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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En studie om fotbollsvåld i Sverige : Hur kan vi förstå våldsanvändningen inom supporterkulturen i Sverige? / A study about footballviolence in Sweden : How can we understand the usage of violence in supporterculture?

Waginder, William January 2021 (has links)
Football is the biggest sport in Sweden with the most spectators and the biggest amount of generated money. Sweden though has the longest and most violent history of footballviolence compared to its Scandinavian neighbours, however not many studies exist about this topic in Sweden. This study focuses on the regular footballsupporters who use violence connected to football. The six persons in this study are not hooligans, they do not seek violence as a footballhooligan, still they admit that they have used violence in connection to footballseveral times. The purpose of this study is to get a broader understanding for the culture of violence within the Swedish footballsupporters. How come that individuals step inside a violent culture and what can we learn from their own stories in how they got in to participating violence and sustaining it. The study has together with three theoretical frameworks and previous studies explained how the culture of violence exist in Swedish supporterculture. It also gives an broader explanation to what it does to the individuals existing in the culture. The three theoretical framworks are Bourdieu’s habitus, Goffman’s dramaturgical theory and Elias’s the established and the outsiders toghether with previous studies focusing on subculture, policing in football and hooliganism in popular culture. The study consist of interviews with six swedish male footballsupporters in the ages between 23 and 28 years old. With their stories about their own experiences four themes were found in analysis, culture of violence, culture of loyalty, us vs. Them and subculture. The results in the study shows that the supporterculture works as a subculture, with its own norms, behavior and expectations on the individuals existing in the culture.

Generátor klientů pro Language Server Protocol / Client Generator for Language Server Protocol

Jelínek, Dominik January 2019 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with the Microsoft Language Server Protocol. The theoretical part describes the architecture and protocol properties, the LSP implementation within the Eclipse and VS Code development environments and a procedure for creating a new plug-in in the Eclipse and VS Code. In addition, the theoretical part familiarizes with Apache Camel project and implementation of Camel Language server and Camel Language clients for extended language support. The last mention in the theory is about the Yeoman tool for scaffolding a new projects. The description of the practical part deals with properties and implementation of the created LSP clients generator for Language Server Protocol.

Reconnecting man with nature : post industrial landscape development

Burmeister, Marina January 2014 (has links)
Industries became a permanent addition to cities in the 18th century, transforming the natural landscape and influencing the people directly dependant on it, this enforces to the consumer culture we experience every day. This industrial development all over the world has disregarded apparent and non-apparent relationships that humans have within nature, resulting in the connection between humans and nature to become estranged, leaving humankind searching for identity and purpose. This study investigates the connection between humans and nature through adapting the post-industrial landscape, to ultimately establish an identity of place for human well-being. The study proposes that apparent and non-apparent relationships between humans and nature can be introduced in the post-industrial landscape through the concepts of ecosystem services and commemorative design. By commemorating the natural landscape, memories and experiences will create an appreciation for the natural landscape, strengthening the connection between humans and nature. Different ecosystem services are generated by the design to establish ecological and human well-being. The sketch plan design intervention proposes that, these apparent and non-apparent relationships between humans and nature are revealed and celebrated. The non-apparent relationships are transformed into apparent design features within the landscape to make visitors aware of their unity with nature and the services it provides them with. The design proposal creates opportunities for interaction, education and appreciation by means of food gardens, utility gardens, biodiversity gardens and experiments of spontaneous succession. The purpose of these interventions is to restore the post-industrial landscape while creating a strong cultural connection to heritage within industries and nature to reconnect humankind with their own identity as part of nature. / Dissertation (ML(Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2014. / Architecture / ML(Prof) / Unrestricted

Dynamische Datenbankorganisation für multimediale Informationssysteme

Schlieder, Torsten 16 November 2017 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is a mathematically rigorous derivation of formulae for the magnetic force which is exerted on a part of a bounded magnetized body by its surrounding. Firstly, the magnetic force is considered within a continuous system based on macroscopic magnetostatics. The force formula in this setting is called Brown's force formula referring to W. F. Brown, who gave a mainly physically motivated discussion of it. This formula contains a surface integral which shows a nonlinear dependence on the normal. Brown assumes the existence of an additional term in the surface force which cancels the nonlinearity to allow an application of Cauchy's theorem in continuum mechanics to a magnetoelastic material. The proof of Brown's formula which is given in this work involves a suitable regularization of a hypersingular kernel and uses singular integral methods. Secondly, we consider a discrete, periodic setting of magnetic dipoles and formulate the force between a part of a bounded set and its surrounding. In order to pass to the continuum limit we start from the usual force formula for interacting magnetic dipoles. It turns out that the limit of the discrete force is different from Brown's force formula. One obtains an additional nonlinear surface term which allows one to regard Brown's assumption on the surface force as a consequence of the atomistic approach. Due to short range effects one obtains moreover an additional linear surface term in the continuum limit of the discrete force. This term contains a certain lattice sum which depends on a hypersingular kernel and the underlying lattice structure.

Energy-Efficient Bandwidth Allocation for Integrating Fog with Optical Access Networks

Helmy, Ahmed 03 December 2019 (has links)
Access networks have been going through many reformations to make them adapt to arising traffic trends and become better suited for many new demanding applications. To that end, incorporating fog and edge computing has become a necessity for supporting many emerging applications as well as alleviating network congestions. At the same time, energy-efficiency has become a strong imperative for access networks to reduce both their operating costs and carbon footprint. In this dissertation, we address these two challenges in long-reach optical access networks. We first study the integration of fog and edge computing with optical access networks, which is believed to form a highly capable access network by combining the huge fiber capacity with closer-to-the-edge computing and storage resources. In our study, we examine the offloading performance under different cloudlet placements when the underlying bandwidth allocation is either centralized or decentralized. We combine between analytical modeling and simulation results in order to identify the different factors that affect the offloading performance within each paradigm. To address the energy efficiency requirement, we introduce novel enhancements and modifications to both allocation paradigms that aim to enhance their network performance while conserving energy. We consider this work to be one of the first to explore the integration of fog and edge computing with optical access networks from both bandwidth allocation and energy efficiency perspectives in order to identify which allocation paradigm would be able to meet the requirements of next-generation access networks.

Skillnaden mellan open source och closed source chatbottar : En undersökning av två chatbotsplattformar

Ramsten, Christoffer, Jallow, Ahmet January 2019 (has links)
Syfte –Svenska myndigheter, framförallt Domstolsverket, är intresserade av att implementera en chatbot för att kunna informera allmänheten om sina tjänster samt även besvara frågor på ett lättare sätt. Studier inom kundtjänst har tidigare visat tecken på att förbättra kundupplevelsen med hjälp av den härtekniken. Myndigheternas kunskaper om denna teknik är begränsad och därför måste en studie om vilket det mest lämpade alternativet är göras. Hur avgör myndigheterna vilken mjukvara som är att föredra? För att besvara frågan behöver myndigheterna granska en mjukvaras arkitektur utifrån en eller flera fördefinierade mätningspunkter. Dessa mätningspunkter blir benämnda som kvalitetsattribut, som i sin tur är syftar till icke-funktionella kännetecken för en komponent eller ett system. Ett systems modifierbarhet är viktig för en myndighet då de behöver kunna anpassa systemet efter sina egna behov. Anledningen till det är för att olika myndigheter använder en plattform på flera varierande vis beroende på deras val av arbetssätt och informationsspridning. För attytterligare bredda studien så valdes en frågeställning som fokuserar på en jämförelse mellan en open source och closed source-chatbot.Frågeställningen blev således: Hur skiljer sig opensource chatbots och closed source chatbots utifrån modifierbarhet?Metod –För att besvara frågeställningen användes en utvärderingsmetod som fokuserar på det nämnda kvalitetsattributet. SAAM ( Software Architecture Analysis Method ) är en etablerad metodför att jämföra eller utvärdera mjukvaruarkitekturer utifrån dess modifierbarhet.Två chatbottar, där den ena -Microsoft Azure Bot som representerar closed source, blev jämförd mot den andra -Botpress som representerar open source.För att få svar på forskningsfrågan gjordes en litteraturstudie om hur en SAAM-utvärdering skall utföras och vad som krävs för att den skall kunna vara genomförbar. När detta var funnet följdes sedan de steg som finns inom en SAAM-utvärderingsprocess.Scenarion blev framtagna som sedan blev vidareutvecklade och indelade i direkta och indirektascenarion. Det var dessa typer av scenarier som sedan avgjorde vilken typ av chatbot som var mest modifierbar. Indelningen gjordes genom litteraturstudier. Dessa scenarion blev sedan utvärderade i tur och ordning, där relevant litteratur om de båda plattformarna studerades för att kunna göra analyserna. Med analyserna på plats kunde senare vilket ramverk som var att föredra avgöras och därmed avsluta studien med en slutsats till frågeställningen. Resultat –Efter att ha slutfört studien och granskat resultatet kan följande slutsats dras: Botpress chatbotten var mer modifierbar än Microsoft Azure chatbotten.Implikationer –Studiens resultat visade efteråt att Botpress är den som var mest modifierbar. Det implicerar att en open source chattbot är mer modifierbar än en closed source chatbot.Begränsningar –Den första begränsningen som påverkade studiens trovärdighet var antalet chattbotar som blev utvärderade. Som tidigare nämnt behandlade studien endast två plattformar, vilket egentligen endast besvarar vilken av dessa två plattformar som är mest modifierbar. Den andra begränsningen var komponenterna som behandlades. Där komponenterna huvudsakligen berörde FAQ-delen av båda plattformarna.Den tredje begränsningen var valet och antalet av scenarier, där studien använde ett begränsat antal scenarier. Studien skulle vara mer trovärdig om den hade fler och mer varierande scenarier att utvärdera plattformarna ifrån. Den fjärde begränsningen var attde indirekta scenarierna inte blev validerade på samma sätt som de direkta scenarierna, då utvärderarna ej var experter på plattformens arkitektur, som de i sig enligt SAAM’s anvisningar bör vara.

Väst möter öst : Ett MNC:s överföring av human resource management från Sverige till Kina

Lönnberg, Erik, Law, Beverly January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur ett svenskt medelstort multinationellt företag (MNC) överför och anpassar sina HRM-aktiviteter till sitt dotterbolag i Kina. De HRM-aktiviteter studien undersöker är: rekrytering och urval, utbildning och utveckling samt prestation och belöning. Intressant att undersöka är sambandet mellan ett utvecklat land som Sverige med ett utvecklingsland och en tillväxtmarknad som Kina då fler MNC:s väljer att etablera sig på just dessa marknader. För att analysera överföringen av HRM-aktiviteter i denna kontext används Den gyllene triangeln för MNC:s där tre olika strategier presenteras: standardisering mot huvudkontoret (HQ), standardisering mot det globala “bästa” samt lokalisering. Resultatet indikerar att företaget gör lokala anpassningar av sina HRM-aktiviteter hos det kinesiska dotterbolaget för att klara av lokala förhållanden, framförallt gällande rekrytering och urval. Studien har även funnit en grad av standardisering mot HQ inom de övriga HRM-aktiviteterna vilket indikerar att en hybridstrategi används av företaget.

Show, don't tell i Scott Pilgrim vs. the World : En analys av visuellt berättande i Edgar Wrights actionkomedi ScottPilgrim vs. the World

Holm, Emmet January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att analysera Edgar Wrights Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) ochhur regissören Edgar Wright skapar ett narrativ med hjälp av olika visuella medel, så kallatvisuellt berättande. Visuellt berättande är någonting som Edgar Wright jobbar mycket med ialla sina filmer. De har alla ett originellt och karakteristiskt bildspråk som berättarinformation genom olika visuella ledtrådar. Det jag primärt avser att analysera är hur filmenskildrar dynamiken mellan de olika karaktärerna och deras känslor med hjälp av visuellaberättartekniker, samt hur Edgar Wright genom filmens bildspråk skapar en egen trovärdigfilmvärld utifrån scenografi och bildutsnitt.


Messemer, Eva Maria 01 June 2021 (has links)
Since the introduction of mobile devices, alternative language learning methods have been developed and have evolved alongside traditional language classroom education. This has presented academics with the unique opportunity to study new methods of second language acquisition compared to more traditional face-to-face language instruction. The growing technology possibilities have contributed to what is called Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL), where learners can easily study a new language with the use of a personal electronic device such as a laptop or phone. Studies about such learning tools, for example Rosetta Stone, Duolingo or Babbel have been carried out for several years to for example test their effectiveness. Among research studies, one well-known study by Vesselinov and Grego (2012) looked at the effectiveness of Duolingo, evaluating the statement Duolingo makes that 34 hours of studying with the tool is equivalent to a semester in a university classroom (Vesselinov & Grego, 2012). Even though various studies about the well-known language learning application (app) Duolingo have been conducted, gaps in research are still present.The current study aims to find out if studying German for one semester (14 weeks) with Duolingo is equivalent to one semester in a beginner face-to-face class, German 101, at a university level. At the end of the semester, both groups took the German 101 final exam and the Duolingo placement test to measure German learning. After analyzing results of the German 101 exam, results showed that learners from the face-to-face class achieved higher language knowledge in the tested skills writing and reading than the participants who studied with Duolingo for the same period of time. However, no substantial differences were found between groups for the vocabulary and grammar section of the final exam and the Duolingo test. The survey reported that participants who studied with Duolingo all agreed that they liked the experience, especially studying at their own pace. Concerns were also mentioned, however, for example that Duolingo is only good for beginner learners, it doesn’t provide interactions with others, and there is no teacher to ask for explicit feedback.

Predicting Bipolar Mood Disorder using LongShort-Term Memory Neural Networks

Hafiz, Saeed Mubasher January 2022 (has links)
Bipolar mood disorder is a severe mental condition that has multiple episodesof either of two types: manic or depressive. These phases can lead patients tobecome hyperactive, hyper-sexual, lethargic, or even commit suicide — all ofwhich seriously impair the quality of life for patients. Predicting these phaseswould help patients manage their lives better and improve our ability to applymedical interventions. Traditionally, interviews are conducted in the evening topredict potential episodes in the following days. While machine learningapproaches have been used successfully before, the data was limited tomeasuring a few self-reported parameters each day. Using biometrics recordedat short intervals over many months presents a new opportunity for machinelearning approaches. However, phases of unrest and hyperactivity, which mightbe predictive signals, are not only often experienced long before the onset ofmanic or depressive phases but are also separated by several uneventful days.This delay and its aperiodic occurrence are a challenge for deep learning. In thisthesis, a fictional dataset that mimics long and irregular delays is created andused to test the effects of such long delays and rare events. LSTMs, RNNs, andGRUs are the go-to models for deep learning in this situation. However, theydiffer in their ability to be trained over a long time. As their acronym suggests,LSTMS are believed to be easier to train and to have a better ability to remember(as their name suggests) than their simpler RNN counterparts. GRUs representa compromise in complexity between RNNs and LSTMs. Here, I will show that,contrary to the common assumption, LSTMs are surprisingly forgetful and thatRNNs have a much better ability to generalize over longer delays with shortersequences. At the same time, I could confirm that LSTMs are easily trained ontasks that have more prolonged delays.

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