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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Représenter la France à la cour des tsarines. Les deux ambassades de Joachim-Jacques de La Chétardie de 1739 à 1744 / Representing France at the czarina’s court. The two embassies of Joachim-Jacques, marquee of La Chétardie, from 1739 to 1744

Warlin, Jean-Alfred 16 December 2017 (has links)
Le marquis de La Chétardie est le premier envoyé de la France en Russie à être revêtu du caractère d’ambassadeur. Cet honneur, naguère refusé à Pierre le Grand, a été accordé à sa nièce Anna, quoique ce fût au décours du premier conflit armé entre les deux pays. Son séjour à Petersbourg révéla ses qualités mais aussi ses limites ; en effet, ce courtisan achevé, courtois, expert en conversation et en réceptions mondaines, obsédé par un cérémonial pointilleux, a raté toutes les entreprises qu’il avait envisagées. A l’opposé, certaines de ses initiatives lui ont valu des désaveux. Impliqué modérément dans le coup d’État qui mit Élisabeth sur le trône, il ne profita pas longtemps de la faveur acquise à cette occasion. Il avait mal estimé les ressources des belligérants russes et suédois ; quelques maladresses, dont son gouvernement portait plus que lui la responsabilité, associées à la xénophobie exacerbée des Russes, suffirent à transformer le favori en paria ; il se vit refuser par la souveraine la médiation initialement promise dans le conflit en cours, et dut solliciter son rappel. Revenu en France, il y élabora un projet, qui fit long feu, d’alliance franco-russo-suédoise, qui devait remplacer le système des « barrières », sacrifier la Pologne et bouleverser le système établi. Son second séjour fut funeste et bref, son combat contre le vice-chancelier Bestoutcheff ne pouvant se terminer que par la chute de l’un d’eux. Ce fut lui qui fut expulsé, ayant péché par excès de confiance dans son chiffre. Ainsi, la première ambassade de France en Russie se terminait-elle dans la confusion ; La Chétardie, malgré sa séduction, avait échoué dans sa mission et dans ses grands projets. / The marquis de La Chétardie was the first French envoy to Russia invested with the title of ambassador. This honor, denied to Peter the Great, was accorded to his niece Anna, although the two countries were then engaged in their first armed conflict. La Chétardie’s mission in St. Petersburg revealed both his qualities and weaknesses. A polished, experienced courtier, an expert conversationalist at home in fashionable gatherings and punctilious about court ceremonial, he failed at every project he undertook. Nevertheless, some of these failures were not his alone. Having played a minor role in the coup d’état that put Elisabeth on the throne, he acquired a favor from which he was unable to profit for long. He miscalculated the resources of Russian and Swedish belligerents. Several blunders connected to the exacerbated xenophobia of the Russians, although less his responsibility than his government’s, made him a pariah. Having been denied the role of mediator promised by the sovereign during the ongoing conflict, he was obliged to request his recall. Upon returning to France, he developed a project for an alliance among France, Russia, and Sweden that would have replaced the system of « barriers, » sacrificed Poland, and overturned the prevailing diplomatic system. His second mission was unhappy and brief as a result of his conflict with the Vice-Chancellor Bestoutchef, a conflict that could only end in the fall of one of them. It was La Chétardie who was removed because of his overconfidence in the security of his codes. Thus did the first French embassy to Russia end in confusion. Despite his seductive appeal, La Chétardie had failed in his mission and grand projects.

Un linaje aristocrático en la España de los Habsburgo: los Marqueses de los Vélez (1477-1597)

Rodríguez Pérez, Raimundo Antonio 24 September 2010 (has links)
La reproducción y ascenso social de la aristocracia durante la Edad Moderna se explican por el servicio al rey y el enlace con destacadas casas de la alta nobleza, vinculadas con la corte. Lo familiar y lo político han permitido estudiar la evolución del linaje Fajardo, situado en la cúspide de la sociedad ya que era una de las familias más relevantes de la nobleza hispánica. El linaje se ha analizado teniendo en cuenta tanto el tronco principal (marqueses de los Vélez) como diversas ramas colaterales, segundonas e ilegítimas. El período elegido abarca la época de los Reyes Católicos y los Austrias Mayores (Carlos V y Felipe II). En esa etapa la aristocracia vive una profunda transformación que le lleva de una función eminentemente guerrera a otra de índole cortesana. Para entender los cambios y permanencias se han estudiado las relaciones de parentesco, amistad y patronazgo-clientelismo. / Social reproduction and social rise of the aristocracy during the Early Modern Age are explained by the king's service and marriage with important houses of the nobility, associated with the court. The familiar and politics have allowed to study the evolution of lineage Fajardo, located at the top of the society because it was one of the most important families of the Spanish nobility. The lineage has been analyzed taking into account both the main trunk (Marquis of los Vélez) and several side branches, second son and illegitimate. The period chosen covers the period of the Catholic Monarchs and 'Austrias Mayores' (Charles V and Philip II). During this period the aristocracy is experiencing a profound transformation that leads to the function eminently warrior to another courtisan. To understand the changes and continuities have been studied the relationships of kinship, friendship and patronage-clientelism.

Els remences de l'Almoina del Pa de la Seu de Girona (segles XIV i XV)

Lluch Bramon, Rosa 24 November 2003 (has links)
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és estudiar el funcionament real de la servitud catalana medieval. Per això s'estudien els homenatges i els cobraments dels mals usos rebuts i aplicats per l'Almoina del Pa de la Seu de Girona sobre els seus remences al llarg dels segles XIV i XV i, més concretament, entre 1331 i 1458. Aquestes dates han estat determinades per la documentació generada per l'esmentada institució benèfica. El primer llibre de comptes conservat és de l'any 1331. En aquests llibres de comptes els pabordes encarregats de gestionar l'Almoina hi consignaven tots els seus ingressos i totes les despeses. La data final també ha estat fixada per la documentació, perquè a partir d'aquest moment deixem de trobar constància escrita del pagament dels mals usos i de la prestació d'homenatges.La importància dels mals usos, és a dir, aquells pagaments que gravaven als serfs pel fet de ser-ho, a la Catalunya de la baixa edat mitjana és una qüestió fora de discussió. Bona part dels historiadors -Hinojosa, Vicens Vives, Freedman, etc.- atribueixen als mals usos, als homenatges i a la seva continuada exigència els dos alçaments remences contra les senyories feudals a partir de l'any 1462. Segons aquestes hipòtesis, la lluita per suprimir els mals usos i aconseguir la llibertat individual és la raó de les guerres remences de finals del segle XV. Com és sabut van quedar resoltes amb la Sentència Arbitral de Guadalupe, dictada pel rei Ferran II, que va suprimir definitivament la servitud de les terres catalanes.Malgrat la importància que els historiadors han concedit a l'existència dels mals usos i, sobretot, a la manca de llibertat dels remences, no hi ha estudis sistemàtics sobre la seva aplicació a la pràctica. Per això, l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és estudiar tots els mals usos i tots els homenatges aplicats i rebuts per una sola senyoria -l'Almoina del Pa de la Seu de Girona-, els remences de la qual van participar activament en ambdues guerres i que és representativa, sense cap mena de dubte, del que succeïa en la diòcesi gironina. A més a més, cal assenyalar que l'estudi comprèn un període de temps que inclou circumstàncies tan cabdals com la pesta negra i la resta de catàstrofes del segle XIV i el segle XV fins a la primera guerra remença.Com és sabut, els remences catalans estaven sotmesos a sis mals usos: la redempció de persones (mitjançant la qual aconseguien la seva llibertat), les firmes d'espoli forçades (que havien de pagar quan es casaven en determinades circumstàncies), la intèstia i l'eixòrquia (que gravaven la mort intestada i sense descendents), l'àrsia (que penalitzava la crema accidental del mas o la masada) i la cugúcia (exigida a les dones considerades adúlteres). Els remences confirmaven la seva dependència d'una senyoria en els corresponents homenatges o reconeixements de domini que havien de prestar quan n'eren requerits.Aquesta tesi consta de deu capítols a més d'una introducció (o primer capítol) i d'unes conclusions. El segon capítol és dedicat a la descripció de les fonts utilitzades, entre les que destaquen els llibres de comptes dels pabordes, i on queda prou palesa la importància del fet d'haver pogut disposar d'una excepcional font seriada, a més a més de pergamins. El tercer correspon a l'estudi de la institució tractada, que tenia terres a les actuals comarques del Gironès, La Selva, l'Alt i el Baix Empordà i el Pla de l'Estany. En el quart capítol hi analitzo els problemes generats a l'hora d' intentar conèixer el nombre de persones que eren pròpies de l'Almoina i saber de quins masos provenien.A continuació segueixen els quatre capítols que constitueixen el cos central de la tesi. Al seu torn, la seva anàlisi va ocasionar l'elaboració dels tres darrers. En el capítol cinquè s'estudien tots els homenatges rebuts per l'Almoina entre els anys 1300 i 1457, tant els que figuren en els manuals de comptes com els conservats en pergamí. En total, tenim documentats 1258 dels homenatges o reconeixements de domini rebuts per la institució. El capítol següent és dedicat a l'estudi de les firmes d'espoli forçades i als 424 cobraments fets per l'Almoina per aquest concepte, entre els anys 1331 i 1452. En els capítols setè i vuitè, s'analitzen els mals usos que gravaven les sortides del domini, tant les voluntàries com les involuntàries. El resultat obtingut és que entre 1331 i 1458, la institució va concedir la llibertat a 557 persones bona part de les quals van tornar a adscriure's de nou a una altra senyoria. El nombre d'aquests sortides contrasta amb el cobrament per part de l'Almoina, entre aquestes mateixes dates, de només 105 intèsties i eixòrquies; dit d'una altra manera, fins l'any 1445 va ingressar diners en concepte de 23 intèsties, fins el 1458 per 68 eixòrquies i fins el 1406 per 14 intèsties i/o eixòrquies. Els capítols 9 i 10 tracten del significat i les limitacions que comportaven els mals usos, com a trets definitoris de la pertinença a la servitud, sobre les persones que hi estaven sotmeses. Finalment, el darrer capítol analitza el compliment de la sentència dictada pel rei Alfons el Magnànim l'any 1457 en la que suspenia la servitud al Principat de Catalunya. Queda fora de dubte que pocs anys abans de la primera guerra remença els homenatges i els mals usos havien deixat d'aplicar-se. / The aim of ths thesis is to study the real functioning of the mediaeval Catalan servitude. To accomplish this purpose, the servile homages and the bad customs' payments received and applied by the Almoina of the Cathedral of Girona from his remences (servile persons) are studied in depth. Theses homages had place along XIV and XV centuries and, more precisely, among 1331 and 1458, dates fixed by the documentation generated by that charitable institution, as the first account book preserved is from 1331. In these accounts books the Almoina's provosts consigned all its incomes and all its expenses. The final date has also been fixed by the documentation, because from that year on we don't have any more written evidences of bad customs' payments and of homages. The importance of the bad customs -that is to say, those payments that the remences had to pay just because they were serfs- in the mediaeval Catalonia is a question out of argument. Most historians - such as Hinojosa, Vicens Vives, Freedman, etc.- attribute to the bad customs, to the servile homage and to its continued demand both remença uprisings against the feudal lordships from 1462 on. According to these hypotheses, the fight to suppress the bad customs and to achieve the individual freedom is the reason of the remença wars at the end of the 15th century. How it is well known, the Sentència Arbitral de Guadalupe, pronounced by the king Ferran II, suppressed definitively the servitude in Catalonia. In spite of the importance that historians have granted to the bad customs and, especially, to the lack of freedom of the remences, there are not studies about its real application. That's why it was so important to study -not theoretically but with real data- all the bad customs and all the servile homages applied and received by one only lordship: the Almoina of the Cathedral of Girona, whose remences participated actively in both wars and that is representative, with no doubt, of what happened in the diocese of Gerona. Besides, it is necessary to point out that the study includes a period of time that contains circumstances such important as the Black Death and the rest of 14th and 15th centuries' catastrophes until the first remença war.How it is known, the Catalan remences were subjected to six bad customs: the redemption of persons (through which they achieved their personal freedom), the firma d'espoli forçada (payment in return for the lord's guarantee of nuptial agreements over dowry and marriage portion), the intèstia (the lord's right to a substantial part of the movables left by a peasant householder who died intestate), the eixòrquia (a levy in the event of death without direct legitimate heirs), the àrsia (a fine resulting from the deliberate or accidental burning of a peasant's house or other property) and the cugúcia (the confiscation of a portion of a peasant's property by reason of his wife's adultery). The remences confirmed their lordship' dependence in a servile homage or dominium recognitionis that they had to do when were required.This thesis is organized in ten chapters, an introduction (or first chapter) and the conclusions. The second chapter is devoted to the description of the sources used, among those highlight the annual accounts books of the provosts besides the parchments. The third chapter studies the Almoina institution, which had properties in the current regions of Gironès, Selva, Alt and Baix Empordà and Pla de l'Estany. In the fourth chapter, data problems are analyzed; problems that came when trying to know the exact amount of people, or the exact number of persons bounded to the Almoina and from which manses they came.The next four chapters constitute the main part of the thesis. In turn, its analysis brought the need of writing the three last ones. In the fifth chapter I study all the servile homages received by the Almoina between 1300 and 1457, those that appear in the account books as well as the ones preserved in parchment. In total, we have data of 1258 homages or dominium recognitionis received by the institution. The following chapter is devoted to the study of the firmes d'espoli forçades and to the 424 payments collected by the Almoina by this concept, between 1331 and 1452. In the seventh and eighth chapters , I analyze the bad customs required to the exits of the lordship, the volunteers as well as the involuntary ones. The obtained result is that among 1331 and 1458, the institution granted the freedom to 557 persons; surprisingly, most of them bounded again to another lordship. The amount of these exits contrasts with the payment to the same lordship during these same dates, for only 105 intèsties and eixòrquies. In other words, until 1445 the provost charged by 23 intèsties, until 1458 by 68 eixòrquies and until 1406 by 14 intèsties and/or eixòrquies Chapters 9 and 10 are about the meaning and the limitations that entailed the bad customs, as features of the belonging to the servitude, over the persons who were bounded to a lordship. Finally, the last chapter analyzes the fulfillment of the sentence dictated by the king Alfons el Magnànim in 1457, where suspended the servitude in Catalonia. There is no doubt that few years before the first remença war the servile homages and the bad customs were not required any more.

Condições de saúde bucal em atletas dos XV Jogos Pan-Americanos e III Jogos Parapan-Americanos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2007 / Oral health status of athletes at the XV Pan-American Games and III Parapan-American Games, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007

Patrícia Luise Scabell Evans 04 November 2011 (has links)
O estudo epidemiológico transversal randomizado objetivou avaliar condições de saúde bucal nos competidores dos XV Jogos Pan-Americanos (JPA) e III Jogos Parapan-Americanos (JPPA), 2007. Foram enviados convites para 5.662 atletas (JPA) e 1.300 (JPPA). Radiografias panorâmicas digitais (RPD) foram utilizadas para o exame de triagem nos 2 eventos, e nos JPPA, os atletas também foram submetidos à avaliação do sangramento gengival interdental (SI) através de uma versão modificada do Índice de Sangramento Interdental de Eastman (EIBI). Foram obtidas RPDs de 410 atletas dos JPA, média de idade 24,38 (dp5,35), 55% homens; e de 118 dos atletas dos JPPA, média de idade de 32,3 (dp9,53), 77,97% homens. 121 competidores (JPPA) foram avaliados para SI: 78,51% homens, média de idade 32,6(dp9,6), e foram separados em grupos (G), conforme sua deficiência física: GI c/ deficiência visual (DV), com 2 subgrupos: GI-a: DV tardia e GI-c-: DV congênita/precoce; GII- deficiência de membro superior; com 1 subgrupo: GII-t: deficiência/ausência bilateral; GIII- deficiência de membro inferior (grupo controle). As RPDs foram examinadas por 1 examinador com o Kodak Dental Imaging(v6.7). A frequência e a distribuição do SI foram calculadas, e os grupos foram comparados. Resultados da triagem com RPDs, representados por número de observações(média por atleta) JPA//número de observações(média por atleta JPPA: Dentes erupcionados/ hígidos: 9097(22,19)//2451(20,77); Ausentes: 803(1,96 //405(3,43); Não erupcionados ou impactados: 330(0,80)//52(0,44); Parcialmente erupcionados e/ou hígidos: 109(0,27)//20(0,17); Cárie extensa: 261(0,64)//62(0,53); Cárie extensa e lesão periapical: 96(0,23)//50(0,42); Tratamento endodôntico e lesão periapical: 24(0,06)//13(0,11); Restaurados: 2298(5,60)//670(5,68); Imagens radiolúcidas patológicas circunscritas: 23(0,06)//0; Raízes-residuais: 27(0,07)//22(0,19); Implantes:6(0,01)//5(0,04); Dentes anteriores fraturados: 13 (0,03)//3(0,03); Molares bandados: 26(0,06)//11(0,09); Dentes anômalos: 7(0,02)//12(0,10). Resultados para SI: G-I>G-III (p=0.0002);GI-c>GI-a (p=0,042). Homens exibiram > freqüência de SI (3,6%+1,7) que mulheres (0,8%+0,5), p<0,01. Conclusões: Os dados das 2 populações de atletas mostraram que há uma grande variação na saúde bucal entre os indivíduos avaliados. Diversas condições com potencial de influenciar o desempenho esportivo dos atletas foram detectadas através de radiografias panorâmicas digitais, sugerindo que um programa de saúde bucal deve ser incluído como parte da preparação destes indivíduos.A avaliação da frequência e distribuição de sangramento gengival interdental em uma população de atletas que competiu nos III Jogos Parapan-Americanos, revelou que o tipo de deficiência ou limitação física dos competidores é um fator que influencia na saúde gengival desses indivíduos. O planejamento de um programa de saúde bucal para esta população deve ser adaptado às diferentes limitações de cada atleta. / This randomized cross-sectional epidemiological study aimed to assess oral health status of athletes competing at the XV-Pan-American-Games (PAG) and III-Parapan-American-Games (PPAG), 2007). Invitations were sent to 5,662 athletes (PAG), and 1,300 (PPAG). Digital panoramic radiographs (DPRs) were used for screening recruited contestants in both events, and a modified version of Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index (EIBI), for screening interdental gingival bleeding (IB) among athletes at PPAG. DPR were taken from 410 athletes (PAG), mean age 24.38(sd5.35), 55% males; and from 118 contestants (PPAG), mean age 32.3(sd9.53), 77.97% males. At PPAG, 121 contestants were also screened for IB: 78.51% males, mean age 32.6(sd9.6) and were separated in groups according to their physical impairment: GI visually impaired (VI), with 2 subgroups: GI-a- w/ late acquired VI, and GI-c- w/ either congenital or early acquired VI; GII- w/ impaired upper limb; with 1 subgroup: GII-t- with bilateral impairment or absent limbs; GIII, with lower limb impairment (control group). DPR were examined, by a single examiner, with Kodak Dental Imaging Software(v6.7). Groups were compared for frequency and distribution of IB. Results for DPR screenings are presented as: number of observations (average per athlete)for PAG//number of observations (average per athlete) for PPAG.Totally erupted/sound teeth: 9097 (22.19)// 2451(20.77); Absent: 803(1.96)//405(3.43); Nonerupted/ Impacted: 330(0.80)//52(0.44); Partly erupted/sound: 109(0.27)//20 (0.17); Extensive carious lesion: 261(0.64)//62 (0.53); Extensive carious lesion+periapical lesion: 96(0.23)//50 (0.42); Endodontic Treatment+PeriapicalLesion: 24(0.06)//13 (0.11); Restored: 2298 (5.60)//670(5.68); Circunscribed pathological radiolucencies: 23(0.06)//0; Residual roots: 27(0.07)//22 (0.19); Dental Implants: 6(0.01)//5(0.04); Fractures: 13(0.03)//3(0.03); Molars with orthodontic band: 26 (0.06)//11(0.09); Anomalous teeth: 7(0.02)//12(0.1). Results for IB showed statistically significant differences as: GI>GIII (p=0.0002); GI-c>GI-a (p=0.042). Males showed higher frequency of IB (3.6%+1.7) than females (0.8%+0,5), p<0.01. In conclusion: Data of the 2 populations of athletes showed that there is a great variance on the oral health among the evaluated individuals. Several conditions that might have a potencial influence on the performance of the athletes were detected with the aid of digital panoramic radiographs, and this suggests that an oral health program should be included as part of the preparation of those individuals. The evaluation of the frequency and distribution of interdental gingival bleeding in a population of athletes that participated in the III Parapan-American Games, revealed that the kind of physical impairment is a factor that influences the gingival health of these individuals. The planning of an oral health program for this population should be adapted to the different limitations of each athlete.

Condições de saúde bucal em atletas dos XV Jogos Pan-Americanos e III Jogos Parapan-Americanos, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 2007 / Oral health status of athletes at the XV Pan-American Games and III Parapan-American Games, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2007

Patrícia Luise Scabell Evans 04 November 2011 (has links)
O estudo epidemiológico transversal randomizado objetivou avaliar condições de saúde bucal nos competidores dos XV Jogos Pan-Americanos (JPA) e III Jogos Parapan-Americanos (JPPA), 2007. Foram enviados convites para 5.662 atletas (JPA) e 1.300 (JPPA). Radiografias panorâmicas digitais (RPD) foram utilizadas para o exame de triagem nos 2 eventos, e nos JPPA, os atletas também foram submetidos à avaliação do sangramento gengival interdental (SI) através de uma versão modificada do Índice de Sangramento Interdental de Eastman (EIBI). Foram obtidas RPDs de 410 atletas dos JPA, média de idade 24,38 (dp5,35), 55% homens; e de 118 dos atletas dos JPPA, média de idade de 32,3 (dp9,53), 77,97% homens. 121 competidores (JPPA) foram avaliados para SI: 78,51% homens, média de idade 32,6(dp9,6), e foram separados em grupos (G), conforme sua deficiência física: GI c/ deficiência visual (DV), com 2 subgrupos: GI-a: DV tardia e GI-c-: DV congênita/precoce; GII- deficiência de membro superior; com 1 subgrupo: GII-t: deficiência/ausência bilateral; GIII- deficiência de membro inferior (grupo controle). As RPDs foram examinadas por 1 examinador com o Kodak Dental Imaging(v6.7). A frequência e a distribuição do SI foram calculadas, e os grupos foram comparados. Resultados da triagem com RPDs, representados por número de observações(média por atleta) JPA//número de observações(média por atleta JPPA: Dentes erupcionados/ hígidos: 9097(22,19)//2451(20,77); Ausentes: 803(1,96 //405(3,43); Não erupcionados ou impactados: 330(0,80)//52(0,44); Parcialmente erupcionados e/ou hígidos: 109(0,27)//20(0,17); Cárie extensa: 261(0,64)//62(0,53); Cárie extensa e lesão periapical: 96(0,23)//50(0,42); Tratamento endodôntico e lesão periapical: 24(0,06)//13(0,11); Restaurados: 2298(5,60)//670(5,68); Imagens radiolúcidas patológicas circunscritas: 23(0,06)//0; Raízes-residuais: 27(0,07)//22(0,19); Implantes:6(0,01)//5(0,04); Dentes anteriores fraturados: 13 (0,03)//3(0,03); Molares bandados: 26(0,06)//11(0,09); Dentes anômalos: 7(0,02)//12(0,10). Resultados para SI: G-I>G-III (p=0.0002);GI-c>GI-a (p=0,042). Homens exibiram > freqüência de SI (3,6%+1,7) que mulheres (0,8%+0,5), p<0,01. Conclusões: Os dados das 2 populações de atletas mostraram que há uma grande variação na saúde bucal entre os indivíduos avaliados. Diversas condições com potencial de influenciar o desempenho esportivo dos atletas foram detectadas através de radiografias panorâmicas digitais, sugerindo que um programa de saúde bucal deve ser incluído como parte da preparação destes indivíduos.A avaliação da frequência e distribuição de sangramento gengival interdental em uma população de atletas que competiu nos III Jogos Parapan-Americanos, revelou que o tipo de deficiência ou limitação física dos competidores é um fator que influencia na saúde gengival desses indivíduos. O planejamento de um programa de saúde bucal para esta população deve ser adaptado às diferentes limitações de cada atleta. / This randomized cross-sectional epidemiological study aimed to assess oral health status of athletes competing at the XV-Pan-American-Games (PAG) and III-Parapan-American-Games (PPAG), 2007). Invitations were sent to 5,662 athletes (PAG), and 1,300 (PPAG). Digital panoramic radiographs (DPRs) were used for screening recruited contestants in both events, and a modified version of Eastman Interdental Bleeding Index (EIBI), for screening interdental gingival bleeding (IB) among athletes at PPAG. DPR were taken from 410 athletes (PAG), mean age 24.38(sd5.35), 55% males; and from 118 contestants (PPAG), mean age 32.3(sd9.53), 77.97% males. At PPAG, 121 contestants were also screened for IB: 78.51% males, mean age 32.6(sd9.6) and were separated in groups according to their physical impairment: GI visually impaired (VI), with 2 subgroups: GI-a- w/ late acquired VI, and GI-c- w/ either congenital or early acquired VI; GII- w/ impaired upper limb; with 1 subgroup: GII-t- with bilateral impairment or absent limbs; GIII, with lower limb impairment (control group). DPR were examined, by a single examiner, with Kodak Dental Imaging Software(v6.7). Groups were compared for frequency and distribution of IB. Results for DPR screenings are presented as: number of observations (average per athlete)for PAG//number of observations (average per athlete) for PPAG.Totally erupted/sound teeth: 9097 (22.19)// 2451(20.77); Absent: 803(1.96)//405(3.43); Nonerupted/ Impacted: 330(0.80)//52(0.44); Partly erupted/sound: 109(0.27)//20 (0.17); Extensive carious lesion: 261(0.64)//62 (0.53); Extensive carious lesion+periapical lesion: 96(0.23)//50 (0.42); Endodontic Treatment+PeriapicalLesion: 24(0.06)//13 (0.11); Restored: 2298 (5.60)//670(5.68); Circunscribed pathological radiolucencies: 23(0.06)//0; Residual roots: 27(0.07)//22 (0.19); Dental Implants: 6(0.01)//5(0.04); Fractures: 13(0.03)//3(0.03); Molars with orthodontic band: 26 (0.06)//11(0.09); Anomalous teeth: 7(0.02)//12(0.1). Results for IB showed statistically significant differences as: GI>GIII (p=0.0002); GI-c>GI-a (p=0.042). Males showed higher frequency of IB (3.6%+1.7) than females (0.8%+0,5), p<0.01. In conclusion: Data of the 2 populations of athletes showed that there is a great variance on the oral health among the evaluated individuals. Several conditions that might have a potencial influence on the performance of the athletes were detected with the aid of digital panoramic radiographs, and this suggests that an oral health program should be included as part of the preparation of those individuals. The evaluation of the frequency and distribution of interdental gingival bleeding in a population of athletes that participated in the III Parapan-American Games, revealed that the kind of physical impairment is a factor that influences the gingival health of these individuals. The planning of an oral health program for this population should be adapted to the different limitations of each athlete.

Mapping theological trajectories that emerge in response to a Bible translation

Naylor, Mark, 1959- 12 1900 (has links)
This study identifies a theological trajectory of first generation “believers” – those who allow the biblical text to speak authoritatively into their lives – within the Sindhi community of Pakistan. A passage from a contemporary translation of the New Testament in the Sindhi language – Luke 15:11-32, Jesus’ Parable of the Two Lost Sons – was presented in interview settings to discover how Sindhis express their faith as they consider the message of the parable. Culture texts generated by believers are compared to those generated by “traditional” Muslim Sindhis who do not accept the Bible as authoritative. Twenty–eight people identified as Sindhi believers were interviewed as well as twenty traditional Sindhi Muslims. Similarities and contrasts between the two groups are used to discover how the theological praxis of the believers is being impacted and how they are adjusting their view of God as they engage scripture. The description of theological trajectories that diverge from accepted traditional convictions is referred to as “mapping.” Six themes were identified from the interviews that are important for both groups while demonstrating distinct contrasts and similarities. The themes are (1) God is compassionate/kind/merciful/loving beyond our imagination, (2) God forgives his servants who repent, (3) Concepts of rewards, punishment and the fear of God, (4) The relationship of human beings with God (child versus servant), (5) Issues of justice, honor and status, and (6) The importance of obedience to God. An evaluation of the six themes revealed one overarching trajectory: a shift from a dominant master–servant view of the Divine–human relationship to a father–child paradigm. The research affirms that the shift to a biblically shaped view of God is not disconnected from previous beliefs, but is based on and shaped by a priori assumptions held by members of society. Commitment to the Bible as God’s word speaking authoritatively to believers creates a shift or trajectory of faith so that current perspectives, symbols and metaphors of God are being reformed and reconfirmed through the believers’ interaction with the Sindhi translation of scripture. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Life preservation in Genesis and Exodus : an exegetical study of the Tebāh

Spoelstra, Joshua Joel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: See full text for the abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sien volteks vir die opsomming

Hermeneutiek van inklusiwiteit : Handelinge 15 as Bybelse raamwerk vir aanvaarding van die homoseksuele persoon binne die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider Afrika (VGKSA)

Pieterse, Abraham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDiv (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In present day society and the context within which we find ourselves, the word “marginalised” is not altogether uncommon, therefore the marginalised is on the rise. It is precisely the marginalised that feel the need to hide their true identity. Finding refuge in this option offers them some degree of protection against discrimination/discriminatory practices. This is all too common-place for homosexuals who often find themselves existing only on the fringes of society. Homosexuality is a highly contentious and emotional issue within most denominations, because it goes against most people’s beliefs. This begs investigation into how the homosexual person is dealt with/treated within society as well as how accommodating the Church of Christ is towards them. This dissertation deals with the “hermeneutics of inclusivity” – the acceptance of the homosexual person within the faith-communities, and the ethics surrounding “hospitality”. Acts 15: 1-29, the text which is being dealt with/studied, does not deal with homosexuality, rather it deals with the inclusion of the other/others. Many Christians today long to experience the munificent power of God, this is precisely why Acts is used in this discussion as it is a book that vibrates with life – God’s new life that He bestows upon His people through the Holy Spirit. Looking at Acts 15: 1-29, which speaks about Christian leaders’ meeting in Jerusalem, will aid me in discussing inclusivity and how to incorporate lesbigays, who are seen as “different”, into the extended family within God’s church. By virtue of the text and stories that Paul, Barnabas and Peter had shared with their followers, they had convinced the church that heathens that were not circumcised could still be included within the faith-community. These apostles delivered personal testimonies about the “signs and wonders” and how they also occurred and succeeded amongst the non-believers. This is precisely the type of testimony that the church needs for, and by its lesbigay followers. It is important that we create room for each other to truly live out our Christianity, to be receptive and open to each other, to accept each other as Jesus Christ and God loves and accepts each and every one of us – basically a space where we include everyone in the covenant with God, and the Word of God that asks us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, as Christ loves us. This love is witnessed in the crucifiction of Christ. We all have a stake in this be it Jew or non-Jew, slave or free man, man or woman, heterosexual or homosexual. If God can include everybody in His love, then that should be the role of the Church, and of each Christian. We should be able to live as one big, happy family whilst serving our God. God’s love and grace excludes no-one.

Concepções linguísticas dos séculos XVI e XXI: o pronome numa perspectiva historiográfica

Fernandes, Victor Hugo Ramão 27 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-07-18T11:44:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor Hugo Ramão Fernandes.pdf: 682334 bytes, checksum: 8de1227cf0762694c004fcae4cec42b7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-18T11:44:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Victor Hugo Ramão Fernandes.pdf: 682334 bytes, checksum: 8de1227cf0762694c004fcae4cec42b7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-04-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This work examines the concepts and the descriptions related to the pronouns, possessive and partial, in the 16th and 21st centuries, from the perspective of Historiography of Linguistic. To do so, he analyzes a Grammatica da lingua Portuguesa (1540) by João de Barros and a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009) by Evanildo Bechara, in its 37th edition. The research is valid for the importance of class words and for the historical and linguistic period, besides covering and lacking on different perspectives from Portugal and Brazil. Based on the methodological procedures of Historiography of Linguistic, postulated by Koerner (1996, 2014) and Swiggers (2009, 2010), we follow the principles of Contextualization, Immanence and Adequacy. In this way, this work contributes as researches of Historiography of Linguistic, offering a study of one of the first grammars of the Portuguese Language, a Grammatica da lingua Portuguesa (1540), focused on personal, possessive and relative pronouns. From this, we perform a comparative analysis of grammatical conceptions as a recent work, a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009). We reflected in front of the subject, as the personal, possessions and possessives pronouns were understood in that period and as they are. Finally, we conclude that both the linguistic dictates that precede both works as an emergence of new studies were fundamental to an understanding of this class of words, especially of the types analyzed / O presente trabalho examina os conceitos e as descrições relacionados aos pronomes pessoais, possessivos e relativos, nos séculos XVI e XXI, sob a perspectiva da Historiografia Linguística. Para tanto, analisamos a Grammatica da língua Portuguesa (1540) de João de Barros e a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009) de Evanildo Bechara, em sua 37ª edição. Tal pesquisa se funda na importância da classe de palavras e no período histórico e no período linguístico escolhidos para a pesquisa, além de abarcar a questão sob diferentes perspectivas de Portugal e do Brasil. Com base nos procedimentos metodológicos da Historiografia Linguística, postulados por Koerner (1996, 2014) e Swiggers (2009, 2010), seguimos os princípios de Contextualização, Imanência e Adequação. Dessa maneira, este trabalho contribui com as pesquisas de Historiografia Linguística, oferecendo um estudo de uma das primeiras gramáticas da língua portuguesa, a Grammatica da língua Portuguesa (1540), voltado para os pronomes pessoais, possessivos e relativos. A partir disso, realizamos uma análise comparativa dessas concepções gramaticais com as de uma obra recente, a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa (2009). Detivemo-nos diante da questão do como os pronomes pessoais, possessivos e relativos eram compreendidos naquele período e do como o são atualmente. Por fim, concluímos que tanto os ditames linguísticos que precediam ambas as obras como a emergência de novos estudos foram fundamentais para a compreensão dessa classe de palavras, especialmente dos tipos analisados

Aspectos sanitarios de los archivos parroquiales del arciprestazgo de Sant Joan de les Abadesses durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII

Torras Salles, Joaquin 15 June 1993 (has links)
Este estudio se centra en la comarca del Ripollés y más concretamente en el Arciprestazgo de Sant Joan de les Abedesses, compuesto por las parroquias de Sant Miquel de Cavallera, Sant Pau de Seguries, Sant Martí de Surroca, Sant Martí d´Ogassa y Sant Joan de les Abedesses (Sant Joani Pol, Santa Llucia de Puigmal y la Col·legiata).La intención fundamental de esta tesis es la de contribuir a un mejor y más amplio conocimiento de la historia en la sociedad catalana durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII principalmente en los aspectos relacionados con la sanidad, y de forma más secundaria en el ámbito cultural. Mediante al análisis de los datos recogidos estableceremos una serie de hipótesis como son:1.- Comprobar y confirmar que la asistencia médica en las poblaciones más grandes era cubierta por médicos, a diferencia de las pequeñas que las llevaban los cirujanos.2.- Demostrar que el personal sanitario gozaba de un prestigio social.3.- Verificar la presencia de una profesión sanitaria femenina: las comadronas.4.- Confirmar la existencia de un arraigo familiar entre el personal sanitario.5.- comprobar que existen periodos de una considerable violencia social en Cataluña.6.- Confirmar la escasa documentación que existe de suicidios.7.- Detectar los posibles accidentes de trabajo.8.- Verificar la baja incidencia de muertes naturales diagnosticadas.9.- Confirmar la importancia de las muertes repentinas.10.- Demostrar que la natalidad ilegítima se mantiene más o menos constante, incrementándose en las etapas de penuria y violencia social.Éstas nos van a llevar a confirmar unos objetivos principales y otros secundarios:A. Principales- Relacionados con el personal sanitario. La identidad de las personas dedicadas a mantener la salud. Confirmar el deficitario grado de cobertura sanitaria. Corroborar la existencia de un arraigo familiar- Relacionados con la mortalidad. Aportaciones de datos sobre la muerte violenta y por lo tanto algunos aspectos de la violencia social existente en la época y en la zona estudiada.. Valoración de una alta incidencia de los óbitos documentados como accidentes de trabajo.. Análisis de las muertes sospechosas de violencia relacionadas con el periodo histórico y con su mecanismo de acción.. Verificar la baja aportación existente y la escasa claridad con que se especifican las muertes diagnosticadas.B. Secundarios- Relacionados con la natalidad. Análisis sobre la evolución de la natalidad según el momento histórico del principado.. El número de embarazos múltiples comprobando su alta incidencia de mortalidad.. Valoración del alto registro de hijos ilegítimos existentes en épocas difíciles.. Identidad y actos médicos realizados por las comadronas en los bautismos de necesidad.- Relacionados con los matrimonios. Evolución de la nupcialidad. Estudio del estado civil de los contrayentes. Tasa de fertilidad- Otros datos. Personajes que han tenido un interés social y que han contribuido en alguna forma en la historia del Arciprestazgo. La terminología usada es muy curiosa al hacer mención de las distintas patologías y muy variada para denominar a los diferentes personajes dedicados a mantener la salud ó a los de interés social.Todo ello nos permite obtener unas conclusiones suficientemente importantes para conocer los aspectos fundamentales de nuestro pasado sanitario. Entre ellas destacaremos:1.- Se ha podido englobar 257 años de historia del arciprestazgo, a través de 43747 registros.2.- Recuperación de la identidad de 159 profesionales de la salud. 3.- Confirmación del predominio de los cirujanos en la asistencia sanitaria.4.- Existencia de una profesión femenina bien estructurada: las comadronas.5.- El principal centro de actividad sanitaria de la zona es Sant Joan.6.- Clara evidencia de una precariedad en la sanidad animal: no se registran veterinarios.7.- La muerte violenta de origen criminal se debe a la época del bandolerismo y a las sucesivas guerras con Francia. 8.- Hay una gran escasez de muertes violentas registradas, aunque bien especificada la causa.9.- Queda reflejada la existencia de muertes violentas relacionadas con accidentes laborales.10.- Clara evidencia que a los suicidas no los inscribían en los libros sacramentales.11.- Confirmar el periodo de violencia social existente sobre todo desde medianos del siglo XVII y todo el XVIII.12.- Por las circunstancias en que ocurrió el desenlace hay inicios para sospechar de violencia en un 0.98% del total de óbitos. 13.- La muerte natural diagnosticada esta más documentada que la muerte violenta, pero es menos clara y concreta.14.- Se han detectado 391 microepidemias y 9 epidemias, pero no existe documentación de la epidemia de peste acontecida en todo el principado.15.- La mortalidad infantil, solo se registra en el s. XVIII, es muy elevada. Un 16,32% de las muertes de criaturas corresponde a la mortalidad neonatal.16.- Los hijos de los padres desconocidos documentados representan el 0,91%, confirmándose que en tiempos difíciles aumentan el número de niños abandonados.17.- Los bautismos de necesidad se registran de forma regular en todo el Arciprestazgo, representando el 0,71% de todos los bautizados.18.- Los partos múltiples significan el 0,6% de la natalidad, comprobando en ellos que hay una alta incidencia de mortalidad.19.- Hay una alta fertilidad en los matrimonios con 5,6 hijos por pareja. / This study is developed on the deanery of "S. Joan de les Abadesses", situated in the district of Ripolles, also known as "El Bressol de Catalunya". It ´s objective is to contribute to a greater knowledge of Catalonian society during the 16 th and 17 th, and 18 th centauries, in both the cultural and sanitation aspects, through the only souse of information available which are the parish archives. The acquired information allows us to demonstrate some established hypothesis that take us to our marked objectives:1.Primary objectives related with:- Sanitary Staff.- Identity; Sanitary structure of the villages; Their social prestige; Existing family roots.- Mortality and causes of death. Violent mortality. The violent social aspects existent during the period in the area studied are observed. Also, the incidence of work accidents documented.. Analysis of the suspected violent deaths related with the historical period and its mechanism of action.. Registration and commentary of all the diagnosed deaths.. The infant death rate.. The appearance f epidemics and micro epidemics.2. Secondary objectives related with:- The birth rate.- Evolution according to the historical moment in Catalonia; Multiple pregnancies proving the high incidence of mortality; Valuation of the illegitimate children which is more frequent during difficult times; Identification and medical acts carried out by the midwives in the emergency baptisms.- The marriages.- Evolution of the nuptials; The spouse's civil state; The fertility rate.- Other pieces of information.- Characters which have contributed in some way to the deanery's history; The terminology used it's very varied to mention as much the sanitary personnel as the social interest and curious to refer to the different pathologies.

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