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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Finansiele implikasies van besproeiing, geintegreer met lowerbestuur, vir rooi wyndruiwe in die Robertson-wynvallei

Louw, Victor de Wet 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The financial decision-making environment within which wine-grape producers function is challenging because of the complex interrelationships between yield, product price and input requirements. The complexity of farm systems is increased because production and financial decisions are necessarily made under uncertainty. Various issues influence the resilience of the wine industry. The goal of this study is to determine the financial implications of irrigation, integrated with canopy management practices on red wine cultivars in the Robertson area. Canopy management and irrigation cost play an important role within the multi-faceted farm system regarding yield, quality and input cost. This necessitates that research be carried out within the context of a systems approach. In this manner the interdependence among the various components of the farm system, and the associated synergies can be captured. Farm management, as a field of research, is dependent on other disciplines that present an alternative perspective to the research problem. Viticulture trials specifically focused on the impact of various irrigation and canopy management activities is being done on Wansbek farm. Nine treatments were tested at various combinations of soil water depletion levels and canopy management strategies. The farm is situated in Agterkliphoogte, an area in the Robertson valley. A multi-disciplinary group discussion was held to firstly obtain insight in the complex working of a farm. Secondly the group discussion was used to gain insight into the application of the Wansbek trial data and the setting of guidelines as to its application to determine the expected farm level financial implications of the treatments. Dealing with complexity necessitates insight form various areas of expertise, which is achieved time efficiently within expert group discussions. A quantitative method is required to reflect the interrelatedness and dynamics of a whole farm system in a user-friendly manner. Multi-period budget models present the ability to accommodate the complexity associated with a farm through a sequence of mathematical and accounting equations. The physical/biological interrelations and structure of the farm can be modelled while the financial performance of various irrigation and canopy management strategies can be determined. Farm-level profitability is especially sensitive to yield and price of farm products. The treatments that showed the highest expected profitability, return relatively high yields and prices at relatively low production costs. The sprawling canopy management treatment at c. 60% and c. 30% plant available water depletion levels returned the highest and second highest profitability at both gross margin per hectare and whole farm level. Scenarios were incorporated to illustrate the expected impact of key variables and the capability of the model. Key factors associated with the success of specific treatments could be identified. Results showed throughout that the balance between yield, price and input cost are the determining factor to profitability, rather than a focus on any particular one of these factors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die finansiële besluitnemingsomgewing waarbinne wyndruifprodusente funksioneer, is uitdagend weens die komplekse verwantskappe tussen oesopbrengs en -kwaliteit en gepaardgaande insetbehoeftes. Die kompleksiteit van die boerderystelsels word verhoog deurdat produksie- en finansiële besluite noodwendig op grond van onvolmaakte inligting geneem word. Verskeie kwessies beïnvloed die voortbestaan van die wynbedryf. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die finansiële implikasies te bepaal van besproeiing, geïntegreer met lowerbestuur, vir rooi wyndruifverbouing in die Robertson-wynvallei. Lowerbestuur- en besproeiingkoste speel ʼn belangrike rol binne die multifasettigheid van ʼn boerderystelsel ten opsigte van opbrengs, kwaliteit en produksiekoste. Dit vereis dat die navorsing binne die konteks van die stelselsbenadering aangespreek word. Sodoende word die interafhanklikheid tussen die onderskeie boerderystelselkomponente, gekoppel aan die sinergistiese effek wat daarmee gepaardgaan, in ag geneem. Boerderybestuur as navorsingsveld, is gevolglik afhanklik van ander vakdissiplines wat ‘n alternatiewe perspektief verleen aan die navorsingsprobleem. Wingerdbouproewe wat spesifiek fokus op die impak van verskillende besproeiing- en lowerbestuursaksies word uitgevoer op die Wansbek-plaas. Die plaas is geleë te Agterkliphoogte, ʼn area in die Robertson-vallei. Nege behandelings is getoets teen verskillende kombinasies van plant beskikbare water (PBW)-onttrekkingspeile en lowerbestuurstrategieë. ʼn Groepsbespreking met multidissiplinêre deskundiges is gehou om eerstens, insig in die kompleksiteit van die werking van ʼn plaas te verkry. Tweedens, is die groep van multidissiplinêre deskundiges gebruik om insig te verwerf aangaande die hantering van die Wansbek-proefdata. Die groep het riglyne daargestel om die proefdata prakties aan te wend sodat die verwagte finansiële implikasies op plaasvlak geëvalueer kan word. Die hantering van kompleksiteit vereis insig vanuit verskeie gebiede van kundigheid wat tydsdoeltreffend binne ʼn groepsbespreking van multidissiplinêre deskundiges geakkommodeer kan word. ʼn Kwantitatiewe tegniek is nodig om die wisselwerking en dinamika van ʼn geheelboerderystelsel op ʼn gebruikersvriendelike en toepaslike manier te weerspieël. Multiperiode-begrotingsmodelle gee die vermoë om die kompleksiteit, wat met ʼn tipiese plaas geassosieer word, te akkommodeer deur die toepassing van basiese wiskundige en rekeningkundige beginsels. Die fisies-biologiese wisselwerking en struktuur van die plaas kan sodoende gemodelleer word, terwyl die finansiële prestasie van die kombinasies van verskillende besproeiing- en lowerbestuurstrategieë bepaal kan word. Die plaasvlakwinsgewendheid is veral sensitief vir die opbrengs en prys van produkte gelewer. Die behandelings wat die beste verwagte winsgewendheid getoon het, produseer teen ʼn relatiewe hoë produksie en prys en ’n relatiewe lae produksiekoste. Die oophanglowerbestuurbehandeling teen c. 60% en c. 30% plant beskikbare water-onttrekkingspeile is die mees en tweede mees winsgewende strategieë op per hektaar bruto marge en geheelplaasvlak. Die gebruik van scenario’s is geïnkorporeer om die impak van sleutelveranderlikes uit te wys en die vermoë van die model te illustreer. Sleutelfaktore tot die sukses wat aan sekere strategieë verbind word, kan sodoende uitgewys word. Deurgaans wys die resultate dat die balans tussen opbrengs, prys en produksiekoste belangriker is as die fokus op enige enkele een van die faktore.

Evaluering van grondvoorbereidingspraktyke wat in die wingerdbedryf uitgevoer word in terme van geselekteerde grondfisiese eienskappe

Kritzinger, Daniel Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study was conducted in the Western Cape Province to investigate the effect of soil preparation on selected soil physical properties. This study was necessitated by the negative effects that high soil bulk density has on the growth and production of a vine. Soil preparation in South Africa are applied to remove root limiting layers in the subsoil and to create a larger soil volume for root growth. The question is whether it is always necessary because of the destruction of macropore structure and also the high costs that is involved. The study includes different soil forms, different depths of tillage, different tillage operations and also the change of soil physical properties with time. Soil physical properties that was investigated include, bulk density (cloth method), infiltration (mini disk infiltrometer and double ring infiltrometer), shear strength (pocket vane tester), soil strength (penetrometer) and root distribution (profile wall method). The main finding was that the positive effects of soil preparation were still clear after 25 years. The bulk density, shear strength, penetration resistance and infiltration with the double ring infiltrometer of the deeper soil preparation practices were considerably lower than those of undisturbed soil. Soil preparation shallower than 60 cm recompacted more than the deeper tillage treatments. Hydraulic conductivity with the mini disk infiltrometer yielded mixed results. This was mainly because measurements represented hydraulic conductivity through the whole profile and therefore can be influenced by many factors. Root distribution has increased with depth of tillage and the effect was clear at Nietvoorbij in the deeper (> 60 cm) soil preparation treatments. There were no significant difference between the two soil preparation methods (delve plough and soilmix) at Kanonkop, although the effect of secondary compaction by the soilmix was quite clear. Recompaction over a year was clear in the 2009 and 2010 tillage treatments at Broodkraal. The methods that were used to determine the soil physical properties have all yield good results. At all the sites the tillage treatments generally yielded better results than the undisturbed soils. It was also clear that the longer the time after tillage the smaller become the difference between the tillage treatments and the undisturbed soils. Recompaction did occur and therefore soil preparation might possibly be applied again before new vines wants to be planted. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie gedoen om die effek van grondvoorbereiding op geselekteerde grondfisiese eienskappe te ondersoek. Hierdie studie is genoodsaak deur die nadelige gevolge wat hoë gronddigthede op die groei en produksie van ’n wingerdstok het. Grondvoorbereiding in Suid-Afrika word toegepas om beperkende lae in die ondergrond te verwyder en sodoende ‘n groter grondvolume vir wortelgroei beskikbaar te stel. Die vraag is egter of dit altyd noodsaaklik is weens die vernietiging van voorkeur vloeikanale en die hoë kostes wat daarmee gepaard gaan. Die studie sluit verskillende grondvorms, verskillende dieptes van bewerking en verskillende tipes bewerking in asook hoe die toestande met verloop van tyd verander. Grondfisiese eienskappe wat ondersoek is, sluit in: bulkdigtheid (kluitmetode), infiltrasie (“mini disk” - en dubbelring infiltrometer), skuifsterkte (skroefbladmeter), grondsterkte (penetrometer) en wortelverspreidings (profielwand metode). Die studie is uitgevoer by drie verskillende proeflokaliteite, nl. Nietvoorbij, Kanonkop en Broodkraal. Die vernaamste bevindings was dat die grondvoorbereidingsbehandelings se voordelige effek oor die langtermyn, na 25 jaar, steeds duidelik waarneembaar was. Die bulkdigtheid, skuifsterkte, penetrasieweerstand en infiltrasie met dubbelring infiltrometer van die dieper grondbewerkingspraktyke was aansienlik laer as die kontrole behandelings (onversteurde grond) gewees. Die grondvoorbereidingsaksies vlakker as 60 cm het tot ʼn mate weer herverdig. Hidrouliese geleiding met minidisk infiltrometer het baie wisselvallige resultate opgelewer. Dit is hoofsaaklik omdat die meting die geleiding deur die hele profiel verteenwoordig en daar baie faktore is wat dit kan beïnvloed. Die wortelverspreiding het met diepte van grondbewerking toegeneem en die langtermyn voordelige effek was duidelik by Nietvoorbij in die dieper (> 60 cm) grondvoorbereidingsbehandelings sigbaar. Die twee grondvoorbereidingspraktyke (dolbewerking en “soilmix”) by Kanonkop het nie betekenisvol van mekaar verskil nie, alhoewel die effek van sekondêre kompaksie soos veroorsaak deur die “soilmix” implement, duidelik was. Herverdigting oor die tydperk van ’n jaar was duidelik tussen die 2009- en 2010 bewerking by Broodkraal. Die metingsmetodes waarmee die grondfisiese eienskappe ondersoek is, het almal goeie resultate gelewer. By al die proeflokaliteite het die bewerkingsbehandelings oor die algemeen beter resultate as die kontrole-behandelings (onversteur) gelewer. Hoe langer die tydperk na grondvoorbereiding hoe kleiner was die verskil tussen die bewerkingsbehandelings en die kontrole. Herverdigting het wel voorgekom en daarom sal grondvoorbereiding moontlik weer toegepas moet word wanneer nuwe aanplantings gemaak word.

n Ondersoek na die arbeidsprobleme vir wynboere in Wes-Kaapland

Louw, P. G. (Pieter Gerhardus) January 1969 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 1969. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: no abstract available / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: geen opsomming

Sistemas de alerta fitossanitário para o controle do míldio em vinhedos conduzidos sob coberturas plásticas no Noroeste Paulista / Disease warning systems for downy mildew control in vineyards cultivated under plastic coverings in Northwestern São Paulo, Brazil

Holcman, Ester 22 April 2014 (has links)
A região noroeste do estado de São Paulo é um importante pólo produtor de uvas de mesa, porém possui condições ambientais muito propícias à ocorrência de doenças fúngicas durante todo o ciclo da videira. Alternativas como o uso de coberturas plásticas e de sistemas de alerta fitossanitário têm se mostrado bastante vantajosas para tal, porém, ainda com poucos estudos sobre isso na região. Deste modo, objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar a eficácia de sistemas de alerta fitossanitário no controle do míldio (Plasmopara viticola) em videiras cultivadas sob coberturas plásticas, e, consequentemente, na produtividade e na qualidade das uvas, no Noroeste Paulista. O experimento foi realizado na Estação Experimental de Viticultura Tropical (EVT) da Embrapa Uva e Vinho, localizada no município de Jales, SP, durante os anos de 2012 e 2013. Foram conduzidas três ruas de 120 m de videiras, cultivar apirênica \'BRS Morena\', em espaçamento de 3,0 m entre plantas. Metade do vinhedo foi coberto com filme plástico de polipropileno trançado sobre estrutura metálica em forma de arco (PPT) e a outra metade com tela preta, com 18% de sombreamento (TP18%). O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos casualizados compostos por cinco tratamentos, com seis repetições por ambiente coberto. Os tratamentos foram determinados a partir de diferentes manejos de controle do míldio da videira: TE - Testemunha (sem controle fitossanitário para o míldio); CA - Controle convencional (calendário); BA - Alerta fitossanitário denominado \'Regra 3-10\' (BALDACCI et al., 1947); MA25 - Alerta fitossanitário com eficiência de infecção baixa - i0 > 25% (MADDEN et al., 2000); e MA75 - Alerta fitossanitário com eficiência de infecção alta - i0 >75% (MADDEN et al., 2000). De acordo com os resultados, sob o PPT a transmissividade média da radiação solar global foi de 82,4% em 2012 e 67,3% em 2013 e sob a TP18%, da ordem de 90% nos dois anos estudados. Os ambientes sob as coberturas apresentaram temperaturas máximas do ar superiores aos valores observados a céu aberto, sendo as diferenças da ordem de 0,7 °C sob ao PPT e de 1,0 °C sob a TP18%. Sob o PPT, a duração do período de molhamento foliar foi 34% superior do que sob TP18%. Os tratamentos baseados nos sistemas de alertas fitossanitários (BA, MA25 e MA75) revelaram níveis baixos de severidade do míldio da videira sob PPT, semelhantes aos verificados no tratamento com base no calendário (CA). Os tratamentos BA, MA25 e MA75 sob TP18% indicaram um número de pulverizações similar aos realizados sob o PPT, porém foram menos eficientes em relação a CA. Houve uma significativa redução no número de pulverizações entre o tratamento CA e os tratamentos BA, MA25 e MA75, da ordem de 70%. As videiras, sob o PPT, pulverizadas com base em BA, MA25 e MA75 apresentaram características produtivas e qualitativas semelhantes às das videiras pulverizadas de acordo com CA. Conclui-se que o cultivo de videiras sob cobertura plástica de polipropileno, aliado à adoção de sistemas de alertas fitossanitários, resultou em excelentes níveis de controle do míldio da videira no Noroeste Paulista. / The Northwest region of the state of São Paulo is one of the main producers of table grapes in Brazil, however has a very favorable environmental conditions to fungal diseases during the growing season. The use of disease warning systems and plastic covers are promising alternatives for disease control, but there are not many researches about that in this region of the state. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of warning systems for managing downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) in vineyards cultivated under plastic coverings, and, consequently, their impact on vine productivity and quality, in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The experiment was carried out at the EMBRAPA - Tropical Viticulture Experimental Station (EVT/Embrapa Uva e Vinho), located in Jales, SP, Brazil. Three rows of 120 m of the seedless grape cultivar \'BRS Morena\', spaced with 3.0 m between plants were conducted during 2012 and 2013 growing seasons. Half of the vineyard was covered with braided polypropylene plastic film installed over a metallic arc-shaped structure (PPT) and the other half with black screen, with 18% of shading (TP18%). The experimental design was randomized blocks composed of five treatments, with six repetitions per covered environment. The treatments were defined by the different grapevine downy mildew management : (TE) Control (no sprays against downy mildew); (CA) Conventional control (calendar); (BA) Warning system \'Rule 3-10\' (BALDACCI et al., 1947); (MA25) Warning system with low-infection efficiency - i0 > 25% (MADDEN et al., 2000); and (MA75) Warning system with high infection efficiency - i0 > 75% (MADDEN et al., 2000). According to the results, under the PPT the average global solar radiation transmissivity was 82.4% in 2012 and 67.3% in 2013 and under TP18%, around 90% along the two growing seasons. The microclimate under the plastic covers showed maximum air temperatures higher than the values observed in the external environment, and the differences was around 0.7 °C under the PPT and 1.0 °C under TP18%. In the PPT, leaf wetness duration (LWD) was about 34% higher in relation to the TP18%. The treatments based on warning systems (BA, MA25 and MA75) revealed low levels of severity of grapevine downy mildew under PPT, similar to those observed in the treatment based on a calendar spray (CA). The treatments BA, MA25 and MA75 under TP18% indicated a number of sprays similar to those obtained under the PPT, but less efficient in relation to the CA. There was a significant reduction in the number of sprays between the CA and BA, MA25 and MA75 treatments, about 70%. The vines under the PPT and sprayed based on BA, MA25 and MA75 had productive and quality characteristics similar to those sprayed according to the CA. It is concluded that the association of cultivation under polypropylene plastic cover and the use of disease warning systems resulted in excellent levels of downy mildew control in vineyards in the Northwest region of São Paulo state.

Da produção ao consumo de vinho orgânico no brasil : limitações, significado e perspectivas

Araujo, Marcos Vinícius January 2017 (has links)
Adotando novos hábitos de consumo, os consumidores passaram a ser mais exigentes e conscientes de que suas práticas de consumo impactam na dinâmica ambiental, social e econômica, de forma a explorar o uso de recursos e quantidade de resíduos descartados na natureza. Essas mudanças são práticas do consumo consciente e responsável, o que é tido como politização do consumo. Percebendo isso, empresas de vários segmentos se adaptaram para fornecer produtos e serviços que atendam a essas exigências dos consumidores. Dentro dessa dinâmica, incluem-se os alimentos orgânicos, biodinâmicos, naturais e com práticas sustentáveis integradas em seus processos produtivos. Nessa perspectiva, vinícolas brasileiras iniciaram a produção de uvas orgânicas para produção de vinhos e, posteriormente, para produção de suco de uva. Contudo, devido às dificuldades climáticas e limitações de técnicas produtivas, essas vinícolas depararam-se com obstáculos para o fornecimento do vinho orgânico, seja pela questão técnica do sistema orgânico, ou mesmo pela forma de relacionamento de mercado, que faz com que o valor de orgânico e sustentável não chegue integralmente aos públicos de interesse. A partir da realidade produtiva do vinho orgânico, questiona-se, então, qual o panorama atual e futuro para o vinho orgânico. Nesse sentido, o objetivo desse trabalho é compreender a dinâmica da produção e consumo desse produto, a partir da implementação e manutenção de valor, descrição e análise das limitações produtivas, percepção de valor e análise do atual e futuro panorama do setor. Para a realização desse estudo, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa exploratória com os principais atores dessa cadeia. Foram entrevistadas e visitadas 05 (cinco) vinícolas, sendo 04 (quatro), das 06 (seis) existentes no Brasil, que produzem suco e vinho orgânicos e que possuem mix completo de produtos convencionais e a vinícola que produziu o primeiro vinho fino orgânico brasileiro, um representante do setor vitivinícola, um intermediário de comercialização e 20 (vinte) consumidores, além de busca de evidências em visitas a supermercados e internet. Os dados foram analisados a partir do cruzamento dos dados coletados, com análise de conteúdo simples, para então retirar temas que surgiram nas entrevistas com esses atores. Os resultados mostram que as vinícolas ainda têm dificuldade na implementação e comunicação do valor do vinho orgânico, bem como apresenta limitações nos processos produtivos, sobretudo por questões técnicas e climáticas. Contudo, já existem esforços para solucionar essas questões, como pesquisas e atividades para colaborar com os produtores de uva, principalmente em busca de técnicas para a produção orgânica. Com relação ao consumidor final, verifica-se que o valor ainda não chega a ele em sua integralidade, especialmente no que se refere a outras ações de sustentabilidade realizadas pelas vinícolas. Por outro lado, os consumidores percebem como um vinho de má qualidade, principalmente devido à variedade de uva utilizada para sua elaboração, levando à discussão sobre a adoção de práticas sustentáveis e fornecimento de um produto intermediário, entre orgânico e convencional, para em um futuro próximo se chegar à produção de um vinho fino orgânico que satisfaça a expectativa do consumidor final. / Adopting new consumption habits, consumers have became more demanding and conscious that their consumption practices impact on the environmental, social and economic dynamics, in order to worry about the exaggerated use of resources and quantity of waste used and discarded in nature. These are practices of conscious and responsible consumption, which are part of the politicization of consumption. Aware of this, companies from various segments have adapted to provide products and services that meet these consumer demands, in this dynamic, including organic, natural, biodynamic foods and that have sustainable practices integrated into their processes of production. In this perspective, Brazilian wineries began the production of organic grapes for wine production and later for the production of organic grape juice. However, due to the climatic difficulties and limitations of productive techniques, there were obstacles in the supply of this product, either by the technical question of the organic system or even by the form of market relationship, which does not reach there target public. It is questioned, therefore, from the organic wine production reality, its present and future panorama, in order to understand the dynamics of the production and consumption of this product, from the implementation and maintenance of value, description and analysis of the productive limitations, value perception and analysis of the current and future panorama of the sector. To carry out this study, an exploratory research was developed with the main actors of this chain, interviewing and visiting 05 (five) wineries, 04 (four) of 06 (six) existing in Brazil, that produce organic juice and wine and have a complete chain of conventional products and 01(one) interview with the winery that produced the first Brazilian organic fine wine, interview with 01 (one) representative of the sector, 01 (one) marketing intermediary and 20 (twenty) consumers, as well as search for evidences in visits to supermarkets and internet. The data were analyzed from the cross-tabulation of the data collected, using simple content analysis, and then themes emerged during the interviews with these actors. The results show that the wineries still have difficulty in implementing and communicating the value of this product, it has limitations in the productive processes, mainly due to technical and climatic issues. However, there are already efforts to address these issues, such as research and activities to collaborate with producers, mainly in search of techniques for organic production. On the other hand, the value still does not reach the final consumer, especially with regard to other sustainability actions carried out by the wineries. On the other hand, consumers still perceive as a product of poor quality, with regard to the taste and variety of grapes, which leads to a discussion on the adoption of sustainable practices and to provide an intermediate product, between organic and conventional, in the near future to obtain the production of an organic fine wine (from Vitis Vinifera grapes) that meets the expectations of the final consumer.

Raízes do turismo no território do vinho : Bento Gonçalves e Garibaldi - 1870 a 1960 (RS/Brasil)

Valduga, Vander January 2011 (has links)
L'objet de cette recherche est l'étude des rapports entre le développement de la viticulture et la « touristification » de l'espace à partir du vin dans les villes de Bento Gonçalves et de Garibaldi, dans l'état du Rio Grande do Sul au Brésil. La période analysée s'étend des années 1870, décennie de l'occupation du territoire par les immigrants italiens, jusqu'aux années 1960, période de la « touristification », diversification et de la difusion de l'activité viticole. Le travail a eu comme objectif d'analyser les implications entre la viticulture et le tourisme, caractériser le patrimoine lié au vin et au processus d'identités/identification territoriale. Comme méthode a été proposé une approche au paradigme de la complexité et comme methodologie on s'est appuyé sur la recherche historique, outre des entretiens directs. La recherche a indiqué que l'État a eu un rôle central dans la construction et dans la prise de décision par les agents publics et privés, dans le contexte de la viticulture et que cela maintenait une relation d'autonomie et de dépendance avec les industries privées et avec les paysans producteurs de vin. L'accumulation capitaliste issue du commerce urbain, à partir des produits agricoles, a permis la croissance industrielle et l'apparition de meneurs intellectuels, politiques et économiques qui, en lien avec l'État, ont créé des mécanismes de protection économique, de promotion régionale et personnelle, tout en ouvrant un espace pour des activités co-existantes, dont le tourisme. Le vin est resté la clé de la « touristification » de l'espace et l'industrie viticole a vu une réelle possibilité de promotion commerciale de ses produits et une rénovation socio-économique et culturelle. À partir de la bureaucratisation et de l'organisation syndicale de la viticulture, l'activité a commencé avoir une rationalité dictée non plus par la logique locale, mais par une logique nationale. De la même manière, la bureaucratisation du tourisme a engendré l'ouverture d'autres possibilités spéciales, telles que la propre diversification de l'activité touristique. Les conclusions ont remarqué qu'il a eu de l'usage politique du patrimoine lié au vin et qui a eu comme résultat la « touristification » de cet espace géographique qui a été appelé territoire du vin. / O tema do presente trabalho são as relações entre o desenvolvimento da vitivinicultura e a turistificação do espaço a partir do vinho nos municípios de Bento Gonçalves e Garibaldi, no Rio Grande e do Sul, Brasil. O período analisado foi dos anos 1870, década que iniciou a ocupação desse espaço por imigrantes italianos até os anos 1960, período de turistificação, diversificação e expansão da produção vinícola. O estudo teve como objetivos identificar e analisar as implicações entre vitivinicultura e turismo, caracterizar o patrimônio ligado ao vinho e os processos de identidade/identificação territorial. Como método foi proposta uma aproximação ao paradigma da complexidade, e como metodologia, a pesquisa histórica e análise de conteúdo fizeram parte, além de entrevistas face a face. A pesquisa apontou que o Estado teve papel central na condução e na tomada de decisão por agentes públicos e privados em todo o contexto da vitivinicultura e que mantinha uma relação de autonomia e dependência com as indústrias privadas e com os colonos produtores de vinho. A acumulação capitalista oriunda do comércio urbano, a partir dos produtos agrícolas, permitiu o florescimento industrial e o surgimento de lideranças intelectuais, políticas e econômicas que, aliadas ao Estado, criaram mecanismos de proteção econômica, promoção regional e pessoal, abrindo espaço para atividades coexistentes, entre elas o turismo. O vinho permaneceu ao longo do tempo como âncora da turistificação do espaço, e a indústria vinícola vislumbrou nele a possibilidade de promoção comercial de seus produtos e de uma revitalização socioeconômica e cultural. A partir da burocratização e organização sindical da vitivinicultura, a atividade começou a ter uma racionalidade econômica não pautada mais pela lógica local, mas em escala maior como a estadual e nacional. Da mesma maneira, a burocratização do turismo engendrou a abertura a outras possibilidades espaciais como a própria diversificação da atividade turística. As considerações apontaram para um uso político do patrimônio ligado ao vinho e que teve como resultado a turistificação desse espaço geográfico que foi denominado de território do vinho. / The theme of this study was to investigate the relation between the development of viticulture and emerging of wine tourism of the space coming from the wine industry in the cities of Bento Gonçalves and Garibaldi, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The analyzed period starts in the 1870's that comprised the occupation of this space by Italian immigrants until the 1960's, period of the emerging of wine tourism, diversification and the expansion of wine production. The aim of the study was to analyze the implications between viticulture and tourism; characterize the patrimony linked to the wine and the processes of territorial identity/identification. As method the purpose was an approach to the paradigm of complexity, and as methodology, historical research and and it's analysis, as well as interviews face to face. Research pointed out that the State had a crucial role in the conduction and in the process of decision-making by public and private agents all over the viticulture context and where it maintained a relation of autonomy and independency with private industries and within wine producers. The capitalist enrichment of the urban commerce from agricultural products allowed the industrial expansion and the emergence of intellectual, political and economic leaders that, along with the state, created mechanisms of economical protection, regional and personal promotion, giving place to other economic activities as tourism. Wine has been over the years the anchor of the touristification of the space and the wine industry saw an opportunity for the commercial promotion and the possibility of a socioeconomic and cultural renewal. From the bureaucratization and the syndical organization of viticulture, the activity achieved an economic rationality guided not only by a local, but in a major scale as a national sphere. Similarly, bureaucratization of tourism engendered the diffusion of others spatial possibilities as well the diversification of the touristic activity. The final consideration pointed to a political use of the wine patrimony that had as result the touristification of this geographic space that was named the wine territory.

O ensino da Seguran?a do Trabalho na forma??o do Tecn?logo em Viticultura e Enologia do Instituto Federal do Sert?o Pernambucano / The teaching of Occupational Safety Technologist in the formation of Viticulture and Enology at the Federal Institute of Hinterland Pernambucano

Genaio, Marcelo Sperotto 06 August 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2018-03-15T13:45:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Marcelo Sperotto Genaio.pdf: 24359473 bytes, checksum: 6c05b9789012ed5abf7af41aa1b20219 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-15T13:45:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012 - Marcelo Sperotto Genaio.pdf: 24359473 bytes, checksum: 6c05b9789012ed5abf7af41aa1b20219 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-08-06 / This study presents data concerning a survey to evaluate the importance of training the Technologist in Viticulture and Enology at the Federal Institute of Pernambuco Hinterland ? PE, Brazil, in the matters related to safety in the workplace, from the discipline and Safety Management as a requirement in the preparation of future professionals for the labor market. For it was possible to find answers to the research problem as well as achieve the objectives, our research was divided into four stages: the first, we bibliography; in the second phase we collected data from teachers and students, for teachers which was applied a semi-structured in order to analyze the concepts of the research subjects and for the students completed a checklist at the beginning of the ministry of discipline, parallel analysis was done of the Educational Project Course of Technology in Viticulture and Enology in order to observe how the theme work safety is developed throughout the course, the third phase of the ministry after the completion of the course was again applied the same checklist for students, and the fourth stage have been made to analyze the data collected . It was found that teachers of the course have interest in the subject Occupational Safety and have some knowledge about the risks, but little studied the direct relationship between their performance and discipline issues related to safety. As for the students observed an underestimation of the risks of accidents at the beginning of the course however, after completion of the same in more than 90% of the cases observed, there was an overestimation of the risks of accidents, which showed that the students understood and learned about the contents worked in the discipline and Safety Management, contributing to their professional practice with security. / O presente estudo apresenta resultados referente a uma pesquisa com objetivo de avaliar a import?ncia da forma??o do Tecn?logo em Viticultura e Enologia do Instituto Federal Sert?o Pernambucano ? PE, campus Petrolina Zona Rural, quanto aos aspectos relacionados a Seguran?a do Trabalho, a partir da ministra??o da disciplina Gest?o e Seguran?a do Trabalho como requisito na prepara??o discente para o mercado de trabalho. Com a finalidade de encontrar respostas para o problema da pesquisa, assim como, alcan?ar os objetivos propostos, a pesquisa foi dividida em quatro etapas: Na primeira etapa Levantamento bibliogr?fico; coleta de dados dos docentes e discentes, quando para os docentes foi aplicado um question?rio semiestruturado com o intuito de analisar as concep??es dos sujeitos da pesquisa e, para os discentes uma lista de checagem preenchido no in?cio da ministra??o da disciplina; paralelamente a segunda etapa; a an?lise do Projeto Pedag?gico do Curso (PPC) Superior de Tecnologia em Viticultura e Enologia com intuito de observar como o tema Seguran?a do Trabalho ? desenvolvido ao longo do curso; na terceira etapa ap?s a conclus?o da disciplina, novamente foi aplicado a mesma lista de checagem aos discentes e, na quarta etapa foram feitas an?lises das informa??es coletadas. Constatou-se que os docentes do curso apresentam interesse pelo tema Seguran?a do Trabalho e possuem algum conhecimento sobre os riscos, mas pouco se trabalha a rela??o direta entre a sua disciplina de atua??o e os temas ligados ? seguran?a do trabalho. Quanto aos discente observou-se uma subestima??o dos riscos de acidentes no in?cio da disciplina. No entanto, ap?s a conclus?o, em mais de 95% das situa??es observadas, houve uma superestima??o dos riscos de acidentes, o que evidenciou que os discentes compreenderam e aprenderam sobre os conte?dos trabalhados na disciplina Gest?o e Seguran?a do Trabalho, contribuindo para a sua atua??o profissional de maneira prevencionista.

The effect of cold maceration with and without sulphur dioxide on pinot noir wine

Dicey, M. January 1996 (has links)
The effects of varying levels of sulphur dioxide (SO₂) on the cold maceration process was investigated with Pinot noir (Vitis vinifera L.) wine. The effects of these varying levels on the wines composition and colour parameters were examined. Cold maceration is a technique whereby grapes are crushed and placed at low temperatures (4 - lO°C) in the presence 50 - 150 mgL⁻¹ SO₂. This process is believed to provide a medium for the extraction of water soluble phenolic compounds, rather than the alcoholic extraction employed in normal fermentations. The extraction of these phenolic compounds was monitored from the juice through to six months of bottle age. The changes were measured using both Spectrophotometric and High Performance Liquid Chromatographic (HPLC) procedures. Cold maceration wines were found to be not significantly different to the control wine in all compositional parameters other than titrateable acidity which was found to be less than the control for all the cold maceration wines. The unsulphured cold maceration wine was not significantly different from the control wine in any of the spectral measurements except natural degree of ionisation, in which it was higher, and total phenolics, in which it was lower. These results indicate that the cold maceration process alone does not alter the extraction of phenolic compounds. The HPLC analysis of the wine confirmed the spectral results indicating that their were no significant differences in the levels of extraction of anthocyanins. The sulphured cold maceration wines were significantly greater than the control in visible colour, colour density, total anthocyanins, natural degree of ionisation, ionised anthocyanins and total phenolics. These results followed similar patterns with wine ageing, at six months these wines were still significantly greater in all the measurements apart from natural degree of ionisation. The results for the sulphured cold maceration wines indicates that SO₂ is acting as a solvent for the extraction of phenolic compounds including anthocyanins. The 50 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine had similar colour and phenolic content to the 100 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine at bottling, at six months the 50 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine still retained a similar colour to the 100 mgL⁻¹ SO₂ cold maceration wine but had vastly reduced anthocyanin content. This indicates that for the grapes utilised in this study the most appropriate level of addition at cold maceration would be 50 mgL⁻¹ of SO₂. With grapes of differing phenolic content the level of addition required will vary.

Pre-fermentation maceration of pinot noir wine

Goldsworthy, S. A. January 1993 (has links)
Two pre-fermentation treatments were investigated in Pinot noir (Vitis vinifera L.) wines. The effects of cold maceration and carbonic maceration on the wines' composition, colour parameters and sensory properties were examined. Cold maceration is a winemaking technique used to increase non-alcoholic extraction in Pinot noir winemaking prior to fermentation. It involves holding crushed grapes with approximately 100-150 mg l⁻¹ SO₂ at low temperatures and is thought to increase the colour, aroma and flavour of the resulting wines. Carbonic maceration uses whole bunches that have undergone anaerobic metabolism to produce characteristically fruity and spicy wines. Pre-fermentation cold maceration produces wines that are higher in titratable acidity and monomeric anthocyanin content, but lower in colour density, hue and polymeric pigments. Reducing the maceration temperature below 10°C has little effect. Carbonic maceration produces wines that are lower in titratable acidity, monomeric anthocyanin content, and colour density but are higher in colour hue and amount of polymeric pigments. Quantitative descriptive analysis was used to define the effects of these pre-fermentation maceration treatments on the sensory characteristics of the resulting wine. Trained panel members found that there were no discernable sensory differences in the compositional parameters despite measurable chemical differences. Investigation into the aroma and flavour characteristics of the wines found that carbonic maceration produces wines that were lower in berry aroma and higher in acetate or ester-type aromas than the control wines. These wines were considered to have specific raspberry, floral, sugar, cherry and chemical aromas. This chemical note was also observed in the flavour of the carbonic maceration wines. The temperature of the cold maceration process has no major effect on the aroma and flavour of the resulting wines. However, the 10°C maceration was higher in woody/tobacco aroma than the 4°C maceration, and the 10°C treatment was also higher in bitter flavour than all the other treatments. Cold maceration wines were found to have specific mixed berry, dried fruit and sweet-oxidised aroma characters, together with a blackberry flavour note.

Influence of reflective mulch on Pinot noir grape and wine quality

Leal, G. R. January 2007 (has links)
A trial established in 2003 at Upper Moutere in Nelson, New Zealand, was used to evaluate the effect of mussel shells as reflective mulch on Vitis vinifera L. cv. Pinot noir vine performance and fruit and wine quality. Shell mulch had several effects on the environment and vine growth as well as grape and wine composition in the 2006/2007 season. Soil under mulch was cooler compared to un-mulched control, but buffered the extremes in temperatures. Fruiting zone temperature over shells was slightly higher during the day and cooler at night, showing no effect on mean hourly temperature. Shell mulch reflected greater amounts of UV-A, UV-B and PAR radiation into the fruiting zone. Shell reduced weed growth compared to control. Leaf petiole and blade samples showed higher amounts of calcium compared to control. Leaf SPAD values were higher in the shell treatment during veraison, previous and postharvest, but lower post budburst. While date of budburst was not affected by treatments, dates of flowering and veraison appeared to be slightly advanced over shells. Fruit set was similar between treatments and was considered poorer in shell bunches due to a larger population of seedless berries. Vine growth was not affected in terms of the number of nodes laid at pruning, flower cluster and shoot number pre shoot thinning, early shoot growth and lateral shoots development. Vigour was not increased by shells as demonstrated by pruning weights, canopy density and trunk circumferences being similar, though internode lengths in shell shoots were greater in 2007 and lower in 2006. Berry weights, bunch weights and vine yields were lower in shell than control, though greater berry numbers were recorded. There were slight differences between treatments in fruit and wine composition. Grape pH only varied in the middle of the sampling time, being higher the 2nd week and lower the 3rd week in shell grapes and TA was greater at harvest time. However, °Brix was only higher in shell grapes in the middle of the sampling period, being similar to control at veraison and harvest. Peduncle lignification was delayed at veraison as well as at harvest time. Shell must after crushing was greater in Brix but similar to control in pH and TA. Similarly, shell wines pre bottling showed higher alcohol and no differences for pH and TA. HPLC-DAD analyses of commercial-scale and microvin wines showed consistent differences of the individual flavonoid composition. Shell microvin wines were greater than control in quercetin and resveratrol. However, commercial shell wines were lower in epicatechin, gallic acid, resveratrol, and catechin than control. Leaf phenolic composition was also different between treatments. However, further analyses by HPLC-MS in wines as well as in leaves are necessary to identify individual compounds. Total anthocyanins and total phenolics were no different between treatments. Sensory analyses of microvin and commercial shell wines exhibited consistently lower levels of green and unripe tannins, and greater smoothness and complexity as well. Further analysis by GC-MS and HPLC-MS is warranted. Shell mulch improved sensory characteristics of the resulting wines.

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