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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable Urban Freight Transportation : Configuring Modular and Robust Urban Hubs / Hållbar Urban Godstransport : Konfigurering av Modulära och Robusta Urbana Hubbar

Mathisson, Minna, Janson, Lisa January 2023 (has links)
The Urban Freight Transportation System faces many uncertainties and challenges in its future development. In the discussion regarding how to mitigate the challenges, the implementation of Urban Hubs is often brought up. However, most of the literature that exists within the field focuses on the logistic system as a whole, rather than the actual hubs specifically. The research gap regarding how Urban Hubs should be designed in order to be efficient with regards to multiple future scenarios, but also easy to adapt once so is needed, has been targeted throughout this study. The importance of robustness and adaptiveness has been underlined, and these concepts have in turn been linked to modularization, and the use of future scenario frameworks, respectively. This study has resulted in a proposed framework for constructing robust Urban Hubs, which was obtained by adapting a modularization framework, and integrating a future scenario framework for Urban Freight Transportation. The proposed framework has an extensive evaluation process, incorporating both Customer Values and future scenarios in the metrics, thus shedding extra light on this part of the construction process. The proposed framework was also tested in the study, through constructing and evaluating four different hub configurations, spanning from small to large, in order to determine which hub that performed best in the largest number of scenarios. The evaluation results could in turn contribute with indications as to what characterizes such a Hub configuration. In order to be able to construct the proposed framework, an understanding of Urban Hubs' layouts, functionalities included, and flow of goods, had to be obtained. This was done through conducting interviews with relevant stakeholders connected to Swedish Urban Hubs. Through the interviews, similarities and differences between Swedish Urban Hubs could be identified, thereby describing how the Swedish Urban Hub landscape looks today. Since the literature describing Urban Hubs is scarce, the study thus contributes towards filling that research gap as well. / Hållbara urbana godstransportssystem står inför många osäkerheter och utmaningar under sin fortsatta utveckling. I diskussionen kring hur dessa utmaningar ska kunna mildras, nämns ofta implementationen av Urbana Hubbar. Den existerande litteraturen inom området fokuserar dock mest på hela logistiksystemet, snarare än de Urbana Hubbarna specifikt. Avsaknaden inom forskningen vad gäller hur Urbana Hubbar bör bli designade i syfte att både vara robusta med avseende på flera olika framtidsscenarion och samtidigt även lätt kunna anpassas när så krävs, är vad denna studie har syftat till att undersöka. Vikten av både robusthet och möjligheten att anpassa sig har blivit underbyggd i studien, och koncepten har i sin tur kopplats till modularisering, respektive användandet av ramverk för framtidsscenarion. Studien resulterade i ett föreslaget ramverk för att konstruera robusta Urbana Hubbar, vilket erhölls genom att anpassa ett modulariseringsramverk, och integrera det tillsammans med ett ramverk för framtidsscenarion inom Urbana Godstransporter. Det föreslagna ramverket innefattar en omfattande evalueringsprocess, som både har integrerat Kundvärden och scenariospecifika parametrar i sina mått, och därmed tydligt visar på vikten av denna del under konstruktionsprocessen.  Det föreslagna ramverket testades dessutom i studien, genom att kontruera och utvärdera fyra olika hubbkonfigurationer, som tillsammans spände upp en rymd från mindre konfigurationer till större, mer komplexa varianter. Detta för att kunna fastställa vilken av dem som presterade bäst i flest scenarion. Resultaten från utvärderingen kunde i sin tur bidra med indikationer på vad som karaktäriserar en sådan hubbkonfiguration. För att kunna konstruera det föreslagna ramverket, krävdes djup förståelse för Urbana Hubbars layout, vilka funktionaliteter de innefattar, samt hur processflödet inuti hubbarna går till. Detta erhölls genom intervjuer med relevanta aktörer som var kopplade till svenska Urbana Hubbar. Genom intervjuerna kunde likheter och skillnader mellan svenska Urbana Hubbar identifieras, och från det kunde en kartläggning över svenska Urbana Hubbar göras. Eftersom litteraturen som beskriver Urbana Hubbar är knapp, bidrar studien dämred även till att fylla det forskningsgapet inom området.

Hierarquização das áreas de concentração de emissão de poluentes decorrentes do transporte de carga em São Paulo utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. / Ranking of areas of concentration of pollution arising from issuance of cargo transport in São Paulo using geoprocessing techniques.

Lage, Mariana de Oliveira 27 April 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo agrega os dados geoespaciais livres, cedidos pela prefeitura de São Paulo, IBGE, CNAE, RAIS, entre outros e particulares, cedidos pela empresa Maplink, com os recursos dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas - SIG, para planejamento de Transportes. A megacidade de São Paulo com mais de dez milhões de habitantes tem milhares de estabelecimentos comerciais para atender a demanda dessa população, que precisa ser abastecidos. Os veículos de carga que abastecem, além de afetarem o trânsito e mobilidade urbana, emitem poluentes. O objetivo é hierarquizar as áreas da megacidade de São Paulo (Brasil) com características potenciais para alta concentração de poluentes decorrentes da circulação dos veículos de carga para abastecer os estabelecimentos comerciais. A metodologia correlaciona espacialmente os dois conjuntos de dados (localização de estabelecimentos comerciais e a circulação de veículos de transporte de cargas) utilizando ferramentas de análises espaciais, baseada em Kernel Density Estimator - KDE, a análise de multicritério, como a Analytic Hierarchy Process - AHP para avaliar como estes duas variáveis estão relacionadas, e também a lógica Fuzzy para calcular esses dados. Os resultados obtidos demonstra que as avenidas e rodovias do município de São Paulo possuem alta concentração de poluentes, sendo utilizadas como rotas para os veículos de carga que tanto fazem do município sua origem e/ou destino, as regiões que possuem alta concentração de poluentes atmosféricos são: Cerqueira César, Parque Dom Pedro II e Ibirapuera, com destaque também na Marginal Tietê e Marginal Pinheiros, além da zona leste (Itaquera e Itaim Paulista). / This study adds free geospatial data, granted by the city of São Paulo, IBGE, CNAE, RAIS, among others and individuals assigned by Maplink company with the capabilities of Geographic Information Systems - GIS for Transportation planning. The megacity of São Paulo with more than ten million inhabitants has thousands of shops to meet the needs of this population, which must be supplied. The cargo vehicles that supply, as well as affect the traffic and urban mobility, emit pollutants. The goal is to prioritize areas of the megacity of São Paulo (Brazil) with potential characteristics for high concentration of pollutants resulting from the movement of cargo vehicles to supply shops. The methodology spatially correlate the two sets of data (location of commercial establishments and the movement of cargo transport vehicles) using tools of spatial analysis based on Kernel Density Estimator - KDE, the multi-criteria analysis, as the Analytic Hierarchy Process - AHP to evaluate how these two variables are related, and also fuzzy logic to calculate this data. The results show that the avenues and highways of São Paulo have a high concentration of pollutants, being used as routes for freight vehicles that both make the city their origin and / or destination, the regions with high concentration of air pollutants they are: Cerqueira Cesar, Parque Dom Pedro II and Ibirapuera, highlighting also the Marginal Tiete and Pinheiros, besides the east side (Itaquera and Itaim Paulista).

A systematic approach to assess the relocation of the business centres to a logistics platform: A case study on DHL Freight AB (Sweden)

Rozario, Jewel Augustine, Hamid, Osman Abdelkader January 2018 (has links)
The relocation of logistic companies’ from the inner centres to the logistic platforms significantly affects both the supply chain management and the urban sustainability development. Recently the concept of city logistics and intermodality has received a significant attention from both academics and decision makers. City logistics play a pivotal role to ensure the liveability of urban areas but, in parallel, urban freight transport also has a significant effect on the quality of life in the urban settings. Optimization of urban freight transportation have an important input in the context of sustainability and liveability of cities and urban areas reducing traffic congestion, decreasing road accidents, alleviating CO2 emissions and noise impacts. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the relocation of a case logistics company from the city centre to a suburban area. To do this, a wide range of literature reviews pertaining the influence of peripheral logistics platform on the city sustainability were investigated. It seems that there are not well-defined models which can make a comprehensive and quantitative assessment in the context of sustainability for the relocation of business premises. Further investigation was done by conducting a case study on DHL, field observation of traffic flow. Based on all the collected information from the relevant sources, a mixed methods research was applied including a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach. A systematic approach was therefore developed in the context of sustainable development which can be used as an assessment tool for the major factors that enlighten the decision makers to consider the relocation of the logistics companies. A systematic approach was developed by this thesis which facilitates the assessment of key factors that impact the relocation decision in the context of all the three sustainable aspects: economic, social and environmental development. These impacts represent traffic congestion, time and distance of transportation, emission, cost optimization and transport mobility.

Impensée mais structurante, refoulée mais exhibée : la mobilité urbaine des marchandises / Urban freight mobility : a paradox and a challenge

Gardrat, Mathieu 21 September 2017 (has links)
Encore méconnu il y a une trentaine d’années, le transport de marchandises en ville connaît aujourd’hui un essor scientifique incontestable, sous la tutelle d’instances nationales et internationales. Le sujet émerge aujourd’hui comme un enjeu d’autant plus fort que les modes de consommation et de gestion logistique restructurent les flux de biens et impactent la durabilité des villes. Pour autant, il semblerait que l’aménageur peine à se saisir à l’échelle locale de cette nouvelle thématique. Elément essentiel au fonctionnement du système urbain, le transport de marchandises reste ainsi un élément généralement ignoré par les décideurs publics, s’il n’est pas vécu comme une manifestation néfaste de l’activité urbaine.Dans cette thèse nous examinons, à l’échelle des collectivités territoriales l’intégration d’une thématique encore considérée comme faiblement structurante pour l’aménageur public. Si le transport de marchandises en ville a nécessité au début des années 1990 une conceptualisation différente du transport de fret interurbain, ce sujet exige également une adaptation spécifique aux enjeux que se pose l’aménageur. En ce sens nous, discutons les bases conceptuelles permettant de passer d’une approche technique et statistique du transport à la mobilité urbaine des marchandises pour englober les dynamiques du système urbain des « marchandises ». A travers neuf agglomérations françaises, nous confrontons les dispositifs stratégiques d’aménagement aux spécificités de la mobilité urbaine des marchandises et les conflits et incohérences qui en découlent. Nous développons par la suite le cas lyonnais pour illustrer les dynamiques et interactions territoriales complexes qui sous-tendent la mobilité urbaine des marchandises et l’évolution ainsi que les limites de la prise en compte de cette thématique. Enfin, pour discuter les effets de ces modes d’(in)action sur l’environnement urbain nous détaillons le processus d’intégration opérationnelle de la mobilité des marchandises dans deux opérations d’aménagement emblématiques de la ville de Lyon, le projet Lyon-Confluence et la rue Garibaldi.Malgré l’existence d’outils de mesure et d’action, nous montrons que la mobilité urbaine des marchandises est une thématique encore illégitime, en conflit avec le processus d’aménagement classique. Dans ce contexte les techniciens spécialistes du sujet se retrouvent marginalisés du processus d’aménagement mais servent toutefois d’alibi technique et politique pour afficher les capacités de réflexions de la collectivité sur une thématique complexe. / Still widely unexplored thirty years ago, urban freight transport is now undergoing an indisputable scientific development under the tutelage of national and international institutions. This subject now emerges as a substantial issue since consumers’ behaviours and supply chain management evolutions strongly impact cities’ sustainability. However, it seems that urban planners hardly take this new topic into account on a local level. Although it is an essential function of the urban system, freight transport remains widely unregarded by public decision makers, when it is not considered as a negative consequence of urban activity.This thesis focuses on the integration of a subject envisioned as poorly structuring for urban planners, studied here at the local authorities’ level. In the 1990s the necessity emerged for urban freight transport to be conceptualised in a way that differed from interurban freight transport. We now also consider that this subject needs to be specifically adapted to suit urban planners’ issues and we discuss the conceptual bases necessary to shift from a technical and statistical approach of transport to a view of urban freight mobility encompassing the dynamics of the “urban freight” system. Relying on the examples of nine French conurbations, we then confront urban planning policies to the specificities of urban freight mobility and describe the resulting conflicts and inconsistencies. We then develop the case of Lyons to illustrate the complex territorial dynamics and interactions underlying urban freight mobility and provide an analysis of how the actors’ awareness of this topic has evolved and to what extent it can be raised. Finally, in order to study the effects the (in)actions of city planners on urban environment we detail the process of integration of freight mobility through two urban development operations in Lyons, the “Lyon Confluence” project and the Garibaldi street project.Despite the existence of measuring and action tools, we show that urban freight mobility is still an illegitimate subject, at odds with mainstream urban planning. In this context, freight specialists in local authorities are largely kept away from the planning process, but are exposed and used as an alibi to demonstrate the capacity of public authorities to work on a complex subject.

Hierarquização das áreas de concentração de emissão de poluentes decorrentes do transporte de carga em São Paulo utilizando técnicas de geoprocessamento. / Ranking of areas of concentration of pollution arising from issuance of cargo transport in São Paulo using geoprocessing techniques.

Mariana de Oliveira Lage 27 April 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo agrega os dados geoespaciais livres, cedidos pela prefeitura de São Paulo, IBGE, CNAE, RAIS, entre outros e particulares, cedidos pela empresa Maplink, com os recursos dos Sistemas de Informações Geográficas - SIG, para planejamento de Transportes. A megacidade de São Paulo com mais de dez milhões de habitantes tem milhares de estabelecimentos comerciais para atender a demanda dessa população, que precisa ser abastecidos. Os veículos de carga que abastecem, além de afetarem o trânsito e mobilidade urbana, emitem poluentes. O objetivo é hierarquizar as áreas da megacidade de São Paulo (Brasil) com características potenciais para alta concentração de poluentes decorrentes da circulação dos veículos de carga para abastecer os estabelecimentos comerciais. A metodologia correlaciona espacialmente os dois conjuntos de dados (localização de estabelecimentos comerciais e a circulação de veículos de transporte de cargas) utilizando ferramentas de análises espaciais, baseada em Kernel Density Estimator - KDE, a análise de multicritério, como a Analytic Hierarchy Process - AHP para avaliar como estes duas variáveis estão relacionadas, e também a lógica Fuzzy para calcular esses dados. Os resultados obtidos demonstra que as avenidas e rodovias do município de São Paulo possuem alta concentração de poluentes, sendo utilizadas como rotas para os veículos de carga que tanto fazem do município sua origem e/ou destino, as regiões que possuem alta concentração de poluentes atmosféricos são: Cerqueira César, Parque Dom Pedro II e Ibirapuera, com destaque também na Marginal Tietê e Marginal Pinheiros, além da zona leste (Itaquera e Itaim Paulista). / This study adds free geospatial data, granted by the city of São Paulo, IBGE, CNAE, RAIS, among others and individuals assigned by Maplink company with the capabilities of Geographic Information Systems - GIS for Transportation planning. The megacity of São Paulo with more than ten million inhabitants has thousands of shops to meet the needs of this population, which must be supplied. The cargo vehicles that supply, as well as affect the traffic and urban mobility, emit pollutants. The goal is to prioritize areas of the megacity of São Paulo (Brazil) with potential characteristics for high concentration of pollutants resulting from the movement of cargo vehicles to supply shops. The methodology spatially correlate the two sets of data (location of commercial establishments and the movement of cargo transport vehicles) using tools of spatial analysis based on Kernel Density Estimator - KDE, the multi-criteria analysis, as the Analytic Hierarchy Process - AHP to evaluate how these two variables are related, and also fuzzy logic to calculate this data. The results show that the avenues and highways of São Paulo have a high concentration of pollutants, being used as routes for freight vehicles that both make the city their origin and / or destination, the regions with high concentration of air pollutants they are: Cerqueira Cesar, Parque Dom Pedro II and Ibirapuera, highlighting also the Marginal Tiete and Pinheiros, besides the east side (Itaquera and Itaim Paulista).

Citylogistik och logistikföretag i en kontext av ökad e-handel : med olika utmaningar och hur logistikföretag hanterar utmaningarna / City logistics and logistics companies in a context of increased e-commerce : with different challenges and how companies handle the challenges

Nordin, Ludwig, Björnstedt Bozbey, Karl, Overgaard, Martin, Persson Lundgren, Philip January 2021 (has links)
We have conducted a study that is intended to investigate and understand how logistics companies in city logistics handle increased e-commerce challenges and describe what actions they take. To be able to do that, two question formulations have been formulated that goes: “What challenges, caused by an increased e-commerce, exist for logistics companies within city logistics?” and “What are logistics companies doing to address the challenges that exist and that are caused by increased e-commerce?”. Further is the theoretical frame of references presented where challenges and innovations for logistics companies in city logistics is a central point. We have used a qualitative approach, where semi-structured interviews have been used to get the essential information to be able to analyze towards our theoretical frame of references. Headliners that are found in the theoretical frame of references reappear in both the empirical material and the analysis to get a common thread throughout the study. In the analysis, we have our question formulations as headliners to really analyze challenges and innovations. Our study has contributed to an increased understanding of how logistics companies handle an increased e-commerce challenge and describe what actions they take. We have noted that the increased e-commerce has led to challenges for logistics companies in city logistics. We concluded that e-commerce has become more complex with shorter lead time, more but smaller packages and higher demands from consumers have been added, which is considered a challenge for logistics companies. The study shows the main challenges that increased e-commerce brought. The study also shows various innovations and actions by logistics companies within city logistics. / Vi har gjort en studie som är ämnad att undersöka och förstå hur logistikföretag inom citylogistik hanterar ökade e-handelsutmaningar samt beskriva åtgärder de vidtar. För att kunna göra det har vi utgått från två frågeställningar som lyder: “Vilka utmaningar, orsakade av ökad e-handel, finns för logistikföretag inom citylogistik?” och “Vad görlogistikföretag inom citylogistik för att hantera de utmaningar som finns och som är orsakade av ökad e-handel?” Vidare presenteras det teoretiska referensram där utmaningar och innovationer för logistikföretag inom citylogistik är en central del. Vi har använt oss utav ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där vi har genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer för att få den väsentliga informationen för att kunna analysera gentemot vår teoretiska referensram. Rubriker som finns i den teoretiska referensramen återkommer i både det empiriska materialet och analysen för att få en röd tråd genom hela studien. I analysen har vi däremot våra frågeställningar som huvudrubriker för att verkligen analysera utmaningarna och innovationerna. Vår studie har bidragit med en ökad förståelse hur logistikföretag inom citylogistik hanterar ökad e-handelsutmaningar samt vilka åtgärder de vidtar. Vi har konstaterat att den ökade e-handeln har medfört utmaningar för logistikföretag inom citylogistik. E-handelslogiken har blivit mer komplex på senaste tiden där korta ledtider, fler men mindre paket och högre krav från konsumenterna har tillkommit vilket anses som utmaningar för logistikföretagen. Studien visar på de huvudsakliga utmaningarna som ökad e-handel medfört. Studien visar även på olika innovationer och åtgärder som används av logistikföretag inom citylogistik.

Planejamento urbano e transporte urbano de carga: investigação de modelos de integração e aplicação do modelo Freturb em um recorte urbano em São Paulo. / Urban planning and urban freight: integrated moddeling investigation and the application of Freturb Model in an urban area in the city of São Paulo.

Montmorency Silva, Thiago Canhos 16 June 2016 (has links)
A efervescência da cidade moderna somente é possível devido ao deslocamento contínuo de pessoas e mercadorias. A movimentação de bens é trivial para a realização das atividades comerciais, industriais e de prestação de serviços. Sua demanda, entretanto, é condicionada pelos padrões de uso e ocupação do solo e adensamento urbano. Esta pesquisa aborda aspectos da relação entre o transporte urbano de carga e a estruturação das áreas urbanas no Brasil. O principal objetivo é analisar a influência mútua entre a logística urbana e o uso e ocupação do solo no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas no Município de São Paulo. Dessa forma, foram identificados, selecionados e analisados abordagens, metodologias e modelos aplicáveis à análise e proposição de diretrizes que integrem os condicionantes de desenvolvimento urbano e de transporte urbano de carga. Um modelo selecionado, o Freturb, foi aplicado em um recorte urbano do Município de São Paulo. Localizada na região de Santa Cecília e Higienópolis, a área de estudo foi modelada, primeiramente, de acordo com a sua configuração urbana atual e, em seguida, com as suas predições urbanas para os anos de 2025 e 2030, conforme os parâmetros urbanísticos do novo Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo, em vigor desde 2014. Os resultados da modelagem foram abordados, qualitativamente, sob três categorias, que organizam parâmetros de planejamento e que se inter-relacionam no ambiente urbano: Aspectos do Uso e Ocupação do Solo, Aspectos da Logística e Aspectos do Tráfego Urbano. O trabalhou comparou, ainda, os resultados da configuração urbana atual do recorte urbano de São Paulo, com áreas urbanas francesas, selecionadas no Centro de Lyon e no 4o. Arrondissement de Paris. Essa comparação permitiu analisar a relação entre a empregabilidade e a densidade de movimentos da carga, nas três regiões urbanas. O estudo revelou que a área estudada em São Paulo necessita de mais movimentação de carga e exige mais do viário urbano e/ou é suprida por sistemas logísticos menos organizados, em relação às duas áreas francesas. Ainda, o porte e o perfil do estabelecimento podem incrementar o tempo de carga e descarga em uma área urbana. Finalmente, as predições urbanas, de 2025 e 2030, motivadas pelo novo Plano Diretor Estratégico do Município de São Paulo, permitiram avaliar e compreender os possíveis impactos do adensamento populacional e de empregos na demanda por transporte urbano de carga. E, verificar os possíveis impactos associados, tais como incremento em paradas em \"fila-dupla\" e ocupação viária por veículos de carga. / The effervescence of the modern city is only possible due to the continuous movement of people and goods. The movement of goods is trivial for of commercial, industrial and service activities. However, it is conditioned by the patterns of land use and urban density. This research approaches aspects of the relation between the urban freight transport and the structuring of urban areas in Brazil. The main objective is to analyze the mutual relationship among urban logistics and urban land use parameters on developing urban areas in São Paulo. Thus, applicable approaches, methodologies and models were identified, selected and analyzed, in light of their potential to support the integration of urban development and urban freight transport conditions. A selected model, the Freturb, was applied in an urban area in the city of São Paulo. Located in the region of Santa Cecilia and Higienopolis, the case study area was modeled, firstly, according to its current urban setting and then with their urban predictions for the years 2025 and 2030, according the new parameters of Master Plan of São Paulo, approved in 2014. The modeling results were classified and discussed accordingly to three aspects: Land Use Aspects, Logistics Aspects and Urban Traffic Aspects. The research also compared the results of the case study area located in São Paulo with other French urban areas, selected in the Center of Lyon and 4th. Arrondissement of Paris. Such a comparison allowed analyzing the relationship between the employability and the density of freight movements, in the three urban areas. The research revealed that the area in São Paulo requires more freight movement and urban road space and/or is supplied by less organized logistics systems, with regard to the latter two French areas. Also, the size and profile of the establishment can increase the loading and unloading time of operation in an urban area. Finally, the urban predictions, 2025 and 2030, motivated by the new Master Plan of São Paulo, allowed evaluating and understanding the possible impacts of population density and employment in demand for urban freight transport. And, they also allowed verifing the possible associated impacts, such as the increase in stops at \"double-park\" and road occupancy by goods vehicles.

Planejamento urbano e transporte urbano de carga: investigação de modelos de integração e aplicação do modelo Freturb em um recorte urbano em São Paulo. / Urban planning and urban freight: integrated moddeling investigation and the application of Freturb Model in an urban area in the city of São Paulo.

Thiago Canhos Montmorency Silva 16 June 2016 (has links)
A efervescência da cidade moderna somente é possível devido ao deslocamento contínuo de pessoas e mercadorias. A movimentação de bens é trivial para a realização das atividades comerciais, industriais e de prestação de serviços. Sua demanda, entretanto, é condicionada pelos padrões de uso e ocupação do solo e adensamento urbano. Esta pesquisa aborda aspectos da relação entre o transporte urbano de carga e a estruturação das áreas urbanas no Brasil. O principal objetivo é analisar a influência mútua entre a logística urbana e o uso e ocupação do solo no desenvolvimento de áreas urbanas no Município de São Paulo. Dessa forma, foram identificados, selecionados e analisados abordagens, metodologias e modelos aplicáveis à análise e proposição de diretrizes que integrem os condicionantes de desenvolvimento urbano e de transporte urbano de carga. Um modelo selecionado, o Freturb, foi aplicado em um recorte urbano do Município de São Paulo. Localizada na região de Santa Cecília e Higienópolis, a área de estudo foi modelada, primeiramente, de acordo com a sua configuração urbana atual e, em seguida, com as suas predições urbanas para os anos de 2025 e 2030, conforme os parâmetros urbanísticos do novo Plano Diretor Estratégico de São Paulo, em vigor desde 2014. Os resultados da modelagem foram abordados, qualitativamente, sob três categorias, que organizam parâmetros de planejamento e que se inter-relacionam no ambiente urbano: Aspectos do Uso e Ocupação do Solo, Aspectos da Logística e Aspectos do Tráfego Urbano. O trabalhou comparou, ainda, os resultados da configuração urbana atual do recorte urbano de São Paulo, com áreas urbanas francesas, selecionadas no Centro de Lyon e no 4o. Arrondissement de Paris. Essa comparação permitiu analisar a relação entre a empregabilidade e a densidade de movimentos da carga, nas três regiões urbanas. O estudo revelou que a área estudada em São Paulo necessita de mais movimentação de carga e exige mais do viário urbano e/ou é suprida por sistemas logísticos menos organizados, em relação às duas áreas francesas. Ainda, o porte e o perfil do estabelecimento podem incrementar o tempo de carga e descarga em uma área urbana. Finalmente, as predições urbanas, de 2025 e 2030, motivadas pelo novo Plano Diretor Estratégico do Município de São Paulo, permitiram avaliar e compreender os possíveis impactos do adensamento populacional e de empregos na demanda por transporte urbano de carga. E, verificar os possíveis impactos associados, tais como incremento em paradas em \"fila-dupla\" e ocupação viária por veículos de carga. / The effervescence of the modern city is only possible due to the continuous movement of people and goods. The movement of goods is trivial for of commercial, industrial and service activities. However, it is conditioned by the patterns of land use and urban density. This research approaches aspects of the relation between the urban freight transport and the structuring of urban areas in Brazil. The main objective is to analyze the mutual relationship among urban logistics and urban land use parameters on developing urban areas in São Paulo. Thus, applicable approaches, methodologies and models were identified, selected and analyzed, in light of their potential to support the integration of urban development and urban freight transport conditions. A selected model, the Freturb, was applied in an urban area in the city of São Paulo. Located in the region of Santa Cecilia and Higienopolis, the case study area was modeled, firstly, according to its current urban setting and then with their urban predictions for the years 2025 and 2030, according the new parameters of Master Plan of São Paulo, approved in 2014. The modeling results were classified and discussed accordingly to three aspects: Land Use Aspects, Logistics Aspects and Urban Traffic Aspects. The research also compared the results of the case study area located in São Paulo with other French urban areas, selected in the Center of Lyon and 4th. Arrondissement of Paris. Such a comparison allowed analyzing the relationship between the employability and the density of freight movements, in the three urban areas. The research revealed that the area in São Paulo requires more freight movement and urban road space and/or is supplied by less organized logistics systems, with regard to the latter two French areas. Also, the size and profile of the establishment can increase the loading and unloading time of operation in an urban area. Finally, the urban predictions, 2025 and 2030, motivated by the new Master Plan of São Paulo, allowed evaluating and understanding the possible impacts of population density and employment in demand for urban freight transport. And, they also allowed verifing the possible associated impacts, such as the increase in stops at \"double-park\" and road occupancy by goods vehicles.

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