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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exames para certificação de conclusão de escolaridade: os casos do Encceja e do Enem / Basic adult education exams: Encceja and Enem analysis

Serrao, Luis Felipe Soares 26 September 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação decorre de pesquisa que reuniu e analisou informações sobre o Exame Nacional para Certificação de Competências de Jovens e Adultos (Encceja) e o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) para compreender se e em que medida eles, enquanto modernos programas de avaliação educacional cujos resultados podem ser usados para fins de certificação de conclusão de etapas da educação básica (nos moldes dos antigos exames supletivos), têm se configurado enquanto uma alternativa à educação escolar presencial para conclusão da escolaridade básica, de modo que amplie as oportunidades educacionais para o público da Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). Alternativamente, manteve-se a hipótese auxiliar de que Enem e Encceja funcionariam como mecanismos de ampliação das oportunidades educacionais para parcela importante do público potencialmente demandante da EJA, estivesse ele regularmente atendido no ensino regular/convencional ou fora do alcance de ações educativas tradicionais. À luz da literatura sobre análise de políticas públicas, buscou-se explorar dados sobre diferentes etapas desses dois programas por meio da revisão da literatura sobre estas experiências e outras similares no Brasil, da análise de legislação, documentos e posicionamentos oficiais relativos à concepção e à implementação desses programas, de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a gestores diretamente relacionados à criação e às reformulações desses programas, e da análise microdados disponíveis ao público para compreender traços característicos do conjunto dos participantes. O recorte temporal utilizado para o Encceja foi entre 2002 e 2010 e para o Enem, entre 2002 e 2012. Foi possível constatar intensas disputas sobre o sentido da EJA. De um lado, seus opositores, ao defenderem os princípios de uma educação emancipadora, enxergaram tais programas como estratégias de precarização do atendimento educacional na medida em que privilegiavam processos acelerados de certificação, além de serem concebidos e executados de maneira desarticulada em relação às políticas e demandas locais e por ignorarem a autonomia de estados e municípios. De outro, defensores argumentaram a favor da necessidade de alternativas ao modelo escolar de atendimento desse público e de sua qualidade e sofisticação técnica e pedagógica frente a exames estaduais ultrapassados, pouco ou nada articulados com as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para EJA. Na prática, ambos os programas se disseminaram nacionalmente e se tornaram mais atrativos a jovens e adultos interessados em retomar suas trajetórias educacionais para ascender profissionalmente ou mesmo ingressar no ensino superior ou técnico. Ao mesmo tempo, esses exames tornaram-se convenientes a estados e municípios, pois a adesão a eles praticamente não implicava em investimentos de recursos humanos ou custos financeiros adicionais. Pela análise dos microdados do Enem, foi possível ilustrar que a maioria de participantes que solicitou a certificação não estava estudando e, dentre aqueles que frequentavam os bancos escolares e também solicitaram a certificação, a maioria estava na escola regular/convencional, e não em turmas de EJA. Nesse sentido, esses dados reforçam a hipótese de os exames constituírem-se como alternativa complementar à escolarização e também a hipótese auxiliar, indicando que os exames estariam, no momento desta pesquisa, auxiliando na correção da distorção idade-série/ano. / This thesis is the result of a research that gathered and analyzed information about the National Exam for the Certification of Competences of Youths and Adults (Encceja) and National High-School Exam (Enem) to understand whether and to what extent these exams, while modern programs of educational assessment whose results may be utilized to certify the completion of basic education (adult education exams), have turned out to be an option to complete basic schooling in order to expand educational opportunities for the public of Youth and Adult Education (EJA) in Brazil. Alternatively, an auxiliary assumption was kept that Enem and Encceja would be working as a mechanism of increasing educational opportunities for a significant portion of the public that potentially demands EJA, which has been regularly met in the conventional/regular schooling or away from traditional educational actions. In the light of the literature about the analysis of public policies, data was explored concerning the different stages of these two educational programs by a review of the literature about these and other similar experiences in Brazil, the analysis of legislation, documents and official statements related to the conception and implementation of such programs, semi-structured interviews with education managers directly involved in the creation and reformulations of these programs, and the analysis of databases available for the public to understand features that are characteristic of the participants. The time frame used for Encceja was between 2002 and 2010 and for the Enem, between 2002 and 2012. It was possible to find intense struggles about the meaning of EJA. On one hand, its opponents, by defending the principles of emancipating education, see such programs as strategies that impoverish the process of meeting educational needs required by the potential public of EJA since they privilege speedy certification, in addition to being conceived and carried out with no articulation with the local policies and demands and because they disregard the autonomy of states and municipalities. On the other hand, advocates argue that alternatives to the exclusively schooled model of education are needed with its own technical and pedagogical quality and sophistication, towards outdated regional adult exams, with no or scarce articulation with the National Curricular Guidelines for EJA. In fact, both programs have been disseminated nationwide and gradually became attractive to youths and adults interested in resuming their educational trajectories to ascend professionally or even to enter technical and higher education. At the same time, these exams became convenient to states and municipalities, as adhering to them practically do not require investments in human or financial resources, meaning additional costs for those federal entities. The analysis of Enem´s databases, it was possible to show that most participants requesting certification was not going to school and, among those actually attending classes who also requested certification, the majority was from regular/conventional school and not from EJA classrooms. Thus, this data reinforces the auxiliary assumption that the exams are, at the time of the research, complementary alternative to schooling and also helping correct the age/grade distortion.

Barnets bästa : En kritisk granskning av förvaltningsrättens bedömningar då ungdomar döms till tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU samt en analys av tidigare forskning gällande tvångsvårdens effekter på ungdomar

Laine, Emma, Nors, Christine January 2012 (has links)
Denna studie granskar förvaltningsrättens barnperspektiv i sex domstolsbeslut då ungdomar dömts till tvångsvård enligt 3 § LVU. Studien syftar till att granska om förvaltningsrättens bedömningar är rättsäkra genom att analysera om barnperspektivet beaktas i besluten. Studien syftar även till att studera det tidigare forskningsfältet om tvångsvård av unga för att undersöka vilka effekter tvångsvård kan leda till för den unge. Genom en kritisk diskursanalys har domstolsbesluten analyserats utifrån teorier om makt samt barnkonventionens riktlinjer och föreskrifter. Vidare har tidigare forskning analyserats för att studera tvångsvårdens effekter på ungdomarna. Studien visar att tvångsvård kan leda till negativa effekter för ungdomarna. Vidare framkommer det i studien att barnperspektivets mångfacetterade karaktär kommer till uttryck i domstolsbeslutens olika tolkningar och konstruktioner, där rättssäkerheten gällande barnperspektivet har tolkats fått olika ställning i besluten. De olika konstruktionerna av besluten visar att det tycks finnas en problematik med tolkningen av lagtexten i förvaltningsrättens bedömningar och att barnkonventionens föreskrifter inte alltid användas i tillräcklig utsträckning. I beslutens komplexitet får barnet ibland både en objektsstatus och/eller en subjektsstatus. Barnets position under processens gång är därför en central fråga för att säkerställa ett rättssäkert barnperspektiv. / This study analyzes the administrative court and if they ensure the “child's perspective” when judging youths to compulsory care. This has been studied by reviewing CRC:s guidelines and if the court follows these guidelines and applicable laws in their decisions. The material that have been analyzed consists of six court decisions concerning youth that are convicted pursuant to 3 § LVU. The study also intends to see what effects compulsory care has on youth. The court decisions are analyzed through a critical discourse analysis based on theories of power. Furthermore, previous research is analyzed relating to the child's best interests and the consequences for youth being placed in compulsory care to see what effects it can lead to. The study has shown that compulsory care can lead to negative effects for the youth and that the child’s perspective has a multifaceted character which is reflected in the court decisions different interpretations and constructions. The various constructions in the decisions have shown that there seems to be some problems with the interpretation of the law and that the CRC's guidelines are not always used sufficiently. The complexity of decisions shows that the child at times is seen as both as an object and/or a subject. The child's position during the process is therefore a key issue to ensure a legally secure child's perspective.

Les représentations sociales de la ruralité et de l'urbanité québécoise : la méthode de la cartographie conceptuelle

Jean, Sandrine January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Ungas erfarenheter av skola, samhällsvård och vuxenblivande : En studie av fem livsberättelser / Young people’s experiences of school, out-of-home care and transitions to adulthood : A study of five life stories

Spånberger Weitz, Ylva January 2011 (has links)
Avhandlingens syfte är att fördjupa kunskapen om skolsituationen för barn och ungdomar i samhällsvård samt att fördjupa kunskapen om de processer varigenom de unga finner vägar genom skolan och samhällsvården mot ett självständigt liv som unga vuxna. Studien har genomförts i fem svenska storstadskommuner. Materialet består huvudsakligen av upprepade intervjuer med unga som själva har erfarenhet av att vara placerade i samhällsvård. Som en bakgrund genomfördes en kartläggande aktstudie gällande alla de ungdomar från dessa kommuner, som under 2003 hade placerats i samhällsvård. Intervjudeltagarna valdes ut från denna kartläggning. I analysen av intervjuerna användes en narrativ livsberättelseansats. Fokus i analysen har riktats både mot att förstå de ungas erfarenheter av att leva i skola och samhällsvård och mot att förstå hur de unga, genom sina berättelser, tolkar dessa erfarenheter och på så sätt skapar en meningsfull berättelse om sig själva och sina liv. Resultatet visar att livet i samhällsvård för de unga är präglat av utsatthet på flera nivåer. Socialtjänstakterna pekar mot ett samband mellan svårigheter i hemmet och svårigheter i skolan för de ungdomar som placerades i samhällsvård. Livsberättelserna synliggör hur skolan, familjen och samhällsvården utgör en komplex helhet i de ungas vardag och hur utsatthet inom någon av dessa praktiker därmed tenderar att spridas vidare i en process av överförd utsatthet. I sin kamp för att undkomma denna utsatthet navigerar de unga mot arenor där de kan finna hemmatillhörighet, det vill säga en upplevelse av att förstå och ”höra hemma” i en socialt delad vardagsverklighet. Ett viktigt redskap i de ungas strävan efter hemmatillhörighet är deras förståelsearbete, det vill säga det kontinuerliga tolkningsarbete varigenom de – inom ramen för socialt delade hemmatillhörigheter – knyter ihop sina erfarenheter till en sammanhängande förståelse av sig själva och sina liv. / The aim of this thesis is to gain further knowledge about the school situation for children and youths in out-of-home care; about the processes by which these children and youths find their way through family life, school and care settings; and about their transitions from out-of-home care to an independent life as young adults. The study was conducted in five municipalities in Sweden. The main empirical data was generated through repeated interviews with young people who had the experience of staying in out-of-home care. As a background social services case files concerning all youths from the five municipalities, who during 2003 were placed in out-of-home care, were analysed. The interviewees were selected from this overview. In the analysis of the interviews a narrative life story perspective was used. Focus was directed both towards the understanding of the young people’s school and in-care experiences and at the understanding of how they, through their narratives, interpret these experiences and create a coherent story of meaning about themselves and their lives. The result indicates that life for young people placed in out-of-home care is characterized by vulnerability and exposure on several levels. The case files indicate that there is a connection between the degree of difficulties at home and in school for youths placed in out-of-home care. The life stories show that school, home and care settings, for the youths seem to represent a complex pattern of everyday practices in which their vulnerability tend to spread in a process of transferred exposure. In their struggle to avoid this exposure they strive to find spaces that provide them with a sense of belonging. An important tool in this struggle is their comprehension work, that is to say the continuous interpretive work by which they connect their experiences into a meaningful understanding of whom they are and which life they ought to live.

Prévention de l’adhésion aux gangs de rue : l’expérience des jeunes participants

Thibault, Chloé 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Mathematical modeling and analysis of HIV/AIDS control measures

Gbenga, Abiodun J. January 2012 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / In this thesis, we investigate the HIV/AIDS epidemic in a population which experiences a significant flow of immigrants. We derive and analyse a math- ematical model that describes the dynamics of HIV infection among the im- migrant youths and intervention that can minimize or prevent the spread of the disease in the population. In particular, we are interested in the effects of public-health education and of parental care.We consider existing models of public-health education in HIV/AIDS epidemi-ology, and provide some new insights on these. In this regard we focus atten-tion on the papers [b] and [c], expanding those researches by adding sensitivity analysis and optimal control problems with their solutions.Our main emphasis will be on the effect of parental care on HIV/AIDS epidemi-ology. In this regard we introduce a new model. Firstly, we analyse the model without parental care and investigate its stability and sensitivity behaviour.We conduct both qualitative and quantitative analyses. It is observed that in the absence of infected youths, disease-free equilibrium is achievable and is asymptotically stable. Further, we use optimal control methods to determine the necessary conditions for the optimality of intervention, and for disease eradication or control. Using Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle to check the effects of screening control and parental care on the spread of HIV/AIDS, we observe that parental care is more effective than screening control. However, the most efficient control strategy is in fact a combination of parental care and screening control. The results form the central theme of this thesis, and are included in the manuscript [a] which is now being reviewed for publication. Finally, numerical simulations are performed to illustrate the analytical results.

Uma educação ambiental da juventude? Avaliação da política pública: Vamos Cuidar do Brasil com as Escolas - Conferências Infanto Juvenis pelo Meio Ambiente no Ceará

CRUZ, Lindalva Costa da January 2012 (has links)
CRUZ, Lindalva Costa da. Uma educação ambiental da juventude? Avaliação da política pública: Vamos Cuidar do Brasil com as Escolas - Conferências Infanto Juvenis pelo Meio Ambiente no Ceará. 2012. 127f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Avaliação de Políticas Públicas, Fortaleza (CE), 2012. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-01T13:40:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-DIS-LCCRUZ.pdf: 1535637 bytes, checksum: 5bea5568984ab71625dae586df061734 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2013-10-01T14:18:22Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-DIS-LCCRUZ.pdf: 1535637 bytes, checksum: 5bea5568984ab71625dae586df061734 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-01T14:18:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2012-DIS-LCCRUZ.pdf: 1535637 bytes, checksum: 5bea5568984ab71625dae586df061734 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / In this study we evaluated the effects of a programme launched in 2004 by the Brazilian Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Environment entitled “Vamos Cuidar do Brasil com as Escolas”. The purpose of this Programme is to encourage educational experiences that will help prepare for a qualitative leap in the creation of principles directed at preserving the environment. The programme proposes to construct a permanent environmental education process in public schools through a range of actions, with emphasis on the organization of Conferences on Environmental Education for Children and Youths. The third edition of this conference, held in Ceará in 2008, along with the delegates representing Ceará during the regional, national and international stages, is the main object of the study. We investigated how the students have assimilated skills and experiences in environmental education and increased their representativeness in their respective schools and communities. Their observed involvement in environmental education activities reflected the importance of the Programme to their learning process. Our approach was qualitative in order to relate events to human processes, highlighting potential interactions. With the help of questionnaires, in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and free observations, information was collected and entered in a field diary. The results were analyzed using collective subject discourse in order to evaluate the representativeness of the children and adolescents in their respective schools and communities. Our study revealed changes in the studentsʼ attitudes towards their daily routine and their interaction with others and the environment as a result of their participation in the Programme. / A presente pesquisa avalia os efeitos do Programa do Ministério da Educação e do Meio Ambiente: Vamos Cuidar do Brasil com as Escolas, que foi lançado em 2004, visando estimular a realização de experiências que promovam um salto qualitativo na formação de princípios direcionados à preservação do meio ambiente. Referido programa se propôs a construir um processo permanente de Educação Ambiental na escola através de várias ações com destaque para a realização das Conferências Infanto Juvenis pelo Meio Ambiente. A III Conferência é o principal alvo dessa pesquisa, focada na atuação dos delegados que representaram o Ceará nas fases Estadual, Nacional e Internacional. O foco foi investigar como estes jovens percorreram os caminhos da Educação Ambiental, buscando uma trajetória de representatividade junto a sua escola/comunidade. A observação do engajamento desses jovens em projetos e ações de Educação Ambiental mostrou o quanto o programa em análise contribuiu para a sua caminhada. Quanto à metodologia, trabalhou-se com a abordagem qualitativa, tendo em vista que esta busca relacionar os acontecimentos aos processos humanos numa relação de interação entre as partes. Foram usadas diferentes estratégias, como o questionário, a entrevista em profundidade, o grupo focal e a observação livre, utilizando como instrumento o diário de campo. As informações foram analisadas a partir do método do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, na tentativa de se perceber a representatividade desses jovens junto a sua escola/comunidade. Os resultados apontam mudanças de atitude por parte dos jovens no seu cotidiano, na convivência com as outras pessoas e com o meio ambiente, mudanças estas, influenciadas pela sua participação no programa.

A promoção da cultura de paz nas escolas: a ótica das juventudes / The promotion of peace culture: the perspective of youths

NASCIMENTO, Verônica Salgueiro do January 2009 (has links)
NASCIMENTO, Verônica Salgueiro do. A promoção da cultura de paz nas escolas: a ótica das juventudes. 2009. 146f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2009. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-13T18:25:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Tese_VSNASCIMENTO.pdf: 7855510 bytes, checksum: 2e38ef529ca0cfb6d74c14509fb2b6de (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-17T12:52:53Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Tese_VSNASCIMENTO.pdf: 7855510 bytes, checksum: 2e38ef529ca0cfb6d74c14509fb2b6de (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-17T12:52:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2009_Tese_VSNASCIMENTO.pdf: 7855510 bytes, checksum: 2e38ef529ca0cfb6d74c14509fb2b6de (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009 / The inquiry consisted of the accompaniment of educative processes, which had as objective the development of the peace culture. Those processes are developed by two schools (public and private universe) of basic education in the city of Fortaleza. The research focused on the speech of the young students about the construction of the peace in the school environment. Knowing what they think, feel and how they evaluate the experiences lived and related them to the integrant activities of projects aiming to promote the peace culture, was the central objective of the inquiry. Considering the possible research universe related to the qualitative approach, the option was for the ethnographic referential. The research techniques used were the participant observation, and the application of four interviews with part-structured script. I also carried through a documentary research. I analyzed documents found in the school for the reinforcement of contextualizing work of the studied phenomenon. Finally, I organized a workshop on culture of peace in each searched school, in order to explore in quality and depth the experiences shared through the students speech. The students of the first school attended the eighth grade. In the public school I worked night shift with adult students attending to the equivalent to the eighth grade. The data had been organized and interpreted in accordance with the referential of the speech analysis. The results indicate that part of the students who participated on the researched acknowledges the urgency and the relevance of the promotion of the peace culture. The aspects of living together, dialogue, care and creativity had been emphasized in their speech regarding the role of the school in the search to promote concrete conditions so that the human being can consist itself fully; with all the possible contradictions that the exercise of the human existence contemplates. / A investigação consistiu no acompanhamento de processos educativos, que tinham como objetivo a promoção da cultura de paz, iniciados por duas escolas (universo público e privado) de ensino fundamental do município de Fortaleza. A pesquisa teve como foco a fala dos jovens/educandos sobre a construção da paz no ambiente escolar. O objetivo central da investigação foi conhecer o que os jovens pensam, sentem e como avaliam as experiências vivenciadas com relação às atividades integrantes de projetos que visam promover a cultura de paz. Dentre o universo de possibilidades de pesquisa relacionadas ao enfoque qualitativo, a opção foi pelo referencial etnográfico. As técnicas de pesquisa utilizadas foram a observação participante, e a aplicação de quatro entrevistas com roteiro semi-estruturado. Acrescento que realizei também uma pesquisa documental. Analisei documentos, existentes no espaço escolar para o reforço do trabalho de contextualização do fenômeno estudado. Por último, organizei uma oficina sobre cultura de paz em cada escola pesquisada, para explorar com mais riqueza e profundidade as experiências compartilhadas através das falas dos educandos. Os jovens da primeira escola cursavam a oitava série. Na escola pública trabalhei no turno da noite com jovens de uma série equivalente à oitava série no ensino de jovens e adultos. Os dados foram organizados e interpretados de acordo com o referencial da análise de discurso. Os resultados obtidos indicam o reconhecimento por parte dos pesquisados da urgência e relevância da promoção da cultura de paz. Os aspectos da convivência, do diálogo, do cuidado e da criatividade foram enfatizados nas falas dos jovens a respeito do papel da escola na procura de promover condições concretas para que o ser humano possa se constituir realmente humano em sua plenitude; com todas as contradições possíveis que o exercício da convivência humana contempla.

Barreiras de sobreviv?ncia: ang?stias e dilemas de jovens infratores p?s-institucionaliza??o

Evangelista, Dalmo de Oliveira 08 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DalmoOE.pdf: 1546619 bytes, checksum: 9356c7f9aa0937d80a9d2bb4a27c0b5f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-08 / This study critically examines the effects of public policies, implemented by Funda??o Estadual da Crian?a e do Adolescente (FUNDAC/RN), along with adolescents of both sexes, perpetrators of illegal acts in compliance by court order, by socio-educative measures , identifying the contradictions that permeate the understanding and treatment of issue. The aim is to investigate the chances that youths have by living in Centro Educacional Pitimbu and Centro Educacional Padre. Jo?o Maria (CEDUC), to become subjects in the exercise of their citizenship. The methodology adopted is the verbal history of life (MEIHY, 2005) of youths that had life experiences in these institutions from 2002 to 2005, allowing researchers to access directly to investigated individuals, through the place where they currently reside, and enabling the reconstitution of their life story, from semi-structured interviews. The young people s statements interviewed were grouped and analyzed from the following categories of analysis: the egress and family, the school and egress, the community and egress, the egress and work, the egress and CEDUC, the egress and experience infringement. The results indicate that, despite the advances in Brazilian legislation for the sector, the actions promoted by these institutions generally would have produced innocuous and stigmatized consequences. Moreover, they show in essence that they carry on their inner contradictions which fundamentally correspond to the interests of the dominant system and a society which uses mechanisms of social policy, in addition to favoring the control and repression. And thus, while such actions remain unable to produce important changes in the conditions of existence of young people who meet by social deprivation of liberty, it is possible to say that the chances are minimal so that they become autonomous subjects in a society that, preferring their punishment, denies them, stubbornly, access to their basic rights. In theory, the researcher dialogues with authors as Foucault, Goffman, Bourdieu, Offe, Bauman, Boaventura Santos, Takeuti, Germano, Ari?s, Wacquant, among others / O estudo analisa, criticamente, os efeitos das pol?ticas p?blicas, executadas pela Funda??o Estadual da Crian?a e do Adolescente (FUNDAC/RN), junto aos adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, autores de atos infracionais, em cumprimento, por determina??o judicial, da medida socioeducativa de interna??o , identificando as contradi??es que perpassam a compreens?o e tratamento da quest?o. Objetiva investigar quais as chances que t?m os jovens egressos, com passagem pelo Centro Educacional Pitimbu (CEDUC Pitimbu) e pelo Centro Educacional Pe. Jo?o Maria (CEDUC Pe. Jo?o Maria), de se tornarem sujeitos no exerc?cio de sua cidadania. A metodologia adotada ? a hist?ria oral de vida (MEIHY, 2005) dos jovens egressos das institui??es referidas, no per?odo 2002/2005, permitindo ao pesquisador o acesso aos sujeitos investigados, diretamente nos locais onde residem, na atualidade, e possibilitando a reconstitui??o de sua hist?ria de vida, a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os depoimentos dos jovens entrevistados foram agrupados e analisados a partir das seguintes categorias de an?lise: o egresso e a fam?lia, o egresso e a escola, o egresso e a comunidade, o egresso e o trabalho, o egresso e o CEDUC, o egresso e a viv?ncia infracional. Os resultados sinalizam que, a despeito dos avan?os na legisla??o brasileira para o setor, as a??es promovidas por essas institui??es, em geral, s? t?m produzido conseq??ncias in?cuas e estigmatizadoras, evidenciando que, em ess?ncia, elas carregam no seu interior contradi??es que, no fundo, correspondem aos interesses do sistema dominante e de uma sociedade que, utilizando mecanismos de pol?tica social, ainda privilegia o controle e a repress?o. E, assim, enquanto essas a??es permanecerem incapazes de produzir altera??es significativas nas condi??es de exist?ncia dos jovens que cumprirem medida socioeducativa privativa de liberdade, ? poss?vel afirmar que s?o m?nimas as chances de eles se tornarem sujeitos aut?nomos, numa sociedade que, preferindo a sua puni??o, lhes nega, obstinadamente, acesso aos seus direitos b?sicos. Na abordagem te?rica, o pesquisador dialoga com autores como Foucault, Goffman, Bourdieu, Offe, Bauman, Boaventura Santos, Takeuti, Germano, Ari?s, Wacquant, entre outros. Palavras-chave: Adolescentes infratores. Medidas socioeducativas

Tecendo os fios de rede: juventude e produ??o de si em projetos sociais.

Bezerra, Marlos Alves 08 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:20:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarlosAB.pdf: 4674251 bytes, checksum: 073f903ffab7ed7811ca858cd95a4022 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-08 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The study is about youthful subjectivities in quarters, of the West Zone of Natal-RN, marked for lacks and contingencies that constitute the everyday life of the social existence of its young inhabitants. For this purpose the researchers selected two youth groups: the Association of Youths Constructing Dreams (in the quarter of Felipe Camar?o) and Lelo Melodia Crew (Quarter of Guarapes). Both are articulated through the strategy of coalition in regional and national nets. The hypothesis is that inside the groups and nets new youthful citizens arises. That would be a change in the representation of poor youth: from 1980 s street children - young whose social stigma associated poverty and crime to late 1990 s kids of project (pointing their trajectory in social projects) or, in present days, called as young peripherals - for the enrollment in cultural movements, as the hip hop movement - These new young citizens are contributing to new social imagery significations on poor youths. The methodology encloses: a) focal group; b) participant research analyzing the making arts (ways to think, social daily practices, actions engaged in a diversity plans) of youth groups; c) life stories of some of the youngs produced in workshops; d) not structuralized interviews. d) several documents of the groups; e) local and national surveys. Results emphasize a feeling of opening to a project of autonomy in relation to a social system that leaves them in a situation of social precariousness. Conclusion remarks that such practices of the youthful groups through the art, leisure, sport and culture unfold politics effect so that can point innovative forms of politics participation on the part of this specific segment of poor youths of Brasilian country, although conflicts and paradoxes crosses individual citizens, youth groups and youth nets. / Trata-se de estudar as subjetividades juvenis em bairros, da Zona Oeste de Natal-RN, marcados por faltas e conting?ncias que constituem a cotidianidade da exist?ncia social de seus jovens moradores. Acompanham-se dois coletivos juvenis, a Associa??o de Juventudes Construindo Sonhos (no bairro de Felipe Camar?o) e a Posse Lelo Melodia (Bairro de Guarapes) que se articulam atrav?s da estrat?gia de coliga??o em redes regionais e nacionais. Aventa-se a hip?tese que se gestam no interior dos grupos e redes juvenis novos sujeitos juvenis que de modo diverso dos outrora meninos de rua jovens cujo estigma social associava pobreza a criminalidade identificavam-se doravante por sua trajet?ria em projetos sociais como jovens de projeto ou denominavam-se jovens perif?ricos pelo engajamento em movimentos culturais, como o movimento hip hop e a partir desses novos sujeitos jovens, novas significa??es sociais imagin?rias sobre juventudes. Atrav?s da an?lise das artes de fazer (maneiras de pensar, pr?ticas sociais cotidianas, a??es engajadas em planos diversos) e das narrativas de vida de alguns dos jovens, verifica-se um sentimento de abertura a um projeto de autonomiza??o em rela??o a um sistema que os encarceram numa situa??o de precariedade social. Conclui-se que tais pr?ticas dos coletivos juvenis atrav?s da arte, lazer, esporte e cultura desdobram efeitos pol?ticos que podem apontar formas inovadoras de participa??o pol?tica por parte desse segmento espec?fico das juventudes de nosso pa?s, n?o obstante as conflitualidades e impasses que atravessam sujeitos individuais, coletivos e redes juvenis.

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