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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A coaching model to care for the well-being of pastors : a multidisciplinary perspective

Rudolph, Elizabeth Cornelia January 2019 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, Afrikaans, Tswana and Tsonga / In a complex world, change is inevitable and wellness in the workplace remains a popular research phenomenon in facilitating employee and organisational productivity. Churches as organisations are not exempt from change dynamics in the world of work. Employees of the church, namely pastors and their well-being are similarly imperative, as they are also responsible for facilitating the well-being of others. Coaching has emerged as a valuable and useful psychological helping process aimed at enhancing employees’ well- being and facilitating their engagement, commitment and productive work behaviour. Mentoring and training are predominant interventions aimed at addressing aspects potentially relevant to pastor well-being in both the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) and the United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), albeit each with very distinct objectives in terms of calling, and professional and skills development. In light of the current underutilised mentoring programme of the DRC and the sole emphasis on skills training in the URCSA, this study emerged from the need to understand how an in-depth understanding of pastors’ experiences of well-being can contribute to construct a coaching model for professional pastoral caregivers. In order to develop a coaching model to care for and optimise the well-being of the pastors, my multidisciplinary background (stemming from Industrial and Organisational Psychology [IOP], Human Resource Management [HRM] and Theology) increased my curiosity about pastors’ experiences of well-being in a Christian faith-based South African church context. In qualitative research inquiries, investigators creatively use multiple qualitative methods from a pragmatic stance. Hence, in this thesis I used at first two qualitative research methods, namely interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) and narrative synthesis that contributed to a transparent and systematic way to collect analyse, and document the research report. As a third qualitative research method, I used an auto ethnographic reflection writing style to make trustworthy inferences about the research findings and to think about the implications thereof on the rest of the research community. A coaching model was constructed and is proposed as a possible model to care for and optimise the well-being of the pastor (individual employee) and by implication also of a church (non-profit Christian faith-based organisation). This thesis also contributes methodologically to emerging IQA research in a South African work context. Lastly, the thesis contributes to multidisciplinary studies as it integrated theoretical and empirical perspectives from three disciplines, namely IOP, HRM and Theology. / In 'n ingewikkelde wêreld is verandering onvermydelik en welstand in die werksplek bly 'n gewilde navorsingsverskynsel om werknemer- en organisatoriese produktiwiteit te fasiliteer. Kerke as organisasies is nie vrygestel van veranderingsdinamika in die wêreld van werk nie. Kerke se werknemers, naamlik pastore en hul welstand is op soortgelyke wyse noodsaaklik omdat hulle verantwoordelik is om ander se welstand te fasiliteer. Afrigting het as 'n waardevolle en nuttige psigologiese hulpproses ontluik wat daarop gemik is om werknemers se welstand te bevorder en om hul betrokkenheid, toewyding en produktiewe werksgedrag te fasiliteer. Mentorskap en afrigting is oorwegende intervensies wat daarop gemik is om aspekte aan te spreek wat moontlik relevant kan wees tot pastore se welstand in beide die Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK) en die Verenigde Gereformeerde Kerk van Suid-Afrika (VGKSA), alhoewel elkeen baie duidelik onderskeibare doelstellings met betrekking tot roeping, en professionele en vaardigheidsontwikkeling het. In die lig van huidige onderbenutting van mentorskapprogramme van die NGK en die uitsluitlike klem op vaardigheidsopleiding in die VGKSA, het hierdie studie ontstaan uit die behoefte om te verstaan hoe 'n diepgaande begrip van pastore se ervaring van welstand tot 'n konstruktiewe afrigtingsmodel vir professionele pastorale versorgers kan bydra. Om 'n afrigtingsmodel te ontwikkel om pastore te versorg en hul welstand te optimeer, het my multidissiplinêre agtergrond (industriële en organisatoriese sielkunde, menslikehulpbronbestuur en teologie) my nuuskierigheid oor pastore se welstand in 'n Christelik-gebaseerde Suid-Afrikaanse kerkkonteks geprikkel. In kwalitatiewe navorsingsvrae, gebruik navorsers meervoudige kwalitatiewe metodes uit 'n pragmatiese standpunt kreatief. In hierdie tesis het ek dus aanvanklik twee kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik, naamlik interaktiewe kwalitatiewe ontleding (IKO) en narratiewe sintese wat bydra om data deursigtig en sistematies te versamel, te ontleed en die navorsingsverslag te dokumenteer. As 'n derde kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetode het ek 'n reflektiewe outo-etnografiese skryfstyl gebruik om betroubare afleidings oor die navorsingsbevindings te maak en om oor die implikasies daarvan op die navorsingsgemeenskap te dink. 'n Afrigtingsmodel is saamgestel en is voorgestel as 'n moontlike model om na pastore (individuele werknemers) om te sien en hul welstand te optimeer en dus ook die van 'n kerk (niewinsgewende organisasie wat op die Christelike geloof gebaseer is). Hierdie tesis dra ook metodologies tot ontluikende IKO-navorsing in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse werkskonteks by. Die tesis dra laastens tot multidissiplinêre studies by omdat dit teoretiese en empiriese perspektiewe van die drie vakgebiede, naamlik industriële en organisatoriese sielkunde, menslikehulpbronbestuur en teologie, integreer. / Mo lefatsheng le le marara, diphetogo di nna di le gona mme itekanelo ya mo tirong e sala go nna ntlha e e tlwaelegileng ya dipatlisiso go gokaganya tlhagiso ya badiri le ya setheo. Dikereke jaaka ditheo ga di a gololesega mo dintlheng tsa diphetogo mo tirong. Badiri ba kereke, e leng baruti, le itekanelo ya bona, ba botlhokwa fela jalo ka ntlha ya fa le bona ba rwele maikarabelo a go ela tlhoko itekanelo ya ba bangwe. Katiso e tlhageletse jaaka tsamaiso ya thuso e e boleng le e e mosola ya saekholoji e maikaelelo a yona e leng go tokafatsa itekanelo ya badiri le go gokaganya seabe sa bona, maitlamo le maitsholo a a mosola mo tirong. Tataiso le katiso ke ditsibogo tse di dirisiwang gantsi tse maikaelelo a tsona e leng go samagana le dintlha tse di maleba mo itekanelong ya baruti mo Kerekeng ya Dutch Reformed (DRC) le ya United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), le fa tsotlhe di na le maitlhomo a a farologaneng go ya ka pitso, tlhabololo ya boporofešenale le bokgoni. Ka ntlha ya lenaneo le ga jaana le sa dirisiweng mo go lekaneng la tataiso la DRC le kgatelelo ya katiso ya bokgoni fela kwa URCSA, thutopatlisiso eno e bakilwe ke tlhokego ya go tlhaloganya ka moo go tlhaloganya go ya kwa botennye ga maitemogelo a baruti a itekanelo go ka tshwaelang ka gona go aga sekao sa katiso sa baruti ba batlhokomedi ba porofešenale. Go aga sekao sa katiso sa go tlhokomela le go oketsa itekanelo ya baruti, lemorago la me la maphatamantsi (go tswa mo Saekholojing ya Madirelo le Ditheo [IOP], Botsamaisi jwa Badiri [HRM] le Thuto ya Bodumedi (Thioloji)) le okeditse phisegelo ya me ya go itse ka maitemogelo a baruti a itekanelo go ya ka bokao jwa kereke ya Aforikaborwa e e theilweng mo tumelong ya Sekeresete. Mo dipotsisong tsa dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, babatlisisi ba dirisa mekgwa e mentsi ya patlisiso e e lebelelang mabaka go tswa mo kemong ya dintlha. Ka jalo mo thesising eno ke dirisitse mekgwa ya ntlha e mebedi ya dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, e leng tshekatsheko e e lebelelang mabaka ka tshusumetso (IQA) le motswako wa kanelo o o tshwaetseng mo tseleng e e seng bofitlha le e e rulaganeng go kokoanya, sekaseka le go kwala pegelo ya patlisiso. Jaaka mofuta wa boraro wa dipatlisiso tse di lebelelang mabaka, ke dirisitse setaele sa go kwala sa itshekatsheko ya othoetenokerafi go fitlhelela ditshwetso tse di ikanyegang ka ga diphitlhelelo tsa dipatlisiso le go akanya ka bokao jwa tsona mo setšhabeng sotlhe sa dipatlisiso. Go agilwe sekao sa katiso mme se tshitshinngwa jaaka sekao se se ka dirisiwang go tlhokomela le go tokafatsa itekanelo ya moruti (modiri a le mongwe) mme ka go rialo gape le ya kereke (setheo se se sa direng letseno se e theilweng mo tumelong ya Sekeresete). Thesisi eno gape e tshwaela mo ntlheng ya mekgwa mo dipatlisisong tse di tlhagelelang tsa IQA go lebeletswe Aforikaborwa. Kwa bokhutlong, thesisi eno e tshwaela mo dithutopatlisisong tsa maphatamantsi ka ntlha ya fa e kopantse megopolo ya tiori le ya maitemogelo go tswa mo maphateng a le mararo e leng, IOP, HRM le Thioloji. / Eka misava ya nsohensohe, ku cinca i nchumu lowu nga sivelekekiku na swona ku hlayiseka entirhweni swa ha ri nchumu lowu nga duma swinene eka ku endliwa ka rhiseche eka ku pfuneta mutirhi na nhlangano leswo swi tirha hi xiyenge xa vuyelo bya le henhla. Tikereke tani hi minhlangano a yi le handle eka timhaka ta ku cinca emintirhweni. Vatirhi va kereke, ku nga vafundzhisi na vuhlayiseki bya vona na swona i swa nkoka tani hi leswi va nga na vutihlamuleri eka ku tiyisa leswo van'wana va hlayisekile no va na rihanyu lerinene. Ku dzabela swi vonaka tani hi nchumu wa nkoka no pfuneta eka ku pfuneta hi swa ngqondo leswi swi nga na xikongomelo xa ku yisa emahlweni vuhlayiseki bya vatirhi no endla leswo va va eka xiyimo xa ku tirhisana, ku tiyimisela no va na mahanyelo ya ku gingirika emintirhweni na ku tirha hi vuyelo. Ku mentharixa na vuleteri i minchumu leyi endliwaka hi xikongomelo xa ku langutana na rihanyu lerinene ra vafundzhisi va tikereke ta Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) na United Reformed Church of South Africa (URCSA), hambi leswi yin'wana ya tona yi nga na swikongomelo swo hambana hi ku landza xivito, na ku hluvukisiwa ka vuprofexinali na vuswikoti. Hi ku vona leswo nongonoko wa ku mentharixa a wu tirhisiwi swinene eka DRC kasi eka va URCSA ku tshikileriwa ngopfu vuleteri bya vuswikoti, dyondzo leyi yi sukela eka xilaveko xa ku twisisa swinene hi vuenti swipiriyoni swa vafundzhisi swa vuhlayiseki bya vona ku pfuneta ku endla modlele wa vudzaberi eka vahlayisi va vafundzhisi hi swa vuprofexinali. Leswo ku endliwa modlele wa vudzaberi bya ku hlayisa no yisa ehenhla xiyimo lexinene xa vafundzhisi, tidyondzo ta mina (leti sukelaka eka Industrial Organisational Psychology (IOP), Human Resource Management [HRM] na tidyondzo ta ntivo-vukwembu ku nga Theology) swi yise ehenhla ku navela ku tiva ka mina hi swipiriyoni swa vafundzhisi hi vuhlayiseki bya vona eka vugandzeri bya vona lebyi byi nga le ka Vukresre eka tikereke ta vona eAfrika Dzonga. Eka swivutiso swa qualitative research na ntirhiso wa ndzavisiso hi vuswikoti leswi swi tirhisiwaka ku endla qualitative methods eka xiyimo lexi khomekaka. Hikokwalaha eka thesis leyi ndzi tirhise eka mafambiselo mambirhi ya qualitative research methods, ku nga interactive qualitative analysis (IQA) na narrative synthesis leyi yi nga pfuneta ku kuma maendlelo lama ya nga rivaleni ku hlengeleta nxopanxopo na ku endla dokumente ya xiviko xa rhiseche. Maendlelo ya vunharhu ya qualitative research method, lama ndzi nga ma tirhisa i ya authethnographic reflection writing style ku endla tiinferense ta ku tshembeka hi vuyelo bya rhiseche na ku ehleketa hi ti-implications ta swona eka hinkwavo lava va endlaka rhiseche. Modlele wa vudzaberi wu endliwile na swona hi wona lowu wu gangisiwaka tani hi modlele lowu kotekaku wa vuhlayisi na ku yisa ehenhla nhlayiseko wa mufundzhisi (ku nga mutirhi wun'we) kasi hi vuyelo na swona eka kereke (ku nga nhlangano wa vupfumeri bya Vukreste lowu nga tirheleku vuyelo bya mali). Thesis leyi yi tlhela yi pfuneta hi metodoloji ku humesa IQA research eka xiyimo xa Afrika Dzonga. Xo hetelela, thesis leyi yi tlhela yi pfuneta tidyondzo ta multidisciplinary tani hi laha ti nga hlanganisiwa eka thiyori na le ka empirical perspectives ku suka eka tidisiplini tinharhu leti ku nga, IOP, HRM na Theology. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology (Industrial and Organisational Psychology))

Impact of capital structure on profitability : the case of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa / Umthelela Wesimozimali Sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo : Ucwaningo Oluqondene neBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika / Khuetšo ya Matlotlo a Kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša Dipoelo Tšhupo ya Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa

Zulu, Nonkululeko P. 05 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sepedi / The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of capital structure on the profitability of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa (Land Bank). Both theoretical and empirical literature were reviewed in order to guide the empirical investigation of this study. In particular, the theories of financial intermediation, credit creation and fractional reserve formed the basis of this study. The capital structure theories that were examined included the pecking order theory, trade-off theory and Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. In the literature, it was observed that profitable companies prefer using internal funds over debt or equity. To test the stated hypothesis that there is no relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, a quantitative research design with a case study approach was used, with the Land Bank as the unit of analysis. Using time series data for the period 1982 to 2015, multiple regression using the ordinary least squares method was applied to test the specified models. Preliminary data analysis was performed using trend analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. The study demonstrated that the relationship between capital structure and bank profitability was positive and statistically significant at a 95% confidence level when using only equity. However, inclusion of debt in the capital structure showed that capital structure, proxied by the debt-to-equity ratio, resulted in a negative relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, albeit statistically insignificant. It was concluded that the Land Bank requires an injection of equity to improve its performance. Alternative low-cost sources of funding to debt should be considered. The results of the study have policy implications for the Land Bank, regulators and potential investors. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukucubungula nokuthola umthelela wesimozimali sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo eBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika (iBhange Lomhlaba). Kokubili, imibhalo yethiyori kanye nemibhalo esuselwe emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo, yabuyekezwa ukuze ihole futhi ilawule uphenyo olugxile emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo oluqondene nalolu cwaningo. Amathiyori ayisisekelo salolu cwaningo, ikakhulukazi, kwaba yi-financial intermediation, credit creation kanye ne-fractional reserve. Lawo mathiyori esimozimali sebhizinisi acutshungulwa abandakanya i-pecking order theory, trade-off theory kanye ne-Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. Emibhalweni eyacutshungulwa, kwabonakala ukuthi izinkampani ezinenzuzo zincamela ukusebenzisa izimali zangaphakathi kunokusebenzisa isikweletu noma izabelokulingana (equity). Ngenhloso yokuhlola ihayiphothesisi ethuliwe yokuthi abukho ubudlelwano phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, kwasetshenziswa idizayini yocwaningo olukhwantithethivu ehambisana nendlela yokusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko egxile ekuhlaziyweni kweBhange Lomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisa i-time series data yesikhathi esisukela kowe-1982 kuyofinyelela kowezi-2015, kwalandelwa i-multiple regression ngokusebenzisa i-ordinary least squares method ukuhlola amamodeli achaziwe. Uhlaziyo lwedatha olwandulelayo lwenziwa ngokusebenzisa uhlaziyo lwezimonkambiso (trend analysis), izibalomanani ezichazayo (descriptive statistics) kanye ne-Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. Ucwaningo lwabonisa ukuthi bukhona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange futhi idatha yabonisa ukuthembakala okusezingeni elingama-95% uma kusetshenziswa izabelokulingana kuphela. Kodwa-ke ukufakwa kwesikweletu kwisimozimali sebhizinisi kwabonisa ukuthi isimozimali sebhizinisi, ngokusekelwa yizinga-silinganiso phakathi kwesikweletu nezabelokulinganisa, kwaholela ekutheni bungabi khona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, nakuba idatha mayelana nalokhu yabonisa ukungathembakali okuthile. Kwafinyelelwa esiphethweni sokuthi iBhange Lomhlaba lidinga ukuthi kufakwe izabelokulingana ngenhloso yokwenza ngcono ukusebenza kwalo. Kumele kwenziwe imizamo yokuthola eminye imithombo yezimali ehlukile futhi engambi eqolo. Imiphumela yocwaningo inemithelela ethile ephathelene nezinqubomgomo eqondene neBhange Lomhlaba, abalawuli kanye nalabo okungenzeka babe nesifiso sokutshala izimali. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go laetša khuetšo ya matlotlo a kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša dipoelo bja Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa (Land Bank). Dingwalo tša ditlhalošo tša diteori le tšeo dithutelo tša peleng di di hweditšeng di sekasekilwe go fa tlhahlo go dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tšeo di dirilwego peleng tša thutelo ye. Gabotsebotse, diteori tša mokgwa wa dipanka wa go tšea tšhelete ye e bolokilwego tša e adimiša, mokgwa wa dipanka wa go hlola dikadimo ka bontši le tsheketšo ya palophatlo ya tšhelete di bopile motheo wa thutelo ye. Diteori tša matlotlo a kgwebo tšeo di lekotšwego di akareditše teori ya mokgwa wa go kgetha methopo ya kadimo ya ditšhelete, teori ya go lekanyetša ditheko le ditefelokholego le teori ya Modigliani-Miller ya go re mokgwa wa go diriša tšhelete ye e adimilwego go bona dipoelo ga o ame boleng bja khamphani. Ka go dingwalo, go lemogilwe gore dikhamphani tše di ka hwetšago dipoelo di kgetha go diriša matlole a ka gare go ena le dikoloto goba bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto Go leka kakanyo ye e filwego ya gore ga go na tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka bja go hwetša dipoelo, tlhako ya nyakišišo ya go hwetša dikarabo go batho ka bontši ka mokgwatebelelo wa nyakišišo ye e dirilwego ka ga tiragalo e dirišitšwe, ka Land Bank bjalo ka yuniti ya tshekatsheko. Ka go diriša datha go ya ka tatelano ye e itšeng ya nako ya paka ya 1982 go iša go 2015, tlhahlobo ya tswalano gare ga mabaka a mabedi goba go feta ka go diriša mokgwa wa go fokotša palo ya disekwere e dirišitšwe go leka mehlala ye e šupilwego. Tshekatsheko ya datha ya mathomo e phethagaditšwe ka go diriša tshekatsheko ya taolelopele ya seo se tla diregago ka ditšhelete, mokgwa wa go sekaseka dipalopalo le tshekatsheko ya Pearson ya dipalo tše pedi go bona tswalano ya tšona. Thutelo e laeditše gore tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo go bile le ditlamorago tše botse le dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete ka kemo ya kgonthišo ya 95% ge go dirišwa fela bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto. Le ge go le bjalo, kakaretšo ya sekoloto ka go matlotlo a kgwebo go bontšhitše gore matlotlo a kgwebo, ao a laeditšwego ka tekanyo ya palomoka ya dikoloto go bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto, e hlotše tswalano ye e sa letelwago gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo, le ge e ka ba dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete. Go phethilwe ka go re Land Bank e nyaka koketšo ya bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto go kaonafatša tiro ye e swanetšwego go dirwa. Methopo ye mengwe ya tswala ya fase go dikoloto e swanetšwe go lebelelwa. Dipoelo tša thutelo di na le ditlamorago tša Molaotshepetšo wa Land Bank, balaodi le babeeletši ba ka moso. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Finance)

The management of student retention and success at technical and vocational education and training colleges in Limpopo Province

Baloyi, Masenyani Levy 16 July 2020 (has links)
With reference to the demands for innovation facing the systems of tertiary education internationally, the Department of Higher Education in South Africa has been revamped since the realization of the democratic Government. In recent years, the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) College institutions became the potential learning institutions of choice that could revitalize the economy. This resulted in merging the former 152 TVET Colleges into 50 with the intention to streamline access in order to accommodate a larger number of students for technical and vocational training. The purpose of this study was to determine how student retention and success in the TVET Colleges can be effectively managed. The study was mainly guided by the theoretical framework of Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1995) ecological systems theory that explains individuals’ relationships with their environments by means of interrelated ecological systems functioning. Secondly, applied to this study was the principles of systems theory which supplemented Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. A mixed-methods research approach was used in determining the perceptions of TVET College personnel from different levels of institutional functioning and from students from different years of registration to determine the main factors influencing student retention and success at TVET Colleges. The empirical investigation comprised of a quantitative research approach (as phase 1) using questionnaires administered to students which was followed by a qualitative research approach (as phase 2) entailing semi-structured individual interviews with TVET College employees. The researcher used the chi-square and analysis of variables tests as analysis techniques in analysing and presenting the results in in this study. The research findings indicated a strong need for relevant career guidance provided to prospective TVET College students from primary school onwards, and the establishment of a constructive student support unit at TVET Colleges to promote student retention and success. Factors that promote the management student retention and success were identified as relating to the image and reputation of TVET Colleges, sources of effective communication, and student support activities that initially and continuously motivate or hinder student retention and success in the TVET College institutions. / Na aanleiding van die oproepe om vernuwing wat tersiêre-onderwysstelsels op internasionale vlak in die gesig staar, het die Departement van Hoër Onderwys en Opleiding in Suid-Afrika sedert die instelling van 'n demokratiese regering verskeie verbeteringe ondergaan. In die afgelope aantal jare het instellings in die tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingsektor potensiële voorkeurleerinstellings geword wat die vermoë het om die ekonomie nuwe lewe te gee. Dit het gelei tot die samesmelting van die voormalige 152 kolleges in die sektor tot 50 kolleges, met die doel om toegang te vergemaklik sodat meer studente vir tegniese en beroepsopleiding ingeneem kan word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal hoe faktore wat studentbehoud en -sukses beïnvloed, doeltreffend in die tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskollegesektor bestuur kan word. Die studie is gerig deur die teoretiese raamwerk van Bronfenbrenner (1979, 1995) se ekologiese-stelselteorie. Hierdie teorie verklaar individue se verhoudings met hul omgewings met behulp van ekologiese stelsels wat in verhouding met mekaar funksioneer. Tweedens, aan die studie was beginsels van stelsels teorie toegevoeg wat Bronfenbrenner se ekologiese stelsels teorie aanvul. Die empiriese ondersoek het bestaan uit ʼn kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering waarby vraelyste aan studente uitgedeel is, gevolg deur ʼn kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering wat semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude met werknemers by tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges behels het. Die navorsingsbevindinge het gedui op ʼn sterk behoefte aan die voorsiening van toepaslike beroepsvoorligting aan leerders op laerskool en verder wat voornemens is om aan tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges te studeer, asook die vestiging van ʼn konstruktiewe studentesteuneenheid by hierdie kolleges om studentebehoud en -sukses te bevorder. Faktore wat studentebehoud en -sukses bevorder is geïdentifiseer as dié wat verband hou met die beeld en reputasie van tegniese en beroepsonderwys- en opleidingskolleges, bronne van doeltreffende kommunikasie, en studentesteunaktiwiteite wat aanvanklik en deurlopend as motivering vir studentebehoud en -sukses in hierdie sektor dien of dit belemmer. / Mayelana na xilaveko xa vutumbuluxi lebyi mafambiselo ya swikolo le ya langutiseneke na wona misava hinkwayo, Ndzavisiso ya tidyondzo ta le henhla ya Afrika Dzongayi cincile ku sukela loko hi ri eka mfumo wa xidimokirasi, Eka masiku ya namuntlha, tikholichi ta Vuthikiniki na dyondzo na vuleteri (TVET) ti hundzukile swikolo leswi nga langiwaku ku pfuxelela ikhonomi. Leswi swi endlile leswaku ku katsiwa tikholichi to ringana 152 leswaku ti va 50 ku ri ku endlela leswaku ku tekiwa na ku leteriwa vana va ku tala. Xikongomelo a ku ri ku endlela leswaku machudeni va nga lawuriwa na ku humelerisiwa njhani eka ti kholichi ta ti TVET. Dyondzo leyi yi rhangeriwa hi mavonelo ya malavisiselo ya Bronfenbrenner’s (1979, 1995), mavonelo ya matshamelo na mahlamuselo ya vuxaka eka mpfanganyiso wa matirhiselo, xavumbirhi, Dyondzo leyi yi tirhisile milawu ya mafambiselo na mavonelo lama tatisaku maendleo ya matshamelo na mafambiselo ya Bronfenbrenner. Malaviseselo ya maendlelo yo pfanganana ya tirhisiwile eka mavonelo ya va tirhi ya tikholichi ta ti TVET ku suka eka matshamelo na matirhelo yaku hambana hambana ku sukela eka malembe ya ntsariso ku endlela ku kuma nsusumeto wa ku humelela ka machudeni etikholichi. Ndzavisiso lowu wu katsakanya maendlelo ya khwalithethivhi, eka xiyenge xo sungula hi ku tirhisa swivutiso leswi nga ta xiyisisiwa eka machudeni swi tlhela swilandelerisiwa hi maendlelo ya malavisiselo ya khwalithethivhi (eka xiyenge xa vumbirhi) hi ku kandzelerisiwa hi nwangulano wa xiphemu na vatirhi va ti kholichi ta ti TVET. Mulavisisi u tirhisile xikwere xa chi na ku xopaxopa swiphemu swa swikambelo leswi a swi xopa xopiwa loko ku bumabumeriwe / hlayiwe mbuyelo wa ndzavisiso. Mbuyelo wu kombisa swinene leswaku kuna ku yelana eka ndzetelo lowu nyikiwaku machudeni ya ti kholichi ta TVET ku suka eswikolweni swa le hansi ku ya ehenhla, na ku tumbuluxiwa ka xiyenge xa mpfuno wa machudeni etikholichini ta ti TVET ku tlakusa ku tiyisa na ku humelela ka machudeni. Swi nwana leswi susumetaku ku tlakusa na ku tiyisa vufambisi eku tlakuseni na ku humelerisa machudeni ya ti kholichi ta ti TVET swikombisa swi fananisiwa na xiyimo na xindzhuti xa swikolo leswi, swipfuno swa mavulavulelo, na swipfuno swa switirhisiwa swa mpfuno wa machudeni wa masungulo kumbe wa ku yisa nkucetelo kumbe xirhalanganyi xa ku tlakusa na ku pfuna ku humelela eka tikholichi ta ti TVET. MARITO NKULO / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

The state of teacher-learner relations in a culturally diverse grade 10 classroom in Gauteng Province : a social wellness perspective

Nkomo, Annah Ndlovu 05 January 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sesotho / The study set out to investigate the state of teacher-learner relationships in a culturally diverse Grade 10 classroom from a social wellness perspective. The views of teachers and learners who were purposively sampled as study participants were explored on issues relating to the phenomena under study. A triple integrative theoretical lens comprising three theories, namely, Ubuntu theory, the self-system theory and the social wellness theory were used to guide this study. These theories collectively view the social system as influencing individuals’ attitudes, beliefs, feelings, and relationships with others, and as determining individuals’ development of the total self and identity, ultimately. The study is qualitative in nature and hence employed the interpretivist paradigm as well as the case study design. The case was a multicultural secondary school located in Gauteng Province, South Africa. Data were collected from participants using an open-ended questionnaire and structured interviews. Data collected through the open-ended questionnaire were analysed using Creswell’s (2009) sequential steps for data analysis, while data from structured interviews were analysed through Tesch’s (1990) steps of data analysis. Analysed data was interpreted from the participants’ viewpoint and discussed in relation to related literature. Several themes were identified from the analysed data and these answer the research questions. Generally, the findings reveal that in the case school, the teacher-learner relationship is positive, and that the cultural diversity in the school is recognised, acknowledged, valued, and embraced. Basically, the case school embraces the values of Ubuntu. The researcher managed to generate a new theory called the ‘Self with Others Wellness Theory, derived from the study’s findings which embraces the African values of Ubuntu. Therefore, the study contributes and adds to existing theory, and is valuable for guiding and informing policy. The study also therefore adds value to the practice of education and other disciplines to which it is applicable. / Ucwaningo lolu luqonde ukuhlaziya isimo sobudlelwano bothisha nabafundi bebanga leshumi abanamasiko ahlukile egumbini labo lokufundela esifundazweni saseGauteng. Imibono yothisha neyabafundi ababambiqhaza ocwaningweni bekhethwe ngokwenhloso iye yahlolwa, yaphenyisiswa ngokuphathelene nobudlelwano babo basegumbini lokufundela. Uhlaka oluhlangene lwemibono olunemibono emithathu lusetshenzisiwe kwaba yilo oluqondisa lolucwaningo. Loluhlaka lwemibono ehlangene lugoqela umbono woBuntu, uhlelo lokuzenzela kanye nempilo yenhlalo. Imibono le yomithathu ithi inkolelo yabantu, isimo sabo sengqondo nemizwa yabo kuthuthukiswa luhlelo lwezenhlalo. Ephenyweni lolu kusetshenziswe ucwaningo lokuqonda yingakhonje kuye kwasetshenziswa futhi neparadigm yomhumushi kunye nomklamo wesifundo sesigameko. Isigameko sesifundo yisikole samabanga aphezulu esinabafundi nothisha abanamasiko ahlukile esifundazweni saseGauteng, eMzansi Africa. Imininingo yophenyo yathathwa kwababambiqhaza ocwaningweni kusetshenziswa uhla lwemibuzo evulekile kunye nezingxoxo ezihlelekile ezinemibuzo evulekile. Indlela ka Creswell (2009) yokuhlaziya imininingo yophenyo yasetshanziswa ukuhlaziya imininingo yophenyo eyaqoqwa kusetshenziswa uhla lwemibuzo evulekile; ikanti imininingo yocwaningo eyaqoqwa kusetshenziswa izingxoxo ezihlelekile ezinemibuzo evulekile yona yahlaziywa kusetshenziswa indlela ka Tesch (1990) yokuhlaziya imininingo yophenyo. Imininingo yocwaningo ehlaziyiwe yaxoxwa yabuye yachazwa ngendlela ababambiqhaza ocwaningweni abayibona ngayo, yasisekelwa yimibhalo yabacwaningi bangaphambilini. Imibono embalwa yavela kumininingo yophenyo ehlaziyiwe, kanti lemibono izimpendulo kwimibuzo yocwaningo loluphenyo oluqonde ukuyiphendula. Jikelelenje, kutholakala ukuthi ubudlelwano phakathi kothisha nabafundi egumbini lokufundela esikoleni sesigameko buhle, nokuthi futhi ukwehluka kwamasiko kulesikole kuyabonakala, kuyavunywa, kuyamukelwa ikanti njalo kuyabalulekiswa. Kuye kwavelake futhi kuloluphenyo ukuthi isikole sesigameko siyabubalulekisa Ubuntu. Umcwaningi wenelisile ukwakha umbono esebenzisa impumela yalolucwaningo wawubiza ngokuthi yi ‘African Self with others wellness theory’, okuchaza ukuthi mina nabanye kumele siphilisane njalo sihlalisane kahle. Lokhu kuyingxenye yobuntu. Lolucwaningo luyelwengeza imibono ekhona ngakhoke lubalulekile futhi luyakwazi ukwazisa inqubomgomo. Lolucwaningoke luyawuphakamisa umkhuba wezemfundo kunye neminye iminyango ehambisana nawo. / Peyakanyo ya dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tše tša thutho e tšweleditšwe go nyakišiša seemo sa phedišano magareng ga morutwana le morutiši ka phaphušing ya bolesome yeo e swerego bana bao ba tšwago ditšong tše di fapanego, gagologolo go lebedišišwa phedišano go ya ka maitswaro a botho. Mebono ya barutwana le barutiši e šomišitšwe bjalo ka mohlala go bakgatha tema mo dinyakišišong tše, go lekodišišwa ditabanatabana tšeo di sepelelanago le peyakanyo ya mongwalo wo. Setšweletšwa sa go bonagatša sa mmono seo se hlagišago ke megopolo e meraro yeo e kopanego, se šomišitšwe go hlahla peyakanyo ya mongwalo wo e le ge gothwe ke mogopolo wa botho, mokgwa wo motho a ipotšago ka gona le boemo ba tšhumišo ya botho bathong. Megopolo ye e tšweletša mokgwa wo re phelago ka gona, go na le seabe mo go fekeetšeng mokgwa wa motho, maitshwaro a motho, maikutlo a motho le go phedišana le ba bangwe e bile go bonagatša tswelopele ya motho gore ke mang ge se a feleletše ka bo yena go fihla bofelong. Peyakanyo ya mongwalo wo e tšweletšwa gabotse ke tlhago, e šomišitše mekgwana ya go hlalosa ka setlwaedi e le ka mokgwa wo mongwalo wo o kgabišitšwego ka gona. Tirelo ya mongwalo wo e diretšwe mo sekolong sa bana ba batšwago ditšong tše fapanego, gona Provenseng ya Gauteng, Afrika borwa. Kgoboketšo ya ditaba e humanwe gotšwa dipoledišanong tše beyakantšweng le mekgwana yeo e šomišiwago go botšišana ka go lokologa mo bakgathatemeng. Kgoboketšo ya ditaba tšeo di tšwago go wona mokgwa wa go botšišana ka go lokologa, dilekodišitšwe e le ge go berekišitšwe mokgwa wa tekodišišo ya kgato ka kgato ka go latelelana ya go lekodišiša ya Creswell (2009), mola kgoboketšo ya ditaba tšeo di tšwago go poledišano tšeo di beyakantšwego di lekudišišitšwe ka mokgwa wa tekudišišo ya dikgato ya Tesch (1990). Tekodišišo ya ditaba e be e lebeletše gagolo mebono ya bakgathatatema gammogo le go boledišana ga bona mo mongwalong wo. Tlhogo ya ditaba e bile ya lemogiwa gotšwa go ditekedišišo tšeo di dirilwego e le ge di araba dipotšišo mo dinyakišišong tše. Ka kakaretšo go humanegile gore maitshwaro a morutiši le morutwana ke a mabotse ka maatla e bile le ditšo tše fapanego di ya kgona go lemogiwa, di amogelegile, di dumeletšwe, e bile di ya hlomphiwa le go ratiwa. Gabotse mongwalo wo o kgantšha maemo a godimo a botho bathong. Monyakišiši wa tša dipuku o kgonne go tšweletša mogopolo o moswa wo o bitšwago gore ‘’Motho ke Motho ka Batho’’ e le ge o etšwa dinyakišišong tše humanegilego tša go kgantšha botho ba Mafrika bathong. Peakanyo ya mongwalo woo e ba le seabe le go oketša megopolo yeo e bego e le gona, e bile e bohlokwa go šomišwa go hlahla le go beya melao yeo go ka phelwago ka yona. Peakanyo ya mongwalo wo e oketša mokgwa woo thuto le mekgwa ye mengwe e mebotse e tšwelelago ka gona. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

The influence of Jasa's mini enterprise programme on learners entrepreneurial intentions

Makoka, Juliet Oageng 10 1900 (has links)
Entrepreneurship is a catalyst for economic growth and development; thus, the South African government continues to invest in programmes aimed at enhancing youth entrepreneurship development. However, South Africa is still characterised by low levels of total entrepreneurship activity. To stimulate entrepreneurial activity, scholars, policy makers and government have all identified entrepreneurship education as a critical component. Education equips potential and existing entrepreneurs with knowledge, skills, confidence, creativity and innovative capabilities needed to excel in entrepreneurship. One such entrepreneurship programme aimed at creating and enhancing entrepreneurship intentions among high school learners is the one offered by Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). However, the effectiveness of the JASA entrepreneurship education programmes remains largely unknown. Enterprise Programme creates and enhances learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. Consequently, how learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, perceived entrepreneurial abilities, subjective norms and entrepreneurship intentions were affected after participating in the Mini Enterprise Programme. The study employed a quantitative method and used an entrepreneurial intentions questionnaire to answer the research question. Data was collected from 151 learners who participated in the 2018 Mini Enterprise programme by means of self-completion questionnaires. SPSS was used to analyse the date through descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. The major finding of the study is that JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme does indeed create and enhance learners’ entrepreneurship intentions. It was also observed that the programme positively influences learners’ personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship and instilled a sense of confidence in their entrepreneurial abilities. The study concludes by providing some recommendations for entrepreneurship education. / Bogwebi ke sethankgolodi sa kgolo le tlhabololo ya ikonomi, mme ke ka moo puso ya Aforikaborwa e tswelelang go beeletsa mo mananeong a a ikaeletseng go tokafatsa tlhabololo ya bogwebi mo bašweng. Le gale, Aforikaborwa e sa ntse e na le seelo se se kwa tlase sa ditiragatso tsa bogwebi ka botlalo. Go susumetsa tiragatso ya bogwebi, barutegi, badiradipholisi le puso ba supile thuto ya kgwebo jaaka karolo ya botlhokwa. Thuto e tlamela ba e ka nnang bagwebi le bagwebi ba ba setseng ba le gona ka kitso, bokgoni, go itshepa, boitlhamedi le boitshimololedi jo bo tlhokegang go dira sentle mo bogwebing. Lenaneo lengwe la bogwebi le le ikaeletseng go tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a kgwebo mo barutwaneng ba dikolo tse dikgolwane le tlamelwa ke Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Le gale, nonofo ya lenaneo la thuto ya kgwebo la JASA e sa ntse e sa itsewe. Lenaneo la Kgwebo le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a morutwana a bogwebi. Thutopatlisiso e ne e lebeletse ka moo molebo wa sebele wa barutwana malebana le bogwebi, bokgoni jo go tsewang bo le gona jwa kgwebo, ditumelo tse di gona le maikemisetso a bogwebi di amiwang ka gona ke Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye (Mini Enterprise Programme). Thutopatlisiso e dirisitse mokgwa o o lebelelang dipalopalo mme ya dirisa lenaanepotsolotso la maikemisetso a bogwebi go araba potso ya patlisiso. Go kokoantswe data go tswa mo barutwaneng ba le 151 ba ba nnileng le seabe mo Lenaneong la Kgwebonnye ka manaanepotsolotso a a itlalediwang. Go dirisitswe SPSS go lokolola data ka dithekeniki tsa tokololo tse di tlhalosang le tse di lebang bokao. Phitlhelelo e kgolo ya thutopatlisiso ke gore Lenaneo la Kgwebonnye la JASA tota le tlhama le go tokafatsa maikemisetso a bogwebi a barutwana. Go lemogilwe gape gore lenaneo le tlhotlheletsa megopolo ya sebele ya barutwana malebana le bogwebi mme le tsenya go itshepa mo bokgoning jwa bona jwa kgwebo. Thutopatlisiso e konosetsa ka go tlamela ka dikatlenegiso dingwe malebana le thuto ya bogwebi. / Ikhono lobubhizinisi luyimvubelo yokuhlumisa kanye nokuthuthukisa umnotho, yingakho iNingizimu Afrika iqhubeka nokutshala izimali kwizinhlelo ezihlose ukuqinisa uhlelo lokuthuthukisa osomabhizinisi abasafufusayo. Ngakho-ke, iNingizimu Afrika isabonakala njengezwe elinezinga eliphansi kakhulu kwezezinhleli zokwenza ibhizinisi. Ukukhwezela izinga lokwezeka kwebhizinisi, osolwazi, abakhi bemigomo kanye nohulumeni bonke sebebone ukubaluleka kwemfundo njengesigaba esisemqoka. Imfundo ihlomisa ngamathuba kanye nosomabhizinisi abakhona ngolwazi, ngamakhono, ngethemba, ngobuciko bengqondo kanye nekhono lamaqhinga amasha adingeka ukuthi ukwazi ukuphumelela kwezibhizinisi. Uhlelo olunjalo lwezebhizinisi oluhlose ukwakha nokuqinisa izinhloso zobubhizinisi hlangana nabafundi abasemabangeni aphezulu, lwethulwa yinhlangano ye-Junior Achievement South Africa (JASA). Yize-kunjalo, ukusebenza ngempumelelo kwezinhlelo zemfundo yobubhizinisi i-JASA kaningi kuhlala kungaziwa kahle. Uhlelo lwebhizinisi i-Enterprise Programme lwakha futhi luqinisa izinhloso zabafundi zebhizinisi. Lolu cwaningo lugxile kwindlela imikhuba yomfundi ngamunye iba nomthelela ngayo kwezebhizinisi, kwezamakhono aziwayo ezebhizinisi, kwingqubo ethatha uhlangothi kanye nakwizinhloso zebhizinisi zithintwa wumthelela we-Mini Enterprise Programme. Ucwaningo lusebenzise indlela eyencike kumanani (quantitative method) kanti futhi luphinde lwasebenzisa umbhalo wemibuzo onezinhloso zobubhizinisi ukuphendula umbuzo wocwaningo. Idatha iqoqwe kubafundi abayi-151 ababebandakanyeka ohlelweni lwe-2018 Mini Enterprise Programme ngokusebenzisa imibhalo yemibuzo egcwaliswa yolowo mfundi ophendulayo qobo lwakhe. I-SPSS isetshenziselwe ukuhlaziya ilanga ngokusebenzisa izinhlelo zokuhlaziya i-descriptive and inferential analysis techniques. Ulwazi olunzulu olutholwe wucwaningo olwenziwe yi-JASA’s Mini Enterprise Programme empeleni luye lwakha futhi lwaqinisa izinhloso zabafundi kwezebhizinisi. Kuye kwatholakala ukuthi uhlelo luye lwaba nomthelela omuhle kwimikhuba yabafundi ngamunye kwikhono lobubhizinisi futhi lwatshala ummoya wokuzethemba kumakhono abo obubhizinisi. Ucwaningo luphetha ngokunikeza izincomo ezimayelana nemfundo yobubhizinisi / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

The strategising of middle managers through sensemaking and sensegiving: a case study of a financial services provider in South Africa

Xaba, Lungile Maureen 12 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Southern Sotho / Middle managers are tasked with supporting new initiatives and change, while at the same time experiencing challenges in making sense of the strategic initiative and giving sense to other members of the organisation. This dissonance experienced by middle managers tasked with change informed the topic of the research. The current study explores the strategising of middle managers through sensemaking and sensegiving during a strategic initiative in a single case study within a financial services provider in South Africa. The study seeks to examine the phenomenon through the theoretical lenses of the strategy-as-practice perspective, middle manager perspective and the theory of sensemaking and sensegiving. The study adopted a qualitative-exploratory design which involved collecting data through semi-structured in-depth individual faceto-face interviews. Data was analysed through coding, using thematic analysis and the categorisation and interpretation of common themes. Three main themes emerged from the study which were categorised as middle manager dissonance, middle manager sensemaking and sensegiving actions and middle manager practices in sensemaking and sensegiving. These themes offer insight into middle manager strategising, sensemaking and sensegiving during a new strategic initiative. The study concludes that when the organisation introduced a new strategic initiative middle managers’ knowledge was disturbed. These middle managers experienced various emotions as they were trying to make sense of the changes while giving sense to other members of the organisation. Findings confirmed delays in implementation due to lack of understanding of the change by middle managers. The study also concludes that although middle managers experienced challenges initially, they moved into a task of “selling” the new initiative through sensemaking and sensegiving. Middle managers got involved in various practices such as team discussions and information sharing sessions as they make sense and give sense to other team members. Through this interaction, middle managers aligned others and created common understanding while they influence them through sensegiving. Findings of the current study may offer valuable knowledge to organisations in the financial sector and practitioners tasked with v new strategic initiatives. The study also responds to calls for more research using the strategy-as-practice perspective and the theory of sensemaking and sensegiving. / Abaphathi abasesigabeni esiphakathi banikezwe umsebenzi wokuxhasa imizamo emisha kanye nezinguquko, kanti ngesikhathi esisodwa bahlangabezana nezinselele ekwenzeni imizamo yamasu ukuthi izwakale kwamanye amalungu enhlangano. Le nkinga ihlangabezana nabaphathi abasesigabeni esiphakathi abanikezwe umsebenzi wezinguquko ezinomthelela kwisihloko socwaningo. Isifundo socwaningo siphenyisisa ukusetshenziswa kwamasu ngabaphathi abasesigabeni esimaphakathi ngokuveza umbono ozwakalayo kanye nokunikeza umbono ozwakalayo ngesikhathi kunohlelo lwemizamo yamasu kwisibonelo esisodwa ngaphakathi kwezinhlangano ezihlinzekana ngezimali eNingizimu Afrika. Ucwaningo lunqume ukubukisisa lolu daba ngamehlo omqondo wengqubo yamasu, ngomqondo wabaphathi besigaba esimaphakathi kanye nethiyori yokwenza umqondo uzwakale kanye neyokunikeza umqondo. Uhlelo lwedizayini ehlolisisayo (qualitative-exploratory design) lwamuke lwa, kanti lona lwaluxuba ukuqoqwa kwedatha ngokusebenzisa indlela embaxambili ejulile yenhlolovo yokuxoxisana kwabantu ubuso nobuso. Idatha yahlaziywa ngokuphawula, ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokuchaza indikimba kanye nokwehlukanisa izindikimba kanye nokuchaza izindikimba ezejwayelekile. Kuye kwavela izindikimba ezisemqoka ezintathu ngaphakathi kocwaningo, okuyizindikimba ezehlukaniswe njengokungavumelani kwesigaba sabaphathi esimaphakathi, izenzo zabaphathi abasesigabeni esimaphakathi ezinomqondo ozwakalayo kanye nezinikeza umqondo. Lezi zindikimba zinikeza ulwazi olungaphakathi mayelana nohlelo lokuphatha lwesigaba esimaphakathi ekuhleleni amasu, umqondo ozwakalayo kanye nokunikeza umqondo ngesikhathi sokuhlela amasu amasha. Isifundo socwaningo siye saphetha ngokuthi uma inhlangano yethula isu elisha, ulwazi lwabaphathi besigaba esimaphakathi luyaphazamiseka. Laba baphathi besigaba esimaphakathi bahlangabezana nemizwa eyahlukahlukene ngesikhathi bezama ukwenza izinguquko ukuba zibe nomqondo ozwakalayo kanti ngakolunye uhlangothi lezi zinguquko zinikeze amanye amalungu enhlangano umbono ozwakalayo. Ulwazi olutholakele luyaqinisekisa ukuthi kuye kwabakhona ukubambezeleka ekusetshenzisweni kohlelo ngenxa yokuthi abaphathi besigaba esimaphakathi abazwisisanga izinguquko. Ucwaningo futhi luye lwaphetha ngokuthiyize abaphathi besigaba esiphakathi behlangabezene nezingqinamba ekuqaleni, kodwa bangene emsebenzini “wokuthengisa” imizamo emisha ngokukwenza izinguquko zizwakale futhi zilethe umqondo ozwakalayo. Abaphathi abasesigabeni esiphakathi baye babandakanyeka ezenzweni ezahlukahlukene ezinjengezingxoxo zeqembu kanye nezithangameni zokwabelana ngolwazi njengoba benza umqondo ozwakalayo futhi bebenikeza umqondo ozwakalayo kwamanye amalungu eqembu. Ngalokhu kuhlangana, abaphathi abasesigabeni esiphakathi bahlanganisa abanye futhi bakhe ulwazi olufanayo njengoba bebaguqula ngohlelo lokunikezwa kolwazi. Ulwazi olutholakele locwaningo lwamanje lunganikeza ulwazi olubalulekile kwinhlangano emkhakheni wezezimali kanti nabasebenzi ngezimali banikezwe umsebenzi wokucabanga eminye imizamo yamasu amasha. Ucwaningo nalo luphendula ngokucela ukuthi kwenziwe ucwaningo oluningi ngokusebenzisa umqondo wamasu njengezingqubo kanye nethiyoriyokwenza umqondo ozwakalayo nokunikeza umqondo ozwakalayo. / Batsamaisi ba bohareng ba filwe mosebetsi wa ho tshehetsa merero e metjha le phetoho, empa ba ntse ba kopana le diphephetso tsa ho utlwisisa mekgwa e sebediswang ho fihlela dipheo le ho etsa hore ditho tse ding di utlwisise se etsahalang kgwebong. Ho se dumellane hona ha mehopolo ya batsamaisi ba bohareng ba filweng mosebetsi wa phetoho ke hona ho entseng hore phuputso e etswe ka sehlooho sena. Phuputso e batlisisitse ka mawa ao batsamaisi ba bohareng ba tlang ka oona ka ho tlameha hore bona ba bontshe kutlwisiso ya se etsahalang le ho etsa hore baokamedi ba bona le ditho tse ding di utlwisise, nakong eo ho tluwang ka mekgwa e ka sebediswang ho fihlela dipheo, phuputsong e le nngwe e ithutang ka tsela eo bankakarolo ba palo e nyane ba etsang dintho ka yona phanong ya ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete Aforika Borwa. Phuputso e hlahloba ketsahalo ena ka kgopolo ya tshebediso ya lewa, ho ya ka mohopolo wa motsamaisi ya bohareng le mohopolokakaretso wa ho utlwisisa le ho etsa hore baokamedi le ditho tse ding di utlwisise se etsahalang kgwebong. Mokgwa wa ho fuputsa e bile wa ho botsa dipotso ka botebo ho fumana dintlha ka botlalo ka ho bokella datha ka ho tshwara diinthaviu tsa molomo le molomo. Datha ena e ile ya sekasekwa ka hloko, e fetoletswe khoutung e sebedisetswang ho e hlopha ho ya ka mookotaba o utlwisisehang. Phuputso e bile le mookaba e meraro e ka sehloohong, e hlophisitsweng ho ya diphapano tsa menahano ya batsamaisi ba bohareng, diketso tsa batsamaisi ba bohareng tse bontshang kutlwisiso ya boemo boo ba leng ho bona le dintho tse etsahalang hore ba kgone ho nka diqeto tse loketseng le diketso bontshang bokgoni ba ho etsa hore baokamedi le ditho tse ding di utlwisise. Mookataba ena e fana ka kutlwisiso mererong e etswang ka hloko, kutlwisisong ya se etsahalang le ho etsa hore ba bang ba utlwisise diqeto tse nkwang nakong eo ho tluwang ka mokgwa o motjha wa ho fihlela dipheo. Phethelo ya phuputso ena e bile hore ha kgwebo e qala ho sebedisa mokgwa o motjha wa ho fihlela dipheo tsa yona, batsamaisi ba bohareng ba a kgathatseha. Batsamaisi bana ba bohareng ba eba le maikutlo a fapaneng ha ba leka ho utlwisisa diphetoho tsena ba ntse ba lokela ho etsa hore basebetsi ba bang ba utlwisisa se etsahalang kgwebong. Ho fihletswe hore moralo ona wa phetoho o dieha ho sebetsa ka ha batsamaisi ba bohareng ba sa o utlwisise. Hape phuputso e phethetse ka hore le ha batsamaisi ba bohareng ba e ba le diphephetso tse itseng ha ba qala, ba qetella ba etsa hore moralo o motjha “o amohelehe” ka hore bona ba bontshe kutlwisiso ya oona mme ba tsebe ho nka diqeto tse tla etsa hore baokamedi le basebetsi ba bang le bona ba utlwisise. Basebetsi ba bohareng ba nka karolo dinthong tse fapaneng tse jwalo ka dipuisano tsa dihlopha tsa tshebetso le dikopanong tseo ho hlahlellanwang ho tsona ha ba ntse ba bontsha kutlwisiso le ho etsa hore basebetsi ba bang ba a utlwisisa. Ka dipuisano tsena, basebetsi ba bohareng ba etsa hore ditho tse ding di be le kutlwisiso eo bohle ba nang le yona ha ba ntse ba etsa hore le bona ba utlwisise. Diphihlelo tsa phuputso ya jwale di ka fa dikgwebo tse leng lekaleng la ditjhelete lesedi la bohlokwa mmoho le basebetsi ba lokelang ho etsa mesebetsi e hlokang tshebediso ya mekgwa e metjha ya ho tlisa phetoho tshebetsong. Hape, phuputso e fana ka karabo tlhokehong ya dipatlisiso tse ding tsa mohopolo wa ho sebedisa lewa le mohopolokakaretso wa ho bontsha kutlwisiso ya se etsahalang le ho etsa hore ditho tse ding di utlwisise. / M. Com. (Business Management)

The effect of national education policies on learner discipline and academic performance of schools in the Tshwane South district : a focus on school discipline policy

Matsebele, Selina Patricia 02 1900 (has links)
The study was limited to three national education policies, which were the teacherlearner ratio policy, teacher workload policy and learner discipline policy. The problem was the learner moral decay, which was conspicuous to the public who saw learners all over the school grounds during contact time, along streets strolling to their schools without showing any remorse long after schools had started at 8h00. Poor academic performance in public secondary schools in the Tshwane South District is a cause for concern, whereby one of the schools in Tshwane South had only 6% of learners passing in 2018 out of 300 in Grade 8, and the rest were progressed. Qualitative methodology was used, and one-on-one interviews were conducted to collect data from the SGBs, SMTs and teachers of five poorly performing schools in the district. The study revealed that the incorrect development and implementation of the new national education policies had a negative impact on learner discipline and academic performance. The classrooms were overcrowded which meant the teacher-learner ratio and teacher workload were high. The learners and the parents were not provided with the Code of Conduct, and some teachers never read the education policies and did not know that the Code of Conduct is an alternative policy to the corporal punishment policy. Consequently, learners who misbehave and are under the leadership of COSAS defy it because they are aware that teachers are ignorant of the correct procedure to enhance the Code of Conduct implementation. This implies that any case against the learners was considered unprocedural and nullified. It became evident that the Department of Basic Education needed to invest even more in education to deal with the issue of overcrowding by deploying more teachers and teacher assistants. The intervention was also necessary to equip stakeholders with skills in the adoption and implementation of national education policies. The intervention should empower the SGBs to develop and adopt the Code of Conduct correctly, teachers to maintain discipline with confidence and effectively to improve academic performance. As well as the powerful tools for planning correctly by the SMT to involve policy authorities for stakeholders’ development. The implementation of the teacher-learner ratio policy, teacher workload policy and learner discipline policies required monitoring, and to be reviewed if necessary, to avoid disparity between policy and practice. / Thuto ye e akareditšwe ka melawana e meraro ya thuto ya naga, lenaneo la ditekanyetšo ya barutiši le barutwana, lenaneo la mešomo la barutiši le lenaneo la maitshwaro la baithuti. Thuto ye e dira dinyakišišo mabapi le maitshwaro a go phuhlama a baithuti: barutwana ba ba kantle ga diphapuši tša bona ka nako ya thuto, ebile go nale setlwaedi sa go fihla ka morago ga nako sekolong. Se se hlola dipoelo tša go se kgotsofatše dithutong tše di phagamego seleteng sa borwa bja Tshwane, gomme se ke tlhobaboroko. Mohlala, dikolong tsa borwa bja Tshwane, ke diperesente tše tshela fela tša baithuti ba mphato wa seswai go ba makgolo a mararo bao ba phasitšego ka noši ngwageng wa ketepedi lesome seswai, mola ba bangwe ba fitišitšwe. Thuto ye e šomiša mokgwa wa di nyakišišo wa khwaliteitifi, mme dintlha di kgobokantšwe ka go šomiša molawana wa go botšiša dipotšišo thwii, re lebelelane ka mahlong go dihlopha tša go buša dikolo (SGBs), dihlopha tša taolo ya dikolo (SMTs) le go tšwa go barutiši ba dikolo tše hlano tša go se šome gabotse seleteng seo. Thuto ye e tšweletša gore go hloka tšweletšo ya maleba le tšhomišo mpe ya melawana e meswa ya thuto ya naga e nale khuetšo e mpe taolong ya baithuti le mešomong ya sekolo. Palo e kgolo ya barutwana diphapušing e baka morwalo o boima go barutiši. Baithuti le batswadi ga ba fiwe Melao ya sekolo ya maitswaro, gomme barutiši ba bangwe le bona ga senke ba ipha nako ya go bala melawana ya thuto ebile ga ba tsebe gore melao ya maitšhwaro ke mokgwa o mongwe wa go fapana le kotlo ya go betha. Ka lebaka leo, baithuti bao ba sa itshwarego gabotse ebile ba huetšwa ke COSAS ba nyatša melao ya maitšwaro gobane ba lemogile gore barutiši ba hlokomologile mokgwa wo o nepagetšego wa go matlafatša tšhomišo ya maleba ya melao ye. Se se bolela gore kgafetša kgafetša melato kgahlanong le barutwana e tšewa okare ga se ya maleba ebile e phošagetše. Go molaleng gore Lefapha la Thuto ya motheo le hloka go lokiša taba ya go tlala ga barutwana ka diphapušing ka go thwala barutiši bao ba lekaneng le bathuši ba barutiši. Go tsea karolo go thuša batšeakarolo ka tsebo ya go amogela le go šomisa melawana ya thuto ya naga gwa hlokega. Se se ka matlafatša dihlopha tša go buša dikolo go amogela le go šomiša Melao ya maitswaro ka nepo, ele ge barutiši ba holega ka go netefatša maitshwaro ama botse le go kaonafatša dipoelo tša thuto ya barutwana. Dipoelo di hlagiša gore lenaneo la tekanyo ya barutiši le barutwana, lenaneo la mešomo la barutiši le lenaneo la maitshwaro la baithuti di hloka go hlokomelwa le go lekolwa, gomme moo go hlokegago e hlahlobje gore go efošwe thulano magareng ga lenaneo tshepedišo le tiragatšo ya lenaneo leo. / Hierdie ondersoek word beperk tot drie nasionale onderwysbeleide: die beleid op die onderwyser-leerder-verhouding, die beleid op onderwyserwerkslading en die beleid op leerderdissipline. Die navorsing ondersoek wat meestal beskou word as die morele agteruitgang van die leerder: leerders is gedurende kontaktyd buite die klaskamer en daar is gedurige laatkommery. Die kommerwekkende gevolge hiervan is swak akademiese prestasie in openbare sekondêre skole in die TshwaneSuiddistrik. By een skool in Tshwane-Suid het byvoorbeeld slegs 6% uit 300 Graad 8 leerders in 2018 geslaag, terwyl die res oorgeplaas is. Die ondersoek maak gebruik van ’n kwalitatiewe metodologie, en data is ingesamel in een-tot-een onderhoude met lede van die skoolbeheerliggame (SBL’e), skoolbestuurspanne (SBS’e) en onderwysers van vyf swak presterende skole in die distrik. Die navorsing toon dat die onvoldoende ontwikkeling en implementering van nuwe nasionale onderwysbeleid ’n negatiewe uitwerking op leerders se dissipline en akademiese prestasie het. Die hoë onderwyser-leerder-verhouding in oorvol klaskamers het vir onderwysers ’n hoë werkslading tot gevolg. Leerders en ouers word nie van ’n Gedragskode voorsien nie, en sommige onderwysers het nog nooit die onderwysbeleid gelees nie en weet nie dat die Gedragskode ’n alternatief vir die lyfstrafbeleid is nie. Leerders wat hul wangedra en deur COSAS beïnvloed word, minag gevolglik die Gedragskode omdat hulle bewus is dat onderwysers oningelig is oor die juiste prosedure ter bevordering van dié kode. Dit beteken dat sake teen leerders dikwels as prosessueel ongeldig beskou word en nietig verklaar word. Dit is duidelik dat die Departement van Basiese Onderwys aandag moet bestee aan die kwessie van oorvol klaskamers deur meer onderwysers en onderwysassistente aan te stel. Ingryping is ook nodig om belanghebbendes toe te rus met vaardighede vir die ingebruikneming en implementering van nasionale onderwysbeleide. So ’n ingreep sal SBL’e bemagtig om die Gedragskode korrek te ontwikkel en aan te neem, waardeur onderwysers bygestaan sal word in die handhawing van dissipline en die verbetering van akademiese prestasie. Die bevindinge dui aan dat die implementering van die beleide op onderskeidelik die onderwyser-leerder-verhouding, die onderwyserwerklading en leerderdissipline monitering en, waar nodig, hersiening vereis ten einde skeiding tussen die beleid en die praktyk te vermy. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

Barriers and enablers to the career transition of chartered accountants in the South African financial services sector

Terre Blanche, Lize 01 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Southern Sotho and Afrikaans / South African chartered accountants (CAs(SA)), who are primarily trained as financially orientated technical specialists, play a significant role as part of management teams, which require expertise in leadership, strategy, marketing, communication and teamwork among other managerial skills. However, it has been found that accounting professionals have inherent characteristics that could act as barriers to career transition and adaptability in the volatile and challenging accounting profession. This study employed an interpretative phenomenological analysis research design to gain insights on the way CAs(SA) in the financial services sector have managed to overcome barriers and leverage enablers to transition their careers. Accordingly, interviews were conducted with CAs(SA) who occupy or have occupied a management position in the financial services sector. The findings revealed that the participants had prepared themselves for transition by gaining credibility and confidence by means of exposing themselves to challenging work, leading others, taking part in varied activities, updating their substantive knowledge base and using mentors. Through their attitudes, behaviour and decisions, participants were able to influence their career development context by being adaptable. Further, participants revealed that they were able to overcome barriers by gaining practical experience and exposure to varied tasks and career development opportunities, reading, listening and further training and education. Participants were also able to overcome barriers and create enablers by learning from others through informal mentorships and working in strong teams, which limited the extent to which they had to learn from their own mistakes. These insights could benefit not only CAs(SA) themselves but also professional accounting bodies, academic institutions, training organisations and employers of CAs(SA). / Di-chartered accountant tsa Afrika Borwa (CAs(SA)), ba rupetsweng ka sehlooho jwalo ka ditsebi tsa setekgeniki ka tsa ditjhelete, ba bapala karolo ya bohlokwa dihlopheng tsa bookamedi tse hlokang botsebi ho tsa boetapele, meralo, papatso, dikgokahano le tshebetso ya sehlopha, hara ditsebo tse ding tsa bookamedi. Leha ho le jwalo, ho fumanwe hore diprofeshenale tsa accounting di na le ditlwaelo tse tebileng tse ka iketsang dithibelo tsa kgolo mosebetsing le phetophetoho kahare ho profeshene ya accounting e dulang e sa tsitsa hape e na le diphephetso. Boithuto bona bo sebedisitse moralo wa patlisiso wa kutlwiso ya batho ya ntho e itseng ho fumana tsebo ka mokgwa oo diCA(SA) lekaleng la ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete ba kgonneng ho fenya dithibelo tse jwalo le ho sebedisa dithutso ho hola mesebetsing ya bona. Ka tsela eo, di-inthavu di entswe le diCA(SA) tse maemong (kapa tse kileng tsa ba maemong) a bookamedi kahara lekala la ditshebeletso tsa ditjhelete. Diphetho di bontshitse hore bankakarolo ba itokiseditse phetoho ka ho iphumantsha bokgolwehi le boitshepo ka ho ipepesetsa mosebetsi o phephetsang, ho etella ba bang pele, ho nka karolo mesebetsing e fapaneng, ho ntjhafatsa ditsebo tsa bona le ka ho sebedisa batataisi. Ka mehopolo ya bona, boitshwaro le diqeto, bankakarolo ba ile ba kgona ho susumetsa ntshetsopele ya mesebetsi ka hore ba kgone ho fetofetoha. Ho feta moo, bankakarolo ba supile hore ba kgonne ho fenya dithibedi ka ho fumana tsebo ya ketso le ho ipepesetsa mesebetsi e fapaneng le menyetla ya ntlafatso ya tshebetso, ka ho bala, ho mamela le ho etsa dithuto le dithupelo tsa ntshetsopele ya thuto. Bankakarolo ba boetse ba kgonne ho hlola dithibelo le ho hlahisa dithusi ka ho ithuta ho tswa ho batho ba bang ka ditataiso tse sa hlophiswang le ka ho sebetsa le dihlopha tse matla, e leng ho neng ho fokotsa makgetlo ao ka ona ba neng ba tlameha ho ithuta ka diphoso tsa bona. Dintlha tsena di ka ba molemo eseng feela ho diCA(SA) ka bo tsona, empa le ditheo tsa profeshenale tsa accounting, ditsi tsa accounting, mekgatlo ya thupelo le bahiri ba diCA(SA). / Suid-Afrikaanse geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters (CA’s(SA)) wat primêr as finansieelgeoriënteerde tegniese spesialiste opgelei is, speel 'n beduidende rol in bestuurspanne wat kundigheid in leierskap, strategie, bemarking, kommunikasie en spanwerk en ander bestuursvaardighede vereis. Daar is egter bevind dat rekeningkundige praktisyns inherente eienskappe het wat struikelblokke kan wees vir loopbaanoorgang en aanpasbaarheid in die ongestadige en uitdagende rekeningkundige beroep. Hierdie studie het 'n interpretatiewe fenomenologiese ontledingnavorsingsontwerp gevolg om insig te bekom oor die wyse waarop CA’s(SA) in die finansiële sektor daarin geslaag het om sulke struikelblokke en hefboominstaatstellers te bowe te kom om loopbaanoorgang te bereik. Onderhoude is dienooreenkomstig met die CA’s(SA) gehou wat bestuursposisies in die finansiële sektor beklee of beklee het. Die bevindings het gewys dat die deelnemers hulleself vir oorgang voorberei het deur geloofwaardigheid en vertroue te verkry deur blootstelling aan uitdagende werk, om ander te lei, deelname aan gevarieerde aktiwiteite, om hulle substantiewe kennisbasis op te dateer en om mentors te gebruik. Deur aanpasbare houdings, gedrag en besluite kon die deelnemers hulle loopbaanontwikkelingskonteks beïnvloed. Die deelnemers het ook aangedui dat hulle struikelblokke te bowe kon kom deur praktiese ervaring en blootstelling aan gevarieerde take en loopbaanontwikkelingsgeleenthede, en deur lees, luister en deelname aan verdere onderwys en opleiding. Die deelnemers was voorts in staat om struikelblokke te oorkom en instaatstellers daar te stel deur by ander te leer deur informele mentorskap en om in sterk spanne te werk, wat die mate waarin hulle uit hulle eie foute moes leer, beperk het. Hierdie insigte behoort nie net CA’s(SA) te baat nie, maar ook professionele rekeningkundige liggame, akademiese instellings, opleidingsorganisasies en werknemers van CA’s(SA). / Management Accounting / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

The role of the school governing body and its impact on the schooling system : an exploratory study of schools in the Schoonoord Circuit, Limpopo / Rol en impak van die skoolbeheerraad op die skolestelsel : ‘n ondersoekende studie van skole in die Schoonoordkring, Limpopo / Karolo le khuetšo ya Lekgotlataolo la Sekolo (SGB) lenaneong la dikolo : phatišišo ya tlhotlamadiba ya dikolo sedikothutong sa Schoonoord, Limpopo

Malatji, Phetole Frank 09 1900 (has links)
The study aimed to determine the impact of the role of the School Governing Bodies in the schooling system with regard to the implementation of education policies, including the South African Schools Act (Act 84 of 1996 as amended). In order to determine the role of the participants mentioned above who represented the SGBs in this project, the researcher interviewed them at their convenient times and environment. This study used a qualitative approach, since it involved a series of in-depth interviews, document analysis and field notes (see 4.5.4 and 4.5.5). The first interviews were individual interviews with school principals (see Annexure A). This was followed by focus group interviews with executive members of SGBs (see Annexures B, C and D). Learners were interviewed in the form of focus groups (see Annexure E). Observations too played an important role during the meetings with SGBs (see Annexure F). The findings indicate that SGB members who were interviewed had minimal knowledge of how their role affected the schools that they governed. It was also clear from interviews that training conducted by individuals from the Department of Education seemed not to be effective as they failed to make members of the SGBs understand the school policies on the South African Schools Act policy document. The study revealed that the school policies embodied in SASA documents and the South African Constitution were not understood and as such their effective use was not realised. In other words, the members of the SGB lacked proper knowledge of how to guide their school in order to run smoothly and efficiently. Again, the study revealed that there is a serious need to train members of SGBs at the school level because those interviewed complained about: the time allocated for their training, and the language used in their training by the facilitators. All the above factors have a strong bearing on the fact that the majority of members of SGBs are illiterate (see Section 5.3.2). Finally, the study revealed that: principals are expected to perform dual roles of representing their schools (as mentors) and simultaneously represent the Department of Education in an ex-officio position (see Section 5.3.1). Therefore, the study proposed that the principal must only represent his school and a neutral person be appointed by the department to represent it in all the SGBs in the circuit. Lastly, the study emphasised the need of the SGB members to work with other qualified individuals in the community who are experts in some areas of learning such as lawyers, accountants, farmers, architects, and business people (see Figure 5.1). All stakeholders are relevant, but they need to be made to function according to their qualifications and expertise and also respect the boundaries of specialisation of the others. In conclusion, the recommended and proposed model was deliberately designed and structured to offer practical solutions to the problems discussed in the research findings. It is also essential that the training be accompanied by some assessment, in order to determine whether the SGB members have understood what they were taught. Furthermore, there should be follow-ups to ascertain to what extent the SGB members have implemented what they were taught in their schools, which is not happening at present. / Die doel van die studie was om die rol en/of impak van deelnemende skole se beheerrade op die implementering van onderwyswetgewing en/of beleid was. Aangesien die studie kwalitatief van aard was, het die navorser hoofsaaklik van waarneming en onderhoude (indiepte indiwiduele sowel as fokusgroeponderhoude) gebruik gemaak om data in te samel. Navorsingsbresultate dui aan dat deelnemende skoolbeheerraadslede se geletterdheidsvaardighede en begrip van onderwyswetgewing en beleid gebrekkig is en dat opleiding wat deur amptenare verbonde aan die Departement van Onderwys verskaf is gebrekkig was. Gevolglik was die imlementering van onderwyswetgewing en beleid deur genoemde skoolbeheerrade as ‘n reël ondoeltreffend. Die resultate dui verder aan dat daar van skoolhoofde verwag word om sowel hul skole as die Department van Onderwys op skoolbeheerraadsvergaderings te verteenwoordig en dat, ten einde hul skole doeltreffend te bestuur, skoolbeheerraadslede ander gekwalifiseerde/professionele indiwidue in die gemeenskap – regsgeleerdes, boekhouers, boere, argitekte and besigheidsmense – in die skoolbeheerraad se aktiwiteite behoort te betrek. Op grond van hierdie bevindinge beveel die navorser dus aan dat (a) skoolhoofde slegs hulle skole op skoolbeheerraadsvergaderings behoort te verteenwoordig; (b) ‘n neutrale persoon deur die Departement van Onderwys aangestel word om dié se verteenwoordiger te wees; (c) die teoretiese opleidingsmodel wat hy in sy studie voorstel, moontlik kan bdra tot die uitskakeling van heelparty van die probleme/uitdagings wat in die studie uitgelig word; (d) opleiding een of ander vorm van assessering moet insluit ten einde te bepaal of bywonende skoolbeheerraadslede die nodige begrip verwerf het, en (e) opleiding deur skoolbesoeke opgevolg word om te bepaal tot welke mate dit skoolbeheerraadslede tydens opleiding geleer het toepas. / Maikemišetšo a phatišišo ye ke go utulla karalo yeo lekgotlataolo la sekolo le nago nayo go lenaneo la sekolo malebana le phethagatšo ya melawana ya thuto, le go akaretšwa le lenaneo la Taolo ya Dikolo (Act 84 of 1996 as amended). Gore go hlaolwe karalo ya batšeakarolo ba ka gare ga SGB tabeng ye, mofatišiši o boledišane le bona tikologong le nako yeo e ba swanetšego.Phatišišo e dirišitše mokgwa wa boleng ka ge go akareditšwe dipoledišano tša go tsenelela le phetleko ya dingwalwa tša maleba (cf 4.5.4 le 4.5.5).Poledišano ya pulamadibogo ke ya dihlogo tša dikolo (cf Annexure A).Seo se latetšwe ke dipoledišanothwi le maloko a makgotlaphethiši a makgotlataolo a dikolo (cf Annexures B, C le D). Go boledišanwe le barutwana ka sebopego sa dihlophana (cf Annexure E). Diphihlelelo le tšona di bile bohlokwa dikopanong tša makgotlataolo a dikolo (cf Annexure F). Dikutullo di laeditše gore maloko a SGB a go boledišanwego le ona, a na le tsebo ye nnyane ya ka moo batšeakarolo bja ona, bo nago le khuetšo dikolong tšeo ba di laolago. Dipoledišano di laeditše gore tlhahlo yeo balaodi ba Kgoro ya Thuto ba e abetšego maloko a SGB e a fokola ka ge e šitwa go kgontšha maloko a SGB go hlaologanya melawana ya thuto yeo e tšwago go molao wa taolo ya dikolo. Phatišišo e utulotše gore melawana ya thuto ye e akareditšwego ka go dingwalwa tša Molaotheo wa Afrika Borwa, ga e kwešišwe le gore ga e phethagatšwe ka tshwanelo. Maloko a SGB a hlaelelwa ke tsebo ya maleba go ka kgona go hlahla dikolo gore di sepetšwe ka katlego. Phatišišo e utulotše gape gore go tsomega tlhahlo ya maloko a SGB dikolong. Dintlha tše di laeditšwego di gatelela taba ya gore boati bja maloko a makgotlataolo a dikolo ga kgone go bala le go ngwala (cf 5.3.2). Mafelelong, go latetšwe gore dihlogo tša dikolo di raloke karalo ya go emela dikolo tša bona le go emela Kgoro ya Thuto ka bo emo bja semmušo (cf 5.3.1). Phatišišo e šišinya gore hlogo ya sekolo a emele sekolo sa gagwe gomme motho wa go ikema a emele Kgoro ya Thuto makgotlataolong a dikolo sedikothutong. Phatišišo e fetša ka go hlohleletša maloko a SGB go dirišana le ditsebi mafaphene a tša semolao, taolo ya ditšhelete le, balemi le ba bangwe (cf 5.1). Batšeakarolo ba bohlokwa ka moka ge go ka hlomphiwa bokgoni bja yo mongwe le yo mongwe. Go phethwa ka gore mokgwa wa tlhahlo o swanetšwe go sepelelana le tokelo go kgonthišiša kwešišo ya maloko a SGB go tšeo ba rutilwego. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

Boktrailern : varför marknadsföra text med ljud och bild?

Stanke, Maria Helena January 2010 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att introducera boktrailern som fenomen och marknadsföringsmetod. Likheter mellan boktrailern, bokomslaget och filmtrailern undersöks för att ge en bild av hur en "typisk" boktrailer ser ut och vilka funktioner den kan tänkas ha. Uppsatsen utforskar även boktrailerns möjligheter att nå ut till olika målgrupper i olika åldrar, samt pekar på svårigheter med att definiera en målgrupp. Ungdomslitteratur och fantasygenren kopplas samman med boktrailern och exempel ges på hur författare och förlag kan skapa relationer till läsare via Internet. Generella riktlinjer ges för vad som bör tänkas på för att tilltala flest potentiella läsare när en boktrailer används eller utformas. Boktrailerns förmåga att nå ut till unga, motvilliga läsare, som slutat läsa till fördel för bildbaserade berättarformer såsom filmer och datorspel, utforskas. Slutsatsen framhåller fördelarna med att marknadsföra böcker med ljud och bild.</p> / <p>The purpose of this paper is to introduce the book trailer as a phenomenon and method of marketing. Similarities between the book trailer, the book cover and the movie trailer are examined to show how a "typical" book trailer looks and what functions it possibly has. The paper also explores the book trailer’s prospects of reaching different audiences in different age groups. It also points to difficulties in defining an audience. Young adult literature and the fantasy genre are linked to the book trailer and examples are given on how authors and publishers can establish relationships with readers through the Internet. General guidelines are given for what should be considered to appeal to as many potential readers as possible when a book trailer is being used or designed. The book trailer's ability to reach young, reluctant readers, who have given up on reading to the benefit of image based storytelling like movies and computer games, are explored. The conclusion highlights the advantages of promoting books with audio and video.</p>

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