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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procédé novateur d'extraction de jus de fruits par micro-onde : viabilité de fabrication et qualité nutritionnelle des jus / Extraction of fruit juices by microwave hydrodiffusion : tests and nutritional juice quality

Cendres, Aurélie 29 September 2010 (has links)
Le procédé innovant d’hydrodiffusion par micro-onde a été testé et validé pour la fabrication de jus de fruit sur des raisins, abricots et prunes. Ce procédé présente des avantages au niveau technique : rapidité d’extraction, pas de préparation de l’échantillon, aucun auxiliaire de fabrication. Il permet l’obtention de jus à partir de fruits difficiles à presser, avec une pasteurisation « in line » et des produits se différenciant nettement des jus commerciaux par leur couleur et texture.Le jus est expulsé du fruit sous l’effet de la vapeur produite in situ. A partir du fruit congelé, la déstructuration liée à la croissance des cristaux de glace facilite l’extraction. Les rendements le plus élevés sont obtenus à partir de fruits congelés, et à basse puissance. Une partie de l’eau des fruits est convertie en vapeur, mais peut être récupérée en utilisant un réfrigérant, ce qui permet d’atteindre des rendements proches des rendements de jus obtenus avec un prétraitement enzymatique et pressurage. Globalement, le jus a une composition proche de celle du jus présent dans le fruit ou obtenus par pressurage. La composition du jus expulsé des fruits change au cours de l’extraction. La concentration des composés présents dans la chair et hydrosolubles (sucres, acides, acides phénoliques) baisse nettement en fin d’extraction, tandis que les anthocyanes, présentes dans l’épiderme des raisins ou des prunes, montrent un pic de concentration lors de la phase d’expulsion rapide des jus. La teneur en procyanidines est nettement plus élevée que pour des jus obtenus par pressurage / The hydrodiffusion process was tested and validated for production of juices from grapes, apricots and plums. Its major advantages are speed, no sample preparation, no processing aid. It allows production of juices from hard-to-press fruits with an in line pasteurisation. The juices present original characteristics notable bright colours, texture, and a fresh fruit aroma.The juice is expulsed from the fruit by the pressure due to in situ vapour generation. The destructuration occuring in frozen fruits due to growth of ice crystals facilitate the juice expulsion. The highest yields are obtained from frozen fruits and at low power densities. Part of the water from the fruits is vaporised, and can be collected by use of a cooler, allowing to reach yields comparable to those obtained by pressing after an enzymatic pre-treatment. Juice composition is close to that of juice extracted by pressing, though with slightly lower concentrations of most soluble solids. The composition of juice changes along the extraction. The highly soluble compounds present in the fruit flesh mostly show a clear exhaustion at the end ofextraction. Anthocyans, present exclusively in the peel of the test fruits, present a maximum during the fast juice extraction phase. Procyanidin concentrations is much higher in juices obtained by hydrodiffusion than in conventional juices

Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137 : biocontrol properties, colonization and induced systemic resistance towards Botrytis cinerea on grapevine and Arabidopsis thaliana / Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137 : proprietés de biocontrole, colonisation et résistance systemique induite contre Botrytis cinerea sur la vigne et Arabidopsis thaliana

Muzammil, Saima 13 July 2012 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, un isolat de sol de désert, Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137, a été évalué pour ses propriétés bioactives contre le champignon phytopathogène Botrytis cinerea, pour sa colonization sur Vitis vinifera L., et Arabidopsis thaliana ainsi qu’en vue d’étudier les méchanismes de résistance systémique induite (ISR) contre B. cinerea. Les résultats obtenus nous ont permis premièrement de montrer que Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 peut présenter des activités antifongiques contre B. cinerea et que des métabolites peuvent être responsables de cette activité antifongique. Bien que ces métabolites soient encore en cours d’étude et que cette étude mérite d’être approfondie, nous avons démontré ensuite les propriétés de colonisation de l’isolat du sol du désert chez la vigne. Les résultats ont permis de montrer que la souche peut former des populations rhizosphèriques ainsi que des sous-populations endophytiques chez des plants de vigne (Cabernet Sauvignon sur porte-greffe 44-53 M) à des étapes précoces de colonisation. Puis nous avons démontré que la souche bénéfique peut induire une résistance systémique contre B. cinerea. Bien que les mécanismes impliqués ne soient pas encore compris, des parties préliminaires de ces travaux démontrent que les expressions de gènes responsables de la production de glucanase, chitinase ainsi qu’un inhibiteur de polygalacturonase ne semblent pas potentialisés pendant le phénomène de résistance systémique. Enfin nous avons démontré l’interaction entre Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 et Arabidopsis thaliana qui résulte dans une association intime dûe également à colonisation rhizosphèrique et endophytique de la plante modèle. La souche bénéfique peut églement induire un phénomène de résistance systémique sur A. thaliana contre B. cinerea et les analyses de plantes mutées ont permis de determiner des parties des mécanismes impliqués dans l’ISR aini que des nouveaux mécanismes impliqués qui peuvent être induits par des microbes bénéfiques / In this thesis, the desert soil isolate, Saccharothrix algeriensis NRRL B-24137, has been evaluated for its bioactive properties towards the phytopathogenic fungus Botrytis cinerea, for its colonization of Vitis vinifera L., and Arabidopsis thaliana as well as to study the mechanisms of induced systemic resistance (ISR) towards B. cinerea. The results obtained allowed us firstly to show that Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 can exhibit strong antifungal properties towards B. cinerea and that some metabolites can be responsible of this antifungal activity. Although these metabolites are still under consideration and that this study needs further works, we have demonstrated then the colonization properties of the desert soil isolate with grapevine plants. The results showed that the strain can form rhizospheric as well as endophytic subpopulations with grapevine plants (Cabernet Sauvignon cultivar graffed on 44-53 M rootstock) at early step of colonization. Then we have demonstrated that the beneficial strain could induce a systemic resistance towards B. cinerea. Although the mechanisms are not yet well understood, preliminary parts of this work demonstrated that the genes responsible of glucanase production, chitinase as well as inhibitor of polygalacturonase activity do not seems to be primed during the systemic resistance phenomenon. Finally we demonstrated that the interaction between Sa. algeriensis NRRL B-24137 and Arabidopsis thaliana plants results in a close association due also to a rhizo- and endophytic colonization of the model plant. The beneficial strain can also induce a systemic resistance in A. thaliana towards B. cinerea and analyzes of plant mutants have allowed to determine parts of the mechanisms involved in ISR as well as new mechanisms that could be trigerred by beneficial microbes

Identification du xyloglucane comme nouvel éliciteur oligosaccharidique stimulant l’immunité de Vitis vinifera et d’Arabidopsis thaliana et caractérisation de deux récepteurs aux chito-oligosaccharides chez la vigne (VvLYK1-1 et VvLYK1-2) / Identification of the cell-wall derived xyloglucan as a new damage-associated molecular pattern (DAMP) eliciting plant immunity in Vitis vinifera and Arabidopsis thaliana and characterization of two chito-oligosaccharide pattern recognition receptors

Claverie, Justine 21 December 2018 (has links)
L’activation des réponses immunitaires des plantes repose sur la reconnaissance de motifs moléculaires associés aux pathogènes (aussi appelés PAMP) par des récepteurs de l’immunité, également nommés PRR (pattern recognition receptors). La chitine, principal composant de la paroi des champignons, est un PAMP bien caractérisé qui induit des réponses de défense aussi bien chez les mammifères que chez les plantes.La première partie de cette étude met en évidence que deux chito-oligosaccharides, la chitine et le chitosan, agissent comme des PAMP chez la vigne (Vitis vinifera) puisqu’ils induisent des évènements précoces de signalisation, l’expression de gènes de défense et une résistance contre des agents pathogènes. Ces résultats suggèrent que des systèmes de perception existent chez la vigne. Une analyse phylogénétique a permis d’identifier trois récepteurs kinases à domaine LysM (LysM-RK ou LYK) chez V. vinifera (VvLYK1-1, -2, -3) appartenant au même clade que le récepteur à la chitine chez Arabidopsis et nommé AtCERK1 (Arabidopsis thaliana Chitin Elicitor Receptor Kinase 1). Leur analyse fonctionnelle a été réalisée par complémentation du mutant d’Arabidopsis Atcerk1, affecté dans la perception de la chitine. Nos résultats montrent que VvLYK1-1 et VvLYK1-2, mais pas VvLYK1-3, complémentent fonctionnellement le mutant Atcerk1 en restaurant l’activation des MAPK (Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases) et l’expression de gènes de défense induits par les chito-oligosaccharides. De plus, l’expression de VvLYK1-1 chez Atcerk1 restaure la résistance basale à l’agent de l’oïdium de la vigne (Erysiphe necator).La seconde partie du projet s’est focalisée sur les éliciteurs oligosaccharidiques de type « damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMP) ». Ces molécules endogènes peuvent provenir de la dégradation de la paroi lors d’une attaque et sont capables d’activer les réponses immunitaires de la plante. Les DAMP les mieux caractérisés actuellement sont les oligogalacturonates (OG), des fragments de pectine qui induisent des réponses immunitaires chez de nombreuses espèces végétales dont l’activation de MAPK, la production d’H2O2, l’expression de gènes de défense et le dépôt de callose. Nous avons montré dans cette étude que les xyloglucanes (Xh), des fragments d’hémicellulose pariétale purifiés, induisaient l’activation de MAPK et l’expression de gènes de défense chez la vigne et Arabidopsis, afin d’induire une résistance contre le champignon nécrotrophe Botrytis cinerea. Les Xh induisent également la production de resvératrol, une phytoalexine majoritaire chez la vigne, et un dépôt de callose chez Arabidopsis. Par une approche génétique, nous avons identifié certains composants de la signalisation induite par les Xh chez Arabidopsis. L’utilisation de mutants suggère que la résistance induite par les Xh contre B. cinerea est dépendante des voies de la camalexine, de l’acide salicylique, de l’acide jasmonique et de l’éthylène chez Arabidopsis. De manière globale, nos résultats mettent en lumière que les xyloglucanes peuvent être considérés comme de nouveaux éliciteurs de l’immunité chez la vigne et Arabidopsis. / Activation of the plant immune responses requires recognition of common pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP) by their cognate pattern recognition receptors (PRR). Chitin, a major component of fungal cell walls, is a well-known PAMP that triggers defense responses in several mammal and plant species.In the first part of this study, we show that two chitooligosaccharides, chitin and chitosan, act as PAMPs in grapevine (Vitis vinifera) as they elicit immune signaling events, defense gene expression, and resistance against pathogens. These two PAMPs are active in grapevine suggesting that at least one perception system exists. Phylogenetic analysis clearly distinguished three V. vinifera LysM Receptor Kinases (VvLYK1-1, -2, -3) located in the same clade as the Arabidopsis Chitin Elicitor Receptor Kinase 1 (AtCERK1), which mediates chitin-induced immune responses. Their functional characterization was achieved by complementation assays in the Atcerk1 mutant, impaired in chitin perception. Our results provide evidence that VvLYK1-1 and VvLYK1-2, but not VvLYK1-3, functionally complement the loss of AtCERK1 function by restoring chitooligosaccharide-induced MAPK activation and immune gene expression. Moreover, expression of VvLYK1-1 in Atcerk1 restored penetration resistance to the non-adapted grapevine powdery mildew (Erysiphe necator).The second part of this study focused on damaged-associated molecular patterns (DAMP), endogenous molecules that can be released from the plant cell wall during an attack and activate the plant innate immunity. Until now, the best characterized DAMPs are oligogalacturonides (OG) coming from pectin fragments that induce innate immune responses in various plant species, including MAPK activation, H2O2 production, defense gene expression and callose deposition. In this study, we showed that purified xyloglucans (Xh), derived from the plant cell wall hemicellulose, elicit MAPK activation and immune gene expression in grapevine (V. vinifera) and Arabidopsis to trigger induced resistance against the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea. Xh also elicit the production of resveratrol, the main grapevine phytoalexin, and callose deposition in Arabidopsis. Using a genetic approach, we identified some signaling components of Xh-induced immunity. The use of Arabidopsis mutants suggests that Xh-induced resistance against B. cinerea is dependent on the camalexin, salicylate, jasmonate and ethylene pathways. Taken together, our data highlight that Xh can be considered as new elicitors of grapevine and Arabidopsis immunity.


Blum, Julius 14 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-25T19:29:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Julius Blum.pdf: 529195 bytes, checksum: f22e38fddc3f7dc09890ece44ddbb80b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Gypsum applied on the soil surface reduces subsoil Al3+ toxicity and increases the Ca2+ and S-SO42- levels, promoting better development of plant roots. Gains in productivity has observed with the use of gypsum in annual and perennial crops, but lacking studies regarding to gypsum application on grapevines. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of gypsum on soil chemical attributes and the production of the ‘Niagara Rosada’ grape. A field trial was carried out in a 8 years old orchard, on a dystrophic clayey Rhodic Hapludox at Ponta Grossa, Parana State, Brazil. The soil had low acidity and sufficient nutrient levels in the top soil (0-20 cm), and high concentration of exchangeable Al3+ in subsurface. A randomized block design was used and five gypsum rates were surface applied (0, 3, 6, 9 and 12 t ha-1), with four replications. After 8 months of the application, there was an increase in soil pH below 20 cm and decrease in the Al3+ content. These effects were intensified after 20 months. Was an increase in Ca2+ and S-SO42- levels in all soil profile after gypsum application. Movement of Mg2+ from the top soil to deeper layers occurred after 8 months, and this effect was intensified after 20 months. The improvement on soil fertility had no effect on grape nutrition in the first year. There was a decrease in leaf magnesium concentration at the second year. Gypsum application had negative effect on fruit production due to leaching of exchangeable Mg2+ from the topsoil. Chemical changes at layer 0-20 cm depth were better correlated with the plant nutrition. There was correlation between the Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio, and saturation and concentration of Mg2+ in the soil with foliar concentration of magnesium and grape productivity. The critical level of Mg2+ in the soil (90 of relative production) was 42 mmolc dm-3. The Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio and the percentage of Mg2+ in CEC at pH 7 were more appropriate than just the concentration of Mg2+ for the diagnosis of the nutrient in the soil. A Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio of 1.9 and 25 of magnesium in CEC at pH 7 were established for 90 relative production. The Ca/Mg ratio was better to nutritional diagnosis on plants than the magnesium concentration. A 2 Ca2+/Mg2+ ratio in leaves was the critical level for 90 relative production. The application of gypsum caused increase in soluble solids in the berries, ameliorating grape quality. / O gesso agrícola, quando aplicado na superfície do solo, diminui a toxicidade de Al3+ e aumenta a disponibilidade de Ca2+ e S-SO42- no subsolo, melhorando o ambiente para o desenvolvimento das raízes das plantas. Ganhos na produtividade têm ocorrido com o uso do gesso agrícola em culturas anuais e perenes, mas faltam estudos relacionados à aplicação do produto na videira. O estudo objetivou de verificar o efeito do gesso nos atributos químicos do solo e na produção da videira cv. Niagara Rosada em pomar de 8 anos, conduzido em latada, em um Latossolo Vermelho textura argilosa do município de Ponta Grossa (PR). O solo tinha baixa acidez e teores suficientes de nutrientes na camada de 0-20 cm, e concentração superior a 8 mmolc dm-3 de Al3+ em subsuperfície. Os tratamentos constaram da aplicação de 0, 3, 6, 9 e 12 t ha-1 de gesso agrícola na superfície em delineamento experimental de blocos completos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. Após 8 meses da aplicação, o gesso aumentou o pH do solo em profundidades abaixo de 20 cm, que foi acompanhado de diminuição no teor de Al3+ trocável. Esses efeitos foram intensificados após 20 meses da aplicação de gesso. As concentrações de Ca2+ e S-SO42- aumentaram em todo o perfil de solo estudado (0-80 cm). Houve movimentação de Mg2+ trocável da camada de 0-20 cm para a camada de 60-80 cm de profundidade após 8 meses da aplicação e das camadas de 0-20 e 20-40 cm para a de 60-80 após 20 meses. A melhoria na disponibilidade de Ca2+ e S-SO42- e a diminuição do Al3+ trocável no subsolo não foi refletida na nutrição das plantas no primeiro ano de avaliação. No segundo ano de avaliação ocorreu diminuição no teor foliar de magnésio em decorrência da lixiviação de Mg2+ trocável na camada superficial do solo, com reflexos negativos na produção de uva. As alterações químicas da camada de 0-20 cm de profundidade foram mais bem correlacionadas com a nutrição das plantas. Houve correlação entre a relação Ca2+/Mg2+, concentração e saturação de magnésio no solo com a concentração foliar de magnésio e a produtividade de uva. O nível crítico de Mg2+ no solo (produção relativa de 90 foi de 42 mmolc dm-3. A relação Ca2+/Mg2+ e a porcentagem de Mg2+ trocável na CTC a pH 7 foram mais adequados que a concentração isolada do nutriente para o diagnóstico de magnésio no solo. A relação Ca2+/Mg2+ de 1,9 ou 25 de Mg2+ da CTC a pH 7 resultaram em produção relativa de 90. A relação Ca/Mg também se mostrou mais adequada para o diagnóstico de magnésio na planta, com nível critico 2 para produção relativa de 90. A aplicação de gesso agrícola melhorou a qualidade da uva ocasionando aumento de sólidos solúveis na baga.

Impact d'une augmentation modérée de la température du raisin sur le métabolome et le transcriptome / Effects of moderately elevated temperature on grape berry at metabolic and transcriptomic levels

Wu, Jing 13 February 2018 (has links)
La viticulture dépend des conditions climatiques. Dans le contexte de réchauffement climatique, les changements de la vigne et du raisin sous l’effet des températures élevées vraisemblables pour les prochaines décennies pourraient modifier l’aire de répartition des cépages et même menacer la durabilité de la viticulture des régions chaudes. L’objectif de cette étude était donc d’analyser les effets de l’élévation de température sur la composition du raisin, du transcriptome au métabolome. L’utilisation d’un système « open top » passif au vignoble a permis d’augmenter la température autour des grappes de 0.5-1.6 °C en moyenne, une valeur compatible avec le réchauffement climatique prévisible. Les expérimentations ont été conduites sur Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) et Sauvignon Blanc (SB), de la nouaison à la surmaturité, à Bordeaux (France) et en Barossa Valley (Australie). Les analyses ont ciblé essentiellement les métabolites primaires, les composés phénoliques et aromatiques (l’IBMP, arôme de poivron vert; les précurseurs de 3SH, arôme de pamplemousse et la ß-damascenone, arômes floraux). En complément, des analyses RNA-seq et q-PCR ont été réalisées pour explorer la réponse transcriptomique à cet échauffement modéré en conditions réalistes de vignoble.L’échauffement modéré a peu affecté les concentrations en sucres, acides et total en acides aminés, mais a modifié la distribution des différents acides aminés. La composition en acides aminés s’est principalement différenciée suivant la variété, le stade de développement et le site expérimental.Les concentrations finales en IBMP n’ont pas été affectées par l’échauffement. Cependant, à la fermeture de la grappe, les baies de CS échauffées avaient une moindre concentration en IBMP associée à une sous-expression de VviOMT3. La concentration en IBMP des baies de SB échauffées n’a pas montré de différenciation, bien que les niveaux d’expression de VviOMT3 et VviOMT4 soient diminués. Les effets limités et dépendant du génotype suggèrent qu’une augmentation modérée de la température ne serait pas suffisante pour modifier significativement l’IBMP.Glut-3SH-Al était bien plus concentrée que Glut-3SH et Cys-3SH. le traitement échauffé a fait diminuer la présence de Glut-3SH-Al et Cys-3SH dans les baies de SB, en association avec une sous-expression de VviGST4. Par ailleurs, VIT_08s0007g01420 (GSTU8) a été réprimé par le traitement, et pourrait donc être un gène candidat potentiel impliqué dans la biosynthèse de précurseurs de 3SH.Pour les baies de CS, les concentrations en caroténoïdes totaux et celles des deux caroténoïdes majeurs (la lutéine et le β-carotène) n’ont pas réagi à l’augmentation de température. La zéaxanthine a montré une tendance à la diminution sous l’effet de l’échauffement, jusqu’à une diminution significative. Cette concentration plus faible pourrait limiter la biosynthèse de β-damascenone et expliquer la plus faible teneur en β-damascenone observée dans les baies à sur-maturité en cas de température élevée.Un total de 357 gènes (DEGs) ont été différentiellement exprimés en réponse à l’augmentation de température pour les échantillons de 2015 à Bordeaux. D’après l’analyse d’enrichissement « Gene Ontology », le traitement a principalement régulé quatre catégories en relation avec les microtubules, la paroi cellulaire, l’espace extracellulaire et l’activité des facteurs de transcription. 6 DEGs liés à la biosynthèse des anthocyanes ont été régulés négativement, ce qui pourrait expliquer, au moins en partie, la concentration réduite en anthocyanes totaux observée dans les baies de CS échauffées. En revanche, les tanins n’ont pas été affectés par l’augmentation de la température. / Viticulture depends on climate conditions during the growing season. In the context of global warming, any changes in viticulture caused by the rising temperatures expected for the next decades may alter the geographical distribution of grape varieties and even threaten the sustainability of viticulture in hot areas. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of moderately elevated temperature on grape composition, both at metabolic and transcriptomic levels. A passive open-top heating system was applied in Cabernet Sauvignon (CS) and Sauvignon Blanc (SB) vines grown with standard practice in Bordeaux, France and the Barossa Valley, Australia (CS only) to increase the bunch zone mean temperature by around 0.5-1.6 °C, which was commensurate with the projected global warming. This moderate heating was applied from fruit-set to two weeks after harvest. Metabolites related to technical, phenolic and aromatic maturities (IBMP, the green pepper aroma, precursors of 3SH, grapefruit aroma, and β-damascenone, floral aroma) were assessed, together with transcriptome analysis via RNA-seq and q-PCR, in order to obtain a comprehensive view of berry responses to this moderately elevated temperature in realistic vineyard conditions.The moderately elevated temperature hardly affected the concentrations of sugars, organic acids and total amino acids, but it altered free amino acid composition depending on varieties, vintages and locations.The final concentrations of IBMP were not affected by warming condition in mature berries. However, the elevated temperature significantly reduced IBMP content and expression level of VviOMT3 (a known key gene of IBMP) in CS berries at bunch closure stage, while it reduced the expression levels of VviOMT3 and VviOMT4 at bunch closure stage without affecting IBMP concentration in SB berries. This limited and genotype-dependent effect of elevated temperature suggests that a moderate temperature elevation may not be sufficient to significantly modify IBMP.Glut-3SH-Al was much more concentrated than Glut-3SH and Cys-3SH. Reduced Glut-3SH-Al and Cys-3SH concentrations were associated with a significantly lower expression level of VviGST4 in heated SB berries. Meanwhile, VIT_08s0007g01420 (GSTU8), was down-regulated by elevated temperature and might be a potential candidate gene involved in the biosynthesis of precursors of 3SH.The concentrations of total carotenoids and two predominant carotenoids (lutein and β-carotene) were not altered by elevated temperature in CS berries, but zeaxanthin was reduced by elevated temperature and was significantly less concentrated at harvest. This lower concentration may limit the biosynthesis of β-damascenone and explain the observed lower β-damascenone concentration in post-ripening berries under elevated temperature.A total of 357 genes were differentially expressed (DEGs) in response to the elevated temperature in Bordeaux samples in 2015. Enrichment analysis of Gene Ontology showed that temperature mainly regulated four GO categories, including microtubule, cell wall, extracellular region, and transcription factor activity. 6 DEGs related to anthocyanins synthesis were down-regulated and it could explain, at least in part, the observed lower total anthocyanins in warmed CS. Conversely, tannins were not affected by elevated temperature.The results provide a better understanding of potential global warming effects on metabolite changes during berry development, along with novel molecular insights into the response of grape berry to moderate heating in vineyard conditions.

Caractérisation, criblage et mise en oeuvre de souches bactériennes issues du vignoble bordelais pour la lutte biologique contre les champignons impliqués dans la Pourriture grise et l'Esca de la vigne / Characterization, screening and implementation of bacterial strains from Bordeaux vineyards for biological control of fungal pathogens involved in Gray mold and Esca of grapevine

Haidar, Rana 11 October 2016 (has links)
Contre la pourriture grise et les maladies du bois (MdBs), qui sont des maladies cryptogamiques majeures de la vigne, la lutte biologique a un potentiel de développement considérable dans le contexte actuel de réduction des intrants chimiques en viticulture.L’objectif de cette thèse est de sélectionner et d'étudier des souches bactériennes antagonistes de Botrytis cinerea (Pourriture grise) et de deux champignons pathogènes clefs liés aux MdBs: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora et Neofusicoccum parvum. Les expériences de screening principales sont réalisées in vivo et in planta sur 46 souches bactériennes isolées dans le vignoble bordelais. Le niveau de protection par les souches antagonistes dépend significativement de la souche bactérienne, de l’espèce de champignon pathogène ciblée, du tissu ou organe végétal hôte, mais aussi pour N. parvum, du mode d’application de la souche bactérienne et, pour B. cinerea, du génotype lié aux transposons : transposa ou vacuma.Une réduction significative de 40 à 64% de la taille des nécroses dues à P. chlamydospora et/ou N. parvum est induite par trois souches bactériennes Pantoea agglomerans (S1), Paenibacillus sp. (S19) et Bacillus pumilus (S32) sur des boutures de vigne non greffées. Ces souches ont fait l'objet d'investigations approfondies pour déterminer leurs principaux modes d’action : Antibiose, production de composés volatils qui ont été identifiés et/ou induction de différents gènes de défense de la vigne.Concernant B. cinerea, les souches Enterobacter cowanii (S22), Enterobacter sp. (S23), Bacillus ginsengihumi (S38) et Bacillus sp. (S43, S46) présentent un pouvoir antagoniste important par production de composés volatils et diffusibles anti-Botrytis, ainsi que par compétition pour les nutriments par E. cowanii (S22). / Biological control of gray mold and grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs), which are major fungal diseases of grapevine, has a considerable potential development in the current context of reduction of chemical input in viticulture.The aim of this study was to select and study bacterial strains for antagonism against Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of gray mold, and two key pathogens involved in GTDs: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Neofusicoccum parvum. The main screening experiments for antagonistic activity of 46 bacterial strains, isolated from Bordeaux vineyards, have been carried out under different in vivo and in planta conditions. The efficacy of protection by the antagonistic strains significantly depended on the bacterial strain, the targeted pathogen species, the host plant tissue or organ and, for N. parvum, also on the application mode of the bacterial strain and, for B. cinerea, on the transposon genotype: transposa or vacuma.A significant reduction in length of necrosis due to P. chlamydospora and/or N. parvum, ranging between 40 and 64% in non-grafted vine cuttings, resulted from three bacterial strains: Pantoea agglomerans (S1), Paenibacillus sp. (S19) and Bacillus pumilus (S32). These strains were thoroughly further investigated to determine their major modes of action by i) Antibiosis ii) production of antifungal volatile organic compounds, which have been identified, and/or iii) induction of different grapevine defense genes. Concerning B. cinerea, Enterobacter cowanii (S22), Enterobacter sp. (S23) Bacillus ginsengihumi (S38), Bacillus sp. (S43, S46) were of prime importance in the biocontrol by producing anti-Botrytis volatile and diffusible compounds or by competing for nutrients (case of E. cowanii S22).

Étude du déterminisme moléculaire des Interactions compatibles et incompatibles Vitis vinifera-Nepovirus-Nicotiana occidentalis (InViNNo) / Study of the molecular determinism of compatible and incompatible interactions Vitis vinifera-Nepovirus-Nicotiana occidentalis (InViNNo)

Martin, Isabelle 30 November 2018 (has links)
Le Grapevine fanleaf virus (genre Nepovirus) est l'agent principal du court-noué de la vigne. Il induit des symptômes très variables. Ce travail présente une étude mécanistique de la symptomatologie du GFLV sur un hôte herbacé et sur l'hôte d’intérêt agronomique. Par détection de marqueurs biochimiques et moléculaires j'ai montré que le GFLV-F13 induit une réponse hypersensible (HR) sur N. occidentalis et une restriction partielle du virus. J'ai identifié puis cartographié le déterminant viral de cette HR en utilisant des réassortants, des recombinants et des variants naturels du virus. Sur vigne, sur un dispositif expérimental unique en son genre, j'ai mené une approche sans a priori d’étude transcriptomique par RNA-Seq. J'ai comparé des vignes du cépage gewurztraminer mono-infectées par une souche sévère induisant des symptômes de rabougrissement et par une souche plus modérée. 1 023 gènes sont spécifiquement dérégulés par la souche sévère parmi lesquels des gènes impliqués dans la régulation de la HR. Ce résultat permet de proposer pour la première fois qu'une HR pourrait être mise en place dans la vigne en réponse à une infection virale. / Grapevine fanleaf virus (genus Nepovirus) the causative agent of fanleaf degeneration, induces variable symptoms. This manuscript presents a mechanistic study of GFLV symptomatology on both an herbaceous model plant and an agronomically important crop plant.On N. occidentalis, I demonstrated that GFLV-F13 induces a reaction exhibiting hallmarks of a hypersensitive response (HR), partially restricting virus spread. Using reassortants, recombinants and natural variants of the virus, I could identify and map the viral determinant of this HR. On grapevine, I took advantage of a unique experimental set-up and used RNA-Seq to compare the transcriptoms of Gewurztraminer plants infected with two different GFLV strains, one of which induced stunting symptoms and the other mild symptoms. 1,023 genes among which genes involved in the regulation of HR, were specifically regulated by the more severe strain This is the first hint of a HR taking place in grapevine in response to a virus infection.

Formas de fósforo no tecido de videiras: acúmulo, redistribuição e relação com parâmetros produtivos e composição da uva / Phosphorus fractions in the grapevines tissue: accumulation, redistribution and relationship with parameters productive and composition grape

Piccin, Rogério 29 July 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In grapevine production, requirement and phosphorus (P) doses are established on the basis total P content in leaves collected, change in color of fruit and productivity. Phosphorus absorbed, can be accumulated in plant organs in organic forms as metabolically active organic P in the cytoplasm (PSO), phospholipids (PLIP), P associated with RNA and DNA (PRNA and PDNA), phosphoprotein (PRES) and inorganic P (PSI). However, in adult grapevine, production is not known satisfactorily that increase in available P content in soil can enhance P in leaves and other annual and perennial parts of plant collected at different growth stages. The study was aimed to quantify the accumulation and redistribution of P forms in grapevine throughout its production cycle and evaluate the forms of P in leaves related to production parameters and grape composition. Two experiments were performed in vineyard 1 (V1) and vineyard 2 (V2) containing 11,8 and 34,6 mg P kg-1 of soil respectively with two cultivars of grapevine Tannat and Cabernet Franc. The plants were uprooted and separated into roots, stems, branches, groins, shoots, and leaves and flowering (F), early maturation (EM), harvest (H) and dormant (D) and each plant part was analyzed for P fractions (PSI, PSO, PLIP, PRNA, PDNA and PRES). Study 2 consisting of two experiments was conducted vineyard 1 (V1) and vineyard (V2) with 16,0 and 37,0 mg P kg-1 of soil to evaluate whether P forms in leaves collected in the F and EM are related to productive and enological parameters in vines grown on soils with values of available P in both cultivars Tannat and Cabernet Franc. At harvest, production parameters, number of fruits (FN) and 100 fruits weight (FW) were measured. Part of the grapes were crushed by hand and must was analyzed the total soluble solids (TSS), pH, titratable acidity (TA), total polyphenols (PF) and anthocyanins (AC). Results from study 1 show that grapevines P is preferentially accumulated in the form PSI in the leaves and bunches at F, EM and H and roots in PSO way in D. Part PSI roots is redistributed on the FL to the leaves and grapes vines grown in soil with low P availability, but on the other hand, grapevines grown in soil with high availability of P tend to redistribute least PSI from roots to leaves and bunches after F. In study 2, we found that grapevines grown in soil with high P content available soil have higher PT Tannat grapevines and higher levels of total polyphenols and anthocyanins. The total P content in leaves and their biochemical forms in leaves collected in the F and M have no relation to production parameters. But total P content in leaves at flowering and early maturation has relationship with the AC content in the Tannat grapevines. / Na adubação de produção de videiras a necessidade e a dose de fósforo (P) é estabelecida com base no teor de P total em folhas coletadas na mudança da cor das bagas e na expectativa de produtividade. O P absorvido pode ser acumulado em órgãos da planta em formas orgânicas como o P orgânico metabolicamente ativo no citoplasma (PSO), fosfolipídios (PLIP), P associado ao RNA e DNA (PRNA e PDNA), fosfoproteínas (PRES) e P inorgânico (PSI). Porém, em videiras adultas em produção não é suficientemente conhecido se o incremento do teor de P disponível no solo pode alterar a distribuição de formas de P em órgãos anuais e perenes ao longo de estágios fenológicos, assim como se as formas de P em folhas, coletadas em diferentes estágios fenológicos, podem ter relação com parâmetros produtivos e enológicos do mosto. O presente trabalho objetivou quantificar o acúmulo e a redistribuição de formas de P em videiras em produção ao longo do seu ciclo e avaliar se as formas de P em folhas possuem relação com parâmetros produtivos e composição do mosto. Foram conduzidos dois estudos. O Estudo 1 foi realizado para estimar a distribuição e redistribuição de formas de P em videiras cultivadas em solos com diferentes teores de P disponível. Os tratamentos foram vinhedo 1 (V1) com 11,8 mg P kg-1 disponível no solo e vinhedo 2 (V2) com 34,6 mg P kg-1. As videiras foram arrancadas e particionadas em raízes, caules, braços, esporões, ramos do ano, folhas e cachos, no florescimento (FL), início da maturação (IM), colheita (CO) e repouso vegetativo (RV). Os órgãos foram submetidos ao fracionamento químico de P, que estima as formas: PSI, PSO, PLIP, PRNA, PDNA e PRES. O Estudo 2 foi realizado para avaliar se formas de P em folhas coletadas no FL e IM possuem relação com parâmetros produtivos e enológicos em videiras cultivadas em solos com teores de P disponível. Esse foi composto por dois experimentos. O experimento 1 foi realizado em dois vinhedos (V1 e V2) da cultivar Tannat. O solo do V1 continha 11,8 mg P kg-1 e solo do V2 possuía 34,6 mg P kg-1. O experimento 2 foi realizado em dois vinhedos (V1 e V2) da cultivar Cabernet Franc. O solo do V1 continha 16,0 mg P kg-1 e V2 possuía 37,0 mg P kg-1. No FL e IM foram coletas folhas completas e submetidas ao fracionamento de P no tecido. Na colheita foi determinada a produtividade (PT), contado o número de bagas (NB) e determinado o peso de 100 bagas (PB). Parte das bagas foram amassadas manualmente e no mosto foi analisado os sólidos solúveis totais (SST), pH, acidez total titulável (AT), polifenóis totais (PF) e antocianinas totais (AC). Os resultados obtidos no Estudo 1 mostram que em videiras o P é acumulado preferencialmente na forma PSI nas folhas e cachos no FL, IM e CO, e nas raízes na forma PSO, no RV. Parte do PSI das raízes é redistribuído no FL para as folhas e cachos em videiras cultivadas em solo com baixa disponibilidade de P, mas, por outro lado, videiras cultivadas em solo com alta disponibilidade de P tendem a redistribuir menos PSI das raízes para as folhas e cachos após o FL. No estudo 2, verificamos que videiras cultivadas em solo com alto teor de P disponível no solo possuem maior produtividade de uvas, e videiras Tannat possuem maiores teores de polifenóis totais e antocianinas. O teor de P total em folhas e suas formas bioquímicas em folhas coletadas no FL e no IM não possuem relação com parâmetros produtivos. Mas, o teor de PTOTAL em folhas no florescimento e início da maturação possui relação com o teor de AC no mosto em videiras Tannat.

Desempenho vitivinícola da Cabernet Sauvignon em dois sistemas de condução e três porta-enxertos em região de altitude / Viticultural performance of Cabernet sauvignon in two training systems and three rootstocks in high altitudes region

Brighenti, Alberto Fontanella 25 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:44:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGPV10MA050.pdf: 404855 bytes, checksum: 36e6d7d5b5fb8a59d940f37f3e2de324 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-25 / Rootstocks are used primarily for pest resistance, they are a link between the soil and the scion, play an important role in vine adaption to environmental factors. Rootstocks and training systems can influence the productivity, fruit and wine composition. The objective of this study was evaluate the influence of three rootstocks and two training systems on vineyard productivity, scion growth, physical-chemical quality of fruits and wine chemical composition of Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine produced in high altitude regions of Santa Catarina State. The study was conducted in a experimental vineyard located at the city of Painel (28°01‟02 S and 50°08‟57 W, altitude 1200 m). The cultivar evaluated was Cabernet Sauvingon grafted on Paulsen 1103 (V. berlandieri x V. rupestris), Couderc 3309 and 101-14 Mgt (V. riparia x V. rupestris), the training systems evaluated were vertical shoot positioning trellis and Y trellis. The plants were five years old and the spacing was 3,0 x 1,5 m. The experiment was evaluated at the seasons 2007/08 and 2008/09. According to the results, plants grafted on 1103P and trained in vertical shoot positioning trellis have lowest yields, 3309C is the rootstock less vigorous and and acts positively on fruit set. The high productivity of Y trellis reflect negatively increasing grape acidity. The rootstocks 1103 P and 101-14 Mgt, presents the best results for grape anthocyanins contents. The wine color is not affected by the rootstocks and the training systems. Wine made with grapes from plants grafted on 1103P and trained in Y trellis have higher rates of total polyphenols index and tannins than wines made from grapes of plants trained in vertical shoot positioning trellis and grafted on 1103P. / Os porta-enxertos são usados primariamente como uma forma de resistência a pragas e doenças, eles são uma ligação entre o solo e a copa e desempenham um papel importante na adaptação da videira a fatores ambientais. Os porta-enxertos e os sistemas de condução podem influenciar na produtividade, na composição da fruta e do vinho. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência de três porta-enxertos e dois sistemas de condução na produtividade do vinhedo, no crescimento da copa, na qualidade físico-química dos frutos e na composição química do vinho elaborado com a uva Cabernet Sauvignon, produzida nas regiões de altitude, do estado de Santa Catarina. O experimento foi conduzido em um vinhedo experimental da Epagri - Estação Experimental de São Joaquim, localizada no município de Painel (28°01‟02 S e 50°08‟57 O, altitude 1.200m). O trabalho foi executado com a variedade Cabernet Sauvignon, enxertado sobre Paulsen 1103 (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis rupestris), Couderc 3309 (Vitis riparia x Vitis rupestris) e 101-14 Mgt (Vitis riparia x Vitis rupestris), em dois sistemas de condução, espaldeira e manjedoura, com cinco anos de plantio, no espaçamento de 3,0 x 1,5 m. O experimento foi avaliado nas safras 2007/08 e 2008/09. De acordo com os resultados obtidos conclui-se que plantas enxertadas em 1103P e conduzidas em espaldeira apresentam as menores produtividades, 3309C é o porta-enxerto menos vigoroso e atua de forma positiva na frutificação efetiva. A produtividade elevada do sistema manjedoura reflete de forma negativa no aumento da acidez da uva. Os porta-enxertos 1103 P e 101-14 Mgt, apresentam os melhores resultados para antocianinas das uvas. A cor dos vinhos não é afetada pelos porta-enxertos e pelos sistemas de condução. Vinhos elaborados com frutos de plantas enxertadas em 1103P e conduzidas em manjedoura apresentaram maiores índices de polifenóis totais e taninos do que os vinhos originados de uvas de plantas conduzidas em espaldeira e enxertadas em 1103P

Desempenho viti-enológico da variedade Merlot produzida sobre diferentes porta-enxertos no Planalto Sul de Santa Catarina / Viticultural and oenological performance of Merlot variety grafted on different rootstocks in Southern Highlands of Santa Catarina State

Allebrandt, Ricardo 08 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:44:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGPV14MA154.pdf: 838575 bytes, checksum: 1ddc3528cf3bc228191e87bd98d4719f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The use of rootstocks in viticulture emerged in Europe in the late nineteenth century, in order to protect European grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.)from phylloxera. As a consequence, the study of the influence of rootstocks on wine and oenological characteristics of the scion has become increasingly important, since there is no other way to avoid the attack of phylloxera. Viticulture in the South Highlands of Santa Catarina State is a recent activity when compared to the main wine regions, technical and scientific information about combinations of rootstocks and canopy varieties best suited to the conditions environment of the region. This purpose of this thesis was to evaluate de performance of Merlot variety grafted onto three rootstocks, and grown in three different altitudes of highlands of Santa Catarina State. The study was conducted in two commercial vineyards located in the counties of São Joaquim (1.300 m) and Urubici (1.150 m). The vineyard was established in 2004, spacing 1,5 x 3,0 m, with vines trained to one trunk and bilateral cordons and winter-pruned to two bud spurs per vine. Shoots were positioned in a Y-shaped trellis system. Merlot grapevines grafted onto 1103P, 3309C and 101-14 were evaluated during 2012/2013 and 2013/2014 cycles, according to the following variables: phenology, production, vigor, technological and phenolic ripening. Besides that, the phenolic and chromatic compositions of the wines were evaluated by spectrophotometer. The results reveal that Merlot vines grafted onto 101-14 and 3309C showed an anticipation of 5 days in São Joaquim and 3 days in Urubici, in the occurrence of véraison compared to vines combined with 1103P. This anticipation conferred a greater GDD accumulation until harvest. The Merlot variety grafted onto 3309C and 101-14 produced the lowest number of canes per meter of canopy, and 3309C produced the largest number of cluster per shoot. When grafted on 1103P, Merlot produced the lowest number of cluster per shoot the larger leaf area and higher chlorophyll content per area unit of leaf. In Urubici, Merlot had yielded the highest fruit load in plants grafted on 101-14. The increase in production was associated with increased physical characteristics of clusters. Rootstocks that induced low vigor as 3309 and 101-14, advanced the technology maturation. The rootstock 101-14 was related to higher accumulation of anthocyanins in grapes and wines. Chromatic characteristics related to the color of anthocyanins was also higher in wines from Merlot grafted onto 101-14 / O uso de portaenxertos na viticultura surgiu na Europa, no final do século XIX, com a finalidade de controlar a filoxera, principal praga que ataca a videira européia (Vitis vinifera L.). Como consequência, o estudo da influência dos portaenxertos sobre as características vitícolas e enológicas das variedades copa tem se tornado cada vez mais importante. A vitivinicultura do Planalto Sul de Santa Catarina é uma atividade recente, quando comparada às regiões tradicionais de produção de uvas destinadas à elaboração de vinhos finos, carecendo de informações técnico-científicas a respeito de combinações entre portaenxertos e variedades copa que melhor se adaptem às condições ambientais da região. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o desempenho viti-enológico da variedade Merlot produzida sobre três portaenxertos e em dois municípios de elevadas altitudes de Santa Catarina. O estudo foi realizado em vinhedos comerciais localizados nos municípios de São Joaquim (1.300 m) e em Urubici (1.150 m). O plantio foi realizado em 2004, com espaçamento 1,5 x 3,0 m, e as plantas foram conduzidas em cordão duplo, com poda em esporões de duas gemas. Os ramos do ano foram conduzidos no sistema de sustentação em Y . As plantas da variedade Merlot em combinação com os portaenxertos 1103P, 3309C e 101-14, foram avaliadas durante os ciclos 2012/2013 e 2013/2014, quanto às seguintes variáveis: ciclo fenológico, produtividade, vigor, maturação tecnológica e fenólica. Além disso, a composição fenólica e cromática dos vinhos, provenientes de cada combinação, foram avaliadas por métodos de espectrofotometria. Os resultados revelaram que as plantas Merlot enxertada sobre 101-14 e 3309C apresentaram uma antecipação média de 5 dias em São Joaquim e 3 dias em Urubici, na ocorrência da mudança de cor das bagas, quando comparadas às plantas combinadas com 1103P. Esta antecipação possibilitou um maior acúmulo de soma térmica (GDD) até a data da colheita. Quando enxertada em 3309C e 101-14, a variedade Merlot produziu os menores números de ramos por metro linear de dossel, e em 3309C produziu o maior número de cachos por ramo. Quando enxertada sobre 1103P, produziu o menor número de cachos por ramo, a maior área foliar e o maior teor de clorofila nas folhas. Em Urubici, obteve-se maior produção de carga de frutos em plantas enxertadas sobre 101-14. O aumento da produção esteve relacionado com o aumento das características físicas do cacho. Portaenxertos que induziram baixo vigor, como 3309C e 101-14, adiantaram a maturação tecnológica. O portaenxerto 101-14 esteve relacionado ao maior acúmulo de antocianinas nas uvas e nos vinhos. As características cromáticas relacionadas à cor das antocianinas também foi maior nos vinhos da combinação de Merlot com 101-14

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