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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The great ornamentals : new vice-regal women and their imperial work 1884-1914

Andrews, Amanda R, University of Western Sydney, College of Arts, Education and Social Sciences, School of Humanities January 2004 (has links)
This thesis traces the evolution and emergence of the new-vice regal woman during a high point of the British Empire. The social, political and economic forces of the age, which transformed British society, presented different challenges and responsibilities for all women, not least those of the upper-class. Aristocratic women responded to these challenges in a distinctive manner when accompanying their husbands to the colonies and dominions as vice-regal consorts. In the last years of Queen Victoria’s reign a unique link was established between the monarchy and her female representatives throughout the Empire. The concept of the new vice-regal woman during the period 1884-1914 was explored through three case studies. The imperial stores of Lady Hariot Dufferin (1843-1936), Lady Ishbel Aberdeen (1857-1939), and Lady Rachel Dudley (c.1867-1920), establishes both the existence and importance of a new breed of vice-regal woman, one who was a modern, dynamic and pro-active imperialist. From 1884-1914 these three new vice-regal women pushed established boundaries and broke new ground. As a result, during their vice-regal lives, Ladies Dufferin, Aberdeen and Dudley initiated far reaching organisations in India, Ireland, Canada and / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Risk Identification in Offshore Out-sourcing of Services in Small and Medium sized Enterprises

Schulz, Christian, Volianska, Oleksandra January 2011 (has links)
Background: Development of technologies and worldwide reductions of trade barriers during the last decades increased competition and the need to offer high-quality prod-ucts and services for a reasonable price. Particularly, the service sector increased in size and variety of outputs. The development of the information technology segment has de-termined the market environment. To be able to compete in this global market offshore outsourcing of IT functions can be a valuable tool if handled in the right way. Small and medium sized enterprises can profit from service offshore outsourcing although studies show that this type of organizations fail in their outsourcing initiatives in an above aver-age rate as a result of deficits in risk management, precisely in risk identification. Aim: The aim of this Master Thesis is to analyse the specific characteristics of small and medium sized enterprises in order to find out how they impact the different stages of the service offshore outsourcing process. Theory and empirical data helps to spot strengths and weaknesses of these organizations in order to find a solution to a better risk identification process which then might lead to increased success in offshore out-sourcing of services. Definitions: Service offshore outsourcing refers to the purchase of a service (which may have been produced in-house before) by a firm from a supplier located in a differ-ent country while the supplier and buyer keep their respective initial locations. Risk is the potential that a chosen action or activity leads to an undesirable outcome. Risk iden-tification, the first part of risk management (followed by risk assessment and prioritiza-tion), is defined as an analysis of potential risk factors to the success of an endeavour. Completion and results: Specific characteristics of small and medium sized enterprises play a significant role in the risk identification process of service offshore outsourcing. By being aware of these risks and acting according to minimize them, harm can be pre-vented. Especially, a well-designed service offshore outsourcing contract, regular com-munication and personal relationships could be an advantage to overcome the draw-backs of small size, high dependency, need for flexibility and lack of resources.

Educational leadership and the perceptions of principals and vice principals in Manitoba on their professional development

Young, Dorothy Y. 12 April 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine from public school principals and vice principals in Manitoba their perceptions of the quality of the professional development in which they have participated during their careers, with a focus on the purposes for which they engage in professional development, their perceptions of its effectiveness, and how it has contributed to their development as educational leaders. These experiences were compared by the independent variables of gender, context (rural, urban or northern), position (principal or vice principal) and type of school (early, middle or senior years). This research included both a voluntary online questionnaire completed by 78 school-based administrators (8.2% of the population surveyed) and fifteen interviews, representative samples of the population. Conceptually, this thesis draws upon the work of Thomas Guskey’s (2002, 2003a) four criteria for effective professional development of teachers and applies them to administrators: a) having as its ultimate goal improving student outcomes; b) importance of context in the design and implementation of the intended learning; c) the utilization of research- based content and decision making; and d) the need for constant evaluation of professional development opportunities. The findings of the study show that school-based administrators generally believe that the professional development opportunities available to them have been effective in developing their leadership capacity. However, the study found that professional development activities are rarely evaluated, and that the purpose of student learning comes second to that of administrative management, which may be a reflection of the current accountability climate and the recent turnovers of administrators across the province. Ultimately, the study did not find that all four criteria must be in place at all times for administrators to conclude that professional development activities are effective as defined by the individuals. The findings also suggest that administrators tend to value most highly those professional development opportunities that are individualized and/or localized and supported by the school or school division. Finally, administrators remain divided on their view about mandatory certification of administrators; however, they are in agreement that the criteria for certification should be revised to include standards of professional practice.

Educational leadership and the perceptions of principals and vice principals in Manitoba on their professional development

Young, Dorothy Y. 12 April 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to determine from public school principals and vice principals in Manitoba their perceptions of the quality of the professional development in which they have participated during their careers, with a focus on the purposes for which they engage in professional development, their perceptions of its effectiveness, and how it has contributed to their development as educational leaders. These experiences were compared by the independent variables of gender, context (rural, urban or northern), position (principal or vice principal) and type of school (early, middle or senior years). This research included both a voluntary online questionnaire completed by 78 school-based administrators (8.2% of the population surveyed) and fifteen interviews, representative samples of the population. Conceptually, this thesis draws upon the work of Thomas Guskey’s (2002, 2003a) four criteria for effective professional development of teachers and applies them to administrators: a) having as its ultimate goal improving student outcomes; b) importance of context in the design and implementation of the intended learning; c) the utilization of research- based content and decision making; and d) the need for constant evaluation of professional development opportunities. The findings of the study show that school-based administrators generally believe that the professional development opportunities available to them have been effective in developing their leadership capacity. However, the study found that professional development activities are rarely evaluated, and that the purpose of student learning comes second to that of administrative management, which may be a reflection of the current accountability climate and the recent turnovers of administrators across the province. Ultimately, the study did not find that all four criteria must be in place at all times for administrators to conclude that professional development activities are effective as defined by the individuals. The findings also suggest that administrators tend to value most highly those professional development opportunities that are individualized and/or localized and supported by the school or school division. Finally, administrators remain divided on their view about mandatory certification of administrators; however, they are in agreement that the criteria for certification should be revised to include standards of professional practice.

Evangelização no vice-reinado do peru no século xvii : a edificação da extirpação de idolatria entre o clero secular e a ordem dos jesuítas (1621-1649) /

Figueiredo, Bárbara Schneider de. January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Raquel Marques da Cunha Martins Portugal / Banca: Alexandre Camera Varella / Banca: Yllan de Mattos Oliveira / Resumo: A evangelização ocorrida no Vice-Reinado do Peru no século XVII representou o projeto empreendido pela Igreja Católica em prol da salvação das almas indígenas e da consolidação de seu poder e influência na América espanhola. A Extirpação de Idolatria, processo político-religioso que se constituiu na busca e destruição dos objetos indígenas ligados a religiosidade ameríndia, como também na supressão dos cultuadores dessas crenças, está ligada a evangelização como uma de suas formas de expressão. Visualizamos que durante o período de atuação do processo de extirpação foi comum à produção de materiais ligados as doutrinas religiosas e a sistematização de informações que pudessem guiar o projeto impulsionado pela Igreja e pelas ordens religiosas presentes no Vice-Reinado. Assim, por meio da análise dos manuais de Extirpação, Extirpación de la idolatría de los indios del Perú de 1621 do jesuíta Pablo José de Arriaga e Carta pastoral de exhortación e instruccion contra las idolatrias de los indios del arcebispado de Lima de 1649 do Arcebispo Pedro de Villagómes, escritos em benefício da evangelização, buscamos compreender, através da comparação dos discursos e da retórica da alteridade, a relação existente entre os escritos de Pablo José de Arriaga e os de Pedro de Villagomez procurando demarcar as suas diferenças e similitudes a fim de sustentarmos nossa hipótese de que as concepções religiosas de cada um fundamentou uma estrutura diferente para o processo de extirpação, modifican... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The evangelization of the Viceroyalty of Peru in the seventeenth century represented the project realized by the Catholic Church for the salvation of indigenous souls and the consolidation of their power and influence in Spanish America. The Extirpation of Idolatry, a political-religious process that was created in the search and destruction of indigenous objects related to Amerindian religiosity, as well as in suppressing the worshipers of these beliefs, is linked to evangelization as one of its forms of expression. We have seen that during the period of the extirpation process, it was common to produce materials linked to religious doctrines and systematization of information that could guide the project promoted by the Church and by the religious orders present in the Viceroyalty. Thus, through the analysis of the manuals of Extirpation, Extirpación de la idolatría de los indios del Perú, 1621, by the Jesuit Pablo Jose de Arriaga, and Carta pastoral de exhortación e instruccion contra las idolatrias de los indios del arcebispado de Lima of 1649 by the Archbishop Pedro de Villagomez, written for the benefit of evangelization, we seek to understand, through the comparison of the discourses and the rhetoric of alterity, the relation existing between the writings of Pablo José de Arriaga and those of Pedro de Villagomez seeking to demarcate their differences and similarities in order to support our hypothesis that the religious conceptions of each one founded a different struc... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Musik som polariserar : En retorisk studie av musikens semiotiska inslag i dokumentärfilm

Tuhkunen, Simon January 2017 (has links)
När vi tänker oss retorik som studieområde tänker vi oftast retorik som ett verktyg för att övertyga, men även som ett verktyg för tolkning. De områden som brukar komma på tal är främst tal, skrift eller bild. Frågan som jag ställde mig var: Finns det fler områden som retoriken är närvarande? Retoriken som brukar ses som ett brett ämne som överskrider gränserna till andra studieområden borde ju då appliceras på fler format än skrift, bild och tal? Därför kommer denna studie inkludera ett annat format, som jag sällan har sett undersökas eller problematiseras i skrift och litteratur: Instrumentell musik som ett retorisk format. Uppsatsen undersöker hur instrumentell musik fungerar som ett retoriskt i argumentationen i film. Musiken som retoriskt verktyg går många gånger obemärkt förbi och dess inflytande på argumentationen blir därför ignorerad och bortglömd. Musikens instrumentala funktion kommer analyseras genom dess intertextuella funktioner till narrativet i dokumentärfilmen Vice Special Report: A House Divided (2016). Dokumentären påvisar en förutsatt objektiv bild av 2016 års presidentval i USA och hur Donald Trump kom till makten. Studiens syfte är att bevisa den instrumentella musikens retoriska roll i dokumentären och fokus kommer ligga på musikens skildring av berättandet och det visuella i filmen. För att nå detta syfte kommer jag att påvisa att det existerar en intertextualitet mellan musik och narrativ, men också musikens symboliska värden med hjälp av Raymond Monelle och Kofi Agawus semiotiska teckenteorier. Med hjälp av musikanalysen visas en ny sida av argumentationen i dokumentären och den förutsatta neutrala hållningen som narrativet visar blir problematiserad.

Características diferenciales de los micro documentales diseñados para Redes Sociales entre los años 2015 y 2018: el caso de Vice, Great Big Story y Nowness / Differential characteristics of micro documentaries designed for Social Media between 2015 and 2018: the case of Vice, Great Big Story and Nowness

Tupac Yupanqui Palomino, Oscar 25 May 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación busca identificar las diferencias, a nivel de lenguaje audiovisual y de contenido, de los micro documentales diseñados específicamente para redes sociales. Para ello se analizarán piezas documentales de casas creadoras de estas producciones como Vice, Great Big Story y Nowness. A través de dicho análisis y la entrevista con documentalistas expertos en el tema se buscará descubrir si el documental en redes sociales tiene suficientes características propias como para ser considerado un nuevo género documental. / The objective of this investigation is to find the differences, in the audiovisual language and in content, of the micro documentaries specially designed for social media. In order to achive this, the autor will analyze documentaries from companies focused in the media creation such as Vice, Great Big Story and Nowness. Trough this analysis and the interviews with experts on the field, the investigation will attempt to discover if documentaries on social media are different enough, compared to the cinematic documentaries, to be considered a new documentary genre. / Tesis

"La Gallerie des femmes fortes" de Pierre Le Moyne, version péruvienne : Inscription historique et sociale, principaux protagonistes / "The Gallery of heroick women" de Pierre Le Moyne, Peruvian version : Historical and social background, main protagonists

Vargas León, Susana Janet 27 June 2018 (has links)
Notre présent travail de recherche vise à cerner l’ensemble des spécificités qui entourent et caractérisent la traduction péruvienne de l’ouvrage du jésuite français Pierre Le Moyne La Gallerie des femmes fortes parue en France en 1647 et publiée dans la vice-royauté du Pérou en 1702. C’est à travers cette pièce rare que nous avons souhaité incarner et problématiser notre questionnement sur les rapports multiples entre identité nationale en formation, identité féminine péruvienne et relations culturelles et littéraires franco-péruviennes. Le choix de l’étude de cet ouvrage n’est donc pas uniquement issu d’inclinations personnelles, mais constitue selon nous, un exemple emblématique de l’utilisation religieuse, culturelle et politique d’un texte littéraire, artistique et à grande teneur morale. L’édition de 1702 est une illustration significative des liens dynamiques entre une œuvre littéraire, artistique et son contexte historique, tant du point de vue de ses inspirations, de son enracinement que de ses résonances avec une époque donnée. Dans leur forme vivante, ces maillons littéraire et historique renvoient tout autant aux discours sur le statut social de la femme et à ses mutations, qu’au rôle actif que certains des protagonistes de l’édition péruvienne eurent à l’intérieur de cette époque même. Ainsi, au-delà de la résonance entre la version originale et la version péruvienne du texte, les principaux artisans de la traduction castillane du livre furent principalement incarnés par Pierre Le Moyne, auteur et poète à l’origine de l’ouvrage, ainsi que les créoles, don Fernando Bravo de Lagunas traducteur du livre auteur d’une remarquable dédicace ; Fray Miguel Adame de Montemayor, graveur et peintre qui évolua entre le XVIIème et le XVIIIème siècle et réalisa les gravures pour l’édition péruvienne du texte de 1702 et Joseph de Contreras y Alvarado, imprimeur et éditeur, qui rendit possible la parution de ce premier texte français traduit et publié dans la vice-royauté du Pérou. / Our current research work aims to identify all the specificities surrounding and characterizing the Peruvian translation of the French Jesuit Pierre Le Moyne’s work: The Gallery of heroick women published in France in 1647 and released in the viceroyalty of Peru in 1702. It is through this rare piece that we wished to embody and problematize our questioning on the multiple relationships between the national identity which was in formation process, Peruvian female identity and franco-peruvian cultural and literary relations. The choice of the study of this book is not only the result of personal inclinations, but constitutes, in our opinion, an emblematic example of the religious, cultural and political use of a literary, artistic and moral document. The 1702 edition is a significant illustration of the dynamic links existing between a literary and an artistic work and its historical context, from the point of view of its inspirations, its roots and its resonances with a given era. In their living forms, these literary and historical links refer as much to the discourses on the social status of women and its mutations, as to the active role that some of the protagonists of the Peruvian publication had within this very period. Thus, beyond the resonance between the original version and the Peruvian version of the text, the main artisans of the Castilian translation of the book were mainly embodied by Pierre Le Moyne, author and poet who accounted for the book , as well as the creoles, don Fernando Bravo de Lagunas translator of the Peruvian version, author of a remarkable dedication; Fray Miguel Adame de Montemayor, engraver and painter who evolved between the seventeenth and eighteenth century and realized the engravings for the Peruvian edition of the text of 1702 and Joseph de Contreras y Alvarado, printer and publisher, which made possible the publication of this first French text translated and published in the viceroyalty of Peru.

Aquinas on Hating Sin in Summa TheologiaeII-II Q34 A3 and I-II Q23 A1

Green, Keith 01 December 2013 (has links)
This essay explores the phenomenological features of the passional response to evil that Aquinas calls 'hatred of sin' in Summa Thelogiae II-II Q34 A3 and I-II Q23 A1, among other places. Social justice concerns and philosophical objections, however, challenge the notion that one can feel hatred toward an agent's vice or sin without it being the agent who is hated. I argue that a careful, contextual reading of these texts shows that Aquinas cannot be read as commending 'hate' in any form. The texts under consideration offer no comfort to those who appeal to hatred of sin or vice to legitimate sentiments or actions that can be reasonably taken to express hatred of persons.

Aquinas on Hating Sin in Summa TheologiaeII-II Q34 A3 and I-II Q23 A1

Green, Keith 01 December 2013 (has links)
This essay explores the phenomenological features of the passional response to evil that Aquinas calls 'hatred of sin' in Summa Thelogiae II-II Q34 A3 and I-II Q23 A1, among other places. Social justice concerns and philosophical objections, however, challenge the notion that one can feel hatred toward an agent's vice or sin without it being the agent who is hated. I argue that a careful, contextual reading of these texts shows that Aquinas cannot be read as commending 'hate' in any form. The texts under consideration offer no comfort to those who appeal to hatred of sin or vice to legitimate sentiments or actions that can be reasonably taken to express hatred of persons.

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