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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Flexibilitetens konsekvenser : En intervjustudie om tillfälliga anställningar och dess påverkan på svenska journalister

Amini, Trifeh January 2023 (has links)
The media industry has been evolving for several hundred years and this change is still ongoing today, and with it the forms of employment in journalism have also changed. There has been an increase in staffing companies and temporary employment within the flexible labor market. Within the Swedish journalism industry, temporary employment has increased, especially among journalists under the age of 35, where over half do not have permanent employment. The purpose of the essay is to investigate whether temporary forms of employment affect Swedish journalists and whether they feel that such forms of employment affect the journalism they produce. Using John Atkinson's (1984) economic theory of the flexible market and Mark Deuze's (2005) theory of journalism's professional ideology, the results of the study are analyzed and interpreted. The material consists of 14 qualitative interviews with people who work or have worked as journalists and have experience in temporary forms of employment. The results show that the respondents experience stress and worry about finances and career as a direct consequence of the form of employment. The results show that the respondents do not feel that the employment in itself leads to them producing lower quality journalism. However, temporary employment gives them less time to devote to thinking about their professional role and trying to live up to the professional ideals they themselves have. The study indicates that temporary employment within the journalistic field causes stress and insecurity, which in turn can lead to a weaker professional identity.

Hur mår våra lärare? : tio gymnasielärares röster om deras upplevda arbetssituation

Lundqvist, Rebecca, Nystad, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Our purpose with this qualitative study is to investigate how teachers experience their work situation, using Karasek and Theorell’s demand-, control- and support model. The study is based upon ten semi-structured interviews with gymnasium teachers. The interviews were transcribed and coded with three different themes; demand, control and support. We analyzed the results with Karasek and Theorell’s mentioned model. The results shows that all three dimensions – demand, control and support – seem important for teachers’ experienced work situation. Though we found that social support seems to be more important than the degree of control, which is the most important dimension according to Karasek and Theorell’s model, as well as according to previous research within the area of psychosocial disorder. Further, we reached the conclusion that a high level of control does not always have to be favorable, as it might cause more stress for the employees. / Denna kvalitativa studie syftar till att undersöka hur lärare på en utvald gymnasieskola upplever sin arbetssituation, utifrån Karaseks och Theorells krav-, kontroll och stödmodell. Vi önskar få en djupare förståelse för hur lärares välmående påverkas av krav, kontroll och stöd i arbetet. Vi genomförde tio semistrukturerade telefonintervjuer med gymnasielärare på den utvalda skolan. Intervjumaterialet transkriberades och kodades därefter utifrån tre olika teman; krav, kontroll samt stöd. Analysen gjordes utifrån Karaseks och Theorells ovan nämnda modell. Resultatet visar att samtliga dimensioner tycks ha en stor betydelse för hur lärare upplever sin arbetssituation. Vi fann att den dimension som verkar vara mest betydelsefull för lärares upplevda arbetssituation är det sociala stödet, och således inte i första hand egenkontroll, som framgår av Karaseks och Theorells modell samt i tidigare forskning. Studien visar vidare att hög egenkontroll inte per automatik behöver vara någonting positivt, som det framstår vid studerande av Karaseks och Theorells modell.

”Men utbrändhet och stress, är det så allvarligt egentligen?” : En kvalitativ studie om hur socialsekreterare hanterar arbetsrelaterad stress på arbetsplatsen / “But burnout and stress, is it really that serious?” : A qualitative study on how social workers handle work related stress at the workplace

Andersson, Julia, Lindgren, Sara January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this essay was to identify how social workers experience and handle work related stress in order to understand how stress can be handled on an individual level. The study was based on a qualitative study and used semi-structured interviews. Interviews with professionals showed that stress mainly occur in absence of control. Social workers use social support and structure their work to reduce demands, to handle stress. The professionals also believe that limits and distance in work is key. Social workers use these different strategies to handle stress, yet some of the issues is adjusted within the organisation. Various organizational factors may contribute or prevent a burnout. In conclusion although the professionals can form their work situation by using these techniques to reduce stress, some problems will remain because it is controlled within the organisation. Keywords: Social worker, work related stress, burnout, social services, work situation.

Biståndshandläggares syn på och upplevelser av Individens behov i centrum : En kvalitativ studie om hur implementeringen av IBIC påverkat arbetssituationen / Care managers view and experience of the individual need in center. : A qualitative study about how the implementation of IBIC affected the work situation.

Darhult Störby, Elin, Hadzalic, Lejla January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to highlight care managers view on and experience of the working method Individual need in center (IBIC) and to analyze the consequences of the implementation. IBIC is a method for care managers to identify and adapt the intervention according to the individual’s needs. We performed six individual qualitative interviews with care managers, hence three from Kungsbacka municipality and three from Karlskrona municipality. The results from the interviews indicated that all care managers experienced that their work environment had on some level been affected by the implementation of IBIC. However, there were care managers that recounted that it wasn’t the IBIC method itself that affected their work situation. It was the work system that was used to document the IBIC investigations that was the substantial problem. The analysis showed that care manager’s experiences of IBIC did not accord with Socialstyrelsen’s goal with IBIC. The three core components of IBIC were not distinct enough, which was essential for an implementation to be successful and having positive outcomes. Moreover, care managers experienced that colleague- and manager support was a significant factor in the work environment. Even though they had support from both their colleagues and their managers, the care managers had to use different coping strategies to manage the daily workload. These factors contributed to a stronger sense of coherence (KASAM in Swedish), which is also a contributing factor for the coping process.

Ledarskapsträdet : Attraktiva faktorer i enhetschefers arbete för kommunalt anställda

Björklund, Amanda, Edling, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilka faktorer som upplevs vara attraktiva i arbetet som enhetschef. För att svara mot syftet har studien genomförts med en kvalitativ metod i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer där urvalsgrupperna består av enhetschefer och HR-konsulter. Resultatet i studien kan bidra till att öka förståelsen om vilka faktorer som är attraktiva i arbetet och vilka områden som kan utvecklas för att skapa en bättre arbetsmiljö med hälsofrämjande arbete. Resultatet visar att de faktorer som upplevs vara attraktiva kan delas in i tre kategorier som utgörs av förutsättningar, påverkan och meningsfullhet. Exempelvis framkommer det att storlek av arbetsgrupp, handlingsfrihet och stimulans är avgörande för tjänstens attraktivitet. Sammantaget är det av stor vikt att undersöka vilka faktorer som upplevs vara attraktiva eftersom det kan leda till att enhetschefer stannar kvar i arbetet. / The purpose of this research is to examine what factors that appears to be attractive in the work as a unit manager. In order to achieve this purpose, a qualitative research method was chosen, using semi-structured interviews with a sample consisting of unit managers and human resource consultants. The results generated in this research aims to improve the understanding of what factors that appears as attractive in the work as a unit manager. Furthermore, the research also aims to contribute to the understanding of what areas that needs to be developed in order to create an improved and healthier work-environment for unit managers. The results in this study shows that the factors that appears as attractive can be divided into three categories; prerequisites, impact and meaningfulness. This is highlighted in for example the size of the work-group, the level of independence inhabited and stimulation, which appears as factors crucial for the attractiveness in the role as a unit manager. The reason why this study is of vital importance is because understanding the factors that appears as attractive in the work as a unit manager can be crucial in maintaining the unit managers in the workplace.

Reconstrução da identidade profissional de trabalhadoras em alimentação escolar que concluiram o curso do profuncionário : formação e experiência em situação de trabalho

Bessa, Dante Diniz January 2017 (has links)
A tese que aqui se encontra tem como objetivo inicial registrar a experiência histórica do Programa de Formação Inicial dos Profissionais da Educação Básica (Profuncionário), que integra a política de valorização profissional dos funcionários de escola. A formação, em nível médio, ofertada pelo Profuncionário, propõe-se a contribuir na reconstrução da identidade profissional da categoria como profissionais da educação. Como a política de formação é voltada para funcionários em efetivo exercício de suas funções, argumenta-se que a mesma deve ser pensada como formação em serviço e que a reconstrução da identidade profissional acontece a partir de práticas formativas em situação de trabalho. Nesse sentido, um segundo objetivo se coloca, qual seja, o de analisar o processo de reconstrução da identidade dos funcionários a partir da formação em serviço. O conceito de “dupla antecipação” da ergologia, elaborado por Yves Schwartz, segundo o qual a atividade humana é antecipada por normas sociais e por normas de vida, fundamenta a perspectiva teórico-metodológica pela qual se aborda o tema e se pressupõe que a reconstrução da identidade profissional, a partir da formação em serviço, acontece no encontro e no confronto dessas normas, na relação que os profissionais experimentam entre a identidade concebida institucionalmente e a identidade construída na experiência no trabalho. Como o tema da identidade profissional não é discutido no campo conceitual da ergologia, foi preciso introduzi-lo ali, colocando a ergologia em diálogo com a sociologia das profissões, especialmente aquela construída por Claude Dubar. Na sociologia de Dubar, a identidade social é entendida como resultante de um processo de identificação no qual são articuladas duas transações, uma biográfica (subjetiva) e outra relacional (do sujeito com as instituições), o que permitiu a aproximação conceitual entre os dois campos do saber. Além do diálogo com Schwartz e Dubar, procurou-se dialogar, também, com quem teve experiência da formação em situação de trabalho, isto é, com duas profissionais da alimentação escolar que trabalham juntas e que concluíram o Curso Técnico em Alimentação Escolar. O diálogo com as últimas foi construído por meio de entrevistas individuais semiestruturadas nas quais se abriu espaço para a narrativa biográfica, e de entrevistas coletivas orientandas pelo conceito de “encontros sobre trabalho” da abordagem ergológica, além de observações in loco da rotina de trabalho das interlocutoras. A partir dessa abordagem, chegou-se à noção de que a identidade profissional se reconstrói em situação de trabalho na medida em que, para exercer a profissão, as trabalhadoras precisam fazer escolhas sobre seu próprio fazer e, assim, são levadas a renormalizar as normas antecedentes. No diálogo com as interlocutoras da pesquisa, pode-se aprender que a reconstrução da identidade profissional a partir da formação em serviço acontece pelo modo como as trabalhadoras se relacionam com as normas antecedentes transmitidas pelas práticas formativas em situação de trabalho, sejam as normas relativas a saberes, métodos, competências ou valores, enfim, atributos institucionalizados da profissão, pois, em situação de trabalho, essas normas ganham vida no sentido de que outros saberes, outros métodos, outras competências, outros valores são criados na atividade das profissionais na escola. / The Thesis presented here has as its initial objective to record the historical experience of the Initial Training Program for Basic Education Professionals (Profuncionário). This Program integrates the policy of professional promotion of school workers. The medium-level education offered by Profuncionário aims to contribute to the reconstruction of the professional identity of the category as professionals of education. As this formative policy is aimed at workers in the effective exercise of their functions, it is argued that it should be thought of as in-service training and that the reconstruction of the professional identity takes place through educative practices in a work situation. In this sense, a second objective arises, that is, to analyze the process of the reconstruction of the workers identity from the in-service training. The concept of "double anticipation" of ergology elaborated by Yves Schwartz, according to which human activity is anticipated by social norms and norms of life, underpins the theoreticalmethodological perspective by which the subject is approached. It is assumed that the reconstruction of the professional identity, from the in-service training, happens in the encounter and the confrontation, in the relationship that the professionals experience between the identity conceived institutionally and the identity constructed in the experience of work. As the theme of professional identity is not discussed in the conceptual field of ergology, it has been necessary to introduce it, placing ergology in dialogue with the sociology of professions, especially that built by Claude Dubar. In Dubar's sociology, social identity is understood as resulting from a process of identification in which two transactions are articulated, one biographical (subjective) and the other relational (from the subject to the institutions), which allowed the conceptual approximation between the two fields of study. In addition to the dialogue with Schwartz and Dubar, a dialogue was also sought with those who had experience of education in work situation, that is, with two school nutrition professionals who work together and who completed the Technical Course in School Feeding. The dialogue with the latter was constructed through semi-structured individual interviews in which biographical narrative was used, and collective interviews guided by the concept of "meetings about the work" of the ergological approach, as well as in-situ observations of the work routine of the interlocutors. Based on this approach, the notion was reached that professional identity is being reconstructed in a work situation because, in order to exercise the profession, the workers have to make choices about their own doing and thus are led to renormalize the preceding norms. In the dialogue with the research interlocutors, it can be learned that the reconstruction of the professional identity from the in-service education takes place by the way in which the workers relate to the antecedent norms transmitted by the formative practices in work situation – norms related to knowledge, methods, competencies or values -, that is, the institutionalized attributes of the profession. In a situation of work, these norms come alive in the sense that other knowledge, other methods, other competences and other values are created in the activity of the professionals in the school.

Upplevd arbetssituation hos tandhygienister inom folktandvård och privat tandvård : en jämförande studie

Nilsson, Anna, Johansson, Paulina January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med studien var att jämföra den upplevda arbetssituationen hos tandhygienister inom folktandvården med tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården. Tandhygienister i södra Sverige som var registrerade hos SRAT (n=313) tillfrågades att delta i studien. Enkäten skickades ut elektroniskt, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 48% (n=151). Inom folktandvården svarade 59% (n=101) och inom den privata tandvården svarade 35% (n=50). Enkätfrågorna omfattade arbete, arbetsklimat, arbetssituation, profession, hälsa, inflytande och stöd i yrkesrollen samt bakgrundsfrågor om ålder, kön, anställningsform och arbetstid. Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p<0,05) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården gällande i vilken utsträckning de styrde över sina tidsbokningar, upplevde trötthet, orolighet, besvär från rygg, nacke eller axlar samt besvär från andra delar av kroppen. En statistisk signifikant skillnad (p<0,01) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården syntes även i vilken utsträckning respondenterna styrde över sin arbetstakt. Slutsatsen av studiens begränsade material är att tandhygienisterna inom den privata tandvården tycktes ha en mer positiv syn på deras arbetssituation än tandhygienisterna inom folktandvården.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to compare the perceived work situation among dental hygienists in the public dental health service with dental hygienists in private practice. Dental hygienists in southern Sweden who were registered at SRAT (n= 313) were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent out electronically, which gave a response rate of 48% (n= 151). The response rate in the public dental health sevice was 59% (n= 101) and in private practice 35% (n=50). The survey questions covered work, work atmosphere, work situation, profession, health, influence and collegial support together with background questions about age, gender, employment status and working hours. The result showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and dental hygienists in private practice as regards to what extent the dental hygienists decided over their own scheduled time, experienced tiredness, worry, disorders from the back, neck or shoulders and disorders from other parts of the body. A statistically significant difference (p<0.01) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and the dental hygienists in private practice was also shown as regards to what extent the dental hygienists could control their own work pace. The conclusion from the limited material of this study is that the dental hygienists in private practice seemed to have a more positive view of their work situation compared to the dental hygienists in the public dental health service.</p>

Upplevd arbetssituation hos tandhygienister inom folktandvård och privat tandvård : en jämförande studie

Nilsson, Anna, Johansson, Paulina January 2010 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att jämföra den upplevda arbetssituationen hos tandhygienister inom folktandvården med tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården. Tandhygienister i södra Sverige som var registrerade hos SRAT (n=313) tillfrågades att delta i studien. Enkäten skickades ut elektroniskt, vilket gav en svarsfrekvens på 48% (n=151). Inom folktandvården svarade 59% (n=101) och inom den privata tandvården svarade 35% (n=50). Enkätfrågorna omfattade arbete, arbetsklimat, arbetssituation, profession, hälsa, inflytande och stöd i yrkesrollen samt bakgrundsfrågor om ålder, kön, anställningsform och arbetstid. Resultaten visade statistiskt signifikanta skillnader (p&lt;0,05) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården gällande i vilken utsträckning de styrde över sina tidsbokningar, upplevde trötthet, orolighet, besvär från rygg, nacke eller axlar samt besvär från andra delar av kroppen. En statistisk signifikant skillnad (p&lt;0,01) mellan tandhygienister inom folktandvården och tandhygienister inom den privata tandvården syntes även i vilken utsträckning respondenterna styrde över sin arbetstakt. Slutsatsen av studiens begränsade material är att tandhygienisterna inom den privata tandvården tycktes ha en mer positiv syn på deras arbetssituation än tandhygienisterna inom folktandvården. / The aim of this study was to compare the perceived work situation among dental hygienists in the public dental health service with dental hygienists in private practice. Dental hygienists in southern Sweden who were registered at SRAT (n= 313) were asked to participate in the study. The questionnaire was sent out electronically, which gave a response rate of 48% (n= 151). The response rate in the public dental health sevice was 59% (n= 101) and in private practice 35% (n=50). The survey questions covered work, work atmosphere, work situation, profession, health, influence and collegial support together with background questions about age, gender, employment status and working hours. The result showed a statistically significant difference (p&lt;0.05) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and dental hygienists in private practice as regards to what extent the dental hygienists decided over their own scheduled time, experienced tiredness, worry, disorders from the back, neck or shoulders and disorders from other parts of the body. A statistically significant difference (p&lt;0.01) between the dental hygienists in the public dental health service and the dental hygienists in private practice was also shown as regards to what extent the dental hygienists could control their own work pace. The conclusion from the limited material of this study is that the dental hygienists in private practice seemed to have a more positive view of their work situation compared to the dental hygienists in the public dental health service.

Att arbeta i en anpassad arbetssituation : -tio individer berättar

Borg Sinnerström, Mathilda, Johansson, Elisabet January 2008 (has links)
Sammanfattning Funktionshinder och arbete bildar tillsammans ett aktuellt ämne som ses behöva ökade kunskaper för att nå Sveriges målsättning om ”Ett arbetsliv för alla”. Inom området diskuteras hur och vad som kan genomföras i syfte att minska det utanförskap och fördomar som kan finnas. Idag finns möjligheten för individer med funktionshinder att arbeta i en anpassad arbetssituation. För att uppmärksamma individens egen upplevelse av ovanstående valde författarna att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med syfte att beskriva individens upplevelse av att arbeta i en anpassad arbetssituation. Författarna använde målinriktat urval och genomförde därefter ostrukturerade intervjuer med tio informanter som arbetar i en anpassad arbetssituation, vilka berättade och delgav sina upplevelser. Studien resulterade i tre övergripande teman, Bemötande, Delaktighet och Förändrad arbetssituation. Inom dessa teman presenteras informanternas upplevelser av att vara utsatt till följd av att arbeta i en anpassad arbetssituation. Upplevelsen beskrivs både som positivt och negativt. Den anpassade arbetssituationen upplever informanterna vara en förutsättning för att kunna arbeta. Anpassningen förändrar arbetsrollen och upplevs ge en känsla av begränsning på arbetsmarknaden. Bemötandet på den anpassade arbetsplatsen beskriver informanterna kan vara både som stöd eller hinder. / Summary To work in an adapted work situation -ten individuals tell their stories. Disability and work, put together, becomes a burning question that requires further knowledge for to reach the goal in Sweden; “A working life for everyone”. In this subject it is discussed how and what there needs to be done to reduce the gap, the prejudice and the feeling of alienation which there may occur. In today people with a disability are given an opportunity to work in an adapted work situation. To observe the individuals own experience of the question mentioned before the authors chose to do a qualitative study with the aim to describe the individual’s experience of working in an adapted work situation. The authors used a purposeful sampling and made unstructured interviews with ten individuals who expressed their experiences. The result is presented within three themes, Treatment, Participation and Changed work situation which present the individuals experience of being exposed because of the adapted work situation. The experience is described as both positive and negative. The individuals experience the adapted work situation as a necessary condition to be able to work. The adaption changes the worker roll and is experienced as a feeling of being limited on the labour market. The treatment at the working site is described as being either supportive or non-supportive.

Att arbeta i en anpassad arbetssituation : -tio individer berättar

Borg Sinnerström, Mathilda, Johansson, Elisabet January 2008 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Funktionshinder och arbete bildar tillsammans ett aktuellt ämne som ses behöva ökade</p><p>kunskaper för att nå Sveriges målsättning om ”Ett arbetsliv för alla”. Inom området diskuteras</p><p>hur och vad som kan genomföras i syfte att minska det utanförskap och fördomar som kan</p><p>finnas.</p><p>Idag finns möjligheten för individer med funktionshinder att arbeta i en anpassad</p><p>arbetssituation. För att uppmärksamma individens egen upplevelse av ovanstående valde</p><p>författarna att genomföra en kvalitativ studie med syfte att beskriva individens upplevelse av</p><p>att arbeta i en anpassad arbetssituation. Författarna använde målinriktat urval och genomförde</p><p>därefter ostrukturerade intervjuer med tio informanter som arbetar i en anpassad</p><p>arbetssituation, vilka berättade och delgav sina upplevelser. Studien resulterade i tre</p><p>övergripande teman, Bemötande, Delaktighet och Förändrad arbetssituation. Inom dessa</p><p>teman presenteras informanternas upplevelser av att vara utsatt till följd av att arbeta i en</p><p>anpassad arbetssituation. Upplevelsen beskrivs både som positivt och negativt. Den anpassade</p><p>arbetssituationen upplever informanterna vara en förutsättning för att kunna arbeta.</p><p>Anpassningen förändrar arbetsrollen och upplevs ge en känsla av begränsning på</p><p>arbetsmarknaden. Bemötandet på den anpassade arbetsplatsen beskriver informanterna kan</p><p>vara både som stöd eller hinder.</p> / <p>Summary</p><p>To work in an adapted work situation -ten individuals tell their stories.</p><p>Disability and work, put together, becomes a burning question that requires further knowledge</p><p>for to reach the goal in Sweden; “A working life for everyone”. In this subject it is discussed</p><p>how and what there needs to be done to reduce the gap, the prejudice and the feeling of</p><p>alienation which there may occur.</p><p>In today people with a disability are given an opportunity to work in an adapted work</p><p>situation. To observe the individuals own experience of the question mentioned before the</p><p>authors chose to do a qualitative study with the aim to describe the individual’s experience of</p><p>working in an adapted work situation. The authors used a purposeful sampling and made</p><p>unstructured interviews with ten individuals who expressed their experiences. The result is</p><p>presented within three themes, Treatment, Participation and Changed work situation which</p><p>present the individuals experience of being exposed because of the adapted work situation.</p><p>The experience is described as both positive and negative. The individuals experience the</p><p>adapted work situation as a necessary condition to be able to work. The adaption changes the</p><p>worker roll and is experienced as a feeling of being limited on the labour market. The</p><p>treatment at the working site is described as being either supportive or non-supportive.</p>

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