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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synnedsattas (o)synliga perspektiv : En kvalitativ fallstudie om hur synnedsattas perspektiv beaktas när Linköpings stadsrum planeras / The (in)visible perspective of the visually impaired : A qualitative case study on how the perspective of the visually impaired is taken into consideration when planning Linköping’s urban space

Gunnerfeldt, Agnes, Tudegård, Erika January 2023 (has links)
Detta examensarbete ämnar undersöka hur Linköpings stadsrum anpassas efter de som är synnedsatta. Linköpings kommun är en central aktör, som med sitt planmonopol har stor påverkan på den byggda miljön. Genom en tematisk analys med advokatplanering som utgångspunkt, analyseras empiri insamlad från både Linköpings kommun och synnedsatta från Synskadades Riksförbund Linköping. Resultatet visar på en strävan att skapa en tillgänglig miljö, huruvida detta realiseras råder det delade meningar om. Synnedsatta upplever en begränsad användbarhet hos befintliga ledstråk. Ledstråken riskerar också att utebli, till följd av den konkurrens om markytan som existerar i stadsrummet. Även lagstiftning och människors beteende påverkar arbetet med tillgänglighet. I studien motiveras ett ökat samarbete mellan Linköpings kommun, Synskadades Riksförbund samt andra aktörer inom staden. Den gällande trafikplanen rekommenderas ses över i förhållande till hur väl den kan vägleda kommunen att genomföra avvägningar. Det diskuteras även hur kommunen kan hantera lärdomar och sprida vidare kunskap inom organisationen. / This thesis investigates how Linköping's urban space is adapted for individuals with visual impairments, with the municipality, whose planning monopoly has significant influence on the built environment. With a focus on advocacy planning, data gathered from Linköping municipality and visually impaired from the Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF) is analyzed using thematic analysis. Results show efforts to create an accessible environment, but with differentiating opinions regarding its actualization. Visually impaired individuals experience limitations in accessibility, partly due to competition for land surface that exists in the urban space. Legislation and people’s behavior also affect accessibility efforts. The study encourages increased collaboration between Linköping municipality, the SRF, and other actors within the city. It recommends a reassessment of the current traffic plan concerning its ability to guide the municipality to implement trade-offs, as well as how the municipality can handle new insights and spread knowledge within the organization.

Routenführung durch Sonifikation für Blinde und Sehbehinderte

Kestel, Johannes 07 January 2013 (has links)
Unbekannte Ziele in öffentlichen Gebäuden zu erreichen, ist ein besonderes Problem für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen. Es gibt elektronische Hilfsmittel, die dieses Problem lösen, aber meist auf sprachlicher Ausgabe basieren. Die non-verbale Ausgabe der Wegführung hat den Vorteil, dass Informationsübertragung durch kürzere Sinnesreize weniger belasten. Die vorliegende Arbeit präsentiert eine Benutzungsschnittstelle zur Routenführung durch Sonifikation. Es wurde dafür ein Set von akustischen Signalen erarbeitet, die durch Tonhöhenunterschiede und Stereopanorama Richtungen angeben. Die Wahl dieser Parameter wurde durch einen Labortest ermittelt. Es wurde untersucht, welche Informationen für eine erfolgreiche Routenführung notwendig sind. Durch eine einfach gehaltene Funktionsweise mit turn-by-turn Anweisungen und ohne große Anforderungen an akustische Schnittstellen ist die Benutzungsschnittstelle leicht auf bestehende Navigationssysteme übertragbar. In einem Pilottest wurde das Führungskonzept in einer realitätsnahen Umgebung auf seine Gebrauchstauglichkeit hin überprüft.:1 Einleitung 2 Orientierung Blinder und Sehbehinderter 3 Sonifikation 4 Anforderungen und Abgrenzungen 5 Richtungssignale 6 Entwurf 7 Pilot-Studie 8 Fazit Soundverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis A.1 Befragungsbogen Richtungsdarstellung A.2 Befragungsbogen Pilotversuch


Dakopoulos, Dimitrios 27 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Validering av inomhuspositionering i vatten för synskadade simmare : Utvärdering av mottagen signalstyrkeindikator för Blåtand i vatten för positionsestimering. / Validation of indoor positioning in water for visually impaired swimmers : Evaluation of recived signal strength indicator for Bluetooth in water for position estimation.

Gidlund, Kajsa January 2022 (has links)
En tapper är en person som rent fysiskt, med en stav, petar på en synskadad simmaren för att informera om vändning. Om arbetet som tapper kan bytas emot en teknisk lösning skulle detta ge simmaren mer frihet för träning. Målsättningen med projektet var att undersöka om det med hjälp av Blåtandssändare och mottagare, så som en mobiltelefon eller träningsklocka, är möjligt att fastställa en simmares positionering så pass noggrant att dessa kan användas för signalsystem för synskadade simmare vid vändningar. Projektet testade olika placeringar av sändare och fann att flera sändare i samverkan kan ge ett mer exakt och stabilt värde än en enstaka. Tester visade tydliga mönster i de registrerade värdena. Mönster i form av tydliga toppar vid närmanden av sändare. Detta leder till slutsatsen att ett blåtandsystem med flera sändare är fullt möjliga för att kunna känna om en simmare närmar sig. Men att sådana system förutsätter vidare tester och filtrering av mottagen signalstyrkeindikator (RSSI). Detta då signalstyrkan kraftigt försämras i vatten. Sändarnas placering vid bassängens ändar verkar ge bäst resultat men kan med fördel kombineras med ytterligare mjukvaru- eller hårdvarusensorer så som accelerator eller liknande. / A tapper is a person who physically prods a visually impaired swimmer with a stick to inform the latter about the time too turn. If a technical solution could be used instead of the tappers, this would give the swimmer more freedom when training.The goal of the project was to investigate whether, with the help of Bluetooth transmitters and receivers such as a mobile phones or training watches, it is possible to determine a swimmer's positioning so accurately that these can be used for signal systems for visually impaired swimmers when turning.The project tested different placements of transmitters and found that several transmitters in cooperation can give a more accurate and stable value than a single one. Tests showed clear patterns in the recorded values. Patterns in the form of clear peaks when a swimmer is approaching the transmitter. This leads to the conclusion that a Bluetooth system with several transmitters is entirely possible for swimmer detection. But that such a system requires further tests and filtering of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) as the signal strength is greatly degraded in water. Placing the transmitters at the ends of the pool seems to give the best results but can advantageously be combined with additional hardware or software sensors for example accelerometer.

Evaluating ChatGPT's Effectiveness in Web Accessibility for the Visually Impaired / En utvärdering av ChatGPTs effektivitet inom tillängligt innehåll på webben för synskadade

Holmlund, Miranda January 2024 (has links)
Web accessibility is essential for making the internet available to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. This study explores ChatGPT-4s potential in improving webaccessibility for visually impaired users by evaluating its effectiveness in interpreting andconveying web content with accessibility issues.The methodology involved creating websites with intentional accessibility barriers, craftingprompts to simulate real-time issues, and using ChatGPT-4 to provide solutions. Data was gathered from both visually impaired and those without disabilities, who rated ChatGPT-4s responses on relevance, conciseness, clarity, and usability using a 1-5 Likert scale. Results showed that ChatGPT-4 had 64.42% effectiveness in assisting with web accessibility, particularly in summarizing and clarifying content. However, issues such ashallucinations and false information were noted.This study underscores the promise of ChatGPT-4 in enhancing web accessibility and emphasizes the need for further refinement to ensure accuracy and reliability in real-world applications. / Tillgängligt innehåll på webben är en nödvändig del för att skapa ett internet som är användbart av alla, även personer med en funktionsnedsättning. Denna studie utforskar potentialen hos ChatGPT-4 som verktyg för att förbättra tillgänglighet på webben för synskade genom att utvärdera verktygets effektivitet att tolka och förmedla innehåll på webben som har tillgänglighetsproblem. Metodiken innebar att skapa webbsidor avsiktligen innehållandes tillgänglighetsbarriärer, skapa prompts för att simulera realtidsproblem, och att använda ChatGPT-4 som en lösning. Insamlingen av information innefattade data från både individer med och utan en synskada, där personerna rankade ChatGPT-4s svar på kriterierna relevans, kortfattadhet, tydlighet och användbarhet på en 1-5 Likert skala. Reultatet visade att ChatGPT-4 hade en effektitvet på 64,42% i att hjälpa med webbtillgänglighet, och särskilt effektiv i att summera och förklara innehåll. Dock så uppvisade verktyget problem såsom hallucinationer och falsk informarion. Denna studie visar prov på ChatGPT-4s potential i att förbättra tillgänglighet på webben, samt understryker att vidareutveckling behövs för att garantera korrekthet och tillförlitlighet i verkliga applikationer.

iBeacon微定位技術應用於視障者行動導航之研究 / Designing a Navigation App with iBeacon Technology for the Visually Impaired Smartphone Users

林禕瑩, Lin, Yi Ying Unknown Date (has links)
手機的導航功能是一般人習以為常的生活工具,到陌生地點的路線規劃變成越來越簡單的事,不過目前多數的服務都以地圖方式呈現,資訊陳列和互動設計皆十分視覺導向,造成以聽覺操作手機的視障者覺得難以上手且不友善。統計發現,台灣國內的視障者幾乎天天都有外出需求,卻沒有一款針對他們所設計的導航服務,導致需要外出與獨立行動的視障族群必須透過更繁瑣的準備過程才得以安心的出門。再者,搭配現有導航服務的GPS定位並不夠準確,無法提供視障者所需的近身資訊,東南西北方位與百餘單位的公尺數對明眼人來說都可能是一項挑戰,視障者更是難以消化。因此,本研究透過情境訪查、隨身觀察與專家訪談等質化研究方式,深入探索視障者需求,並了解他們與一般人於行動上的異同。藉由新興的iBeacon微定位技術提供非視覺化的線索,將曲折的旅程分割成一段一段的路線,並在設計過程中融入視障者定向訓練的所知所學,讓他們能以原有技能在街道上安心行走,提升獨立出門的安全性。 / Using mobile apps to help route finding is very common for most of us. However, the visually impaired smartphone user does not benefit from this technology. A tremendous demand for independence and mobility remains unsolved. Unlike us, the visually impaired use their smartphone by auditory sense. But those apps with touch screen are not specially designed for their usage pattern. According to our preliminary study, current navigation service always comes with bad information display and unfriendly interaction design. All of these lead to a very frustrating navigation experience. Through the qualitative research methods like contextual inquiry, shadowing, and expert interview, we’d like to explore how different they are from us on the matter of traveling, and reveal the real need of the visually impaired for mobile navigation. Based on our research finding, we want to propose a navigation app specially made for the visually impaired smartphone user. In addition to GPS base service, we provide hyper-local, meaningful multi-sensory notifications to our user through micro location technology of iBeacon. And we integrate the knowledge they learned from Orientation and Mobility training in the navigation process to create a better walking experience and encourage them to live with independency. The app itself is not only a way finding tool but also an information and experience sharing platform for the visually impaired community. Combining the power of design and technology, we can enhance their cognition to the living environment, and improved the independence & mobility for our users as well. In the end, the visual impaired users will be motivated to explore the world on their own and enjoy the colorful world.

Math in the Dark: Tools for Expressing Mathematical Content by Visually Impaired Students

McDermott-Wells, Patricia M. 01 January 2015 (has links)
Blind and visually impaired students are under-represented in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics disciplines of higher education and the workforce. This is due primarily to the difficulties they encounter in trying to succeed in mathematics courses. While there are sufficient tools available to create Braille content, including the special Nemeth Braille used in the U.S. for mathematics constructs, there are very few tools to allow a blind or visually impaired student to create his/her own mathematical content in a manner that sighted individuals can use. The software tools that are available are isolated, do not interface well with other common software, and may be priced for institutional use instead of individual use. Instructors are unprepared or unable to interact with these students in a real-time manner. All of these factors combine to isolate the blind or visually impaired student in the study of mathematics. Nemeth Braille is a complete mathematical markup system in Braille, containing everything that is needed to produce quality math content at all levels of complexity. Blind and visually impaired students should not have to learn any additional markup languages in order to produce math content. This work addressed the needs of the individual blind or visually impaired student who must be able to produce mathematical content for course assignments, and who wishes to interact with peers and instructors on a real-time basis to share mathematical content. Two tools were created to facilitate mathematical interaction: a Nemeth Braille editor, and a real-time instant messenger chat capability that supports Nemeth Braille and MathML constructs. In the Visually Impaired view, the editor accepts Nemeth Braille input, displays the math expressions in a tree structure which will allow sub-expressions to be expanded or collapsed. The Braille constructs can be translated to MathML for display within MathType. Similarly, in the Sighted view, math constructs entered in MathType can be translated into Nemeth Braille. Mathematical content can then be shared between sighted and visually impaired users via the instant messenger chat capability. Using Math in the Dark software, blind and visually impaired students can work math problems fully in Nemeth Braille and can seamlessly convert their work into MathML for viewing by sighted instructors. The converted output has the quality of professionally produced math content. Blind and VI students can also communicate and share math constructs with a sighted partner via a real-time chat feature, with automatic translation in both directions, allowing VI students to obtain help in real-time from a sighted instructor or tutor. By eliminating the burden of translation, this software will help to remove the barriers faced by blind and VI students who wish to excel in the STEM fields of study.

Podmínky studia osob se zrakovým postižením na vysokých školách / Study conditions of persons with visual impairment at universities

Šafránková, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
89 Abstract This examined diploma thesis focuses on the sphere of tertiary education and its aim was especially to examine the study conditions of university students with visual impairment. The basis was to study professional literature and other sources to build a theoretical framework. It was essential to create an image of the student with visual impairment that the visual handicap and thereunder constraints were covered and it was also necessary to describe the young adulthood specifics. An important step was to characterize the environment wherein these student move. To do this I used legislative documents and provisions and tried to delineate any difficulties and implemented solutions. I also introduced research which previously examined this field and provided relevant information, too. This was the foundation for the practical part of this paper. It contained the survey wherein I addressed a few visually impaired students who conveyed their findings regarding their study conditions. I carried out semi-structural interviews with them and analyzed the obtained data with the help of the open coding method. I summarized the resulted findings in the final section and tried to suggest further steps. The first chapter dealt with the definition of the visually impaired individual. At first, visual...

Mediální výchova a digitální gramotnost nevidomých středoškoláků / Media education and digital literacy of blind high school students

Fraiová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The paper addresses issues of media education in blind high-school students, especially in the topical context of digital media. The theoretical part devotes to problems of education of visually impaired persons. Next, concern the subsumption of media education as a cross- sectional subject into Czech primary and high-schools education. This part is also concerned with specific digital media and extensive opportunities of its utilization for visually impaired persons. In the experimental part of the paper, discrete components of digital literacy of sightless high-school students are analysed. The method of focused (semi-structured) interviews was selected. Interviews were executed with ten visually impaired high-school students and subsequently analysed with the help of qualitative content analysis. The aim of the paper is to give a notice on dependence of blind people to digital media and its specifics and, in this conjunction, emphasise the importance of media education.

Konzervatoř Jana Deyla a střední škola pro zrakově postižené a uplatnění jejích absolventů v praxi / Jan Deyl's Conservatiore and the High School for Visualy Impaired and Employment of his Graduates in their Profession

Červený, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is loosely based on the author's previous bachelor thesis, which dealt with beginnings of a systematic care for the blind in the Czech lands in the early 19th century and with development of this care during the 19th and the following centuries. It described the foundation of the current School of Jaroslav Ježek in the Loretánská street in Prague 1, the establishment of the so called Klárův ústav in Prague 4 and of the Jan Deyl Conservatory and Secondary School for the Visually Impaired on Maltese square in Prague 1. The essential part of this work was the tribute to the personality of PhDr. Jan Drtina, who was a pianist, a music educator and for a long period the director of the Jan Deyl Conservatory and Secondary School for the Visually Impaired. The main part of this thesis is a testimony of selected graduates of the Jan Deyl Conservatory and Secondary School for the Visually Impaired who are from different generations and who have various degrees of their visual handicap. This work focuses on their childhood, studies and especially on their employment. Furthermore, this thesis covers attitudes and opinions of former administration members of this special school. The work also informs about the current trend of the integrative education of visually impaired. The attachments describe primarily...

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