Spelling suggestions: "subject:"uses"" "subject:"ses""
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This is a study of news reception carried out with three popular class families, which live in the Renascença Village, located at the West region of Santa Maria, in Rio Grande do Sul. The purpose of this research is to reflect about the uses and appropriations that these families do about the Jornal Nacional of Rede Globo de Televisão based on the communicative mediations of culture: sociability and rituality. For this, the theoretical axis of the research is Latin American Cultural Studies, mainly the Mediations Theory of Martín-Barbero (1987) and the social class concept of Pierre Boudieu (2006). The methodology of this study is a critical ethnography of reception, which was proposed by Ronsini (2010, p. 2). The results show that the uses and appropriations of news by the families are essentially determined by the social class which they belong as well as by their cultural, economic and social capitals. Furthermore, it is permeate by questions related with generation, because the news is important for the adults, which watch and appropriating of the messages daily, unlike the young that watch the news with low frequency and are interested in few reports of the news. The uses and appropriations also are related to gender, because, many times, is different for the men and women, beyond the domestic space and temporal configuration, which is mobilized in full during the television program exhibition. The mediations sociability and rituality are fundamental for the comprehension of the uses and appropriations of news because focus significantly on their configuration. The three investigated families elaborate their popular class representations based on their experience and their everyday, but also based on news, although they affirm that are not totally represented by the television program. The cultural capital of the three families is elaborated, primarily, by the media, mostly based on television (news and soap opera). / Esta dissertação é um estudo de recepção de telejornalismo realizado com três famílias de classe popular residentes na região Oeste de Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo principal é compreender os usos e as apropriações que essas famílias fazem do Jornal Nacional da Rede Globo de Televisão com base nas mediações comunicativas da cultura: sociabilidade e ritualidade. Para isso, a pesquisa é fundamentada nos Estudos Culturais latino-americanos, principalmente na Teoria das Mediações de Martín-Barbero (1987) e no conceito de classe social de Pierre Bourdieu (2006). A metodologia utilizada é a etnografia crítica da recepção (RONSINI, 2010). Os resultados demonstram que os usos e as apropriações do telejornal pelas famílias são essencialmente determinados pela classe social à qual pertencem, bem como pelos seus capitais cultural, econômico e social. Além disso, estes usos e apropriações são perpassados por questões relacionadas à geração, pois o telejornal tem fundamental importância para os adultos, que assistem e se apropriam das mensagens do telejornal diariamente, diferentemente dos jovens, que o assistem com menor frequência e se interessam por poucas reportagens. Os usos e apropriações também estão relacionados ao gênero, já que a assistência e o uso do telejornal, inúmeras vezes, é diferente para os homens e as mulheres investigados, além da configuração espacial e temporal do espaço doméstico, que é mobilizado por inteiro durante a exibição do programa televisivo. As mediações sociabilidade e ritualidade são fundamentais para a compreensão dos usos e apropriações do telejornal, pois incidem significativamente na configuração destes. As três famílias investigadas elaboram suas representações de classe popular a partir da sua experiência e seu cotidiano, mas também a partir do Jornal Nacional, mesmo que afirmem não se sentirem totalmente representados pelo programa de notícias. O capital cultural das três famílias é elaborado, majoritariamente, a partir da mídia, principalmente com base na televisão (telejornais e telenovelas).
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Brukade bilder : Södra Skandinaviens hällristningar ur ett historiebruksperspektiv / Images in Use : South Scandinavian Rock Art from a Uses of the Past-PerspectiveNilsson, Per January 2017 (has links)
The timeframe of the south Scandinavian rock art tradition extends from c.1700/1600 to 300 /200 BC. The chronological boundaries of the rock art phenomenon thereby coincide roughly with the timeframe of the Nordic Bronze Age, and rock art figures have come to be understood and interpreted as a Bronze Age phenomenon. It is argued that a dominant Bronze Age narrative has come to direct the discourse and fieldwork alike towards a focus on the origin , rather than the use, of rock art. The rock carver’s intention with the image, explicitly or implicitly, has come to equate with its meaning. The aim of the thesis is to approach rock art figures from a different perspective, with the aim of understanding how south Scandinavian rock art has been used and interpreted over time. The question of what archaeological evidence the use of rock art may have left behind is taken up, and the archaeological excavations carried out at rock art sites in southern Scandinavia are summarized and discussed. The survey shows that finds and features date to some extent from the Bronze Age, yet most of the dateable evidence comes from periods after the tradition of creating new images had ended, especially the Early Iron Age. This phenomenon is of particular interest given the explicit uses of the past-perspective of the thesis. It is argued that some of the rock art sites were still being used during later prehistoric periods. Other examples of later period´s uses of rock art sites are presented and discussed, such as runic inscriptions on rock art panels as well as the use of rock art and cup-mark sites during historic times. A study of the chronological development of the rock art tradition in the Himmelstalund-region in the county of Östergötland is also presented, based on recently developed ship chronologies of rock art. The study shows that the earliest ship figures, which are found in the Himmelstalund area, were probably made in the Bronze Age period I/II. Yet the majority of the dateable ship figures date from the Bronze Age period II–III, after which the number of dateable ships declines in period IV, a development becoming even more prominent in period V-VI. Another theme discussed in the thesis is archaeology’s own uses of rock art and how this has affected the interpretations of the material. The thesis shows it is feasible to combine a discussion on the prehistoric use of rock art sites and images with a critical view of interactions between archaeological and antiquarian practice and the source material. It has also shown the potential for a broadened discussion, where we regard the use of rock art, during the Bronze Age as well as during later periods, as integral and essential to rock art research.
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Changes in the balance between water uses and availability in two Mediterranean hydrosystems : adaptation to climatic and anthropogenic changes / Equilibres entre usage et disponibilité en eau sur deux hydrosystèmes méditerranéens : adaptation aux changements climatiques et anthropiquesFabre, Julie 07 December 2015 (has links)
La thèse propose une approche originale pour évaluer les évolutions à moyen terme des équilibres entre usages et ressources en eau à l’échelle de bassins versants. Un cadre de modélisation intégrant les dynamiques hydro-climatiques et des activités humaines ainsi que les liens entre demandes et ressources en eau a été développé et appliqué sur deux bassins d’échelles différentes et aux usages de l’eau contrastés : l’Hérault (2500 km2, France) et l’Ebre (85000 km2, Espagne). Les écoulements naturels ont été simulés avec un modèle hydrologique conceptuel et un modèle de gestion de barrage piloté par les demandes associées et les contraintes de gestion a été implémenté. Les demandes en eau municipal, industrielle et d'irrigation ont été estimées à partir de données socio-economiques, agronomiques et climatiques. Des débits environnementaux seuils, en-dessous desquels les prélèvements sont limités, ont été pris en compte. La chaîne de modélisation a été calée et validée sous les conditions anthropiques et hydro-climatiques non-stationnaires de 40 années passées, avant d’être appliquée sous quatre combinaisons de scénarios de changements climatiques et d’usages de l’eau, permettant ainsi de différencier les impacts climatiques et anthropiques. Des simulations climatiques de l’exercice CMIP5 ont été utilisées pour générer 18 scénarios climatiques à l’horizon 2050, et un scénario tendanciel des usages de l’eau a été proposé sur la base de tendances socio-écononomiques locales. La disponibilité en eau a été comparée à la demande à travers des indicateurs de fréquence et d’intensité de satisfaction. L'impact des scénarios climatiques sur la disponibilité et la demande en eau pourrait remettre en question les allocations et débits environnementaux envisagés pour les décennies à venir. Les limitations de prélèvements pourraient devenir pus fréquentes, et la pression anthropique sur les milieux aquatiques pourrait s'intensifier. Pour évaluer le potentiel d’adaptation aux changements climatiques, une analyse de sensibilité des indicateurs aux principaux facteurs d’évolution de la demande et de la gestion de barrages a été réalisée. L’efficacité et la robustesse de mesures individuelles varient entre les bassins et selon les nœuds de demande. Un scénario d’adaptation combinant différentes mesures a ensuite été testé. Ce scénario pourrait réduire sensiblement le stress hydriquel, cependant sa robustesse vis-à-vis des incertitudes climatiques pourrait être insuffisante. Afin d'atteindre un équilibre durable entre usages et ressources en eau et de réduire la vulnerabilité des usages de l'eau, une complémentarité doit être trouvée entre des études quantitatives à l'échelle de bassins versants, comme celle menée dans cette thèse, et des études locales de la vulnérablité socio-économique et des capacités d'adaptation. / This thesis proposes an original approach to assess multi-decadal changes in the balance between water use and availability in managed river basins. A modeling framework integrating human and hydro-climatic dynamics and accounting for linkages between resource and demand was developed and applied in two basins of different scales and with contrasted water uses: the Herault (2500 km2, France) and the Ebro (85000 km2, Spain) basins. Natural streamflow was evaluated using a conceptual hydrological model, and a demand-driven reservoir management model was designed to account for streamflow regulations from the main dams. Urban, industrial and agricultural water demands were estimated from socio-economic and agronomic and climatic drivers. Environmental flows were accounted for by defining streamflow thresholds under which water withdrawals were strictly limited. This framework was successfully calibrated and validated under non-stationary human and hydro-climatic conditions over a past period of 40 years before being applied under four combinations of climatic and water use scenarios to differentiate the impacts of climate- and human-induced changes on streamflow and water balance. Climate simulations from the CMIP5 exercise were used to generate 18 climate scenarios at the 2050 horizon and a trend water use scenario was built based on demographic and local socio-economic trends by the mid-21textsuperscript{st}century. Indicators comparing water supply to demand were computed. The impact of the tested climate projections on both water availability and demand could question the water allocations and environmental requirements currently planned for the coming decades. Water shortages for human use could become more frequent and intense, and the pressure on water resources and aquatic ecosystems could intensify. To assess the efficiency of potential adaptation measures under climate change scenarios, the sensitivity of water stress to variations in the main drivers of water demand and dam management was tested. The effectiveness and robustness of individual measures varied between the basins and within each basin. Finally an adaptation scenario combining different measures was tested in both basins, using the integrative modeling framework. This scenario led to encouraging results regarding the decrease of water stress. However, the adaptation strategies were shown to be insufficiently robust to climate change uncertainties. To achieve a sustainable balance between water availability and demand and reduce the vulnerability of water uses to climate change, a complementarity needs to be found between basin-scale studies of the water balance, such as the ones conducted in this thesis, and local assessments of vulnerability and adaptive capacity.
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Intégration et usages des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) dans le système éducatif marocain : contraintes, obstacles et opportunités / The integration and uses of information and communication technology (ICT) in the Maroccan education system : constraints, barriers and opportunitiesMastafi, Mohammed 03 March 2014 (has links)
L’objectif général de la présente étude est d’une part, de dresser un état des lieux de l’intégration des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans le système éducatif marocain et d’autre part, d’identifier et d’analyser les obstacles majeurs susceptibles d’entraver cette intégration. Dans la présente étude l’approche de méthodologie mixte a été adoptée, pour répondre à cette préoccupation, à partir des points de vue des différentes parties prenantes et pour appuyer la validation par la combinaison de différentes sources d’informations, afin de donner une image complète du fait étudié. Ainsi, la collecte des données a -t- elle été faite en deux phases : La première consiste en la collecte des données qualitatives en priorité en utilisant deux possibilités de recueil à savoir : l’étude de documents et les entretiens semi-dirigés auprès des directeurs des établissements scolaires primaires et secondaires et des responsables de l’intégration des TIC aux niveaux ministériel, régional et provincial. La seconde phase, quant à elle, consiste en une enquête par questionnaires auprès des enseignants, des directeurs et des élèves d’établissements scolaires de l’enseignement primaire et secondaire et vise à recueillir des données quantitatives en priorité.Les résultats ont mis en évidence trois principales catégories d’usages des TIC à l’école marocaine, à savoir : l’usage des TIC en tant que discipline indépendante à enseigner, l’usage des TIC en administration et enfin l’usage des TIC en tant qu’outils pédagogiques pour enseigner d’autres matières. L’analyse des données recueillies montre qu’en général, malgré les investissements importants, l’intégration des TIC à l’école marocaine reste encore en phase embryonnaire. Plus particulièrement, l’intégration pédagogique des TIC demeure, pour la plupart des enseignants, très limitée voire absente.Les résultats montrent également que le processus d’intégration des TIC dans l’enseignement/apprentissage rencontre de multiples obstacles. En effet, cinq principales catégories d’obstacles ont été identifiées, à savoir : des obstacles généraux liés aux problèmes structurels dont souffre le système éducatif lui-même, des obstacles relatifs à la politique et à la stratégie de mise en oeuvre des TIC dans l’éducation, des obstacles relatifs à l’infrastructure des TIC, des obstacles relatifs au soutien et au développement professionnel et des obstacles relatifs aux enjeux culturels et linguistiques. / The general objective of this study is on the one hand, to draw up an inventory of fixtures of the integration of information technologies and communication (ICT) in the Moroccan education system and on the other hand, to identify and analyze the major hurdles likely to block this integration.In the present study the mixed approach of methodology was adopted, to meet this need, starting from the points of view of the various recipients and to support the validation by the combination of various information sources, in order to give a complete image of the studied fact. Thus, the data-gathering was made in two phases: The first consists of the qualitative data-gathering in priority by using two possibilities of collection namely: the study of documents and talks semi-directed by the headmasters of the primary and secondary schools and the persons in charge of the integration of the ICT on the ministerial, regional and provincial level.. As for the second phase, it, consists of an investigation by questionnaires provided by the teachers, the headmasters and the pupils of primary and secondary schools and it primarily aims at collecting quantitative informationThe results highlighted three principal categories of uses of the ICT at the Moroccan school, namely: the use of the ICT as an independent discipline to teach, the use of the ICT in administration and finally the use of the ICT as educational tools to teach other subjects. Data analysis collected show that in general, in spite of the important investments, the integration of the ICT at the Moroccan school still remains in embryonic phase. More particularly, the teaching integration of the ICT remains, for the majority of the teachers, very limited if not absent.The results also show that the process of integration of the ICT in teaching/training meets multiple obstacles. Indeed, five principal categories of obstacles were identified, namely: the general obstacles related to the structural problems of which the educational system itself, The obstacles relating to the policy and the strategy of implementation of the ICT in the education, the obstacles linked to the infrastructure of the ICT, the obstacles linked to the professional support and the and the obstacles relating to the cultural and linguistic stakes.
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Implicações agroeconômicas da cobrança pelo uso da água em sistemas de produção de arroz : uma simulação na área de abrangência da Barragem do Arroio Taquarembó – Dom Pedrito – RSPires, Paulo José da Fonseca January 2013 (has links)
O trabalho de pesquisa teve como referência o ano de 2011 e foi realizado na área da Barragem do Arroio Taquarembó, no Município de Dom Pedrito – RS. Esta região está localizada na microrregião da Campanha Gaúcha, inserida na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Santa Maria. O problema de pesquisa refere-se à possibilidade da cobrança pelo uso da água provocar um aumento significativo nos custos de produção da lavoura de arroz, inviabilizando sistemas de produção. Neste sentido, buscou-se identificar as possíveis mudanças no desempenho econômico dos sistemas de produção, com a implantação da cobrança pelo uso da água. A caracterização dos sistemas de produção agrícola foi realizada utilizando-se questionário, aplicado em todas as unidades de produção agrícola da área de estudo. Com as informações obtidas sobre a estrutura de produção, recursos humanos, financeiros e dos gastos e receitas na safra 2011, foram calculados indicadores de desempenho econômico. Para cada unidade de produção agrícola, foi determinado o consumo de água na lavoura de Arroz. O preço do metro cúbico de água foi obtido a partir de valores simulados por modelo matemático desenvolvido, especificamente, para a Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Santa Maria. A partir do preço da água, foi determinado o custo de cada unidade de produção agrícola, em função do volume de água consumido. Após a inclusão deste novo custo de produção, foram recalculados todos os indicadores de desempenho econômico. Na sequência, foram realizadas análises estatísticas, visando identificar a existência de relação entre o estabelecimento da cobrança pelo uso da água e variações nos indicadores de desempenho econômico. As variações identificadas não foram estatisticamente significativas. Esta condição possibilitou concluir, para a região analisada, que a cobrança pelo uso da água pode não ser eficiente como desestímulo ao desperdício, pois não gera significativos impactos negativos na renda final dos produtores. Da mesma forma, também relativiza o argumento que a cobrança pelo uso da água inviabiliza a produção orizícola, pelo aumento excessivo dos custos de produção. / The research happened in 2011 at the Dam Arroyo Taquarembó, in Dom Pedrito - RS. This region is located in the micro Campaign Gaúcha inserted into the Santa Maria Basin River. The research problem concerns the possibility of charging for the water use caused a significant increase in production of the costs of the rice crop, preventing production systems. Therefore, to identify possible changes in the economic performance of production systems, with the deployment of charging for the water use. The characterization of agricultural production systems was conducted using a questionnaire applied to all agricultural production units of the researched area. With the information about the structure of production, human resources, and financial costs and revenues in 2011, it was calculated indicators of economic performance. For each unit of agricultural production, was given water consumption in rice farming. The price of a cubic meter of water was obtained from values simulated by a mathematical model developed, specifically, for the Santa Maria Basin River. From the price of water it was determined the cost of each unit of agricultural production, due to the volume of consumed water. After the inclusion of this new production costs it was recalculated all the indicators of economic performance. Further, statistical analyzes were performed in order to identify the existence of a relationship between the establishment of the charging for water use and the variations in economic performance indicators. The identified variations were not statistically significant. This condition allowed concluding, for the analyzed region, that the charging for water use may not be as effective disincentive to waste, because it does not generate significant negative impacts on the final income of producers. In this way, it wasn’t significant that the argument of the charging for water prevents the production of rice and the excessive increase of production costs, wasn´t significant.
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Histórias marcadas na pele / Histories marked in the skinBarros, Clarissa Maria Dubeux Lopes 07 April 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-04-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research project, referred into psycho-analytical theory, departs from the questioning of what takes a youth to intentionally mark his/her skin with tattoos and similar signs. On the side of the culture inscription with its productions of belonging, the research project will formulate a theorical and investigative systematization about the psychic reality of the youths that have themselves tattooed. The body conception will be contemplated in the study, in meanings through the differents cientific views and its meanings. However it is the psychic representation that will be the problematic in the field of the psycho-analytical theory. Its proper to question the conception of the subject and the language, taking into consideration the language´s dimension steped on the body through phrases and symbols exposed to the other´s eyes. The mark on the skin will be also emphasized in relation to the exclusivity of the maternal love through frequent cases of youths that have themselves tattooed with sentences written in their skin invoking that real love just the mother´s. It´s proper to question about the quality of this relation, trying to confront the factual and mythical character in the subject´s relation with his/her mother. From 7 youths, between 16 and 18 years old, will be listened through the depositions collected form free. These youths are of underpriviledged back-ground and belonged to institutions that develop program of social inclusion, as will as those designated by the state to the minors integral protection in accordance with the brazilian children and adolescent statue. The psychic mechanisms related to the act of making a mark on the body reveals an important way to the comprehension of the subject in the face of questions that cannot be separated of human existence. Being in a social risk situation and make marks on his/her skin, cames up a frontier, an edge, that makes the speeches that testifies the condition to existence of and that appeals for protection circulate / A presente pesquisa em psicanálise parte da indagação sobre o que leva um jovem a se marcar intencionalmente na pele, através de tatuagens. Ao lado da inscrição cultural com suas produções de pertencimento, a pesquisa formulará uma sistematização teórica e investigativa sobre a realidade psíquica dos jovens que se tatuam. A concepção do corpo, seus significados através de alguns discursos científicos estará contemplado no estudo. No entanto, é a representação psíquica que será problematizada no âmbito da teoria psicanalítica. A escritura na pele será enfatizada também em relação à exclusividade do amor materno através de freqüentes casos de jovens que se tatuam com frases escritas na pele invocando o amor só de mãe . Cabe a indagação sobre a qualidade desta relação, tentando confrontar o caráter factual e mítico na relação do sujeito com a mãe. Através da escuta, a partir de depoimentos colhidos de forma livre, foram entrevistados 7 jovens, entre 16 e 18 anos, originados de classe social baixa e pertencentes a instituições não governamentais que desenvolvem programa de inclusão social, e governamentais destinadas a vigilância da proteção integral do jovem em conformidade com o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente. O mecanismo psíquico subjacente ao ato de marcar o corpo revela um importante caminho para compreensão do sujeito frente a questões indissociáveis da existência humana. Entre estar em situação de risco social e produzir riscos na pele, surge uma fronteira, borda, que faz circular os discursos atestando a condição de existência do desamparo e o apelo de uma proteção
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Why Use Facebook? A Uses & Gratifications Study of Generation X in the UKMunns, Christopher January 2018 (has links)
This paper explores the use of the social networking site, Facebook, by the GenerationX cohort (those born 1966-1980 inclusive) currently living in the United Kingdom(identified as a somewhat under-studied group to date). Utilising a ‘Uses &Gratifications Theory’ and ‘(Media) Dependency Theory’ approach and the quantitativeempirical data collection method of an extensive online ‘self-fill’ questionnaire, a totalof 233 individuals from this cohort voluntarily provided the sought-after information,with data collected during early September 2018. An expanded version of Denis McQuail, Jay G. Blumler and J.R. Brown’s 1972 mediagratifications groups/descriptors is proposed and used for this paper’s analysis of results(see section 6.2.4) while a new single media term,‘online collaborative network’, isrecommended by the author as an alternative to current myriad of ‘social media’,‘social networking [site]’ and ‘collaborative media’ all used for the likes of Facebook(see section 9.2.2). Key project results suggest that the UK Generation X cohort spend an average of 75minutes per day using Facebook; that the most-utilised access method is via a mobilephone (89.7%); that the top two ‘uses’ of the social network are both passive ones(‘Scrolling through the homepage News Feed’ and ‘Spending time viewingPhotos/Videos uploaded by others’) and that the top three gratifications obtained fromFacebook use are ‘Contact with Friends’, ‘Contact with Family’ and (to) ‘Pass Time’. Additionally, results provide an interesting and potentially shocking overview ofexclusive dependency upon Facebook for the satisfaction of particular media needs,including the maintenance of contact with certain friends (87.6%) and certain familymembers (61.4%) and, worryingly, as an only source of news (15%).
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Defining and Measuring Learner-Content Interaction in Digitally Augmented Learning ExperiencesPowell, Sandra Thatcher 08 December 2020 (has links)
Using content analysis, researchers reviewed literature to identify the meanings attached to and methods used for measuring learner-content interaction in digitally augmented learning experience. Digitally augmented learning experiences are defined in this dissertation as situations where a learner interacts with content delivered using a computer. Examples include online learning using a desktop, laptop, or mobile device, classroom use of a device to interact with content such as a digital textbook, computer simulation, augmented or virtual reality, smart watch or phone, or other similar educational activities. These activities can be delivered directly from a digital device, over a wireless connection, or via the internet. Digitally augmented learning experiences can be web-based, cloud-based, or loaded on a device; streamed or downloaded; fully online, or part of a classroom experience, such as a blended-learning situation. Current discourse surrounding learner-content interaction in digitally augmented learning environments showed themes of label, theory, measurement, types of content, pedagogy, and looking forward. The label theme describes the use of the term as a research variable or other use where no context was given. Theory includes mentions of Moore's transactional distance (1973) or list of interaction types (1989), Anderson's Equivalency Theorem (2003), and other related educational theories. The measurement theme included all mentions of how learner-content interaction was evaluated, measured, or quantified. Types of content included descriptions of specific content learners interacted with, such as textbooks, online text, discussion boards, simulations, assignments, and assessments. Pedagogy included mentions of student learning, knowledge construction, and understanding that did not include mention of a specific learning theory. The looking forward theme includes suggestions for researchers and practitioners surrounding learner-content interaction. This dissertation discusses strengths and weaknesses of current tools used to measure learner-content interaction in digitally augmented learning experiences. Based on the strengths and weaknesses found in current measurement tools an integrated measurement tool was developed and evaluated for content validity.
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Investigating Motives For and Uses of Infertility Online Support GroupsOmosun, Foluke 11 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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The Development of the Digital Nomad During the Course of the Pandemic : The digital nomad workforce, a study looking into the power of digital tools allowing people to work remotelyAhlberg, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Due to the pandemic, along with the growth of current technology, working remotely is becoming more feasible. As a result digital nomadism has become a viable alternative as a career. The emerging literature on digital nomadism focuses mainly on lifestyle descriptions, with less attention given to potentially understand digital nomads and their needs (Wang et al. 2018). In this research the author will apply uses and gratification theory to describe the gratifications that motivates digital nomads and their means of communication combined with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to determine if the needs of digital nomads have changed during the course of the pandemic. The aim of this thesis is to provide terminological and philosophical insights on the idea of digital nomads and their future. Since the start of the pandemic the discussions whether remote work is the future has been fluctuating to say the least. Big companies have introduced a “work from anywhere” model meaning that their employees will have the possibility to choose if they want to be remote after the pandemic (CNBC, 2021). Prior to this, digital nomads were already fully remote. This could be the ideal time and subject to study to gain further understanding if the digital nomad phenomenon has changed. Moreover, if there has been an increase or decrease in interest regarding a remote future while aiming to understand the future remote workforce.
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