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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att hantera långvarig smärta under pandemin Covid-19 : En kvalitativ intervjustudie

Niklasson, Erika, Oscarsson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Introduktion: Till följd av pandemin har människor minskat sin fysiska aktivitetsnivå. Många som tidigare utfört sin träning eller fysiska aktivitet på gym, träningsanläggningar eller kanske tillsammans med andra har fått finna nya sätt att vara fysiskt aktiva på. Detta kan ha fått konsekvenser för olika patientgrupper och hur personer med långvarig smärta påverkats är ännu inte fastställt. Genom att utföra en kvalitativ intervjustudie kan nya perspektiv i ämnet lyftas.  Syfte: Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur personer med långvarig smärta påverkats av pandemin Covid-19 avseende sin smärthantering.  Metod: Fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med personer med olika typer av långvarig smärtproblematik. Kvalitativ innehållsanalys användes för att analysera det insamlade materialet.  Resultat: Analysprocessen resulterade i ett tema, två huvudkategorier och fyra subkategorier. I kategorierna nya former av fysisk aktivitet och individuella och organisatoriska omställningar belyser informanterna den huvudsakliga påverkan som pandemin haft på dess smärtproblematik. Temat Till följd av anpassningar utformades förändrade hanteringsstrategier berättar om att anpassningarna i samhället till följd av Covid-19 resulterat i ett behov av förändrade hanteringsstrategier, vilket identifierades som den genomgående röda tråden under intervjuerna.  Konklusion: Resultatet visar på att personer med långvarig smärtproblematik behövt göra anpassningar i sin vardag för att lättare kunna hantera smärtan under pandemin. Detta till följd av ergonomiska utmaningar, en mer påtaglig arbetsbelastning, begränsad tillgänglighet på träningsanläggningar, samt minskad motivation för fysisk aktivitet. Denna studie hoppas kunna bidra till en djupare förståelse för hur personer med långvarig smärta påverkas när vardagen och dess rutiner drastiskt förändras. Vid liknande situationer som pandemin Covid-19 kan fysioterapeuten vara viktig för individuella anpassningar och stöd för personer med långvarig smärta.

Frihetens Begränsningar : En Kvalitativ Studie Om Hur Socialsekreterare På Ekonomiskt Bistånd Beskriver Sin Arbetssituation Och Handlingsutrymme / Limits Of Freedom : A Qualitative Study Of How Social Workers In The Financial Assistance Department Describe Their Work Situation And Discretion

Mehmeti, Arian, Abdiweli, Said January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore how social workers in financial assistance describe their work situation. The aim is also to investigate how social workers in financial assistance describe their discretion and whether there is a relationship between their work situation and discretion. A qualitative method in the form of six semi-structured interviews has been used to obtain relevant empirical data for our study. We interviewed six social workers in the field of financial assistance with different levels of experience. The social workers who participated work either in the financial assistance intake unit or ongoing financial assistance for clients of varying ages who apply for continued financial assistance each month. Our study shows that social workers in financial assistance have different definitions of discretion. The first definition of discretion implies that social workers' discretion is created and adjusted by various factors such as laws, management and supervisors, personal preferences and clients. The second definition describes discretion as a right that comes with working as a social worker on financial assistance and implies that discretion is explored and tested in the work by the social worker himself. Our study also shows that the work situation of a social worker in financial assistance and their discretion influence each other. Greater discretion has a positive effect on the social worker's work situation and limited discretion has the opposite effect. A heavy workload and lack of time, while management and supervisors try to impose constraints on the social worker, have a negative impact on a social worker's discretion. This in turn leads to stress for social workers in financial assistance. The results of the study also show that factors such as experience and room for interpretation of the law increase the discretion, which contributes to a more positive attitude towards social workers’ work situation.

LVU-kampanjens effekter och konsekvenser på socialsekreterares arbete : En kvalitativ studie om hur desinformationskampanjen påverkar svensk socialtjänst och handläggare som arbetar med barn och unga.

Lundquist, Amelie, Bengtsson, Rebecka January 2024 (has links)
Ett problem svenska socialtjänsten står inför är att förtroendet från medborgarna minskar, desinformation delas i större utsträckning och år 2021 började LVU-kampanjen att spridas. Kampanjen hävdar att socialtjänsten omhändertar muslimska barn utan rättsligt stöd. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur socialsekreterare upplever att deras arbete påverkas av den pågående LVU-kampanjen. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ studie utförd med semistrukturerade intervjuer, fem respondenter deltog vilka samtliga är socialsekreterare från olika kommuner i Sverige. En tematisk analys har sedan använts för att hitta mönster och teman i empirin. Teorier som sedan applicerats i analysavsnittet är handlingsutrymme, socialkonstruktionism och makt. Studiens resultat visar att socialsekreterarnas arbetssituation påverkas av LVU-kampanjen men i varierande utsträckning. Bland annat så framkommer det att socialsekreterarnas relation och kontakt med deras klienter har förändrats och försämrats. Det framkommer även att det tar längre tid i möten med klienterna vilket är en bidragande faktor till att arbetsbelastningen har ökat. Dessutom visar resultatet att fler klienter avstår från att söka hjälp av socialtjänsten på grund av ökad rädsla att deras barn ska omhändertas. Socialsekreterarna upplever dessutom en större oro inför att utsättas för hot relaterat till kampanjen och dess anhängare. Vidare framkommer det att LVU-kampanjen diskuteras på samtliga arbetsplatser men att detta sker i olika forum och i varierande utsträckning. Socialsekreterarna själva uppfattar fenomenet bland annat som skadligt och oroväckande. Det framkommer även att få förändringar har gjorts på arbetsplatsen relaterat till kampanjen men att det som har förändrats är relaterat till säkerhet, likt begränsningar att filma och spela in ljud i offentliga utrymmen på socialkontoren. Resultatet visar även att handläggningsprocessen i ärenden inte påverkats av kampanjen. De förändringar som socialsekreterare anses krävs för att minska desinformationen är mer resurser, bättre kommunikationsvägar mellan klienter och myndigheter, fler politiker som intresserar sig för problematiken samt ett ökat samhällsengagemang. Slutligen framkom det att kampanjen som inledningsvis handlat om att muslimska barn omhändertagits utan rättsligt stöd, nu inkluderar oro från fler familjer oberoende av religiös tillhörighet / The Swedish social services are facing a problem where the citizens' trust is declining, disinformation is spreading and in 2021 a campaign started claiming that Muslim children are being taken into immediate care without legal support. The purpose of the study is to examine how Swedish social workers experience that their work is affected by the ongoing LVU-campaign. The study was carried out with a qualitative method and semi-structured interviews and five social secretaries from different municipalities participated. A thematic analysis was used to find patterns and themes in the material extracted from the interviews. Theories that were applied in the analysis section were margin for maneuver in work, social constructionism and power. The study’s results showed that social workers' situations are affected by the LVU-campaign in different ways. The meetings with clients take more time which is a contributory factor to the increased workload. Some of the study's key findings are that the contact and relationships with the clients have changed for the worse and also that clients are seeking less help because of fear. Social secretaries are also more worried about being threatened because of the campaign. The study also shows that the campaign is discussed at all of the social secretaries’ workplaces but that they talk about it in different forms and variations. The social workers themselves describe the phenomenon as damaging and alarming. Some more findings show that the different workplaces have made certain changes related to the campaign but that these are mostly related to security, like limitations to record sound or video inside public spaces in social services offices. The result also shows that the social secretary's work process in client cases has not changed due to the campaign. The changes that the social workers consider necessary in order to reduce the disinformation are more resources, better lines of communication between clients and authorities, more politicians who are interested in the problem as well as increased community involvement. Lastly the campaign is also considered to have spread from just being about muslim children being taken into immediate care without legal support to include concerns about the social services from more families regardless of their religion or nationality.

外籍專業人士在台工作及其相關權益之探討--以外籍英語教師為例 / White-Collar Foreign Workers in Taiwan: A Preliminary Research

賴加華, Lai, Nancy Unknown Date (has links)
本研究欲探討外籍專業人士來台工作的三個階段(來台前、來台工作期間與 未來規劃),藉以瞭解外籍專業人士選擇來台工作的管道,在台期間工作狀況與 生活適應情形,未來的職涯規劃,以及勞雇雙方對我國相關規定的評價和看法, 以瞭解台印間的交流情形與狀況。 在方法上,本研究自2007 年3 月25 日起至2007 年4 月22 日止,為期約一 個月,總共9 位對象進行訪談,包括7 位外籍教師和2 位本國籍雇主。而本研究 主要發現為: 一、 來台前: (一) 促使外籍人才向外流動的推力多為個人因素決定,而非原生國存在就業困 難。 (二) 網際網路的連結與社會網絡的關係,成為外籍專業人士獲得台灣工作機會 資訊,以及在台期間解決日常生活問題的重要因素。 (三) 本國籍雇主在招募外籍專業人士的過程中會因為地理因素而產生風險。 (四) 勞委會實施單一窗口制度之後,申請與引進外國專技人員過程所花費的時 間與交易成本仍有改進空間。 二、在台期間: (一) 生活上 1.受訪的外籍教師表示在台灣的生活很安全,適應情形良好。 2.英語溝通與國際化生活環境的確會成為外籍教師在台工作的困擾。 (二) 工作上 1. 受訪的外籍教師對於自身在台工作權益的瞭解有限。 2. 國內聘用外籍教師的制度較為被動,無充足誘因吸引海外人才來台。 3. 整體而言,引進外籍教師須先顧及本籍英語教師資格任用制度,且聘用 外師也需要一通盤原則,對提升我國英語環境才有正面效益。 4. 目前台灣的學術研究環境因為資源分配和地區發展不均,造成城鄉英語 環境落差較大,外師應盡速引進至資源缺乏的地區。 三、未來規劃: 1. 獲得豐富的國外工作經驗對於受訪的外籍英語教師將來回原生國的生 活與工作相當有幫助。 2. 台灣人熱情且友善的態度讓人留下好印象,可能成為外籍英語教師回 流台灣工作服務的因素之一。 最後,本研究建議政府應該注重各相關部會的整合,以及繼續改善我國國際 化環境,加強外籍專業人士與我國勞動市場的供需媒合機制,促使我國與各歐美 國家的連結更為密切,有助於國家經濟和國際形象的發展。 / This research wants to probe into the three phases (before, during, and after) of foreign professionals working in Taiwan, so as to understand the working communication in Taiwan that foreign professionals use, their working situation and living adaptation during in Taiwan, their career plans in the future, and the opinions of employees and employers on related regulations. This research uses the method of having interviews with the foreign English teachers and native employers. From March 2007 to April 2007, 7 foreign English teachers and 2 native employers were conducted. The main findings of this research are as below: I. Before coming to Taiwan: 1. Explore life experience is the reason that most foreign English teachers want to find a job out of original country. 2. The connection of internet and relation of social network become the most important factors for foreign professional skills about acquiring the information of work opportunity, and solving the daily lives problems in Taiwan. 3. Because of distance, it causes risk factors through Taiwanese employers recruit foreign English teachers. 4. There still have the spaces to improve the transaction cost spent in foreign professionals importing and applying procedure after CLA implementing the “Single Window” program. II. Staying in Taiwan: 1. In Living: a. In general, foreign English teachers in these interviews are satisfied with the living environment in Taiwan. b.Disappointedly, there is a blemish which is the English condition in Taiwan not good enough, and there are no bilingual instruction in many public places facilities, documents, and products. 2. In Work: a. There are limitation for foreign English teachers to know about their own work rights and interests in Taiwan. b. The NSC system in attracting foreign professionals tends to be passive, there is not enough attractiveness. c. In general, we should consider native English teachers’ work rights and then introduces the foreign teacher. There is a great positive benefit to our development in promote English ability. d. There are some problems existing in the environment of scholarly research in Taiwan recently which are the unbalance of the resources distribution and disproportion of region development. III. Future plan: 1. Acquiring the foreign work experience is very important for these foreign English teachers living and works in original country finally. 2. Taiwanese friendship and enthusiasm may become one of the factors that make foreign English teachers come again. To sum up, this research suggests that we government should emphasize more on the integration of related departments to indeed implement “Single Window” system, keep on improving our international condition, and strengthen the work connection between the West and Taiwan, all of the above will help promoting Taiwanese economic development and international image.

"Esse é o legítimo tá pessoal": o discurso dos vendedores informais em situação de trabalho / "This is the genuine one, fellows": the discourse of informal seller in work situation

Requena, Maisa Aparecida 07 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T18:24:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maisa Aparecida Requena.pdf: 549716 bytes, checksum: e7b3be3f691c87503a9602bc20bdcfdc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-07 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The study of diversities of creative manifestations in Brazilian people has allowed us to find out personages who discovered an alternative of work to face the unemployment: to produce publicity and selling products inside the Metropolitan trains of São Paulo. It is about the discourses produced by the informal worker whose advertising does not appear in magazines, newspaper, pamphlets, outdoors etc., but have the same goals, which are to publicize, spread ideas and, mainly, to sell products. In this sense, this research has as its objective to analyze the discursive mechanism that characterize the speeches of these informal workers. The research conforms to the theoretical field developed by Dominique Maingueneau, more specifically in the conceptions of Interdiscourse, Scenography and Ethos. From the methodological point of view, we have followed these steps: (i) the observation of the work activities of the workers the discourses produced by them, (ii) field notes about the activity in work circumstances and about the discourses transmitted by the workers and (iii) transcription of some of their speech. The analysis has revealed two groups of discourse: the slogan-discourses and the advertisement-discourse. The first one has showed an enunciative scene compatible with the street market conditions, while in the second one, the developed scene was similar to the auction situation. From the scenography analysis, it has emerged the Ethos of the enunciators of both groups. In the slogan-discourse, the presented Ethos is from an agile, discreet and invisible enunciator, while in the advertisement-discourse, the presented Ethos is from a good-tempered, calm, sympathetic, agile and considerate enunciator. Thus, the workers mobilize many mechanisms in order to create a new model of publicity that aims to legitimate its discourses, generating scenographies and presenting an Ethos / A observação das diversas maneiras de manifestações criativas do povo brasileiro nos permitiu localizar pessoas que encontraram um meio diferente de trabalho para enfrentar o problema da falta de emprego: produzir publicidade e vender produtos no interior dos trens metropolitanos de São Paulo. Trata-se de discursos produzidos pelos vendedores informais cuja publicidade não aparece em revistas, jornais, panfletos, outdoors etc., mas que apresentam os mesmos objetivos, o de divulgar, de propagar idéias e, principalmente, o de vender seus produtos. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os mecanismos discursivos que caracterizam a fala do vendedor informal. A investigação se enquadra na perspectiva desenvolvida por Dominique Maingueneau, mais precisamente, nas noções de interdiscurso, cenografia e ethos. Do ponto de vista metodológico, foram seguidas as seguintes etapas: (i) observação da atividade de trabalho dos vendedores e dos discursos produzidos por eles, (ii) anotações de campo sobre a atividade em situação de trabalho e sobre os discursos veiculados pelos vendedores e (iii) transcrição de algumas de suas falas. A análise revelou dois grupos de discursos: os discursos-slogans e os discursos-anúncios. Os primeiros apresentam uma cena de enunciação compatível com à de feira livre e os segundos, são semelhantes à cenografia de um leilão. A partir da análise da cenografia, emergiu o ethos dos enunciadores dos dois grupos. No discurso-slogan, o ethos é o de um enunciador ágil, discreto, invisível, enquanto no discursoanúncio, a imagem discursiva é o de um enunciador bem-humorado, calmo, simpático, ágil e atento aos chamados dos clientes

Exploratory study on factors impacting job satisfaction among ethnic minority employees

Koo, Lamont Bon-gul 27 February 2012 (has links)
As organizations are being confronted with the pool of people seeking employment that are increasingly diverse in terms of ethnicity (Oerlemans et al. 2008), and as job satisfaction has been one of the important drivers for work-related well-being in employees, there have been a number of studies about job satisfaction among ethnic minorities (Spector 1997). Although there is a growing body of research on job satisfaction and ethnic minorities at work, there is still a paucity of studies regarding factors impacting job satisfaction among ethnic minorities specifically. The present study explores contributing factors impacting ethnic minorities’ job satisfaction, using qualitative method based on Motivator-Hygiene Theory (Frederick 1966, 2003) and Job Characteristics Theory (Hackman and Oldham 1976). Three Hispanic/Latino Americans and three Asian Americans, all workers in construction sites in Samsung semiconductor in Austin, Texas, were individually interviewed with open-ended questions by the author in the summer of 2010. Participants reported professional development opportunities and appropriate and well-deserved compensation as the main factors impacting job satisfaction, while heavy workload, not being recognized, time constrains, and stressful work environment were reported as factors in dissatisfaction. Family, personal goals and money were the three most important personal values that participants considered when making decisions about their career paths. It is important to continue to examine other predictors of and contributing factors to job satisfaction of ethnic minority employees, so that their employers and managers in the work place can form a better understanding of these populations and work effectively with them. It is also important to educate human resources professionals about ethnic minorities’ needs and how those needs can be met for work-related well-being. / text

The Twisted Logic of Remote Work : A qualitative study on employees’ perceptions and experiences of working remotely in the presence of Covid-19

Arneson, Malin January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis highlights employees’ perceptions and experiences of working remotely in the presence of the Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the thesis is to understand how remote work during pandemic times impacts employees’ perception of their overall working life. In addition to that, it highlights employees’ experience of their social interaction, impression exchange, feedback sharing, trust-building, and performance at work. It strives to illuminate employees’ impression of their work-life balance and the specific company’s organizational culture when working remotely in pandemic times. The research problem is built upon possible reductions of informal interaction between employees when working remotely, which further on can cause separation of teams and a decreased employee identification with the organization. The research problem also has its foundation in the possible blurring of boundaries between two components, personal- and professional life, when working from home. The thesis was formed by a qualitative research approach where the empirical data was collected through semi-structured interviews with employees at a specific company. The analysis illuminates insightful findings with support from previous research, theories, and concepts. The empirical results show that employees have a variety of opinions about their work situation. Some argued for positive work-life balance, workflow, and collaboration, whereas other interviewees pointed out that informal interaction, trust-building, and feedback-sharing suffer when working remotely. Empirical data claim that remote work influences employees’ identification and sense of belonging within organizations, especially for new employees. Additionally, work-life balance became more balanced for some but challenging for others. Another finding shows that the perception and experience about the overall work life and organizational culture might not only be impacted by Covid-19 but also by the fast-growing company size.

En studie om lärares upplevelser och strategier runt hanteringen av sin planeringstid / A study on teachers' experiences and strategies around their planning time

Kranning, Cayenne January 2021 (has links)
Syftet är att bidra med kunskap om lärarnas upplevelse av sin planeringstid och sin arbetssituation. Det innefattar de strategier som lärarna kommer använda sig av när rektorn styr planeringstiden och hur styrningen uppfattas. Studien ställer frågor som rör lärarnas hantering av frirum och korstryck.  Tidigare forskning visar att planeringstid prioriteras bort vilket får konsekvenser för lärarna. Möjligheten att utnyttja frirummet mellan yttre och inre styrning bör utvecklas för att ge lärarna kontroll i sin profession. Rektor anger hur frirummet utnyttjas vilket inverkar på lärarnas hantering av planeringstiden.  Denna kvalitativa studie använder frirumsteorin som teoretisk utgångspunkt och analysverktyg. Frirumsteorin utgår från förhållandet mellan inre och yttre styrning. Empiriskt material har hämtats från intervjuer med föreställningskarta. Analysen gjordes utifrån fyra nyckelord med tabellmetoden och från kriterierna styrning av och styrning i skolan. Resultatet visar att rektorns styrning ger lärarna arbetsvillkoren som höjer eller hindrar lärarens möjligheter att kunna utföra professionen. I frirummet ges lärarna möjlighet att arbeta i balans mellan styrningsformerna. När lärarna arbetar i läraryrket som profession och har daglig tid för samtal upplevs kontroll. En slutsats är att när rektorn tillåter lärarna att utnyttja frirummet och vara i sin profession upplevs inget korstryck. Lärarna upplever att de kontrollerar sin planeringstid. Studien uppmärksammar inre och yttre styrning, frirum och korstryck som  vetenskapligt och teoretiskt förankrade i frirumsteorin. Lärarnas upplevelse av och strategier för sin planeringstid samt rektorns styrning analyseras utifrån dessa styrningsformer. / The purpose of this thesis is to add knowledge about the teachers' experience of their planning time and work situation. What strategies will teachers use when the principal controls the planning time and how the steering is perceived? The study investigates how teachers handle free space and cross pressure. Previous research reveals how planning time is deprioritized away, which leads to consequences for teachers. The teacher´s possibility to use the free space should be developed to provide control for the teachers. The principal sets the framework for how the free space can be used and decides how teachers manage their planning time. Free space theory is the theoretical starting point and analysis tool for this qualitative study. The theory of scope for action theory is based on the relationship between internal and external control. The empirical material was gathered from interviews with the performance map. The analysis was based on four keywords using the table method and from the forms of governance in schools. The results show that the principal's governance gives teachers working conditions that raise or hinder the teacher's ability to perform their profession. In the free space, teachers must be given the opportunity to work in a balance between the forms of governance. When teachers work in the teaching profession as profession and have daily time for conversations between teachers, they experience a sense of perceived control. One conclusion is that when the principal allows teachers to gain advantage of the free space and be in their profession, there is no cross pressure. Teachers feel in control of their planning time.  The study draws attention to internal and external control that is scientifically and theoretically anchored in the scope for action theory. The teachers' experience and strategies for their planning time and the principal's governance were analyzed based on these forms of governance.

DEN TUNNA FRÄMSTA LINJEN : Ger arméns markstridsförband sina minst erfarna yrkesofficerare förutsättningar för att lyckas och utvecklas?

Holmberg, Olof, Nilsson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
Utvecklingen av yrkesofficersutbildningen, och de militära skolorna, är ständigt pågående för att möta Försvarsmaktens föränderliga behov. De senaste åren har förändringen skett i snabb takt och i stor omfattning. Utvecklingen av ett flerbefälssystem, en insatsorganisation med anställda soldater och akademiseringen av officersutbildningen har inte minst bidragit till denna utveckling och förändring. När många förändringar sker samtidigt kan det vara svårt att hålla ihop helheten och få alla delar att samspela för att uppnå en högre effekt. Vi har i denna studie studerat de nya yrkesofficerarnas arbetssituation, samt markstridsförbandens förutsättningar för att ge de nya kollegorna en gynnsam start på sin karriär. Vi har valt ett arbetsgivarperspektiv för vår studie, då vi uppfattar att det perspektivet saknas, i ett annars ganska välstuderat område. Vår förhoppning är att studien kan bidra i det fortsatta utvecklingsarbetet med Försvarsmaktens organisation, arbetsmetoder och styrdokument. Vår övergripande slutsats är att rådande omständigheter, huvudsakligen personalbristen, gör det mycket svårt för förband och chefer att följa Försvarsmaktens inriktande styrdokument och tillgodose de nya yrkesofficerarnas fortsatta behov av handledning och kompetensutveckling. / The development of the military educational system, and the military schools, is constantly ongoing to meet the changing needs of the Swedish Armed Forces. In recent years, the change has taken place at a rapid pace and to a large extent. A new rank system with officers and NCO’s has been launched, a new organization with employed soldiers have been implemented and the introduction of officers with a bachelor’s degree in military science have all contributed in a really big way to this development and change. When many changes occur at the same time, it can be difficult to keep the whole together and have all parts interact to achieve a higher effect. In this study we have studied the work situation of the new officers and NCOs, and the conditions, for the ground combat units, to give the new colleagues a favorable start to their career. We chose an employer perspective for our study, since that was the perspective we saw was missing, in this otherwise well studied area.  Our intention with the study is to be able to contribute in the continued development work within the Swedish Armed Forces organization and guiding documents. Our overall conclusion is that the prevailing circumstances, such as staff shortages, make it very difficult for the units and managers to follow the Swedish Armed Forces guiding documents and meet the new officers' and NCO’s continuing need for guidance and skills acquisition.

De nya EU-bestämmelsernas påverkan på medarbetarna inom LSS : En kvalitativ studie om hur de nya bestämmelserna kring dygns- och veckovila har påverkat medarbetarnas arbetssituation inom LSS / The impact of the new EU regulations on the employees within LSS : A qualitative study on how the new regulations regarding 24-hour and weekly rest have affected the work situation of employees within LSS

Kruuse, Ida, Dreveros, Meriam January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att analysera förändringsprocesserna i samband med de nya bestämmelserna för dygns- och veckovila samt att se hur detta har påverkat medarbetarnas arbetssituation och deras syn på sitt arbete i de aktuella LLS-organisationerna. Inledningsvis presenterar vi en inledning till ämnet och studiens bakgrund. Därefter presenteras studiens syfte, frågeställningar, avgränsning och disposition. Vidare presenteras de teorier som använts som verktyg för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Dessa är motstånd, vårt offentliga etos, förändringsprocesser och förändringsagenter. Studiens metodologi beskrivs sedan tillsammans med insamlingen av empirin genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med de tolv intervjupersonerna. Därefter presenteras analysen och resultatet av empirin, som visar att genomförandet skett på ett sätt som inte fullt ut har skapat en känsla av delaktighet och förståelse hos medarbetarna. Detta har lett till konflikter kopplat till deras offentliga etos och ansvar som tjänstemän gentemot organisationen, kollegorna och brukarna som yttrar sig iform av olika typer av motstånd. Avslutningsvis presenteras studiens slutsats tillsammans med en reflektion samt förslag på fortsatt forskning. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the change processes in connection with the new regulations for 24-hour and weekly rest and how this has affected the employees' work situation and their view of their work in the LSS-organizations in question. Initially, we present an introduction to the subject and the background of the study. Then the study's purpose, questions, delimitation and outline are presented. Furthermore, the theories used as tools to analyze the empirical material are presented. These are resistance, our public ethos, change processes and change agents. The study's methodology is then described together with the collection of empirical evidence through semi-structured interviews with the twelve interviewees. Then the analysis and the results of the empirical work are presented, which show that the implementation took place in a way that has not fully created a feeling of participation and understanding among the employees. This has led to conflicts linked to their public ethos and responsibilities as officials towards the organization, colleagues and users who express themselves in the form of various types of resistance. Finally, the study's conclusion is presented together with a reflection and suggestions for further research.

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