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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

University Homepage Affordances: The Influence Of Hyperlinks On Perceptions Of Source Credibility

DellaCorte, Patricia 18 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Do Social Networking Websites Play a Part in Generation Y’s Dining Information Search and Sharing? An Examination of Consumer Characteristics

Peng, Cheng 20 October 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Broken News: Market Segmentation and Selective Exposure in Online News

Lee, Deidra 07 November 2013 (has links)
Research has revealed that more Americans than ever are turning to the World Wide Web as their primary source for news and information instead of legacy media outlets such as printed newspapers and magazines and broadcast news. As more and more people rely on the Internet as a primary source for news, it is important to analyze the characteristics and content of online news to expose and correct problems associated with the practices that inform its production and presentation. There are several longstanding practices in the American journalistic tradition that have been adapted to the online news environment. The practices of market segmentation and gatekeeping are two such practices. To date, few studies have explored how internet news coverage differs when the same story is altered to address the perceived interests of specific target audiences. This goal of this study was to collect and examine the characteristics of news stories presented on the homepages of three news websites—the Huffington Post, Huffington Post Black Voices and News One—to arrive at conclusions about the similarities and differences in how news content is reported to a general audience and to an African-American audience. This exploratory study used both Web sphere analysis and qualitative analysis to examine the collected homepage news stories. It used the results of the analyses to explore the possible effects continued market segmentation and selective exposure online could have on discourse in the public sphere. The study found that the legacy media practice of market segmentation was evident when online news reporting on targeted and untargeted news website homepages was compared. The study also revealed that the traditional role of the Black Press in legacy media has been resurrected in new media and is evident on news websites produced by African-Americans, for an African-American audience. Additionally, a qualitative examination of online news coverage of President Barack Obama’s 2012 State of the Union address and the death of Trayvon Martin revealed that the targeted audience influences the editorial slant through which news websites report stories.


Gassova, Zuzana 01 January 2016 (has links)
The current survey of 83 e-therapy websites with marriage and family therapists examined what consumers seeking online therapy or therapy over the phone might find on the Internet. The study explored how e-therapy websites characterize their services and comply with the ethical guidelines of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. Furthermore, differences in compliance with ethical guidelines among the three types of the websites (individual practice websites, group practice websites, and independent contractor websites) were analyzed. Results indicated that a majority of the websites lack information regarding several major areas (e.g., crisis resources, terms of service, procedures to treatment of minors, procedures to provision of therapy across borders). In support of previous findings, compliance to ethical guidelines was low and uneven. The websites focused mostly on positive aspects of e-therapy and in some cases, used suggestive or misleading language. When the three groups were compared, the independent contractor websites demonstrated statistically significantly higher compliance than the other two groups. This study points out several disturbing patterns and calls for clear e-therapy guidelines, which are currently lacking.


林合清, Lin , H. C. Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路的規範向來具有爭議。監督團體與立法機關往往基於保護兒童及青少年免於受到不當資訊的影響,對於網際網路散佈的內容要求相當程度的管制。然而,此類規範經常導致主張言論自由亦應延伸至網際網路媒體的民權團體多所詬病。在回顧我國先前對於網際網路的規範以及相關案例之後,本研究綜合各界論點探討未來寬頻影音內容服務網站可行的規範之道。 截至目前為止,關於網際網路內容規範相關研究已成篇累牘。現行最適宜的解決之道紛紛指向採用安裝過濾軟體以及實施網站分級制度。民國九十三年四月二十六日行政院新聞局發布「電腦網路內容分級處理辦法」,希冀藉以解決目前規範網際網路缺乏法源以及分級制度採行標準的問題。但亂象叢生的網際網路,似乎無法在朝夕之間產生良善的轉變。例如,影音內容服務業者經營色情影音服務;利用寬頻影音網路視訊交友而進行色情交易的事件;利用影音聊天室散佈性交易訊息;抑或是學術網站的自律不嚴謹,引發種種批評與討論等。同時,該辦法目前僅針對「網站」進行分級,尚未落實至「網頁」分級的程度,對於寬頻影音內容的管理更是付之闕如。 針對網際網路不當資訊以及缺乏法令管制所呈現的困境,本研究目的包括: 一、探討國內寬頻影音內容服務網站各類不當資訊; 二、探討國內對於寬頻影音內容服務網站現行規範法規及其不足之處; 三、探討國際間對於寬頻影音內容服務不當資訊現行管制規範形式; 四、探討國內未來對於寬頻影音內容不當資訊具可行性之管制規範形式; 五、提供國內寬頻影音內容服務業者、公益媒體監督團體及政府行政機關未來規範不當資訊之建議。 為兼顧網際網路的自由與發展,本文綜合文獻分析及深度訪談資料,臚列以下建議:一、業者再改善身份認證系統及收費機制;二、政府妥善拿捏輔佐角色;三、規劃網際網路分級制度實施辦法相關配套法令;四、教育體制配合輔導健全的網路素養;五、落實網際網路舉報不法網站業者熱線。

WEB2.0旅遊網站的社群經營與價值共創研究 -以沿著菊島旅行網站為例 / A study of communities management and value co-creation of Web2.0 travel websites -A case of PHsea

高世峻, Kao, Shih Chun Unknown Date (has links)
Web2.0的概念自2005年被首次提出後,隨即在網路上造成一股革命的風潮,伴隨著Web2.0的特性,網路社群經營也變成了一門重要的網路企業經營顯學,以往單純的網路行銷或電子商務,在加入Web2.0的概念後,都從網路經營的本質起了很大的轉變。因此本研究即以個案研究的方式,來探討Web2.0旅遊網站的社群經營與價值共創的關係,並繼續延伸探討Web2.0旅遊網站的經營模式建議。 本研究選定澎湖的旅遊網站-沿著菊島旅行網站,作為本研究的個案網站,不同於一般Web2.0網站的社群經營,都是以虛擬社群的經營為主,本研究的個案網站卻是把實體旅遊業者納入社群經營的一支,創造出新的虛實整合經營模式。本研究即藉由深度訪談和焦點訪談,搭配DART和資策會的網站價值評鑑分析法,分析個案網站和實體旅遊業者在虛實整合下的共創價值模式,並以此為基礎,分析歸納出可行的網站經營建議方案,作為個案網站在未來的經營方向之參考。 / The concept of Web2.0 was published in 2005 for the first time and immediately became a new trend in internet business and internet study. In Web2.0 world, the e-commerce and e-business are no longer same and the virtual internet community becomes more important than ever too. In this thesis we’ll use a case study to figure out the new trend of communities management and value co-creation of Web2.0 travel websites. Our case website is a travel website named PHsea. It’s a travel website established for promoting Peng Hu tourism. But not like other travel websites in Taiwan, PHsea was the first travel website to manage the real community (tourist industry) in a way like virtual community and make real community and virtual community working together to create values for both sides. It’s a new discovery and in this study we’ll use the assessment method such as DART to find the authentication of value co-creation relationship by real community, virtual community and case website. In the end of this study we’ll try too find a possible business model for our case website too.

Att finna, eller att inte finna : En kvalitativ studie gällande tillgänglighet och information kring kommunala e-tjänster och webbsidor rörande ekonomiskt bistånd inom socialtjänsten. / To find, or not to find : A qualitative study concerning availability and information about municipal e-services and websites applying financial aid within social services.

Köhlström, Julia, Hjelte, Emma January 2016 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har påverkat samhället i sin helhet, men det saknas aktuell forskning om digitaliseringen av socialt arbete. Därför har vi valt att kartlägga och diskutera området - empiriskt och teoretiskt. Studien ämnar kartlägga och jämföra socialtjänstens kommunala webbsidor kring den information som berör ekonomiskt bistånd, med koppling till rådande lagstiftning, mediateori och språkets betydelse. Studien studerar kommunernas användning av e-tjänster kopplade till ekonomiskt bistånd, sett till jämlikhet och tillgänglighet. Empirin, vilken inhämtats från tio svenska kommunala webbsidor med inriktning ekonomiskt bistånd, analyseras genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys som kompletteras med kvantifiering, genom frekvensanalys. Analysen tydliggjorde en domän; tillgänglighet, och två teman; information och kommunikation. Studien utgår från teorin om den andra mediaåldern, McDonaldisering, semiotik och isomorfism. Semiotisk teori har bidragit till att granska det latenta och manifesta, isomorfism för att förklara skillnader och likheter, samt McDonaldisation för att upptäcka effektivisering. Studiens resultat påvisar både likheter och skillnader mellan kommunerna. Skillnader återfinns i förhållning till tillgänglighet, begriplighet, samt hantering av lagstiftning. Vad gäller likheter tenderar informationen på webbsidorna att baseras på Socialtjänstlagen, kommunerna beskriver ansökningsprocessen på liknande sätt, samt att informationen är begränsad till svenska. Studiens resultat diskuterar tillgänglighet sett till kommunikation och information. Resultatet relateras till jämlikhet genom tillgång till e-tjänster inom socialtjänstens ekonomiska bistånd samt möjligheter till empowerment. Studiens resultat anger att fortsatt forskning behövs kring digitalisering och e-tjänster i socialt arbete, bland annat utifrån brukar- och personalperspektiv. / The digitalizing has affected the community as a whole, but current research about social work and its digitalization is lacking. Because of which, we have chosen to study and discuss this area - empirical and theoretical. This study aims to analyze and compare social services municipal websites regarding information about financial aid related to the current legislation, media theory and the importance of language. This study scrutinizes, through equality and availability, the usage of e-services regarding financial aid in municipals. The empirical data, which is gathered from ten Swedish municipal websites regarding financial aid, is analyzed by qualitative content analysis complemented by quantification, through frequency analysis. From the analysis a domain emerged; availability, and two themes; information and communication. This study has its base in The second media age, McDonaldization, semiotics and isomorfism. The theory of semiotics has contributed to a review regarding latent and manifest information, isomorfism to explain differences and similarities, and McDonaldization to explore efficiency. The result of the study indicates both similarities and differences among the websites. Differences were found concerning availability, intelligibility, and the usage of legislation. Similarities tend to exist in which the information on the websites were based on Social Services act, the municipals described the application process similar, and the information was limited to Swedish language. The result of the study discuss availability regarding communication and information. The result relates to equality through access to e-services within social services financial aid and opportunities to empowerment. The result of this study specify the need of proceeded research concerning digitalizing and e-services within social services, among other things on user and personnel perspective.

Proměny české hudební publicistiky v důsledku rozvoje online žurnalistiky / Transformation of czech music journalism as a result of the development of online journalism

Kyncl, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the changes within Czech music journalism that are connected to the boom of digital media and online journalism. Firstly, in its the theoretical part, this thesis offers a brief overview of a history of music journalism in Czech lands as well as worldwide and suggests what the role of a music critic is. Then it describes the boom of online journalism - again in Czech context as well as in a wolrdwide context - and continues with describing the main specfics of online journalism.It also mentions current trends of online journalism. The second part of this thesis focuses exclusively on Czech music journalism in the era of a drastic book of digital media after 1995. Main economic and sociocultural trends that influenced Czech music journalism are also mentioned. The second part of this thesis then focuses on a Czech magazine market and various forms of music journalism within a Czech online environment. For the research part of this thesis two media maps of Czech music print and Czech music websites have been made which is followed by a analysis the most popular music website Musicserver.

Tillit och beslutsprocesser i en digitaliserad värld : Hur resebyråernas hemsidor påverkar kunders tillit i deras beslutsprocesser

Yusof-Ioannidis, Darren Constantine, Nilfouroushan, Shayan January 2019 (has links)
Customers today use travel agencies that exist on the internet more frequently. However, what makes the customer trust a specific website? The purpose of this study is to examine if a customers’ trust towards a travel agency is affected by the agency’s website and the role trust plays in customers’ decision-making process. To examine this purpose a web survey and interviews were carried out. The web survey totals 110 responses and 15 people were selected through snowball sampling for the interviews. Results demonstrate that customers are affected by the design of the website in a way that it decides whether or not the customer will invest time and use the website. Furthermore, after getting past the first stage customers then decide whether or not a website is trustworthy depending on a set of factors including but not limited to security, information and navigation. The customers’ decision-making process is affected by trust in a later stage when the customer evaluates the possible alternatives. However when it comes to choosing a website, a customer might choose to buy a product from a website he/she has previously used due to already having built a trust towards the website and therefore refrains from using an unknown website. In that sense, trust is present from previous experiences and affects the customer in an earlier stage of the decision-making process. / Användningen av internet i vardagen har ökat under de senaste två decennierna. Som en form av marknadsföring är internet rätt ny och kan därmed medföra utmaningar för marknadsförare. För att kunna locka till sig kunder via internet samt behålla dem måste ett företags hemsida kunna tillfredsställa kunderna på olika sätt. Om en hemsida misslyckas med detta kan resultatet bli att kunderna avstår från att använda sig av en hemsida och använda andra företags hemsidor. Kunder använder idag resebyråer som finns på internet oftare. Men vad får kunden att ge sitt förtroende till en viss hemsida? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om kunders förtroende mot en resebyrå påverkas av resebyråns hemsida och vilken roll förtroendet spelar för kundernas beslutsprocess. För att undersöka detta syfte genomfördes en websurvey och intervjuer. Websurvey uppgick till 110 svar och 15 personer valdes genom snöbollsurval för intervjuerna. Resultatet visar att kunderna påverkas av designen på ett sätt som avgör om kunden kommer investera tid och använda hemsidan eller inte. Efter att ha tagit sig förbi det första steget bestämmer kunderna huruvida en hemsida är pålitlig eller inte beroende på en uppsättning faktorer, inklusive men inte begränsat till säkerhet, information och navigering. Kundernas beslutsprocess påverkas av förtroende i ett senare skede när kunden utvärderar möjliga alternativ. Men när det gäller att välja en hemsida kan en kund välja att köpa en produkt från en webbplats som hen tidigare använt på grund av att hen redan har byggt upp tillit till hemsidan och därför avstår från att använda en okänd hemsida. På så sätt är förtroendet närvarande från tidigare erfarenheter och påverkar kunden i ett tidigare skede av beslutsprocessen.


Lara, Matheus Henrique de 24 March 2017 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T13:42:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Matheus H Lara.pdf: 2507706 bytes, checksum: 7860d4d7fa64be29498166268d844340 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-24 / This master thesis investigates news coverage made by five city halls communications department: Cascavel, Foz do Iguacu, Londrina, Maringa and Ponta Grossa. Those are the five biggest country towns of brazilian state of Parana. The goal was to identify the characteristics of journalism in those News productions in order to verify how journalism is made at theses kind os workplace. Journalism is here approached to the concept of Public Communication oriented to collective interest, in order to realize about the possibilities that this kind of communication should not be for personal promotion of the cities governors. Methodological stratiges include a review of Otto Groth’s (2011) concepts of “comprehension”, “natural look” and “intuition look”. Results points to a fragile news productions which is made with irresponsability concerning to the fact that it is appearently guided to personal and private interests, not the public ones. / Esta pesquisa problematiza o conteúdo informativo publicado pelas assessorias de comunicação das prefeituras de cinco maiores municípios do interior do Paraná: Cascavel, Foz do Iguaçu, Londrina, Maringá e Ponta Grossa. A abordagem buscou identificar as características o jornalismo nas produções informativas dos sites dessas prefeituras a fim de verificar como o jornalismo se apresenta no contexto da comunicação das assessorias de imprensa. A proposta aproxima o jornalismo da perspectiva da comunicação pública, pautada pelo interesse coletivo, a fim de reconhecer possibilidades para se romper com a prática da promoção de gestores governamentais comumente conduzida pelas assessorias de comunicação de órgãos públicos. O percurso metodológica realizado nesta pesquisa se baseia no conceito ainda de “compreensão” em Otto Groth (2011) e encontra nas ideias de "olhar natural" e "olhar intuitivo" importantes ferramentas para se estudar o objeto em questão. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para a constatação de que há uma produção informativa frágil, do ponto de vista do jornalismo e da comunicação pública, e que, não raramente, se apresenta também de forma irresponsável no trato da coisa pública – a informação governamental – para atender mais à promoção dos gestores públicos, em detrimento dos interesses da coletividade.

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