Spelling suggestions: "subject:"disision zero"" "subject:"decisision zero""
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Ett steg mot Nollvisionen : En utvärdering av Polismyndighetens utbildningssatsning ”Akut omhändertagande av självmordsnära person” / A step toward vision zero : A qualitative evaluation of the Police Authority's course “Acute care of a suicidal individual”Jarlsbo, Mathilde January 2021 (has links)
Suicide is a worldwide public health issue which has substantial consequences and The World Health Organization (WHO) fears that mental illness will be the largest public health matter in 2030. About 40 times a day Swedish police intervene in suicide cases (polisen.se, 2020) and on Gotland there are both suicide attempts and fulfilled suicide beyond the national average (Public Health Agency, 2020). Since the first quarter of 2020, the education initiative Acute care of suicidal persons" (AOSP) has been conducted in line with a government assignment that the Police Authority has undertaken. This study uses semi-structured interviews to investigate and evaluate the Police Authority's educational efforts and work to prevent suicide on Gotland. Furthermore, the study examines the perceived benefit of the educational initiative AOSP and how the participants experience their self-efficacy to intervene with people who struggle with suicidal behaviour. Previous research shows that qualified and educated police officers will play a crucial role in suicide prevention (Marzano et al., 2016) and police officers' self-efficacy should be strengthened for an effective suicide prevention strategy (Osteen et. Al, 2014). It also appears that factual knowledge combined with practical training generates the best conditions for police officers to handle the encounter with suicidal persons (Isaac et al., 2009). It appears in this study that all interviewees value the education and that the consequences of the education are predominantly good as the participants feel assured in the encounter with mental illness and that in the long run they conduct a better suicide prevention. All informants describe that their self-efficacy to handle the encounter with a suicidal person has been strengthened and that the consequences from the educational initiative in the form of both manifest and latent functions have affected the suicide prevention on Gotland mainly in positive ways.
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Monitoring winter road friction using floating car data / Uppföljning av friktion på vintervägar med hjälp av fordonsdata från uppkopplade bilarSollén, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
More than a million people die every year due to road traffic accidents globally where one in five serious or fatal accidents occurs during severe weather conditions. Sweden is in the lead of Vision Zero, with the aim of zero casualties due to road traffic, and every year new countries and organisations accept the challenge of saving lives. Early studies have shown that one way of decreasing casualties is to implement floating car data (FCD), which is data obtained from connected road vehicles. One example of such an implementation is to gather knowledge about the current state of the road network enabling targeted winter road maintenance. By implementing FCD for winter road maintenance, besides creating safer roads, savings will be made for the environment by reducing the use of fossil fuels and salt. Since the fleet of road vehicles is going towards being fully autonomous, the volumes of FCD will increase rapidly generating new possibilities for FCD usage. Recent research regarding FCD has mainly focused on traffic flow, speed and route optimisation, together with general methods for FCD mining creating intelligent transport systems. Studies have also been made to cover the gap between road weather information systems (RWIS) monitoring the road condition and thereby improving road weather forecasts. But there is a need for research regarding the implementation of FCD at a level of action, closer to the road users improving winter road maintenance. Presented in this thesis are results gathered in the project Digital Winter, a project initiated by the Swedish Traffic Administration, where FCD regarding tire-to-road friction has been procured for all public roads in Sweden. Results show promising numbers regarding coverage and reliability for implementation of FCD for winter road maintenance follow-up, managing that assigned levels of road friction are achieved. Examples are given for different areas in Sweden where harsh weather conditions are detected and statistics show coverage of FCD both at a daily and hourly level. Multiple suppliers of FCD have been participating in Digital Winter and the measurements presented, show a correlation between suppliers of FCD and methods that today are approved for winter road maintenance follow-up in Sweden. But also that the friction measured using FCD is closer to the true road friction experienced by road users.
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Individanpassat brandskydd : En studie om hur dödsbränder kan minskas för ålderskategorin 65 år och äldre / Individualized fire prevention : A study on how death can be reduced for the age group older than 65 yearsFranzén, Arvid, Lundstedt, Richard January 2020 (has links)
Äldre är överrepresenterade i dödsbrandsstatistiken där 90 procent av bostadsbränderna som inträffar i Sverige drabbar personer över 65 år. 2011 presenterade MSB en nollvision med målet att ingen ska dö eller skadas allvarligt till följd av brand, för att motverka att bland annat äldre omkommer och för att höja kunskapen kring individanpassat brandskydd hos kommunerna. Att bo kvar i sitt hem trots åldrande, sjukdom och funktionsnedsättning är en stigande trend hos den svenska befolkningen. Vid flytt till ett särskilt boende följer mer omfattande krav på det byggnadstekniska brandskyddet, vilket är en följd av att bland annat funktionsförmågan hos de boende kan vara nedsatt. Denna studie består av litteraturstudier, intervjuer och en kostnad- och nyttoanalys där målgruppen var personer över 65 år som är hemmaboende och fått en behovsprövning med hemtjänst som följd. Litteraturstudierna undersöker hur lagar, regler och rekommendationer behandlar individanpassat brandskydd. Genom litteraturstudien har också vägledningar som beskriver för kommunerna hur det går att arbeta med individanpassat brandskydd granskats och jämförts mot verkligheten. Intervjuerna genomfördes för att undersöka hur de upprättade vägledningarna implementeras hos kommunerna, i vilken utsträckning arbetet med individanpassat brandskydd bedrivs och vilka svårigheter och utmaningar som finns. Kostnad-och nyttoanalysen berör de tekniska tillämpningar som både kan och har använts hos de riskutsatta personer som identifieras i verksamheten. Denna genomfördes för tre olika fall där kostnaden av olika tekniska lösningar, så som brandvarnare, brandfilt, brandsläckare, spisvakt och portabel sprinkler, jämfördes med deras effekt. Målet var att undersöka om det fanns en samhällsnytta med att installera ett tekniskt brandskydd för olika fall, där effekten varierar mellan 10, 50 och 90 procent för tre olika fall med olika brandtekniska skyddsnivåer. Kostnad- och nyttoanalysen visar på en samhällsnytta för två av de tre fallen där flertalet liv kan räddas vid installation av ett aktivt brandskydd. Studien visar på att lagar, regler och rekommendationer i dagsläget inte direkt behandlar hur arbetet med individanpassat brandskydd ska bedrivas. Genom vissa tolkningar av befintlig lagtext och gällande regelverk kan dock ett visst arbete motiveras, dock har intervjuerna i denna studie visat att en tydligare styrning och ansvarsfördelning behöver tillkomma för ett mer enhetligt arbete i landet. Intervjuerna visar på att kommunerna är medvetna om vikten och innebörden av att bedriva ett arbete med individanpassat brandskydd. Dock finns det stora skillnader i hur långt i arbetet olika kommuner har kommit. Till grund för detta ligger ofta organisatoriska och ekonomiska svårigheter, där det upplevs oklart vem som har ansvaret samtidigt som uppfattningen är att det är dyrt att bedriva arbetet. Samtidigt prioriteras de uppgifter som är kravställda i större utsträckning än övrigt. För att uppnå MSB:s nollvision om att Ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt till följd av brand och de upprättade målen krävs mer än bara tekniska lösningar hos de boende. En av många svårigheter är ansvarsfrågan, vilken behöver förtydligas från politiskt håll. En annan problematik finns i hanteringen av vägledningar som är för svåra för kommunerna och dess verksamheter att implementera med dagens utformning. Som en lösning på detta bedriver MSB tillsammans med Socialstyrelsen ett arbete med att uppdatera befintlig vägledning Brandsäker bostad för alla. Detta för att kommunerna enklare ska kunna upprätta och bedriva arbetet med individanpassat brandskydd, som en naturlig del i den befintliga verksamheten samtidigt som ansvarsfrågan också hoppas kunna bli tydligare än i dagsläget. Studien visar att en tydligare politisk inriktning, ett bättre underbyggt stöd från MSB och en insikt i organisation, ansvar och ekonomi kan leda till att arbetet med individanpassat brandskydd kraftigt underlättas för kommunerna. / The elderly is over-represented in the death statistics regarding fires at home, 90 percent of the housing fires resulting in deaths in Sweden affect persons over 65 years. In 2011 MSB presented a vision that nobody should die or be severely injured as a result of fire, to counteract that elderly die and to raise the knowledge amongst the municipality. Continued living in your own home despite increasing age, sickness and disability is a rising trend among the Swedish population. When moving to a retirement accommodation, the demands on the building's fire protection are increased and the expectations of the residents are reduced. But what happens to the fire protection and expectations regarding, for example, evacuation for the elderly who want to, or are forced to stay in their homes? This study consists of literature studies, interviews and a cost-benefit analysis in which the target group was persons over 65 years of age, who lives in their own homes and has a need for home care. The literature studies examine how laws, rules and recommendations deal with individualized fire protection. Through the literature study, guidance documents describing how to work with personalized fire protection in municipalities has been reviewed and compared to reality. The interviews were conducted to investigate how the established guidance documents are implemented in the municipalities, the extent to which they work on personalized fire protection is conducted and the difficulties and challenges that exists. The cost- and benefit analysis concerns the technical applications that both has been- and can be used in the homes of risk-sensitive persons. This was carried out for three different cases where the cases of various technical solutions, such as fire detectors, fire blanket, fire extinguisher, stove guard and portable sprinkler, were compared with their effect. The goal was to investigate whether there was a societal benefit in installing a technical fire protection for different cases, where the effect varies between 10, 50 and 90 percent for cases 1–3. The cost and benefit analysis show a societal benefit for two out of three cases where most lives can be saved when installing an active fire protection. The study shows that laws, rules and recommendations does not directly address how the work with personalized fire protection should be conducted. Interpretations of existing legal texts and regulatory frameworks may provide guidance for some work to be justified. However, the interviews have led to the result that clearer governance and responsibilities need to be added for more uniform work in the country. The interviews show that the municipalities are aware of the importance and meaning of pursuing a work with individualized fire protection. However, there are major differences in how far the work in different municipalities have come. The reason for this is often organizational and financial difficulties, where it is unclear who is responsible at the same time as the perception is that it is costly to carry out the work. At the same time, priority is given to other things in the municipality, which are required and must be carried out instead of something that is not controlled or followed up. In order to achieve the MSB's vision that Nobody should die or be seriously injured as a result of fire and the defined goals, it takes more than just technical solutions. One of many difficulties is the question of responsibility, which needs clarification from political quarters. Another problem exists in the handling of guidance documents that are too difficult for the municipalities and its occupations to implement with the current design. As a solution to this, MSB along with the National Board of Health and Welfare conducts a work to update the existing guidance Brandsäker bostad för alla. This is to make it easier for the municipalities to both establish and carry out work on personalized fire protection, as a natural part of the existing business. While the liability issue also hopes to be clearer than it is at present.
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Utilizing Multiple Data Sources In The Preparation Of A Vision Zero Plan For The City Of Alexandria: Investigating The Relationship Between Transportation Infrastructure, Socio- Economic Characteristics, And Crash Outcomes In The CityPunase, Shubha 27 December 2016 (has links)
“Vision Zero,” first adopted by Sweden in 1997, is a road safety policy that aims to achieve a transportation system having zero fatalities or serious injuries for all modes of transportation. It takes a proactive approach to road safety system by identifying risk and taking steps to prevent injuries. Historically, traffic related crashes have disproportionately impacted vulnerable communities and system users including people of color, low income individuals, seniors, children, and pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users (who typically walk to and from public transport). These inequities are addressed in the Vision Zero framework by prioritizing interventions in areas that need safety improvements the most.
In 2016, the Alexandria City Council voted unanimously to develop a “Vision Zero” policy and program as a part of its updated transportation master plan. It required an initial equity analysis to assess the impact of traffic crashes on the traditionally underserved communities / groups (groups from at least one of these categories: low-income; minority; elderly; children; limited English proficiency; persons with disabilities; and/or pedestrians/ bicyclists/ transit users). This study combines three different methods to investigate the equity issues regarding traffic safety: 1) descriptive analysis of the spatial pattern of crashes and their relationship with the demographic profiles of neighborhoods at census block group level (for 2010-2014 period); 2) descriptive analysis of the crash trends in Alexandria; and 3) exploratory regression analyses for two different units of analysis (an aggregate regression analysis of crashes at census block group, and a disaggregate regression analysis of the individual level crash reports of traffic crashes). The analysis found that the elderly, school aged children, rail/subway users, and pedestrians had a higher risk of fatalities and severe injuries in traffic crashes. Higher job densities, alcohol impairment, and speeding were significantly related to higher KSI, whereas, smaller block sizes (higher number of street segments per sq. mile area of census block group), higher housing density, and use of safety equipment were related to lower KSI. / Master of Urban and Regional Planning
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"Lyft det, då kan vi förändra" : En undersökning över svenska rederiers arbete för att motverka trakasserier och kränkande särbehandling ombord på sina fartyg. / Talk about it so we can inprove. : A study on how Swedish shipping companies' work to counter harassment and abusive discrimination on board their ships.Fredäng, Embla, Larsson, Emelie January 2024 (has links)
In this study, we investigated how Swedish shipping companies work to reduce harassment and abusive discrimination on board their ships. Through qualitative interviews, we have collected data on the shipping companies' understanding of today's situation, their preventive work, as well as their future vision and goals. It appears that the shipping companies are working actively to increase knowledge and awareness of gender equality issues and are working to change the harsh jargon that previously existed on board the ships. There is a desire for a zero tolerance against harassment and bullying on board ships, but at the same time an understanding that getting there is a challenge due to the human interaction that characterizes the work environment. Despite the challenges, the shipping companies see the future brightly and have a desire to continue working on these issues to create a safe and inclusive work environment for everyone on board. The discussion emphasizes the importance of continuing the work to prevent harassment and bullying onboard ships and to regularly follow up and evaluate the work environment, the results are put in perspective to the previous research presented in the study. By constantly being aware of the challenges and actively working to change the work culture, shipping companies can create a safer and healthier work environment for all seafarers. Overall, the results indicate that the shipping companies have taken important steps towards creating a safe and inclusive work environment, but there is still room for improvement and continuous work on these issues. / I studien har vi undersökt hur svenska rederier arbetar för att minska trakasserier och kränkande särbehandling ombord på sina fartyg. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer har vi samlat in data om rederiernas förståelse för dagens situation, deras förebyggande arbete, deras framtidsvision och målsättningar. Det framkommer att rederierna arbetar aktivt med att öka kunskapen och medvetenheten kring jämställdhetsfrågor och arbetar med att förändra den hårda jargongen som tidigare funnits ombord på fartygen. Det finns en önskan om en nollvision mot trakasserier och mobbning ombord på fartygen, men samtidigt en insikt om att det är en utmaning att nå dit på grund av den mänskliga interaktionen som präglar arbetsmiljön. Trots utmaningarna ser rederierna ljust på framtiden och har en vilja att fortsätta arbeta med dessa frågor för att skapa en trygg och inkluderande arbetsmiljö för alla ombord. I diskussionen betonas vikten av att fortsätta arbetet med att förebygga trakasserier och mobbning ombord på fartyg samt att regelbundet följa upp och utvärdera arbetsmiljön, resultaten gämförs med den tidiager forskning som presenterats. Genom att ständigt vara medveten om utmaningarna och aktivt arbeta med att förändra arbetskulturen kan rederierna skapa en mer säker och hälsosam arbetsmiljö för alla sjöfarare. Sammantaget tyder resultaten på att rederierna har tagit viktiga steg mot att skapa en trygg och inkluderande arbetsmiljö, men det finns fortfarande utrymme för förbättring och kontinuerligt arbete med dessa frågor.
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