Spelling suggestions: "subject:"vatican II"" "subject:"baltican II""
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Boquen, 1965-1976 : entre utopie et révolution dans le catholicisme français / Boquen, 1965-1976 : between utopia and revolution in French CatholicismLebel, Béatrice 17 December 2014 (has links)
Située dans les Côtes d’Armor, Boquen est en 1965 une abbaye cistercienne de la commune observance. En 1976, les Petites Sœurs de Bethléem s’y installent avec un objectif précis : y rétablir une vie monastique après la décennie mouvementée que vient de vivre Boquen. L’abbaye s’était en effet métamorphosée en un haut lieu de la contestation catholique en France, voire en symbole de cette contestation.Cette étude se propose d’analyser, sur un mode chronologique, les éléments qui ont concouru à transformer cette petite abbaye en caisse de résonance des attentes de milliers de chrétiens. Elle met ainsi en lumière l’importance du contexte socioreligieux des sixties et des seventies dans l’évolution de Boquen mais aussi le rôle majeur joué par Bernard Besret, le très charismatique prieur de Boquen puis leader de la Communion. Celui-ci a initié un projet communautaire original, la Communion de Boquen, qui allie monachisme, œcuménisme et esprit des sixties. Le 20 août 1969, Bernard Besret prononce une conférence retentissante qui entraine sa destitution. Dès lors, la sanction draine vers l’abbaye toute l’aile contestataire chrétienne qui va de la gauche à l’extrême gauche. A l’automne 1970, Boquen a pris le leadership des chrétiens en recherche. Les deux années qui suivent confirment son succès. Mais qu’est-ce que Boquen ? En 1973, le déclin s’amorce. Il est aggravé par le départ de Bernard Besret en octobre 1974. A l’automne 1976, cette expérience utopique dans les murs de Boquen s’achève avec l’expulsion de la Communion et de la communauté des résidents qui s’y était établie. / Boquen, located in “ Côtes d’Armor”, is in 1965 a Cistercian abbey of the common observance. In 1976, the Little Sisters of Bethleem settle there with the precise purpose of re-establishing monastic life after the agitated decade that has just come to an end at Boquen. For the abbey had indeed been turned into a prominent place of the catholic protest in France, if not its very symbol. This study proposes an analysis, in a chronological mode, of the elements that have contributed to the transforming of this small abbey into a sounding board for the expectations of thousands of Christians. It thus brings to light the importance played by the socio-religious context of the sixties and seventies upon the evolution of Boquen, and also the major role played by Bernard Besret, the very charismatic Prior of Boquen and later leader of the “Communion”. He initiated an original community project, the Communion of Boquen, which combined monasticism, ecumenism and spirit of the sixties. On August 20th 1969 Bernard Besret gives a resounding conference which brings about his dismissal. From that day, that sanction attracts to the abbey all the christian anti-establishment wing, ranging from left to far left. By the autumn of 1970 Boquen has taken the leadership of the Christians in spiritual quest. The next two years confirm its success. But what is Boquen? In 1973, it starts declining. Things get worse with Bernard Besret’s departure in October 1974. By the autumn of 1976, that utopic experiment within the walls of Boquen comes to an end with the expulsion of the Communion and of the community of residents who had settled there.
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Three essays concerning religion and domestic behaviorGregoire, Scott Larkin 26 October 2009 (has links)
In the first essay, I demonstrate that during the 1970s, the marital behavior of US Catholics changed dramatically relative to that of the total population. The Catholic marriage rate, that is, the number of Catholic marriages per 1000 Catholics, decreased nearly 20 percent relative to the civil marriage rate. Before and after this time period, the two rates moved in unison. Empirically, I find that the Catholic reforms and encyclicals of the 1960s, that is, Vatican II and Humanae Vitae, led to a decrease in the Catholic marriage rate relative to the civil marriage rate and that the reform of civil divorce law had no effect on this relative rate. In the second essay, I expand the analysis of the previous essay and test whether a negative response among US Catholics to the reforms of Vatican II and to Humanae Vitae is able to explain the increase in the civil marriage rate, the decrease in the Catholic marriage rate, and the increase in the interfaith marriage rate seen in the data. To do this, I construct an original model that treats marriage as a set of two contracts, one civil and one religious, with the benefit and cost of the religious contract depending upon a social complementarity. The theory and the data match if the primary effect of 1960s Catholic reform was to decrease the benefit of a Catholic marriage. In the third essay, I examine the link between religiosity and the incidence of domestic abuse and model sanctification as the pathway connecting the two. Sanctification is "a psychological process through which aspects of life are perceived by people as having spiritual character or significance"[25]. In the model, the abuser must his choose level of abuse, and both abuser and abused must allocate a scarce amount of time between the production of a marital good and a personal consumption good. Sanctification is modeled as an increase in the return to time invested in the marital good. Theoretically, abuse increases in both spouses' level of sanctification and the wife's productivity and decreases in the husband's productivity. This partially agrees with the data. / text
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L’integration progressive du developpement dans l’enseignement social de l’eglise autour de gaudium et spes : le développement intégral et solidaire comme exigence de la foi vécue / The gradual integration of development into the social teachings of the church in gaudium et spes : integral and interdependent development as a requirement of lived faithAnaehobi, Vitalis 02 September 2010 (has links)
Que la question du développement soit une question qui intéresse la théologie est aujourd’hui une évidence pour les théologiens. Depuis le Concile Vatican II, à l’exception de Jean Paul I, les papes successifs ont consacré chacun une encyclique entière à la question du développement. Ces encycliques abordent le développement comme une question à la fois économique, politique, sociale et surtout théologique et morale. Notre thèse cherche à répondre à une question historique très pertinente pour la pensée théologique en ce qui concerne le développement : Comment le développement est-t-il devenu une question théologique ? Quel est le processus qui a permit au développement de prendre une place importante dans la théologie ? Nous avons fait une étude du document principal qui a permis à l'église d’entrer en dialogue avec le monde et ses problèmes : La Constitution pastorale sur l'église dans le monde de ce temps Gaudium et spes. Nous avons montré comment les Pères conciliaires ont pu, à partir de leur travail au Concile, mettre en marche une dynamique en faveur du développement et de là ont pu élaborer un enseignement théologique sur le développement. Le sujet qui a conditionné tout le débat sur le développement est l’homme et son bien-être, l’homme créé par Dieu et qui collabore avec Dieu pour achever sa création. Une approche à la fois historique et théologique nous a permis de donner à notre thème un contenu précis et à élaborer ce qu’on peut désigner comme une théologie du développement. / For most theologians today, it goes without saying that development is a theological question. Since after the second Vatican Council, with the exception of Pope John-Paul I, all the other popes published an encyclical letter on development. Each of these encyclicals treats development as economic, political, social and especially theological question. Our research is an attempt to respond to a very important historical question for theological thought: How did development become a theological question? What processes led to its becoming a current and important theological issue? To respond to the above questions, we studied the principal document through which the Church entered into dialogue with the world during the second Vatican Council: The Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the modern world Gaudium et spes. The council Fathers, in the said documents, gave development an elaborate theological treatment. All the debate on development in the Council was dominated by the consideration for man and his well-being; man created by God and called by him to continue collaborating with him in his work of creation. By using a historical and theological approach, we were able to give to our theme a reasonable elucidation. This method also helped us to elaborate what could be designated as a theology of development.
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[pt] O foco deste trabalho está na fundamentação, na
caracterização e no processo da
Eclesiologia de Comunhão no pensamento de Yves Marie-Joseph
Congar, cuja contribuição
teológica nos remete a refletir a Igreja na dinâmica da
Trindade, onde reside sua origem, seu
modelo e sua meta. A Igreja é anunciada e revelada como
comunhão. Pretende-se refletir essa
eclesiologia articulada com as intuições e a reviravolta
teológica trazida pelo Concílio
Ecumênico Vaticano II no contexto de sua recepção. Visando
uma síntese mais abrangente
que valorize tanto o Concílio quanto os estudos de nosso
teólogo, o autor procede em três
passos: primeiro, a caracterização do fundamento básico da
eclesiologia congariana: toda
cristologia é pneumatologia e vice-versa. Segundo, a
articulação da recepção do Vaticano II
com o pensamento de Congar, valorizando os modelos de
Igreja, as suas notas e propriedades.
No terceiro passo, refletiremos sobre os sinais, dimensões
e procedimentos da Eclesiologia de
Comunhão em Yves Congar e suas implicações na dinâmica
eclesial. / [fr] L’objet de cette recherche se situe dans la fondamentation, la caractérisation et dans le
processus de l’Ecclésiologie de Communion dans la pensée de Yves Marie-Joseph Congar,
dont la contribution théologique nous conduit à penser l’Église dans la dynamique de la
Trinité, dans laquelle se trouve son origine, son modèle et son but. L’Église est annoncée et
révélée comme communion. Il s’agira de penser cette ecclesiologie en l’articulant avec les
intuitions et le “retournement” théologique opéré par le Concile Vatican II, dans le contexte de
sa réception. Visant une large synthèse, l’auteur procède en trois étapes. La première est la
caractérisation du fondement de base de l´ecclésiologie congarienne: toute christologie est
pneumatologie et inversement. La seconde est l’articulation de la réception de Vatican II avec
la pensée de Congar, en mettant en valeur les modeles d’Église, leurs notes et leurs propriétés.
Dans la troisième étape, nous réfléchirons aux signes, aux dimensions et aux méthodes de
l’Ecclesiologie de Communion chez Yves Congar et ses implications dans la dynamique
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Le Saint-Siège et les catholiques de France et d'Italie face à la guerre au Viêtnam (1963-1966) : entre légitimation de la guerre, action de paix et primauté de la conscience / La Santa Sede e i cattolici di Francia e d'Italia dinanzi al conflitto in Vietnam (1963-1966) : Tra legittimazione della guerra, azione di pace e primato della coscienza / The Holy See, French and Italian Catholicism and the Vietnam War (1963-1966) : Legitimation of War, Peace Action and Primacy of ConscienceGhezzi, Francesca 18 December 2018 (has links)
Ma thèse de doctorat examine les réactions du Saint-Siège et, à travers une approche comparative, des catholiques français et italiens aux événements survenus au Viêtnam entre la seconde moitié de 1963 et le premier semestre de 1966. Dans cette période une série d'événements attirerait de nouveau l'attention internationale sur le Viêtnam, alors que Paul VI reprenait les travaux du concile Vatican II et les menait à terme. En même temps, le système international et les sociétés de l'Europe occidentale connaissaient des transformations majeures dans leurs structures profondes. Entre 1963 et 1966 le Viêtnam semble avoir été perçu par l'Église comme le théâtre de trois formes différentes de conflit : une guerre de religion (1963, « crise bouddhiste »), une éventuelle troisième guerre mondiale atomique (1964-1965, crise du golfe du Tonkin et intervention armée des États-Unis contre le FLN et le Viêtnam du Nord), une guerre demi-conventionnelle asymétrique qui provoqua une urgence humanitaire (1965-1966, intense escalade). Chacune de ces formes souleva des questions spécifiques et délicates aux yeux de l'Église conciliaire, dont la plupart intéressaient les rapports entre religion et politique. Les questions les plus pressantes concernaient la légitimité de la « guerre juste » à l'âge atomique, la nécessité d'une action concrète de l'Église en faveur de la paix, la primauté de la conscience. Engagée dans une dialectique interne complexe et souvent contradictoire, l'Église semble avoir été divisée entre l'esprit de « l'aggiornamento » de Vatican II, introduit par le magistère de Jean XXIII, et son lien traditionnel avec l'Occident, marqué par le rigide anticommunisme du pontificat de Pie XII des années Cinquante. / My PhD dissertation analyzes the reactions of the Holy See as well as of French and Italian Catholics, through a comparative approach, to the events in Vietnam between the second half of 1963 and the first half of 1966. Within this time frame, a series of events would bring the international attention back on Vietnam, while Paul VI would resume the work of the Second Vatican council and lead it to a conclusion, and while both the international system and Western European societies would go through major transformations in their deep structures. Based on my study, I argue that between 1963 and 1966 Vietnam would have been perceived as the scene of three different forms of conflict in the eyes of the Church. A religious war (1963, ‘Buddhist crisis’), a potential atomic third world war (1964-1965, Gulf of Tonkin crisis and U.S. full military intervention in Vietnam), and an asymmetric, semi-conventional war that would cause a humanitarian emergency (1965-1966, intense escalation of the war). Each of these forms of conflict would raise specific and delicate issues for the conciliar Church, most of which regarding the relationship between religion and politics. The most pressing of these issues would come to be the legitimacy of the “Just War” doctrine in the atomic age, the need for concrete action in favor of peace on behalf of the whole Church, and primacy of conscience amongst the Catholics. Engaged in a complex and often contradictory internal dialectic, the Church appears to have been divided between the spirit of Vatican II’s ‘aggiornamento’, introduced by John XXIII’s magisterium, and the its traditional connection with the West, marked by Pius XII’s rigid anticommunism of the Fifties.
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A FORMAÇÃO DE CATEQUISTAS NA ARQUIDIOCESE DE GOIÂNIA, APÓS A PROMULGAÇÃO DO CATECISMO DA IGREJA CATÓLICA (1992 A 2009) / The formation of catechists in the Archdiocese of Goiânia, after the promulgation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (1992-2009).Santos, Edson Bento dos 14 March 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-03-14 / In this research, we attempted to analyze the formation of catechists in the
Archdiocese of Goiânia, in the period 1992 to 2009, considered the period after the
promulgation of the Catechism and the documents guiding the catechism of the
Catholic Church. Divided into three chapters, this work shows the first chapter, a
historical overview of the Archdiocese of Goiânia and their bishops, from the
legislative history of the Archdiocese since its founding and the presence of the
three bishops. In the second, catechesis and community, the formation of catechists
and the mission of those in the church, the Vatican II council and the General
Directory for Catechesis, the theoretical framework using the pedagogies of Paulo
Freire, worth of classics of the sociology of religion, particularly Max Weber. In the
third chapter, it is of particular pedagogical practices applied in the formation of
catechists in the Archdiocese of Goiânia. Finally we tried to prove the hypothesis
presented in the initial design. And considering the circumstances and historicalcultural
church of the Archdiocese of Goiânia influencing the formation and
maintenance of the catechism of Goiânia. / Neste trabalho de pesquisa, buscou-se analisar a formação de catequistas na
Arquidiocese de Goiânia, no período de 1992 a 2009, considerado período pós
promulgação do Catecismo e dos documentos orientadores da catequese da Igreja
Católica. Dividida em três capítulos, esta dissertação traz no primeiro capítulo, uma
síntese histórica da arquidiocese de Goiânia e seus Bispos, partindo dos elementos
históricos da Arquidiocese desde sua fundação e a presença de seus três bispos.
No segundo, a catequese e a comunidade, a formação de catequistas e a missão
dos mesmos na Igreja, o Concílio Vaticano II e o Diretório Geral para a Catequese,
além do referencial teórico, utilizando as pedagogias de Paulo Freire, valendo-se de
clássicos da sociologia da religião particularmente Max Weber. No terceiro capítulo,
trata-se das determinadas ações pedagógicas aplicadas na formação de
catequistas na arquidiocese de Goiânia. Por fim, procurou-se comprovar a hipótese
apresentada no projeto inicial. E foram consideradas as circunstâncias históricocultural
e eclesial da Arquidiocese de Goiânia que influenciaram na formação e na
manutenção da catequese de Goiânia.
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After Vatican II: Renegotiating the Roles of Women, Sexual Ethics, and Homosexuality in the Roman Catholic ChurchNauert, Kenneth Brian, Jr. 01 April 2018 (has links)
Vatican II was one of the most seminal councils in Roman Catholic Church history, having far reaching effects on the universal institution.1 One of the most important outcomes of Vatican II was not the reforming of orthopraxy, but the dialogue that developed regarding three specific issues – the transforming of women’s roles in Church life, Catholic sexual ethics, and the Church’s relationship with LGBTQ+ individuals.2 The decades following Vatican II became a new era of religious dialogue among Catholic scholars and theologians, which established new discussions on women’s ordination, sexual ethics, and attitudes towards homosexuality in the contemporary world.
This thesis examines dialogue concerning women’s ordination, as well as the dialogue that developed from Pope John Paul II’s teachings in his Theology of the Body regarding sexual ethics and the agency of queer persons in the Church. It explores the dialogue among scholars and theologians on the changing role and opinion of women in ministerial positions, the shifting understanding of sexual morality, and the changing attitudes towards queer individuals that developed because of Vatican II’s emphasis on discussion.
Vatican II decisively changed the way the Church practices and performs its numerous responsibilities in our modern world. However, the result also included a deeper understanding of the individual needs, ideas, and beliefs of the laity. In 2014, the Vatican’s International Theological Commission referenced the importance of laity’s role as members of the universal Church:
Putting faith into practice in the concrete reality of the existential situations in which he or she is placed by family, professional and cultural relations enriches the personal experience of the believer. It enables him or her to see more precisely the value and the limits of a given doctrine, and to propose ways of refining its formulation. That is why those who teach in the name of the Church should give full attention to the experience of believers, especially lay people, who strive to put the Church’s teaching into practice in the areas of their own specific experience and competence.3
In doing so, greater concern for discussion of these issues developed, which is documented in this thesis.
1 To maintain efficiency within the overall thesis, from this point the term “Roman Catholic Church” will be shortened to “the Church.” This in no way is meant to mean the Catholic Church is the only church but is a way to provide a shortened term for a longer name. It also is not meant to delineate the entirety of the Body of Christ within the religious tradition of Christianity to the Roman Catholic Church.
2 Orthopraxy in this case refers to the correct performance and practice of certain rituals and ritespredominantly found within the Roman Catholic Latin Rite Mass.
3 International Theological Commission, “Sensus Fidei in the Life of the Church,” (Vatican City, 2014).
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[pt] Esta dissertação busca fazer uma leitura da nova consciência eclesial numa mudança de época na reflexão teológica do Magistério da Igreja, especificamente nos capítulos I e II da Lumen Gentium e de alguns teólogos que se ocupam do assunto. Nestas fontes, encontra-se grande parte da reflexão sobre a eclesiologia do Vaticano II. Elas podem oferecer elementos para superar alguns obstáculos que dificultam uma nova consciência eclesial para os tempos atuais. A pesquisa desenvolveu-se pelo método analítico das fontes. O Concílio Vaticano II propiciou uma virada eclesiológica. Ele é Considerado o Concílio da Igreja, pois sua intenção era de preparar a Igreja para os tempos modernos. Pensar uma Igreja inserida na atualidade. O que foi fundamental para a eclesiologia aparece no capítulo II da Lumen Gentium, o Povo de Deus que antecede o capítulo que fala da Hierarquia. A comunhão que une a todos numa mesma vocação cristã. Todos os batizados fazem parte igualmente do povo de Deus. Continuar com o ensino do Concílio Vaticano II e a reflexão teológica que se sucedeu logo após o concílio nos ajudará a aprofundar a nova consciência necessária para hoje. / [en] This dissertation has the intention as a reading of the new ecclesial awareness in a changing of times in theological reflection of the Church s Magisterium, particularly in Chapters I and II of Lumen Gentium and in some theologians that deal with the subject. In these sources we can find most of the reflection about the ecclesiology of Vatican II. They can offer elements to overcome some obstacles to a new ecclesial awareness for the current times. The research was developed by the analytical method of the sources. The council Vatican II provided an ecclesiological transformation. It s considered The Council of the Church because its intention was to prepare the Church for modern times, and to think a Church integrated at the present. The key to ecclesiology appears in Chapter II of Lumen Gentium, the People of God that precedes the chapter about the Hierarchy. It s the communion that brings together everyone in the same Christian vocation. All the baptized are equally part of People of God. To continue with the teaching of Vatican II and theological reflection that followed the council, will help us deepen the new awareness required for today.
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« MUNUS MUSICÆ SACRÆ MINISTERIALE » Vatican II, Sacrosanctum Concilium, n.112. Une expression originale du Concile Vatican II : ses antécédents historiques, son contexte, sa signification / "MUNUS MUSICÆ SACRÆ MINISTERIALE" VATICAN II, Sacrosanctum Concilium, n.112. An original expression of the Council Vatican II : her historic histories, her context, her meaningSteinmetz, Michel 13 October 2010 (has links)
Partant de l’apparent conflit entre le geste rituel et l’acte musical dans la liturgie catholique, la thèse se propose de faire l’étude du munus ministeriale de la musique sacrée tel qu’il apparaît dans la constitution conciliaire de Vatican II sur la liturgie (SC 112). Le syntagme, un hapax dans l’ensemble du Concile, jamais encore appliqué à la musique et n’ayant à ce jour fait l’objet d’une étude approfondie, interroge. Il convient donc d’en explorer les éventuels antécédents historiques, d’en saisir le contexte pour mieux en appréhender la signification. La démarche proposée, à la fois proprement d’investigation historique et de réflexion théologique, suit celle de Sacrosanctum Concilium en questionnant tour à tour les Pères de l’Eglise et l’enseignement des pontifes, au rang desquels Pie X tient une place déterminante, avant de scruter l’élaboration du texte conciliaire lui-même. L’étude s’intéresse en outre à l’emploi et à la portée des munus et ministeriale dans l’ensemble des documents de Vatican II afin d’en dégager l’implication théologique pour la musique sacrée. Il apparaît que cette dernière acquiert le statut de lieu théologique fondé sur la notion de médiation et enraciné dans une succession de médiations. Par son munus ministeriale qui en fait dès lors sa spécificité, la musique sacrée participe bien d’un ordre sacramentel, à la fois expression de sa fonction mais aussi de sa charge programmatique dans le culte divin. / Starting from the apparent conflict between the ritual move and the musical act in Catholic liturgy, this thesis sets out to study the munus ministeriale of sacred music as it appears in the conciliar constitution of Vatican II (SC112). This phrase, a hapax legomenon in the whole council, which was never applied to music until then and hasn't been thoroughly studied up to now, is worth considering. That's why it would be appropriate to search for its possible historical antecedents, to grasp its context so as to better apprehend its meaning. The processes suggested here, not only a pure matter of historical investigation but also a piece of theological reflection, follow that of Sacrosanctum Concilium by questioning in turn the Church Fathers, the teaching of the Popes, among whom Pius X holds a fundamental position, before examining the elaboration of the conciliar text itself. Moreover, this study focuses on the use and import of the munus and ministeriale in all the documents from Vatican II so as to bring out their theological significance for sacred music. It appears that the latter gets the status of theological place founded on the notion of mediation, and rooted in a succession of mediations. Through its munus ministeriale which then makes it specific, sacred music really is part of a sacramental order, which expresses its function but also its programmatic role in divine cult.
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Feminist Ecclesiology: A Trinitarian Framework for Transforming the Church's Institutional and Spiritual LIfeGeere, Stacy 01 July 2019 (has links)
In light of women’s marginal status in church governance and ministry through most of recorded history, feminist trinitarian ecclesiology is needed to transform the church’s institutional and spiritual life. While Vatican II provided the paradigm shift and promising anthropology essential for an egalitarian church, feminist ecclesiology prompts a radical transformation of its hierarchical and patriarchal structures and practices so that it may truly embody the Trinity. Trinitarian life provides practical and radical consequences for Christian life, and provides a model of church marked by relationships of equality, mutuality, unity and reciprocity. It also provides a strong ecclesiological argument for reform of the juridical Catholic nullity of marriage process, which may pave a pathway for the civilly remarried to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist.
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