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Entwicklung eines Modells der Didaktik zur Analyse von organisationalen, motivationalen und digitalen Lehr-/Lernszenarien am Beispiel schriftsprachlicher KompetenzenMeyer-Ross, Kerstin Kathy 03 May 2021 (has links)
Die Hypothese geht davon aus, dass der Lernprozess mit der Anwendung eines Modells der Didaktik einer formalen Analyse zugänglich wird und die Anwendung des Modells didaktische Veränderungen nachvollziehbar unterstützt. Die Arbeit untersucht Möglichkeiten, Schriftsprache zu fördern und bedient sich dabei E- und Blended-Learning Konzepten, die mit der Lernplattform OPAL umgesetzt wurden.
Zunächst erinnere ich an hochschuldidaktische Methoden und zwei Hochschuldidaktiker: Bloom entwickelte Taxonomiestufen, Biggs das Constructive Alignment. Ich vereine diese beiden Ansätze und schließe damit eine Forschungslücke. Das entwickelte didaktische Modell wende ich später in drei Szenarien an: Lesen, Organisieren und Schreiben.
Beim Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten und wissenschaftlichen Schreiben unterliegen Forschende (gesetzlichen) Normen und etablierten Voraussetzungen, die zunächst verstanden werden müssen. Ich zeige anschließend die Rahmenbedingungen auf, in denen ein Schreibender agiert.
Nach einem Geschichtsabriss des Lesens, eine Voraussetzung, um wissenschaftlich Schreiben zu können, werden verschiedene Lesetechniken vorgestellt. Die Anwendung des Modells erfolgt exemplarisch an der Speed Reading Technik, die in einem Online OPAL Kurs integriert ist und mit einem zeitaufwendigeren Speed Reading Workshop verglichen wird.
Schließlich werden in drei Papers der Aufbau eines Online OPAL Kurses „Selbstmanagement und Selbstorganisation“ erklärt und der Kurs evaluiert und ausgewertet. Die Pomodoro-Technik als eine Methode der Selbstorganisation der Lerninhalte des Kurses dient als Analysebeispiel des Modells.
Über die Annäherung von Literacy Skills in Ingenieurswissenschaften und einer evaluierten Stichprobe des Wissenschaftlichen Schreibenlehrens erfolgt die Anwendung des Modells auf das Belegschreiben im Hochschulkontext.
Ich verifiziere die Hypothese und stelle im Ausblick mit dem Modell, einer programmierten Pyramide, weitere Möglichkeiten der Nutzung und Umsetzungen der Anwendbarkeit vor.
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Teorie psaného jazyka / Theory of written languageChromý, Jan January 2011 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The purpose of this thesis is to identify the principles and main aspects of a possible future theory of written language and to critically analyze the existing approaches to this issue. The first chapter outlines the main principles serving as a background for the other parts of the thesis. The second chapter deals with non-empirical approaches to the written language: it introduces selected conceptions of the written language and attempts to critically reflect their theoretical impact. In the third chapter, selected empirical approaches to the written language are considered; it shows how particular empirical researches and empirically based findings could help in the formation of a new theory. The fourth chapter offers a critical review of the conception of the style-forming agents in the Czech and Slovak linguistics. In its second part, possibilities of a more valid and reliable approach to this issue are shown using the example of an experiment on style-forming agents preparedness and unpreparedness. The fifth chapter considers the phenomenon of synaesthesia in the relationship to the written language: the aim is to connect a research area, which would be considered as non-linguistic in the eyes of autonomous linguistics, with paramount linguistic problems.
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Skolan i livet - livet i skolan : Några illitterata invandrarkvinnor lär sig tala, läsa och skriva på svenska som andraspråkLundgren, Berit January 2005 (has links)
Many immigrants in Sweden have not had the chance to learn to read and write, for various reasons. In Sweden, literacy is a prerequisite to being able to function in the cultural community, and for many immigrants this is the first time that they experience their inability to read and write as a handicap or see themselves as “illiterate”. The aim of this study is to use a socio-cultural, second language and gender approach to describe, analyse and understand how a number of adult, illiterate, immigrant women experience their situation when they are expected to simultaneously learn to speak, read and write Swedish. The study focuses on two literacy groups in two Swedish municipalities. In one of the groups I act as both teacher and researcher. The thesis is a case study of the learning process of five illiterate immigrant women in Sweden. The results are based on interviews, carried out with the help of an interpreter, and observation of teaching and texts ritten by the students. The study is based on the assumption that human learning is an activity that takes place in a cultural community in a social context. When learning a language, the language is simultaneously the tool that facilitates social communication and the object of the learning process. The study shows that cultural communities influence the women in different ways. Gender structures are firmly planted in a patriarchal value system, which means that women are seen as inferior to men, and women are expected to “meet the demands of others”. The women have no time to study at home, as their household duties are prioritised. However, there are subtle indications that there is a wish to change the situation in accordance with Swedish values and norms. This can be seen in the Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) lessons. As they have little contact with Swedes, school is the only arena in which they have a chance to use Swedish. They are positive towards teaching and school as an institution. Here they are able to develop an alternative identity. The study also shows that teaching in the literacy groups is to a great extent based on a technical approach, in which the teacher tries to elicit a correct answer from the students. Social interaction involving contemplation and negotiation is either not included or not prioritised. the women’s experience and knowledge is not made use of. There are,however, occasions when collaborative discussions take place between the teacher and students. On these occasions an exchange of experiences takes place. Learning is based on the students’ own experiences and thoughts. Linguistic concepts gain meaning in the collaborative discussion. Initially the concepts may be unclear, but the group works on them together, adapting and adjusting them until they finally make sense. Finally, I conclude that women immigrants bring their own socio-cultural values and experience to the school situation, which affects their learning process to varying degrees. Furthermore, immigrant women need more time at school, as it is the only arena in which they can spend time on studying and personal development. another conclusion is that the school must become a learning community that recognises the immigrants’ cultures, makes use of the students’ experience and allows the students to participate in collaborative discussions, so that they can develop their ability to speak, read and write Swedish.
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The Influence of Emotional Content on Event-Related Brain Potentials during Spoken Word ProcessingGraß, Annika 18 October 2016 (has links)
In unserem alltäglichen Leben ist Sprache ein unerlässliches Mittel für Kommunikation und die Umsetzung sozialer Interaktionen. Sprache kann in zwei verschiedene Modalitäten unterteilt werden, in die auditorische und die visuelle Modalität. Die auditorische Modalität umfasst gesprochene Sprache, wohingegen die visuelle Modalität vom geschriebenen Teil der Sprache gebildet wird. Auch wenn ein Tag ohne Sprechen für die meisten von uns unvorstellbar ist, hat die bisherige Forschung die Untersuchung von Effekten bei der Verarbeitung von emotionalem Bedeutungsinhalt in gesprochener Sprache, im Gegensatz zu der Verarbeitung von geschriebener Sprache, vernachlässigt. Die Verarbeitung des emotionalen Bedeutungsinhalts von geschriebenen Wörtern hat eine Vielzahl von Studien mit Hilfe von ereigniskorrelierten Potentialen (EKPs) ausführlich untersucht. Im Gegensatz dazu wurde der emotionale Bedeutungsinhalt bei der Verarbeitung von gesprochener Sprache nur gelegentlich und meist entweder in seiner Interaktion mit emotionaler Prosodie oder fokussiert auf die Existenz einer spezifischen EKP Komponente untersucht. Daher bleibt die Frage offen, wie und an welchen Verarbeitungsschritten der emotionale Inhalt gesprochener Sprache ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale beeinflusst, unabhängig von emotionaler Prosodie und der Frage, ob Gemeinsamkeiten mit der Verarbeitung von geschriebenen emotionalen Wörtern bestehen.
In dieser Dissertation untersuche ich die Verarbeitung von gesprochenen Einzelwörtern mit positivem, neutralem und negativem Inhalt, mit der erkenntnisleitenden Fragestellung, ob der emotionale Inhalt von gesprochenen Wörtern Emotionseffekte in EKPs hervorruft und ob diese vergleichbar sind zu denen, die für geschriebene Wörter gezeigt wurden.
In der ersten dieser Dissertation zugrundeliegenden Studie wurden gesprochene Wörter mit emotionalem und neutralem Inhalt den Versuchspersonen in zwei verschiedenen Lautstärken präsentiert, um mögliche Interaktionen mit bottom-up Aufmerksamkeitseffekten, geleitet durch die Größe des Stimulus, zu erklären. Für visuelle Stimuli mit emotionalem Inhalt, wie Bilder oder geschriebene Wörter, hat die Größe des Stimulus erhöhte emotions-bedingte EKPs hervorgerufen, zum Beispiel auf der Ebene der early posterior negativity (EPN). Es wurde untersucht, ob diese erhöhte Relevanz von größeren visuellen Stimuli auf die auditorische Modalität übertragbar sein könnte. Negativer emotionaler Bedeutungsinhalt führt zu einer erhöhten frontalen Positivierung und einer parieto-okzipitalen Negativierung zwischen 370 und 530 Millisekunden. Diese Komponente zeigt Ähnlichkeit mit der visuellen EPN, obwohl sich die Negativierung zu zentraleren Arealen der Kopfoberfläche ausweitet. Daher stellt sich die Frage, ob diese Komponente das auditorische Pendant zu einer visuellen EPN darstellen könnte. Entscheidend ist hier, dass keine Interaktion dieser emotions-bedingten EKP Komponente mit dem Lautstärkefaktor beobachtet werden kann. Die folgenden Vergleichsaspekte deuten auf umfassendere Unterschiede zwischen visueller und auditorischer Sprachverarbeitung hin: die fehlende Interaktion zwischen der Größe des Stimulus und der Emotionseffekte, die Unterschiede in den Topographien der Emotionseffekte sowie unterschiedliche Latenzen verglichen zu der visuellen EPN.
Der zweite Teil dieser Dissertation ist auf einen direkteren Vergleich von Emotionseffekten in der visuellen und auditorischen Modalität ausgerichtet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine zweite Studie durchgeführt, in der Versuchspersonen dieselben Wörter in geschriebener und gesprochener Modalität präsentiert bekamen. Die gesprochenen Wörter wurden dabei sowohl von einer Computerstimme (Experiment 1) als auch von einer menschlichen Stimme (Experiment 2) produziert. Diese Studie wurde konzipiert, um die Existenz einer „auditorischen EPN“ und ihre Randbedingungen zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus sollte die These überprüft werden, ob die höhere soziale Relevanz einer menschlichen Stimme die Emotionseffekte vergrößert. In beiden Experimenten zeigen sich Emotionseffekte. Für geschriebene Wörter zwischen 230 und 400 Millisekunden, im Zeitbereich der early posterior negativity, für gesprochene Wörter zwischen 460 und 510 Millisekunden. Wenn man die Verteilung der EKP Differenzen zwischen emotionalen und neutralen auditorischen Wörtern berücksichtigt, zeigen die Effekte interessanterweise sogar eine größere Ähnlichkeit mit der visuellen EPN als die Ergebnisse des ersten Teils dieser Dissertation. Eine Quellenlokalisierung ergab vergleichbare neuronale Generatoren im superioren parietalen Lobus (SPL) und im inferioren temporalen Lobus (IPL), sowohl im visuellen als auch im „auditorischen EPN“ Zeitfenster. Diese Befunde deuten auf Gemeinsamkeiten in der Verarbeitung emotionaler Inhalte über die Modalitäten hinweg hin, die – zumindest teilweise – durch das gleiche neuronale System gestützt werden. Trotzdem erscheinen diese Gemeinsamkeiten überraschend, da für die visuelle EPN angenommen wird, dass sie eine verstärkte sensorische Enkodierung für emotionale Stimuli in visuellen Arealen abbildet. Die oben beschriebenen und in diesen Studien gezeigten Emotionseffekte unterscheiden sich bezüglich ihrer Latenzen, Topographien und der Valenz, welche den Effekt hervorruft (positiv oder negativ).
Im letzten Teil der Dissertation wurden daher systematisch Unterschiede zwischen den Studien untersucht um potenzielle Ursachen für die oben aufgeführten Unterschiede in den Emotionseffekten bestimmen zu können. Es zeigen sich Geschlechterunterschiede in den Topographien in Studie 2, die jedoch nicht die gefundenen Unterscheide in den Emotionseffekten zwischen den beiden Studien erklären können. Es wird angenommen, dass beide Studien die gleiche auditorische emotions-bedingte Komponente (AEK) in einem vergleichbaren Zeitfenster (Studie 1: 477 530 ms; Studie 2: 464 515 ms) hervorrufen, welcher in der ersten Studie eine N400-ähnlichen Verteilung vorausgegangen ist. Obwohl keine Interaktionen zwischen emotionalem Inhalt und Lautstärke aufgezeigt werden können, gehe ich davon aus, dass die Manipulation der Lautstärke in der ersten Studie den Kontext des Experiments verändert, und so den früheren Effekt ausgelöst hat.
Auch wenn keine verifizierbaren Ursachen für die beschriebenen Unterschiede zwischen den Emotionseffekten aufgezeigt werden konnten, ist es mir mit dieser Dissertation gelungen, die Existenz einer auditorischen emotions-bedingten Komponente zu zeigen, die durch emotionalen (in Vergleich zu neutralem) Inhalt während der Verarbeitung von gesprochener Sprache hervorgerufen wird. Diese Komponente spiegelt sich in einer anterioren Positivierung und einer posterioren Negativierung zwischen 460 und 520 Millisekunden nach Wortbeginn wider. Diese zeigt sich gleichbleibend, unabhängig von der sozialen Signifikanz der Stimme des Sprechers oder der Manipulation der Lautstärke. Bezüglich eines Vergleich des zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Netzwerkes während der Verarbeitung des Inhalts von gesprochenen und geschriebenen Wörtern, kann man annehmen, dass die Verarbeitung Hirnareale aktiviert, die zumindest teilweise im SPL und IPL liegen. Obwohl die Verteilung der AEK eine hohe Ähnlichkeit zur visuellen EPN aufzeigt, kann man nicht annehmen, dass dieser Effekt ein auditorisches Pendant darstellt. Diese Schlussfolgerung beruht darauf, dass sich eine typische EPN-Verteilung nur bei der Berechnung der Differenzkurven von emotionalen und neutralen Stimuli zeigt. Die daraus resultierende posteriore Negativierung spiegelt eine erhöhte Aktivierung von visuellen Arealen - hervorgerufen durch emotionale Stimuli - wider. Die Analyse der zugrundeliegenden neuronalen Generatoren für den Unterschied zwischen auditorischen emotionalen und neutralen Stimuli liefert keine signifikanten Ergebnisse. Trotzdem zeigen die zugrundeliegenden Topographien der einzelnen Emotionskategorien, dass die Gemeinsamkeit auf der Ebene der Differenzkurven aus völlig unterschiedlichen Verteilungen resultiert.
Zukünftige Forschung müsste das auditorische Stimulusmaterial bezüglich der Wortlänge oder des Worterkennungspunktes strikter kontrollieren, um den zeitlichen Jitter in den Daten zu reduzieren und somit die neuronalen Generatoren einer auditorischen emotions-bedingten Komponente besser bestimmen zu können.
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O uso da pontuação na escrita infantil: uma abordagem longitudinal / The use of punctuation in children\'s writing - a longitudinal approachGozzi, Marina Bulbow 24 April 2017 (has links)
A pontuação é parte integrante da língua escrita e sua aprendizagem significa uma importante construção cognitiva que favorece as práticas do ler, escrever e interpretar. Fazer uso de marcas pontuacionais em um texto pressupõe uma certa consciência linguística na composição discursiva e na organização textual. Tendo como pressupostos que a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita é um direito de todo cidadão brasileiro e que essa habilidade deve ser desenvolvida em âmbitos escolares (incluindo a assimilação de recursos linguísticos como a pontuação), a presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar de que forma a pontuação aparece nas produções infantis de um grupo de alunos de Ensino Fundamental e como ocorre a progressão desse uso em um período-chave para o caso estudado, qual seja: do 2º semestre do 3º ano ao 1º semestre do 5º ano. Para isso, por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa longitudinal, foi realizado o estudo de caso que envolveu o acompanhamento de um grupo de 12 alunos de uma escola estadual, localizada na Região Leste da cidade de São Paulo. Nas quatro etapas da coleta (realizadas com intervalos de seis meses), foram propostas duas atividades para posterior análise: reescrita e correção textual. Ancorada nas concepções interacionistas e construtivistas de língua, ensino e aprendizagem, a análise dos dados permitiu verificar que o grupo de alunos estudado incorporou gradualmente as marcas de pontuação, evidenciando modos de apropriação relacionados à frequência e à convencionalidade das construções linguísticas mais usuais, havendo, no entanto, espaço para experimentações pessoais e hipóteses endógenas de formas mais ou menos sistematizadas. Esse dado corrobora a ideia de que, no esforço cognitivo para compreender a escrita, as crianças são capazes de levantar hipóteses sobre o uso da pontuação; é por meio desses usos singulares que vão, gradativamente, compreendendo a função de cada marca pontuacional e fazendo as sistematizações necessárias. Foi possível constatar, também, que, durante a sucessão dos anos escolares, a progressão do uso da pontuação manteve um certo paralelismo nos diferentes tipos de atividade, o que comprova a ideia de que a compreensão sobre o papel das marcas pontuacionais pode ser transposta para diferentes práticas de escrita. Em que pese o interesse pedagógico dessa aprendizagem, consubstanciada cada vez mais pelo uso sistemático e convencional da pontuação, questiona-se o quanto ela pode se contrapor à postura de um escritor que, conformando-se com as regras, deixa de se arriscar na produção textual. / The punctuation is an integral part of the written language and its learning means an important cognitive construction which favors the practices of reading, writing and interpreting. Making use of the punctuation marks in a text assumes a certain linguistic awareness in both the discursive composition and textual organization. Starting from the assumptions that learning reading and writing is a right of every Brazilian citizen and that these skills must be developed in the school spheres (including the assimilation of linguistic resources as the punctuation), the present research aimed to analyze how the punctuation appears in the children\'s productions of a group of elementary school students and how the progression of such use happens in a \"key-period\" for the case studied: from the 2nd semester of the 3rd grade/year to the 1st semester of the 5th grade. To do so, by means of a qualitative longitudinal research, it was conducted a case study which involved the monitoring of a 12student group from a state school, located in the East side of the São Paulo. n the four stages of collection (held every six months), two activities were proposed for further analysis: rewriting and textual correction. Anchored in the constructivist and interactionist concepts of the language, teaching and learning, data analysis has allowed us to see that the group of students which was studied, gradually incorporated the punctuation marks, revealing modes of incorporation related to frequency and the conventionality of the most usual language constructions, there is however, space for personal trials and endogenous hypothesis in more or less systematized ways. This information supports the idea that, in the cognitive effort to understand the writing, the children are able to raise hypothesis about the use of the punctuation; it is through these singular uses that they will gradually understand the function of each punctuation mark and do the necessary systematizations. It was also possible to conclude, that during the succession of the school years, the progression of the punctuation use kept a certain parallelism in the different activity types, which proves that the understanding about the role of punctuation marks can be transposed to different writing practices. Despite the pedagogical interest of this learning, increasingly substantiated by the regular and conventional use of punctuation, we wonder how it can contrast with the posture of an writer who, conform edwith the rules, stop taking chances on textual production.
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Vocabulário, consciência fonológica e nomeação rápida: contribuições para a ortografia e elaboração escrita / Vocabulary, phonological awareness and rapid naming: contributions for spelling and written productionSantos, Maria Thereza Mazorra dos 29 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi compreender os processos lingüísticos que subjazem à aprendizagem da linguagem escrita, o desenvolvimento de protocolo de análise de redação, assim como a correlação entre esses processos lingüísticos e a produção escrita. Participaram deste estudo 82 alunos de 3ª série do Ensino Fundamental de escolas particulares e municipal, com idades entre nove e dez anos, residentes em municípios da região oeste da Grande São Paulo. Esta pesquisa foi divida em três estudos. No Estudo I foram analisados os desempenhos dos sujeitos em provas de vocabulário, consciência fonológica e nomeação rápida de objetos, cujos resultados se mostraram adequados para a faixa etária estudada. No Estudo II analisamos a produção escrita em ditado de palavras e pseudopalavras e elaboração de uma narrativa escrita. Concluímos que os erros fazem parte do processo de desenvolvimento da escrita, mas é necessário também que se compreendam que estratégias a criança utiliza para escrever. Em relação à redação concluímos que, apesar de ainda não dominarem todo o esquema narrativo, as crianças apresentaram um conhecimento lingüístico que lhes permitiu escrever histórias originais em forma de narrativa. O protocolo proposto se mostrou uma ferramenta prática, que possibilitou uma avaliação minuciosa dos diversos aspectos envolvidos na elaboração da redação. O Estudo III indicou correlações entre o desempenho nas provas de vocabulário, consciência fonológica e nomeação seriada rápida e o desempenho ortográfico, assim como com a produção de uma narrativa escrita. / This research aimed at understanding the linguistic processes involved in the learning of written language, as well as developing a protocol to analyze written text. This study included eighty-two 3rd graders with ages ranging from 9 to 10, from both private and public schools, and residents of the West region of São Paulo and suburbs. Three studies composed this investigation. The first study analyzed student performance on tests of vocabulary knowledge, phonological awareness and rapid naming for objects. All students performed as expected for their age in these tests. The second study focused on the analysis of written production, as evaluated through a word and pseudoword spelling task and a written narrative text. The spelling errors observed in these tests were compatible with the development of written skills of the subjects, however it is necessary to understand which are the spelling-strategies used by the children. Regarding text-writing skills, although the children have not yet mastered the narrative scheme, they displayed enough linguistic knowledge to elaborate original written stories in a narrative form. The proposed protocol was revealed as a practical tool to evaluate in detail several aspects involved in written text production. The third study focused on the correlations among the different performance variables analyzed, including vocabulary, phonological awareness, rapid naming tasks, spelling and production of narrative written texts.
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Relações entre língua escrita e consciência histórica em produções textuais de crianças e adolescentes. / Relationships between written language and historical consciousness in children and adolescents textual productions.Dias, Maria Aparecida Lima 09 August 2007 (has links)
As concepções empiristas de aprendizagem no ensino de História centram-se, via de regra, na transmissão de fatos e conceitos por meio da exposição do conteúdo e dos exercícios de fixação. No ensino da língua escrita, privilegiam o domínio do código e da ortografia, centrando-se mais nas estruturas do que nos usos. Opondo-se a isso, o presente estudo parte de uma revisão conceitual sobre a História e o ensino de História, a escrita e o processo de aprendizagem desse sistema de representação, instituindo-os como um paradigma educativo voltado para a formação do sujeito pensante. Com base nesse pressuposto, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir para a compreensão dos processos cognitivos movidos na complexidade das relações interdisciplinares, mais especificamente, tomando o imbricamento entre o desenvolvimento da consciência histórica e da competência narrativa. Calcada nas reflexões de Vygotsky e Bakhtin sobre a relação palavra e consciência, e de Rüsen sobre a consciência histórica enquanto aprendizagem, a pesquisa teve como objetivo mapear, nas produções escritas, as operações lingüísticas dos alunos, das quais emergem e se transformam fragmentos da consciência histórica. O corpus da investigação foi constituído por 134 produções textuais de 67 estudantes (29 da 5ª série e 38 da 8ª série do Ensino Fundamental) de uma escola municipal de São Paulo. Com o fim de avaliar o processo de transformação da língua e da consciência histórica, a coleta incidiu na escrita e reescrita de um texto: na primeira produção, os alunos foram convidados a se pronunciar sobre um fato cotidiano, explicando a sua ocorrência no presente; na segunda, foram desafiados a reconsiderar a sua produção a partir de uma vivência que pretendeu ampliar os recursos lingüísticos e a complexidade da situação em pauta. A análise comparativa de ambas as produções foi feita com base no paradigma indiciário formulado por Guinzburg. Os resultados apontam para a pluralidade dos processos cognitivos e das estratégias de linguagem, evidenciando a natureza das relações entre a aprendizagem de História e da escrita. Nessa perspectiva, as conclusões fortalecem, indiscutivelmente, as bases para a constituição de uma educação transformadora. / The empiricist conceptions of learning in the teaching of History are centered, mostly, in the transmission of facts and concepts through the exhibition of the content and fixation exercises. In the teaching of the written language, they privilege the domain of the code and of the spelling, being centered more in the structures than in the usage. Opposed to that, the present study, which is part of a conceptual revision on the History and the teaching of History, the writing and the learning process of that representation system, instituting them as an educational paradigm turning back to the thinking subject\'s formation. Based on that presupposition, it is intended, with this research, to contribute for the understanding of the cognitive processes moved in the complexity of the interdisciplinary relationships, more specifically, taking the imbricament among the development of the historical consciousness and the narrative competence. Looking into the reflections of Vygotsky and Bakhtin on the relationship word and consciousness of Rüsen on the historical consciousness as learning, the research had as its objective, mapping the written productions, the students\' linguistic operations, of which emerge and change fragments of the historical consciousness. The corpus of the investigation was constituted by 134 textual productions of 67 students (29 of the 5th grade and 38 of the 8th grade of the secondary school) of a municipal school of São Paulo. In order to evaluate the transformation process of the language and the historical consciousness, the collection happened in the writing and in the rewriting of a text: in the first production, the students were invited to pronounce themselves on a daily fact, explaining their occurrence in the present; in the second, they were challenged to reconsider their composition starting from an existence that intended to enlarge the linguistic resources and the complexity of the situation in the agenda. The comparative analysis of both productions were made upon indicia paradigm formulated by Ginzburg. The results appear for the plurality of the cognitive processes and of the language strategies, evidencing the nature of the relationships among the History learning and writing. Under this prospect, the conclusions unquestionably strengthen the bases for the constitution of a transformed education.
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Considerações sobre abordagens de linguagem oral e escrita e variação nos livros didáticos voltados para o ensino fundamental - ciclo IPereira, Aparecida Gonçalves 09 May 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:23:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2008-05-09 / The present study focuses and discusses some pedagogic directions
which could be detected in Brazilian textbooks designed for the teaching of
the mother tongue, i.e., the so-called oral and written language. The following
questions guided the investigation carried on in the research:
(1) Are issues concerning language variation considered in the textbooks
under analysis?
(2) Is close attention paid to the complex relations held between oral and
written language?
(3) Do the textbooks carefully explore the trends followed in the students
construction of orthographic learning?
The theoretical sources implied either to pose or to examine the
textbooks selected here were those which traditionally deal with topics which
underly the above questions, that is: Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics and
Language Teaching Pedagogy. Those areas of knowledge may help
understand and the critical moment of the Brazilian Education System and
also virtually affect it in a fruitful way since they have strong theoretical and
methodological resources to contribute to the building up of more solid public
educational politics.
In this study, textbooks are seen as the privileged loci of pedagogic
frameworks and didactic tendencies. One can thus easily grasp why this study
has chosen textbooks devoted to the teaching of oral and written language as
its empirical data to investigate the pedagogic proposals suggested. It could be
concluded that in the two textbooks, here analyzed, not only their specific
content matters and the themes approached were highly appropriate but also
the activities devised were not blind to the problems raised in this research / As questões que costuram o pano de fundo desta pesquisa podem ser
apontadas nos seguintes termos: Nas reflexões sobre a língua oral no livro
didático de Português há consideração da variação lingüística? Este livro
propõe o estudo das relações entre as modalidades oral e escrita da
linguagem? Há exploração dos conhecimentos ortográficos? Ao buscarmos
diferentes fontes para pensarmos estas questões, descobrimos muitos pontos
que nos esclareceram no entrecruzamento das diversas disciplinas que
focalizam tais tópicos, principalmente, a lingüística e a didática da língua
materna. Pensamos que estas sejam as áreas especializadas a quem se recorre
para distinguir o ensino da língua oral e escrita e em que cada uma vem se
adaptando aos processos históricos de mudanças e reformulações da própria
escola brasileira, contribuindo, por vezes, para a construção e fundamentação
de políticas públicas que sustentam tais mudanças.
Considerando ser o livro didático o lócus em que nos são apresentados,
de forma mais explicita, os resultados dos diversos ajustes e movimentos
inscritos na escolarização dos diferentes saberes, este trabalho tem por
objetivo: verificar se, na alfabetização e nas propostas de ensinoaprendizagem
da linguagem oral estabelecidas pelos livros didáticos de
Língua Portuguesa (LDP), a relação entre língua oral e língua escrita, a
variação lingüística e a ortografização estão sendo tomados como objetos de
ensino e como estão sendo tratados. Foi possível constatar que ambas as
coleções sugerem, várias atividades que podem conduzir a ampliação de
habilidades e de competência lingüística e discursiva dos alunos. A seleção de
conteúdos é apropriada, também deixam os textos em evidencia e apresenta
aspectos lingüísticos introduzidos em pontos pertinentes e circunstanciados
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Vocabulário, consciência fonológica e nomeação rápida: contribuições para a ortografia e elaboração escrita / Vocabulary, phonological awareness and rapid naming: contributions for spelling and written productionMaria Thereza Mazorra dos Santos 29 August 2007 (has links)
O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi compreender os processos lingüísticos que subjazem à aprendizagem da linguagem escrita, o desenvolvimento de protocolo de análise de redação, assim como a correlação entre esses processos lingüísticos e a produção escrita. Participaram deste estudo 82 alunos de 3ª série do Ensino Fundamental de escolas particulares e municipal, com idades entre nove e dez anos, residentes em municípios da região oeste da Grande São Paulo. Esta pesquisa foi divida em três estudos. No Estudo I foram analisados os desempenhos dos sujeitos em provas de vocabulário, consciência fonológica e nomeação rápida de objetos, cujos resultados se mostraram adequados para a faixa etária estudada. No Estudo II analisamos a produção escrita em ditado de palavras e pseudopalavras e elaboração de uma narrativa escrita. Concluímos que os erros fazem parte do processo de desenvolvimento da escrita, mas é necessário também que se compreendam que estratégias a criança utiliza para escrever. Em relação à redação concluímos que, apesar de ainda não dominarem todo o esquema narrativo, as crianças apresentaram um conhecimento lingüístico que lhes permitiu escrever histórias originais em forma de narrativa. O protocolo proposto se mostrou uma ferramenta prática, que possibilitou uma avaliação minuciosa dos diversos aspectos envolvidos na elaboração da redação. O Estudo III indicou correlações entre o desempenho nas provas de vocabulário, consciência fonológica e nomeação seriada rápida e o desempenho ortográfico, assim como com a produção de uma narrativa escrita. / This research aimed at understanding the linguistic processes involved in the learning of written language, as well as developing a protocol to analyze written text. This study included eighty-two 3rd graders with ages ranging from 9 to 10, from both private and public schools, and residents of the West region of São Paulo and suburbs. Three studies composed this investigation. The first study analyzed student performance on tests of vocabulary knowledge, phonological awareness and rapid naming for objects. All students performed as expected for their age in these tests. The second study focused on the analysis of written production, as evaluated through a word and pseudoword spelling task and a written narrative text. The spelling errors observed in these tests were compatible with the development of written skills of the subjects, however it is necessary to understand which are the spelling-strategies used by the children. Regarding text-writing skills, although the children have not yet mastered the narrative scheme, they displayed enough linguistic knowledge to elaborate original written stories in a narrative form. The proposed protocol was revealed as a practical tool to evaluate in detail several aspects involved in written text production. The third study focused on the correlations among the different performance variables analyzed, including vocabulary, phonological awareness, rapid naming tasks, spelling and production of narrative written texts.
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Concep??es de linguagem escrita de professores do 1? ano do Ensino FundamentalRamos, Hellen Elizabeth 18 February 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-02-18 / The present research examines the written language s learning, with the purpose of studying teachers' conceptions of the first year of elementary school on written language. The investigated problem focused on cognizing the teachers thoughts about written language s teaching and learning. The leading objective was to analyze important aspects of the teachers? thoughts as it is related to the teaching and learning of the written language, in order to stimulate the educators reflection on the pedagogical work referred to this issue. The relevance of this study lies in the possibility of improving debates about teaching and learning of written language in the first year in elementary school, at which period such learning is emphasized. The study is qualitative approach whose data collection was to carry out semi-structured interviews with three teachers at the first years of elementary education at public and private schools within Campinas. These teachers were selected based on the following criteria: having formation in Pedagogy and more than two years experience as teaching classes in the first year of elementary school. The data collected were analyzed according to the historical-cultural approach to human development, having as support the studies such as Vygotsky and Luria. The development of this study allowed us to identify the pedagogical work carried out by the educators attempt to reveal the teaching of written language based on psychogenesis written language, but without an adequate theoretical understanding. We consider the relevance of this study lies in the possibility of expanding the debate about teaching and learning of written language, especially in the first years of elementary school. / O presente estudo aborda o aprendizado da linguagem escrita, tendo como objeto as concep??es de professores do 1? ano do Ensino Fundamental sobre linguagem escrita. A problem?tica investigada se centrou em conhecer o que pensam estes professores sobre o ensino-aprendizado da linguagem escrita. O principal objetivo foi analisar tais concep??es, no intuito de estimular a reflex?o de educadores sobre o trabalho pedag?gico desenvolvido referente a essa tem?tica. A relev?ncia deste estudo encontra-se na possibilidade de contribui??o com os debates sobre o ensino-aprendizagem da linguagem escrita no 1? ano no Ensino Fundamental, em cuja fase se enfatiza tal aprendizado. A pesquisa ? de abordagem qualitativa cuja t?cnica de coleta de dados utilizada foi a realiza??o de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a tr?s professores do 1? ano do Ensino Fundamental de escolas p?blicas e particulares situadas no munic?pio de Campinas/SP. Estes sujeitos foram selecionados com base nos seguintes crit?rios: possuir forma??o em n?vel superior em Pedagogia e experi?ncia m?nima de tr?s anos de atua??o como docente em classes do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental. Os dados coletados foram analisados ? luz da abordagem hist?rico-cultural de desenvolvimento humano, tendo como fundamento os estudos desenvolvidos por estudiosos como Vygotsky e Luria. O desenvolvimento desta pesquisa nos possibilitou identificar que o trabalho pedag?gico realizado pelos sujeitos revela a tentativa de ensino da linguagem escrita com base na psicog?nese da linguagem escrita, por?m, sem uma compreens?o te?rica adequada. Consideramos que a relev?ncia deste estudo encontra-se na possibilidade de amplia??o do debate sobre o ensino-aprendizagem da linguagem escrita, em especial, no primeiro ano do ensino fundamental.
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