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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

X-ray Spectroscopy in the Intense Laser-Solid Interactions

Pan, Xiayun 24 October 2024 (has links)
High-intensity, short-pulse laser-solid interactions are of great importance for a number of applications and fundamental research, such as high energy density (HED) physics, laboratory astrophysics, inertial confinement fusion (ICF), particle acceleration, and ultrafast x-ray sources. X-ray spectroscopy is a powerful diagnostic tool to investigate the extreme states of matter created by these interactions. This thesis presents the development and application of x-ray spectroscopy in relativistic laser-solid interactions. Two x-ray crystal spectrometers have been developed on the DRACO and European X-ray Free Electron Laser (XFEL) facilities for the diagnosis of dense plasmas produced by ultrashort relativistic laser pulses. A high-resolution x-ray crystal spectrometer is developed at the DRACO petawatt laser, measuring the K-shell emission spectra of Ti targets ranging from cold Kα to thermal Heα lines. This spectrometer employs a spherically bent quartz crystal and adopts Johann geometry in the dispersive plane. Geometrical analysis and ray-tracing simulations are implemented, respectively, to determine the most suitable configuration and evaluate the performance of the spectrometer, showing an excellent spectral resolution of E/δE≈15000. With the quartz spectrometer, the production and transport of hot electrons as well as the heating state in the proton acceleration Ti targets can be investigated at the DRACO petawatt laser. In addition, a multipurpose imaging x-ray crystal spectrometer is developed for the HED instrument of the European XFEL. This spectrometer is designed to measure x-rays in the energy range of 4 - 10 keV, providing high-resolution, spatially-resolved spectral measurements. A toroidally bent germanium (Ge) crystal is used, allowing x-ray diffraction from the crystal to image along a one-dimensional spatial profile while spectrally resolving along the other. A detailed geometrical analysis is performed to determine the curvature of the crystal. The theoretical performance of the spectrometer in various configurations is calculated by ray-tracing simulations. The key properties of the spectrometer, including the spectral and spatial resolution, are demonstrated experimentally on different platforms. Experimental results prove that this Ge spectrometer is a powerful tool for spatially resolved measurements of x-ray emission, scattering, or absorption spectra in high energy density physics. The enhancement effect of a microstructured surface on laser absorption and characteristic Kα emission has been investigated by measuring K-shell emission from titanium (Ti) targets irradiated with high-intensity (~ 10^20 W/cm^2), sub-picosecond (500 fs) laser pulses. The experimental results indicate a modest enhancement (1.6x) of Kα emission from microstructured targets compared to flat foils, but with similar intensity and profile of Heα and Li-like satellites. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations are implemented to further understand the underlying physical processes in the laser interaction with both targets, interpreting the mechanisms responsible for the Kα enhancement. The reasons for the lower-than-expected enhancement of Kα emission are discussed. The rapid heating of the bulk plasma might result in the premature shutdown of Kα emission before the thermalization of hot electrons or even the end of laser pulses, suggesting that the use of Kα emission as a diagnostic of the hot-electron yield or relaxation could lead to a misinterpretation. This work reveals that an optimized microstructured target shows promise to produce high-brightness, quasi-monochromatic laser-driven x-ray sources for many probing applications. While x-ray spectroscopy has been widely used for diagnosing the internal conditions of laser-produced plasmas, it is usually very challenging to extract reliable and accurate physical information from the raw x-ray spectra, especially for time- and space-integrated spectra emitting from a range of plasma conditions. In this thesis, a complex spatio-temporally resolved analysis of time- and space-integrated x-ray emission spectroscopy from the relativistic laser plasmas is presented. Particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations using the PICLS code are performed to investigate the laser-solid interaction within a picosecond (ps). The subsequent plasma evolution is simulated with the hydrodynamic code FLASH on a larger timescale (hundreds of ps). With the outputs of PIC and hydrodynamic simulations, atomic kinetics-spectroscopy simulations using the FLYCHK, SCFLY, and ATOMIC codes are performed to generate a series of synthetic spectra. These synthetic spectra are used to reconstruct a composite emission spectrum and then compared to the measured integrated spectra. A full-time evolution of electron density, temperature, and ionization state of laser plasmas is thus extracted, and verified by the comparison between the measured and simulated spectra. By this methodology, the dynamics of ultrafast relativistic laser-plasma systems was studied. The combination of x-ray spectroscopy, atomic physics, and multi-scale (i.e. PIC and hydro-) simulations is demonstrated to be a promising method to characterize the evolution of internal conditions of laser-produced plasmas. This method can also be used as an effective benchmark or reference for these numerical simulations.

Spektroskopische Untersuchungen hochgeladener Krypton-Ionen im Röntgen-Bereich

Fuchs, Tino 23 June 2000 (has links)
Diese Dissertation widmet sich der spektroskopischen Untersuchung verschiedener Aspekte der Strahlungsemis\-sion hochgeladener Krypton-Ionen mit Relevanz für die Fusionsforschung. Die Experimente hierzu erfolgten an der Berliner Elektronenstrahl-Ionenfalle (EBIT). Der erste Teil der Arbeit hat die Messung kanalspezifischer Wirkungsquerschnitte für die dielektronische Rekombination (DR) der KL$n$-Resonanzserie ($n$=2, \ldots, 5) von Helium- bis Kohlenstoff-ähnlichen Kr-Ionen ($\mbox{Kr}^{(34\, \ldots\,30)+}$) zum Inhalt, die relativ zum Wirkungsquerschnitt der nichtresonanten strahlenden Rekombination (RR) bestimmt wurden. Die Anpassung der Anregungskurven durch eine Modellfunktion aus berechneten Resonanzst ärken ermöglichte den Vergleich mit theoretischen DR-Wirkungsquerschnitten. Es zeigt sich, dass Vorhersagen des HULLAC-Atomstrukturcodes für die Resonanz\-st"ar\-ken der Kr-Ionen durch das Experiment innerhalb der Me"sunsicherheiten best"a\-tigt werden. Darüber hinaus wurde auch die Relaxation der einfach angeregten Ionen nach erfolgtem DR-Stabilisierungsübergang analysiert. Die zur Auswertung der DR-Anre\-gungs\-kurven angewandte Technik eröffnet gleichzeitig eine spektroskopische Methode für die Bestimmung der relativen Konzentration hochgeladener Ionen in EBIT. Die Messung der Strahlungskühlungsrate von Krypton, die den zweiten inhaltlichen Schwerpunkt der Dissertation darstellt, wäre ohne diese in situ Diagnostik der Ladungbilanz nicht möglich gewesen. Hier wurde die Ionenfalle so eingestellt, dass sich eine Ladungsverteilung herausbildet, die dem Ionisationsgleichgewicht eines Plasmas bei einer Temperatur von etwa $5\;\mbox{keV}$ entspricht. Die Bestimmung der Strahlungsk"uhlungsrate profitierte von dem Potential einer EBIT, die gefangenen Ionen mit Elektronenenergien aus einem weiten Bereich abzutasten und einzelne Strahlunsprozesse selektiv anzuregen. Die Röntgenemission verschiedener Strahlungskanäle, wie Bremsstrahlung, strahlende Rekombination, dielektronische Rekombination und Linienstrahlung nach direkter Anregung wurde separat erfaßt. Hieraus konnten erstmals kanalspezifische Strahlungskühlungsraten bestimmt werden. Es stellte sich heraus, dass der dominante Beitrag zur Strahlungskühlungsrate durch die direkt angeregte Linienstr ahlung des L-Schalen-Spektrums zustande kommt, die etwa 75\% der gesamten Verlustleistung ausmacht. Beim Vergleich der totalen Strahlungsverlustleistung mit Vorhersagen der Theorie sind Abweichungen festzustellen. Die berechneten Werte sind je nach Modell um einen Faktor 1.5 - 2.0 kleiner als das Ergebnis der Messung. Dieser Unterschied liegt außerhalb der experimentellen Unsicherheit von maximal 30\%. / This thesis deals with the spectroscopic investigation of various aspects of the x-ray emission of highly charged krypton ions with relevance for fusion research. The experiments have been performed at the Berlin electron beam ion trap (EBIT). One part of the work was devoted to the measurement of channel-specific cross sections for dielectronic recombination (DR) via the KL$n$ ($n$=2, \ldots, 5) resonance series of He- to C-like krypton ions ($\mbox{Kr}^{(34\, \ldots\,30)+}$). The DR cross sections were determined relative to the cross section for non-resonant radiative recombination (RR). A fit procedure was used to compare the measured data with theoretical calculations. Predictions of the HULLAC atomic structure code are confirmed within the experimental uncertainties. Additionally, the radiative relaxation mechanism following the stabilizing transition in the DR process was analyzed. The approach used to obtain the DR excitation function opens up a spectroscopic method to determine the relative abundance of the highly charged ions in the trap. This in situ diagnostic of the charge state balance allowed for the measurement of the radiative cooling rates of krypton being the second focus of the thesis. For this purpose EBIT was tuned to a charge state distribution approaching the ionization balance of a plasma at a temperature of about $5\;\mbox{keV}$. EBIT's capability to sample a wide range of electron-beam energies and distinguish between different radiation channels was utilized to determine the cooling rate. The x-ray emission from the various plasma radiation channels, like bremsstrahlung, radiative recombination, dielectronic recombination, and line radiation following electron-impact excitation was analyzed. For the first time, channel-specific cooling rates could be obtained from these data. It was found, that the dominant contribution to the cooling rate is made up by the directly excited x-rays of the L-shell spectra of krypton, producing more than 75\% of the total radiation loss. A difference with theoretical calculations is noted for the total cooling rate. The predicted values are lower by a factor of 1.5 - 2.0, depending on the theoretical model. This discrepancy is clearly beyond the experimental uncertainty of 30\% at maximum.

Charakterizace nanostruktur deponovaných vysokofrekvenčním magnetronovým naprašováním / Characterization of Nanostructures Deposited by High-Frequency Magnetron sputtering

Hégr, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of nano-structured layers deposited by high-frequency magnetron sputtering on the monocrystalline silicon surface. The content of the work focuses on the magnetron sputtering application as an alternative method for passivation and antireflection layers deposition of silicon solar cells. The procedure of pre-deposite silicon surface cleaning by plasma etching in the Ar/H2 gas mixture atmosphere is suggested. In the next step the silicon nitride and aluminum nitride layers with hydrogen content in Ar/N2/H2 gas mixture by magnetron sputtering are deposited. One part of the thesis describes an experimental pseudo-carbide films deposition from a silicon target in the atmosphere of acetylene (C2H2). An emphasis is placed on the research of sputtered layers properties and on the conditions on the silicon-layer interface with the help of the standard as well as special measurement methods. Sputtered layers structure is analyzed by modern X-ray spectroscopy (XPS) and by Fourier infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Optical ellipsometry and spectrophotometry is used for the diagnostic of the layers optical properties depending upon the wavelength of incident light. A special method of determining the surface lay-out of the charge´s carrier life in the volume and on the surface of silicon is employed to investigate the passivating effects of the sputtered layers.

Ion irradiation effects on high purity bcc Fe and model FeCr alloys / Effets de l'irradiation d’ions sur fer cubic centrée de haute pureté et FeCr alliage modèle

Bhattacharya, Arunodaya 09 December 2014 (has links)
Les alliages binaires FeCr de structure FM (ferrito/martensitique) sont actuellement les candidats les plus prometteurs comme matériaux de structure pour les réacteurs rapides refroidis au sodium et les futurs systèmes de fusion. Cependant, l'impact de Cr sur l'évolution de la microstructure irradié dans ces matériaux n’est pas bien compris. De plus, particulièrement pour les applications de fusion, le scénario de dégâts d'irradiation devrait être compliquée en outre par la présence de grandes quantités d'hélium produit par transmutation nucléaire (~ 10 appm He / dpa). Dans ce contexte, une étude spécifique des effets de l'irradiation ionique (influence du Cr et de l’He sur l’évolution de la microstructure) a été menée à 500 ° C sur une grande variété d’alliages FeCr de haute pureté (à teneur en Cr allant de ~ 3 wt.% À 14 wt.%) ainsi que sur du Fe pur. Les irradiations ont été effectuées à l'aide ions Fe, en mode mono-faisceau et mode dual-beam (irradiation par des ions Fe et co-implantation d'He) afin de pouvoir séparer le dommage ballistique de l’implantation couplée avec de l’He. Trois différentes doses ont été étudiées: dose élevée (157 dpa, avec 17 appm He / dpa), dose intermédiaire (45 dpa, avec 57 appm He / dpa) et in situ à faible dose (0,33 dpa, avec 3030 appm He / dpa). Les expériences ont été effectuées en utilisant l'installation JANNuS triple faisceau du CEA-Saclay et la plateforme in-situ du CSNSM-Orsay. L’évolution microstructurale des échantillons est essentiellement faite par MET, SAT et par EDS en mode STEM. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants : 1) L’étude détaillée de la population des cavités dans du Fe irradié à forte dose a révélé une forte réduction du gonflement du fait de l'ajout d’He. Une réduction drastique de la taille des cavités en dépit d’une densité plus élevée a été observée. Ce comportement a été observé tout au long zone irradié, jusqu’au pic d’endommagement. 2) La microstructure de cavités a également été étudiée dans les alliages FeCr irradiés en double faisceau à forte dose, et les résultats ont été comparés à ceux obtenus dans le Fe pur. L'analyse a été effectuée à une profondeur intermédiaire de 300 à 400 nm sous la surface (pour éviter les effets des interstitiels injectés et les effets de surface), correspondant à 128 dpa, 13 appm He / dpa. L’étude par TEM a montré que l'addition de petites quantités de Cr, aussi basse que 3wt.%, est très efficace pour réduire fortement le gonflement. Une réduction drastique de la taille des cavités a été mise en évidence. Par exemple, la taille moyenne des cavités pour l’alliage Fe3% Cr est de l’ordre de 0,9 nm alors qu’elle est voisine de 6,8 nm pour le Fe pur. De plus, la variation du gonflement en fonction de la teneur en Cr n’est pas monotone et présente un maximum local à environ 9 -. 10wt% Cr. 3) Le couplage des différentes techniques d’analyse, MET classique, STEM/EDS et analyse SAT appliqué à l’étude des alliages FeCr irradiés à faible et moyenne dose révèle la présence de zones enrichies en Cr sur le plan d’habitat des boucles de dislocation. Ce phénomène est relié à un phénomène de ségrégation induite par irradiation (RIS) de Cr au voisinage du coeur des boucles de dislocation. Quand la boucle se développe sous irradiation, les zones de ségrégation ne peuvent probablement pas se redissoudre du fait de la présence d'impuretés telles que le C. Lorsque les boucles sont imagées par MET, ces zones enrichies produisent des franges de contraste au voisinage du plan de la boucle. Une estimation quantitative de cet enrichissement a été déduit par STEM / EDS et l'SAT. La teneur en Cr dans ces domaines se situe entre 23 -. 35% par EDS et 22 % par SAT, ce qui est bien en dessous de la teneur en Cr de la phase α’ riche en Cr. / FeCr binary alloys are a simple representative of the reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (F-M) steels, which are currently the most promising candidates as structural materials for the sodium cooled fast reactors (SFR) and future fusion systems. However, the impact of Cr on the evolution of the irradiated microstructure in these materials is not well understood in these materials. Moreover, particularly for fusion applications, the radiation damage scenario is expected to be complicated further by the presence of large quantities of He produced by the nuclear transmutation (~ 10 appm He/dpa). Within this context, an elaborate ion irradiation study was performed at 500 °C on a wide variety of high purity FeCr alloys (with Cr content ranging from ~ 3 wt.% to 14 wt.%) and a bcc Fe, to probe in detail the influence of Cr and He on the evolution of microstructure. The irradiations were performed using Fe self-ions, in single beam mode and in dual beam mode (damage by Fe ions and co-implantation of He), to separate ballistic damage effect from the impact of simultaneous He injection. Three different dose ranges were studied: high dose (157 dpa, 17 appm He/dpa for the dual beam case), intermediate dose (45 dpa, 57 appm He/dpa for dual beam case) and in-situ low dose (0.33 dpa, 3030 appm He/dpa for the dual beam case). The experiments were performed at the JANNuS triple beam facility and dual beam in situ irradiation facility at CEA-Saclay and CSNSM, Orsay respectively. The microstructure was principally characterized by conventional TEM, APT and EDS in STEM mode. The main results are as follows: 1) A comparison of the cavity microstructure in high dose irradiated Fe revealed strong swelling reduction by the addition of He. It was achieved by a drastic reduction in cavity sizes and an increased number density. This behaviour was observed all along the damage depth, upto the damage peak. 2) Cavity microstrusture was also studied in the dual beam high dose irradiated FeCr alloys, and the results were compared to bcc Fe. The analysis was performed at an intermediate depth 300 – 400 nm below the surface (to avoid injected interstitial effect and surface effects), corresponding to 128 dpa, 13 appm He/dpa. TEM study revealed that the addition of small quantities of Cr, as low as 3wt.%, is highly efficient in strongly reducing void swelling. It was achieved by a drastic reduction of cavity sizes. For instance, average cavity size in Fe3%Cr was 0.9 nm as opposed to 6.8 nm in bcc Fe. Furthermore, the variation of void swelling as a function of Cr content is non-monotonic, with alocal maxima around 9 - 10wt.%Cr. 3) Coupling of conventional TEM, STEM/EDS and APT analysis on low and intermediate dose irradiated FeCr alloys revealed the presence of Cr enriched zones on the habit plane of the dislocation loops. This is expected to be due to radiation induced segregation (RIS) of Cr close to the core of the loops. As the loop grows under irradiation, the segregated areas are probably prevented from re-dissolution by impurity elements such as C. When imaged by TEM using classical diffraction contrast imaging techniques, these enriched zones produce displacement fringe contrast on the loop plane. A quantitative estimate of this enrichment was deduced by STEM/EDSand APT. The Cr content in these areas was between 23 - 35 at.% measured by EDS and 22 ± 2 at.% obtained by APT, whichis well below the Cr content of the Cr-rich α’ phase.

Développement et applications de la tomographie chimique par spectroscopie EDX / Development and applications of chemical tomography by EDX spectroscopy

Lepinay, Kevin 27 November 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’évaluation des techniques pour la tomographie chimique par STEM EDX : mise au point des procédures expérimentales, traitement des données, reconstruction des volumes, analyse de la qualité des résultats obtenus et évaluation de la complexité globale. Les performances très limitées de l’analyse STEM EDX font que peu d’études, jusqu’à aujourd’hui, se sont portées sur cette technique. Cependant, les avancées très notables procurées par les nouveaux détecteurs ‘SDD’ ainsi que les sources électroniques X-FEG haute brillance, rendant l’analyse STEM EDX 2D très rapide, ont relancé la possibilité de la tomographie chimique ; la technique demande toutefois à être mise au point et évaluée (performances et complexité). Nous avons travaillé sur un microscope Tecnai Osiris permettant d’acquérir des cartographies chimiques EDX de centaines de milliers de pixels avec une résolution de l’ordre du nanomètre en quelques minutes. Nous avons choisi de préparer par FIB des échantillons en forme de pointe et d’utiliser un porte-objet permettant une exploration angulaire de 180° sans ombrage. Puis, à l’aide d’échantillons modèles (billes de SiO2 dans une résine), nous avons évalué les déformations d’échantillon par l’irradiation du faisceau électronique. Ceci nous a permis de proposer une méthode pour limiter cet effet par déposition d’une couche de 20 nm de chrome. Des simulations d’images ont permis d’évaluer les logiciels et méthodes de reconstruction. La méthodologie de chaque étape d’une analyse de tomographie STEM EDX a ensuite été expliquée, et l’intérêt de la technique démontré grâce à la comparaison de l’analyse 2D et 3D d’un transistor FDSOI 28 nm. La qualité des reconstructions (rapport signal-sur-bruit, résolution spatiale) a été évaluée en fonction des paramètres expérimentaux à l’aide de simulations et d’expériences. Une résolution de 4 nm est démontrée grâce à l’analyse d’une mire et d’un transistor « gate all around ». Pour ce même transistor, la possibilité et l’intérêt d’analyse de défaillance à l’échelle nanométrique est prouvée. Une analyse d’un défaut de grille d’une SRAM ou de trous dans un pilier en cuivre permettent d’expliquer l’intérêt d’une combinaison d’un volume HAADF (morphologie et résolution < 4 nm) et du volume EDX (information chimique). La conclusion est que cette technique, qui reste encore à améliorer du point de vue de sa simplicité, montre déjà son utilité pour l’analyse et la mise au point des technologies avancées (nœud 20 nm et après). / This thesis focuses on the evaluation of the STEM EDX chemical tomography technique: development of experimental procedures, data processing and volumes reconstruction, quality analysis of the results and evaluation of the overall complexity. Until now, STEM EDX analysis performances were very limited, so only few studies about this technique have been realized. However, very significant progress procured by the new SDD detectors as well as by the high brightness electronic sources (X-FEG), making the STEM EDX 2D analysis very fast, have revived the possibility of the chemical tomography, although the technique has to be developed and evaluated (performance and complexity). We have worked on a Tecnai Osiris which acquires EDX chemical mapping of hundreds of thousands of pixels with resolution of one nanometer and in a few minutes. We chose to prepare the rod-shaped samples by FIB and use a sample holder allowing an angle of exploration of 180° without shadowing effects. Then, using model samples (SiO2 balls in resin), we evaluated the sample deformation due to the electron beam irradiation. This allowed us to propose a method to reduce this effect by depositing a 20 nm chromium layer. Images simulations were used to evaluate the software and the reconstruction methods. The methodology of each step of the STEM EDX tomography analysis is then explained and the technique interest is demonstrated by comparing the 2D and the 3D analysis of a transistor 28 nm FDSOI. The quality of the reconstructions (signal-to-noise ratio, spatial resolution) was evaluated, in function of experimental parameters, using simulations and experiments. A resolution of 4 nm is demonstrated through the analysis of a test pattern and a "gate all around” transistor. For the same transistor, the possibility and the interest of a failure analysis at the nanoscale is proven. Analyses of a SRAM gate fail or of the holes in a copper pillar explain the benefits of a combination between a HAADF volume (morphology and resolution < 4 nm) and an EDX volume (chemical information). To conclude, this technique, which still needs to be improved in terms of simplicity, is already showing its usefulness for the analysis and the development of advanced technologies (20nm node and beyond).

Casting no shadow : overlapping soilscapes of European-Indigenous interaction in northern Sweden

Green, Heather F. January 2012 (has links)
The Sámi’s past activities have been documented historically from a European perspective, and more recently from an anthropological viewpoint, giving a generalised observation of the Sámi, during the study period of AD200-AD1800, as semi-nomadic hunter gatherers, with several theories suggesting that interaction with Europeans, through trade, led to the adoption of European activities by certain groups of the Sámi (Eiermann, 1923; Paine, 1957; Manker and Vorren, 1962; Bratrein, 1981; Mathiesen et al, 1981; Meriot, 1984). However, there is almost no information on the impact the Sámi had on the landscape, either before or after any adoption of European activities, and none investigating what cultural footprint or indicators would remain from Sámi or European occupation and/or activity within the typically podzolic soils of Northern Sweden. Consequently the thesis aims to contribute to the gap in knowledge through the formation of a podzol model identifying the links between anthropogenic activity and the alteration of podzol soils, and through the creation of soils based models which identify the cultural indicators associated with both Sámi and European activity; formed from the identification of cultural indicators retained within known Sámi and European sites. The methods used to obtain the information needed to achieve this were the pH and magnetic susceptibility from bulk soil samples and micromorphological and chemical analysis of thin section slides through the use of standard microscopy and X-ray fluorescence from a scanning electron microscope. The analysis revealed that the Sámi had an extremely low impact on the landscape, leaving hard to detect cultural indicators related to reindeer herding in the form of reindeer faecal material with corresponding phosphorous peaks in the thin section slides. The European footprint however, was markedly different and very visible even within the acidic soil environment. The European indicators were cultivation based and included phosphorous and aluminium peaks as well as a deepened, highly homogenised plaggen style anthropogenic topsoil rich in ‘added’ materials. An abandoned European site which visibly and chemically shows the formation of a secondary albic horizon within the anthropogenic topsoil also provides an insight into the delicate balance of cultivated soil in northern Sweden, whilst reinforcing the outputs identified in the podzol model. Due to the almost invisible Sámi footprint on the landscape, areas of overlap were impossible to identify however, there was no evidence of the adoption of European cultivation activities at any of the Sámi sites investigated. The only known area of interaction between the two cultures was an official market place which had been a Sámi winter settlement prior to its use as a market site. This site showed none of the reindeer based Sámi indicators or the cultivation based European indicators, but did contain pottery fragments which could be linked to trade or occupation. Overall, the thesis reinforces the low impact expected of the semi-nomadic Sámi and sheds light on the underlying podzolic processes influencing the anthropogenically modified soils of Northern Sweden. The podzol model is reinforced by several findings throughout the thesis and the soils based cultural indicator models for both Sámi and European activity have been successfully tested against independent entomological and palynological data and therefore provide reliable reference material for future studies.

X-ray Diagnostics of Accretion Plasmas in Selected Soft Polars / Akkretionsplasmen in Polaren mit ausgeprägter weicher Röntgenstrahlung

Traulsen, Iris 06 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Thermal and Chemical Treatment of Soy Flour on Soy-Polypropylene Composite Properties

Guettler, Barbara Elisabeth 06 November 2014 (has links)
Soy flour (SF), a by-product of the soybean oil extraction processing, was investigated for its application in soy-polypropylene composites for interior automotive applications. The emphasis of this work was the understanding of this new type of filler material and the contribution of its major constituents to its thermal stability and impact properties. For this reason, reference materials were selected to represent the protein (soy protein isolate (SPI)) and carbohydrate (soy hulls (SH)) constituents of the soy flour. Additional materials were also investigated: the residue obtained after the protein removal from the soy flour which was called insoluble soy (IS), and the remaining liquid solution after acid precipitation of the proteins, containing mostly sugars and minerals, which was called soluble sugar extract (SSE). Two treatments, potassium permanganate and autoclave, were analyzed for their potential to modify the properties of the soy composite materials. An acid treatment with sulfuric acid conducted on soy flour was also considered. The soy materials were studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) under isothermal (in air) and dynamic (in nitrogen) conditions. SPI had the highest thermal stability and SSE the lowest thermal stability for the early stage of the heating process. Those two materials had the highest amount of residual mass at the end of the dynamic TGA in nitrogen. The two treatments showed minimal effect on the isothermal thermal stability of the soy materials at 200 ??C. A minor improvement was observed for the autoclave treated soy materials. Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicated that the chemical surface composition differed according to type of the soy materials but no difference could be observed for the treatments within one type of soy material. Contact angle analysis and surface energy estimation indicated differences of the surface hydrophobicity of the soy materials according to type of material and treatment. The initial water contact angle ranged from 57 ?? for SF to 85 ?? for SH. The rate of water absorption increased dramatically after the autoclave treatment for IS and SPI. Both materials showed the highest increase in the polar surface energy fraction. In general, the major change of the surface energy was associated with change of the polar fraction. After KMnO4 treatment, the polar surface energy of SF, IS and SPI decreased while SH showed a slight increase after KMnO4 treatment. A relationship between protein content and polar surface energy was observed and seen to be more pronounced when high protein containing soy materials were treated with KMnO4 and autoclave. Based on the polar surface energy results, the most suitable soy materials for polypropylene compounding are SPI (KMnO4), SH, and IS (KMnO4) because their polar surface energy are the lowest which should make them more compatible with non-polar polymers such as polypropylene. The soy materials were compounded as 30 wt-% material loading with an injection moulding grade polypropylene blend for different combinations of soy material treatment and coupling agents. Notched Izod impact and flexural strength as well as flexural modulus estimates indicated that the mechanical properties of the autoclaved SF decreased when compared to untreated soy flour while the potassium permanganate treated SF improved in impact and flexural properties. Combinations of the two treatments and two selected (maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene) coupling agents showed improved impact and flexural properties for the autoclaved soy flour but decreased properties for the potassium permanganate treated soy flour. Scanning electron microscopy of the fractured section, obtained after impact testing of the composite material, revealed different crack propagation mechanisms for the treated SF. Autoclaved SF had a poor interface with large gaps between the material and the polypropylene matrix. After the addition of a maleic anhydride coupling agent to the autoclaved SF and polypropylene formulation, the SF was fully embedded in the polymer matrix. Potassium permanganate treated SF showed partial bonding between the material and the polymer matrix but some of the material showed poor bonding to the matrix. The acid treated SF showed cracks through the dispersed phase and completely broken components that did not bind to the polypropylene matrix. In conclusion, the two most promising soy materials in terms of impact and flexural properties improvement of soy polypropylene composites were potassium permanganate treated SF and the autoclaved SF combined with maleic anhydride coupling agent formulation.

Study of macroscopic and microscopic homogeneity of DEPFET X-ray detectors / Untersuchung der makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Homogenität von DEPFET-Röntgendetektoren

Bergbauer, Bettina 15 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
For the X-ray astronomy project Advanced Telescope for High ENergy Astrophysics (Athena) wafer-scale DEpleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DEPFET) detectors are proposed as Focal Plane Array (FPA) for the Wide Field Imager (WFI). Prototype structures with different pixel layouts, each consisting of 64 x 64 pixels, were fabricated to study four different DEPFET designs. This thesis reports on the results of the electrical and spectroscopic characterization of the different DEPFET designs. With the electrical qualification measurements the transistor properties of the DEPFET structures are investigated in order to determine whether the design intentions are reflected in the transistor characteristics. In addition, yield and homogeneity of the prototypes can be studied on die, wafer and batch level for further improvement of the production technology with regard to wafer-scale devices. These electrical characterization measurements prove to be a reliable tool to preselect the best detector dies for further integration into full detector systems. The spectroscopic measurements test the dynamic behavior of the designs as well as their spectroscopic performance. In addition, it is revealed how the transistor behavior translates into the detector performance. This thesis, as the first systematic study of different DEPFET designs on die and detector level, shows the limitations of the current DEPFET assessment methods. Thus, it suggests a new concise characterization procedure for DEPFET detectors as well as guidelines for expanded testing in order to increase the general knowledge of the DEPFET. With this study of four different DEPFET variants not only designs suitable for Athena mission have been found but also improvement impulses for the starting wafer-scale device production are provided.

Corrélations compositions chimiques-structures d’oxydes mixtes (Ce / Zr) à base de Pr4+ / Pr3+ et propriétés de réductibilité / Chemical compositions - structures correlation of mixed oxides (Ce/Zr) with Pr4+/Pr3+ and reducibility properties

Abel, Jonathan 19 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail est relatif à la synthèse et à la caractérisation d’oxydes mixtes Pr1-zCezO2-y et Pr1-xZrxO2-y. Différentes compositions chimiques associées à une valence mixte Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant à un taux précis de lacunes d’oxygènes ont été isolées tant pour les composés à l’état oxydé que pour ces derniers réduits sous Ar/H2. A l’état réduit, différentes surstructures de la maille fluorine ont été caractérisées par diffraction des RX et de neutrons. Sur la base de mesures magnétiques, d’analyses par spectroscopie d’absorption X (XANES-EXAFS) aux seuils K du Zr et LIII du Ce/Pr et d’analyses thermogravimétriques et/ou TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), les évolutions des taux de Pr4+/Pr3+ dans cette série ont été déterminées. Enfin, des mesures in-situ sous atmosphère réductrice par diffraction de neutrons et EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) ont été réalisées dans l’objectif de corréler compositions chimiques- édifices structuraux et propriétés de réductibilité. / This work deals with the synthesis and the characterization of Pr1-zCezO2-y and Pr1-xZrxO2-y oxides. Various chemical compositions associated with mixed valence state Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant to precise oxygen vacancies rate were isolated for compounds in both oxidized and reduced compounds. In the reduced state, different superstructures of the fluorine network were characterized by X-ray and neutrons diffraction. On the basis of magnetic measurements, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES-EXAFS) at Zr K-edge and Pr and Ce LII/III-edges and the thermogravimetric analyses and\or TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), evolutions of Pr4+/Pr3+ rates in this series were estimated. Finally, in-situ measurements under reducing atmosphere by neutrons diffraction and EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) were realized to correlate chemical compositions- structural features and reducibility properties.

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