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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comprendre le développement et la structuration de « l’espace des « socio-sports » rennais / Understand the development and structuration of the Rennes « socio-sport » area

Collet, Camille 28 November 2018 (has links)
L’impulsion donnée par les organes déconcentrés de l’État et la municipalité a contribué au développement des pratiques socio-sportives rennaises, grâce à l’action de structures appartenant à des secteurs divers. Cette dynamique à laquelle nous avons été associée nous a incitée à entreprendre une thèse afin de dresser un portrait du paysage socio-sportif local. Financée par le Cercle Paul Bert, la Ligue de l’Enseignement et l’UFOLEP, notre recherche s’est attachée à comprendre, à travers une démarche sociologique et qualitative, comment ce dernier se développait et se structurait. L’élaboration d’un « espace des « socio-sports », construit à partir de deux axes : l’approche de la pratique sportive et celle des publics en nous appuyant sur la théorie de l’intégration de R. Castel (1995), nous a permis d’identifier les acteurs et actrices qui se revendiquaient du « socio-sport » et de comprendre leur positionnement à la fois symbolique et pratique. La diversité des approches et des démarches observée sur le terrain contredit l’idée d’une unicité du « socio-sport » et d’un accord sur une définition unique, légitime. Une tension est présente entre plusieurs modèles, principalement celui reposant sur le modèle du sport de compétition et un autre modèle plutôt intégrateur voire inclusif. Ces tensions se cristallisent autour d’enjeux matériels, de moyens humains, financiers et symboliques : identitaires, territoriaux. Toutefois, l’analyse des approches et des démarches a fait ressortir des convergences, de possibles « caractéristiques » du « socio-sport », notamment une démarche d’« aller vers » les publics les plus éloignés de la pratique sportive et la nécessité, pour intervenir efficacement sur les territoires, de développer des partenariats. Ce travail de thèse répond à la volonté de proposer aux protagonistes un regard sur le paysage socio-sportif rennais leur permettant de ne plus l’envisager principalement sous l’angle concurrentiel mais complémentaire. / The impetus given by the decentralized state’s organs and municipality contributed in the social and sports practices development in Rennes thanks to the structures action belonging to various sectors. We have been associated to this dynamic, has prompted us to undertake a thesis in order to draw a portrait on the socio-sports landscape. Funded by the Cercle Paul Bert, La Ligue de l’Enseignement and UFOLEP, our research focused on understanding, through a sociological and qualitative approach, how this last one developed and structured itself. The elaboration of a "sociosports" space, built from two axes: the approach of sport’s practice and the one of the public, based on the theory of the integration of R. Castel (1995), allowed us to identify the actors and actresses who claimed to be "socio-sport" and to understand their positioning, both symbolic and practical.The diversity of approaches and approaches observed on the situation contradicts the idea of a single "socio-sport" and an agreement on a single and a legitimate definition. There is a tension between several models, mainly one based on the sport competition model and another rather integrative or inclusive model. These tensions crystallize around material issues, human, financial and symbolic means: identity, territorial. However, the analysis of approaches and processes revealed some convergences, some possible "characteristics" of "socio-sport", including an approach of "going towards" the most remote publics of the sport and the necessity, to intervene effectively in the territories, to develop partnerships. This thesis work responds to the desire to offer to the protagonists a look at the Rennes socio-sport landscape allowing them to no longer consider it primarily from a competitive perspective but from a complementary one.

Nicotine Sensitization in a Rodent Model of Schizophrenia: A Comparison of Adolescents, Adults, and Neurotrophic Factors.

Perna, Marla Kay 05 May 2007 (has links)
The behavioral effects of nicotine on locomotor activity in a rodent model of psychosis were analyzed. This model is based on neonatal quinpriole treatment (a dopamine D2/D3 agonist) which causes increased D2 receptor sensitivity, a phenomenon known as D2 priming that is common in schizophrenia. D2-primed adolescent rats did not demonstrate nicotine-induced hypoactivity early in training, and males demonstrated more rapid sensitization to nicotine as compared to controls administered nicotine. D2-primed females administered nicotine demonstrated increased stereotypic behavior. D2-primed adult rats given nicotine demonstrated significantly more robust sensitization to nicotine than controls given nicotine. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was analyzed in the nucleus accumbens. BDNF was significantly increased in nicotine treated adolescent females but was not affected in males. Nicotine alleviated BDNF deficits in D2-primed adults. These results suggest that sensitization to nicotine in D2-primed rats is age dependent, and nicotine induced changes in BDNF that is age and sexdependent.

Analyse comparative des différents produits satellitaires d'estimation des précipitations en Amazonie brésilienne / comparative analysis of different satellite products for estimation of precipitation in the Brazilian Amazon / Análise comparativa dos diferentes produtos de satélite para estimativa de precipitação na Amazônia Brasileira

Delahaye, Florian 15 April 2013 (has links)
Les circulations atmosphériques synoptiques et locales expliquent les variabilités spatiotemporelles des précipitations en Amazonie brésilienne. Ce vaste espace géographique est caractérisé par un réseau pluviométrique peu dense et hétérogène qui limite un suivi exhaustif des pluies. La télédétection est alors l´outil préférentiel afin de pallier cette lacune spatiale. Toutefois, les estimations quantitatives des précipitations (QPE) dérivées des domaines spectraux des infrarouges (IR) et Micro-ondes (MO), ou de techniques multi canaux souffrent d´erreurs. Les sources d´incertitudes et biais des QPE peuvent provenir de la calibration des capteurs, de l´algorithmie et de l´échantillonnage des champs de pluie. Dans cette thèse, l´évaluation des algorithmes TRMM3B42(v6), CMORPH et PERSIANN s´appuie sur une base de données pluviométriques dont la fiabilité est assurée par un contrôle de qualité rigoureux. Sur la période 2003-2009, l’inter comparaison des produits satellitaires montre un faible accord (coefficient de détermination < 0,30) avec la base de référence en Amazonie brésilienne Légale. TRMM3B42(v6) présente la meilleure performance avec un échantillonnage correct des champs de pluie. En outre, un cas d’études montre que les erreurs des QPE par satellite sont plus importantes en milieu forestier, notamment pour le produit MO MWCOMB. Enfin, la correction des grilles satellitaires par PDF Matching permet de réaliser une analyse climatologique approfondie et améliorée par rapport à la base de référence / Synoptic and local atmospheric circulations explain the spatiotemporal variability of rainfall in the Brazilian Amazon. This wide geographical area is characterized by a sparse and heterogeneous rain gauges network, which limits an exhaustive monitoring of rainfall. Remote sensing is then the preferred tool to fill this gap space. However, quantitative precipitation estimates (QPE) derived from spectral Infrared (IR) and Microwave (MW), or multi-channel techniques suffer from errors. Sources of uncertainty and bias of QPE may come from the sensor calibration, the algorithms and sampling of rain fields. In this thesis, the evaluation of algorithms TRMM3B42(v6), CMORPH and PERSIANN relies on a rain gauges database which reliability is assured by rigorous quality control. Over the period 2003-2009, the inter comparison of satellite products show low agreement (coefficient of determination < 0.30) with reference database in the Legal brazilian Amazon. TRMM3B42(v6) has the best performance with a correct sampling of rain fields. In addition, a case study shows that satellite QPE errors are larger in the forest, including the product MW MWCOMB. Finally, the satellite grids correction by PDF Matching allows a detailed and improved climatologically analysis compared with reference database / Circulações atmosféricas sinóticas e locais explicam a variabilidade espaço-temporal das chuvas na Amazônia brasileira. Esta vasta área geográfica é caracterizada por uma rede pluviômetrica heterogênea, o que limita um monitoramento exaustivo da chuva. O sensoriamento remoto é então a ferramenta adequada para preencher este espaço vazio. No entanto, estimativas quantitativas de precipitação (QPE) derivadas do espectro Infravermelho (IR) e Microondas (MO), ou técnicas multi-canais sofrem erros. Fontes de incerteza e de viés das QPE podem vir a partir da calibração de sensores, dos algoritmos e da amostragem de chuva. Nesta tese, a avaliação dos algoritmos TRMM3B42(v6), PERSIANN e CMORPH se baseia em um banco de dados pluviométricos cujo a confiabilidade assegurada por rigoroso controle de qualidade. Durante o período 2003-2009, a comparação dos produtos de satélite mostram baixa concordância (coeficiente de determinação < 0,30) com a base de referência na Amazônia brasileira Legal. TRMM3B42(v6) tem o melhor esempenho com uma amostragem correta da chuva. Além disso, um estudo de caso mostra que os erros das QPE por satélite são maiores na floresta, incluindo o produto MO MWCOMB. Finalmente, a correção das grades de satélite por PDF Matching permite uma análise climatológica detalhada e melhorada em relação a base de referência

Conception des systèmes mécaniques complexes en comportement dynamique. Contribution à une démarche physico-fiabiliste à partir d'un système à pile à combustible pour véhicule électrique à hydrogène / Design of complex mechanical systems with dynamic behavior contribution to a physical-reliability-based approach from a fuel cell system for hydrogen electric vehicle

Collong, Sophie 07 April 2016 (has links)
L ’intégration de systèmes mécaniques complexes soumis à des environnements vibratoirescontraignants nécessite de tenir compte, dès la conception, des sollicitations réelles d’usage.La thèse montre que l’environnement vibratoire ainsi que la durée d’exposition dépendent del’utilisation qui sera faite d’un système tout au long de son cycle de vie. L’ évaluation de sonl’utilisation repose sur l’ évolution conjointe du comportement des utilisateurs et du développementde la technologie du système.L’analyse de la sûreté de fonctionnement d’un système mécanique complexe a permis de considérerle système dans son ensemble et d’investiguer ainsi de fac¸on approfondie le comportementdynamique de composants critiques. La modélisation simple de systèmes mécaniques précisequalitativement et quantitativement les comportements dynamiques principaux et simule lessollicitations vibratoires auxquelles un composant critique identifié est soumis. Sur cette base, lamodélisation du comportement d’un composant mécanique permet d’ évaluer le dommage par fatiguequ’il subira. Cet indicateur apporte au concepteur une aide aux choix de la géométrie du composant.Enfin, l’environnement climatique ainsi que des impacts li ´es au fonctionnement interne du système,ont ´ et ´e pris en compte par la réalisation d’essais vibro-climatiques en fonctionnement. Ces étudesont été menées sur un système à pile à combustible intégré à un véhicule électrique à hydrogène.Elles ont permis de mettre au point un cheminement comme appui `a la conception des systèmesmécaniques complexes.Le cheminement pluridisciplinaire propos´e dans cette thèse repose donc sur l’interaction de travauxde recherche issus principalement des domaines de la sociologie, de la sûreté de fonctionnement etde la mécanique. / The integration of complex mechanical systems subject to stringent vibration environments requiresconsideration of the real conditions of use from the beginning of the design phase.The thesis shows that the vibration environment and the duration of exposure to this environmentdepend on the use of the system throughout its life cycle. The evaluation of its use is based on thejoint evolution of both the user behavior and the system technology development.The dependability analysis of a complex mechanical system leads to consider the system as a wholeand thus to investigate in depth the dynamic behavior of critical components. A basic modeling ofthe mechanical system allows to qualitatively and quantitatively identify key dynamic behaviors anddetermines the vibration loads to which selected critical components are subjected. On this basis,modeling the behavior of a mechanical component leads to assess its fatigue damage. This indicatorhelps the designer in his choice of component geometry.Finally, the climatic environment as well as effects related to the internal functioning of the system,have been taken into account by performing vibro-climatic tests of on an operating systems, i.e. a fuelcell system integrated into a hydrogen electric vehicle. This helped to develop a procedure to supportthe design of complex mechanical systems.

Effect of Leaving Ligands of Platinum(II) Diamine Complexes on DNA and Protein Residues

Kolli, Ramya 01 May 2013 (has links)
Platinum compounds are widely used drugs in cancer treatments. Although DNA is the biological target, reaction of platinum compounds with proteins is also potentially significant. Our objective is to study the effects of leaving ligands on the relative reactivity between 5'-GMP (guanosine 5' phosphate), a key DNA target, and N-Acetyl - L-Methionine (N-AcMet), a key protein target. We have used NMR spectroscopy to monitor reactions with N-AcMet and 5'-GMP added to a platinum complex to see which products are formed preferentially. Previous research showed that both a non-bulky complex such as [Pt(en)(D2O)2]2+ [en=ethylenediamine], and a bulky complex such as [Pt(Me4en)(D2O)2]2+ [Me4en= N, N, N', N'-tetramethylethylenediamine] react more quickly with 5'-GMP than with N-AcMet. To improve the activity of platinum compounds in our current research, oxalates as leaving ligands are used. The results suggest that [Pt(en)(Ox)] [Ox= oxalate] reacts faster with N-AcMet than with 5'-GMP. Also, [Pt(Me4en)(Ox)] reacts slowly with 5'-GMP without N-AcMet and the reaction favors N-AcMet when both ligands are added simultaneously. Interestingly, the formation of the sulfur-oxygen chelate is slow enough to be observable in the oxalate reaction; but the mono product is not independently observed in the dinitrate complex.

An examination of subsidies provided by public universities to affiliated foundations

Hughes, Peter Mark 18 April 1990 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the degree to which public universities are providing subsidies to tax-exempt, non-profit, legally distinct corporations which serve as university-affiliated foundations. Specifically, this investigation sought to determine (a) the percentage of universities providing subsidies, (b) the types of subsidies provided, (c) the dollar value of subsidies provided by the universities, and (d) whether statistically significant differences exist among the categories of the value of the foundations' endowed funds, university size, and the amounts of foundation unrestricted and restricted expenditures with respect to the presence, type, and dollar ranges of subsidies provided by universities to their affiliated foundations. A survey instrument was developed for purposes of gathering data for this study. The accessible population surveyed consisted of all four-year public universities and colleges with an enrollment exceeding 2,500 full-time students which were members of the National Association of College and University Auditors. Of the selected sample size of 125, a total of 83 usable responses were received, resulting in a completion rate of 66 percent. Based on the results of the study, the following information was obtained: (a) 94 percent of the universities provided at least one type of subsidy to their foundations; (b) 73 percent of the universities provided staff and 80 percent of the universities provided office space to their foundation; (c) 50 percent of the universities provided subsidies of $50,000 or more, 33 percent provided $100,000 or more, and 20 percent provided $250,000 or more to their foundation; and (d) foundations that received the lowest subsidies (zero) had the highest means for endowment values, student enrollments, and expenditures. / Graduation date: 1990

Single Step Synthesis of Antibiotic Kanamycin Embedded Gold Nanoparticles for Efficient Antibacterial Activity

Gavva, Shravan 01 August 2013 (has links)
Nanotechnology has become the most advanced type of drug delivery system within the last decade. This advancement shifted the focus on small carriers to increase the efficiency of the drugs. Among these, gold nanoparticles (GNPs) were found to have profound biomedical applications. In current research, kanamycin embedded GNPs were prepared in a single step, single phase, and bio-friendly (green synthesis) procedure. The synthesized Kanamycin-GNPs (Kan-GNPs) were spherical in shape and had a size range of 15 ± 3 nm. The chosen kanamycin is an aminoglycosidic antibiotic that is isolated from Streptomyces kanamyceticus. These special antibiotic GNPs are further characterized using several analytical methods like Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Ultra-Voilet/Visible spectroscopy (UV/Vis spectroscopy). The following research is a direct bio-friendly embedment of an antibiotic agent on the surface of the GNPs without any secondary capping agent or surface modification procedures.

iNeed : En kvalitativ studie om motiv till att konsumera en iPhone / iNeed : A qualitative study of motives to consume an iPhone

Makrill, Emelie, Kolström, Katrine January 2012 (has links)
Den här studiens ambition är att bredda kunskapen kring användarens motiv till att konsumera en iPhone. Särskild uppmärksamhet har riktats kring behov som motiverar till användning samt iPhones roll i användarens konstruktion av jaget och den sociala identiteten. Syftet med studien är att undersöka en grupp användares motiv till att använda en specifik typ av smartphone, en med ett starkt varumärke, för att förstå bakomliggande motiv till användningen. Smartphones, i synnerhet iPhone, har under de senaste åren blivit ett populärt kommunikationsmedel bland många. Därför är det är det av vikt att bedriva forskning kring ämnet för att skapa förståelse för varför vi använder viss teknologi och i synnerhet hur användaren uppfattar denna teknologi. Genom kvalitativ forskningsstrategi med fokusgruppsintervju som metod svarar denna studie på frågor som: vilka motiv finns det till att använda en iPhone, vilken betydelse har iPhone för människan vid konstruktionen av jaget och den sociala identiteten samt vilka behov ligger bakom användarens motiv till att använda en iPhone? De motiv som var mest framträdande i studien kan sammanfattas i följande teman: konstruktionen av jaget, tillgång till information, social interaktion, underhållningsvärdet och det så kallade iPhone-behovet. Vid konstruktionen av jaget fungerar iPhone både som en symbolisk ägodel och som ett hjälpmedel. Den fungerar som en materiell förlängning av ens jag och ens sociala identitet. En användare av iPhone kan tillhöra tre olika typer av klaner: Apple-entusiaster, mediaeliten och ekonomisk välfärd. Den lättillgängliga och snabba tillgång till information som iPhone erbjuder samt möjligheten till social interaktion är starka motiv till användning. När det gäller underhållningsvärdet i att konsumera en iPhone så framgår det i studien att människan konsumerar en iPhone för att få leka av sig och bli underhållen. Avslutningsvis framträder fenomenet iPhone-behovet i studien. Det uppfattas av användaren som ett helt nytt behov som personen ifråga upplever att de anammar i och med konsumtionen av en iPhone. Användarna upplever att iPhone skapar ett nytt behov och beroende. Dock handlar det inte om ett nytt behov, utan snarare en förstärkning eller förlängning av några mänskliga grundläggande behov. / This studies ambition is to broaden the knowledge of the users motive to consume an iPhone. Particular attention has been focused around the need to justify the use and the iPhones role in the user's construction of the self and the social identity. The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of users motives for using a specific type of smartphone, one with a strong brand, to understand the underlying reasons for the use. Smartphones, especially the iPhone, has in recent years become a very popular means of communication. Therefore, it is important to conduct research on the topic to get a deeper understanding of why we use certain technology and in particular how the user perceive this technology. Through a qualitative strategy of research with focusgroup-interview as a method, this study answers questions like: what motives are there to use an iPhone, what impact have iPhone on humans in their construction of the self and the social identity, and what needs are behind the users motive to use an iPhone? The subjects which were most prominent can be summarized in following themes: the construction of self, access to information, social interaction, entertainment value and the so-called iPhone-need. In the design of the ego, iPhone functions both as a symbolic possession and as an aid. It is a tangible extension of one's self and one's social identity. A user of the iPhone can belong to three different kinds of clans: Apple-enthusiasts, media elite and the economical prosperous. The easy and quick access to information that the iPhone offers, and the opportunities for social interaction are strong incentives to the use of the phone. When it comes to the entertainment value in the consumption of an iPhone it appears in the study that humans consume an iPhone to simple play and to be entertained. The consumer uses the iPhone to explore their playfulness. Finally, an emerging phenomenon in the study is the iPhone-need. It is perceived as an entirely new needs by the users when they consume the iPhone. Users feel that the iPhone creates a new need and dependence. However, it is not a new need, but rather a reinforcement or extension of some of the basic needs of humans.

Vertical Ground Motion Influence On Seismically Isolated &amp / Unisolated Bridges

Reyhanogullari, Naim Eser 01 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study influences of vertical ground motion on seismically isolated bridges were investigated for seven different earthquake data. One assessment of bearing effect involves the calculation of vertical earthquake load on the seismically isolated bridges. This paper investigates the influence of vertical earthquake excitation on the response of briefly steel girder composite bridges (SCB) with and without seismic isolation through specifically selected earthquakes. In detail, the bridge is composed of 30m long three spans, concrete double piers at each axis supported by mat foundations with pile systems. At both end of the spans there exists concrete abutments to support superstructure of the bridge. SCBs which were seismically isolated with nine commonly preferred different lead&amp / #8208 / rubber bearings (LRB) under each steel girder were analyzed. Then, the comparisons were made with a SCB without seismic isolation. Initially, a preliminary design was made and reasonable sections for the bridge have been obtained. As a result of this, the steel girder bridge sections were checked with AASHTO provisions and analytical model was updated accordingly. Earthquake records were thought as the main loading sources. Hence both cases were exposed to tri&amp / #8208 / axial earthquake loads in order to understand the effects under such circumstances. Seven near fault earthquake data were selected by considering possession of directivity. Several runs using the chosen earthquakes were performed in order to be able to derive satisfactory comparisons between different types of isolators. Analytical calculations were conducted using well known structural analysis software (SAS) SAP2000. Nonlinear time history analysis was performed using the analytical model of the bridge with and without seismic isolation. Response data collected from SAS was used to determine the vertical load on the piers and middle span midspan moment on the steel girders due to the vertical and horizontal component of excitation. Comparisons dealing with the effects of horizontal only and horizontal plus vertical earthquake loads were introduced.

Utilization Of Social Networking Websites In Education: A Case Of Facebook

Tinmaz, Hasan 01 April 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to seek fundamental uses and gratifications of a social networking website, Facebook as a case, and the possible advantages and the challenges of utilization of Facebook for instructional activities. The research study encompassed four main steps / the analysis of uses &amp / gratifications of Facebook, the analysis of Facebook utilization possibilities for instruction, the interviewing for two preceding steps, and the realization and analysis of a course on Facebook. In the study both qualitative and quantitative data were gathered through questionnaires, interviews and open-ended questions. The qualitative data was analyzed according to qualitative data analysis techniques and quantitative data was analyzed using SPSS software. The results showed that Facebook which is perceived as a usable tool has a potential utilization for instructional activities. As quite new context, the participants seemed concerned about participating any learning activity on Facebook. Most of the participants in all steps of the study emphasized that Facebook should be a supplementary material for instructional activities. It is concluded that individual differences and alternative methods must be studied for better integration of Facebook into education.

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