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Digital kommunikation i arbetsmiljön : Chefers upplevelser av e-posthantering i arbetetOlofsson, Anton January 2010 (has links)
Användandet av e-posthantering i arbetet har ökat kraftigt under de senaste årtiondena. Studier har visat att alltför hög grad av informationsflöde kan leda till minskad jobbtillfredsställelse och känslor av stress. Individer i chefsposition har rapporterats vara särskilt drabbade av detta informationsöverflöd och syftet med denna studie var att undersöka avdelningschefers upplevelser av e-posthanteringen i arbetet. En kvalitativ ansats har antagits i studien då verkligheten tolkas på olika sätt och en kvalitativ studies syfte är att förstå ämnet från intervjupersonernas subjektiva perspektiv. Urvalet till denna studie har gjorts strategiskt och valts till att bestå av fem personer; tre män och två kvinnor. Storleksmässigt var antalet intervjuade för få för att göra några könsjämförelser, vilket heller inte ingick i studiens syfte. Intervjupersonerna har valts ut i samspråk med en kontaktperson på den berörda arbetsplatsen. Som datainsamlingsmetod har intervjuer genomförts, med hjälp av en intervjuguide och röstinspelningsutrustning vid samtliga intervjutillfällen. Flera intervjupersoner uppgav att en viss stress gällande e-posten existerade men att de ansåg sig ha både stöd och kunskap att kunna hantera situationen. Som främsta orsak till stress angavs mängden oläst e-post i inkorgen tillsammans med mottagandet av epost innehållandes oväsentlig information för läsaren. Överlag ansåg intervjupersonerna att kunna logga in från andra ställen än arbetsplatsen innebar en möjlighet och att e-posten fyllde en viktig funktion i arbetet. / The usage of e-mail handling has increased during the last decades. Previous studies have shown that too much information may cause loss of job satisfaction and feelings of stress. Managers in particular have reported the most difficulties with this phenomenon called information overload. The aim of this study was to examine departmental managers’ experiences from e-mail handling in their work. The study has had a qualitative approach due to the individual differences in perceiving. The interviewees were strategically selected in conversation with a contact person at the work place. The selection included three men and two women. No gender comparisons can be made out of such a small selection of interviewees. Data was collected by using interviews, an interview guide and a voice recorder. Several interviewees reported a certain sense of stress in their handling of e-mail but also having the skills and support to manage the situation. The amount of unread messages along with the reception of nonessential mail was reported as the primary causes of stress. The interviewees were mainly satisfied with the possibility of logging in from other places than the work place and believed that e-mail handling was an important function in their daily work.
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Exploring the Relationships among Work-Related Stress, Quality of Life, Job Satisfaction, and Anticipated Turnover on Nursing Units with Clinical Nurse LeadersKohler, Mary 28 October 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship of the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) (AACN) role with the variables of work related stress, quality of life, job satisfaction and anticipated turnover of acute care nurses. Participants included registered nurses (RNs) (N= 94) in Florida recruited from 3 (not for profit) Magnet hospitals in the Tampa Bay Florida area. An ex post facto design was used to test the hypotheses of this study; independent t-tests compared RN’s responses on survey tools measuring work-related stress, quality of life, job satisfaction, and anticipated turnover. Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the interrelationships among these variables. RNs (N=94) completed five survey instruments, including a researcher-developed demographic form. The results of the study showed Aim1 which explored work- related stress did not show any statistical difference between the two groups. Aim 2 which explored job satisfaction and quality of life did not show a difference in the two groups when total scores were analyzed. However, the mental health subscale of the Sf-36(quality of life) was significant ( p=.021), and the general health subscale of the Sf-36 trended toward the CNL group reporting better general health (p=.080). This study revealed that Aim 3 which explored anticipated turnover was statistically significant (p=.047). Standard multiple regression showed a significant relationship existed between CNLs, work related stress and anticipated turnover. The significance of implementation of the CNL role in decreasing turnover through a relationship with these variables may have an important impact on the nursing profession. Specifically, economic implications in reducing turnover that bear further exploration and improving the nursing work environment. This research is the first study to explore the CNL role in relation to these variables.
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Personalo darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijų sąryšiai (plataus profilio gamybos įmonės pavyzdžiu) / Relationship between work - related stress of personnel and orientation of manager leadership (a case of wide profile manufacture enterprise)Alijošius, Donatas 29 September 2008 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atskleidžiami personalo darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijų sąryšiai plataus profilio gamybos įmonėje. Siekiant atskleisti kaip darbinį stresą įtakoja vadovo lyderystės orientacijos, analizuojami darbinio streso proceso modeliai, požymiai, priežastys, atskleidžiamos vadovo lyderystės orientacijos vadovavimo stilių teorijų kontekste, apibūdinama darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijų plataus profilio gamybos įmonėje tyrimo metodika, interpretuojami tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai ir remiantis statistiniais metodais (dispersinė, faktorinė, regresinė analizės, sociometrinis metodas), atskleidžiami darbinio streso ir vadovo lyderystės orientacijų sąryšiai. Darbo autoriaus iškelta hipotezė, kad vadovo lyderystės orientacijos įtakoja stresinės įtampos darbe atsiradimą, iš dalies pasitvirtino, nes nustatyti sistemingi pasikartojantys koreliaciniai ryšiai tarp vadovo lyderystės orientacijų ir darbinio streso dimensijų, darbinis stresas didžiausias padangų perdirbimo padalinyje ir nekilnojamojo turto padalinyje, ir atitinkamai prasčiausiai darbuotojų vertinamas vadovų lyderystės šiuose plataus profilio gamybos įmonės padaliniuose. Remiantis regresine analize, vidutiniškai darbinio streso dimensijos įtakojamos vadovo lyderystės orientacijų 11,8 proc., tai rodo, kad stresinės įtampos darbe susidarymui 88,2 proc. turi įtakos kiti organizaciniai veiksniai. / The present Master‘s degree graduate work deals with the problem of connections between personnels work-related stress and managers‘ leadership orientation in a broad spectrum manufacturing enterprise. In order to clarify how work-related stress can be influenced by the orientation of manager‘s leadership, process models, features and reasons of work related – stress are being analysed. Orientations of manager‘s leadership in the context of theories of leadreships styles are discussed in this work as well as the analyze methods of work-related stress and managers‘ leadership orientation in a broad spectrum manufacturing enterprise. The results obtained during this research are evaluated with reference to statistic research methods (such as analysis of variance, factor analysis, regression analysis and sociometric survey) and the connections of work-related stress and managers‘ leadership orientation are being clarified on the basis of the above surveys.
The author of this work sets up the hypothesis that managers‘ leadership orientation influences he rise of stress at work, such hypothesis was partially proved as systematically repeating correlation links among the dimensions of managers‘ leadership orientation and work-related stress were established. The highest level of work-related stress was ascertained at the used tire reprocessing subdivision and subdivion of real estate, so accordingly the lowest evaluation of managers’ leadership by the employees in the above... [to full text]
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Kompleksinis streso darbe valdymas / Systemic Management of Work Related StressBandzienė, Agnė 18 December 2009 (has links)
Disertacijos tikslas yra identifikuoti ir ištirti streso darbe valdymo priemones bei jų veiksmingumą ir sukurti kompleksinį streso darbe valdymo modelį. Remiantis moksline literatūra disertacijoje pateikiama streso sampratos genezė, išanalizuoti streso darbe valdymo modeliai, identifikuoti esminiai stresą darbe sukeliantys veiksniai, išnagrinėtos organizacines streso darbe valdymo priemonės ir atskleistas jų veiksmingumas mažinant stresą darbe. Disertacijoje identifikuotos streso darbe valdymo priemonės, kurios iki šiol nebuvo nei teoriškai, nei empiriškai tyrinėtos. Remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize sukurtas kompleksinis streso darbe valdymo modelis, kuris empiriškai įvertintas Lietuvos energetikos įmonėse. Empiriniam tyrimui atlikti buvo pasirinktas kiekybinis tyrimo metodas – darbuotojų apklausa. Tyrimo metu nustatyta streso darbe priklausomybė nuo socialinių demografinių charakteristikų bei identifikuoti esminiai energetikos sektoriui stresoriai: atsakomybė už kitus žmones, darbo krūvis, vaidmens konfliktas, darbo sąlygos. Empirinis tyrimas patvirtino, kad streso darbe valdymo priemonės yra veiksmingos taikant jas kompleksiškai. Bendrą streso darbe lygį mažina bei atskirus stresorius įtakoja socialinė parama, karjeros valdymas, darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo pusiausvyros užtikrinimo priemonės, darbuotojo žinių ir įgūdžių atitikimas darbo vietos reikalavimams, užduoties identiškumas. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais parengtos rekomendacijos organizacijoms stresui darbe... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the dissertation is to identify organizational stress management interventions, analyze their effectiveness and create a systemic work related stress management model. Based on scientific literature there is revealed the genesis of the concept of stress, analyzed stress models, identified main work related stressors, analyzed stress management interventions and disclosed their effectiveness by reducing work related stress. There is revealed organizational stress management interventions which have been studied neither theoretically nor empirically were identified. The systemic work related stress management model is reasoned on the grounds of the theoretical analysis. The model was tested empirically in Lithuanian energy sector. The empirical study employs the survey method for data collection. The empirical study disclosed impact of social demographical characteristics on work related stress, and identified main stressors in Lithuanian energy sector: responsibility for other people, workload, role conflict, working conditions. The empirical study has fundamentally proved that organizational stress management interventions are efficient when they are applied systemically. The overall level of work related stress is reduced and individual stressors are influenced by social support, career management, interventions ensuring work – life balance, person's knowledge and skills fit to workplace requirements and task identity. On the grounds of the study conducted... [to full text]
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Pardavimų sektoriuje dirbančių darbuotojų emocinio intelekto, subjektyvaus darbo efektyvumo vertinimo bei darbe patiriamo streso sąsajos / Relationship among sales sector employees emotional intelligence, subjective assessment of work efficiency and work-related stressNaudžiūnas, Mindaugas 05 June 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas- ištirti pardavimų sektoriuje dirbančių asmenų emocinį intelektą, patiriamą stresą ir subjektyviai vertinamą darbo atlikimą, surasti šių konstruktų tarpusavio sąsajas, bei sąsajas su sociodemografiniais rodikliais.
Tyrime dalyvavo 252 respondentai (237 moterys ir 15 vyrų). Respondentų amžius svyravo nuo 19 iki 59 metų.Tiriamųjų darbo stažas pardavėjo pareigose svyravo nuo 0 iki 32 metų.
Tyrime naudotos metodikos: Psichologinės įtampos vertinimo klausimynas(Health and Safety Executive Management Standards Indicator Tool; S. Palmer, C. Cooper, 2007); Emocijų įvertinimo skalė (The Assesing Emotions Scale; Schutte N.S., Malouff J.M., Bhullar N., 2009) ir Darbo efektyvumo skalė (Job performance scale Dubinsky, Mattson, 1979).
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad moterys, turinčios mažesnį nei dviejų metų darbo stažą pardavėjo pareigose geriau valdo kitų asmenų emocijas nei tos moterys, kurios yra išdirbusios pardavėjo pareigose daugiau nei dveji metai. Moterys, kurių amžius yra virš 30 metų subjektyviai efektyviau atlieka savo darbą nei tos moterys, kurių amžius yra nuo 19 iki 30 metų. Moterys, turinčios didesnį nei dviejų metų darbo stažą pardavėjo pareigose, patiria mažiau streso darbo vietoje nei tos moterys, kurių darbo stažas pardavėjo pareigose yra iki dviejų metų. Didėjant moterų, dirbančių pardavimo sektoriuje, emociniam intelektui, mažėja jų patiriamas stresas darbo vietoje. Mažėjant moterų, dirbančių pardavimo sektoriuje, darbe patiriamam stresui, didėja jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the study was to explore links among sales sector employees emotional intelligence, subjective assessment of work performance and work-related stress and relationship with sociodemographic characteristics.
The study included 252 (237 women and 15 men) residents whose age was from 19 to 59 years old. Residents in sales sector were working from 0 to 32 years.
Research methods are: Health and Safety Executive Management Standards Indicator Tool (S. Palmer, C. Cooper (2007), The Assesing Emotions Scale (Schutte N.S., Malouff J.M., Bhullar N. (2009) and Job performance scale (Dubinsky, Mattson (1979).
The results of the research showed that women with less than two years sales experience had better control over emotions of others than those with more than two years tenure. Women over 30 years at age perform their jobsubjectively more productive than younger women ( age btetween 19 to 30 years). Women with more than two years sales experience indicated having work-related stress than women with less than two years sales experience. The increase of emotional intelligence was related to the decrease of their eork-related stress. Decrease of work-related stress was relatedto the increase of their subjective assesement of work performance. The increase of emotional intelligence scores was realated to the increase of subjective job performance. Also emotional intelligence performs as a mediator between work-related stress and subjective work performance. In this way it... [to full text]
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Sjuksköterskors strategier för att hantera arbetsrelaterad stress : En litteraturstudie / Strategies used by registered nurses to manage work related stress : A literature studyLindberg, Ragnhild, Ölvebo, Mikaela January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Yrkesrelaterad stress har ökat markant under de senaste tio åren. Vårdyrken anses vara bland de arbeten som är mest tyngda av stress. Långvarig stress kan ge individen fysiska såväl som psykiska problem och kan leda till utbrändhet. För att kunna fastställa en god och säker vård krävs stressförebyggande åtgärder, eftersom kraven på sjuksköterskor höjs allt mer. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors strategier för att hantera arbetsrelaterad stress. Metod: Litteraturstudie inkluderande nio kvalitativa studier varav en studie som även bestod av kvantitativa resultat, men endast de kvalitativa resultaten behandlades i denna litteraturstudie. Artiklarna analyserades med inspiration av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Två huvudkategorier identifierades; ”Stressreducering på arbetsplatsen” och ”Stressreducering utanför arbetet”. Den första huvudkategorin utgjordes av underkategorierna ”Kollegialt stöd”, ”Prioriteringar”, ”Att påverka sin egen arbetstid”, ”Att distansera sig”, ”Att stärka sig själv” samt ”Tro och andlighet”. Den andra huvudkategorin bestod av underkategorierna ”Att lämna arbetat bakom sig”, ”Fritidsaktiviteter”, ”Sömn” samt ”Tobak och alkohol”. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor kan ta till flertalet strategier för att reducera stress kortsiktigt. Däremot krävs organisatoriska förändringar på högre nivå för att på lång sikt reducera arbetsstressen hos sjuksköterskor. / Background: Work related stress has increased greatly during the past decade. Healthcare workers are considered having among the most stressful working conditions. Long term stress may cause physical as well as psychological harm on the individual, which may lead to burnout. In order to be able to secure a good and safe healthcare for the patients, it is essential to find long term stress reducing solutions. This is especially important in today’s healthcare, since the demands on the registered nurse are getting even higher. Aim: The aim of this literature study is to describe the strategies used by registered nurses for manage work related stress. Methods: This literature study included nine qualitative articles, of which one also consisted of quantitative results. However, only qualitative results were included in this literature study. All nine articles were analysed with inspiration from qualitative content analysis. Results: Two main categories were identified; ”Stress Reduction at the Workplace” and ”Stress Reduction Outside of the Workplace”. The main category first mentioned consisted of the subcategories “Collegial Support”, “Priorities”, “Influencing One’s Own Working Hours”, “To Distance Oneself”, “To Strengthen Oneself” as well as “Belief and Spirituality”. The second main category consisted of the subcategories “To Leave Work Behind”, “Spare Time Activities”, “Sleep” and also “Tobacco and Alcohol”. Conclusion: Registered nurses may use several strategies in order to reduce stress momentarily. However, organisational changes on a higher level are needed to reduce work related stress in the long term among registered nurses.
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Arbetsrelaterad stress : En fallstudie om arbetsrelaterad stress hos ett svenskt fastighetsbolagLundstjälk, Frida, Tranehed, Camilla January 2018 (has links)
Work-related stress can be either positive or negative, but the difficulty is to create a balance between demands at work, control at work and social support. High demands at work can both motivate, but at the same time result in excessive workload if the individual does not have enough control and support. In the real estate sector, it is insufficient with studies among work-related stress and by that it is interesting to investigate that sector. The purpose of this study is to examine and get an insight of the work related stress at the real estate company Kungsleden. The study is based on the “Job demand-control-support” model, which explains the relationship between psychological demands at work, control at work and social support and how it affects the stress level. In addition to this, the study also aims to investigate how the management is working with preventing work related stress. To be able to explain the purpose of the study, a method triangulation was conducted, in form of a questionnaire and interviews. The questionnaire received 34 answers and nine interviews were conducted. The result from the questionnaire show that the majority are positively stressed and are experiencing high work demands, high levels of work control and high levels of social support. Furthermore, the interviews presented that the management are actively working to prevent work-related stress at Kungsleden to create a health-promoting workplace. / Arbetsrelaterad stress kan både vara positiv eller negativ, det svåra är att skapa en balans mellan arbetskrav, arbetskontroll och arbetsstöd. Höga arbetskrav inom verksamheten kan både motivera, men samtidigt leda till en för hög arbetsbelastning om individen inte har tillräckligt med kontroll och stöd. Inom fastighetsbranschen är det bristfälligt med studier kring ämnet och därmed är det intressant att undersöka branschen. Syftet med studien blir således att få en insikt i hur den arbetsrelaterade stressen upplevs inom fastighetsbolaget Kungsleden. Studien grundar sig på “Job demand-control-support” modellen som förklarar sambandet mellan arbetskrav, arbetskontroll samt arbetsstöd och hur de påverkar stressnivån. Studien undersöker även hur ledningen på Kungsleden arbetar med det förebyggande arbetet kring arbetsrelaterad stress. För att besvara studiens syfte genomfördes en metodtriangulering, i form av en enkätundersökning och intervjuer. Enkätundersökningen gav 34 stycken enkätsvar och det genomfördes nio stycken intervjuer. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen påvisade att majoriteten är positivt stressade och därmed upplever höga arbetskrav, hög arbetskontroll och högt socialt stöd. Från intervjuerna framgick det att ledningen arbetar aktivt med att förebygga arbetsrelaterad stress på Kungsleden för att skapa en hälsofrämjande arbetsplats.
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Universitetslärares upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress och återhämtning vid distansarbeteSöderlund, Helena January 2017 (has links)
University teachers' conditions at work have changed and work-related stress increases among academics atuniversities. The aim of this study was to investigate whether university teachers' experience of work-related stress and recovery differed depending on their extent of telework. The study wasan empirical quantitative cross-sectional study where 95 university teachers’ from two universities in Sweden answered a web survey. About half of the university teachers’ telework several times a week and the results show that university teachers' experience of recovery in relation to telework differs, but not their work-related stress. Gender was found to have a small impact on the recovery to telework, but not onwork-related stress. The conclusion is that university teachers’ who telework frequently experience worse recovery than those who rarely telework. The difference in recovery may be because telework makes it more difficult for the university teacher to finish the work compared to they who not telework. / Universitetslärares arbetsförhållanden har förändrats och den arbetsrelaterade stressen ses öka bland akademiker inom universitetet. Arbetsgruppen distansarbetar i olika omfattning vilket kan påverka deras upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress och återhämtning.Tidigare forskning gällande distansarbete och upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress och återhämtning visar framförallt att distansarbete medför minskad stress. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om universitetslärares upplevelse av arbetsrelaterad stress och återhämtning skiljde sig beroende på i vilken omfattning de distansarbetar. Studien var enempirisk tvärsnittsstudie, med en kvantitativ ansats. Nittiofem stycken universitetslärare från två högskolor besvarade en webenkät varav 46 % distansarbetade flera gånger i veckan. Resultatet visar att universitetslärares upplevelse av återhämtning skilde sig beroende på distansarbetets omfattning, men inte arbetsrelaterad stress. Kön visade sig ha liten påverkan på återhämtningen relaterad till arbetet i relation till distansarbete, men inte på arbetsrelaterad stress. Slutsatsen är att universitetslärare som distansarbetar sällan upplever bättre återhämtning jämfört med de som distansarbetar i större omfattning. Skillnaden i återhämtning kan bero på att distansarbete gör det svårare för universitetsläraren att slutföra och begränsa sitt arbete jämfört med de som inte distansarbetar.
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Patientsäkerhet i förhållande till arbetsrelaterad stress för sjuksköterskor : - En litteraturstudie / Patient safety in relation to the nurses’ stressful work situation : – A Literature ReviewGarnegård, Agnes, Matsson, Malin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Arbetsrelaterad stress är ett världsomfattande problem inom hälso- och sjukvården och kan missgynna sjuksköterskornas prestationsförmåga och omvårdnadsarbete. Det finns en obalans mellan sjuksköterskornas resurser och förväntningar från verksamheten vilket är oroväckande för vårdkvaliteten och patientsäkerheten. Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hur patientsäkerheten påverkas i samband med arbetsrelaterad stress hos sjuksköterskor inom slutenvården. Metod: Studiens design var en litteraturöversikt med 16 inkluderade artiklar från olika delar av världen från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Bristande kommunikation, försenad eller utebliven omvårdnad och vårdskador, läkemedelskomplikationer samt sjuksköterskans kognitiva försämring framkom som påverkande faktorer för patientsäkerheten relaterat till sjuksköterskans stressiga arbetssituation. Slutsats: Den arbetsrelaterade stressen har en allmänt negativ påverkan på hälso- och sjukvårdens kvalitet och produktivitet. Studiens resultat visar att sjuksköterskornas stressiga arbetssituation påverkar patientsäkerheten och bidrar till en oförmåga att vårda patienterna på ett respektfullt vis utifrån ett helhetsperspektiv. / Background: Work-related stress is a worldwide healthcare problem and may adversely affect the nurses’ performance and nursing work. There is an imbalance between the nurses' resources and the expectations from the healthcare organization, which causes concern among the nurses about the negative effects for quality of care and patient safety. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how patient safety is affected by the nurses’ work-related stress in inpatient care. Method: The design of this study was a literature review with 16 included articles from different parts of the world from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Result: Lack of communication, delayed or non-occurred nursing and care-related injuries, drug complications and nurses’ cognitive failure emerged as influencing factors for patient safety related to the nurses’ stressful work situation. Conclusion: The work-related stress has a generally negative impact on the quality and productivity of healthcare. The study's findings show that the stressful work situation of nurses affects patient safety and contributes to the inability to adequately care for patients from a holistic perspective.
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Job satisfaction of health professionals in Kigali University Teaching HospitalD’Amour, Habagusenga Jean January 2012 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Job satisfaction is important for the delivery of quality health care and health worker retention. This study aimed to identify the extent of job satisfaction among University Teaching Hospital of Kigali (UTHK) health workers and to describe the variables related to job satisfaction. These included working conditions, remuneration, patient care, development opportunities, supervision, time pressure and staff relations. A cross- sectional survey of UTHK health workers was conducted using a standardized instrument to identify health worker job satisfaction with related key work factors.
A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from 274 health workers selected using a proportional stratified random sampling method and which included 21 medical doctors, 159 nurses, 19 midwives, 37 paramedic and 37 administrative staff. Respondents provided written consent to participate in the study. Analysis consisted of both descriptive statistics of overall satisfaction and various satisfactionrelated factors. For determining whether there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction and its independent variables, data were categorized and Chi-square or Fisher Exact test performed. Results showed a moderate overall job satisfaction level with 79.1% of respondents rating their satisfaction between 6 and 8 (mean: 6.7) on a scale of 1-10. A majority of respondents (82.6%) reported being dissatisfied with work income and 85.6% believed that their pay was not comparable to the work done. Over four fifths of the respondents (83.3%) reported feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities at work while a big percentage (96.5%) reported their job to be demanding physically, emotionally as well as mentally. However, respondents reported strong satisfaction (between 80% and 95%) with respect to work meaning, professionalization, training and orientation variables. Factors significantly associated with job satisfaction were adequate
training to fulfill responsibilities (p value<0.001), feeling unvalued by the hospital (p=0.037) and dissatisfaction with supervisor care for patients and employees (p=0.034). In conclusion, improvement of remuneration, working conditions and hospital management in Kigali University Teaching Hospital would be expected to increase the level of job satisfaction of hospital health workforce.
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