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Netz- und Service-InfrastrukturenHübner, Uwe 21 May 2004 (has links)
Workshop "Netz- und Service-Infrastrukturen"
vom 19.-22. April 2004 in Löbsal (bei Meißen)
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Roaming User Profiles : En undersökning av olika versioner och dess kompatibilitetCarlsson, Anders, Johansson, Simon, Svedlund, Jacob January 2010 (has links)
<p>När Windows Vista introducerades förändrades mappstrukturen för hur användarprofilen sparas jämfört med tidigare Windowsversioner såsom Windows XP. Denna rapport undersöker kompatibilitetsproblem med Roaming User Profiles mellan äldre och nyare versioner av operativsystemet. Syftet med rapporten var att utreda vilka problem som kan uppstå, vad det gäller Roaming User Profiles, vid en övergång från Windows XP till Windows Vista eller 7. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av laborationer, litteratur och tester för att hitta problemen såväl som lösningar till dem. Resultatet visar att profiler skapade med Windows XP inte följer med till Windows Vista eller 7 utan det skapas sammanlagt två olika profiler, en för det äldre och en för det nyare operativsystemet. Ett skript som kopierar en användares filer från Windows XP till Vista/7 utformades därför. Slutligen presenterades en handlingsplan med olika alternativ vid en övergång från Windows XP till den nyare generationen av operativsystemen i Windowsfamiljen. Folder Redirection är en väl fungerande lösning dock går funktionaliteten som Roaming User Profiles erbjuder förlorad eftersom man endast får en uppmappning av bl.a. ”Mina Dokument” och ”Start Menu”.</p>
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Which agile methodology suits you? By applying the results on a multi-disciplinary project in a small companySaadatmand, Fatemeh January 2013 (has links)
Choosing the Software Development Methodology is the very first step of any project; thus,has been a hot topic among, both, practitioners and academic people. After using plandrivensoftware development methodologies software development researchers came up withthe idea of agile software development methodologies as a masterpiece. Although, failurestories of some teams brought about fading the idea that agile methodologies are thebest recipe for any kind of development project. Considering the lack of studies in helpingpractitioners to select the most appropriate agile software methodology, this study aims atprovide the software development manager with a thorough knowledge of agile methodologiesand the criteria that should be considered, while selecting one of them. A case study is used asan empirical support. / Program: Magisterutbildning i informatik
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AGIL TESTNING : Riktlinjer och synsätt på test i agila metoderBjörnberg, Nimer, Bergqvist, Anders January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating the Applicability of Agile Practices in Software Organizations / Undersöka tillämplighet Agile Practices i programvaru OrganisationerMadhira, Phani Srikara Sastry January 2015 (has links)
Agile software development has gained significant importance the recent years. Software practitioners have recognized the importance of agile development due to the benefits offered. Therefore, agile software development has been identified as the replacement to traditional or plan driven style of development. There are different frameworks or methods, which follow agile principles, known as agile methodologies. SCRUM and XP are the most popular and widely used agile methods or framework. There are different types of agile methodologies, each containing a set of practices, which can be adapted and implemented in an organization. However, there is still a need for empirical studies to understand the factors like requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques, which can enable successful implementation of agile practices in software organizations. In this study, the primary objective is to provide a comprehensive model or framework to practitioners, which includes the list of important requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques while implementing agile, and also pertaining to adoption/implementation of individual agile practices specific to SCRUM and XP. This model also includes the categorization of the requirements/modifications and challenges into different levels of an organization, to which they mostly apply. This conceptual model or framework can aid the practitioners in understanding and implementing agile practices in a better way in their organizations. In this study, an industrial survey is conducted in order to identify the list of important requirements/modifications that are needed to implement agile, challenges faced during implementation, and mitigation strategies/techniques needed to address the challenges. Also, categorization of the identified lists into different levels of the organization is also performed using survey. A systematic literature review is performed in order to identify the primary lists of requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques, which are further validated and classified using survey. Also, systematic literature review is used to identify the list of requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques that are needed while implementing individual agile practices specific to SCRUM and XP. Based on the systematic literature review, 53 primary studies were identified which are relevant to the research area. Upon analyzing the primary studies, the list of requirements/modifications, challenges and solutions are identified for generic agile adoption/implementation and also pertaining to individual practices specific to SCRUM and XP. Thereupon, an industrial survey is conducted where, identified list of requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques are provided to the respondents. Respondents were asked to classify the obtained aspects based on the level of importance. Also, they were asked to categorize the obtained requirements/modifications and challenges into different levels of an organization. The survey has obtained 48 responses from different parts of the world. From the results of survey, requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques are classified based on the level of importance. Also, requirements/modifications and challenges are categorized into different levels of an organization. Using the obtained factors, a conceptual model or framework was constructed for practitioners that can enable them to understand and implement agile practices in their organizations in a better way. To conclude this research, a comprehensive model or framework was constructed using the final list of important requirements/modifications, challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques while implementing/adopting agile and also pertaining to the individual agile practices, and also based on the categorization of the requirements and challenges into levels of an organization, where they are applicable. The final list of identified lists of requirements/modifications; challenges and mitigation strategies/techniques pertaining to individual agile practices can help practitioners to understand the implementation criteria of agile practices in software organizations. It was observed from the results of survey that perception of literature and practitioners are different in terms of usage of agile practices, as some practices, which were given high focus in the literature, were not given equal priority by the respondents. Empirical findings also help to identify change in policies and procedures and change to open workspace as most important requirements/modifications, organizational resistance and lack of motivated programmers as most critical challenges and proper training and inclusion of experts as most used mitigation strategies/techniques. Moreover, it was concluded that there is also a need for further full-scale empirical works on identifying the factors that affect adoption of agile. Practitioners can identify the benefits from this research and researchers can extend this work to remaining agile methodologies. / Agile systemutveckling har fått stor betydelse de senaste åren. Programvaru utövare har insett vikten av agila utvecklings grund av de förmåner som erbjuds. Därför har agile mjukvaruutveckling identifierats som ersättare till traditionella eller planen driven stil av utveckling. Det finns olika ramar eller metoder, som följer agila principer, så kallade agila metoder. SCRUM och XP är de mest populära och mest använda agila metoder eller ramverk. Det finns olika typer av agila metoder, var och en innehåller en uppsättning metoder, som kan anpassas och genomföras i en organisation. Det finns dock fortfarande ett behov av empiriska studier för att förstå de faktorer som krav / modifieringar, utmaningar och begränsningsstrategier / tekniker, som kan göra det möjligt för ett framgångsrikt genomförande av agila metoder i mjukvaruorganisationer. I denna studie, är det primära målet att ge en heltäckande modell eller ramverk för utövare, vilket inkluderar en lista över viktiga krav / modifieringar, utmaningar och begränsningsstrategier / tekniker samtidigt genomföra vig, och även avseende antagande / genomförande av enskilda agila metoder specifika SCRUM och XP. Denna modell innehåller även kategoriseringen av de krav / modifieringar och utmaningar i olika nivåer i en organisation, till vilken de oftast gäller. Denna konceptuella modell eller ramverk kan hjälpa utövarna att förstå och genomföra agila metoder på ett bättre sätt i sina organisationer. I denna studie är en industriell undersökning för att identifiera listan över viktiga krav / ändringar som behövs för att genomföra vig, utmaningar under genomförandet, och begränsnings strategier / tekniker som behövs för att ta itu med utmaningarna. Också, kategorisering av de identifierade listorna i olika nivåer i organisationen är också utföras med undersökningen. En systematisk litteraturöversikt görs för att identifiera de primära listor krav / modifieringar, utmaningar och begränsningsstrategier / tekniker, som är validerade längre och klassificerade med hjälp enkät. Dessutom är systematisk litteraturöversikt används för att identifiera en lista över krav / modifieringar, utmaningar och begränsningsstrategier / tekniker som behövs samtidigt genomföra enskilda agila metoder som är specifika för SCRUM och XP. / +918500053444
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Mitteilungen des URZ 4/2005Heik, Andreas, Müller, Thomas, Richter, Frank, Riedel, Wolfgang, Schmidt, Ronald, Trapp, Holger 21 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums
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A comparative study on Traditional Software Development Methods and Agile Software Development MethodsAslam, Gulshan, Farooq, Faisal January 2011 (has links)
Everyone is talking about the software development methods but these methods are categorised into the different parts and the most important are two categories, one is agile software development methods and second is using the traditional software development methods. Agile software methods are relatively considered to be quick and for the small teams. Our main mission is to check which method is better from each other, so for that purpose we go out in the software development market to meet the professional to ask about their satisfaction on these software development methods. Our research is based on to see the suitable method for the professionals; see the challenges on the adoptability of methods and which method is quicker. To perform this study we have gone through a survey questionnaire, and results are analysed by using mixed method approach. Results shows that professionals from both types of methods are satisfied but professionals with traditional methods are more satisfy with their methods with respect to development of quality software, whereas agile professionals are more satisfied with their methods with respect of better communication with their customers. With agility point of view, our study says that both methods have characteristics which support agility but not fully support, so in such case we need to customize features from both types of methodologies.
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Roaming User Profiles : En undersökning av olika versioner och dess kompatibilitetCarlsson, Anders, Johansson, Simon, Svedlund, Jacob January 2010 (has links)
När Windows Vista introducerades förändrades mappstrukturen för hur användarprofilen sparas jämfört med tidigare Windowsversioner såsom Windows XP. Denna rapport undersöker kompatibilitetsproblem med Roaming User Profiles mellan äldre och nyare versioner av operativsystemet. Syftet med rapporten var att utreda vilka problem som kan uppstå, vad det gäller Roaming User Profiles, vid en övergång från Windows XP till Windows Vista eller 7. Undersökningen genomfördes med hjälp av laborationer, litteratur och tester för att hitta problemen såväl som lösningar till dem. Resultatet visar att profiler skapade med Windows XP inte följer med till Windows Vista eller 7 utan det skapas sammanlagt två olika profiler, en för det äldre och en för det nyare operativsystemet. Ett skript som kopierar en användares filer från Windows XP till Vista/7 utformades därför. Slutligen presenterades en handlingsplan med olika alternativ vid en övergång från Windows XP till den nyare generationen av operativsystemen i Windowsfamiljen. Folder Redirection är en väl fungerande lösning dock går funktionaliteten som Roaming User Profiles erbjuder förlorad eftersom man endast får en uppmappning av bl.a. ”Mina Dokument” och ”Start Menu”.
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XP ett stöd eller ett hinder?Bengtsson, Sandra, Gnospelius, Sara January 2004 (has links)
Detta arbete är en reflektion över ett programvaruutvecklingsprojekt, WAIS, och den arbetsmetodik som användes för detta projekt. Arbetsmetodiken för utvecklings-projektet var Extreme Programming (XP) och vi ifrågasätter om detta val var lämpligt för ett projekt som WAIS. Projektet genomfördes vid Blekinge Tekniska Högskola under våren 2004. Utvecklingsprojektet WAIS var en del av ett större projekt, AIS 42, som stöds av VINNOVA. Huvudprojektets bakgrund och syfte beskrivs för att läsaren skall förstå den roll projektet hade. Studenternas uppgift har varit att utveckla en prototyp för ett system som skall sprida information relaterad till logistik och transporter. Slutanvändarna till systemet är många och de tillhör olika organisationer som är spridda både fysiskt och verksamhetsmässigt. Arbetsmetodiken XP faller in under paraplybegreppet Agile manifesto vilkas principer beskrivs i detta arbete. Paralleller dras till arbetsprocessen och dess resultat som projektgruppen har utfört. Vi reflekterar över projektarbetet och arbetsmetodiken utifrån det perspektiv som växt fram under våra år på MDA-programmet. Synsättet bygger bland annat på particpatory design och människa-datorinteraktion där användarmedverkan har en central roll vid utvecklingsprocesser. Vår slutsats visar att utvecklingsprojektet gått miste om flera av de fördelar som arbetsmetodiken XP kan ge. De orsaker som identifierades var: tidsaspekter, tillgång till aktörer och avsaknaden av en tydlig gemensam målbild. / This thesis is a reflection over a software engineering project, WAIS, and the work methodology that has been used within the project. Extreme Programming (XP) was the work methodology used during the process of development. We question if the choice of work methodology is suitable for this kind of project. The project was running by student during spring 2004 at Blekinge Institute of technology (BTH). The project WAIS was a part of a larger project named AIS 42 that runs with funds from VINNOVA. The main projects background and purpose are described in thesis so that the reader can understand the students’ part in the projects as a whole. The students’ main task was to develop a prototype for a system that disseminates information about logistics and transports. The system has many different end users and they come from various organizations that are spread out both physical and organizational. XP is treated as a methodology with in Agile manifesto, which principles are being explained in the thesis. Parallels are being drawn between the work process and the result from the work done. We reflect over the process and the work methodology from a perspective that has been brought forth from our years of education at BTH. The approach is built up upon theories from participatory design and human computer interaction where the user has an essential part of the process of development. The conclusion shows that the project has missed some of the advantages that XP brings. The reasons that we identified were; timeaspects, access to users and the lack of a joint objectiv.
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Towards a philosophical understanding of agile software methodologies : the case of Kuhn versus PopperNorthover, Mandy 24 February 2009 (has links)
This dissertation is original in using the contrasting ideas of two leading 20th century philosophers of science, Karl Popper and Thomas Kuhn, to provide a philosophical understanding, firstly, of the shift from traditional software methodologies to the so-called Agile methodologies, and, secondly, of the values, principles and practices underlying the most prominent of the Agile methodologies, Extreme Programming (XP). This dissertation will take a revisionist approach, following Fuller—the founder of social epistemology—in reading Popper against Kuhn's epistemological hegemony. The investigations in this dissertation relate to two main branches of philosophy— epistemology and ethics. The epistemological part of this dissertation compares both Kuhn and Popper's alternative ideas of the development of scientific knowledge to the Agile methodologists' ideas of the development of software, in order to assess the extent to which Agile software development resembles a scientific discipline. The investigations relating to ethics in this dissertation transfer concepts from social engineering—in particular, Popper's distinction between piecemeal and utopian social engineering—to software engineering, in order to assess both the democratic and authoritarian aspects of Agile software development and management. The use of Kuhn's ideas of scientific revolutions and paradigm shift by several leading figures of the Agile software methodologies—most notably, Kent Beck, the leader of the most prominent Agile software methodology, Extreme Programming (XP)—to predict a fundamental shift from traditional to Agile software methodologies, is critically assessed in this dissertation. A systematic investigation into whether Kuhn's theory as a whole, can provide an adequate account of the day-to-day practice of Agile software development is also provided. As an alternative to the use of Kuhn's ideas, the critical rationalist philosophy of Karl Popper is investigated. On the one hand, this dissertation assesses whether the epistemological aspects of Popper's philosophy—especially his notions of falsificationism, evolutionary epistemology, and three worlds metaphysics—provide a suitable framework for understanding the philosophical basis of everyday Agile software development. On the other hand, the aspects of Popper's philosophy relating to ethics, which provide an ideal for scientific practice in an open society, are investigated in order to determine whether they coincide with the avowedly democratic values of Agile software methodologies. The investigations in this dissertation led to the following conclusions. Firstly, Kuhn's ideas are useful in predicting the effects of the full-scale adoption of Agile methodologies, and they describe the way in which several leaders of the Agile methodologies promote their methodologies; they do not, however, account for the detailed methodological practice of Agile software development. Secondly, several aspects of Popper's philosophy, were found to be aligned with several aspects of Agile software development. In relation to epistemology, Popper's principle of falsificationism provides a criterion for understanding the rational and scientific basis of several Agile principles and practices, his evolutionary epistemology resembles the iterative-incremental design approach of Agile methodologies, and his three worlds metaphysical model provides an understanding of both the nature of software, and the approach advocated by the Agile methodologists' of creating and sharing knowledge. In relation to ethics, Popper's notion of an open society provides an understanding of the rational and ethical basis of the values underlying Agile software development and management, as well as the piecemeal adoption of Agile software methodologies. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Computer Science / unrestricted
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