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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Aspectos sanitarios de los archivos parroquiales del arciprestazgo de Sant Joan de les Abadesses durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII

Torras Salles, Joaquin 15 June 1993 (has links)
Este estudio se centra en la comarca del Ripollés y más concretamente en el Arciprestazgo de Sant Joan de les Abedesses, compuesto por las parroquias de Sant Miquel de Cavallera, Sant Pau de Seguries, Sant Martí de Surroca, Sant Martí d´Ogassa y Sant Joan de les Abedesses (Sant Joani Pol, Santa Llucia de Puigmal y la Col·legiata).La intención fundamental de esta tesis es la de contribuir a un mejor y más amplio conocimiento de la historia en la sociedad catalana durante los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII principalmente en los aspectos relacionados con la sanidad, y de forma más secundaria en el ámbito cultural. Mediante al análisis de los datos recogidos estableceremos una serie de hipótesis como son:1.- Comprobar y confirmar que la asistencia médica en las poblaciones más grandes era cubierta por médicos, a diferencia de las pequeñas que las llevaban los cirujanos.2.- Demostrar que el personal sanitario gozaba de un prestigio social.3.- Verificar la presencia de una profesión sanitaria femenina: las comadronas.4.- Confirmar la existencia de un arraigo familiar entre el personal sanitario.5.- comprobar que existen periodos de una considerable violencia social en Cataluña.6.- Confirmar la escasa documentación que existe de suicidios.7.- Detectar los posibles accidentes de trabajo.8.- Verificar la baja incidencia de muertes naturales diagnosticadas.9.- Confirmar la importancia de las muertes repentinas.10.- Demostrar que la natalidad ilegítima se mantiene más o menos constante, incrementándose en las etapas de penuria y violencia social.Éstas nos van a llevar a confirmar unos objetivos principales y otros secundarios:A. Principales- Relacionados con el personal sanitario. La identidad de las personas dedicadas a mantener la salud. Confirmar el deficitario grado de cobertura sanitaria. Corroborar la existencia de un arraigo familiar- Relacionados con la mortalidad. Aportaciones de datos sobre la muerte violenta y por lo tanto algunos aspectos de la violencia social existente en la época y en la zona estudiada.. Valoración de una alta incidencia de los óbitos documentados como accidentes de trabajo.. Análisis de las muertes sospechosas de violencia relacionadas con el periodo histórico y con su mecanismo de acción.. Verificar la baja aportación existente y la escasa claridad con que se especifican las muertes diagnosticadas.B. Secundarios- Relacionados con la natalidad. Análisis sobre la evolución de la natalidad según el momento histórico del principado.. El número de embarazos múltiples comprobando su alta incidencia de mortalidad.. Valoración del alto registro de hijos ilegítimos existentes en épocas difíciles.. Identidad y actos médicos realizados por las comadronas en los bautismos de necesidad.- Relacionados con los matrimonios. Evolución de la nupcialidad. Estudio del estado civil de los contrayentes. Tasa de fertilidad- Otros datos. Personajes que han tenido un interés social y que han contribuido en alguna forma en la historia del Arciprestazgo. La terminología usada es muy curiosa al hacer mención de las distintas patologías y muy variada para denominar a los diferentes personajes dedicados a mantener la salud ó a los de interés social.Todo ello nos permite obtener unas conclusiones suficientemente importantes para conocer los aspectos fundamentales de nuestro pasado sanitario. Entre ellas destacaremos:1.- Se ha podido englobar 257 años de historia del arciprestazgo, a través de 43747 registros.2.- Recuperación de la identidad de 159 profesionales de la salud. 3.- Confirmación del predominio de los cirujanos en la asistencia sanitaria.4.- Existencia de una profesión femenina bien estructurada: las comadronas.5.- El principal centro de actividad sanitaria de la zona es Sant Joan.6.- Clara evidencia de una precariedad en la sanidad animal: no se registran veterinarios.7.- La muerte violenta de origen criminal se debe a la época del bandolerismo y a las sucesivas guerras con Francia. 8.- Hay una gran escasez de muertes violentas registradas, aunque bien especificada la causa.9.- Queda reflejada la existencia de muertes violentas relacionadas con accidentes laborales.10.- Clara evidencia que a los suicidas no los inscribían en los libros sacramentales.11.- Confirmar el periodo de violencia social existente sobre todo desde medianos del siglo XVII y todo el XVIII.12.- Por las circunstancias en que ocurrió el desenlace hay inicios para sospechar de violencia en un 0.98% del total de óbitos. 13.- La muerte natural diagnosticada esta más documentada que la muerte violenta, pero es menos clara y concreta.14.- Se han detectado 391 microepidemias y 9 epidemias, pero no existe documentación de la epidemia de peste acontecida en todo el principado.15.- La mortalidad infantil, solo se registra en el s. XVIII, es muy elevada. Un 16,32% de las muertes de criaturas corresponde a la mortalidad neonatal.16.- Los hijos de los padres desconocidos documentados representan el 0,91%, confirmándose que en tiempos difíciles aumentan el número de niños abandonados.17.- Los bautismos de necesidad se registran de forma regular en todo el Arciprestazgo, representando el 0,71% de todos los bautizados.18.- Los partos múltiples significan el 0,6% de la natalidad, comprobando en ellos que hay una alta incidencia de mortalidad.19.- Hay una alta fertilidad en los matrimonios con 5,6 hijos por pareja. / This study is developed on the deanery of "S. Joan de les Abadesses", situated in the district of Ripolles, also known as "El Bressol de Catalunya". It ´s objective is to contribute to a greater knowledge of Catalonian society during the 16 th and 17 th, and 18 th centauries, in both the cultural and sanitation aspects, through the only souse of information available which are the parish archives. The acquired information allows us to demonstrate some established hypothesis that take us to our marked objectives:1.Primary objectives related with:- Sanitary Staff.- Identity; Sanitary structure of the villages; Their social prestige; Existing family roots.- Mortality and causes of death. Violent mortality. The violent social aspects existent during the period in the area studied are observed. Also, the incidence of work accidents documented.. Analysis of the suspected violent deaths related with the historical period and its mechanism of action.. Registration and commentary of all the diagnosed deaths.. The infant death rate.. The appearance f epidemics and micro epidemics.2. Secondary objectives related with:- The birth rate.- Evolution according to the historical moment in Catalonia; Multiple pregnancies proving the high incidence of mortality; Valuation of the illegitimate children which is more frequent during difficult times; Identification and medical acts carried out by the midwives in the emergency baptisms.- The marriages.- Evolution of the nuptials; The spouse's civil state; The fertility rate.- Other pieces of information.- Characters which have contributed in some way to the deanery's history; The terminology used it's very varied to mention as much the sanitary personnel as the social interest and curious to refer to the different pathologies.

Giovanni Niccolo' Servandoni (1695-1766) : architetto / Giovanni Niccolo' Servandoni (1695-1766) : architecte / The architect Giovanni Niccolo' Servandoni (1695-1766)

Guidoboni, Francesco 07 July 2014 (has links)
Il s’agit d’un projet de thèse doctorale en cotutelle – entre la «Sapienza» Università de Roma et l’Université de Paris I «Panthéon- Sorbonne » – visant à étudier la vie et l’oeuvre architecturale de Jean-Nicolas Servandoni, une figure d’artiste parmi les plus emblématiques et moins connues du XVIIIe siècle. Peintre, architecte et décorateur, Servandoni est connu pour avoir remporté le concours pour le projet de la façade principale de l’église Saint-Sulpice de Paris, et pour le grand nombre des décors réalisés d’abord pour l’Opéra, puis pour la Salle des Machines des Tuileries. Au cours de sa vie il eut la chance de travailler auprès des souverains les plus importants d’Europe, de Paris à Londres, de Madrid à Lisbonne, de Bruxelles à Vienne et encore à Dresde et Stuttgart. Ce travail de recherche s’est fixé pour objectif d’étudier les périodes les moins connues de sa vie, comme sa formation d’abord à Florence puis à Rome, ses premières missions en Angleterre avant son arrivée à Paris en 1724, ses voyages à travers l’Europe, son travail pour les plus importantes familles royales européennes, et les autres commissions d’architecture en France, au-delà du chantier de Saint-Sulpice. La difficulté majeure a été d’identifier les principales sources bibliographiques et documentaires à partir desquelles on a établi des renseignements biographiques qui ont été transmis à travers le temps jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Il était donc nécessaire de réaliser une opération de «nettoyage» de tous les renseignements faux ou inexacts «incrustés» dans les siècles sur la vie de Servandoni. Grâce à ce «nettoyage», il a été possible d’identifier les sources «premières», sur lesquelles reconstruire la biographie de notre architecte. La recherche dans les archives de plusieurs pays a mené à d’importantes découvertes, tel que la présence de Servandoni à Rome entre 1719 et 1720. Ici il résidait dans le palais du Prince Guido Vaini, un homme «entièrement attaché à la France» et lié au milieu du théâtre d’Alibert et Capranica, où Servandoni aurait évidemment pu se former comme scénographe. Tout cela a permis de formuler des hypothèses sur ses contacts dans la capitale de la papauté, comme son lien avec l’atelier de Benedeto Luti dans le Palais de Florence, où travaillaient, parmi d’autres, Jean Paul Pannini et William Kent. Cette étude a donc mis en évidence sa relation étroite et continue avec les britanniques tout au long de sa vie – à commencer par son séjour romain – de sorte qu’on peut relire son oeuvre architecturale avec une nouvelle clé, davantage liée au milieu palladien anglais. En outre, la lecture des documents a permis d’identifier deux enjeux fondamentaux, qui expliquent en même temps la réussite et l’échec de sa carrière : la question de la nationalité de Servandoni et la légitimation de son rôle d’architecte. Servandoni, en effet, par sa naissance italienne – pourtant d’un père d’origine lyonnaise – dès son arrivée en France fut toujours apprécié comme peintre et décorateur «de Florence». Pour sa qualité d’«ultramontain», il fut choisi par le curé Languet de Gergy, comme architecte de la fabrique de Saint-Sulpice, véritable symbole et point de référence de l’Église de Rome à Paris, contre les «novateurs» jansénistes. [...] / This research work - a phd thesis in co-supervision between the "Sapienza" University of Rome and the University of Paris 1 "Panthéon-Sorbonne" - was born with the aim of shedding light on the life and work of the architect Giovanni Niccolo Servandoni, one of the most emblematic figures and less-known artist of the eighteenth century.At the same time he was painter, architect and decorator and his name was famous thanks to a large number of sets made for the Opéra and to the design of the façade of the church of Saint-Sulpice in Paris. During his life, Servandoni had the opportunity to travel throughout Europe, where he worked for the major courts of that time, from Paris to London, from Lisbon to Brussels, Vienna, Dresden and Stuttgart.The research work has the objective to investigating especially the lesser-known aspects of the architect's life, like as the period of his training in Florence and Rome, the years where he lived in England before his arrival in Paris in 1724, his travels in Europe and his architectural work as well as the site of Saint-Sulpice, both in France and abroad.Thanks to this research, Servandoni's complete work- so vaguely interpreted as an anticipation of the "goût à la grecque" and the revival of the classicism of the late of eighteenth century - is reinterpreted as the result of his training in Italy and England. It is indebted, in fact, that as well the classicism that characterized the Florentine architecture of that period as his close contact with the English Palladian circle and with the Wren, Vanbrugh and Hawksmoor's works, exercised a great influence on him. / Questo lavoro di ricerca - una tesi di dottorato in co-tutela tra la « Sapienza » Università di Roma e l’Université de Paris I «Panthéon- Sorbonne» - è nato con l’obiettivo di far luce sulla vita e l’opera dell’architetto Giovanni Niccolò Servandoni, una tra le figure d’artista più emblamatiche e meno conosciute del XVIII secolo. Allo stesso tempo pittore, architetto e decoratore, il suo nome è rimasto famoso per il gran numero di scenografie realizzate per l’Opéra e per il progetto della facciata della chiesa parigina di Saint-Sulpice. Durante il corso della sua vita, Servandoni ebbe l’opportunità di viaggiare in tutta Europa, dove lavorò presso le più importani Corti dell’epoca, da Parigi a Londra, da Lisbona a Bruxelles, Vienna, Dresda e Stoccarda. Una delle problematiche maggiori che il lavoro di ricerca ha manifestato, è stata la verifica della correttezza delle notizie riportate dalle fonti a stampa, sia antiche che moderne. Le biografie esistenti dell’architetto riportavano infatti una serie di notizie inesatte o completamente infondate, che si erano «incrostate» nei secoli sulla sua figura. Si è resa quindi necessaria un’operazione di «pulizia» delle fonti che ha permesso di risalire ad alcune notizie certe e verificabili nei documeni d’archivio, che sono state la base su cui ricostruire la biografia dell’architeto. Il lavoro di ricerca si è posto l’obieivo di indagare in paricolar modo gli aspei meno noi della vita dell’architeto, come il periodo della sua formazione a Firenze e a Roma, i suoi anni di soggiorno in Inghilterra prima del suo arrivo a Parigi nel 1724, i viaggi in Europa e le commissioni di architettura oltre al cantiere di Saint-Sulpice, sia in Francia che all’estero. La ricerca d’archivio ha condotto a scoperte innovative, come la presenza di Servandoni a Roma tra il 1719 e il 1720, all’interno del palazzo del principe Vaini - uomo «entièrement attaché à la France» e legato all’ambiente dei teatri Capranica e d’Alibert - che ha permesso di formulare alcune ipotesi sulla sua vita e i suoi contatti nella cità pontificia. E ancora, lo studio ha messo in luce il forte rapporto che Servandoni ebbe con l’ambiente culturale inglese durante il corso di tutta la sua vita - già a partire dal suo soggiorno romano - tanto da poter rileggere la sua opera architettonica in una chiave nuova, più legata alla corrente palladiana che all’architettura romana o francese di quegli anni. L’interpretazione dei documenti ha portato inoltre all’individuazione di due tematiche fondamentali che, spiegano allo stesso tempo la riuscita e la crisi della carriera di Servandoni : il problema della sua nazionalità e quello della legitimazione del suo ruolo di architetto. [...]

Da Camelot arturiana à Terra-média: representações da mulher em Le morte Darthur e the Lord of the rings

Ciencia, Ana Claudia Bertini [UNESP] 19 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2008-09-19Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:47:12Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ciencia_acb_me_sjrp.pdf: 1010861 bytes, checksum: 5e1c680af94c8d0186e55a0797e9f7ce (MD5) / O problema da representação da mulher é um tema instigante, passando por esferas sociais, econômicas e políticas. Nosso foco, aqui, se volta para a literatura, mais especificamente para dois autores que acreditamos trabalhar com perfis do ideário medieval. O primeiro, Thomas Malory, viveu durante o século XV, e compôs a obra mais alta do ciclo arturiano na Idade Média inglesa. Já o segundo, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, é um autor do século XX; é trazido à luz devido à harmonia que, acreditamos, existe entre a caracterização de suas personagens femininas e alguns elementos medievais — alguns, inclusive, do próprio ciclo arturiano. Valendo-nos da teoria literária e de algumas teorias críticas feministas, investigamos a representação da mulher nas obras A morte de Artur, de Malory, e O senhor dos anéis, de Tolkien. Após contextualizarmos historicamente o papel da mulher na sociedade, identificamos as características das personagens femininas que condizem (ou não) com determinados perfis, propondo, também, uma análise comparativa entre as duas obras supracitadas. / The issue of woman representation is an instigating theme, related to social, economic and political spheres. Our focus, here, is directed to literature, more specifically to two authors we believe that deal with medieval ideary profiles. The first of them, Thomas Malory, lived during the 15th century, and wrote the masterpiece of the Arthurian Cycle in English Middle Ages. The second, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, is a 20th century author; he is brought in due to the harmony we believe there is between the characterization of his female characters and some medieval elements — some of them from the Arthurian Cycle itself. Based on literary theory and some feminist critical theories, we investigated women representation in the works Le Morte Darthur, by Thomas Malory, and The Lord of the Rings, by Tolkien. After contextualizing woman’s role historically in society, we identified female characters aspects that match (or not) with some profiles, proposing, also, a comparative analysis between the two works.

Domínio e exploração sociais na emergência do Estado Moderno Português (D. Pedro e D. Afonso V – 1438-1481)

Carvalho, João Cerineu Leite de January 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Maria Dulce (mdulce@ndc.uff.br) on 2014-01-27T19:31:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho, Joao-Tese-2013.pdf: 1807693 bytes, checksum: 4d03f3ed4930a476f7b2035610bd270c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-01-27T19:31:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carvalho, Joao-Tese-2013.pdf: 1807693 bytes, checksum: 4d03f3ed4930a476f7b2035610bd270c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013 / O objetivo central da tese parte de uma leitura crítica das intepretações historiográficas mais tradicionais sobre a Baixa Idade Média portuguesa, em especial àquelas inscritas no período compreendido entre a regência do Infante D. Pedro até o fim do reinado de D. Afonso V (1438-1481), ao qual muitas vezes se atribui o adjetivo de neosenhorial, pivô de retrocessos na geração histórica do Portugal Moderno. Dessa forma, formulam-se análises que veem a estruturação estatal baixo-medieval lusitana como difusora e reprodutora de mecanismos de dominação nobiliárquica e de exploração feudal, por meio da teorização e prática de um projeto político ligado à ascensão da dinastia de Avis, apelidado projeto avisino. Longe de uma centralização despótica por parte da Coroa, proponho uma interpretação na qual a instituição monárquica ocupava papel central, sem com isso significar uma subversão do sistema social enraizado no senhorialismo perpetuado em toda Cristandade Ocidental. Buscando o afastamento de perspectivas estadualistas, anacrônicas em sua execução, opto pela identificação e pela compreensão das condições materiais de produção e de reprodução do poder e dos instrumentos de exploração. Levando, assim, em consideração a realidade social na qual tais relações se estabeleceram e ordenaram, assim como as condições conjunturais às quais precisaram se adaptar e agir no Portugal avisino do século XV. / This thesis main goal comes from a critical reading the most traditional historiographical interpretations on the Portuguese Late Middle Ages, especially the ones enrolled in the time period between the Infante D. Pedro’s regency and D. Afonso V’s reign (1438-1481), upon which is often given the adjective neoseigniorial, the setback pivot on the historical generation of the Modern Portugal. Thereby, analyzes in which the late medieval Portuguese state structure is seem as the diffuser and reproducer of nobiliary domination mechanisms and feudal exploration are formulated, through the theorization and practice of a political project bonded to the Avis dynasty ascension, surnamed projeto avisino. Far from a despotic centralization by the Crown, I propose an interpretation, in wich the monarchical institution occupied a central role, but didn’t subverted that social system, rooted on seigniorial practices spread all over the western Christendom. Searching deviation from estadualistas outlooks, anachronistic in its execution, I choose identifying and comprehending the material conditions by which the power and the exploration tools were produced and reproduced. Therefore considering the social reality in which such relations were established and arranged as well as the contextual conditions to which they needed to adapt and act through in the Fifteenth century Portugal.

Pierre Germain dit le Romain (1703-1783). Une vie à l'ombre des orfèvres du roi / The Parisian silversmith Pierre Germain the Roman (1703-1783). A career near the silversmiths of the king

Cavalié, Hélène 08 December 2011 (has links)
L’orfèvre parisien Pierre Germain dit le Romain (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, 1703-Paris, 1783), connu pour apublication des Éléments d’orfèvrerie, eut une carrière originale, passant sa jeunesse dans les ateliers d'orfèvres du roi,chez Thomas Germain (1726-1729), puis après un séjour à Rome (1729-1733), chez Jacques Roëttiers (1733-1736) avantde devenir apprenti chez Nicolas Besnier en 1736, et maître en 1744. Travaillant pour Roëttiers jusque vers 1755-1756,devenu grand messager juré de l’université, amateur d’estampes, il publie en 1748 le plus vaste recueil d’orfèvrerie dutemps, les Éléments d'orfèvrerie, cent planches de modèles religieux et civils de style rocaille, gravés par Bacquoy etPasquier, repris et copiés jusqu’au XIXe siècle jusqu’à l’étranger. Il publie aussi en 1751 un court Livre d'ornemens.Installé quai des orfèvres, à La Garde Royale, il produit peu, 1410 kg d’argent jusqu’à sa mort, de beaux ou simplesobjets. Quelques acquéreurs sont connus : Joseph Ier de Portugal en sous-traitance pour François Thomas Germain (1755-1756, 1765), les Wal de Baronville (1761-1763), les Wandalin Mnisech (1762-1764), la princesse des Asturies encollaboration avec Philippe Caffieri et Thomas Chancellier (1765), les Rocheblave (1777), le comte d’Artois et laprincesse de Ligne (1782). L’étude s’élargit aux artistes côtoyés : à Paris, ses maîtres Germain, Roëttiers, Besnier, sonconfrère Denys Frankson, ses apprentis Ange Joseph Aubert et Pontaneau ; à Avignon, les Clerc, Mézangeau et ClaudeImbert, ses parents les architectes J.-B. et François Franque et le menuisier facteur d’orgues Charles Boisselin ; àMarseille, les Durand, les Giraud et son neveu Antoine Germain. / The Parisian silversmith Pierre Germain the Roman (1703-1783). A career near the silversmiths of the king. The Parisian silversmith Pierre Germain the Roman (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, 1703-Paris, 1783), known for his book the Éléments d’orfèvrerie, had an original career. During his youth he worked for the silversmiths of the king, Thomas Germain (1726-1729); and after some time in Rome (1729-1733), worked for Jacques Roettiers (1733-1736) and as an apprentice for Nicolas Besnier from 1736. Master in 1744, he kept working for Roettiers until 1755-1756. Great messenger of the University, fond of engravings, he published in 1748 the largest book of models of the time, Élémentsd’orfèvrerie, 100 plates of rococo religious and civil silverware, engraved by Bacquoy and Pasquier, reprinted and copied until the 19th century in France and abroad (London, Turin). He also published in 1751 a short Livre d’ornemens. Installed quai des orfèvres, he had a small production, 1410 kg of silver up to his death, beautiful or simple objects,including orders for Joseph I of Portugal under contract for François Thomas Germain (1755-1756, 1765), for the Wal de Baronville family (1761-1763), the princess of Asturias in collaboration with Philippe Caffieri and Thomas Chancellier (1765), the Wandalin Mnisech (1762-1764), the Rocheblave (1777), the count of Artois and the princess of Ligne (1782). This study also covers artists he knew well: in Paris, his masters Germain, Roettiers, Besnier, his collegue Denys Frankson, his apprentices Ange Joseph Aubert and Pontaneau; in Avignon, the Clerc and Mézangeau families and Claude Imbert, his parents the architects J.-B. and François Franque, the organ builder Charles Boisselin; in Marseille, the Durand and Giraud families and his nephew Antoine Germain.

L'Ecole royale militaire de Pontlevoy : Bénédictins de Saint-Maur et boursiers du roi 1776-1793 / The Royal military school of Pontlevoy : The Benedictine order of Saint-Maur and the king's pupils 1776-1793

Porquet, Daniel 09 June 2011 (has links)
Par un édit de janvier 1751 Louis XV créa l’Ecole royale militaire de Paris. Elle devait accueillir 500 boursiers du roi. En raison d’insuffisances notoires elle fut scindée en deux. Les enfants devaient acquérir les connaissances de base à La Flèche avant de rejoindre Paris. Ce système jugé coûteux fut réformé en 1776 par le comte de Saint-Germain. L’éducation des jeunes gens se fit, en province, dans des écoles tenues par des religieux puis à Paris ou dans des régiments. Peu de congrégations étaient susceptibles d’accueillir les boursiers ; celle de Saint-Maur obtint 6 collèges dont Pontlevoy. Quel enseignement y était donné ? Que lui apporta la présence de 50 boursiers du roi, chaque année, entre 1777 et 1793 ? Outre la réponse à ces questions, il fallait s’intéresser aux boursiers eux-mêmes, à leur origine, à leurs parents et à leurs revenus. Les règles de l’édit furent-elles respectées ? Les réformes de Saint-Germain visaient à améliorer le sort de cette noblesse provinciale, à récompenser ses talents. Le but fut-il atteint ? / It was not until 1751 when Louis XV succeeded in establishing the Ecole royale militaire de Paris, intending to enroll 500 disadvantaged noble youths. Due to well-known learning deficiencies among many of the pupils, the school was split in two. Younger students studied at the lower school in La Flèche before being sent to Paris. Saint-Germain reformed this costly system in 1776, ordering that the first level of education be entrusted to twelve monastery colleges, spread among the provinces. Afterwards, the king’s pupils would go on to Paris or would enter the army. Few religious orders disposed of the means necessary to educate these pupils. The Benedictine order of Saint-Maur took charge of six colleges. Among them was Pontlevoy. What kind of education should be provided? What economic impact would be caused by the arrival of the new pupils? Additionally, who were these pupils, what was their parents’ income? Did the established rules abide by the terms of the law? Did Saint-Germain achieve his goal of promoting the talents of the king’s pupils and of enhancing the status of the provincial nobility?

Крестовый поход 1443–1444 гг.: тактический аспект Варненской битвы : магистерская диссертация / The Crusade of 1443-1444: the tactical aspect of the Battle of Varna

Миронов, М. В., Mironov, M. V. January 2023 (has links)
В настоящей работе анализируется тактический аспект Варненской битвы 1444 г. Автор приходит к выводу, что причины поражения антиосманской коалиции кроются главным образом в различиях военных систем и организации армий двух сторон противостояния. / This paper analyzes the tactical aspect of the Battle of Varna in 1444. The author concludes that the reasons for the defeat of the anti-Ottoman coalition lie mainly in the differences in military systems and the organization of the armies of the two sides of the confrontation.

The influence of family upbringing style and locus of control on the creative thinking of preparatory school learners in the United Arab Emirates

Almajali, Hussein Khazer 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study aimed at investigating the influence of locus of control and upbringing style on creative thinking of preparatory school learners in schools in the United Arab Emirates. Specifically, the study attempted to answer the following questions: *What is the effect of the family upbringing type (authoritative/authoritarian) on the creative thinking of grade 9 students in schools in the United Arab Emirates? *What is the effect of the type of locus of control (internal/external) on the creative thinking of grade 9 students in schools in the United Arab Emirates? *What is the effect of the interrelationships of family upbringing type and locus of control on the creative thinking of grade 9 students in schools in the United Arab Emirates? Three scales were used in this study: *The Arabized Rotter Internal-External Locus of Control Scale *Fawzi Abu jabal Scale of family upbringing style *Torrance Tests of creative thinking In order to answer the above-mentioned questions, a random sample from students in the ninth grade was selected. The sample consisted of (527) male and female students. In order to examine the questions of the study and to identify the effects of each of these independent variables, along with there interactions on creative thinking; the following statistical techniques were used: *T-tests *Chi-square tests *Pearson's bivariate and multi-variate correlation *Analysis of variance (222) *Stepwise regression analysis The findings of this study showed: *Upbringing style and the locus of control had a significant effect on creative thinking. All differences were in favour of the internal locus of control and the authoritative upbringing style. *Gender had no significant effect on creative thinking. *There were no significant effects for the dual and treble interactions of the independent variables (gender, upbringing style and locus of control) on creative thinking. The results were interpreted in light of a literature review and the students' socialization practices. / Early Childhood Education and Development / D.Ed. (Socio-Education)

Naissance et développement d'une ville polycentrique en milieu lagunaire: Martigues

Costes, Pierre 03 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le milieu lagunaire formé par les étangs de Berre et de Caronte est né d'une ingression marine, vers 6000 av. J.-C. Si d'importants vestiges de l'Age de Fer et de l'Antiquité ont été mis à jour sur les rives de Caronte, aucun habitat n'a pu être identifié après l'époque romaine: Caronte n'est semble-t-il, au haut Moyen-Âge, qu'un lieu de passage et de pêche (présence de bourdigues, grandes nasses à poisson). Cet espace est néanmoins convoité par les divers pouvoirs locaux nés de l'effondrement de l'autorité publique, pour des motifs économiques (bourdigues), mais aussi militaires, Caronte et l'Ile formant la porte d'entrée de l'étang de Berre, et donc de la Basse Provence occidentale. La fondation de St-Geniès et du port de Bouc au XIIe s., de l'Ile-St-Geniès au XIIIe s., ainsi que de Ferrières et de Jonquières façonnent cette zone palustre : le centre-ville de la future ville de Martigues se dessine vers 1400. En 1581, la création de Martigues par l'union de l'Ile, Ferrières et Jonquières procure les bases d'un fort développement économique et démographique. La croissance de la cité s'effectue selon un modèle atypique, les phases de pression démographique induisant la création, par remblayage, de secteurs constructibles sur la lagune. Mais du fait de la faible profondeur de Caronte et de la concurrence du port de Marseille, Martigues ne peut suivre l'augmentation du tonnage des navires au XVIIIe s., et son économie connaît jusqu'à l'ère pétrochimique une longue atonie.

Exchanging Approaches: Evaluating Methods to Counter Chinese Currency Undervaluation

Trask, Brandon Marshall 28 November 2013 (has links)
I evaluate four possible approaches the United States may take to address China's practice of undervaluing the renminbi: 1) a challenge under Article XV of the GATT and the associated IMF provisions; 2) countervailing duties; 3) antidumping measures; and 4) safeguard measures. I conclude that the first three approaches are unlikely to succeed; there are a number of legal and political obstacles to the pursuit of these remedies. While the current WTO safeguards regime is likely insufficient, a new safeguards regime can--and should--be developed. I review and critique Dani Rodrik's proposal for a new safeguards regime and set out my own basic blueprint for a significantly expanded safeguards regime, emphasizing that flexibility in the realm of international trade law would help to secure overall stability in international trade itself. In order to be effective shock absorbers, safeguards must become far more flexible.

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