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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fåtöljen Solo : Av Carl Malmsten

Lindell, Matilda January 2019 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om processen att snöra, stoppa och klä Carl Malmstens fåtölj ”Solo”. Den handlar om de vägval som tapetserar ställs inför i sin vardag gällande design och funktion. Uppsatsen består främst av en djupgående beskrivning som redogör för arbetsgångens process med syftet att förstå varför vissa val görs och hur de påverkar de kommande momenten. Det är en traditionell stoppning det handlar om och ett mindre experiment med materialmattor beskrivs. Avslutningsvis behandlas ämnet i en resultatdel samt en diskussions- och reflektionsdel.

Smart Control : En reaktion på EU:s ekodesignkrav

Graneskog, Axel, Gustafsson, Yngve January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to assist the Swedish energy company NIBE Energy Systems in their studies of adaptive regulation applicable to electrical water heaters. Due to coming energy classifications of these appliances in the European Union, NIBE Energy Systems needs to use adaptive regulation, called Smart Control, to keep their products in the best possible energy class and remain competitive to the market. By using this Smart Control regulation a 2-3 % improve-ment of efficiency can be credited the system. This is a small number, but heavily needed, since the energy classes are based on the idea that the European Union is provided with electricity from coal condensate power resulting in a 40 % maximum efficiency. Furthermore, doing noth-ing will result in some water heaters not being approved to use on the market from 2015 due to low efficiency. The thesis is made out of three sections; product-/literature studies of products already commercially available using similar principles, data analysis on existing Smart Controlled water heater and recommendations to the company for future development of their own system. Limitations have been made through simplified calculations and thermodynamic assumptions. A conclusion can still be made from the thesis; electrical water heaters using Smart Control saves 10 - 15 % of electrical energy use today in a real world environment. Main sources to this thesis have been data analysis, Internet, brochures and conversations with the mentors. / Syftet med det här examensarbetet är att assistera det svenska energiföretaget NIBE i deras stu-dier av adaptiv reglering beträffande företagets sortiment av varmvattenberedare. På grund av kommande energiklassificering av dessa inom EU behöver NIBE Energy Systems använda en adaptiv reglering kallad Smart Control, för att placera deras produkter i bästa möjliga energiklass och fortsätta vara konkurrenskraftiga på marknaden. Genom att använda denna Smart Control får 2-3 % verkningsgrad tillgodoräknas systemet. Detta kan tyckas vara ett litet tillskott men är istället mycket nödvändigt. Eftersom energiklasserna är baserade på tanken att hela EU förses med el från kolkondenskraftverk, resulterar det i en teoretisk maximal verkningsgrad av 40 %. Görs ingenting blir vissa varmvattenberedare ej godkända att sälja redan år 2015. Rapporten består av tre delar; produkt-/litteraturstudie av varor som redan finns kommersiellt tillgängliga och använder liknande principer, dataanalys av ett existerande system som styrs av Smart Control och rekommendationer till företaget för framtida utveckling av ett eget system. Avgränsningar har gjorts genom att till viss del förenkla och anta värden i beräkningar och termodynamisk teori. En slutsats kan trots detta dras i arbetet; eluppvärmda varmvattenberedare som använder sig av en Smart Control sparar i dagsläget 10 - 15 % elenergi i en verklig miljö. Huvudsakliga källor i arbetet har varit mätdataanalys, Internet, broschyrer och konversationer med handledarna.

Breadths & Limits of Associations

Carter, Alexander Miles, Carter 14 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Dagsversens politiska innebörd : hur dagsvers skapar betydelse / The Politics of Newspaper Poems : On the Production of Meaning in Newspaper Poems

Sjösten, John January 2019 (has links)
This study investigates the production of political meaning in the Scandinavian tradition of the dagsvers (newspaper poem), that is a particular kind of poetry published in daily newspapers, commenting on public debates and recent events. The dagsvers is a neglected literary genre in the history of Swedish literature. The often explicit political stance and message of the dagsvers separate this genre from many other forms of modern and contemporary poetry, and the present study focuses on this political dimension. I examine the uses of forms, themes and symbols in dagsvers published between 1949 and 2013 that give the poems their meaning and their political dimension. Furthermore, I analyse how the very newspaper medium contributes to and directs the interpretation of the poems. The main questions pertain to how context, such as the newspaper´s political agenda, and elements in the text create the meaning and function of the dagsvers. Analysing verse examples with the help of theories of Jacques Rancière and Lars Furuland, the study demonstrates how the context and the literary forms, themes and symbols impact the shape of the political dimension of the dagsvers.

Poesifloden : Utgivningen av diktsamlingar i Sverige 1976–1995 / A Tide of Poetry : Collections of Poetry Published in Sweden 1976–1995

Warnqvist, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
The subject of this dissertation is the publishing of poetry in Sweden 1976–1995. The purpose is to examine the position of poetry in the Swedish book market and in the literary process. It is an empirical and statistical study based primarily on an inventory of the published works. The study shows that the publication of Swedish poetry collections in 1976–1995 consisted of 3 848 titles (new works only), which was more than ever before. Publication was consistent over the period, partly due to the allocation of the literature grant introduced by the Swedish government in 1975, but also to the technical development which made it possible for small and private publishers to release collections of poetry at a lower cost. The main publishers were the general publishing houses of Bonniers, Norstedts and Wahlström & Widstrand, but more than a third of the collections were published by vanity press and self publishers. Publication was strongly concentrated to the capital area. Regardless of the size of the publisher, poetry collections were printed in small numbers and generally sold poorly. Along with the technical development offset-printed books replaced duplicated publications, and more books were hardbound. The publishing houses made bigger efforts than ever before to publish female poets. The number increased over the period, but the men were still in a clear majority by 1995. The women were also largely responsible for rejuvenating the body of authors. The number of debutants was relatively constant during the period. The results in this dissertation indicate a hierarchic order among the publishing houses that determine the conditions for the authors and their works. This is verified through analyses of coverage in the national and regional daily papers, as well as three analyses of the authorships of Yngve Aldhagen, Else-Britt Kjellqvist and Bruno K. Öijer. The dissertation concludes that poetry exists on the publishing lists mainly for symbolical reasons; to publish poetry gives cultural capital to the publishers.

Changing Focus: From Second / Foreign Language Teaching to Communication Learning

Postica, Adina M. 20 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Det borgerliga blocket : Dess tillkomst och orsaker

Widell, Anthony January 2016 (has links)
I slutet av femtiotalet var det ingen som kunde tro att de tre icke-socialistiska partierna Centern, Folkpartiet och Högern skulle kunna enas om något politiskt program och än mindre samsas i en regering. Med tiden förstod partierna ett efter ett att det enbart var genom en borgerlig samverkan som de skulle kunna bryta Socialdemokraternas makthegemoni. Några händelser var av yttersta vikt för att borgerligheten skulle kunna enas. Centern gick från att vara ett resultatfokuserat stödparti åt Socialdemokraterna med annat fokus än bara böndernas, vilket ledde till en mer marknadsekonomisk orientering. Folkpartiet däremot behöll sin profil och arbetade i många år för ett närmande till Centern, vilket var källan till både glädje och sorg för partiet. Högern å sin tur, som präglades av starka interna stridigheter, reformerades till ett modernare parti under sextiotalet men det var först under Bohman som partiet enades och därmed blev ett mer trovärdigt regeringsparti. Högern, sedermera Moderaterna, var det parti som under flera år arbetade hårdast för att borgerligheten skulle samla sig i ett gemensamt regeringsalternativ, emedan framförallt Centern under en lång period höll emot. Utöver partiernas egna utveckling kan också nämnas socialdemokratins radikalisering som en en för borgerligheten sammansvetsande faktor. Detta tillsammans med samhällsförändringarna gjorde att sextiotalets förarbete resulterade i en borgerlig regering 1976.

"Den andra omvändelsen" : Från svensk mission till afrikanska samfund på Örebromissionens arbetsfält i Centralafrika 1914-1962

Janzon, Göran January 2008 (has links)
The Örebro Mission was founded by John Ongman in 1891. Missionary work in Central Africa began through Ongman’s local church in 1914, at first within other mission societies, but was later continued by the Örebro Mission. From 1921 the Örebro Mission developed its own work in Middle Congo and Oubangui-Chari within French Equatorial Africa. The aim of this thesis is to study how the process of change took place, starting with pioneering work undertaken by Swedish missionaries and resulting in the founding of independent Baptist churches. The analysis is based on the classic three-self policy, aiming at self-governing, self-supporting and self-extending indigenous churches. Using the principal-agent perspective in history writing, the role and significance of a number of key persons are focused. The interaction between the internal process and the cultural, political and ecumenical contexts is taken into consideration. The thesis shows that the three-self formula was used from the beginning as a theoretical goal, but also that its realization was seen in a very long time perspective. Several steps were gradually taken in that direction, but the study shows that contextual factors became as important incitements for the change as the missionaries’ own theologically based motives. It rather took “a second conversion” from a colonial mental framework to speed up the process in its final phase towards the creation of African denominations and the integration into them in 1962 of the Swedish mission structure and work.

The Phase-Integral Method, The Bohr-Sommerfeld Condition and The Restricted Soap Bubble : with a proposition concerning the associated Legendre equation

Ghaderi, Hazhar January 2011 (has links)
After giving a brief background on the subject we introduce in section two the Phase-Integral Method of Fröman & Fröman in terms of the platform function of Yngve and Thidé. In section three we derive a different form of the radial Bohr-Sommerfeld condition in terms of the apsidal angle of the corresponding classical motion. Using the derived expression, we then show how easily one can calculate the exact energy eigenvalues of the hydrogen atom and the isotropic three-dimensional harmonic oscillator, we also derive an expression for higher order quantization condition. In section four we derive an expression for the angular frequencies of a restricted (0≤φ≤β) soap bubble and also give a proposition concerning the parameters l and m of the associated Legendre differential equation. / Vi använder Fröman & Frömans Fas-Integral Metod tillsammans med Yngve & Thidés plattformfunktion för att härleda kvantiseringsvilkoret för högre ordningar. I sektion tre skriver vi Bohr-Sommerfelds kvantiseringsvillkor på ett annorlunda sätt med hjälp av den så kallade apsidvinkeln (definierad i samma sektion) för motsvarande klassiska rörelse, vi visar också hur mycket detta underlättar beräkningar av energiegenvärden för väteatomen och den isotropa tredimensionella harmoniska oscillatorn. I sektion fyra tittar vi på en såpbubbla begränsad till området 0≤φ≤β för vilket vi härleder ett uttryck för dess (vinkel)egenfrekvenser. Här ger vi också en proposition angående parametrarna l och m tillhörande den associerade Legendreekvationen.

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