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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Técnicas de incorporação de controle de acesso à luz solar em modelos computacionais de edificações / Technques for integrating sunlight access control to computer models of buildings

Grazziotin, Pablo Colossi January 2003 (has links)
Os benefícios obtidos com a disponibilidade de radiação solar dentro ou ao redor dos edifícios são fundamentais no planejamento urbano e provocam significativo impacto sobre o uso do solo, densidade de construção, valorização do solo urbano, conforto térmico e economia de energia. CityZoom é um ambiente computacional de apoio à decisão em projetos de arquitetura e urbanismo onde modelos de desempenho podem ser utilizados de forma integrada e associados automaticamente a Normativas Urbanísticas. Este trabalho utiliza técnicas de computação gráfica pare aferir o acesso de edifícios à luz solar a partir de um modelo de simulação de potencial construtivo de lotes urbanos já existente no ambiente CityZoom. O modelo, denominado BlockMagic, foi estendido com uma técnica de cálculo de envelope solar, recurso que permite simular se a geometria dos edifícios interferirá, positiva ou negativamente, na vizinhança imediata. Ulteriormente, foram desenvolvidas ferramentas para visualização 2D e 3D dos resultados das simulações. / The benefits obtained from the available solar radiation in and around buildings are essential to urban planning. The inclusion of such features in the planning process has an expressive impact over land use, building density, land value, thermal comfort and energy saving. CityZoom is a computational decision support system for architecture and urbanism. The software provides an environment where performance models can be used in an integrated way, and automatically associated to Building Regulations. This work uses computer graphics techniques to assess the building access the sunlight availability to simulated buildings in the CityZoom environment. The performance model used to simulate the Building Regulations, BlockMagic, was extended to use a solar envelope calculation technique, allowing it to measure the effect of a simulated buildings on its immediate neighboring buildings. Tools for 2D and 3D visualization of the simulation results were also developed.

Památková péče na přelomu 80. a 90. let 20. století v Praze / Heritage Preservation at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s in Prague

Kusáková, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to conduct a survey of the preservation of architectural cultural heritage at the end of the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s. This will be demonstrated using as an example the historical centre of Prague. The thesis is divided into two similar parts. The first one focuses on the system, workings and legislation of heritage preservation in the 1980s. Partially it describes broader social and political aspects of the 1980s as well. The second part addresses the same topics, but during the beginning of the 1990s. In each case, three heritage preservation examples have been selected and these provide a closer examination of the system of cultural heritage preservation described earlier. The research work conducted demonstrates that whilst during the 1970s and 1980s a preservation system of the centre of Prague was gradually established, the 1990s saw the system being slowly disrupted and weakened, whether intentionally or unintentionally. However, heritage preservation never achieved a fully satisfactory standard in either studied period. Keywords: heritage preservation - historic preservation - architecture - urbanism - Prague - 20th century

Les édifices balnéaires publics de Gerasa de la Décapole (Jerash, Jordanie) et la pratique du bain collectif dans l'antiquité par les sociétés proche-orientales / Public bathing buildings of Gerasa of the Decapolis (Jerash, Jordan) and the practice of collective bathing in antiquity by near Eastern societies

Lepaon, Thomas 15 June 2012 (has links)
Depuis une dizaine d’année, plusieurs études renouvèlent considérablement nos connaissances au sujet des établissements thermaux publics et de leur pratique au Proche-Orient. Malheureusement, aucune synthèse envisageant le phénomène balnéaire dans une perspective d’histoire des mentalités au sein d’une seule cité ne semble avoir été réalisée. Fondé sur une approche archéologique et architecturale, ce travail a pour premier objectif de proposer une synthèse diachronique de l’évolution des huit établissements de bains publics actuellement connus à Gerasa et de leur pratique au cours de l’histoire. La situation observée dans l’ancienne cité de la Décapole est ensuite confrontée à la pratique thermale dans l’antiquité au Proche-Orient, telle qu’elle est aujourd’hui appréhendée, permettant ainsi d’en dégager les correspondances, les dissemblances et les caractéristiques propres au corpus de Gerasa. S’appuyant sur une méthodologie originale, cette étude souligne le rôle profondément hybride de ces établissements disposant naturellement d’installations permettant le nettoyage du corps mais également d’espaces spécifiques et indépendants pour lesquels les fonctions civique, politique et religieuse peuvent être supposées / For a decade, several studies have renewed significantly our knowledge about public baths and their practice in the Middle East. Unfortunately, no synthesis considering the bathing phenomenon in a diachronic perspective of history of mentalities in a single city appears to have been carried out. Based on an archaeological and architectural approach, this work at first intended to propose a diachronic synthesis of the evolution of eight public bath buildings currently known in Gerasa and their practice in history. The situation in the City of the Decapolis is then confronted to the practice of public bath in Antiquity in the Middle East, as it is known today, allowing to identify matches, differences and characteristics of the corpus of Gerasa. Based on an original methodology, this study highlights the deeply hybrid role of these institutions with natural facilities for the cleaning of the body but also specific and independent spaces for which civic, political and religious functions may be assumed

A utopia maquinista no urbanismo e no cinema : a construção de um discurso

Ribeiro, Luciano de Topin January 2013 (has links)
Aprofundar-se no estudo das propostas urbanas elaboradas pelas vanguardas do movimento moderno é, também, desenvolver um raciocínio sobre a relevância da arquitetura enquanto parâmetro de reflexão acerca da sociedade. O período de estudo deste trabalho — os vinte e cinco anos que separam as duas grandes guerras do século XX — representaram para a disciplina da arquitetura — e para os arquitetos — assumir um papel protagonista na forma de pensar (e propor) as cidades. Se o urbanismo, conforme definido por Françoise Choay, é uma matéria elaborada como tal para solucionar o problema específico da cidade maquinista, o urbanismo moderno agrega a este objetivo responsabilidades para com a transformação da sociedade como um todo. As vanguardas intelectuais do início do século XX, entusiasmadas com as possibilidades abertas pela nova realidade de um mundo em rápida transformação, enxergaram na mecanização o catalisador das mudanças sociais que trariam um novo equilíbrio nas relações entre o homem e seu meio. A possibilidade de interpretar todos os aspectos da vida a partir de um processo abstrato e racional parecia apontar o caminho seguro a ser seguido na busca de soluções às condições de vida degradantes nas metrópoles emergentes na nova ordem do capitalismo industrial. Seria através das leis da razão, aplicadas a todas as instâncias da vida, que seria reestabelecida a harmonia abalada pela incompatibilidade entre o novo mundo industrial mecanizado e as estruturas — físicas, culturais e sociais — das cidades existentes. A própria utopia maquinista é, portanto, metropolitana; é na metrópole que as mudanças devem ocorrer e é sobre seus porvires que serão elaborados os argumentos do discurso moderno. O objetivo deste estudo é refletir sobre a estrutura do discurso retórico da Utopia Maquinista no urbanismo e fazê-lo através de um paralelo com o cinema. Em ambos os casos, identifica-se um caráter de urgência e de catástrofe iminente que irá se impor, tanto como consequência dos avanços de um mundo mecanizado, quanto como resultado da incapacidade de se adaptar a ele. O medo — uma falácia retórica — é o argumento no sentido do qual são aplicadas as ferramentas de retórica — pathos, ethos e logos —, que estruturam este trabalho. O capítulo “Pathos — a manipulação das partes” trata da forma como o cinema e urbanismo manipulam os fragmentos no ímpeto de representar, de forma dramática, o todo. Foi através de associações patéticas à imagem da máquina que as vanguardas atribuíram valores e significados que deixassem bem claro a sua posição ideológica. Em “Ethos — tábula rasa e ressurreição” são identificadas as condições para que a utopia maquinista fosse posta em marcha. Se, por um lado, a realidade das metrópoles tornava a vida insuportável, fazendo com que a ideia de transformação radical fosse algo plausível e até desejável, por outro lado, vivia-se, desde meados do século XIX, um ambiente de ruptura da ordem socioeconômica vigente com desdobramentos, em muitos casos, traumáticos. “Logos — racionalismo e a metrópole do futuro” tenta dar conta dos planos de intervenção urbana que forjaram a ideia de cidade eficiente, nos termos de Taylor e Ford. É nos Estados Unidos que as vanguardas europeias vão buscar a terra prometida da era da máquina, com seus centros urbanos verticalizados e seus processos de produção em série. A metrópole maquinista propunha-se como cura definitiva para uma sociedade enferma. Um remédio que combinava doses de higiene e integridade estética no combate aos males da insalubridade e do subterfúgio academicista e que contaminava, de forma letal, a cidade-paciente. “Pathos, Ethos e Logos: por uma nova metrópole” apresenta uma nova cidade para um novo homem na forma de uma síntese infalível entre racionalismo e o “espírito da época”, causa e consequência da elevação do espírito humano e a única alternativa possível ao extermínio. O último capítulo do trabalho trata do herói — a figura-síntese que personifica todos os valores morais e éticos tidos como desejáveis — a serviço de quem a retórica que defende o argumento proposto pela trama é posta em marcha. O “Epílogo” busca identificar traços da personalidade do arquiteto-herói — o autor por trás do discurso — sem, no entanto, pretender uma análise psicológica completa nem tampouco mergulhar na psique de nenhum dos grandes nomes do Movimento Moderno. As características aqui descritas procuram, sim, aproximar autor e discurso, compreendê-lo como agente de transformação social que tinha como principal ferramenta de ação a disciplina da arquitetura. / To develop a study into the urban proposals developed by the modern movement avant-garde is, at the same time, also to develop the thought about the relevance of architecture as a means of reflection about society. This work´s timeframe — the twenty-five years between the two great wars of the twentieth-century – meant to architecture — and for the architects — to take a lead role in thinking and proposing the cities. If urbanism, as stated by Françoise Choay, is a discipline assembled as such with the goal of dealing with the specific problem of the machinist city, the urbanism of the modern movement attaches to this goal the responsibility of changing society as a whole. The intelectual avant-garde of the beginning of the twentieth-century, thrilled by the possibilities opened by the new reality in a fast-changing world, saw the mechanization as the catalyzer of the social changes that would bring a new balance to the relation between man and environment. The possibility of understanding each and every aspect of life as a rational and abstract process seemed to point the safe way towards solving the degenerating conditions of the newly-arising industrial metropolis. Through the laws of reason, applied to all instances of life, the harmony — disturbed by the incompatibility between the new mechanic world and the existing structures of the cities — would be restored. The Machinist Utopia itself is, therefore, metropolitan; it is within the metropolis that the changes should take place and it is about this metropolis’ future that the modern movement will propose the arguments of its speech. The goal of this study is to reflect upon the structure of the Machinist Utopia rhetoric speech in urbanism and perform it through a parallel with cinema. In both cases converge when structuring their speeches based on urgency and an imminent catastrophe that would take place, depending on which side of the debate one is, either as a consequence of technological advances in a mechanized world, or as a result of one’s inability to adapt to it. Fear – as a rhetoric fallacy — seems to be the argument towards which the rhetoric tools that structure this study — pathos, ethos and logos — are applied. The first chapter: “Pathos — the manipulation of parts” deals with the way urbanism and cinema manipulate fragments in order to represent, with dramatic gain, the whole. It was through pathetic associations that the avant-garde attached values and meanings to the image of “machine” in order to state its ideological standing-point. “Ethos — tabula rasa and resurrection” tries to identify the conditions for the Machinist Utopia to be put into practice. If, on the one side life in the metropolis was made unbearable, turning the idea of radical transformation into something reasonable and even desirable, on the other side society had gone since mid-nineteen-century through, sometimes traumatic, changes in its social and economic order. “Logos — rationalism and the metropolis of the future” tries to cover the urban plans that forged the “efficient city” in the terms of Taylor and Ford. It is the United States, with its vertical urban centers and production systems, that the avant-garde would take as the machine-age promised-land. The machinist metropolis proposed itself as the ultimate cure for an ill society. A remedy that combined doses of hygiene and aesthetic integrity to fight the maladies of academicist subterfuge and insalubrity. “Pathos, Ethos and Logos: towards a new metropolis” presented a new city for a new man as an infallible synthesis between rationalism and “spirit of the time”, the cause and the consequence of the uplifting of human spirit and the only possible alternative to extermination. The last chapter of this study deals with the hero, the synthesis of all desirable ethic and moral values, at service of whom the rhetoric that defends the proposed argument is put to work. The “Epilogue” tries to identify the personality traces of the architect-hero — the author behind the speech — with no intention, however, to perform a comprehensive psychological analysis nor to penetrate into any of the masters’ psyché. The characteristics described here try to bring together the author and the speech and understand this author as an agent of social transformation who had, as his or hers main tool, the discipline of architecture.

New Songdo City, or, The potentiality of Asian urbanism(s)

Choi, Lisa January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the nexus between 'urban expressionism' and the potentiality of 'Asian urbanism(s)' by exploring ways that different planning paradigms have been located/dislocated in the case of New Songdo City, South Korea. By investigating four expressions of New Songdo City - as an 'Eco-City', a 'Smart City', an 'International City', and as the 'City of the Future' - this thesis argues that urban expressionism can make important contributions to the aims of Asian urbanism(s). Ultimately, this research demonstrates the ways that urban expressionism can be used to destabilize hegemonic Western-centric urban knowledge and city-building practices, and further point to new geographies of theory from which important contributions to urban research can be made. Urban expressions are made evident by various entwined urban rhetorics and worlding practices that operationalize multiple mediums of communication. Consequently, New Songdo City is, first and foremost, a city of simultaneity. To investigate this simultaneity, this research utilizes an exploratory case study approach and multiple qualitative methods that include semi-structured interviewing, focus groups, and surveys to gather insights from residents of Songdo, local experts, public and private sector actors, and other key stakeholder groups. Visual analysis is also used to explore mixed-mediums of data, including promotional videos, images, exhibition displays, magazines, and advertisements. The methods used to undertake this thesis provide a glimpse in to the development of New Songdo City and capture different urban expressions that are articulated by the city through various examples of urban rhetoric and worlding practices. The urban expressions presented in the New Songdo City case are analysed through the lens of Asian urbanism(s) and investigate the ways that hegemonic Western and Euro-centric conceptualizations of 'the urban' and 'the city' have been deployed, articulated, experienced, challenged, and complicated. By extension, this thesis also contributes to a more nuanced conceptualization of Asian urbanism(s) as well as the relevance of New Songdo City for urban theory in South Korean, Asian, and more generalizable contexts.

Navigating the neoliberal settler city : Palestinian mobility in Jerusalem between exclusion and incorporation

Baumann, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
The mobility of Palestinian residents of Jerusalem is usually understood in terms of exclusion, reflecting their lack of access to urban services more broadly as well as the restrictive mobility regime at work across the Palestinian territories. Yet after fifty years of Israeli occupation, a more complex and contradictory situation has emerged in the city. This dissertation uses mobility as a vehicle to arrive at a more integrated understanding of the paradoxical manner in which Palestinian Jerusalemites are simultaneously excluded from and incorporated into the city and to analyse how they negotiate their interstitial and often contradictory position. The thesis approaches the question of Palestinian quotidian movement by engaging with theoretical work on mobility and embodied movement as well as from empirical study including eight months of on-site research. In its three core sections, the work examines in detail several manifestations of the restriction, facilitation, and contested nature of mobility. In the first section, a discussion of Palestinian exclaves and enclaves of the city shows the continuities of mobility’s exclusionary effects on both sides of the Separation Wall. This limitation of movement leads to a restriction of spatio-political possibilities – but at the same time, Palestinians expand the horizon of what is possible through everyday and leisure practices. The second section employs two case studies of recent public transport developments in East Jerusalem to examine how incorporation is operationalised through everyday movements across urban space. The third section analyses the paradoxical role of mobility as the result of a tension between the settler colonial and the neoliberal logics concurrently at work in the city. On the one hand, the restriction of movement gradually renders the Palestinians as external to their city. On the other, the facilitation and regulation of mobility in East Jerusalem also serves to normalise Israeli rule and constitute Palestinians as incorporated urban residents, thereby undermining long-term aspirations for autonomy in the east of the city. The examination of the manner in which mobilities are contested in Jerusalem shows that movement, although often associated with freedom and independence, is essential for negotiating the terms of interdependence in the city.

War machines of the charitable city : fundraising and the architecture of territory in Paris

Franklin, Rosalind Ethelline January 2018 (has links)
This dissertation explores the entangled territorialities of charitable fundraising, redressing the under-theorisation of the praxis as a social construct and a transformative spatial process. It approaches fundraising from an etiological perspective, drawing on French continental theory, particularly the work of Michel Serres and of Deleuze and Guattari, as well as concepts arising from literature in relational geographies and in business studies. Unlike many scholarly accounts, which obscure the fact that this property-challenged, property-desiring practice relies on the hospitality of others in order to extract and transfer resources, this study argues that the trait of interloping is crucial to fundraising’s expansive colonisation of urban space. Seizing on the notions of minor architecture and itinerant territoriality, it thinks through fundraising’s habits, inhabitations and habitats. By doing so, it reveals a form of nomadic war machine specialised in crafting parasitic architectures that invade urban territories to constitute a territory of its own. That this state-authorised territory has become an obligatory passage point within contemporary networked societies says much about how power is forged through the intersection of political, moral-economic and socio-affective parameters. Moreover, in uncovering a hint of revanchism against the property-owning classes, this research points to the usual affective politics emerging at a time of state metamorphosis and protracted economic uncertainty. This conceptual work provides entry for an ethnographic exploration of the charitabilisation of urban life within the context of austerity in contemporary Paris. Evidence collected from interviews, participant observation, video, photography, maps, drawings and extant literature is used to illuminate fundraising’s polydimensional strategies and widespread yet minimally disruptive appropriations and expropriations. While other authors have documented the movement of fundraising in France from utter marginalisation to mainstream to strategic importance, this study traces the political and territorial machinations of the powerful Parisian network of non-profit leaders, association executives, heads of fundraising agencies, management consultants, lawyers, and government officials who lead the push for a more generous France. The continuities, tensions, and contradictions between this group’s production of space and the realities of on-the-street fundraising are explored through a series of case studies. The views presented highlight ways in which fundraisers induce and take advantage of breaches in prevailing articulations of space, time and citizen-bodies to fortify more-than-capitalist urban logics. Collectively, they render visible the temporalities, hotspots, technologies, imaginaries, schemes, and hypocrisies informing an aggressive incrementalism. The new view of Paris imparted foregrounds the enterprising, contested and geographically uneven process of cultivating the habit of ceding property, both in the sense of subjectivities and of material rights. This dissertation’s conceptual and empirical strands make it possible to apprehend how minoritarian actors become dominant. Extending the minoritarian’s right to temporally hold power and property is shown to involve continuously testing and exploiting the affordances of relations. Displayed and analysed are the contamination of ideals and the breaking of pacts within fundraising’s moral pursuit of wealth transference. Such promiscuities ought to be regarded as, this study emphasizes, a form of preparedness for the city to come.

Técnicas de incorporação de controle de acesso à luz solar em modelos computacionais de edificações / Technques for integrating sunlight access control to computer models of buildings

Grazziotin, Pablo Colossi January 2003 (has links)
Os benefícios obtidos com a disponibilidade de radiação solar dentro ou ao redor dos edifícios são fundamentais no planejamento urbano e provocam significativo impacto sobre o uso do solo, densidade de construção, valorização do solo urbano, conforto térmico e economia de energia. CityZoom é um ambiente computacional de apoio à decisão em projetos de arquitetura e urbanismo onde modelos de desempenho podem ser utilizados de forma integrada e associados automaticamente a Normativas Urbanísticas. Este trabalho utiliza técnicas de computação gráfica pare aferir o acesso de edifícios à luz solar a partir de um modelo de simulação de potencial construtivo de lotes urbanos já existente no ambiente CityZoom. O modelo, denominado BlockMagic, foi estendido com uma técnica de cálculo de envelope solar, recurso que permite simular se a geometria dos edifícios interferirá, positiva ou negativamente, na vizinhança imediata. Ulteriormente, foram desenvolvidas ferramentas para visualização 2D e 3D dos resultados das simulações. / The benefits obtained from the available solar radiation in and around buildings are essential to urban planning. The inclusion of such features in the planning process has an expressive impact over land use, building density, land value, thermal comfort and energy saving. CityZoom is a computational decision support system for architecture and urbanism. The software provides an environment where performance models can be used in an integrated way, and automatically associated to Building Regulations. This work uses computer graphics techniques to assess the building access the sunlight availability to simulated buildings in the CityZoom environment. The performance model used to simulate the Building Regulations, BlockMagic, was extended to use a solar envelope calculation technique, allowing it to measure the effect of a simulated buildings on its immediate neighboring buildings. Tools for 2D and 3D visualization of the simulation results were also developed.

Réalités et efficacités de la "Trame Verte et Bleue" à la Réunion : le paysage comme outil de médiation pour analyser les représentations sociales des trames écologiques / Realities and efficency of the green and blue belt network on Reunion island : the lanscape as a mediation instrument to analyse social representations of ecological networks.

Adolphe, Michèle 09 October 2017 (has links)
L'outil « Trame Verte et Bleue », alliant biodiversité et aménagement du territoire, a aujourd’hui pleinement intégré la planification territoriale, sur les territoires national et ultramarin. Néanmoins, dans les DOM, la mise en place de cet outil s'est confrontée à de toutes autres réalités. C'est pourquoi ce projet doctoral a choisi d'étudier l’exemple de La Réunion, précurseur dans la transcription de cette politique d’aménagement. Depuis 2014, La Réunion possède des cartographies des réseaux écologiques régionaux, établies pour accompagner les acteurs locaux. Pour autant, seuls les espaces naturels protégés ont été considérés dans les projets de territoire, laissant ainsi pour compte les espaces de nature ordinaire. Pour comprendre ce manque d'adhésion, un travail de type sociologique a été mené pour cerner les réalités politiques et sociales inhérentes à la TVB. Si pour les professionnels de l'aménagement la planification de secteurs à enjeux pour préserver la biodiversité tombe sous le sens, pour les institutions cet outil est perçu comme un moyen de promouvoir le développement de l'île. Pour les autres usagers, la TVB reste un concept ignoré. Cependant, pour eux, la biodiversité est étroitement liée au paysage quotidien et ils la perçoivent principalement par les services écosystémiques. La traduction cartographique de ces résultats a permis d'identifier d'une part des secteurs d'intérêts écologiques porteurs d'une demande sociale collective, d'autre part des secteurs exclus de cette demande qui peuvent subir des dégradations. Ainsi, pour maintenir un bon fonctionnement des réseaux écologiques, il est aujourd'hui nécessaire d'agir sur les perceptions paysagères. / Today the green and blue belt network is a tool, which combines biodiversity and regional development policy and fully integrates territorial planning in national and overseas territories. Nevertheless, the implementation of this tool is confronted with other realities in the French overseas departments. That is the reason why this doctoral project aims to study the case of Reunion island as a forerunner in the transcribing of this spatial planning.Reunion island possesses mapping of regional ecological networks drawn up to accompany the local actors since 2014. However, only protected natural areas had been taken into account in regional projects while leaving behind ordinary nature areas. In order to understand this lack of acceptance, a sociological work was conducted to identify the political and social realities related to the green and blue belt network. If planning issue area to preserve the biodiversity is obvious for planning professionals, this tool is seen as a way to promote the development of the island for institutions. For the other users, the green and blue belt network keeps being pushed aside. However, to them biodiversity is closely tied to the daily lansdscape and they mainly perceive it through ecosystem services.A mapping plan of these results allowed to identify on the one hand areas of ecological interest holding a common social demand, and on the other hand areas excluded from this demand, which may undergo degradation. Therefore, it is now necessary to work on landscape perceptions so that ecological networks can remain functional.

Infrastructure, territoires et projets : l'exemple de la ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse Lyon-Turin-Milan / Infractructure, territories and projects : the case of the high-speed railway Lyon-Turin-Milan

Trotta-Brambilla, Gabriella 06 December 2013 (has links)
La construction d'une grande infrastructure ferroviaire peut-elle devenir une occasion pour (re)structurer le territoire traversé ? Cette question est à la base de la réflexion menée dans ce travail. Plus précisément, la thèse défendue peut être ainsi formulée : une grande infrastructure (dans ce cas le projet et la construction de la ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse entre Lyon, Turin et Milan), sous certaines conditions (analysées dans la thèse), peut représenter une occasion pour redonner une structure plus cohérente à un territoire par le biais de l'articulation interscalaire et interdisciplinaire des réflexions sur la planification et des actions de projet sur le territoire même. L'état des lieux autour de la thématique de la grande vitesse ferroviaire et de son possible contexte territorial met en avant les domaines principaux de la littérature scientifique qui se sont occupés de cet argument (économie, géographie, sciences sociales et humaines). Cette thèse essaye de croiser plusieurs disciplines, mais en abordant la question d'un point de vue différent, celui de la planification territoriale et urbaine, puisque les thématiques traitées par la géographie des transports (accessibilité, rugosité, vitesse, nodalité, reticularité, etc.) ne semblent pas expliquer suffisamment les interactions à différentes échelles entre infrastructure et territoire. En interrogeant plans et projets, ainsi que des « expérimentations projectuelles » élaborées dans une démarche de research by design, cette thèse analyse les points de convergence entre le domaine des transports ferroviaires et celui de la planification durable du territoire et de la ville. / Can the construction of a big railway infrastructure become the occasion for (re)structuring the territory passed through? This is the base question of the reflection developed in this manuscript. More precisely, the thesis that we propose may be reformulated as follows: the realization of a big infrastructure (in our case the design of the high-speed railway between Lyon, Turin and Milan) can be the occasion to give the interested territory a more coherent structure by approaching the territorial planning in an inter-scalar and inter-disciplinary way. The analysis of the state of the art of the subjects of the high speed railway and of its territorial context may evidence, from time to time, one or another of the scientific domains that dealt with this topic (economy, geography, social and human sciences, etc.). This thesis tries to intersect multiple disciplines, but approaching the matter from a different point of view: that of urban and territorial planning. Indeed, the themes treated by the transportation geography do not seem able to explain sufficiently well the interactions between infrastructure and territory at all the different scales. By analyzing plans and projects as well as some « design experiments » elaborated with a research-by-design approach, we try to discuss in this manuscript the points of convergence between the domain of the railway transports and that of the sustainable planning of the territory and of the city.

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