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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude du rôle de l’auto-antigène nucléaire centromérique B (CENP-B) et des auto-anticorps anti-CENP-B dans l’activation des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires : Implication potentielle dans la pathophysiologie de la sclérose systémique

Robitaille, Genevieve 06 1900 (has links)
La sclérose systémique (ScS) est une maladie auto-immune dont l’un des principaux auto-anticorps, dirigé contre la protéine centromérique B (CENP-B), est fortement associé à l’hypertension artérielle pulmonaire, l’une des causes majeures de décès dû à la ScS. L’hypertension résulte de l’occlusion progressive des vaisseaux suite à une hyperactivation des cellules musculaires lisses (CML) de la paroi vasculaire. Cependant, les facteurs responsables de ce remodelage vasculaire restent inconnus. Plusieurs études récentes ont démontré que certains auto-antigènes possèdent des fonctions biologiques additionnelles lorsqu'ils se retrouvent dans le milieu extracellulaire. En effet, une fois libérés par nécrose ou apoptose, ces auto-antigènes adoptent une activité biologique qui s'apparente à celles des cytokines et peuvent ainsi participer aux processus normaux de réparation de blessure et/ou acquérir une activité pathogène qui contribue au développement de certaines maladies auto-immunes. Nos résultats suggèrent que la CENP-B peut être ajoutée à cette liste de molécules bifonctionnelles. À l'aide des techniques d'immunofluorescence, d'ELISA cellulaire et de cytométrie en flux, nous avons démontré que la CENP-B se liait spécifiquement à la surface des CML vasculaire de l’artère pulmonaire avec une plus grande affinité pour le phénotype contractile que synthétique. Cette liaison provoquait la migration des cellules ainsi que la sécrétion de cytokines pro-inflammatoires telles que l’interleukine 6 et 8. Les mécanismes par lesquels la protéine exerçait ces effets impliquaient la phosphorylation de FAK et Src ainsi que la voie des MAP kinases, avec ERK1/2 et p38. Des études de signalisation intracellulaire effectuées à l’aide de plusieurs inhibiteurs spécifiques ainsi que des études de désensibilisation nous ont permis d’identifier le récepteur de la CENP-B en plus d’identifier les mécanismes complets de sa signalisation membranaire. Nous avons démontré que la CENP-B se liait de manière spécifique aux CML vasculaire via le récepteur de chémokine 3 (CCR3) pour ensuite transactiver le récepteur EGF, selon un mécanisme métalloprotéase-dépendant qui implique le relargage du HB-EGF. Cette transactivation est un processus important dans l’activation de la voie des MAP kinases ainsi que dans la sécrétion d’IL-8 induite par la CENP-B. Finalement, nous avons démontré que les auto-anticorps anti-CENP-B pouvaient abolir cette cascade de signalisation, empêchant ainsi la CENP-B d’exercer son rôle de cytokine. L’identification de la CENP-B comme ligand du CCR3 ouvre donc plusieurs perspectives quant à l’étude du rôle pathogène des auto-anticorps anti-CENP-B dans la ScS. / CENP-B is a highly conserved, centromere associated protein and is a major autoantigen in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Anti-CENP-B autoantibodies are associated with prominent vascular manifestations such as pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in the limited cutaneous subset of SSc. PAH occurs as a consequence of progressive obliteration of small arteries due to vascular smooth muscle cell dysfunction, migration and proliferation. However, the factors driving this obliteration are unknown. Earlier in vitro studies have demonstrated that some autoantigens have an additional role when they are released in the extracellular environment during the course of injurious insults resulting in cell death. Indeed, it was previously suggested that extracellular autoantigens participate in normal wound repair processes by acting like cytokines and/or chemokines and subsequently displaying pathogenic activities that contribute to the development of autoimmune diseases. Our present findings suggest that the nuclear autoantigen CENP-B can be added to this set of bifunctional molecules. The present study clearly indicates that exogenous CENP-B bound specifically to the surface of human pulmonary artery SMCs. Binding of CENP-B to SMC stimulated their migration during in vitro wound healing assays, as well as their secretion of interleukins 6 and 8. The mechanism by which CENP-B mediated these effects involved the focal adhesion kinase, Src, ERK1/2, and p38 MAPK pathways. Moreover, CENP-B released from apoptotic endothelial cells was found to bind to SMC, thus indicating a plausible in vivo source of extracellular CENP-B. Here, we also report several lines of evidence indicating that CENP-B, which has no obvious primary or secondary structural homology to chemokines, induced SMC activation by interacting with CCR3. Moreover, the present study clearly demonstrates the involvement of EGFR in CENP-B signaling leading to IL-8 secretion. Finally, anti-CENP-B autoantibodies were found to abolish this signaling pathway, thus preventing CENP-B from transactivating EGFR and exerting its cytokine-like activities toward vascular SMCs. The present study sheds new light on the possible role of extracellular CENP-B and its potent biological effects on human pulmonary artery SMCs. The identification of CENP-B as a CCR3 ligand opens up new perspectives for the study of the pathogenic role of anti-CENP-B autoantibodies.

Modulation de la voie de signalisation de Gαq par l’hyperglycémie : mécanisme moléculaire

Descorbeth, Magda 01 1900 (has links)
Les complications vasculaires telles que l’augmentation de la contractilité et la prolifération cellulaire sont les complications les plus communes observées dans le diabète et l’hyperglycémie chronique est un facteur important dans ces processus. La voie de signalisation de Gαq joue un rôle important dans la régulation du tonus vasculaire et l’altération de celle-ci peut contribuer aux complications vasculaires observées dans les cas de diabète et d’hyperglycémie. Il a été observé que les taux et l’activité des protéines kinase C (PKC) et du diacylglycérol (DAG) sont augmentés dans ces conditions. Cependant, aucune étude n’a démontré l’implication de Gαq/11 et des PLCβ, molécules de signalisation en amont de PKC/DAG. Plusieurs études révèlent que l’augmentation des taux et de l’activité des PKC et du DAG induite par l’hyperglycémie dans des cellules du muscle lisse vasculaire (CMLV) est attribuée à l’augmentation du stress oxydatif. De plus, les niveaux de certains peptides vasoactifs, tels que l’angiotensine II et l’endothéline-1, augmentés dans les conditions de diabète/d’hyperglycémie, peuvent contribuer à l’augmentation du stress oxydatif observée. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse avait pour but d’examiner les effets de l’hyperglycémie sur les niveaux d’expression protéique de Gαq/11 et de ses molécules associées, ainsi que d’étudier le mécanisme moléculaire par lequel l’hyperglycémie module la voie de signalisation de Gαq dans les CMLV. Dans la première étude, nous avons examiné si l’hyperglycémie pouvait moduler l’expression des protéines Gαq, Gα11, PLCβ1 et PLCβ2. Le prétraitement des CMLV A10 avec 26 mM de glucose durant 72 heures augmente l’expression des protéines Gαq, Gα11, PLCβ-1 et PLCβ-2 en comparaison avec les CMLV témoins. Le traitement avec des antagonistes aux récepteurs AT1 de l’Ang II, et ETA/ETB de l’ET-1, atténue la hausse de Gαq, de Gα11, de PLCβ1 et de PLCβ2 induite par l’hyperglycémie. De plus, la formation d’IP3 stimulée par l’ET-1 était plus élevée dans les CMLV exposée à 26 mM de glucose. Le traitement des CMLV A10 avec l’Ang II et l’ET-1 augmente également les niveaux d’expression des protéines Gα q/11 et PLCβ. Cette augmentation de l’expression est restaurée au niveau des CMLV témoins par les antagonistes des récepteurs AT1, ETA et ETB. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’augmentation de l’expression des protéines Gαq/11 et PLCβ dans les CMLV induite par l’hyperglycémie est attribuée à l’activation des récepteurs AT1, ETA et ETB. Dans la seconde étude, nous avons examiné l’implication du stress oxydatif dans l’augmentation des niveaux d’expression des protéines Gαq/11 et PLCβ et de leur signalisation induite par l’hyperglycémie. Nous avons également déterminé le mécanisme responsable de l’augmentation du stress oxydatif induite par l’hyperglycémie. L’augmentation de l’expression des protéines Gαq/11 et PLCβ des CMLV A10 exposées à 26 mM de glucose est revenue au niveau basal après un traitement avec l’antioxydant diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), et la catalase, un chélateur du peroxyde d’hydrogène, mais pas par le 111Mn-tetralis(benzoic acid porphyrin) (MnTBAP) ni par l’acide urique, des chélateurs du peroxynitrite. De plus, l’augmentation de la formation d’IP3 stimulée par l’ET-1 dans les CMLV exposées à 26 mM de glucose est revenue au niveau basal après un traitement avec le DPI et la catalase. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’augmentation du stress oxydatif induite par l’hyperglycémie contribue à l’augmentation de l’expression des protéines Gαq/11 et les molécules associées à la voie de signalisation de Gq. De plus, l’augmentation de la production d’anion superoxyde (O2-), de l’activité de la NADPH oxydase et de l’expression des protéines p22(phox) et p47(phox) induite par l’hyperglycémie est revenue à un niveau basal après un traitement avec les antagonistes des récepteurs AT1, ETA et ETB. Ces résultats suggèrent que l’hyperglycémie augmente les niveaux endogènes de l’Ang II et de l’ET-1, ce qui augmente le stress oxydatif par la formation d’O2- et de H2O2 et peut contribuer à l’augmentation des niveaux de Gq/11α et de leurs molécules de signalisation. Puisqu’il a été observé que l’hyperglycémie transactive les récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance tels que le récepteur au facteur de croissance épidermique (EGF-R) et le récepteur au facteur de croissance dérivé des plaquettes (PDGF-R), nous avons entrepris d’examiner, dans la troisième étude, l’implication d’EGF-R et de PDGF-R dans l’augmentation des niveaux de Gαq/11, de PLCβ et de leur signalisation induite par l’hyperglycémie. L’augmentation des niveaux d’expression des protéines Gαq, Gα11, PLCβ-1 et PLCβ-2 induite par l’hyperglycémie est revenue au niveau basal après un traitement avec les inhibiteurs d’EGF-R (AG1478) et de PDGF-R (AG1295) et par l’inhibiteur de c-Src, PP2. L’augmentation de la phosphorylation d’EGF-R et de PDGF-R induite par l’hyperglycémie a été abolie par AG1478, AG1295 et PP2. De plus, l’augmentation des niveaux de Gαq/11, et de PLCβ induite par l’hyperglycémie est atténuée par l’inhibiteur des MAPK, le PD98059, et par l’inhibiteur d’AKT, le wortmannin. L’augmentation de la phosphorylation d’ERK et d’AKT était également atténuée par AG1478 et AG1295. Ces résultats suggèrent que la transactivation des récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance induite par c-Src peut contribuer à l’augmentation des niveaux de Gα q/11/PLC et de leur signalisation par la voie des MAPK/PI3K. En conclusion, les études présentées dans cette thèse indiquent que l’hyperglycémie augmente les niveaux de Gαq/11 et de PLCβ. Nous avons émis des évidences qui démontrent que l’augmentation endogène de l’Ang II et de l’ET-1 par l’hyperglycémie peut contribuer à l’augmentation de la production d’O2- et de H2O2 résultant ainsi en une augmentation du stress oxydatif qui pourrait être responsable de l’augmentation de Gαq/11/PLC et de leur signalisation dans les conditions d’hyperglycémie. Finalement, nous avons démontré que la transactivation des récepteurs aux facteurs de croissance induite par l’hyperglycémie peut être responsable de l’augmentation de Gαq/11/PLC et les molécules associées à la voie de signalisation de Gq dans les cas de diabète et d’hyperglycémie. / Vascular complications including increased contractility and cell proliferation are most common complications in diabetes, and chronic hyperglycemia seem to be an important contributing factor in this process. Gqα signaling pathway plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone and aberration of these mechanisms may contribute to vascular complications in hyperglycemia/diabetes. The levels and activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and diacylglycerol (DAG) were shown to be up-regulated in diabeteshyperglycemia. In addition, studies on the expression of upstream signaling molecules of phosphatidyl inositol (PI) turnover were lacking. The enhanced activity/levels of protein PKC and DAG induced by high glucose in VSMC have been shown to be attributed to the increased oxidative stress. Furthermore, the levels of various vasoactive peptides including Ang II and ET-1 which are augmented in diabetes and under hyperglycemic conditions, may also contribute to the enhanced oxidative stress in diabetes/hyperglycemia. The work presented in this thesis was therefore undertaken to examine if hyperglycemia/diabetes could also modulate the expression of Gqα and phospholipase Cb (PLCβ) proteins and associated PI turnover signaling in A10 VSMC exposed to high glucose and to explore the molecular mechanisms by which high glucose modulates Gqα/PLC signaling. The first study was undertaken to investigate if hyperglycemia can modulate the expression of Gqα, G11α, PLCβ-1 and PLCβ-2 and associated signaling. Pre-treatment of A10 VSMC with high glucose (26 mM) for 3 days augmented the levels of Gqα, G11α, PLCβ-1 and β-2 proteins as compared to control cells which were restored to control levels by endothelin-1 (ET-1) ETA and ETB and angiotensin II (Ang II) AT1 receptor antagonists. In addition, ET-1-stimulated IP3 formation was also significantly higher in VSMC exposed to high glucose. Furthermore, treatment of A10 VSMC with Ang II and ET-1 also increased significantly the levels of Gq/11α and PLCβ proteins which were restored towards control levels by ETA/ETB and AT1 receptor antagonists. These results suggest that high glucose augmented the expression of Gq/11α, PLCβ and -mediated signaling in VSMC which may be attributed to activation of AT1, ETA and ETB receptors. The second study was undertaken to investigate the implication of oxidative stress in high glucose-induced enhanced expression of Gq/11α and PLCβ1/2 proteins and associated signaling in A10 VSMC and to explore the mechanism responsible for high glucose induced enhanced oxidative stress. We showed that the increased levels of Gqα, G11α, PLCβ-1 and PLCβ-2 proteins in A10 VSMCs exposed to high glucose were restored to control levels by the antioxidant diphenyleneiodonium (DPI), and catalase, a scavenger of hydrogen peroxide, but not by 111Mn-tetralis(benzoic acid porphyrin) (MnTBAP) and uric acid, scavengers of peroxynitrite. In addition, endothelin-1 (ET-1)-stimulated production of IP3 that was enhanced by high glucose was also restored towards control levels by DPI and catalase. These results suggest that high glucose-induced enhanced oxidative stress that contributes to the enhanced expression of Gq/11α and PLCβ protein and signaling. Furthermore, the enhanced production of superoxide anion (O2-), NADPH oxidase activity and enhanced expression of p22(phox) and p47(phox) proteins induced by high glucose was restored to control levels by losartan, BQ123 and BQ788, the antagonists of angiotensin AT1 and endothelin-1 ETA/ETB receptors respectively. These results suggest that high glucose-induced enhanced levels of endogenous Ang II and ET-1, by increasing oxidative stress may contribute to the increased levels of Gq/11α and-mediated signaling in A10 VSMC. Since high glucose has been shown to increase growth factor receptor activation, we investigated, in the third study, the role of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) and platelet-derived growth factor receptor (PDGF-R) transactivation in high glucose-induced enhanced expression of Gq/11α and PLCβ. The increased levels of Gqα, G11α, PLCβ-1 and PLCβ-2 proteins induced by high glucose were restored to control levels by AG1478, an inhibitor of EGF-R, and AG1295, an inhibitor of PDGF-R as well as by PP2, an inhibitor of c-Src. High glucose-induced increased phosphorylation of EGF-R and PDGF-R which were abolished by AG1478, AG1295 and PP2. High glucose-induced enhanced levels of Gq, G11α and PLCβ were also attenuated by PD98059, an inhibitor of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K). In addition, high glucose-induced enhanced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and AKT was also attenuated by AG1478 and AG1295. These results suggest that c-Src-induced transactivation of growth factor receptor contributes to the high glucose-induced enhanced expression of Gq/11α/PLC and-mediated cell signaling through MAPK/PI3K pathway. In conclusion, the studies presented in this thesis indicate that hyperglycemia increased the levels of Gq/11α and PLCβ1/2 proteins and mediated signaling. We provided evidence that high glucose-induced increased levels of Ang II and ET-1 may contribute to the enhanced production of O2- and H2O2 and results in enhanced oxidative stress which may be responsible for the high glucose-induced enhanced expression of Gq/11α and PLCβ. Finally, we demonstrated that high glucose-induced transactivation of growth factor receptors may also be responsible for the high glucose-induced enhanced expression of Gq/11α and PLCβ1/2.

Modulation de l’expression du récepteur B1 des kinines par l’angiotensine II et l’endothéline-1 dans des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires

Morand-Contant, Marielle 08 1900 (has links)
Le stress oxydatif est impliqué dans l’expression du récepteur B1 des kinines (RB1) dans différents modèles de diabète et d'hypertension. Puisque l'angiotensine II (Ang II) et l'endothéline-1 (ET-1) sont des peptides prooxydants impliqués dans les maladies cardiovasculaires, leur contribution dans l'augmentation de l'expression du RB1 a été étudiée dans des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires (CMLV). Le QRT-PCR et l’immunobuvardage de type Western ont été utilisés pour mesurer l’expression du RB1 dans des CMLV dérivées de la lignée A10 et de l’aorte de rats Sprague-Dawley. Cette étude montre que l’Ang II augmente l’expression du RB1 (ARNm et protéine) en fonction de la concentration et du temps (maximum 1 μM entre 3-6 h). Cette augmentation implique le récepteur AT1, la PI3K et le NF-κB, mais non le récepteur AT2 et ERK1/2. Aussi, le récepteur ETA de l’ET-1 est impliqué dans la réponse à l’Ang II à 6-8 h et non à 1-4 h. Par contre, l’ET-1 augmente l’expression du RB1 (maximum 2-4 h) via la stimulation des récepteurs ETA et ETB. L’augmentation du RB1 causée par l’Ang II et l’ET-1 est bloquée par les antioxydants (N-acétyl-cystéine et diphénylèneiodonium). Ces résultats suggèrent que l’Ang II induit le RB1 dans les CMLV par le récepteur AT1 dans la première phase, et par la libération d’ET-1 (majoritairement par ETA) dans la phase tardive, via le stress oxydatif et l’activation de la PI3K et du NF-κB. Ces résultats précisent le mécanisme impliqué dans la surexpression du RB1 ayant des effets néfastes dans le diabète et l'hypertension. / Oxidative stress is involved in the overexpression of kinin B1 receptor (B1R) in various models of diabetes and hypertension. Since angiotensin II (Ang II) and endothelin-1 (ET-1) are pro-oxidative peptides involved in cardiovascular diseases, their contribution in increasing the expression of B1R was examined in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). QRT-PCR and Western blot analysis were used to measure the expression of B1R in VSMC derived from A10 cell line and the aorta of Sprague-Dawley rats. This study shows that Ang II increases the expression of B1R (mRNA and protein) in a concentration- and time-dependent manner (maximum 1 μM between 3-6 h). This increase involves AT1 receptor, PI3K and NF-κB, but not AT2 receptor and ERK1/2. Moreover, ETA receptor is involved in the effect of Ang II at 6-8 h but not at 1-4 h. However, ET-1 increases expression of B1R (maximum 2-4 h) via stimulation of ETA and ETB receptors. Ang II and ET-1-induced increase expression of B1R is blocked by antioxidants (N-acetyl-L-cysteine and diphenyleneiodonium). These results suggest that Ang II induces B1R in VSMC by AT1 receptor in the first phase and by releasing ET-1 (predominantly by ETA receptor) in the late phase, via oxidative stress and activation of PI3K and NF-κB. These results clarify the mechanism involved in the overexpression of B1R which has adverse effects in diabetes and hypertension.

Avaliação das funções erétil e vascular de ratos com inflamação pulmonar decorrente da exposição ao material particulado ambiental liberado na exaustão do diesel. / Evaluation of erectile and vascular functions in rat with lung inflammation evoked by exposure to diesel exhaust particles.

Juliano Fernandes de Oliveira 30 September 2010 (has links)
Este estudo se propôs a avaliar o potencial inflamatório das partículas eliminadas na exaustão do diesel (PED) e 1,2-naftoquinona (1,2-NQ) sobre outros compartimentos, como o músculo liso vascular (aorta torácica; RTA) e do corpo cavernoso isolados de ratos (RCC) e os mecanismos envolvidos via ensaios funcionais e bioquímicos. A injeção i.tr. das PED e 1,2-NQ em ratos Wistar causou inflamação e hiporreatividade das vias aéreas associados ao aumento significativo do relaxamento evocado pela ACh na RTA. No RCC desses mesmos animais, tanto o GTN quanto o estímulo elétrico (EFS) causou maior relaxamento. O conteúdo basal de TBARs na RTA e pulmão foi reduzido, embora outros testes indicadores de estresse oxidativo e / ou atividade antioxidante não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos. As taxas de expressão gênica / protéica da nNOS no RCC de ratos não diferiram do grupo controle, mas a expressão da eNOS e iNOS foi reduzida na RTA e RCC. Não foram quantificadas concentrações séricas do TNF<font face=\"Symbol\">&#945 ou IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">b, sugerindo que os efeitos sistêmicos ocorrem independentemente destas citocinas. Conclui-se que o tratamento agudo de ratos com a mistura de poluentes induziu inflamação das vias aéreas (e hiporreatividade), capaz de afetar outros compartimentos, como a musculatura lisa vascular (RTA) e do RCC. / We tested the hypothesis that local inflammation in the airways evoked by intra-tracheal instillation of the environmental chemical 1,2-naphthoquinone (1,2-NQ) and diesel exhaust particles (DEP) is capable of targeting other systemic compartments, such as vessels (rat thoracic aorta; RTA) and corpus cavernosum (RCC), and possible involved mechanisms. After 3h, this treatment induced airways hyporresponsiveness to ACh and local inflammation. This effect was associated with decreased numbers of leukocyte in the blood and spleen and increased number of leukocytes in the bone marrow. Pollutant treatment also markedly increased ACh-induced relaxation in RTA and by both GTN- and electrical stimulation-induced relaxation in RCC. Exposure to pollutants did not affect FE-induced contraction in RTA. Neither serum levels of cytokines (TNF<font face=\"Symbol\">&#945 e IL-1<font face=\"Symbol\">b) nor basal concentration of total nitrate were different amongst groups. No evidence of increased catalase activity in RTA, RCC and lung was found. The treatment reduced the eNOS e iNOS gene expression in RTA e RCC, without significantly affecting the nNOS gene expression in RCC. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that DEP-induced airways hiporresponsiveness and inflammation can account to produce systemic changes, such as structural and functional changes in the RTA and RCC by means of substances derived from endothelium or due to the ability of these pollutants to act to stimulate the production of scavenger of free radical.

Dissulfeto isomerase proteica como via integrativa entre estresse oxidativo e resposta a proteínas mal-enoveladas na reparação à lesão vascular / Protein disulfide isomerase as an integrative way between oxidative stress and unfolded protein response during vascular repair to injury

Leonardo Yuji Tanaka 23 January 2014 (has links)
O remodelamento vascular é um determinante fundamental do lúmen em doenças vasculares, porém os mecanismos envolvidos não estão completamente elucidados. Nós investigamos o papel da chaperona redox residente do retículo endoplasmático Dissulfeto Isomerase Proteica (PDI) e sua fração localizada na superfície celular (peri/epicelular=pecPDI) no calibre e arquitetura vascular durante reparação à lesão. Em artérias ilíacas de coelho submetidas à lesão in vivo, houve importante aumento do mRNA e expressão proteica (~25x aumento 14 dias pós-lesão vs. controle) da PDI. O silenciamento da PDI por siRNA (cultura de órgãos) acentuou o estresse do retículo e apoptose, diferentemente da inibição da pecPDI com anticorpo neutralizante (PDI Ab). Bloqueio in vivo da pecPDI por aplicação de gel perivascular contendo PDI Ab no 12° dia após lesão, com análise após 48 h, promoveu ca.25% redução no calibre vascular analisado por arteriografia e diminuição similar na área total do vaso detectada por tomografia de coerência óptica. Neste processo, não ocorreu alteração no tamanho da neoíntima, indicando assim, que PDI Ab acentuou remodelamento constrictivo. Neutralização da pecPDI promoveu importantes alterações na arquitetura da matriz de colágeno e citoesqueleto, resultando em fibras com orientação invertida e desorganizadas. Diminuição na produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio e óxidos de nitrogênio também ocorreu. Análise de propriedades viscoelásticas nas artérias indicou redução na ductilidade vascular, evidenciada pela menor distância para ruptura. As alterações subcelulares no citoesqueleto observadas in vivo após PDI Ab foram recapituladas em um modelo de estiramento cíclico em células musculares lisas vasculares, com importante redução na formação das fibras de estresse. Em modelo de migração randômica de células musculares lisas, a exposição a PDI Ab reduziu a resiliência de regulação da polaridade. Embora a neutralização da pecPDI não tenha afetado a atividade global de RhoA, ela promoveu alterações no padrão de marcação em resposta ao estiramento, na redistribuição de RhoA na superfície celular e na associação com regiões contendo caveolina. Além disso, em aterosclerose nativa em humanos, a expressão da PDI correlacionou-se inversamente com remodelamento constrictivo. Dessa forma, PDI é fortemente expressa após a lesão e sua fração peri/epicelular remodela a arquitetura da matriz e citoesqueleto, promovendo um efeito anti-remodelamento constrictivo / Whole-vessel remodeling is a critical lumen caliber determinant in vascular disease, but underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. We investigated the role of endoplasmic reticulum chaperone Protein Disulfide Isomerase(PDI) and cell-surface PDI(peri/epicellular=pecPDI) pool in vascular caliber and architecture during vascular repair after injury(AI). After rabbit iliac artery balloon injury, there was marked increase in PDI mRNA and protein (25-fold vs. basal at day 14AI), with increase in both intracellular and pecPDI. Silencing PDI by siRNA (organ culture) induced ER stress augmentation and apoptosis, contrarily to pecPDI neutralization with PDI-antibody(PDI Ab). PecPDI neutralization in vivo with PDIAb-containing perivascular gel from days 12-14AI promoted ca.25% decrease in vascular caliber at arteriography and similar decreases in total vessel circumference at optical coherence tomography, without changing neointima, indicating increased constrictive remodeling. PecPDI neutralization promoted marked changes in collagen and cytoskeleton architecture, with inverted fiber orientation and disorganization. Decreased ROS and nitrogen oxide production also occurred. Viscoelastic artery properties assessment showed decreased ductility, evidenced by decreased distance to rupture. Subcellular cytoskeletal disruption by PDI Ab was recapitulated in vascular smooth muscle cell stretch model, with marked decrease in stress fiber buildup. Also, PDI Ab incubation promoted decreased regulation resilience of vascular smooth muscle migration properties. While pecPDI neutralization did not affect global RhoA activity, there was altered RhoA redistribution to the cell surface and association with caveolin-containing clusters, which mislocalized after stretch. In human coronary atheromas, PDI expression inversely correlated with constrictive remodeling. Thus, strongly-expressed PDI after injury reshapes matrix and cytoskeleton architecture to support an anticonstrictive remodeling effect

IL-17A induced response and synergy with otherproinflammatory cytokines in human endothelial cells

Salin, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Cardiovascular diseases are a broad group of diseases, such as heart attack and heart failureaffecting the cardiovascular system. The primary cause of cardiovascular diseases isatherosclerosis, and its progression is brought about by oxidative stress and a complex chronicinflammation reaction cascade. Of central importance are proinflammatory cytokines, regulatedby multiple factors, including interleukin (IL) 17A. This project aims to investigate the effectof IL-17A on the inflammatory response of human vascular endothelial cells by quantifyingchemokine C-X-C motif ligand-1 (CXCL1) release when exposed or not to otherproinflammatory mediators such as TNF-𝛼, IL-6 and IL-1β. To investigate this, humanumbilical cord endothelial cells were cultured and then stimulated with IL-17A alone or incombination with other cytokines, namely IL-6/sIL6R, IL-1β, or TNF-𝛼. After an appropriateincubation time following the stimulations, the supernatants of the cells were collected, and theamount of CXCL1 was analysed with ELISA or qPCR, respectively. At a lower concentration(10ng/ml), IL-17A failed to induce a significant level of CXCL1 release from endothelial cells.However, IL-17A + TNF-𝛼 (5ng/ml) greatly enhanced, higher than inductions from individualtreatments combined, level of CXCL1 release from endothelial cells. Furthermore, combiningIL-17A with IL-1β or IL-6 induced non-abundant and abundant upregulation in CXCL1 release,respectively. On transcription level, the amount of CXCL1 mRNA induced by IL-17A alonewas non-significant, but stimulation with TNF-𝛼 and IL-17A + TNF-𝛼 induced significantlyupregulated expression of CXCL1. In conclusion, we found that IL-17A induced synergeticrelease of CXCL1 in human vascular endothelial cells with TNF-𝛼. In addition, the synergisticimpact of IL-17A and TNF-𝛼 in terms of CXCL1 induction in vascular endothelial cells wasevident on a transcriptional level. Our data imply that combined blockage of IL-17A and TNF-𝛼 could have an enhanced therapeutic effect on vascular inflammation.

Effect of coronary perivascular adipose tissue on vascular smooth muscle function in metabolic syndrome

Owen, Meredith Kohr 19 December 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Obesity increases cardiovascular disease risk and is associated with factors of the “metabolic syndrome” (MetS), a disorder including hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and/or impaired glucose tolerance. Expanding adipose and subsequent inflammation is implicated in vascular dysfunction in MetS. Perivascular adipose tissue (PVAT) surrounds virtually every artery and is capable of releasing factors that influence vascular reactivity, but the effects of PVAT in the coronary circulation are unknown. Accordingly, the goal of this investigation was to delineate mechanisms by which lean vs. MetS coronary PVAT influences vasomotor tone and the coronary PVAT proteome. We tested the hypothesis that MetS alters the functional expression and vascular contractile effects of coronary PVAT in an Ossabaw swine model of the MetS. Utilizing isometric tension measurements of coronary arteries in the absence and presence of PVAT, we revealed the vascular effects of PVAT vary according to anatomical location as coronary and mesenteric, but not subcutaneous adipose tissue augmented coronary artery contractions to KCl. Factors released from coronary PVAT increase baseline tension and potentiate constriction of isolated coronary arteries relative to the amount of adipose tissue present. The effects of coronary PVAT are elevated in the setting of MetS and occur independent of endothelial function. MetS is also associated with substantial alterations in the coronary PVAT proteome and underlying increases in vascular smooth muscle Ca2+ handling via CaV1.2 channels, H2O2-sensitive K+ channels and/or upstream mediators of these ion channels. Rho-kinase signaling participates in the increase in coronary artery contractions to PVAT in lean, but not MetS swine. These data provide novel evidence that the vascular effects of PVAT vary according to anatomic location and are influenced by the MetS phenotype.

Serum response factor-dependent regulation of smooth muscle gene transcription

Chen, Meng 07 July 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Several common diseases such as atherosclerosis, post-angioplasty restenosis, and graft vasculopathies, are associated with the changes in the structure and function of smooth muscle cells. During the pathogenesis of these diseases, smooth muscle cells have a marked alteration in the expression of many smooth muscle-specific genes and smooth muscle cells undergo a phenotypic switch from the contractile/differentiated status to the proliferative/dedifferentiated one. Serum response factor (SRF) is the major transcription factor that plays an essential role in coordinating a variety of transcriptional events during this phenotypic change. The first goal of my thesis studies is to determine how SRF regulates the expression of smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase (smMLCK) to mediate changes in contractility. Using a combination of transgenic reporter mouse and knockout mouse models I demonstrated that a CArG element in intron 15 of the mylk1 gene is necessary for maximal transcription of smMLCK. SRF binding to this CArG element modulates the expression of smMLCK to control smooth muscle contractility. A second goal of my thesis work is to determine how SRF coordinates the activity of chromatin remodeling enzymes to control expression of microRNAs that regulate the phenotypes of smooth muscle cells. Using both mouse knockout models and in vitro studies in cultured smooth muscle cells I showed how SRF acts together with Brg1-containing chromatin remodeling complexes to regulate expression of microRNAs-143, 145, 133a and 133b. Moreover, I found that SRF transcription cofactor myocardin acts together with SRF to regulate expression of microRNAs-143 and 145 but not microRNAs-133a and 133b. SRF can, thus, further modulate gene expression through post-transcriptional mechanisms via changes in microRNA levels. Overall my research demonstrates that through direct interaction with a CArG box in the mylk1 gene, SRF is important for regulating expression of smMLCK to control smooth muscle contractility. Additionally, SRF is able to harness epigenetic mechanisms to modulate expression of smooth muscle contractile protein genes directly and indirectly via changes in microRNA expression. Together these mechanisms permit SRF to coordinate the complex phenotypic changes that occur in smooth muscle cells.

Coronary artery disease progression and calcification in metabolic syndrome

McKenney, Mikaela Lee January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / For years, the leading killer of Americans has been coronary artery disease (CAD), which has a strong correlation to the U.S. obesity epidemic. Obesity, along with the presence of other risk factors including hyperglycemia, hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, and high blood pressure, comprise of the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome (MetS). The presentation of multiple MetS risk factors increases a patients risk for adverse cardiovascular events. CAD is a complex progressive disease. We utilized the superb model of CAD and MetS, the Ossabaw miniature swine, to investigate underlying mechanisms of CAD progression. We studied the influence of coronary epicardial adipose tissue (cEAT) and coronary smooth muscle cell (CSM) intracellular Ca2+ regulation on CAD progression. By surgical excision of cEAT from MetS Ossabaw, we observed an attenuation of CAD progression. This finding provides evidence for a link between local cEAT and CAD progression. Intracellular Ca2+ is a tightly regulated messenger in CSM that initiates contraction, translation, proliferation and migration. When regulation is lost, CSM dedifferentiate from their mature, contractile phenotype found in the healthy vascular wall to a synthetic, proliferative phenotype. Synthetic CSM are found in intimal plaque of CAD patients. We investigated the changes in intracellular Ca2+ signaling in enzymatically isolated CSM from Ossabaw swine with varying stages of CAD using the fluorescent Ca2+ indicator, fura-2. This time course study revealed heightened Ca2+ signaling in early CAD followed by a significant drop off in late stage calcified plaque. Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is a result of dedifferentiation into an osteogenic CSM that secretes hydroxyapatite in the extracellular matrix. CAC is clinically detected by computed tomography (CT). Microcalcifications have been linked to plaque instability/rupture and cannot be detected by CT. We used 18F-NaF positron emission tomography (PET) to detect CAC in Ossabaw swine with early stage CAD shown by mild neointimal thickening. This study validated 18F-NaF PET as a diagnostic tool for early, molecular CAC at a stage prior to lesions detectable by CT. This is the first report showing non-invasive PET resolution of CAC and CSMC Ca2+ dysfunction at an early stage previously only characterized by invasive cellular Ca2+ imaging.

The signalling role of superoxide anion in vascular smooth muscle cells

Wu, Lingyun 05 1900 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal. / L'anion superoxyde peut agir comme une molécule de signalisation ou comme un facteur préjudiciable selon sa concentration, l'organe cible, et selon la présence ou non d'antioxydants neutralisants. Actuellement, dans les cellules musculaires lisses (CMLs) vasculaires, les effets de l'anion superoxyde sur les différentes voies de transduction du signal et sur les interactions croisées entre ces voies ne sont pas encore définies. Par conséquent, une meilleure connaissance des effets de l'anion superoxyde sur les différentes voies de signalisation pourrait fournir une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents aux fonctions altérées des CMLs vasculaires observées dans des conditions pathologiques. L'objectif général de cette étude était de caractériser et d'évaluer le rôle modulateur de l'anion superoxyde, produit par la réaction de l'hypoxanthine avec la xanthine oxidase, sur les activités de différentes voies de signalisation dans les CMLs vasculaires, et de déterminer si la sensibilité de différentes voies de signalisation à l'anion superoxyde était altérée dans l'hypertension artérielle. Le projet de ce programme de recherche était basé sur les principaux postulats suivants : (1) l'anion superoxyde pourrait affecter sélectivement la production d'inositol 1,4,5-triphosphates (IP3), de GMPc, ou d'AMPc dans les CMLs vasculaires; (2) le rôle modulateur de l'anion superoxyde pourrait être dû à une altération des interactions croisées entre différentes voies de signalisation; et (3) les anomalies observées dans les CMLs vasculaires chez le rat spontanément hypertendu (SHR) pourraient être reliées à des altérations des différentes voies de signalisation induites par l'anion superoxyde. Une production augmentée d'1P3induite par l'anion superoxyde dans les CMLs d'aorte de rat ou d'artère mésentérique en culture a été démontrée pour la première fois dans cette étude. L'anion superoxyde a augmenté la formation d'IP3d'une manière concentration-dépendante et temps-dépendante. La superoxyde dismutase (SOD), mais non la catalase, a inhibé significativement la formation d'IP3 induite par l'anion superoxyde. L'inhibition de la phospholipase C (PLC) a aboli l'effet de l'anion superoxyde sur la formation d'1P3. La génistéine et la tyrphostine A25, deux inhibiteurs de la tyrosine kinase, ont aussi inhibé significativement la formation d'IP3induite par l'anion superoxyde. L'utilisation d'anticorps anti-PLCy a atténué significativement la formation d'1P3induite par l'anion superoxyde. De plus, le taux d'expression des protéines de la PLCy a été augmenté après l'exposition des CMLs à l'anion superoxyde. Ces observations suggèrent donc que dans les CMLs vasculaires la formation d'1P3 induite par l'anion superoxyde pourrait être en grande partie secondaire à une augmentation de l'activité de la tyrosine kinase liée aux voies de signalisation de la PLCy. En ce qui concerne la voie du GMPc, l'anion superoxyde a diminué significativement les niveaux de base de GMPc et supprimé aussi l'augmentation des niveaux de GMPc induite par des stimulateurs de la guanylyl cyclase, le nitroprussiate de sodium (NPS) ou la s-nitroso-nacétylpénicillamine (SNAP). La formation d'1P3stimulée par l'anion superoxyde a été significativement inhibée par le NPS ou la SNAP, mais potentialisée de façon importante par un inhibiteur de la guanylyl cyclase l'ODQ ou par le KT5823 (un inhibiteur de la protéine kinase dépendant du GMPc). Cependant, l'anion superoxyde n'a pas eu d'effet sur les niveaux de base d'AMPc ou sur la production d'AMPc induite par la forskoline et de plus, l'inhibition de l'adénylyl cyclase ou de la protéine kinase dépendante de l'AMPe n'a pas affecté la formation d'lP3stimulée par l'anion superoxyde. Ces données, par conséquent, suggèrent que l'inhibition de la formation de GMPc par l'anion superoxyde contribue probablement à l'activation de la formation d'1P3induite par l'anion superoxyde en atténuant le rétrocontrôle inhibiteur du GMPc sur les voies de signalisation liées à la PLC, tandis que la voie de signalisation de l'AMPc ne serait pas impliquée dans la formation d'EP3induite par l'anion superoxyde. Dans les CMLs vasculaires de rat SHR, les effets de l'anion superoxyde ont été plus puissants que dans les CMLs de rat WKY, en ce qui concerne l'augmentation de formation d'1P3, la diminution des taux de GMPc et la facilitation induite par l'anion superoxyde des interactions croisées entre les voies du GMPc et de 1'IP3. Dans les CMLs vasculaires des deux souches de rat, la formation d'IP3induite par l'anion superoxyde a été inhibée par une variété d'antioxydants, dont la N-acétylcystéine, l'acide a-lipoïque, la mélatonine et la SOD. Il apparaît donc vraisemblable que l'hypersensibilité à l'anion superoxyde des voies de 1'IP3et du GMPc puissent contribuer à l'augmentation du tonus vasculaire et de la réactivité des CMLs dans l'hypertension artérielle. Nous avons aussi investigué si l'effet de la mélatonine était dû à ses propriétés antioxydantes. Un effet inhibiteur plus important de la mélatonine sur la contraction aortique induite par la norépinéphrine (NE) a été observé chez les rats SHR en comparaison avec les rats Wistar-Kyoto (WKY). L'inhibition par la mélatonine de la formation d'IP induite par la NE a été aussi plus importante dans les CMLs aortiques de rat SHR que dans celles de rat WKY. Les effets plus puissants de la mélatonine chez le rat SHR, qui ont été aussi observés avec la SOD, mais non avec la catalase, ne sont pas dûs à l'activation des récepteurs à la mélatonine ou des récepteurs a-adrénergiques. Ces résultats indiquent que les effets anti-hypertenseurs de la mélatonine sont largement dûs à l'inactivation de l'anion superoxyde, et que les niveaux endogènes d' antioxydants ne parviennent pas à contrecarrer les niveaux accrus d'anion superoxyde produits chez le rat SHR. En conclusion, cette étude révèle une variété de nouveaux mécanismes de signalisation de l'anion superoxyde. Pour la première fois, il a été démontré que l'anion superoxyde active l'hydrolyse des phosphoinositides et augmente les taux d'IP3dans les CMLs vasculaires, principalement par la stimulation de la tyrosine kinase liée à la voie de signalisation de la PLCy. Il a aussi été observé que l'anion superoxyde réduit la formation de GMPc et supprime l'inhibition croisée de 1'1P3par le GMPc, facilitant ainsi la formation d'1P3. Les effets sélectifs de l'anion superoxyde sur les voies de 1'IP3et du GMPc, ainsi que l'existence d'une inhibition croisée de la formation d'1P3par la voie du GMPc, révèlent des mécanismes nouveaux pour expliquer le rôle modulateur de l'anion superoxyde sur les voies de signalisation dans les CMLs. Par conséquent, les effets plus puissants de l'anion superoxyde sur la signalisation de la voie de 1'IP3et de la voie du GMPc dans les CMLs vasculaires de rat SHR, effets qui ont été démontrés pour la première fois dans cette étude, pourraient être responsables des altérations des mécanismes de transduction du signal cellulaire chez le rat SHR et ainsi contribuer au développement et/ou au maintien de l'hypertension artérielle. Ces observations permettent donc d'imaginer de nouvelles orientations pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies pour la prévention ou le traitement de l'hypertension artérielle. / Superoxide anion can act as a signalling molecule or a detrimental factor depending on its concentration, the targeted organ, and the presence of counteracting antioxidants. The effects of superoxide on different signal transduction pathways and on the cross-talk interactions among these pathways in vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) are presently still unsettled. Therefore, a better knowledge on the effects of superoxide on different signalling pathways may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying the altered functions in vascular SMCs observed in pathological conditions. The general objective of this study was to characterize and evaluate the modulating role of superoxide generated by the hypoxanthine and xanthine oxidase reaction on the activities of different signalling pathways in vascular SMCs and to investigate whether the sensitivities of different signalling pathways to superoxide were altered in hypertension. The design of the present research program was based on the following major postulates. (1) superoxide might selectively affect the generation of inositol 1,4,5-triphosphates (IP3), cGMP, or cAMP in vascular SMCs; (2) the modulating role of superoxide might be mediated by alteration in the cross-talk interactions among different signalling pathways; and (3) the abnormalities observed in vascular SMCs from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) might be related to the alterations induced by superoxide on different signalling pathways. An enhanced production of 1P3induced by superoxide in cultured SMCs from rat aorta or mesenteric artery was demonstrated, for the first time, in this study. Superoxide increased 1P3 formation in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), but not catalase, significantly inhibited the superoxide-increased 1P3formation. The inhibition of phospholipase C (PLC) abolished the effect of superoxide on IP3formation. Genistein and tyrphostin A25, two tyrosine kinase inhibitors, also significantly inhibited the superoxideinduced IP3formation. The application of antibody against PLCI, significantly attenuated the superoxide-induced 1P3formation. Moreover, the expression level of PLC7proteins was increased after exposing SMCs to superoxide. These observations thus suggest that superoxideinduced IP3 formation may be in a great part secondary to an increase in the activity of tyrosine kinase-link PLCy signalling pathways in vascular SMCs. Concerning the cGMP pathway, superoxide significantly decreased the basal levels of cGMP and also suppressed the rise in cGMP levels induced by guanylyl cyclase stimulator sodium nitroprusside (SNP) or s-nitroso-n-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP). The superoxide-induced IP3 formation was significantly inhibited by SNP or SNAP, but markedly potentiated by a guanylyl cyclase inhibitor ODQ or KT5823 (a cGMP-dependent protein kinase inhibitor). However, superoxide had no effect on the basal levels of cAMP or the forskolin-induced cAMP production and moreover, the inhibition of adenylyl cyclase or cAMP-dependent protein kinase did not affect the superoxide-enhanced IP3formation. These data, therefore, suggest that the reduced cGMP formation by superoxide probably contributes to the superoxide induced activation of 1P3 formation by lifting the inhibitory feedback of cGMP on the PLC pathway(s), whereas, the cAMP pathway may not be involved in the superoxide-induced IP3formation. In vascular SMCs from SHR, the effects of superoxide were more potent than in SMCs from WKY, including the increase in 1P3 formation, the decrease in cGMP levels, and the superoxide-induced facilitation of the cross-talk interaction between cGMP and IP3pathways. The superoxide-induced 1P3formation was inhibited by a variety of antioxidants, including nacetylcysteine, cc-lipoic acid, melatonin and SOD, in vascular SMCs from both strains. It thus appears that the hypersensitivity of 1P3and cGMP pathways to superoxide is likely to contribute to the increased vascular tone and reactivity of SMCs in hypertension. Whether the effect of melatonin is due to its antioxidant properties was also explored. A greater inhibitory effect of melatonin on the norepinephrine (NE)-induced aortic contraction was observed in SHR than in Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKY). The inhibition of the NE-induced IP formation by melatonin was also greater in aortic SMCs from SHR than that from WKY. The enhanced effects of melatonin in SHR, which were found to be similarly enhanced with SOD but not with catalase, were not mediated by melatonin receptors or oc-adrenoceptors. These results indicate that the anti-hypertensive effects of melatonin are largely due to the scavenging of superoxide, and that the levels of endogenous antioxidants may not counteract the levels of overproduced superoxide in SHR. In conclusion, this study reveals a variety of novel signalling mechanisms for superoxide. For the first time, it was demonstrated that superoxide activates the hydrolysis of phosphoinositides and increases IP3levels in vascular SMCs mainly through the stimulation of tyrosine kinase-link PLCy signal pathway. It was also found that superoxide reduces cGMP formation and suppresses the cross-inhibition of IP3by cGMP, thus facilitating 1133formation. The selective effects of superoxide on 1133and cGMP pathways as well as the existence of a cross-inhibition of IP3formation by cGMP pathway provide novel mechanisms for the signalling role of superoxide in vascular SMCs. Therefore, the altered signalling effects of superoxide on the IP3pathway and the cGMP pathway, which were demonstrated in vascular SMCs from SHR for the first time in this study, could thus be responsible for the alterations in cellular signal transduction mechanisms in SHR and might contribute to the development and/or maintenance of hypertension. These observations could provide new avenues for the development of new strategies for the prevention or treatment of hypertension.

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