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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nyhetskonsumenter på Facebook : En kvantitativ studie kring andel samt dominerande karaktärsdrag / News consumers on Facebook

Johansson, Evelina, Wingstrand, Johanna, Winter, Niclas January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på hur stor andel studenter det är som tar del av nyheter på Facebook, och identifiera vad som kännetecknar dessa personer. Undersökningen görs med grund i att nyheter får allt mer utrymme i facebookflödet vilket är något som bidrar till större klyftor i människors nyhetskonsumtion. Fortsättningsvis blir det relevant att utvidga förståelsen för vilka dessa konsumenter är. Studien har genomförts med en kvantitativ metod i form av en enkätundersökning. Empirin har framtagits genom att 114 respondenter fått svara på sammanlagt 17 frågor gällande individuella faktorer, sin nyhetskonsumtion på Facebook samt vilka fördelar de ser med plattformen. Urvalet har begränsats till studenter på Karlstads universitet inom fyra olika utbildningar: ingenjör, medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, ekonomi och handel samt sjuksköterska. Respondenterna har nåtts genom att enkäten publicerats i respektive utbildnings facebookgrupp. Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för studien är uses and gratifications, sociala fält, primära och sekundära nyhetspubliker samt tidigare forskning som berört nyhetskonsumtion både i traditionell mening och på sociala medier. Det finns en bred vetenskaplig grund vars fokus ligger på hur medierna påverkar publiken, men uses and gratifications belyser istället motsatsen, nämligen vad publiken gör med medierna. Därför blir framförallt denna teori den som genomgående berörs i studien. Resultatet i undersökningen visar att 92 procent av alla tillfrågade studenter tar del av nyheter via Facebook. Frekventa läsare, det vill säga de som gör det dagligen eller flera gånger i veckan, utgör 49 procent och därmed nästan hälften. Dessa flitiga konsumenter kännetecknas främst av att vara sjuksköterskor, kvinnor och av att ha studerat en kortare tid. I motsats är de minst benägna läsarna av facebooknyheter medie- och kommunikationsstudenter, män och personer som studerat en längre tid. Skillnaderna har sin grund dels i att kvinnor generellt använder det sociala nätverket mer än män, och dels i att olika utbildningar har skilda preferenser. Sjuksköterskor konsumerar frekvent nyheter på Facebook på grund av dess bekvämlighet och för att nyheterna ligger i deras intresse, medan mediestudenter oftare vänder sig till andra källor som ett resultat av att de vill täcka särskilda informationsbehov. Uppväxthem och föräldrarnas utbildningsnivå har inte visat sig vara av större betydelse för vem som är den mest frekventa nyhetskonsumenten på Facebook, inte heller graden av politiskt intresse. Här konsumerar både de med högt, medel och lågt intresse för politik dagligen nyheter på plattformen. Dock kan man se en tydlig dynamik mellan den förstnämnda och sistnämnda. De högt politiskt intresserade är de som i högst utsträckning följer en nyhets ursprungliga avsändare, samtidigt som dessa uppvisar en mer positiv inställning till interaktiviteten på Facebook där de kan dela, kommentera och diskutera nyheter. Därigenom blir de en primär nyhetspublik vilka sorterar ut och tolkar nyheter för de lågt politiskt intresserade, som i sin tur utmärks som en sekundär. Således influerar den primära publiken den sekundära med sina värderingar, åsikter och uppfattningar vilket enligt forskningen kan medföra en demokratisk utmaning. / The purpose of this study is to find out how big percentage of students that reads news on Facebook, and to identify what characterizes these people. The study is made with the knowledge that news seems to take more space in Facebook’s feed, which is something that contributes to larger gaps in people’s news consumption. Therefore, it will in the long run be relevant to extend the understanding of who these consumers are. The study has been carried out with a quantitative method in the shape of a survey. The empirical data has been retrieved by letting 114 respondents answer 17 questions concerning individual factors, their news consumption on Facebook and what advantages they see with the social platform. The sample has been limited to students at four different educational programs at the university of Karlstad; engineering, media and communications, economy and trade and nursing. The respondents have been reached by publishing the survey in the different groups on Facebook, belonging to each education. The theoretical starting point of the study is Uses and gratifications, Fields, Primary and secondary news audiences and previous research about news consumption both in a traditionally sense and on social media. There is a wide scientific belief that focuses on how the media is affecting the audience, but uses and gratifications instead, highlights the contrary - namely what the audience is doing with the media. That is why this theory is mainly used in this study. The results shows that 92 percent of all respondents read news on Facebook. Frequent readers, meaning the people that consume news on Facebook each day or several times a week, make up 49 percent of the total amount of students and thereby almost half of the totalt respondents. These frequent consumers are characterized mainly by the fact that they are students at the nursing program, females, and have been studying for a shorter period of time. In contrast, the least likely readers are students at the media and communications program, males, and those who have studied for a longer period of time. These differences are seen firstly because of the fact that females tend to spend more time on Facebook in general, and secondly since different educations have different preferences. The nurses frequently consumes news on Facebook because of its convenience and because they find that the news lies within their interests, while media students more often turn to other sources as a result of wanting to cover a certain need for information. Childhood home and the parent’s level of education have not shown to be of great significance to decide whether a person consumes news on Facebook, and neither has political interest. Both people with high, medium and low interest in politics daily consume news on the social platform. However, it is possible to see a clear dynamic between the first and last. Individuals with a high political interest tend to follow the original source of the news, whilst displaying a positive attitude to the interactivity on Facebook and the possibility to comment, discuss and share news. Because of this, they function as the primary news audience who sorts out and interpreters the news for the low politically interested, which, in turn, is characterized as the secondary news audience. Thus, the primary news audience influences the secondary with values, opinions and perceptions of the news, which according to research is something that could induce a democratic challenge.

Snappa, snacka, synas : En kvalitativ studie av tonåringars identitetsskapande i sociala medier / Snap, chat, appear : A qualitative study of teenagers' identity building on social media

Linnander, Mathilda, Tollbo, Sofia January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Motives for Instagram use connected to the Big Five personalities / Motiv för Instagram-användning kopplat till personlighetstyperna i Femfaktorteorin

Swillo, Natalia, Andersson, Michelle January 2018 (has links)
This study investigates if different personality types are connected to different motives for Instagram use. 187 participants with 150 females and 44 men were part of this study and they were recruited through a Facebook group. The findings were that there was no gender differences in the use of Instagram and that the most frequent motive for Instagram use was “Surveillance/knowledge about others”. People who scored high on the neurotic personality trait tended to use Instagram with “surveillance” as their motive, while extraverted people tend to use Instagram with “documentation” as their motive. People who score high on  openness mostly used Instagram with “creativity” as their motive, and people spend mostly 5 to 1 hour a day on the application. The conclusion is that different personality traits are connected to different motives for Instagram use but not all of the five in the Big Five. The ones that were connected to different motives were extraversion, openness and neuroticism. Conscientiousness and agreeableness had no connection to any of the motives. / Denna studie undersöker skillnader i personlighetstyper kopplat till olika motiv för Instagram-användning. 194 personer har deltagit i studien varav 150 stycken kvinnor och 44 män och de blev rekryterade via en Facebook-grupp. Inga könsskillnader i användandet av Instagram hittades och det främsta motivet för användning var "övervakning/kunskap om andra". Personer som har mycket av personlighetsdraget neuroticism tenderar att använda Instagram med "dokumentation" som deras motiv, och personer som har mycket av openness tenderar att ha "kreativitet" som deras motiv för Instagram-användning. Personer spenderar generellt 5 minuter till en timme om dagen i appen. Slutsatser som dras är att personer med olika personlighetstyper har olika motiv för användandet av Instagram men inte alla personlighetstyper i Femfaktorteorin. Personer som hade mycket av personlighetsdraget conscientiousness eller agreeableness hade ingen koppling till något av motiven.

What's the hype about esports? : A qualitative study about esports consumer motivation

Chang, Zining January 2019 (has links)
Esports som åskådarsport har fått en betydande publik under det senaste decenniet, det lockarnästan en halv miljard människor över hela världen och har även fått stöttning från storakända företag. Anledningen till varför människor tittar på esport är dock fortfarande inte välundersökt. Uses and Gratifications är en metod som fokuserar på åskådare och betraktar demsom aktiva konsumenter. Utifrån Uses and Gratifications teorier är syftet till denna kvalitativastudie att ta reda på vilka faktorer som kan påverka människors motivation att se på esport,samt hur esport definieras av och konsumeras av människor. Tio personer som är intresseradeav esport deltog i semi-strukturerade intervjuer, och resultatet visade att hedonisktillfredsställelse, social tillfredsställelse, funktionell tillfredsställelse och teknologisktillfredsställelse kan alla ha inverkan på konsumtionen av esport. Respondenterna ser esportsom ett bra sätt att passera tid och bli underhållna, de får social tillfredsställelse när deinteragerar med likasinnade personer. I spel kan de dokumentera och visa sina framsteg, ochpresentera och dela information om sig själva i relation till esport. De flesta respondenternaser fram emot esports framtid. / Esports as a spectator sport has gained a significant audience during the last decade, attractingalmost half a billion viewers worldwide and input from large well-known companies, but thereason as to why people watch esports is still not well studied. Adopting uses and gratificationapproaches - which is an approach that focuses on the audience and view them as activeconsumers, the aim of this qualitative study is to learn about what factors influence peoples’motive to watch esports, as well as how esports is being defined by people and how it isconsumed. Ten people who are interested in esports participated in semi-structured interviews.The result showed that hedonic gratification, social gratification, utilitarian gratification andtechnology gratification all can have impact on the consumption of esports. The respondentsconsider esports as a good way to pass time and to be entertained. They gain socialsatisfaction when interacting with likeminded people. In games, they are able to documentand show their progress, and to present and share information about themselves in relation toesports. Most of the respondents look forward to the future of esports.

Os demonstrativos : uma análise semântico-pragmática baseada em situações

Teixeira, Lovania Roehrig January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo discutir algumas das questões semântico- pragmáticas relacionadas com as descrições demonstrativas, especificamente aquelas ligadas aos usos dêiticos dessas expressões, os quais englobam, ao nosso ver, os usos dêiticos canônicos, os uso descritivos e os usos com referência deferida (NUNBERG, 1993, 2004; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008). Para realizar nossas análises, utilizamos a semântica de situações (KRATZER, 1989) e as noções de situação default e situa_c~ao não-default (WOLTER, 2006). Para iniciar a investigação, no Capítulo 1, retomamos conceitos da abordagem de Kaplan (1989), uma das pioneiras em relação ao es- tudo dos demonstrativos. Além disso, também expomos os principais aspectos da teoria de Wolter (2006) { uma abordagem semântico- pragmática elegante que tenta explicar diferentes usos das descrições demonstrativas através da semântica de situações. Utilizamos a teoria de Wolter (2006) como parâmetro de comparação pela sua importância e simplicidade em relação as outras abordagens. Por isso, a partir da abordagem da autora levantamos algumas questões no primeiro capítulo, as quais nortearam nossa investigação ao longo da tese. No Capítulo 2, detemo-nos no papel da demonstração nos usos dêiticos das descrições demonstrativas. Nossa investigação procurava entender se apontamentos (gestos físicos que acompanham e são importantes para a determinação do valor semântico das expressões dêiticas) são elemento\essenciais", no sentido de serem convencionalmente ligados às descrições demonstrativas. Concluímos que demonstrações e saliência são fatores ”não-essenciais" da semântica das descrições demonstrativas, porque eles podem ser substituídos por outros elementos dado um contexto adequado, ponto de vista que se aproxima da abordagem de Wolter (2006). No Capítulo 3, buscamos elucidar a influência e/ou a função semântica do conteúdo descritivo adicional na interpretação das descrições demonstrativas dêiticas. Tendo como pano de fundo a abordagem de Wolter (2006), suas noções de situação default e de situação não- default e suas análises dos \usos descritivos W" ou NDNS (KING, 2001), verificamos que a ideia da autora de que o material adicional introduz uma variável de situação extra na forma lógica _e uma assunção desnecessária. Afirmamos isso, com base na constatação de que o conteúdo descritivo adicional é o ultimo e o mais poderoso meio de restrição do domínio de referentes das descrições demonstrativas, i.e., ele é o elemento que assegura a unicidade quando outros elementos { apontamento, saliência, informação espacial do determinante não são suficientes. No Capítulo 4, analisamos os usos descritivos e os usos com referência deferida das descrições demonstrativas. Buscamos verificar a natureza e a importância do componente relacional, proposto por Nunberg (1993) e formalizado por Elbourne (2005), na semântica/pragmática dessas expressões. Concluímos, após análises empíricas, que o componente relacional é resultado de muitos processos pragmáticos, o que torna sua representação demasiadamente complexa e, muitas vezes, não completamente fiel aos processos envolvidos. Os usos descritivos e com referência deferida também serviram para elucidarmos o nível de semelhança/diferença semântico-pragmática das descrições demonstrativas e das descrições definidas. Chegamos à conclusão que devido às diferenças nos processos de interpretação desses dois grupos de expressões, aspecto evidenciado pelos usos descritivos e com referência deferida, elas não devem ser consideradas expressões similares do ponto de vista semântico-pragmático, apesar de alguns autores afirmarem o contrário (WOLTER, 2006; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008, entre outros). / This dissertation aims to discuss some of the main points about seman- tics and pragmatics of demonstratives descriptions, speci cally those related to deictic uses of these expressions, which in our point of view include canonical deictic uses, descriptive uses and, uses with deferred reference (NUNBERG, 1993, 2004; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008). We use the situations semantics (KRATZER, 1989) and conceptions of default situation and non-default situation (WOLTER, 2006) to work in our analyzes. To begin the investigation, in Chapter 1, we recall concepts from Kaplan's approach (1989), one of the pioneers in relation to the study of demonstratives. In addition, we also discuss the main aspects of Wolter's theory (2006); an elegant semantic-pragmatic approach that tries to explain different uses of demonstrative descriptions through situation semantics. Wolter (2006) is our parameter of comparison for its importance and simplicity. Because of this, in this chapter we also raise some questions related to Wolter's theory which guide our investigation throughout the thesis. The purpose of Chapter 2 is analyzing the role of demonstration in deictic uses of demonstrative descriptions. Our investigation tryes to explain whether pointings (physical gestures associated to deictic ex- pressions and important to semantic value determination) are \essential elements" in the sense of being conventionally related to demonstrative descriptions. We conclude that demonstrations and salience are \non- essential" elements to the semantics of the demonstrative descriptions, mainly because they can be replaced by other elements given a suitable context. In Chapter 3, our focus is to elucidate the semantic in uence and/or the semantic function of additional descriptive content in the interpretation of deictic demonstrative descriptions. Our investigation is based on Wolter's approach (2006), her concepts of default and non-default situations and her analysis of \W descriptive uses" or NDNS's uses (KING, 2001) { these uses are distintc from deictic uses, but they also have additional descriptive content associated with demonstrative descriptions. We conclude that Wolter's conception, in which the additional material introduces an extra situation variable in logical form, is an unnecessary assumption. We affirm this, based on examples where the additional descriptive content is the last resource and the most powerful means of restricting the domain of reference of demons- trative descriptions, i.e., it is the element that ensures the uniqueness when other elements, such as pointing, contextual salience and, spatial information of the determiner, are not enough to do this. In Chapter 4, we analyze descriptive uses and uses with deferred reference of demonstrative descriptions. We verify the nature and the importance of the relational component, proposed by Nunberg (1993) and formalized by Elbourne (2005), in the semantics / pragmatics of these expressions. We conclude, after empirical analysis, that the relational component is the result of many pragmatic processes. This complexity makes its formal representation too complicated and often not completely faithful to all the processes involved in interpretation. The descriptive uses and uses with deferred reference also contributed to elucidate the semantics / pragmatics level of similarity / difference between demonstrative descriptions and de nite descriptions. We conclude that the distinct processes of interpretation of these two groups of expressions are relevant, so they should not be considered similar expressions from the semantic-pragmatic point of view, although some authors affirm the opposite (WOLTER, 2006; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008, among others).

Os demonstrativos : uma análise semântico-pragmática baseada em situações

Teixeira, Lovania Roehrig January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo discutir algumas das questões semântico- pragmáticas relacionadas com as descrições demonstrativas, especificamente aquelas ligadas aos usos dêiticos dessas expressões, os quais englobam, ao nosso ver, os usos dêiticos canônicos, os uso descritivos e os usos com referência deferida (NUNBERG, 1993, 2004; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008). Para realizar nossas análises, utilizamos a semântica de situações (KRATZER, 1989) e as noções de situação default e situa_c~ao não-default (WOLTER, 2006). Para iniciar a investigação, no Capítulo 1, retomamos conceitos da abordagem de Kaplan (1989), uma das pioneiras em relação ao es- tudo dos demonstrativos. Além disso, também expomos os principais aspectos da teoria de Wolter (2006) { uma abordagem semântico- pragmática elegante que tenta explicar diferentes usos das descrições demonstrativas através da semântica de situações. Utilizamos a teoria de Wolter (2006) como parâmetro de comparação pela sua importância e simplicidade em relação as outras abordagens. Por isso, a partir da abordagem da autora levantamos algumas questões no primeiro capítulo, as quais nortearam nossa investigação ao longo da tese. No Capítulo 2, detemo-nos no papel da demonstração nos usos dêiticos das descrições demonstrativas. Nossa investigação procurava entender se apontamentos (gestos físicos que acompanham e são importantes para a determinação do valor semântico das expressões dêiticas) são elemento\essenciais", no sentido de serem convencionalmente ligados às descrições demonstrativas. Concluímos que demonstrações e saliência são fatores ”não-essenciais" da semântica das descrições demonstrativas, porque eles podem ser substituídos por outros elementos dado um contexto adequado, ponto de vista que se aproxima da abordagem de Wolter (2006). No Capítulo 3, buscamos elucidar a influência e/ou a função semântica do conteúdo descritivo adicional na interpretação das descrições demonstrativas dêiticas. Tendo como pano de fundo a abordagem de Wolter (2006), suas noções de situação default e de situação não- default e suas análises dos \usos descritivos W" ou NDNS (KING, 2001), verificamos que a ideia da autora de que o material adicional introduz uma variável de situação extra na forma lógica _e uma assunção desnecessária. Afirmamos isso, com base na constatação de que o conteúdo descritivo adicional é o ultimo e o mais poderoso meio de restrição do domínio de referentes das descrições demonstrativas, i.e., ele é o elemento que assegura a unicidade quando outros elementos { apontamento, saliência, informação espacial do determinante não são suficientes. No Capítulo 4, analisamos os usos descritivos e os usos com referência deferida das descrições demonstrativas. Buscamos verificar a natureza e a importância do componente relacional, proposto por Nunberg (1993) e formalizado por Elbourne (2005), na semântica/pragmática dessas expressões. Concluímos, após análises empíricas, que o componente relacional é resultado de muitos processos pragmáticos, o que torna sua representação demasiadamente complexa e, muitas vezes, não completamente fiel aos processos envolvidos. Os usos descritivos e com referência deferida também serviram para elucidarmos o nível de semelhança/diferença semântico-pragmática das descrições demonstrativas e das descrições definidas. Chegamos à conclusão que devido às diferenças nos processos de interpretação desses dois grupos de expressões, aspecto evidenciado pelos usos descritivos e com referência deferida, elas não devem ser consideradas expressões similares do ponto de vista semântico-pragmático, apesar de alguns autores afirmarem o contrário (WOLTER, 2006; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008, entre outros). / This dissertation aims to discuss some of the main points about seman- tics and pragmatics of demonstratives descriptions, speci cally those related to deictic uses of these expressions, which in our point of view include canonical deictic uses, descriptive uses and, uses with deferred reference (NUNBERG, 1993, 2004; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008). We use the situations semantics (KRATZER, 1989) and conceptions of default situation and non-default situation (WOLTER, 2006) to work in our analyzes. To begin the investigation, in Chapter 1, we recall concepts from Kaplan's approach (1989), one of the pioneers in relation to the study of demonstratives. In addition, we also discuss the main aspects of Wolter's theory (2006); an elegant semantic-pragmatic approach that tries to explain different uses of demonstrative descriptions through situation semantics. Wolter (2006) is our parameter of comparison for its importance and simplicity. Because of this, in this chapter we also raise some questions related to Wolter's theory which guide our investigation throughout the thesis. The purpose of Chapter 2 is analyzing the role of demonstration in deictic uses of demonstrative descriptions. Our investigation tryes to explain whether pointings (physical gestures associated to deictic ex- pressions and important to semantic value determination) are \essential elements" in the sense of being conventionally related to demonstrative descriptions. We conclude that demonstrations and salience are \non- essential" elements to the semantics of the demonstrative descriptions, mainly because they can be replaced by other elements given a suitable context. In Chapter 3, our focus is to elucidate the semantic in uence and/or the semantic function of additional descriptive content in the interpretation of deictic demonstrative descriptions. Our investigation is based on Wolter's approach (2006), her concepts of default and non-default situations and her analysis of \W descriptive uses" or NDNS's uses (KING, 2001) { these uses are distintc from deictic uses, but they also have additional descriptive content associated with demonstrative descriptions. We conclude that Wolter's conception, in which the additional material introduces an extra situation variable in logical form, is an unnecessary assumption. We affirm this, based on examples where the additional descriptive content is the last resource and the most powerful means of restricting the domain of reference of demons- trative descriptions, i.e., it is the element that ensures the uniqueness when other elements, such as pointing, contextual salience and, spatial information of the determiner, are not enough to do this. In Chapter 4, we analyze descriptive uses and uses with deferred reference of demonstrative descriptions. We verify the nature and the importance of the relational component, proposed by Nunberg (1993) and formalized by Elbourne (2005), in the semantics / pragmatics of these expressions. We conclude, after empirical analysis, that the relational component is the result of many pragmatic processes. This complexity makes its formal representation too complicated and often not completely faithful to all the processes involved in interpretation. The descriptive uses and uses with deferred reference also contributed to elucidate the semantics / pragmatics level of similarity / difference between demonstrative descriptions and de nite descriptions. We conclude that the distinct processes of interpretation of these two groups of expressions are relevant, so they should not be considered similar expressions from the semantic-pragmatic point of view, although some authors affirm the opposite (WOLTER, 2006; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008, among others).

Os demonstrativos : uma análise semântico-pragmática baseada em situações

Teixeira, Lovania Roehrig January 2017 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivo discutir algumas das questões semântico- pragmáticas relacionadas com as descrições demonstrativas, especificamente aquelas ligadas aos usos dêiticos dessas expressões, os quais englobam, ao nosso ver, os usos dêiticos canônicos, os uso descritivos e os usos com referência deferida (NUNBERG, 1993, 2004; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008). Para realizar nossas análises, utilizamos a semântica de situações (KRATZER, 1989) e as noções de situação default e situa_c~ao não-default (WOLTER, 2006). Para iniciar a investigação, no Capítulo 1, retomamos conceitos da abordagem de Kaplan (1989), uma das pioneiras em relação ao es- tudo dos demonstrativos. Além disso, também expomos os principais aspectos da teoria de Wolter (2006) { uma abordagem semântico- pragmática elegante que tenta explicar diferentes usos das descrições demonstrativas através da semântica de situações. Utilizamos a teoria de Wolter (2006) como parâmetro de comparação pela sua importância e simplicidade em relação as outras abordagens. Por isso, a partir da abordagem da autora levantamos algumas questões no primeiro capítulo, as quais nortearam nossa investigação ao longo da tese. No Capítulo 2, detemo-nos no papel da demonstração nos usos dêiticos das descrições demonstrativas. Nossa investigação procurava entender se apontamentos (gestos físicos que acompanham e são importantes para a determinação do valor semântico das expressões dêiticas) são elemento\essenciais", no sentido de serem convencionalmente ligados às descrições demonstrativas. Concluímos que demonstrações e saliência são fatores ”não-essenciais" da semântica das descrições demonstrativas, porque eles podem ser substituídos por outros elementos dado um contexto adequado, ponto de vista que se aproxima da abordagem de Wolter (2006). No Capítulo 3, buscamos elucidar a influência e/ou a função semântica do conteúdo descritivo adicional na interpretação das descrições demonstrativas dêiticas. Tendo como pano de fundo a abordagem de Wolter (2006), suas noções de situação default e de situação não- default e suas análises dos \usos descritivos W" ou NDNS (KING, 2001), verificamos que a ideia da autora de que o material adicional introduz uma variável de situação extra na forma lógica _e uma assunção desnecessária. Afirmamos isso, com base na constatação de que o conteúdo descritivo adicional é o ultimo e o mais poderoso meio de restrição do domínio de referentes das descrições demonstrativas, i.e., ele é o elemento que assegura a unicidade quando outros elementos { apontamento, saliência, informação espacial do determinante não são suficientes. No Capítulo 4, analisamos os usos descritivos e os usos com referência deferida das descrições demonstrativas. Buscamos verificar a natureza e a importância do componente relacional, proposto por Nunberg (1993) e formalizado por Elbourne (2005), na semântica/pragmática dessas expressões. Concluímos, após análises empíricas, que o componente relacional é resultado de muitos processos pragmáticos, o que torna sua representação demasiadamente complexa e, muitas vezes, não completamente fiel aos processos envolvidos. Os usos descritivos e com referência deferida também serviram para elucidarmos o nível de semelhança/diferença semântico-pragmática das descrições demonstrativas e das descrições definidas. Chegamos à conclusão que devido às diferenças nos processos de interpretação desses dois grupos de expressões, aspecto evidenciado pelos usos descritivos e com referência deferida, elas não devem ser consideradas expressões similares do ponto de vista semântico-pragmático, apesar de alguns autores afirmarem o contrário (WOLTER, 2006; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008, entre outros). / This dissertation aims to discuss some of the main points about seman- tics and pragmatics of demonstratives descriptions, speci cally those related to deictic uses of these expressions, which in our point of view include canonical deictic uses, descriptive uses and, uses with deferred reference (NUNBERG, 1993, 2004; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008). We use the situations semantics (KRATZER, 1989) and conceptions of default situation and non-default situation (WOLTER, 2006) to work in our analyzes. To begin the investigation, in Chapter 1, we recall concepts from Kaplan's approach (1989), one of the pioneers in relation to the study of demonstratives. In addition, we also discuss the main aspects of Wolter's theory (2006); an elegant semantic-pragmatic approach that tries to explain different uses of demonstrative descriptions through situation semantics. Wolter (2006) is our parameter of comparison for its importance and simplicity. Because of this, in this chapter we also raise some questions related to Wolter's theory which guide our investigation throughout the thesis. The purpose of Chapter 2 is analyzing the role of demonstration in deictic uses of demonstrative descriptions. Our investigation tryes to explain whether pointings (physical gestures associated to deictic ex- pressions and important to semantic value determination) are \essential elements" in the sense of being conventionally related to demonstrative descriptions. We conclude that demonstrations and salience are \non- essential" elements to the semantics of the demonstrative descriptions, mainly because they can be replaced by other elements given a suitable context. In Chapter 3, our focus is to elucidate the semantic in uence and/or the semantic function of additional descriptive content in the interpretation of deictic demonstrative descriptions. Our investigation is based on Wolter's approach (2006), her concepts of default and non-default situations and her analysis of \W descriptive uses" or NDNS's uses (KING, 2001) { these uses are distintc from deictic uses, but they also have additional descriptive content associated with demonstrative descriptions. We conclude that Wolter's conception, in which the additional material introduces an extra situation variable in logical form, is an unnecessary assumption. We affirm this, based on examples where the additional descriptive content is the last resource and the most powerful means of restricting the domain of reference of demons- trative descriptions, i.e., it is the element that ensures the uniqueness when other elements, such as pointing, contextual salience and, spatial information of the determiner, are not enough to do this. In Chapter 4, we analyze descriptive uses and uses with deferred reference of demonstrative descriptions. We verify the nature and the importance of the relational component, proposed by Nunberg (1993) and formalized by Elbourne (2005), in the semantics / pragmatics of these expressions. We conclude, after empirical analysis, that the relational component is the result of many pragmatic processes. This complexity makes its formal representation too complicated and often not completely faithful to all the processes involved in interpretation. The descriptive uses and uses with deferred reference also contributed to elucidate the semantics / pragmatics level of similarity / difference between demonstrative descriptions and de nite descriptions. We conclude that the distinct processes of interpretation of these two groups of expressions are relevant, so they should not be considered similar expressions from the semantic-pragmatic point of view, although some authors affirm the opposite (WOLTER, 2006; ELBOURNE, 2005, 2008, among others).

Kan kreativitet manipuleras? : En experimentell studie om hur prestationskrav under tidspress påverkar kreativiteten / Can creativity be manipulated? : An experimental study on how performance requirements during explicit time constraint affect creativity

Agestad, Emma, Lindgren, Mia January 2017 (has links)
Kreativitet är ett populärt begrepp som frekvent förekommer i arbetslivet. Trots begreppets popularitet varierar förutsättningar till att vara kreativ mellan arbetsplatser, och många medarbetare upplever att de inte får utlopp för sin kreativitet i sin arbetsroll. Den föreliggande studiens syfte låg därmed i att undersöka hur olika förutsättningar kan påverka kreativiteten. De två frågeställningar som besvarades var: a) Kan individers kreativa prestation manipuleras av prestationskrav under uttalad tidspress? b) Kan individers självskattade kreativitet manipuleras av prestationskrav under uttalad tidspress? En experimentell studie utfördes med totalt 89 deltagare randomiserat fördelade i två grupper. Experimentgrupp 1 hade totalt 47 deltagare, varav 23 kvinnor (48.9%) och Experimentgrupp 2 hade totalt 42 deltagare, varav 15 kvinnor (35.7%). Experimenten genomfördes individuellt och enskilt med en deltagare åt gången. De mätinstrument som användes var Guilfords (1967) Alternative Uses Task för att mäta kreativitet och Mini-IPIP6 för att även kontrollera för personlighetsdrag. Det aktuella föremålet i Alternative Uses Task var en kaffemugg som deltagarna skulle komma på alternativa användningsområden till. Experimentgrupp 1 fick ett prestationskrav att komma på minst 15 alternativ samt uttalad tidspress. Experimentgrupp 2 utförde samma kreativa uppgift, men hade inget prestationskrav och ingen uttalad tidspress. Data analyserades med hjälp av IBM SPSS och de analysverktyg som användes var Pearsons korrelation (r), oberoende t-test och Repeated Measures ANOVA. Resultaten visade 1) att Experimentgrupp 1 producerade fler kreativa idéer än Experimentgrupp 2, men att Experimentgrupp 2 hade signifikant högre kreativ kvalitet på sina idéer än Experimentgrupp 1. Vidare visade resultaten 2) att manipulationen inte hade en signifikant effekt på den självskattade kreativiteten när personlighetsdraget Openness kontrollerades för. / Creativity is a popular term that frequently occurs in the working life. Despite its popularity, the possibility to be creative varies a lot between work places, and many employees feel that they do not have a creative outlet in their work role. The purpose of the present study was to examine how different conditions could affect creativity. The two questions that this study intended to answer was: a) Can individuals' creative performance be manipulated by performance requirements during explicit time constraint? b) Can individuals' self-rated creativity be manipulated by performance requirements during explicit time constraint? An experimental study was conducted with a total of 89 participants randomly distributed into two groups. Experimental group 1 had a total of 47 participants, of which 23 women (48.9%) and Experimental group 2 had a total of 42 participants, of which 15 women (35.7%). The experiments were conducted individually with one participant at a time. The measuring instruments used were Guilford's (1967) Alternative Uses Task to measure creativity and Mini-IPIP6 to control for personality. The current item used in Alternative Uses Task was a coffee mug that the participants were assigned to write down as many alternative uses for as possible. Experimental group 1 had a performance requirement to write down a minimum of 15 alternative uses and an explicit time constraint. Experimental group 2 did the same task, but without performance requirement and no explicit time constraint. The collected data was analysed with IBM SPSS and the tools used for the analyses was Pearson's correlation (r), independent t-test and Repeated Measures ANOVA. The results showed a) that Experimental group 1 produced a higher number of creative ideas than Experimental group 2, but that Experimental group 2 had a significantly higher creative quality on their ideas than Experimental group 1. Further the results showed b) that it was not possible to manipulate the self-rated creativity when the personality trait Openness was controlled for.

Du gamla, du trygga, du fria : Bruk av nostalgi i svensk politik 2010-2022 / Thou old, thou safe, thou free : Uses of nostalgia in Swedish politics 2010-2022

Englund, Carl January 2023 (has links)
This master thesis is concerned with nostalgia and the uses of nostalgia in Swedish politics. Nostalgia as a political tool has been used to great effect through out the western world in the last decades, with the most notable examples being for instance Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in the USA or the success of Brexit in the United Kingdom. The rising frequency of nostalgia in politics has led some scholars to suggest that we are living in the age of nostalgia. Despite this, and the fact that scholars from multiple disciplins agree that nostalgia is a tool not just used by populist parties, there are few studies regarding the use of nostalgia as a political tool in Sweden that does not solely focus on the use of nostalgia by said populist parties. This thesis therefore seeks to fill a knowledge gap and study the use of nostalgia by different parts of the Swedish political sphere. The source material examined in the study is the political commercials made by the eight different parties in the Swedish Parliament in the time period of 2010-2022. The research questions of the thesis concerns to which extent nostalgia is used in Swedish politics, how nostalgia appears in the political advertisement, which political messages it is loaded with and which role the use of nostalgia play in the political parties visions of the future. The thesis is divided into two parts, with the first part studying to which extent nostalgia is present in the source material. By using a qualitative content analys to gather the nostalgic allusions in the commercials, and by also dividing the allusions into aestethic and explicit nostalgia to show that nostalgia can also be present in the visual aspects of the commercials, the result of the study show that nostalgic allusions are present in commercials from all parties during the time period, although some parties use it more than others. The second part of the analysis focuses on the uses of nostalgia by three parties with different ideologies in the Swedish parliament, The Social Democrats, The Left Party and The Sweden Democrats. The analysis is done by analysing the uses of nostalgia in the three parties political commercials as uses of history. The results indicate that all three parties uses vague nostalgic uses of history as a way of looking back at a past that is a perfect snapshot of a golden age of society, in contrast to the chaotic present. The past thus becomes something we need to return to in order to change society for the better. It also shows that the three parties all seem to be nostalgic for the same vague time period in which the Swedish peoples home was strong, even though they have different views on what the peoples home actually constitutes.

Varför tittar man på eSport? : En kvalitativ studie utifrån uses & gratifications om vad som leder till att publik tittar på eSport / Why Are They Watching eSport? : A Study Based on Uses & Gratifications on Why Young Adults Watches eSport

Gustavsson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Följande studie hanterar ämnet eSport. Med hjälp av uses & gratifications theory kommer eSportpublik studeras och analyseras, med syftet att förstå vilka motivationer som leder till att man vill titta på eSport. Studien kommer med hjälp av kvalitativ metod, det vill säga intervjuer och observationer, med tillämpande mini enkäter i observationerna studera publiken som tittar på eSport. Uses & gratifications är en teori som ofta tillämpas vid kvalitativ metod då de gratifikationer man analyserar är enkelt tillämpbara i intervjufrågor. Studien kom fram till att de viktigaste gratifikationerna för eSportpublik var underhållning samt tidsfördriv. Viktigt är det att notera att dessa faktorer var uppmuntrande för tolkning, där informanter har gett olika definitioner av samma faktorer, samt ger flera förklaringar på samma ord. Det är utifrån denna syn som arbetet har analyserats och ge ett definitivt svar på frågan varför publiken tittar på eSport. / The following essay studies the subject of eSport. The concept audience will be analysed with help of the uses & gratifications theory to create an understanding about the audience in eSport. The study will also with the help of qualitative methods, to be specific interviews and observations, with an applied mini- survey in the observations study the audiences of eSport. Uses & gratifications is a theory that a lot of the time is applicable in qualitative methods because the gratifications that are analyzed very often are easily applicable when writing questions for interviews. The result was that the most important gratifications for the audience of eSport was entertainment and killing time. It’s also important to note that these factors were encouraged for interpretation, and given multiple explanations regarding the same word. It’s based on this view that the study has been analyzed and given a definitive answer on the question why the audience watches eSport.

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