about health? - Do any differences in knowledge occur between the students in the different grades? - Do any differences in knowledge occur between the students in the different programs? How high is the reliability of the test used in this investigation, i.e. are the results in this investigation trustworthy? Method A test at the upper secondary school of John Bauer in a municipality of a big city has been accomplished, where 219 students in year one and year two have contributed. Out of these 141 students answered a test consisting of twenty questions of knowledge within the fields of physical activity, nutrition and general health. The results were analyzed in both Excel and the statistic programme SPSS and there has the test of reliability also been performed. After the test of reliability a new index “Summary of knowledge” was created and new results from this index were computed. Results The mean for all students was 11,61 number of right answers out of twenty possible on the test, with a standard deviation of 2,89. A tendency to a higher level of knowledge within the field of nutrition could be seen. No clear variances between the different grades or the different programs could be seen, although a trend to a higher level of knowledge in the programme of contractors could be seen. The test of reliability for the entire test showed a reliability of only 0,525. The new index “Summary of knowledge” gives a reliability of 0,669 and its results neither show any clear variances between the grades or the different programs. Conclusions The results from this investigation, together with previous research, shows that the knowledge of health is relatively low. Research shows different answers within the correlation between knowledge and actual behaviour, where some people means knowledge directly can affect behaviour, and some means other factors are needed as well to create a change of behaviour. No matter which correlation can be seen between knowledge and actual behaviour, it can be stated that the public unhealthy is a big problem in the society and something has to be done. The question is what shall be done, and who shall do it. Is the lack of knowledge the actual problem or is the problem something else?

Litteraturundervisning på yrkesförberedande program och på studieförberedande program på gymnasieskolan : en studie över hur litteraturundervisningen anpassas efter studieinriktning

Iriarte, Urbina January 2007 (has links)
This essay shows how teachers adjust the literature studies in the mother tongue subject to their different classes in upper secondary school. The study is based on interviews with two teachers and an analysis of two different school-books. The conclusion is that the subject of literary education in the vocational programs is a pragmatic subject with focus on the pupils’ needs and skills, and the subject in the theoretical programs has more focus on mediation of a literary heritage.

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