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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'ascension du Cardinal de Fleury (1653-1726) / The rise of Cardinal de Fleury (1653-1726)

Malcor, Fabrice 30 January 2016 (has links)
L’ascension du cardinal de Fleury décrit les mécanismes ayant conduit le rejeton d’une famille de financiers « moyens » du Languedoc à devenir en 1726 le principal ministre de Louis XV. Il faut d’abord compter avec le mouvement d’ensemble de tout un lignage qui plonge ses racines dans la marchandise du lodévois depuis au moins le XVIe siècle. Le passage à la finance s’effectue avec le grand-père du cardinal et se poursuit avec son père Jean et surtout son oncle Pierre-Moïse, trésorier de France au bureau des finances de Montpellier. Ce dernier favorise la montée à Paris du jeune André-Hercule qui embrasse dès lors la carrière ecclésiastique. Les moteurs de l’ascension sont ensuite individuels et reposent sur le jeu des clientèles, avec le cardinal de Bonsy puis le cardinal de Noailles qui obtient d’un Louis XIV réticent l’évêché de Fréjus (1698) pour son protégé. La suite relève davantage de la contingence mais ne peut s’extraire du contexte religieux et, là encore, le système des fidélités. La désignation comme précepteur du futur Louis XV, quelques jours avant la mort du Grand Roi, permet à Fleury de faire sa rentrée à la Cour. L’incontestable habileté de Fleury lui permet de profiter de l’évolution politico-religieuse engagée par le Régent qui, passé une phase initiale de rapprochement avec les adversaires de la bulle Unigenitus, s’en détache bientôt. Fleury incarne un soutien modéré mais ferme. Sa proximité avec le petit roi fait le reste et le positionne en personnalité majeure. Les décès de Dubois puis de Philippe d’Orléans le laissent seul face au duc de Bourbon (1723). Trois ans seulement vont suffire à M. de Fréjus pour éliminer le premier ministre en titre. / The ascent of the cardinal of Fleury describes the mechanisms which have driven the heir of an "average" family of financiers in Languedoc to become Louis XV’s Prime Minister in 1726. It is necessary to underline at first the whole rise of a linage which plunges its roots into the merchandise in the Lodévois for at least the XVIth century. The transition to the finance is made with the cardinal’s grandfather and continues with his father Jean and especially his uncle Pierre-Moses, trésorier de France at the bureau des finances of Montpellier. The latter favors the rise in Paris of the young André-Hercule who embraces from then the ecclesiastical career. The causes of the ascent are individual and are based on the set of the clienteles, with at first the cardinal of Bonsy, then the cardinal of Noailles who obtains from reluctant Louis XIV the bishop's siege of Fréjus ( in 1698 ) for his protégé. The continuation is more a matter of contingency but cannot be extracted from the religious context and, even there, the system of the clienteles. The designation as the private tutor of the future Louis XV, a few days before the death of the Great King, allows Fleury to make his comeback to the Court. The indisputable skill of Fleury allows him to take advantage of the politico-religious evolution led by the Regent who, after an initial phase of proximity with the opponents of the Unigenitus bull, soon gets loose from them. Fleury embodies a moderate support but firm. His closeness with the small king makes of him a major actor. The death of Dubois and of Philippe of Orléans leaves him alone in front of the duke of Bourbon (1723). Three years only will be enough for M. de Fréjus to eliminate the official Prime Minister.

Nicolas Besnier (1686-1754) : architecte, orfèvre du roi, directeur de la Manufacture royale de tapisseries de Beauvais, et échevin de la Ville de Paris / Nicolas Besnier (1686-1754) : architect, goldsmith of the king, director of the Royal Manufacture of Tapestry of Beauvais, and alderman of the city of Paris

Huchet de Quénétain, Christophe 04 March 2017 (has links)
Nicolas Besnier (1686-1754) est le fils de François Besnier, chef du gobelet du roi, et d’Henriette Delaunay. Son oncle est Nicolas Delaunay et son parrain est Corneille Van Clève. Comme architecte, Nicolas Besnier fait le voyage en Italie de 1709 à 1712 ; étudiant à l’Académie de France à Rome, il obtient le premier prix d'architecture de l’Académie de Saint-Luc en 1711. Maître orfèvre en 1714, associé à Delaunay, logé aux galeries du Louvre à partir de 1718, il est nommé orfèvre du roi par un brevet en 1723. Il travaille pour la cour de France, notamment pour le remplacement de la vaisselle ordinaire du roi et pour les Affaires étrangères, ainsi que pour les comtes de Tarroca, de Pontchartrain, les duchesses de Retz, d'Harcourt, le maréchal de Castries, les ducs de Bouillon, de Levy, Horatio Walpole, Gaspard-César-Charles de Lescalopier, William Bateman, l'église Saint-Louis-en-l'ile, la cour de Wurtemberg, etc… Il devient échevin de la ville de Paris en 1729. A cette époque, il décide de collaborer avec son gendre Jacques Roëttiers de La Tour, à qui il laissera la conduite de son atelier d’orfèvre. De 1734 à 1753, il est directeur de la Manufacture royale de tapisserie de Beauvais. Il supervise la création de nouvelles tentures par Jean-Baptiste Oudry - Métamorphoses d'Ovide, Verdures fines -, par Charles Joseph Natoire - Histoire de don Quichotte - et par François Boucher - les Fêtes italiennes, Histoire de Psyché,Seconde tenture chinoise, les Amours des dieux, la Noble pastorale, les Fragments d'opéra ; cette période est vraiment « l'âge d'or » de la manufacture. Il quitte son logement aux galeries du Louvre en 1739 et il remet son poinçon d'orfèvre en 1744. / Nicolas Besnier (1686-1754) is the son of François Besnier, head of the Gobelet du Roi and Henriette Delaunay. His uncle is Nicolas Delaunay and his godfather is Corneille Van Clève. As an architect, Nicolas Besnier traveled to Italy from 1709 to 1712. As student at the Academy of France in Rome, he obtained the first prize of architecture of the Académie de Saint-Luc in 1711. He became master goldsmith in 1714, partner with Delaunay, and was housed in the Galeries du Louvre from 1718. He was appointed goldsmith of the king by a patent in 1723. He worked for the court of France, notably for the replacement of the king's ordinary serveware and for the Foreign Affairs, as well as for the Counts of Tarroca, of Pontchartrain, the Duchess of Retz, of Harcourt, the Marshal de Castries, the Dukes of Bouillon, of Levy, Horatio Walpole, Gaspard-Caesar-Charles de Lescalopier,William Bateman... He became the alderman of the city of Paris in 1729. At that time, he decided to collaborate with his son in law Jacques Roëttiers de La Tour, who led the his workshop of goldsmith. From 1734, and until 1753, he was director of the Royal Manufacture of Tapestry of Beauvais. He supervised the creation of newhangings by Jean-Baptiste Oudry - Metamorphosis of Ovide, Fine verdures, by Charles Joseph Natoire - History of Don Quixote and by François Boucher - Italian festivals, Story of Psiché, the second Chinese hangings, the Loves of the gods, the Noble pastoral, Fragments of opera. This period is truly the « golden age » ofmanufacturing. He left his lodging at the galleries of the Louvre in 1739 and in 1744 gave back his hallmark of goldsmith.

Manifestacions musicals a Barcelona a través de la festa: les entrades reials (segles XV-XVIII)

Raventós Freixa, Jordi 31 March 2006 (has links)
El tema d'aquesta tesi és el factor de la festa en l'articulació de pràctiques musicals a Barcelona en un context que s'estén des del segle XV al XVIII. Concretament, se centra en les anomenades "Entrades Reials", unes celebracions públiques que s'esdevenien en la primera visita del monarca en motiu del seu jurament dels privilegis de la ciutat. L'elecció d'aquest objecte es justifica en primer lloc pel seu potencial per a connectar amb formes de pensament que incideixen en el debat més genèric sobre els processos d'atribució de significacions a la música. Aquestes celebracions esdevenien una important manifestació cultural col·lectiva en les que s'utilitzaven pràctiques musicals comuns a les altres festes més regulars i que conformaven el sistema general festiu: l'acompanyament del seguici per conjunts de trompetes i tabals, les intervencions musicals en el marc de les representacions realitzades al portal de la ciutat i basades en el teatre sacre medieval, les desfilades dels gremis i confraries, que participaven amb les músiques i els balls dels "entremesos" del Corpus, així com els balls privats als palaus o públics als carrers i places que durant les jornades posteriors completava el conjunt de les activitats. / The subject of this work is the factor of the celebration in the joint of musical practices in Barcelona in a context that extends from century XV to the XVIII. Concretely, it is centered in the denominated "Real Entrances", public celebrations that occurred in the first visit of the monarch in reason for the oath of the privileges of the city. The election of this object is justified by its potential to connect with thought forms that affect the most generic debate the processes of attribution of meanings to music. These celebrations were an important collective cultural manifestation in which common musical practices to the other more regular celebrations were used and than they conformed the festive general system: the support of the courtship by sets of trumpets and drums, the musical interventions within the framework of the representations made to the vestibule of the city and cradles in the religious medieval theater, the parades of the unions and brotherhoods, that participated with music and the dances of the "entremeses" of the Corpus, as well as the dances deprived in the palaces or public in the streets and seats that during the later days the set of the activities completed.

The roles of collagens XV and XVIII in vessel formation, the function of recombinant human full-length type XV collagen and the roles of collagen XV and laminin α4 in peripheral nerve development and function

Hurskainen, M. (Merja) 23 November 2010 (has links)
Abstract Transgenic mice were used to evaluate the roles of collagens XV and XVIII in retinal vessel development and to examine the roles of collagen XV and laminin α4 in peripheral nerve development and function. Also, in vitro methods were used to study the functions of recombinant, full-length human collagen XV produced in insect cells. The lack of collagen XVIII alone was found to result in overproliferation of astrocytes in the mouse retina and deficient vascularization of the retina, which was ultimately rescued by the persistent hyaloid vessels. VEGF mRNA expression was appropriately regulated in the retina of the collagen XVIII deficient mice, which also showed reduced susceptibility to oxygen-induced neovascularization. Lack of collagen XV alone had no obvious effect on the mouse eye, but an abnormal migration of astrocytes onto the persistent hyaloid vessels could be seen in mice lacking both collagens XVIII and XV. Recombinant full-length human collagen XV was seen in rotary shadowing EM as an extended protein with numerous kinks and a globular domain at its N-terminus. The mean length of the molecules was 241 nm and they had a tendency to form aggregates. Collagen XV attaches to the collagen binding region of fibronectin and to a lesser extent to vitronectin and laminin. It was rapidly bound to cultured cells with a staining pattern co-localizing with fibronectin. Collagen XV was also found to inhibit the adhesion and migration of cells in vitro. Lack of collagen XV in mice was found to result in ultrastructural abnormalities in the sciatic nerves, such as polyaxonal myelination and more loosely packed C-fibres, mild impairment of BM assembly and mild motor dysfunction with a lower sensory nerve conduction velocity. Polyaxonal myelination and a failure in the segregation of axons were evident in laminin α4 null mice, which also had diminished amounts of C-fibres, BM abnormalities, diminished myelin and a greater myelin period compared with wild-type mice. They performed poorly in the round beam test and showed diminished compound muscle action potentials. A simultaneous lack of collagen XV and laminin α4 resulted in a permanent defect in the segregation of axons and C-fibre development. The performance of the double null mice on the round beam was poor relative to the other genotypes. / Tiivistelmä Tässä väitöskirjatyössä on tutkittu kollageenien XV ja XVIII merkitystä silmän verkkokalvon verisuonituksen kehittymiselle sekä kollageeni XV:n ja laminiini α4:n merkitystä ääreishermon kehittymiselle ja toiminnalle käyttäen hyväksi muuntogeenisiä hiiriä. Lisäksi tässä työssä on käytetty in vitro –menetelmiä hyönteissoluissa yhdistelmä-DNA-tekniikalla tuotetun kollageeni XV:n toiminnan tutkimiseksi. Kollageeni XVIII:n puutteen todettiin johtavan verkkokalvon astrosyyttien määrän lisääntymiseen sekä verkkokalvon suonituksen kehittymiseen epänormaalilla tavalla lasiaissuonista, jotka eivät olleetkaan hävinneet kehityksen aikana. VEGF:n lähetti-RNA:n ilmentyminen oli asianmukaisesti säädelty eri verkkokalvon alueilla kollageeni XVIII:n suhteen poistogeenisillä hiirillä, joilla kehittyi myös vähemmän uudissuonia matalalle hapen osapaineelle altistamisen jälkeen. Kollageeni XV:n puute ei johtanut havaittaviin muutoksiin silmässä, mutta molempien kollageenien XV ja XVIII puuttuessa havaittiin silmässä epänormaalia astrosyyttien soluvaellusta lasiaissuonten päälle. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä osoitetaan, että yhdistelmä-DNA-tekniikalla tuotettu kokopitkä ihmisen kollageeni XV näytti elektronimikroskopiassa pitkältä molekyyliltä, jonka pituus oli keskimäärin 241 nm ja joka sitoutui helposti toisiin kollageeni XV -molekyyleihin. Kollageeni XV sitoutuu fibronektiinin kollageenia sitovaan osaan sekä vitronektiiniin ja laminiiniin. Viljeltyihin soluihin kollageeni XV sitoutui siten, että vasta-ainevärjäyksellä todettiin sen paikallistuvan samoille alueille fibronektiinin kanssa. Kollageeni XV:n todettiin myös vähentävän solujen kiinnittymistä ja liikkumista. Hiirissä kollageeni XV:n puutoksen todettiin johtavan iskiahermoissa polyaksonaaliseen myelinisaatioon, C-säikeiden lievään kehityshäiriöön, tyvikalvon koostumuksen häiriöön, lieviin motorisiin vaikeuksiin ja matalampaan tuntohermojen johtonopeuteen. Laminiini α4 –puutteisilla hiirillä oli todettavissa myös polyaksonaalista myelinisaatiota ja lisäksi häiriö aksonien erottelussa. Niiden hermoista löytyi myös tyvikalvon epämuodostumia, vähemmän myeliiniä ja C-säikeitä sekä suuremmat myeliinijaksot verrattuna villityypin hiiriin. Ne selviytyivät huonosti kävelytestissä ja niiden lihasten aktiopotentiaalit olivat pienemmät kuin kontrollihiirillä. Samanaikainen kollageeni XV:n ja laminiini α4:n puutos johti pysyvään aksonien erottelun ja C-säikeiden kehittymisen häiriöön. Kävelytestissä tuplapoistogeeniset hiiret selviytyivät huonoiten muihin genotyyppeihin verrattuna.

Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (1704-1778) : un sculpteur du roi au temps des Lumières / Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (1704-1778), royal sculptor of the Enlightenment

Champy-Vinas, Cécilie 11 March 2017 (has links)
Issu d’une dynastie de sculpteurs parisiens, formé sous la Régence, en plein triomphe du style « rocaille », Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne (1704-1778) construit sa renommée sur la faveur que lui accorde Louis XV. Des années 1730 aux années 1750 Lemoyne s’illustre dans le genre colossal. À moins de dix ans d’intervalle, en 1743 et 1754, le sculpteur inaugure à Bordeaux puis à Rennes deux monuments à la gloire de Louis XV, prouesse artistique et technologique jamais égalée jusqu’alors. À partir des années 1750, le sculpteur recentre sa production sur l’art du portrait, devenant, avant Houdon, le sculpteur des grands hommes. Célébré de son vivant, Lemoyne connut une destinée posthume tragique : la plupart de ses monuments religieux et royaux furent détruits sous la Révolution et le sculpteur tomba dans l’oubli, victime du mépris de la génération néoclassique. L’artiste est demeuré longtemps méconnu, éclipsé par la renommée de Bouchardon puis de Houdon. Cette étude se propose de reconsidérer l’une des figures majeures de la sculpture française du XVIIIe siècle, en mettant l’accent sur son héritage familial et esthétique, l’influence de son atelier et le rôle que la « sociabilité » des Lumières a joué dans la réussite de sa carrière et le succès de ses portraits. / Born in a family of Parisian sculptors, Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne was trained under the Régence period when the rocaille style triumphed. His fame then was rooted in Louis XV’s favor. From the 1730s to the 1750s, Lemoyne became renowned for his colossal sculptures. In less than ten years, between 1743 and 1754, he erected in Bordeaux and Rennes two monuments to glorify the King, thus achieving a unique artistic as well as technological performance. From the 1750s on, Lemoyne focused on sculpting portraits, thus preceding Houdon in being the sculptor of illustrious men. Although he was a celebrated and well-known artist during his lifetime, Lemoyne’s fame vanished after he died. Most of his religious and royal monuments were destroyed during the French Revolution. His work, despised by the néoclassique generation, fell into oblivion. Unlike his rivals Bouchardon and Houdon, he remained unstudied for a long time. My dissertation proposes to reconsider one of the leading figures of eighteenth-century French sculpture. I particularly focus on three points: the aesthetic heritage Lemoyne received from his family, his influential workshop, and the key role played by enlightened networks and societies in his successful career as a portraitist.

Турки и турецкая угроза середины XV в. в восприятии византийских и восточно-европейских авторов : магистерская диссертация / The Turks and Turkish Threat in the middle of the Fifteen Century in the Perception of the Byzantine and East-European authors

Zhigalova, N. E., Жигалова, Н. Э. January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation is devoted to the problems of the perception of Muslims and the threat posed by the Ottoman by the Byzantine and East-European writers of the XV century. According to the materials of historical works analyzed the ratio of the authors to the representatives of the Islamic faith in a severe foreign situation and also domestic religious contradictions. Analysis of the works of Byzantine and Balkan writers allows us to trace the evolution of the views of historians on the matter and to reveal the extent of their bias. According to the Byzantine and East-European sources revealed the attitude of the authors of the XV century to the Turks and denoted points of contact of Christian and Muslim civilizations in the context of military confrontation, also investigated the attitude of the authors to the key events of the Turkish expansion in the XV century - Battle of Varna in 1444 and the capture of Constantinople in 1453. The dissertation also addresses the problem of mutual Christians and Muslims considered in the interpretation of the writers and the question of the possibility of cultural and religious dialogue between the warring parties. / Диссертация посвящена рассмотрению проблемы восприятия мусульман и угрозы со стороны османов византийскими и восточно-европейскими писателями XV века. По материалам их исторических произведений анализируется отношение авторов к представителям исламского вероучения в условиях тяжелой внешнеполитической ситуации и внутренних религиозных противоречий. Анализ сочинений византийских и балканских писателей позволяет проследить эволюцию взглядов историков относительно данного вопроса и выявить степень их тенденциозности. По данным византийских и восточно-европейских источников выявляется отношение авторов XV в. к туркам, обозначаются точки соприкосновения христианской и мусульманской цивилизаций в контексте военного противостояния, а также исследуется отношение авторов к ключевым событиям турецкой экспансии XV в. - битве при Варне 1444 г. и захвату Константинополя в 1453 г. В диссертации также затрагивается проблема взаимовосприятия христиан и мусульман в интерпретации рассматриваемых писателей и ставится вопрос о возможности культурного и религиозного диалога между представителями противоборствующих сторон.

Plumes de fer et robes de papier. Logiques institutionnelles et pratiques politiques du parlement de Paris au XVIIIe siècle / The parlement of Paris in eighteenth Century

Feutry, David 27 October 2012 (has links)
Les historiens ont souvent interprété les relations entre le Parlement et la monarchie comme un combat qui devait amener à la Révolution. Par orgueil et égoïsme, le Parlement avait tenté de s’arroger les prérogatives royales. La réalité était bien plus complexe. Le Parlement n’était pas le bourreau de la monarchie. Il avait toujours cherché à l’aider dans ses choix, en lui montrant la voie qu’il trouvait la plus sage, au vu des circonstances et des enseignements du droit et de l’histoire. L’étude institutionnelle des rouages de la cour, la mise en perspective des revenus des conseillers à travers les épices et l’analyse de la recherche d’une justification de sa fonction à travers l’histoire, montrent le rôle de la cour dans l’évolution du XVIIIe siècle. / The fight between the crown and the Parlement of Paris has been seen as the origins of the French Revolution. The Parlement was guilty of trying to usurp the power of the King. In fact, the comprehension of the XVIIIth Century is more problematic because the Parlement of Paris had never been the executioner of the monarchy. The judges had tried to help the King in the making of the laws. The institutional study of the mechanisms of the Parlement, the analysis of the fees of the judges and of the theoretical justifications of the Parlement show the real place of the court in the evolution of the century.

François Colin de Blamont (1690-1760). Une carrière officielle au cœur des institutions musicales françaises du Grand Siècle au Siècle des Lumières / François Colin de Blamont (1690-1760). An official career in the French musical institutions during the Classical Century up to the Age of Enlightenment

Dratwicki, Benoît 12 February 2014 (has links)
Débutant sa carrière durant les dernières années du règne de Louis XIV sous les auspices de Michel-Richard de Lalande, François Colin de Blamont se fait connaître dans les salons de la Régence par ses airs et ses cantates. Nommé Surintendant de la Musique de la Chambre du jeune Louis XV (1719), il devient l’un des acteurs déterminants de l’évolution des goûts et des pratiques musicales de la Cour. Dans la capitale, il est joué avec succès au Concert Spirituel, à l’Académie royale de musique et dans les cénacles en vue, souffrant toutefois de l’étoile montante de Jean-Philippe Rameau. Ses partitions témoignent de l’ambiguïté musicale française caractéristique du Siècle des Lumières, associant respect de la tradition et recherche de modernité. Ce travail propose de mettre en lumière la carrière et l’Œuvre de ce compositeur en les éclairant par le contexte historique, social et politique. La première partie fait le point sur la jeunesse, la formation et les premières productions de l’auteur. La deuxième partie est consacrée au service de la Cour. La troisième partie aborde le milieu musical parisien et les implications de Colin de Blamont dans les grandes institutions de la capitale. Enfin, la dernière partie tente de porter un regard neuf sur l’auteur, considéré tout à la fois comme homme de cour, esthète et musicien. / François Colin de Blamont started his career during the last years of the reign of Louis XIV under the aegis of Michel-Richard de Lalande. During the Regency, he was mostly known through his arias and cantatas. In 1719, he was appointed ‘Surintendant de la Musique de la Chambre’ of the young Louis XV. He became one of the main personalities involved in the evolution of the tastes and the musical practices at the Court. In Paris, his music was successfully played at the ‘Concert Spirituel’, at the ‘Académie royale de musique’ and in the most famous literary sets, even if the rising star of Jean-Philippe Rameau was to overshadow him. His style shows the musical ambiguity typical of French music of the 18th century, which associated the respect of the tradition with the aspiration to modernity. This study aims to bring to light the career and the works of this composer by considering them in their historical, social and political context. The first part sums up his youth, his training and his first works. The second part is devoted to his career at the Court. The third part explores the Parisian musical environment and the involvement of Colin de Blamont in the main institutions of the city. Finally, the last part will consider the author in a new way, as a man of court, as an esthete and as a musician.

Isolamento e elucidação estrutural de compostos com potencial anti-inflamatório na pimenta dedo-de-moça (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum) / Isolation and structure elucidation of compounds with anti-inflammatory potential in dedo-de-moça pepper (Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum)

Molon, Débora Fagundes January 2016 (has links)
A pimenta dedo-de-moça, Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum, é amplamente cultivada na cidade de Turuçu (RS, Brasil) e apresenta compostos potencialmente ativos contra doenças constituídas por processos inflamatórios e oxidativos, tal como a aterosclerose. Neste trabalho foi realizado um fracionamento do extrato ativo obtido dos frutos de C. baccatum e o isolamento de compostos representativos das frações com o objetivo de identificar os compostos responsáveis pela atividade antiinflamatória demonstrada pelo extrato. Assim, três frações denominadas superior (UF), intermediária (MF) e inferior (LF) foram obtidas e seu desempenho antiinflamatório foi avaliado pelo modelo de pleurisia em camundongos induzida por carragenina. Todas as frações (100 mg/kg, v.o.) inibiram significativamente a migração de leucócitos totais na cavidade pleural (p<0,001), caracterizada por uma intensa redução na migração de neutrófilos em todos os grupos de tratamento (p<0,001). A análise química mostrou composições diferentes para as três frações e um rendimento majoritário para a fração LF (cerca de 60%). Foram isolados e identificados cinco compostos inéditos para a espécie, dentre estes o composto 1 (5- hidroximetil-furfural) isolado de UF, os compostos 2 (n-butil-α-D-frutofuranosídeo), 3 (n-butil-β-D-frutofuranosídeo) e 4 (n-butil-β-D-frutopiranosídeo) isolados de MF e o composto 5 (capsianosídeo XV) isolado de LF. Foi também evidenciada a formação de derivados de açúcares durante o processo extrativo. Em relação às frações estudadas, no que diz respeito à composição química, rendimento e perfil de atividade anti-inflamatória, pode-se concluir que a fração LF é a mais promissora para futuros estudos de isolamento de compostos ativos de C. baccatum, sendo o capsianosídeo XV um potencial candidato à ensaios de atividade anti-inflamatória, visando a contribuição no desenvolvimento de medicamentos para prevenção e tratamento de doenças associadas ao processo inflamatório. / Red pepper dedo-de-moça, Capsicum baccatum var. pendulum, is largely cultivated in Turuçu city (RS, Brazil) and presents highly potential active compounds against inflammatory and oxidative process related to diseases, as atherosclerosis. Herein the active extract obtained from C. baccatum fruits was submitted to a fractionation and its main compounds were isolated with the purpose to identify those responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity presented by the extract. So, three fractions named upper fraction (UF), medium fraction (MF) and lower fraction (LF) were obtained and their anti-inflammatory performance was evaluated through the pleurisy model induced by carrageenan in mice. All the fractions (100 mg/kg, p.o.) inhibited significantly the leukocytes migration to the pleural cavity (p<0.001), marked by an intense reduction of neutrophils in all treatment groups (p<0.001). The chemical analysis showed different compositions to the three fractions and the LF fraction presented the major yields (about 60%). Five known compounds were isolated for the first time in this species. They were identified as 5-(hydroxymethyl)- furfural (1), isolated from UF, n-Butyl-α-D-fructofuranoside (2), n-Butyl β-Dfructofuranoside (3) and n-Butyl-β-D-fructopyranoside (4), isolated from MF and capsianoside XV (5), isolated from LF. Thus, it was possible to understand the classes of metabolites present in the extract, as well as be aware about the formation of sugar derivatives during the extraction process. Regarding the performance of the studied fractions, in relation to their chemical composition, yield and antiinflammatory activity, it is possible to conclude that LF is the most promising one to future studies of the C. baccatum active compounds, being capsianoside XV a potential candidate to anti-inflammatory biological assay, aiming to contribute on the development of drugs to prevent and treat inflammatory diseases.

Avaliação da viscosidade dinâmica de materiais implantáveis em pregas vocais: comparação entre camada superficial de fáscia temporal, camada profunda de fáscia temporal e gordura abdominal / Evaluation of dynamic viscosity of implantable materials into vocal folds: comparison among superficial layer of temporalis fascia, deep layer of temporalis fascia and abdominal fat

Wiikmann, Christian 25 February 2010 (has links)
OBJETIVO: Comparar a viscosidade dinâmica da camada superficial da fáscia temporal com a de outros tecidos biológicos tradicionalmente utilizados em implantes de pregas vocais para o tratamento de rigidez de pregas vocais. DESENHO DO ESTUDO: Experimental. MÉTODO: Amostras de camada superficial da fáscia temporal, camada profunda da fáscia temporal e gordura abdominal de 12 cadáveres são submetidas a medição de viscosidade dinâmica. RESUTADOS: A viscosidade dinâmica das diferentes amostras apresenta-se na seguinte ordem crescente: camada superficial da fáscia temporal, camada profunda da fáscia temporal e gordura abdominal. Observa-se diferença estatística na comparação entre todas as amostras. DISCUSSÃO: Quanto maior for a viscosidade da mucosa da prega vocal, maior é a pressão subglótica necessária para se iniciar a fonação. Dessa maneira, um bom material implantável em lâmina própria de prega vocal deve ter baixa viscosidade. Por esse parâmetro, a camada superficial da fáscia temporal é um material promissor para implantação em pregas vocais. CONCLUSÃO: A viscosidade dinâmica da camada superficial da fáscia temporal é menor que a da camada profunda da fáscia temporal e que a da gordura abdominal. / OBJECTIVE: To compare the dynamic viscosity of superficial layer of temporalis fascia with that of other biological tissues traditionally used for vocal fold implants to treat vocal fold rigidity. STUDY DESIGN: Experimental. METHOD: Measurement of dynamic viscosity of samples of superficial layer of temporalis fascia, deep layer of temporalis fascia and abdominal fat of 12 cadavers are performed. RESULTS: Dynamic viscosity values of the different samples are presented in the following increasing order: superficial layer of temporalis fascia, deep layer of temporalis fascia and abdominal fat. There is statistical difference among all the samples. CONCLUSION: Dynamic viscosity of superficial layer of temporalis fascia is lower than the ones of deep layer of temporalis fascia and abdominal fat.

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