Spelling suggestions: "subject:"iewing"" "subject:"kliewing""
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A General Framework for Interactive Television NewsSellers, Benjamin Bart 13 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
We design a complete interactive television news system. We develop a news production system that allows for the creation of flexible, content-rich interactive news. This system embraces a general creation process to interactive news that is built on top of a newscast model that evolves from and conforms with the current production newscast model. It allows for content sharing and content reuse. We also create an interactive news viewing system that adapts well to a living room environment. It contains several interactive features designed to give the viewer control and allow them to watch the news when, where, and how they want to. We perform a formative evaluation through a user study and interviews. Our results show that the production system allows fast, quality construction of interactive news. Viewers enjoy the interactivity and control the viewing system provides, but more work needs to be done to improve ease of use. Our system increases extra content visibility and usage over previous studies through additional features, more content, and direct invites to viewers. We also produce and deliver the news over an entire two-week period to a large number of viewers, making it the largest study done according to our knowledge.
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The Rise of Humor: Hollywood Increases Adult Centered Humor in Animated Children's FilmsAkers, Chelsie Lynn 09 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Children's animated films have held a lasting influence on their audiences since the rise of their popularity in the 1980s. As adults co-view such films with their children Hollywood has had to rewrite the formula for a successful animated children's film. This thesis argues that a main factor in audience expansion is adult humor. The results show that children's animated films from 2002-2013 are riddled with many instances of adult humor while earlier films from 1982-1993 use adult humor sparingly. It is clear that over the years the number of adult humor occurrences has consistently increased. Furthermore, this research shows that adult male roles consistently deliver the adult humor.
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En studie i studenters tv-tittande: Aspekter av binge-watching och maratontittande / A study of student’s television watching: Aspects of binge-watching and marathon viewingOkurowska, Magdalena, Granlund, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
Sedan TV-apparaten uppfanns har man varit begränsad till linjär-Tv, både när det gäller utbud och antal avsnitt. Antalet kanaler har ökat och därigenom även antalet program användaren kan kolla på. Men tittandet sker fortfarande på en och samma stationära TV. Med utvecklingen av Video on Demand-tjänster (VoD) kom möjligheten att titta på serier var man vill och hur man vill. Detta nya medium utvecklade nya tittarmönster. Ett av dessa är binge-watching som inte så många har hört talas om men som många har en stor koppling till. Begreppet innebär att konsumenten ägnar sig åt att sträcktitta på en TV-serie. De flesta digitala tjänster försöker fokusera på att behålla publiken en längre tid framför skärmen för att tjäna mer pengar och därför utvecklar de plattformar med funktioner som uppmuntrar till binge-watching. Det är av intresse för hela samhället att förstå varför vi blir övertalade att titta längre på serier för att kunna förstå sina tittarbeteende och därigenom kontrollera dem. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som uppmuntrar mest till binge-watching. För att svara på vår frågeställning ska vi också svara på arbetsfrågorna: “Vilka faktorer hos Netflix och Viaplay uppmuntrar mest till binge-watching?” och “Vilka externa faktorer uppmuntrar till binge-watching?” För att få svar på de frågorna har 17 medieteknikstudenter från KTH dagligen under en hel vecka fått svara på en logg angående sina tittarvanor. Vi har också genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer för att kunna fördjupa oss i deras användning av VoD-tjänster. Vårt arbete gav bra och användbara resultat med hjälp av de kvalitativa - och kvantitativa metoder vi skapade. De kan användas i en framtida undersökning om tv-tittande för att nå en publik som binge-watchar och därigenom utveckla studien. Resultatet visade att den automatiska uppspelningsfunktionen påverkar tittarna till att fortsätta titta vidare på en serie där bara 5 av användarna kunde motstå funktionen. Vi kom också fram till att tittarmiljön och valet av elektronisk enhet bidrog till ett ökat maratontittande. Mer än hälften av deltagarna föredrog att titta på serier på en större skärm. Många av dem erkände att TV och en skön soffa eller säng uppmuntrar till binge-watching. Undersökningen visade också att det inte bara är tekniska funktioner som uppmuntrar till binge-watching utan också tiden som användaren kan ägna åt deras tittande samt orsaken till tittandet. Studien visade att många funktioner hos båda VoD-tjänsterna liknar varandra. Den största skillnaden var att i Viaplay är det möjligt att pausa den automatiska uppspelningsfunktionen medan Netflix kan man inte pausa nedräkningen. Ingen av våra deltagare kände till den möjligheten hos Viaplay och därför kunde vi inte dra några slutsatser kring huruvida denna skillnad mellan tjänsterna uppmuntrar till binge-watching. / Since television was invented one has been limited to linear television, both in terms of programs and the number of episodes. The number of channels has since then increased as has the number of available programs. But the watching still takes place on the same TV-set. With the introduction of the Video on Demand services (VoD) one got the opportunity to watch TV series wherever and wherever one wants. This has triggered new viewing patterns. One is binge-watching, a concept that many are unfamiliar with, even though many actually watch TV in that way. The term means that the consumer watch several episodes of a TV series at a time. Most digital services try, due to financial reasons, to extend the time the viewers spend at the TV, and therefore they develop platforms with features that encourage binge-watching. It is in the interest of the whole community to understand why and how we are persuaded to look longer on series in order to understand our viewing behavior and thereby stay in control. The purpose of our study is to investigate what factors that encourage the most to binge-watching. To answer this we also choose to look into: "What factors in Netflix and Viaplay encourage binge-watching the most?" and "Which external factors encourage binge-watching?". To find answers we took help from 17 media technology students at KTH that daily during a week was asked to logg their viewing habits. We have also conducted semistructured interviews with them to get in-depth knowledge of their use of VoD-services. Our work provides interesting and useful results based on the qualitative and quantitative methods we used, and is a good foundation for future studies of television viewing aimed at better understand the binge-watching phenomena. Our study shows that the autoplay function encourage viewers to continue to watch series. Only five of our study participants could resist this feature. We also conclude that the comfort-level of the viewing environment and the choice of electronic viewing device influence the tendency to marathon view. More than half of our study participants prefer to watch series on a larger screen. Many of them acknowledged that a TV-sized screen and a comfortable couch or bed encouraged binge-watching. Not only technical features encourage binge-watching. Also the time the user can devote to their viewing and the reason for viewing influence it. The study showed that many features in both the studied VoD-services are very similar. The biggest difference between them is that it in Viaplay is possible to pause the autoplay function while you can not do this in Netflix. But none of our participants knew that Viaplay had this feature and we could therefore not draw any conclusions as to whether this difference affected the binge-watching or not.
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Understanding News Media Viewing and Selection Patterns: FoMO and User Consumption of News Content on Social Media InterfacesChristopher, Nicolette D 01 January 2018 (has links)
The current study employs a regional sample in order to investigate the phenomenon of fear-of-missing-out (FoMO), the awareness associated with the fear that other individuals are having a more pleasurable experience that one is not a part of. The current study uniquely examines the role that FoMO plays in viewing patterns associated with news content on social media interfaces. The 10-item scale created by Przybylski, Myrayama, DeHaan, and Gladwell in 2013 was used as a basis to discover the degree of FoMO participants experience while online, while other questions of the survey serve to collect data about participants sociodemographic's, engagement with soft and hard news content, and overall social media usage. (Przybylski, Myrayama, DeHaan, Gladwell 2013). The objective is to demonstrate the influential effects that FoMO poses on media consumer viewing patterns and behaviors.
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Representations of Redface: Decolonizing the American Situation Comedy’s “Indian”Tahmahkera, Dustin 12 June 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Sinnenas användning inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen : En studie om fastighetsmäklarens involvering av spekulantens sinnen och fastighetsmäklarföretagets medvetenhet om teorin bakom fenomenet.Svensson, Jennifer, Jansson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
Uppsatsens bakgrund lyfter fastighetsmäklares främsta uppgift vilket är att marknadsföra och presentera uppdragsgivarens bostad samt beakta dennes ekonomiska intresse genom att nå högsta möjliga slutpris. Flera forskare är överens om att marknadsföringsaktiviteter i dagens samhälle bör sträva efter att nå kunderna på ett djupare plan då kunder numera kan anses förvänta sig en känslobetonad upplevelse i samband med ett köp. I processen av att köpa ett hem är en känslomässig involvering ofrånkomlig. Tidigare forskning visar på hur en medveten stimulering av människans sinnen kan påverka en kunds känslor och följaktligen beteenden och uppfattningar. Sensorisk marknadsföring är den teori som ligger närmast fenomenet om ett hänsynstagande till en människas sinnen. Genomförda studier visar på goda effekter gällande en sinnesinvolvering vid marknadsföring av framför allt upplevelser och konsumtionsvaror. Hur teorin kan användas vid förmedling av bostäder finns inte tidigare presenterat. Syftet med uppsatsen är att beskriva på hur fastighetsmäklare involverar spekulantens sinnen under visning av förmedlingsobjekt samt huruvida det finns en medveten strategisk tanke bakom en sådan involvering. För att besvara uppsatsens syfte användes en kvalitativ forskningsmetod där tio semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Respondenterna var fastighetsmäklare, vissa med chefspositioner, som arbetar i Stockholmsområdet. Resultatet av insamlade data transkriberades och analyserades sedan med hjälp av kodning, varpå kategorier och teman kopplade till syftet togs fram. Analysen bidrog till en beskrivande bild av på vilket sätt och av vilken avsikt spekulantens sinnen involveras under visningen. Det kunde även presenteras ett bidrag över hur en strategisk tanke bakom en sådan involvering återfinns inom företaget eller inte. Slutsatserna som framkommit är att respondenterna utför flera typer av handlingar inför och under visning vilka kan efterliknas det som inom sensorisk marknadsföring benämns som stimuli. Handlingarna utförs i syfte att skapa en positiv känsla i bostaden och följaktligen nå ett köpbeslut. Många moment utförs även till grund av att det anses vara kutym i arbetet som fastighetsmäklare. Majoriteten av respondenterna arbetar inte efter en strategi inom företaget om en sinnesinvolvering under visning. I de fall respondenterna varit medvetna om en strategi är den förmedlad från det specifika mäklarkontoret snarare än varumärket i stort. / The background of this thesis highlights the real estate agent’s main task, which is to market and present the client’s house and take his financial interest into account by reaching the highest possible price. Several researchers agree that marketing activities in today’s society should strive to reach customers on a deeper level, as customers expect to have an emotional experience when buying a product. In the process of buying a home, it is inevitable not to get emotionally involved. Previous research shows how a conscious integration of a person’s senses can affect a customer’s feelings and consequently behaviors and perceptions. The closest thing to this phenomenon in research is the theory of sensory marketing. Previous studies have resulted in good effects regarding an involvement of the senses in the marketing of, above all, experiences, and consumer goods. In which manner the theory can be used in the real estate industry has not previously been demonstrated. The purpose of this thesis is to how real estate agents involve the customer’s senses during the viewing of a house and whether a conscious strategic idea behind such an integration exists or not. A qualitative research method has been used in which ten semi- structured interviews were conducted. The respondents were real estate agents, some with managerial positions, who work in the Stockholm area. The results of the collected data were transcribed and then analyzed by using coding as an approach. Categories and themes that could be linked to the purpose were developed. The thesis contributed to a description of in what way and for what reason the respondents integrate the senses. It could also contribute with information about how a strategic idea behind such integration exists or not. The conclusions that emerged are that the respondents perform several types of actions before and during the viewing of the house which can be said to be similar to what in sensory marketing is referred to as stimuli. The actions are performed in order to create a positive feeling in the house and consequently attract a potential buyer who hopefully makes a purchase decision. Many steps are also performed due to the fact that it is considered customary in the work as a real estate agent. The majority of the respondents do not work according to a strategic idea about a sensory involvement within the company. In cases where respondents have been aware of a strategy being communicated, the strategy is communicated from the specific office rather than from the brand as a whole.
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Scalable Viewing in den FilmwissenschaftenBurghardt, Manuel, Pause, Johannes, Walkowski, Niels-Oliver 11 June 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Personal relevance and state empathy with a character facilitates self-disclosure in film viewersBálint, Katalin, Sukalla, Freya, Rooney, Brendan 25 November 2024 (has links)
Eudaimonic media entertainment has been shown to promote mental health,
however, our knowledge of the underlying mechanisms that drive the effects
is still limited. This project focuses on self-disclosure, a relevant factor for
reducing distress and improvingmental wellbeing. The aimwas to test whether
empathizing with a fictional character and the personal relevance of a story
can facilitate self-disclosure responses, as well as to examine the role of
social cues and audio-visual formal features. In Study 1, 227 participants
were randomly assigned to watch one of 8 videos of individuals sharing their
experiences of burnout. Shot scale and social cues were manipulated in the
videos. Empathy with the characters but not personal relevance predicted
the desire for self-disclosure. In Study 2, participants were randomly assigned
to either a control condition (N = 78) or one of six manipulated short films
(N = 436). Movies were manipulated for shot scale and music. Participants’
reports on state empathy with the filmcharacter, perceived personal relevance
of the story, andmeasures related to self-disclosure were collected. One week
later, participants were invited to a second survey on self-disclosure behavior
(n = 390). Both personal relevance and empathy with character showed strong
links to self-disclosure responses. The findings of this project shed light on how
self-disclosure is elicited by narratives. These insights are important to further
understand the therapeutic effects of narratives.
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The influence of low-level visuomotor factors versus high-level cognitive factors on object viewing / .Van der Linden, Lotje 20 February 2018 (has links)
La fovéa est la seule zone de la rétine où l’acuité visuelle est maximale. Les mécanismes qui visent à déterminer à quels endroits vont avoir lieu les prochaines fixations restent débattus. Certains auteurs suggèrent que les yeux sont principalement attirés par les zones les plus saillantes de la scène. D’autres suggèrent qu’ils sont orientés vers les objets. Les propriétés du système oculomoteur contraignent également les mouvements oculaires. L’objectif de cette thèse était de départager ces différents points de vue en examinant la contribution respective et le décours temporel des facteurs visuo-moteurs de bas niveau et des facteurs cognitifs de plus haut niveau dans la détermination des mouvements oculaires. Nous nous sommes focalisés sur trois phénomènes comportementaux clés : la tendance à bouger les yeux à proximité du centre des objets (Prefered-Viewing Location), les répercussions qu’ont ces positions d’atterrissage sur les durées initiales des fixations (Inverted Optimal-Viewing-Position) et les probabilités de refixation (Optimal-Viewing-Position). Nous avons observé que ces trois effets émergeaient, et ce, quel que soit le type de stimulus testé: des objets, des mots ou des objets sans signification. Cela suggère que ces effets reflètent les propriétés de bas niveau des systèmes visuel et oculomoteur. Par ailleurs, nous avons observé que l’endroit où les yeux atterrissaient au sein de l’objet était également influencé au fil du temps par les traitements de plus haut-niveau des propriétés du stimulus. Les saccades initiées plus tardivement atterrissaient plus proches de la zone la plus informative de l’objet. / High-quality vision is restricted to the fovea - a small region at the center of gaze. The mechanisms that determine which locations in a scene are selected for fixation remain debated. Some suggest that eye movements are mainly driven by the salient features in a scene. Others suggest that eye guidance is object based. The properties of the oculomotor system also strongly constrain eye behavior, but these have been neglected in most existing models. The purpose of this thesis was to disentangle between these different views, by investigating how low-level visuomotor factors versus higher-level cognitive factors contribute to eye movements towards and within isolated objects, and with which time course. We focused on three viewing-position effects: the tendency to move the eyes near the centers of objects (the PVL effect), and the repercussions these initial landing positions have on initial fixation durations (the I-OVP effect) and refixation probabilities (the OVP effect). We found that these three viewing-position effects emerged, and were comparable, in all stimulus types that we tested in this thesis: objects, words and even meaningless non-objects. This suggests that the effects reflect low-level properties of the visual and oculomotor systems. Furthermore, we found that where the eye moved within objects became influenced by ongoing processing of higher-level stimulus properties (e.g., object affordances) over time. Later- compared to early-triggered initial saccades, and even more so within-object refixations, were biased towards the most informative part of the objects, and away from their center of gravity.
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Carried baggage detection and recognition in video surveillance with foreground segmentationTzanidou, Giounona January 2014 (has links)
Security cameras installed in public spaces or in private organizations continuously record video data with the aim of detecting and preventing crime. For that reason, video content analysis applications, either for real time (i.e. analytic) or post-event (i.e. forensic) analysis, have gained high interest in recent years. In this thesis, the primary focus is on two key aspects of video analysis, reliable moving object segmentation and carried object detection & identification. A novel moving object segmentation scheme by background subtraction is presented in this thesis. The scheme relies on background modelling which is based on multi-directional gradient and phase congruency. As a post processing step, the detected foreground contours are refined by classifying the edge segments as either belonging to the foreground or background. Further contour completion technique by anisotropic diffusion is first introduced in this area. The proposed method targets cast shadow removal, gradual illumination change invariance, and closed contour extraction. A state of the art carried object detection method is employed as a benchmark algorithm. This method includes silhouette analysis by comparing human temporal templates with unencumbered human models. The implementation aspects of the algorithm are improved by automatically estimating the viewing direction of the pedestrian and are extended by a carried luggage identification module. As the temporal template is a frequency template and the information that it provides is not sufficient, a colour temporal template is introduced. The standard steps followed by the state of the art algorithm are approached from a different extended (by colour information) perspective, resulting in more accurate carried object segmentation. The experiments conducted in this research show that the proposed closed foreground segmentation technique attains all the aforementioned goals. The incremental improvements applied to the state of the art carried object detection algorithm revealed the full potential of the scheme. The experiments demonstrate the ability of the proposed carried object detection algorithm to supersede the state of the art method.
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