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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gerenciamento visual da produção e trabalho em grupos: ferramentas do sistema Just In Time aplicadas simultaneamente em uma indústria de calçados / not available

Lincoln Morikoshi Ciosaki 14 December 1999 (has links)
A indústria brasileira de calçados tem sido profundamente afetada pela pressão da competitividade global causada pela maior abertura do mercado. Ela possui características peculiares de produção. Esta dissertação relata os resultados de incremento de produtividade em uma indústria de calçados orientados pelos princípios da filosofia just in time, de forma especial através do gerenciamento visual da produção e do trabalho em grupos. / The brazilian shoe industry has been deeply affect by the pressure of global competition caused by the opening of our market. It has very peculiar characteristcs concerning the production. This dissertation relate the results to improve productivity in the shoe industry oriented by the principles of just in time philosophy, in a very particular way the implementing of visual management and work groups.

Elementos estruturais para gestão de desempenho em ambientes de produção enxuta / Framework elements for performance management in lean manufacturing environments

Kleber Francisco Esposto 01 December 2008 (has links)
Os impactos causados na manufatura das empresas que buscam a implementação das técnicas e ferramentas guiadas pelos conceitos da produção enxuta não se limitam às questões técnicas. Para que se atenda ao dinamismo nas operações requerido por essa filosofia, é dado empowerment aos operadores do chão-de-fábrica para que executem ações corretivas e de melhoria por si próprios, mudando os papéis desses funcionários de simples cumpridores de ordens para tomadores de decisão. Para isso, é necessário que, além da autoridade, esses operadores tenham disponíveis as informações requeridas para fomentar adequadamente suas decisões, e que essas informações sejam atuais e alinhadas às diretrizes definidas para a empresa. Este trabalho propõe um modelo de sistema de medição de desempenho e elementos estruturais que têm por objetivo eliminar a lacuna identificada entre outras propostas de sistemas desse tipo e as necessidades identificadas em ambientes de produção enxuta reais. O modelo é baseado no levantamento bibliográfico da literatura técnica sobre o tema e na realização de estudos de casos de duas empresas reconhecidamente bem-sucedidas na implantação da produção enxuta em suas operações. Propõe-se uma estrutura que internaliza as melhorias desenvolvidas pela empresa em políticas que servirão de base para análises e tomada de decisões futuras, formalizando um ciclo virtuoso de estruturação e gestão do sistema de medição de desempenho para ambientes de produção enxuta. / The impacts caused in the manufacturing in companies that look for the implementation of techniques and tolls driven by lean manufacturing concept are not restricted to technical aspects. In order to achieve the dynamism required by this philosophy, the shop floor workers are empowered and they have to conduct corrective and improvement actions by themselves, what changes their roles from command executioners to decision makers. Therefore, it is necessary that, in addition to the authority, these operators have access to the information required to support their decisions adequately - this information must be up to date and related to the guidelines defined by the company. This dissertation proposes a model of performance measurement system that seeks to eliminate the gap identified among other similar proposals and the needs identified in real lean manufacturing environments. The model is based on bibliographical research in the technical literature and on case studies conducted in two companies recognized as successful in implementing lean manufacturing in their operations. It proposes a framework that incorporates the improvements developed in the company into a policy which will serve as basis for future analysis and decisions, i. e., it formalizes a virtuous circle for structuring and managing the performance measurement system for lean manufacturing environments.

Vizuální management výrobního procesu / Visual management of the production process

Moláková, Pavla January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the modifications of workplace design and changesof the layout of the company’s production space using lean manufacturing tools. The first part of the thesis theoretically describes the terms like production process, organization of the workplaces, lean production and some methods of lean production. The practical part of the thesis describes the choosen company, analysis of the current production process and visual aids used in the production of the company. The design part contains a proposal for a new layout of the production hall, the introduction of the principles of the 5S method in the workplace and proposal for the use of visual management tools. At the end of the work, the benefits of the proposed options for the company are evaluated.

Návrh na zlepšení výrobní linky BS Unit ve výrobní společnosti / The Proposal of BS Unit Production Line Improvement in the Production Company

Tesař, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the analysis of the current production system on the production line BS Unit in the company Daikin Device Czech Republic, s.r.o. in terms of material flow and move of worker. The main outcome is the proposal of precaution for improvement of the currently production of proces.The first part of the thesis describes the basic terms and methods from the field of industrial engineering. These findings are then used for data analysis and for the solution proposal in the analytical part.

Visual Planning in Lean Product Development

Camara Jurado, Mercedes January 2012 (has links)
This Master Thesis aims to provide a broader understanding of what Visual Planning is and how it can be combined with other methods to enhance the efficiency in product development projects. The investigation and empirical part of the study has been conducted by qualitative research based on interviews, observations and informal conversations with people from two different Swedish companies. The results were used in a comparative case study conducted with the purpose to provide an overview about how Visual Planning is used and applied in Lean product development projects inside the Swedish industry. It has been found that Visual Planning constitutes a useful and favorable method for enhancing different aspects such as communication and knowledge transfer among the team members, and for avoiding task overlapping, problems and misunderstandings during the project development. However the method has some limitations which become significant barriers to the progress of projects. These hurdles would be eliminated with the use of software tools that would make the project development run in a smoother and more efficient way.

Framtidens bodetablering / The future of construction site facilities

Wieczorek, Kristian, Degerman, Simon January 2017 (has links)
The construction industry in Sweden today is a busy market. The demand for new residences is very high and many are recruited to the industry for companies to be able to meet the demand. Generally a construction site needs temporary construction facilities for staff to manage administrative tasks and have conferences, eat, rest, shower etc. The purpose of this study is to investigate how the temporary construction site facilities can be established to better promote communication, cooperation, flow of people, flow of material, comfort and well-being. To identify problem areas and potential solutions, interviews were conducted with people from different working categories. Through interviews and own observations, the authors chose popular potential solutions and improvement opportunities and tested them on larger amount of people in a survey. By visiting a number of construction sites and their temporary facilities it was found that there are many ways to establish them. General solutions were made for bigger and smaller establishments, for example where to allocate different workspaces or how to use visual management in the best way. Suggestions were made on how to adjust furniture easier by using a system of holding strips and rails. Factors such as a relax rooms, paintings and plants were suggested to would improve comfort and well-being. Finally, conclusions could be made in different areas. More random interaction between working categories would improve communication and promote a nice working environment. An area especially made for these interactions with a strategic placed coffee machine could increase interaction. Offices should be allocated in a way that makes the ones responsible for the blue collar workers easier to reach. The ones who perform more administrative tasks throughout the day, like the site manager, should be allocated far from the entrance, to minimize the risks of disruption. Conference rooms should be placed furthest in the establishment, in that way meetings will not be interrupted. Today there is too little focus on the little things that could improve comfort and well-being. More comfortable chairs, tables that can be adjusted in height, white walls and so on are examples on what could be done differently. / I Sverige råder idag en högkonjunktur i byggbranschen. De flesta städerna har brist på bostäder, vilket leder till långa köer, och pressen att bygga nytt är stor. Allt fler rekryteras till byggbranschen för att möta behovet. Byggarbetsplatser kräver att arbetarna har utrymmen som arbetarna kan nyttja på raster, administrativa arbeten och sköta hygienen i. Vanligen är dessa utrymmen i form av bodetableringar. I denna rapport undersöks hur bodetableringar kan utformas för att främja kommunikation, flöden och trivsel. Syftet är att ta fram konkreta förbättringsförslag gällande nämnda områden. För att få en bild av nuläget och identifiera förbättringsområden har författarna besökt ett antal etableringar, både från uppdragsgivaren Skanska och från andra företag. Personer från olika yrkesgrupper har intervjuats för att ta fram åsikter och förbättringsförslag från alla som har bodarna som sin arbetsplats. Utöver intervjuer och egna observationer gjordes en enkätundersökning för att få mer tyngd i de förbättringsförslag som uppkommit. Under arbetets gång visade det sig att utformning av bodetableringar ser mycket olika ut beroende på hur stort projektet är, vilket företag som har projektet samt hur platschefens preferenser ser ut. Generella lösningar togs fram på hur mindre respektive större etableringar bör utformas för att främja kommunikation. Även vilka visuella tavlor och medel som kan användas. Förslag presenteras på hur material kan anpassas i bodarna på ett lättare sätt och därmed kunna använda samma rum till olika saker. Faktorer gällande hur bodar kan inredas för att öka trivseln tas fram. Slutsatser har kunnat dras inom många olika områden. Bland annat att mer slumpvisa möten inom bodarna skulle förbättra kommunikation och trivsel. En neutral yta, gärna i anslutning till en invändig trappa, gör det lättare för folk att mötas. Kontor och konferensrum bör placeras på ett sätt som gör arbetsledare tillgängliga för yrkesarbetare samtidigt som platschef och konferensrum ska finnas närmare slutet på etableringen då det ska vara mindre spring kring dem. Ett bärlist-system med skenor i bodarna borde införas för att de ska vara lättare att sätta upp tavlor, hyllor och möbler samt göra om ett rum om det behövs. Idag läggs för lite fokus på inredning i bodarna. Många vill se mer växter, tavlor, mattor och liknande för att öka nivån av trivsel.

Bygg smartare, inte fortare! : En fallstudie av Lean Thinking inom prefabricerat byggande

Ekström, Johan, Nielsen, Joakim, Petri, Jonas January 2011 (has links)
Kostnaden för nyproduktion av hus i Sverige har ökat markant under de senaste åren. Byggföretag har svårt att hålla både projektens löptid och kostnader nere, vilket resulterat i ett ökat marknadspris och ett växande missnöje bland slutkunder. De ökade kostnaderna beror enligt forskning på vanligt förekommande slöseri i form av såväl material som arbetskraft. I försöken att eliminera slöseri har många företag anpassat sin verksamhet efter Lean Thinking, ett system som härstammar från den japanska bilindustrin, bestående av verktyg och metoder med huvudsyfte att identifiera och eliminera slöseri. Ur detta har även nya former av byggnation fångat marknadens intresse. Industrialiserat byggande är en metod som förflyttat stora delar av verksamheten från byggarbetsplats till prefabricering i fabrik och på så sätt eliminerat många av de slöseri och riskmoment som förknippas med det traditionella synsättet på byggnation. Studien lägger fokus på hur arbete med Lean Thinking och prefabricerat byggande kan avhjälpa de kostnadsproblem som branschen ställs inför på dagens marknad. Genom en fallstudie har vi beretts möjlighet att på nära håll studera för- respektive nackdelar med ett prefabricerat byggande, samt fått möjlighet att studera en organisation där verksamheten utgår från Lean Thinking. Studien visar att det genom Lean Thinking och prefabricerat byggande går att minimera vanligt förekommande slöseri inom byggbranschen. Utförandetiden för prefabricerat byggande är också mycket kortare än vid traditionellt byggande och på så vis hålls kostnaderna nere. Genom att ytterliga utveckla prefabricerat byggande enligt Lean Thinking skulle det vara möjligt att i större utsträckning minimera slöseri och möjliggöra ett ännu smartare byggande. / The costs of house construction in Sweden have increased conspicuously over the last years. Construction companies have a hard time maintaining low project lead-times as well as keeping costs within the financial plan, which in turn has affected market price and created a growing discontent amongst buyers. Research indicates that the increased production costs are in many ways caused by the large amount of waste, in form of materials and labor, which is common within today’s construction projects. Efforts to eliminate waste has led many companies to adapt Lean Thinking, a system with roots in Japanese car manufacturing industry, containing tools and methods designed to identify and eliminate all kinds of waste. From all this, new ways of construction has been introduced on to todays market. Industrialized housing is a relatively new concept, which has eliminated a lot of waste and risks by moving construction away from an on-site project into prefabrication within factories. This study focuses on how Lean Thinking adaptation and industrialized construction can help lowering construction costs. A case study has given us the opportunity to follow an industrialized construction project up close, as well as the opportunity to study an organization that has implemented Lean Thinking. The study shows that it is possible to reduce common waste within construction industry through Lean Thinking and industrialized housing. The project lead-time for industrialized housing is also much shorter compared to traditional construction methods and therefore the costs are kept low. By continuing to evolve industrialized housing through Lean Thinking it would be possible to further reduce waste and consequently enabling an even smarter way of construction.

Mapping and improving the after sales flow in a high-tech assembly plant : A case study of the aftermarket at Saab Järfälla / Kartläggning och förbättrande av eftermarknadsflödet i en högteknologisk produktionsfabrik : En studie av eftermarknaden hos Saab Järfälla

Toftberger, Viktor, Jörnelius, Gustaf January 2018 (has links)
This thesis report is the final element of the Master of Science degree in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology, conducted between January and September 2017 at Saab AB Surveillance in Järfälla, Sweden. The purpose of this thesis project was to analyze the current situation inside production of aftermarket products with an aim to create an extensive mapping of the current situation. Resulting in suggestions for improvements to stabilize the production and creating integration between the aftermarket and new production.   Products produced at Saab Järfälla are used in military defense applications where the larger systems in electronic warfare (EW) and countermeasure systems have very long life cycles, i.e. up to 40 years, and are being used in harsh environments. The products have to be maintained through various service agreements to include support with repairs, maintenance, supplies and transports between Saab and the client. One of these service agreements has a demanded net average lead time of N+12 days between Saab’s facilities and the client whereas N days inside the Järfälla production site. Mapping the situation and handling all the product information in a production with high-mix, low-volume characteristics have not been easy. The aftermarket processes inside Järfälla include diagnosing, reparation, assembling and testing to ensure the performance of the products. The aftermarket shares resources with the production of newly manufactured products which is one of the reasons creating a vast difference in the lead times standard deviation. Other reasons such as information handling, priority inference, flexibility issues and bad visual management has been the effect of causing delays in the production.   The thesis project has been conducted through a development process using various methods for mapping the current situation and to come up with new ideas to improve the situation. Starting with a search in available literature and research about HMLV production, aftermarket situations and lean principles, onto using well-known methods for analyzing such as value stream mapping, Ishikawa diagrams and data collection to form a requirement specification for the upcoming solutions.   As a result, in the analysis of the current state, the fact that the processes itself works almost flawlessly shows that causes for delays and lack of stability lies between the operations. Thereby through ideation, evaluation and further development towards the conducted requirement specification, a solution to start with is to make sure the visual management works. A solution creating a complete overview of the production between all operations integrating new products with aftermarket using a new kind of visual production control boards. These visual production control boards will help prioritizing using FIFO queues and daily meetings, seeing capacity demands and troubles easy by stacking station- or areawise and also create an altogether working flow together with the current layout of the production site.   Further recommendations include further development of these visual production control boards together with implementing a CONWIP planning and control principle using wagons, standardize communications and continuously become more transparent inside the company. The proposed solutions might not guarantee N days inside the Järfälla production site but it will help operators, planners and management to easier locate problems and allocate capacity to increase the flexibility of the production. / Detta examensarbete är det sista delen på civilingenjörsprogrammet Teknisk Design vid Luleå tekniska universitet, ett arbete som genomfördes mellan januari och september 2017 hos Saab AB Surveillance i Järfälla, Sverige. Syftet med examensarbete var att utföra en nulägesanalys över eftermarknadsproduktionen för att senare kunna ge förslag på förbättringar och kunna hjälpa till att skapa integration mellan eftermarknadsproduktion och produktionen av nya produkter.   Produkter som produceras av Saab i Järfälla används i militära försvarssammanhang där de större systemen inom elektronisk krigsföring (EW) och motåtgärder har mycket långa livscykler, t.ex. upp till 40 år och används i mycket krävande miljöer. Därmed har produkterna olika omfattande serviceavtal för inkludera support med reparationer, underhåll, leverans och transporter mellan Saab och kund. Ett av dessa serviceavtal kräver en genomsnittlig netto ledtid på N+12 dagar mellan kund och Saab för reparation varav N dagar maximalt hos produktionen i Saab Järfälla. Kartläggningen av situationen och hanteringen av all produktinformation i en produktion med hög variation och låg volym har inte varit lätt. Eftermarknadsprocesserna inom Järfälla inkluderar diagnostisering, reparation, montering och testning för att säkerställa produktens prestanda. Eftermarknaden delar även resurser med produktion av nyframställda produkter vilket är en av anledningarna till att skapa en stor skillnad i ledtidens standardavvikelse. Andra orsaker som informationshantering, prioritetsinferens, flexibilitetsproblem och dålig visuell hantering har medfört förseningar i produktionen.   Projektet har genomförts genom en utvecklingsprocess med olika metoder för att kartlägga den nuvarande situationen och att komma med nya idéer för att förbättra situationen. Det startade med en sökning i tillgänglig litteratur och forskning om HMLV-produktion, eftermarknadssituationer och lean principer, på att använda välkända metoder för att analysera som value stream mapping, Ishikawa diagram och datainsamling för att skapa en kravspecifikation för kommande lösningar.   Som ett resultat visar det faktum att processerna själva fungerar nästan felfritt och att orsakerna till förseningar och bristen på stabilitet ligger istället mellan operationerna. Därigenom genom idégenerering, utvärdering och vidareutveckling mot den genomförda kravspecifikationen, är en lösning till att börja med att se till att den visuella hanteringen fungerar. En framställd lösning som skapar en fullständig översikt över produktionen mellan alla verksamheter som integrerar nya produkter med eftermarknaden med hjälp av en ny typ av visuella produktionsstyrningstavlor. Dessa visuella produktionsstyrningstavlorna kommer att bidra till att hjälpa prioritera genom att använda sig av FIFO-köer och dagliga möten, eftersom kapacitetsbehov och problem är enkla genom att istället stapla station- eller områdesvis och skapa ett helt arbetsflöde tillsammans med produktionsplatsens nuvarande layout.   Ytterligare rekommendationer inkluderar vidareutveckling av dessa visuella produktionsstyrningstavlorna tillsammans med implementering av en CONWIP planerings- och kontrollprincip med hjälp av vagnar, standardisering av kommunikationer och att kontinuerligt bli mer transparenta inom företaget. Lösningarna kan inte helt garantera N dagar på Järfällas produktionsplats, men det kommer att hjälpa operatörer, planerare och ledare att lättare hitta problem och fördela kapacitet för att öka produktionens flexibilitet.

Planning of a Production layout for a Swedish manufacturing company : A case study at REHOBOT Rotex AB

Shettennavar, Akshay, Prasanna Kumar, Prajwal Yadav January 2021 (has links)
Plant layout is the heart of any production line because if the layout is not properly laid, there can be numerous consequences. Planning a layout for an SME is the most crucial and tedious job for a manufacturer because it is time-consuming and sometimes a costly process. Therefore, there is a need to choose appropriate methods to overcome certain problems and plan a good layout for the SMEs.The purpose of this thesis report is to explore methods that can help to plan the layout according to the requirements provided by the SME. This involves a detailed study conducted to understand the processes at the case company. However, change of layout is not just making changes to the existing layout, but some SMEs must plan a completely new layout where they can start from scratch. Similarly, in this case, a Swedish manufacturing company REHOBOT Rotex AB has provided all the data required for planning the layout. This leads the authors to study the entire production flow to know the current layout and identify the problems that exist in the plant. The approach of this thesis was a case study where the company has provided all the details like documents, current layout plans, and video recording of the plant.The study shows that maximum time is spent in the replenishment of storage and unnecessary movement of materials between the machines in the current facility. These activities can be classified as Nonvalue added or just can be addressed as waste. Therefore, there is a need to implement lean tools and use the SLP method to plan the new layout systematically. This method led to form alternative layout plans that consisted of changes made depending on the current layout. These changes will fetch the advantages and disadvantages that can further help in evaluating the alternatives using WFA. Once evaluated, the layout that turned out to be the best will be suggested and presented to the case company.

Ta pulsen på verksamheten : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om införandet av dashboards som visuellt stöd vid dagliga pulsmöten / Measuring organizational health : A qualitative interview study on introducing dashboards as visual aid in daily pulse meetings

Haldorson, Moa, Pettersson, Ida, Salminen, Bodil January 2023 (has links)
Meetings are an integral part of daily business practice and while the intentions of meetings are good, they rarely live up to their full potential. Businesses are realizing the benefits of utilizing their data to make more informed decisions. As the advancements of data technology and the use of Business Intelligence continues to grow, dashboards are becoming increasingly relevant, giving businesses a competitive advantage. Dashboards can assist in making data accessible and comprehensible by summarizing and visualizing key results. Although several studies have covered the use of dashboards, little has been done to investigate dashboards as meeting aids. In pulse methodology a pulse board, which visualizes deviations, is used to support pulse meetings, indicating that visual aid can be beneficial for meeting purposes. The purpose of this study is to develop a deeper understanding regarding how data visualization, specifically dashboards, can be used as meeting support to improve meetings. We investigate the possibilities and challenges of implementing dashboards as visual aid in daily pulse meetings by conducting a qualitative interview study to gather employees’ perspectives on the potential implementation of dashboards. The study was conducted in collaboration with a company in the private sector that practice pulse and Lean methodology. The result suggests that dashboards could be a suitable complement to the pulse board in pulse meetings, as they can improve efficiency in meetings. However, implementation challenges must be addressed, and employee attitudes should be considered. It is of great importance to develop dashboards with the intended user in mind to increase the possibility of a successful implementation.

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