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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tids- och kostnadseffektivisera byggproduktionen : Slöserier och störningar / Making construction management more efficient through time and money : Waste and interferences

Aldebe, Wesam, Tararbit, Yacine January 2018 (has links)
Största utmaningen byggindustrierna har i dagens läge är att reducera onödiga kostnader och onödigt arbete samt att effektivisera arbetet i form av tid och pengar. Detta är en fråga och en undersökning som gjorts ett flertal gånger under de senaste åren eftersom att det är ett stort problem inom de flesta byggbranscher. Denna rapport är skriven i uppdrag av Peab i syfte att identifiera slöserierna och kritiska störningar, för att sedan ta fram åtgärdsförslag för att reducera slöseriet av tiden och kostnaderna för framtida projekt Fyra olika, slutförda anläggningsprojekt har undersökts i uppdrag av Peab belägna i Stockholm. Dessa projekt omfattar ombyggnad av en vägkorsning samt nybyggnad av gång- och cykelbanor. Dessa fyra projekt varierar i omfattning och ger en mer varierad resultat i jämförelse med fyra stycken liknande projekt. Faktainsamlingen för detta arbete har mestadels omfattat lean construction med de olika sorters slöseri som finns i byggbranschen samt de olika principerna och metoderna lean construction omfattar, så som Just-In-Time. Andra studier gällande byggprocessen har även gjorts, mer specifikt produktions skedet. Skillnaden mellan värdeskapande och icke värdeskapande tid har behandlats, samt angående riskhanteringen och hur en riskhantering genomförs. Intervjuer har även genomförts i syfte att identifiera de mest kritiska slöserierna och störningar. Fakta framtagen från intervjuerna har redovisats i resultatet. Där framkom det att de fyra mest kritiska slöserierna var fel- och omarbeten, väntetider, onödiga transporter och onödiga arbeten. Sammanfattningsvis har åtgärdsförslag med hjälp av lean construction, intervjuer samt kunskap från denna rapport framtagits för att minska på dessa störningar och slöseri med hjälp av t.ex. Jidoka och PDCA för att öka tids- och kostnadseffektiviteten i produktionen. Kortfattat kan begreppet slöseri och störning definieras på olika sätt. Där slöseri är en aktivitet som inte bidrar med något till verksamheten, och en störning är ett moment som stör arbetet. / The biggest challenge construction companies are facing at the moment is reducing the unnecessary costs and labor as well as to streamline the work. This is a matter and an investigation that has been done multiple times in recent years because this is a major problem in most construction companies. This report is commissioned by Peab for the purpose of identifying wastes and critical disorders, then drafting action proposals to reduce waste of time and costs. Four different, completed construction projects have been investigated, commissioned by Peab, and are located in Stockholm. These projects include the reconstruction of a roadway intersection and new construction of pedestrian and cycle tracks. These four projects vary in scale, giving a more varied result compared to four very similar projects The gathering of information for this work has mostly included lean construction with the various waste in the work industry, as well as the different principles and methods of lean construction, such as Just-In-Time. Other studies on the construction process have also been made, more specifically the production phase, the planning of the work. The difference between value creation time and non-value creation time has been dealt with, as well as risk management and how to conduct a risk analysis. Interviews have also been conducted with the aim of identifying the most critical wastes and interferences. The gathering of facts from the interviews has been reported in the results. It emerged that the four most critical wastes were defects/rework, waiting, transportation and extra processing. In summary, action proposals using lean construction, interviews and the knowledge from this report have been developed to reduce these disturbances and wastages with help of for example Jidoka and PDCA to increase time and cost efficiency in the production process. In short, the concept of waste and disturbance can be defined differently. Waste is an activity that does not contribute anything to the business, and a disturbance is a matter of disturbing the work.

Lived experiences of rastafari women in Tshwane, South Africa: an anthropological perspective

Mosala, Tsholofelo 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English Summary in English, Tshivenda and Setswana / Rastafari (this term is preferred to Rastafarianism) is known as a movement which originated in Jamaica and has since spread throughout the world. The movement has attracted much attention from the public and media worldwide because of reggae music. This study set out to investigate the lived experiences of Rastafari women of Tshwane. The purpose of the study was to describe their experiences regarding their roles, duties and responsibilities. It paid particular attention to the behavioural patterns of women within what is often regarded as a patriarchal order. The study was qualitative in nature and made use of various data gathering techniques such as life histories, focus groups, semi-structured and unstructured in-depth interviews, observations and field notes. My findings are, firstly, that Rastafari pays very scant attention to women. Secondly, in contemporary times some practices enforced by their holy books feel oppressive. Lastly, the lived experience reveal that Rastafari as a culture changes with time and women influence the movement. / Rasiṱafari tshi ḓivhea sa tshigwada tshine vhubvo hatsho ha vha ngei Jamaica zwino tsho phaḓalala na ḽifhasi ḽoṱhe. Tshigwada tsho kunga vhunzhi ha zwitshavha na nyanḓadzamafhungo ḽifhasini ḽoṱhe nga nṱhani ha muzika wa rigei. Ngudo iyi yo dzudzanyelwa u ṱoḓisisa nga ha vhutshilo ha tshigwada tsho tsikeledzwaho tsha vhafumakadzi vha Rasiṱafari vho no wanala Tshwane. Ndivho ya ngudo iyi ndi u ṱalusa tshenzhemo yavho zwi tshi ya kha mishumo na vhuḓifhinduleli havho. Yo sedzesa kha kutshilele kwa vhafumakadzi kha sisiṱeme ya matshilisano hune vhanna vha dzhiwa sa vhone vhalanguli. Ngudo yo lavhelesa nga maanḓa kha u ṱanḓavhudza vhuvha ha tshithu ho shumiswa thekhiniki dzo fhambanaho dza u kuvhanganya data u fana na ḓivhazwakale dza vhutshilo, zwigwada zwo sedzeswaho khazwo, na inthaviyu dzine mbudziso dza vha dzo thoma dza dzudzanywa na inthaviyu ine mbudziso dza vha dzi songo dzudzanywa, kuvhonele na mafhungo e a kuvhanganywa kha vhupo. Mawanwa anga ndi, zwa u thoma, Rasiṱafari i sedzesa zwiṱuku kha vhafumakadzi. Zwa vhuvhili, zwazwino maitele ane a tevhedzwa nga maṅwalo makhethwa a pfala a tshi tsikeledza. Zwa u fhedzisela, vhutshilo ha tshigwada tsho tsikeledzwaho vhu dzumbulula uri mvelele ya Rasiṱafari ine vhadzulapo vha Afrika vha shela mulenzhe khayo I khou shushedzwa nga mvelele ya mashango a vhukovhela, i ne ya kunga na u ṱanganedzwa nga vhafumakadzi. Zwenezwo, Rasiṱafari sa tshigwada tsha mvusuludzo a yo ngo ima fhethu huthihi fhedzi i khou shanduka na tshifhinga. / Rastafari e itsege jaaka mokgatlho o o tlholegileng kwa Jamaica, mme go tloga foo wa anamela mo lefatsheng lotlhe. Mokgatlho o o nnile le kgogedi e kgolo mo bathong le bobegakgang lefatshe ka bophara ka ntlha ya mmino wa reggae. Patlisiso eno e ikaeletse go sekaseka maitemogelo a a tshedilweng ke basadi ba kwa Tshwane ba Rastafari. Maikemisetso a patlisiso ke go tlhalosa maitemogelo a bona mabapi le seabe, ditiro le maikarabelo a bona. E etse tlhoko thata mekgwa ya maitsholo ya basadi mo go se gantsi se kaiwang e le thulaganyo e e bayang banna kwa godimo. Patlisiso e ne e le e e lebeletseng go tlhaloganya mabaka le megopolo (qualitative) mme e dirisitse mekgwa e e farologaneng ya go kokoanya tshedimosetso go tshwana le hisetori ya botshelo, ditlhopha tsa puisano (focus groups), dipotsolotso tse di rulaganeng fela di sa tsepama (semi-structured interviews) le dipotsolotso tse di sa rulaganang tse di tsenelelang ko botennye jwa kgang, go ela tlhoko mmogo le dintlha tse di kwadilweng mo tsamaong ya patlisiso. Diphitlhelelo tsa me ke gore, sa ntlha, Rastafari e tsaya basadi tsia go se kae fela. Sa bobedi, mo dinakong tsa ga jaana, ditiro dingwe tse di laelwang ke dibuka tsa bona tse di boitshepo di utlwala di gatelela. Sa bofelo, maitemogelo a senola gore setso sa Rastafari se mo go sona Bantsho ba nang le seabe, se tshosediwa ke setso sa bophirima se se nang le kgogedi, mme se amogelwa ke basadi. Ka jalo, Rastafari jaaka mokgatlho wa tsosoloso, ga e a tsepama, mme e fetoga le dinako. / Anthropology and Archaeology / M.A. (Anthropology)

A conceptual model of volunteer well-being: a hermeneutic phenomenological study

Furtak, Aleksandra Maria 11 1900 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 241-295 / Text in English with summaries in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / This study, to enhance understanding of volunteer well-being and to develop a conceptual model of volunteer well-being through an in-depth exploration of volunteers’ work–life experiences, was guided by an interest in volunteering as well as curiosity about well-being as a concept. My perception of the importance of volunteering for our society was based on first-hand knowledge of a volunteering context operating in the Gauteng health sector, as well as the volunteering literature, which confirmed its importance and encouraged me to conduct research on this resource. The literature on well-being highlights its importance for employees in particular and organisations in general and thus justifies the study. The literature also supported my preference for conducting this research on volunteer well-being from a qualitative perspective. Further motivation for the research was provided by my awareness of the challenging nature of the volunteering context as well as the adverse personal circumstances of the volunteers. Accordingly, recognising the importance of well-being in volunteers, I was prompted to dedicate attention to this dynamic work context. To achieve its aim, in this research I applied a qualitative research approach and a hermeneutic (interpretive) phenomenological research methodology. In-depth interviews were used to explore the work–life experiences of eight volunteers and a phenomenological hermeneutical analytic process was used to analyse the data. The data were further contextualised and the findings supported by the relevant well-being literature. Based on the findings, a conceptual model of volunteer well-being was constructed. This model enhances our understanding of volunteer well-being, ultimately contributing to knowledge and practice in the field of volunteering. / Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die begrip van vrywilligerswelstand te bevorder en om ’n konseptuele model van vrywilligerswelstand te ontwikkel deur ’n omvattende ondersoek van vrywilligers se werklewe-ervarings. Die studie was gelei deur ’n belangstelling in vrywilligerswerk en ‘n nuuskierigheid oor welstand as ’n konsep. My waarneming van die belangrikheid van vrywilligerswerk vir ons samelewing is gebaseer op eerstehandse kennis van ’n vrywilligerskonteks in die Gautengse gesondheidsektor en die literatuur oor vrywilligersdienslewering, wat die belangrikheid daarvan bevestig het en my aangemoedig het om navorsing oor hierdie hulpbron te doen. Die literatuur oor welstand beklemtoon veral die belangrikheid daarvan vir werknemers en organisasies oor die algemeen, en regverdig dus die studie. Die literatuur het ook my voorkeur om hierdie navorsing oor vrywilligers se welstand vanuit ’n kwalitatiewe perspektief te benader, ondersteun. My bewustheid van die uitdagende aard van die vrywilligerskonteks asook die ongunstige persoonlike omstandighede van die vrywilligers het my verder gemotiveer om die navorsing te doen. Dienooreenkomstig, as erkenning van die belangrikheid daarvan om vrywilligers se welstand te fasiliteer, is ek geïnspireer om aandag te skenk aan hierdie dinamiese werkskonteks. Om hierdie doel te bereik het ek ’n kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering en ’n hermeneutiese (verklarende) fenomenologiese navorsingsmetodologie in hierdie navorsingsprojek gebruik. Indiepte onderhoude is gebruik om die werklewe-ervarings van agt vrywilligers te ondersoek, en ’n fenomenologiese, hermeneutiese, analitiese proses is gebruik om die data te ontleed. Die data is verder gekontekstualiseer en die bevindings is deur die tersaaklike literatuur ondersteun. ’n Konseptuele model van vrywilligerwelstand is op grond van hierdie bevindinge opgestel. Hierdie model bevorder ons begrip van vrywilligerswelstand, en lewer sodoende ’n bydrae tot die kennis en ervaring op die terrein van vrywilligerswerk. / Thutopatlisiso eno ya go tlhama sekao sa kgopolo sa boithaopi go tswa mo mogopolong wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo ka go sekaseka go ya kwa botennye, maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi, e kaetswe ke kgatlhego mo boithaoping, keletso ya go itse ka ga mogopolo wa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo le dikwalo tse di ka ga boithaopi. Kitso e e tseneletseng ya bokao jwa boithaopi jo bo dirang mo lephateng la boitekanelo la Gauteng, gammogo le dikwalo tsa boithaopi, di tlhomamisitse botlhokwa jwa boithaopi mo setšhabeng sa gaetsho mme tsa nthotloetsa go dira patlisiso ka ntlha eno. Go tlaleletsa, thutopatlisiso eno e tlhomamisitswe ke dikwalo tse di ka ga seemo se se amogelesegang le botlhokwa jwa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo se se totileng badiri ka bo bona le ditheo ka kakaretso. Dikwalo gape di tshegeditse tlhopho ya me ya go dira patlisiso ka ga seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa baithaopi ka mogopolo wa go batla go batlisisa mabaka a a bakang seemo se se rileng. Thotloetso e nngwe ya patlisiso e tlisitswe ke temogo ya me ya dikgwetlho tsa boithaopi gammogo le maemo a a sa amogelesegeng a baithaopi. Fela jalo, ka go lemoga botlhokwa jwa go gokaganya seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo mo baithaoping, ke ne ke patelesega go tota mofuta ono wa tiro. Go fitlhelela maikaelelo ano, patlisiso eno e dirisitse mokgwa wa patlisiso o o lebelelang mabaka a a rotloetsang ntlha e e rileng (qualititative research) le mokgwa wa patlisiso o o ranolang (hermeneutic phenomological research methodology). Go dirisitswe dipotsolotso tse di tseneletseng go sekaseka maitemogelo a tiro a baithaopi mme ga dirisiwa thulaganyo ya tshekatsheko ya phenomenological hermeneutial go sekaseka tshedimosetso. Tshedimosetso e ne ya bewa ka bokao mme diphitlhelelo tsa tshegediwa ka dikwalo tse di maleba. Go ikaegilwe mo diphitlhelelong tseno, go ne ga thalwa sekao sa kgopolo sa seemo se se amogelesegang sa botshelo jwa baithaopi. Go tshitshinngwa gore go dirisiwe sekao seno go dirisa ka botlalo le go netefatsa go nnela leruri ga tiro ya baithaopi, gore kwa bokhutlong go tshwaelwe mo kitsong le mo tirong mo lephateng la boithaopi. / Psychology / D. Phil. (Psychology)

Translation as a creative act: cultural hybridity as a concept in selected contemporary artworks / Vertaling as ’n kreatiewe daad: kulturele hibridisme as ’n konsep in geselekteerde eietydse kunswerke / Phetolelo jaaka tiragatso ya boitlhamedi: motswako wa ditso jaaka mogopolo mo ditirong tsa botsweretshi tse di tlhophilweng tsa sešweng

Radhamony, Manu Manjeesh Laal Vazhooreth 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Setswana. Translated titles in Afrikaans and Setswana supplied / Dataset link: https://doi.org/10.25399/UnisaData.14101913.v1 / The gap between diverse cultures living in a globalized world is not intransigent nor unassumingly flexible. This space is an arena of dissimilarities and correlations, which result in interactions that incite unusual expectations. ‘Cultural hybridity’ is clearly mirrored within contemporary society. New methods and approaches are required to comprehend the lived experiences of escalating displacement. This research traces the trajectory of migration, identity, self and other from the point of view of contemporary diasporic artists. Notions of ethnicity, authenticity, identity, transnationality, singularity and duality are debated against the backdrop of the creative practices of Anish Kapoor and Yinka Shonibare. Informed by Homi K. Bhabha’s concept of the third space, and also theories of hermeneutic translation by Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur, this dissertation creatively and critically investigates the ambiguities and ambivalences in this field of inquiry. / Die gaping tussen uiteenlopende kulture wat in ’n geglobaliseerde wêreld woon, is nóg onversetlik nóg pretensieloos veerkragtig. Hierdie ruimte is ’n arena van ongelykhede en korrelasies wat lei tot interaksies wat ongewone verwagtings ontketen. “Kulturele hibridisme” word duidelik in die eietydse samelewing weerspieël. Nuwe metodes en benaderings word vereis om die werklike ervarings van toenemende ontheemding te verstaan. Hierdie navorsing spoor die trajektorie van migrasie, identiteit, self en ander vanuit die oogpunt van eietydse diasporiese kunstenaars na. Idees rondom etnisiteit, egtheid, identiteit, transnasionaliteit, enkelvoudigheid en tweevoudigheid word teen die agtergrond van die kreatiewe praktyke van Anish Kapoor en Yinka Shonibare bespreek. Hierdie verhandeling, wat geïnspireer is deur Homi K. Bhabha se konsep van die derde ruimte, asook teorieë van hermeneutiese verplasing deur Georg Gadamer en Paul Ricoeur, ondersoek op ’n kreatiewe en kritiese wyse die dubbelsinnighede en teenstrydighede in hierdie ondersoekveld. / Sekgala magareng ga ditso tse di farologaneng tse di tshelang mo lefatsheng le le susumetsanang ga se a tsepama le mme ga se obege bonolo. Sebaka seno ke serala sa dipharologano le dikamano tse di lebisang kwa dikgolaganong tse di tlhosetsang ditsholofelo tse di sa tlwaelegang. Tota 'motswako wa setso' o bonala sentle mo setšhabeng sa sešweng. Go tlhokega mekgwa le selebo se sentšhwa go tlhaloganya maitemogelo a phuduso e e oketsegang. Patlisiso eno e lebelela motlhala wa bofudugedi, boitshupo, jwa sebele le jo bongwe go tswa mo mogopolong wa batsweretshi ba sešweng go tswa mo mafelong a bofudugedi (diaspora) Go ganetsanwa ka megopolo ya lotso, boammaaruri, boitshupo, boditšhaba, bongwefela le bobedi go lebeletswe ntlha ya ditiragatso tsa boitlhamedi tsa ga Anish Kapoor le Yinka Shonibare. Thesisi eno e e theilweng mo mogopolong wa ga Homi K. Bhabha wa sebaka sa boraro, le ditiori tsa saense ya boranodi ka Georg Gadamer le Paul Ricoeur, e batlisisa ka boitlhamedi le ka tshekatsheko, ketsaetsego e e mo lephateng leno la dipatlisiso. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / M.A. (Visual Arts)

The information seeking behaviour of black investors in the MTN Asonge scheme, Capricorn District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Seabi, Lekete Lucas 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Sesotho and isiXhosa / The importance of investment information seeking cannot be overemphasised. Seeking information to support investment decision-making is a key component of every successful investment business. The literature review revealed that informed investors make greater use of accounting disclosures and non-earnings information in order to form more precise earnings expectations. By contrast, a lack of accurate investment information makes it difficult for investors to decide when to buy, hold or sell their investment. This study investigated information needs and seeking behaviour of black investors in the MTN Asonge scheme in Capricorn District of Limpopo Province. The study endeavoured to acquire understanding of investors’ information needs and how they seek information to support their investment decisions. To this end, a qualitative phenomenological research approach was followed. Purposive snowball sampling was applied to sample the study respondents who were later interviewed. Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were conducted with six investors to collect data which were subsequently analysed thematically. The three types of information sources identified as core to investment decision-making include personal, online and printed information. The findings showed that although the majority of MTN Asonge investors were aware of different formats in which investment information is available, they did not use modern electronic information storing and retrieval strategies, such as conducting online internet searches to access information published on corporate websites. The respondents experienced various challenges when seeking investment information, opting to rely on personal sources such as friends, close relatives and colleagues. Furthermore, the investors appeared not to be aware of personal information sources such as investment advisors, information brokers, roundtables and one-on-one discussions. The study recommended intensive investor education as well as a comparative investigation of information seeking behaviour amongst other members of BEE investment schemes in South Africa. / Bohlokwa bja go nyaka tshedimošo ya peeletšo bo ka se gatelelwe go fetišiša. Go nyaka tshedimošo ya go thekga tšeo ya sephetho ke karolo ye bohlokwa ya kgwebo ye nngwe le ye nngwe ya peeletšo ye a atlegilego. Tshekatsheko ya dingwalo e utolotše gore babeeletši ba go ba le tsebo ba šomiša ka tshwanelo dikutullo tša tšhupamatlotlo le tshedimošo ye e sego ya go tsenya letseno, go bopa gagolo ditetelo tše itšeng tša letseno. Ka go le lengwe, tlhokego ya tshedimošo ya peeletšo ye e nepagetšego e dira gore go be boima go babeeletši go tšea sephetho sa gore ke neng mo ba rekago, swarelelago goba go rekiša peeletšo ya bona. Nyakišišo ye e nyakišišitše dinyakwa tša tshedimošo le mokgwa wa go nyaka tshedimošo ya babeeletši ba bathobaso ka gare ga sekema sa MTN Asonge ka seleteng sa Capricorn sa Profentshe ya Limpopo. Nyakišišo e lekile go hwetša kwešišo ya dinyakwa tša tshedimošo ya babeeletši le ka fao ba nyakang tshedimošo ya go thekga diphetho tša peeletšo ya bona. Go fihla mo, mokgwa wa khwalithethifi wa nyakišišo wa diponagalo o latetšwe. Go dira sampole ya koketšo ya nepo go šomišitšwe go dira sampole ya bakgathatema ba nyakišišo bao go boledišanwego nabo. Dipoledišano le batho ka o tee ka o tee tša dipotšišo tše di bulegilego di didirilwe ka babeeletši ba selela, go kgoboketša datha yeo morago e sekasekilwego ka tekanyetšo. Mehuta ye meraro ya methopo ya tshedimošo yeo e hlaotšwego bjalo ka ya motheo tšeong ya diphetho tša peeletšo e akaretša ya motho ka noši, onelaene le ya go gatišwa. Dikutullo di laeditše gore le ge bontši bja babeeletši ba MTN Asonge ba be ba lemoga mehuta ya go fapana yeo tshedimošo ya peeletšo e hwetšegago ka yona, ga se ba šomiše mekgwa ya sebjalebjale ya go hwetša le go lota tshedimošo ya ilektroniki, go swana le go dira diphuruphutšo tša inthanete tša onelaene go fihlelela tshedimošo ye e phatlaladitšwego diweposaeteng tša dikgwebo. Bakgathatema ba itemogetše ditlhohlo tša go fapana ge ba nyaka tshedimošo ya peeletšo, ba kgetha go tshepha methopo ya bona ka noši go swana le bagwera, maloko a kgauswi le bašomišane. Gape, babeeletši ba bonagetše ba sa lemoge methopo ya tshedimošo ya batho ka noši go swana le baeletši ba peeletšo, dientšente tša tshedimošo, dikopano le dipoledišano tša batho ka o tee ka o tee. Nyakišišo e šišintše thuto ya babeeletši ye e tseneletšego, le nyakišišo ya papetšo ka go mokgwa wa go nyaka tshedimošo magareng a maloko a mangwe a dikema tša peeletšo tša BEE ka Afrika Borwa. / Nkoka wa ku lava vuxokoxoko bya vuvekisi wu nga ka wu nga tsongahatiwi. Ku lavana na vuxokoxoko bya ku seketela ku endliwa ka swiboho hi vuvekisi i xiyenge xa nkoka swinene eka bindzu ra vuvekisi rin'wana na rin'wana ro humelela. Ku hlayiwa ka matsalwa swi kombe leswo vavekisi lava va nga na vutivi va tirhisa ngopfu ku paluxiwa ka vutivi hi swa malawulelo ya swa timali na vutivi lebyi byi nga vuyeseriku, ku endla leswo ku languteriwa vuvuyerisi byo kotlana swinene. Loko swi pimanisiwa, ku pfumaleka ka vutivi bya vuvekisi swi endla leswo swi nonon'hwa eka vavekisi ku endla swiboho loko va xava, va khoma kumbe ku xavisa vuvekisi bya vona. Dyondzo leyi yi endle vulavisisi hi swilaveko swa vutivi, na matikhomelo yo lava vutivi bya vavekisi va vantima eka xikimu xa MTN Asonge eka distriki ya le Capricorn eka xifundzhankulu xa Limpopo. Vulavisisi lebyi byi na xikongomelo xa ku kuma ku twisisa hi swilaveko swa vutivi eka vavekisi na leswo xana va byi lavisa ku yini vutivi ku seketela swiboho swa vona swa vuvekisi. Mayelana na leswi, ku landzeleriwe fambiselo ra ndzavisiso wa qualitative phenemenological. Ku tirhisiwe sampuli ya fambiselo ra purposeful snowball sampling ku kuma sampuli ya ndzavisiso hi vateka xiavo lava ku nga endliwa mabulu ya interview na vona. Ku endliwe ti-interview na vanhu hi wun'we wun'we leri vitaniwaka semi-structured interview, leswi nga endliwa na vavekisi va ntsevu, ku hlengeleta data, leyi endzhaku ka swona yi nga xopaxopiwa hi tinhlokomhaka to karhi. Minxaka minharhu ya swihlovo swa vutivi swi ve swi voniwa tani hi swa nkoka eka ku endla swiboho hi vuvekisi, ku nga leswi katsaka munhu xiviri, ku kuma vutivi eka inthanete (online) na leswi printiweke. Vuyelo lebyi kumiweke byi kombise leswo hambi loko vunyingi bya vavekisi va MTN Asonge a va twisisa hi tifomete to hambana laha ku kumekaku kona vuviti bya vuvekisi, vavekisi a va tirhisangi vutivi bya elektroniki lebyi hlayisiweke na maqhinga yo byi humesa vutivi bya kona, yo fana na ku secha eka online hi inthanete ku fikelela vutivi lebyi paluxiweke eka ti-website ta khampani. Lava nga hlamula swivutiso va ve na mintlhontlho yo hambana-hambana loko va lava vutivi bya vuvekisi, leswi nga endla leswo va tshembela eka vutivi bya vanhu xiviri, byo fana no byi kuma eka vanghana, va ndyangu na maxaka na vatirhikulobye. Ku ya emahlweni, vavekisi va kombisa ku kala ku twisisa hi swihlovo swa vuviti swo fana na vatsundzuxi hi swa vuvekisi, tibrokhara ta vutivi bya vuvekisi, tinhlengeletano ta vanhu to tsundzuxa na mabulu yo khoma na munhu hi wun'we wun'we. Dyondzo leyi ya ndzavisiso yi bumabumela leswo ku endliwa dyondzo ya vuvekisi, na tindlela to lava vutivi hi ku pimapimanisa eka swikimu swa BEE swa vuvekisi eAfrika Dzonga. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Engendering the rock art archaeology of the north Eastern Cape, South Africa Ritual specialists, novices, and social conditioning

Green, Dawn 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Xhosa / Rock art affords unique opportunities for engendered research because it provides emic views of how specific people re-presented themselves. My feminist study investigates under-researched ‘San/Bushman’ gendered identities to understand more about area-specific constructions of personhood through analysing 2852 rock paintings from two adjacent areas of the northern Eastern Cape, South Africa. Using quantitative and qualitative methods and evidence from excavation archaeology, ethnography, ethology, and neurocognitive research, I identify three categories of ritual specialists: experienced and preeminent; ordinary; and novice. These paintings show that wo/men ritual specialists could transcend the identity norms of ordinary people, but men ritual specialists may have had more status and power. I suggest the paintings acted as a controlling mechanism for the potency of women, indoctrination of novices, and present an ideal for the practice of ritual specialists and ordinary people. This research has important implications for identifying different types of identity marking by different groups of southern African San. / Bonono ba majwe bo fana ka menyetla e ikgethang bakeng sa dipatlisiso tse fokolang hobane e fana ka ditjhebo tsa bonnete tsa hore na batho ba itseng ba ne ba itlhahisa jwang. Boithuto ba ka ba tsa bosadi bo fuputsa boitsebiso ba batho ba maSan/Busumane bo so kang bo batlisiswa haholo ele ho utlwisisa haholwanyane ka dikaho tsa dibaka tse ikgethileng tsa botho ka ho manolla metako ya pente e 2852 e tswang dibakeng tse pedi tse bapileng tsa borwa ho Kapa Botjhabela, Afrika Borwa. Ka tshebediso ya mekgwa ya bongata le boleng le bopaki ho tswa ho dipatlisiso tsa excavation archaeology, ethnography, ethology, le tsa neurocognitive, ke hlwaya mekgahlelo e meraro ya ditsebi tsa mekete ya meetlo: ba nang boiphihlello le ba hlahelletseng ka mahetla; ba tlwaelehileng; le bomaithutwana. Metako ena ya pente e bontsha hore ditsebi tsa basadi tsa mekete ya meetlo di ne di kgona ho tlola ditlwaelo tsa boitsebiso tsa batho ba tlwaelehileng, empa ditsebi tsa banna tsa mekete ya meetlo di ka di ne le di na le maemo le matla a fetang. Ke sisinya hore metako e ne e sebetsa jwalo ka mokgwa wa ho laola bakeng sa matla a basadi, thuto ya bomaithutwane, le ho hlahisa se lokelang ho ba sona bakeng sa tshebetso ya ditsebi tsa meetlo le batho ba tlwaelehileng. Patlisiso ena e na le bohlokwa bakeng sa ho hlwaya mefuta e fapaneng ya matshwao ba boitsebiso a dihlopha tse fapaneng tsa maSan a Afrika e borwa. / Imizobo esematyeni inika amathuba akhethekileyo ophando lweemeko ezingqonge isini ngoba le mizobo ibonisa indlela abaziveza ngayo abantu abathile ngokwenkcubeko yabo. Isifundo sam ngobufazi siphanda ngohlanga lwama ‘San/Bushman’ okanye Amaqhakancu/abaThwa nekuphandwe kancinci ngabo, injongo ikukuqonda ubume bobuntu babo kwiindawo ngeendawo. Olu phando lwenziwe ngokuhlalutya imizobo esematyeni engama-2852 ekwiingingqi ezimbini eziseMntla-Mpuma Koloni, eMzantsi Afrika. Ngokusebenzisa uphando olusekelwe kubungqina bamanani nobusekelwe kwiingxoxo nokuzathuza kwanobungqina obuvezwe zizinto ezigronjwe/ezigrunjwe kwiziza zakudaladala, obuvezwe kwiinkcazelo zenkcubeko yabantu abahlukeneyo, obuvezwe kwiinkcazelo zoluntu xa lujongwe ngokwenkalo yendalo (i-itholoji) nobuvezwe kwizifundo zokuqiqa nokusebenza kwengqondo, ndiphawule iindidi ezintathu zeengcali zezithethe: abanamava nolwazi olubalaseleyo; abanolwazi oluqhelekileyo; abangenalwazi kangako. Le mizobo ibonisa ukuba iingcali zezithethe zamadoda nezabafazi zinakho ukubona ngaphaya kwendlela ababona ngayo abantu jikelele, kodwa kusengenzeka ukuba iingcali zezithethe zamadoda zazinewonga negunya elithe chatha. Ndibona ukuba imizobo yayisebenza njengesixhobo sokulawula amandla neziphiwo zabafazi, ukuqweqwedisa iingcinga zabangenalwazi luthe vetshe, nokuvelisa okulindelekileyo kwindlela yokusebenza kweengcali zezithethe nabantu jikelele. Olu phando lubalulekile ekunakaneni iindidi ezahlukeneyo zokuphawula ubuyena bamaqela ahlukeneyo ohlanga lwamaSan/ Amaqhakancu aseAfrika. / M.A. (Archaeology)

The perception of customer service in the hotel industry in Pretoria

Nyirangondo, Marie Celine 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Southern Sotho and Zulu / The primary objective of the study was to explore customers’ perceptions of the service quality provided in the hotel industry, in Pretoria. Considering the growth of the hotel industry in Pretoria, this study revealed that customers expect to receive a high level of service quality, which will lead to customer satisfaction and produce a positive perception of hotel service. An exploratory research design was adopted in this study and qualitative data were collected through interviewing customers of a hotel. In terms of limitations, this study was conducted at one selected hotel in Pretoria. Atlas.ti software was used to analyse collected data. The analysis of the data identified a number of specific themes that were relevant to shaping the perceptions of the respondents, in terms of service quality and their satisfaction with the service quality received. The themes supported existing literature in terms of the factors influencing perceptions of service and the specific influences within those themes were elaborated on, leading to recommendations for managing service quality perceptions in the hotel industry. / Maikemišetšomagolo a dinyakišišo e bile go utolla maikutlo a badiriši mabapi le boleng bja ditirelo tše di abiwago ka intastering ya dihotele ka Pretoria. Ka ge di hlokometše kgolo ya intasteri ya dihotele ka Pretoria, dinyakišišo tše di utollotše gore ba emetše go hwetša ditirelo tša boleng, tšeo di tlago feletša ka go kgotsofala ga badiriši le go tšweletša maikutlo a makaone a tirelo ya dihotele. Tlhamo ya dinyakišišo tša go utolla e dirišitšwe ka mo dinyakišišong tše gomme tshedimošo ya boleng e kgobokeditšwe ka go botšiša badiriši ba dihotele dipotšišo. Mabapi le mellwane, dinyakišišo tše di dirilwe ka hoteleng e tee yeo e kgethilwego ka Pretoria. Softewere ya Atlas.ti e šomišitšwe go sekaseka tshedimošo ye e kgobokeditšwego. Tshekatsheko ya tshedimošo e utollotše merero ye mmalwa ye itšego yeo e bego e le maleba mabapi le go beakanya maikutlo a baarabi, mabapi le boleng bja ditirelo le go kgotsofala ga bona mabapi le boleng bja ditirelo tšeo di hweditšwego. Merero e thekgile dingwalwa tše di lego gona mabapi le mabaka ao a huetšago maikutlo ka ga ditirelo gomme dikhuetšo tše itšego ka gare ga merero yeo di hlathollotšwe, gomme se sa feletša ka ditšhišinyo tša go laola maikutlo ka ga boleng bja ditirelo ka intastering ya dihotele. / Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlola imibono yamakhasimende ngekhwalithi yesevisi enikezwa embonini yamahhotela, ePitoli. Uma kubhekwa ukukhula komkhakha wamahhotela ePitoli, lolu cwaningo luveze ukuthi amakhasimende alindele ukuthola izinga eliphakeme lezinsizakalo, okuzoholela ekwanelisekeni kwamakhasimende futhi kuveze umbono omuhle wensizakalo yamahhotela. Lolu cwaningo oluchazayo lwamukelwe kanti lakhelwe phezulu kwemininingwane ebhekelele ubunjalo besimo yaqoqwa ngokuxoxisana namakhasimende asehhotela. Ngokwemikhawulo, lolu cwaningo lwenziwe ehhotela elilodwa elikhethiwe ePitoli. Kusetshenziswe isofthiweye noma uhlelo lokusebenza elibizwa nge-Atlas.ti ukuhlaziya imininingwane eqoqiwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kukhombe izingqikithi ezithile ebezifanele ukwakhela imibono yabaphenduli, ngokuya ngekhwalithi yesevisi nokweneliseka kwazo ngekhwalithi yesevisi etholakele. Izindikimba zisekele imibhalo ekhona ngokwezinto ezinomthelela emibonweni yesevisi kanye nemithelela ethize kulezo zingqikithi yachazwa kabanzi, okuholela ezincomweni zokuphatha imibono yekhwalithi yesevisi embonini yamahhotela. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Exploring the nature of teacher’s classroom practices when teaching electric circuits in a grade 12 classroom : a case in the Tshwane West District

Ramashia, Vonani Japhta 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to explore teacher’s classroom practices when teaching electric circuits in a grade 12 classroom. This qualitative interpretive study involves three participants who perceive electric circuits to be a difficult topic to teach in the Tshwane west district, Gauteng Province. The study uses the Classroom Practice Diagnostic framework to present and analyse results. Pseudonyms are used to protect the identities of the participants. The study reveals that teachers’ classroom practices differ from one participant to the other, despite the same perception that electric circuits is a difficult topic to teach. / Ndivho khulwane ya ngundo/Tsedzusulo iyi ndi u bveledza na u tandavhudza mugudisi kha ngudo dza kilaŝini musi a tshi gudisa sekhethe dza mudagasi kha gireidi ya 12(ya vhufumbili) kilasini. Nyangaredzo ya thaluso ya ngudo I katela vhashelamulenzhe vhararu vhane vha vhona sekhete dza mudagasi dzi tshi konda kha Tshitiriki tsha Tswane Vhubhaduvha; na kha vunda la Gauteng. Ngudo iyi I shuma u ita tsedzuluso u itela u netshedza na u ita tsedzuluso yo dzhenelelaho ya mvelelo. Madzina o dzumbamiswaho o shumisa u nwala muvhigo u tsereledza vhashelamuledhe vha ngudo iyi. Tsedzuluso yo dzumbulula uri zwine vhagudisi vha ita kilasini zwi fhambana u bva kha munwe mudededzi uya kha munwe; nga nnda ha ndavhelelo ya uri ngudo ya sekethe ya mudagasi I a konda u funza. / Maikaelelo a serutwa se ke go katisa morutabana gore a nne le bokgone jwa go ruta sekete ya motlakase ka mo phaposing ya gagwe ya materiki. Ka kakaretso tlhaloso ya serutwa se sa sekete ya motlakase se akaretsa batsaya karolo ba ba raro ba ba reng serutwa se se thata, mme ba tswa kwa Tshwane West le kwa Porofenseng ya Gauteng. Serutwa se se dirisiwa go dira dipatlisiso le go neela dipatlisiso tse di tseneletseng tsa dipholo tsa batsaya karolo. Mo dipatlisisong tse go dirisitswe maina a a bofitlha go sireletsa batsaya karolo ba patlisiso e. Serutwa se kgotsa patliso e,e re lemosa gore se barutabana ba se dirang mo phaposing se a farologana go tswa go morutabana mongwe le mongwe, ka ntlha ya gore serutwa sa sekete ya motlase se thata. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Specialisation in Natural Science Education)

Implementeringsraamwerk vir ʼn heelskoolbenadering teen skoolgeweld gegrond op geïntegreerde helende onderwys / An implementation framework for a whole-school approach to school violence based on integrated healing education / Letlhomeso la tsenyotirisong la molebo wa sekolo sotlhe wa tirisodikgoka ya kwa sekolong o o theilweng mo thutong e e golaganeng e e alafang

Kloppers, Daniel Frederik 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in Afrikaans, English and Southern Sotho / Geweld en skoolgeweld veroorsaak ernstige maatskaplike ontwrigting in Suid-Afrika. Die metodes waarmee skoolgeweld tans hanteer word, is oneffektief en meestal op mag en dissipline gegrond. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om alternatiewe benaderings vir die hantering van skoolgeweld te ondersoek en om ʼn implementeringsraamwerk vir ʼn heelskoolbenadering teen skoolgeweld te ontwikkel. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, fokus die navorsing, wat binne ʼn aangepaste ekologiese model (AEM) onderneem is, op ʼn konseptuele analise van die aard en inhoud van die konsepte “geweld” en “skoolgeweld”, omdat beide dikwels met konsepte soos “mag” en “dissipline” verwar word. Beide begrippe is multidimensioneel en kom binne al die sfere van die AEM voor. Dit sluit geweld weens verskeie oorsake, soos psigo-biologiese faktore, strukturele geweld en reaksiegeweld in. Skoolgeweld kom eweneens weens verskeie oorsake en in verskillende vorms binne die sfere van die AEM voor. Voorbeelde sluit lyfstraf, boeliegedrag, bendes en strukturele skoolgeweld soos rassisme, die kwaliteit van onderwys en oorvol klasse, in. Die navorsing toon aan dat die wyse waarop skoolgeweld tans in Suid-Afrika hanteer word, onsuksesvol is. Dit word hoofsaaklik by wyse van mag, dissipline en ʼn strafbenadering hanteer, wat meebring dat die verhoudings wat weens die geweld beskadig word of skipbreuk ly, versoening tussen dader en slagoffer verhoed en dat die slagoffer se behoeftes nie in ag geneem word nie. Die wyse waarop skoolgeweld hanteer word, bied ook nie ʼn wyse waarop strukturele skoolgeweld bestuur kan word nie. Een van die alternatiewe wyses waarop skoolgeweld hanteer kan word, is herstellende onderwys. Dit is ʼn betreklik nuwe benadering tot onderwys, wat op herstellende geregtigheid gegrond is, maar ook proaktiewe aktiwiteite insluit. Omdat herstellende onderwys op beginsels soos verhoudings, dialoogvoering, waardegedrewenheid, herstel en versoening gegrond is, kan dit gebruik word om skoolgeweld te beheer. Herstellende onderwys maak van verskillende proaktiewe en reaktiewe metodes gebruik, soos slagoffer-oortrederbemiddeling en groepsgesprekke. Dit fokus op ʼn skoolgemeenskap wat waardegedrewe is, eerder as op oortredings. Herstellende onderwys word egter deur ʼn aantal knelpunte gekniehalter. Die navorsing toon aan dat hierdie knelpunte deur die Freire se benadering tot onderwys ondervang kan word. Freire se benadering tot onderrig word aan die hand van ʼn aantal kernelemente, wat in vyf groepe verdeel is (naamlik sy siening oor mag en bemagtiging, etiesgodsdienstige elemente, bewustheid en aksie, dialoogvoering, onderwyspraktyk en onderwys en die samelewing) hanteer. Die navorsing toon aan dat hierdie elemente gebruik kan word om die leemtes in herstellende onderwys te vul en dat die twee benaderings en ʼn aantal ander benaderings wat daarby aansluit, soos onderwys vir maatskaplike geregtigheid, kritiese pedagogiek en die leerstellings van Mohlomi, tot ʼn geïntegreerde onderwysbenadering – geïntegreerde helende onderwys – saamgevoeg kan word. In die voorlaaste gedeelte van die navorsing word die beginsels van geïntegreerde helende onderwys gebruik om ʼn praktykgerigte implementeringsraamwerk te ontwikkel. Die raamwerk word in twee dele hanteer: eerstens die implementeringsterreine, naamlik die geleerde en geleefde leerplanne, en tweedens die implementeringsproses wat deur middel van deelnemende aksienavorsing uitvoer kan word. Die navorsing sluit af met ʼn opsomming van die navorsing, ʼn uitwysing van die beperkings van die studie en aanbevelings vir verdere ondersoek. / Violence and school violence play havoc with South African society. Current methods to curb school violence depend on power, discipline and a penal approach, and prove to be ineffective. The purpose of this research was to investigate alternative approaches to manage school violence and develop an implementation framework for a whole-school approach to it. This research was conducted according to an integrated ecological model. The concepts “violence” and “school violence” were analysed as they are often confused with the concepts “power” and “discipline”. The former pair of concepts are multidimensional and present in all spheres of the integrated ecological model. They include individual violence, group violence and structural violence. School violence manifests in different forms, including bullies and gangs. This research differentiates between controllable school violence – which is within the school community’s sphere of influence – and manageable school violence – which originates outside the school community. The research indicates that the ways in which school violence is currently addressed do not consider damaged relationships because of violence, reconciliation between the perpetrator and the victim, and the needs of the victim. In addition, they do not contribute to the management of structural school violence. Restorative education is a recent approach based on restorative justice and includes proactive activities. Because it is value-driven and grounded on relationships, dialogue, restoration and reconciliation, it can be of great use in the fight against school violence. Restorative education includes both proactive and reactive methods such as victim-offender mediation and group discussions. It focuses on a value-driven school community rather than infringements. However, restorative education has certain deficiencies. This research indicates that they can be made good thanks to Freire’s approach to education. Freire’s approach to education comprise a number of key elements, which can be divided into five groups, viz his views on power and empowerment; ethical-religious elements; consciousness and action; dialogue; educational practice; and education and the community. The research indicates that these elements can compensate for the deficiencies in restorative education. Freire’s approach and a number of connected approaches such as education for social justice, critical pedagogy and the doctrines of Mohlomi, can be combined in an integrated approach to education, referred to as integrated healing education. In the penultimate part of the research, the principles of integrated healing education are utilised to develop a practice-orientated implementation framework. The framework is discussed in two sections: the fields of implementation, viz the learned and lived curricula, and the implementation process through action research. The research concludes with a summary, limitations of the study, and recommendations. / Tirisodikgoka le tirisodikgoka ya kwa sekolong di baka tlhakatlhakano mo baaging ba Aforikaborwa. Mekgwa ya ga jaana ya go fedisa dikhuduego e ikaegile ka dithata, maitsholo a a siameng le molebo wa kotlhao, mme go bonala e sa nonofa. Maikemisetso a patlisiso eno e ne e le go batlisisa melebo e e farologaneng ya go samagana le tirisodikgoka ya kwa sekolong le go tlhama letlhomeso la tsenyotirisong la molebo wa sekolo sotlhe go samagana nayo. Patlisiso e dirilwe go ya ka sekao se se golaganeng sa ikholoji. Go lokolotswe megopolo ya "tirisodikgoka" le "tirisodikgoka ya kwa sekolong" ka ntlha ya fa gantsi e tlhakatlhakanngwa le megopolo ya "dithata" le "maitsholo a a siameng". Sebedi sa ntlha sa megopolo se dintlhadintsi mme di gona mo magatong otlhe a sekao se se golaganeng sa ikholoji. Se akaretsa tirisodikgoka ya batho bongwe ka bongwe, tirisodikgoka ya setlhopha le tirisodikgoka e e rulaganeng. Tirisodikgoka ya kwa dikolong e tlhagelela ka dipopego tse di farologaneng, go akaretsa badipisi le digongwana. Patlisiso eno e farologanya magareng ga tirisodikgoka e e laolegang ya kwa dikolong – e e mo legatong la tlhotlheletso la mo sekolong – le tirisodikgoka e e tsamaisegang kwa dikolong – e e tswang kwa ntle ga sekolo. Patlisiso e bontsha gore ditsela tse go samaganwang le tirisodikgoka ya kwa dikolong ka yona ga jaana ga di lebelele dikamano tse di senyegang ka ntlha ya tirisodikgoka, poelano magareng ga modiri le motshwasetlhabelo, le ditlhokego tsa motswasetlhabelo. Go tlaleletsa foo, ga di tshwaele mo tsamaisong ya tirisodikgoka ya kwa dikolong e e rulagantsweng. Molebo wa pusetso ke molebo wa fa gautshwane o o theilweng mo bosiamising jwa pusetso mme o akaretsa ditiragatso tsa pele ga tiragalo. Gonne o tsamaisiwa ke dintlhatheo mme o theilwe mo dikamanong, dipuisano, pusetso le poelano, o ka nna mosola thata mo ntweng kgatlhanong le tirisodikgoka ya kwa dikolong. Thuto ya pusetso e akaretsa mekgwa ya pele ga tiragalo le ya go tsibogela tiragalo e tshwana le tsereganyo ya motswasetlhabelo-molatofadiwa le dipuisano tsa ditlhopha. E tota baamegi ba sekolo ba ba laolwang ke dintlhatheo go na le tlolomolao. Le gale, thuto ya pusetso e na le makoanyana a a rileng. Thutopatlisiso eno e bontsha gore a ka baakanngwa ka molebo wa ga Freire wa thuto. Molebo wa ga Friere wa thuto o na le dikarolo di le mmalwa tsa botlhokwa, tse di ka aroganngwang ka ditlhopha tse tlhano, e leng, megopolo ya gagwe malebana le dithata le maatlafatso; dintlha tsa maitsholo-tumelo; temogo le tiragatso; puisano; tiragatso ya thuto; le thuto le baagi. Patlisiso e bontsha gore dintlha tseno di ka emela makoa a a mo thutong ya pusetso. Molebo wa ga Freire le melebo e mengwe e le mmalwa e e golaganeng e tshwana le thuto ya tshiamiso ya loago, thuto e e rutang barutwana go sekaseka dithata le kgatelelo le ditumelo tsa ga Mohlomi, di ka kopanngwa mo molebong o o golaganeng wa thuto, o o bidiwang thuto e e golaganeng e e alafang. Mo karolong ya pele ga ya bofelo ya patlisiso, go dirisiwa dintlhatheo tsa thuto e e golaganeng e e alafang go tlhama letlhomeso la tsenyotirisong le le theilweng mo tiragatsong. Letlhomeso le tlhalosiwa mo dikarolong tse pedi: lephata la tsenyotirisong, e leng kharikhulamo e e ithutilweng le e e tshetsweng, le tirego ya tsenyotirisong ka patlisiso ya tiragatso. Patlisiso e konosetsa ka tshobokanyo, ditekanyetso tsa thutopatlisiso, le dikatlenegiso. / Educational Foundations / Ph. D. (Philosophy of Education)

Managing multi-grade teaching for optimal learning in Gauteng West primary schools

Tredoux, Marlise 01 1900 (has links)
The researcher investigated the management of multi-grade teaching for optimal learning in Gauteng West primary schools. Ten participants, including school principals, heads of departments and educators participated in individual and focus group interviews and in observation of multi-grade classroom contexts. Findings revealed that educators involved in multi-grade teaching feel overwhelmed by challenging work conditions pertaining to large learner numbers and a lack of adequate didactical resources. This is exacerbated by a lack of professional development by means of tailor-made training for multi-grade teaching and the presumption that educators teaching such classes must merely change the monograde teaching format of the curriculum themselves for applicable implementation in a multi-grade teaching context. This leaves educators socially, emotionally and professionally isolated. Recommendations include the involvement of seasoned educators with expert knowledge and experience of multi-grade teaching to present training sessions constituting advice and support to inexperienced educators involved in said teaching. / Die navorser het die bestuur van meergraadonderrig by laerskole in Wes-Gauteng vir optimale leer ondersoek. Afgesien van individuele en fokusgroeponderhoude met skoolhoofde, departementshoofde en opvoeders, is waarneming in meergraadklaskamers gedoen. Volgens die bevindings bemoeilik groot klasse en ʼn gebrek aan didaktiese hulpmiddels meergraadopvoeders se taak. Meergraadopvoeders voel hulle geensins opgewasse teen hierdie werksomstandighede nie. ʼn Gebrek aan opleiding in meergraadonderrig en die veronderstelling dat opvoeders die eengraadformaat van die kurrikulum in ʼn meergraadformaat kan omskakel, vererger sake. Opvoeders is van mening dat hulle maatskaplik, emosioneel en professioneel in die steek gelaat word. Daar word aanbeveel dat gesoute opvoeders met kennis van en ervaring in meergraadonderrig onervare opvoeders oplei en adviseer. / Monyakisisi o dirile dinyakisiso ka ga go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego go fihlelela bokgoni le tsebo tikologong ya go thekga dinyakwa tsa baithuti dikolong tsa phoraemari go la Gauteng Bodikela. Batseakarolo ba lesome, go akaretswa dihlogo tsa dikolo, dihlogo tsa dikgoro le barutisi ba tseere karolo ditherisanong ka botee le dihlopha tseo di nepisitswego gape le temogo dikemong tsa diphaposi tsa dikereiti tse di fapanego. Dikhwetso di utollotse gore barutisi bao ba rutago dikereiti tse fapanego ba imelwa ke maemo a modiro wo o nyakago gore ba ntshe bokgoni bja bona ka moka ka lebaka la dipalo tse ntsi tsa baithuti le tlhokego ya dithusi tsa thuto tse di lekanego. Se se thatafiswa ke tlhokego ya tlhabollo ya profesene ye ka go fa tlhahlo yeo e lebanego ya go ruta dikreiti tse fapanego le kgopolo ya go re barutisi bao ba rutago ba swanela go no fetola popego ya lenaneothuto la kereiti e tee ka bobona go re ba le dirise kemong ya go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego. Se se dira gore barutisi ba ikhwetse ba se na kgokagano le setshaba leagong, ba hloka bao ba ka llelago go bona le go se be le bao ba nago le kgahlego go profesene ya bona. Ditshisinyo di akaretsa go ba gona ga barutisi bao e lego kgale ba ruta ba nago le maitemogelo le botsebi go ruta dikereiti tse fapanego go hlagisa dipaka tsa tlhahlo tseo di fago maele le thuso go barutisi bao ba se nago maitemogelo. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)

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