Spelling suggestions: "subject:"youths"" "subject:"mouths""
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Knowledge is the Key : Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West IndiesHaagman, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Knowledge is the Key - Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies Information and knowledge contributes to growth and development through empowering individuals and communities, creating opportunities to improve their living conditions. Technology is advancing rapidly and the Information and Communication Technology, ICT, provides new ways to attain information. Especially the Internet is regarded to be a source of information and knowledge. However, there are still many places in the world where Internet access is not yet available to everyone. The consequences are that people in developing countries do not get the opportunity to benefit from the new technology and the possibilities it brings. The research for this thesis was carried out in Grenada during November and December 2006. Grenada is a small independent island in the English speaking Caribbean, where only a small percentage of the population has Internet access. The purpose of the study is to examine if a selection of young individuals in Grenada can obtain enhanced knowledge through using the Internet. Furthermore, the study intends to depict what attitudes and opinions can be found among the youths, focusing on the possibilities as well as the negative effects of the Internet. This study was conducted trough a qualitative orientated methodological perspective with strategically selected respondents between 11 and 35 years old. Qualitative interviews were being made with nine individuals who were using the Internet regularly. The conclusion of this thesis is that organized strategies and projects are required, with the aim to create motives for the young generation of Grenada to obtain enhanced knowledge through Internet usage. The access and availability in itself is not enough, because seeking information and knowledge is not the main purpose when the youths are using the Internet. Nevertheless, the respondents stated that the Internet is considered to be a source of information and knowledge and that they know where and how to find information when using the Internet, if they wanted to. The result also reveals an overall positive attitude towards the Internet and the future among the youths, yet still well aware of the negative consequences. The respondents expressed a desire to be able to keep up with the technology and wished for increased and improved accessibility and connectivity in Grenada. Another interesting conclusion this research generated is the confirmation of the digital divide as a matter of global stratification, rather than differences between countries. Regardless of the country of origin, people with Internet access will have advantages in life and benefit from the technology, unlike those who have no access and hence, will fall even further behind.
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Att bygga broar mellan samhällets olika kulturer : En studie om inkludering av nyanlända barn och ungdomar genom idrott.Mickelsson, Sofia, Sjöberg, Johanna, Rading, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Det finns en stor ojämlikhet mellan olika grupper i samhällets i Sverige idag, vilket är ettsocialt problem. Denna studie har fokuserat på en idrottsförening i Västsverige som aktivtarbetar med social inkludering i sin verksamhet för att minska denna ojämlikhet. Syftet medstudien var att ur ett ledarperspektiv belysa vilka faktorer som är avgörande för att kunnaskapa inkludering av nyanlända barn och ungdomar i en idrottsförenings verksamheter iVästsverige. För att tolka resultatet har en teoretisk referensram bestående av socialinkludering, social rättvisa, empowerment och frigörande pedagogik använts i studien.Studien har en tolkande kvalitativ innehållsanalys ansats då det empiriska materialet hargrundats på intervjuer. Den empiri som använts i studien var redan insamlad av forskare frånHögskolan Väst, Göteborgs universitet och Högskolan i Halmstad och fanns tillgänglig somelektroniskt inspelningsmaterial. Materialet bestod av en djupintervju medverksamhetsledaren för idrottsföreningens olika projekt samt två gruppintervjuer med tvåkvinnliga respektive två manliga ledare. Tolkningarna av resultatet ledde till tolv kategoriersom därefter delades in i tre teman. Det första temat inkluderande värdegrund består avkategorierna goda relationer, förtrogenhet med det svenska språket, kunskap om normer,gemenskap, respekt och disciplinering och jämlikhet. Det andra temat, ledarkompetens ochbehovsanpassning består av kategorierna “rätt” personal, engagemang och ansvar,gränsdragningar samt behovsanpassade aktiviteter. Det tredje temat, goda yttre villkor, bestårav kategorierna goda ekonomiska förutsättningar samt fler och bättre resurser. För attförbättra inkluderingsarbetet krävs att de olika faktorerna främjas. Det bör också läggas merfokus på att involvera föräldrarna mer i föreningen, i syfte att skapa en bättre balans mellanledarnas arbetsliv och fritid. De tre teman som tolkades fram från resultatet krävs för attuppnå en social inkludering. För framtida forskning kan det vara intressant att studera andraperspektiv av inkluderingsarbetet, t.ex. ungdomarnas, deras föräldrar och samhällets olikaverksamheter som kommuner, skolor och polis. / There is inequality between different groups in society in Sweden nowadays, which is a socialproblem. This study has been focusing on a sport association in the western part of Sweden,which is actively working with social inclusion with the aim to minimize this inequality. Thepurpose of this study was to illuminate which factors, from a leadership perspective, arecrucial for the creation of inclusion in their work with youth immigrants in a sport associationin western part of Sweden. The theories of social inclusion, social justice, empowerment andpedagogy of the oppressed has been used in order to interpret the results. The study has aninterpretative qualitative content analysis approach since the material was based oninterviews. The empirics used in the study was already collected by researchers fromUniversity West, the University of Gothenburg, and Halmstad University and was available asan electronic recorded material. The material consisted of an in-depth interview with the mainleader of the sport association and two group interviews with two females as well as two maleleaders. The interpretations of the result led to twelve categories that was divided into threethemes. The first theme, inclusive values, consists of the categories good relationships,familiarity with the Swedish language, knowledge of norms, community, respect anddiscipline and equality. The second theme, leadership skills and needs adjustment, consist ofthe categories "right" staff, commitment and responsibility, boundaries and needs-adaptedactivities. The third theme, good external conditions, consists of the categories goodeconomic conditions and more and better resources. To improve the social inclusion withinthe organization is it necessary to support and develop these factors. There should also bemore focus on involving parents in the association, to create a better balance between theleaders work life and their private life. The three themes interpreted from the result arerequired to achieve social inclusion.When it comes to future research it might be interesting to study other perspective of thesocial inclusion as well as. For example, the perspective of the youths, their parents anddifferent organizations of the society, such as local authorities, schools and police.
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En glädje för hela familjen : Familjehemsföräldrars berättelser om sina relationer med placerade ensamkommande barn och ungdomar. / A joy for the whole family : Foster parents’ stories about their relations with foster placed unaccompanied children and youths.Petersson, Mikaela, Mujagic, Nina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to increase the understanding of how foster parents of unaccompanied children and youths build and maintain relations with the foster placed children. Furthermore, this study highlights the foster parents’ view of being a foster parent and the effects of the commitment of being a foster home. The empirical material data has been collected by interviews with seven foster parents’ in Sweden and the theories that have been used for the analysis of the result are systems theory and a concept from the attachment theory, called internal working models. The conclusions of this study are that foster parents of unaccompanied children and youths have an ability to establish a valuable relationship with said children, however they experience cultural and linguistic difficulties in the process of establishing a relationship with the youths and children. Another conclusion is that the foster parents’ family lives have changed in positive terms while being a foster home.
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Armed robbery in Nigeria : a qualitative study of young male robbersNwalozie, Joel Chijioke January 2012 (has links)
This is a Nigerian study, which initially aimed to examine armed robbery culture and the youth subculture. With the employment of subcultural theory, the study became intellectually unviable in explaining the primary data. A replacement was made by seeking recourse to anomie-strain theory and control theory to explain the data. Presently, the main aim of this study is to examine the involvement of youths in armed robbery. Specifically, the study will look at armed robbery from the point of view of offenders and the factors responsible for their crime.Armed robbery is a type of robbery aided by weapon(s) to threaten, force and deprive a person or persons of the right to private, public or corporate belongings. Since the end of the Nigeria civil war (1967-1970), the offence has become a problem in the country, occurring almost on a daily basis in the urban areas more than the rural. Armed robbery can take place in residential homes, commercial places, motorways and any other place the offenders may deem necessary to operate. The current criminal climate has made it possible for armed robbers to engage in interstate criminal operations as well.Methodologically, the research is qualitative, involving semi-structured face-to-face oral interviews (open-ended) with 20 armed robbers in prison custody in Nigeria. There is also an unstructured interview with 4 members of the criminal justice system in Nigeria. The analytical framework employed is interpretive phenomenology, to capture the holistic worldview of the offender sample. Secondary data comes from both the Nigeria Police Force and the Nigeria Prison Service records.Findings are presented under four systematic themes: family circumstances, economic motivations, life course engagement, and situational dynamics in carrying out a robbery. Data reveal the four most significant factors in the hierarchy of response (bad friends, money, poverty and corruption) that may account for the involvement of youths in armed robbery. Since the group of “bad friends” is the main catalyst responsible for the involvement of youths in armed robbery, the thesis concludes that this sample of respondents be regarded as a network of criminals who were strained by the unjust social structure in their native Nigeria. Besides, there is need for a Nigerian criminological theoretical framework that offers an in-depth explanation of crime in the Nigerian society.
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[pt] As juventudes têm sido influenciada por culturas alinhadas ao espírito desse tempo e que nada tem a ver com os valores cristãos. Num tempo em que o mundo passa por transformações em muitos aspectos, está em curso a transição para uma nova configuração de comportamentos humanos. Por ainda ser fase inacabada, não se pode ter uma leitura correta de como as coisas serão. É possível, no entanto, perceber como os jovens encaravam a vida no passado recente e como a vida tem sido encarada no mundo líquido moderno. Na impossibilidade de definir como é a juventude atual, ao menos as tendências de comportamento podem ser percebidas. Esse cenário, novo e desafiador, é o campo de atuação dos ministérios de juventudes das igrejas batistas. Através de levantamento bibliográfico de livros, pesquisas oficiais, artigos acadêmicos, dissertações e teses defendidas, esta pesquisa pretende descrever quem são as juventudes modernas, quais as culturas e as tendências que influenciam essas juventudes, e as maneiras de lidar com elas sob uma perspectiva pastoral cristã, particularmente batista. Levando em conta o que já foi feito e o que está em andamento de maneira oficial na denominação batista no Brasil, para que se possa apontar onde queremos chegar enquanto jovens batistas brasileiros. / [en] Youth have been influenced by cultures aligned with the spirit of that time and have no relations with Christian values. Nowadays we live times of transformations in many aspects, in so many changes takes to a new type of human kinds of behaviors. For still being unfinished, one can not have a correct reading how the things will be. It s possible, however to perceive how the youngs faced the life at the recent past and how the life has been faced at the modern liquid world. It s impossible to define how is the current youth, at least the tendencies of behavior can be perceived. This new and challenger scene, is the actuaction field of baptist churches youngs ministries. Throught a bibliographic survey of books, oficial researches, academic articles, dissertations and theses defended, this research pretends to describe who are the moderns youths, which cultures and whose tendencies influence these generation, and the ways of dealing with them under a christian pastoral perspective, particularly baptist. We need to consider what has already been done and what is in progress in an official way in the Baptist denomination in Brazil, So that we can point out where we want to reach as young Brazilian Baptists.
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Lack of positive social support: The effect on the recidivism rate of youthful offendersFielding-Payton, Marsha, Torres, Adriana Cebreros 01 January 2002 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to determine how the lack of social support can contribute to the recidivism rate of youthful offenders once they are released back into the community.
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Psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende bland unga pojkar och flickor : Är sambandet oberoende av ungas sociala förmåga och föräldrars socioekonomisk status?Al Khatib, Linn, Al Rubaye, Omaima January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka grad av alla tre dimensioner sammanslagna och respektive dimension av psykopati bland unga och hur det relaterade till antisocialt beteende samt om relationerna kvarstod oberoende av ungas sociala förmåga och föräldrars SES. Urvalet bestod av 1731 unga varav 912 pojkar och 819 flickor i åldern 11-13 år med medelålder 12,2. Psykopatiska personlighetsdrag definierades med tre dimensioner som var grandiositet - manipulation, brist i empati - flackt känsloliv och impulsivitet - behov av omväxling. Resultaten visade att pojkar uppvisade högre grad av psykopatiska personlighetsdrag jämfört med flickor. Psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende korrelerade i hög utsträckning med varandra. Majoriteten av korrelationerna var högre bland pojkar än flickor separat. Sambanden kvarstod mellan psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende vid kontroll för ungas sociala förmåga respektive föräldrars SES för totala urvalet samt separat för pojkar respektive flickor. Slutsatsen som drogs var att psykopatiska personlighetsdrag och antisocialt beteende var relaterade till varandra. Denna relation var oberoende av ungas sociala förmåga och föräldrars SES. Diskussioner om praktiska implikationer förs och direktiv för framtida forskning ges. / The main purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of psychopathic personality traits among youths and how it related to antisocial behaviour and whether the relationships remained independent of youth’s social skills and parental SES. The study consisted of 1731 participant, where 912 of them were boys, and 819 were girls at age 11-13 with mean age 12,2. The psychopathic personality traits consist of three different dimensions; Grandiose-Deceitful, Callous-Unemotional, and Impulsivity-Need for Stimulation. The results showed that the psychopathic dimensions were significantly higher among boys than girls. We also examined the relationship between the psychopathic dimensions and conduct problems for the total sample, which showed a high positive significant correlation. These correlations were tested for both genders separately, which showed indications of boys having a higher correlation than girls. Furthermore, the result indicated that the relationship remained between psychopathic dimensions and conduct problems in controlling for social skills respective socioeconomic status for the total sample and separately for boys and girls. The conclusion drawn that psychopathic personality traits and conduct problem were related to each other. This relationship was independent of young’s level of social skills and parental level of SES. Discussions of practical implications and directives for future research are provided.
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När skolan flyttar hem : en kvantitativ enkätstudie om gymnasieelevers behov av psykosocialt stöd i skolan under distansstudier / When the school moves into your home : a quantitative survey study about upper secondary school pupils’ needs of psychosocial support in school during distance studiesKhallagi, Mandana January 2021 (has links)
Since the entrance of the covid-19 pandemic in Sweden, Swedish upper secondary schools have partly or fully passed on to distance studies. The aim of this study is to find out what social support and health-promoting activities the pupils wish to participate in during distance studies. Quantitative methods have been used by carrying out online surveys among students in upper secondary schools. The data consists of 273 respondents from 14 different schools in Sweden. Social capital theories have been used to interpret the collected data. The results show that pupils' experiences of distance studies during the pandemics are overall negative. The three aspects that are reported most negatively by the pupils themselves, are their school motivation, their sense of fellowship and their physical activity. Concerning social support, the results show that pupils born in Sweden feel they have a broader social support network than pupils born elsewhere. The results also display that one out of three pupils probably would participate in conversational support with the school counselor during distance studies. The need for motivational and advisory conversations are the highest. Ultimately the results demonstrate that support and health-promoting activities are most wanted within the topics mental health, eating habits and physical activity. Examples of support and activities that are highly in demand are workshops about handling stress and anxiety, collective lunches with peers and physical activity in small groups. The analysis show that factors such as gender and ethnical background affect the pupils’ choices of support and activity. / Sedan covid19-pandemins intåg i Sverige har de svenska gymnasieskolorna helt eller delvis övergått till distansstudier. Syftet med denna studie är att ta reda på vilken typ av psykosocialt stöd samt vilka hälsofrämjande aktiviteter eleverna önskar att ta del av under distansstudier. Kvantitativ metod har använts genom att genomföra webbenkäter bland gymnasieelever. 273 respondenter från 14 skolor i Sverige utgör datat. Teorier inom socialt kapital har använts för att tolka det insamlade materialet. Resultatet visar att elevernas upplevelse av distansstudier under pandemin är övergripande negativ. De tre livsaspekter som påverkats mest negativt enligt eleverna är deras skolmotivation, känsla av gemenskap och deras fysiska aktivitet. Vad gäller socialt stöd visar resultatet att inrikesfödda upplever att de har ett bredare socialt stöd än utrikesfödda. Resultatet visar att en av tre elever troligtvis skulle ta del av samtalsstöd under distansstudier och det råder mest behov av motivations- och rådgivningssamtal. Slutligen visar resultatet att eleverna önskar mest stöd och hälsofrämjande aktiviteter inom teman psykisk hälsa, matvanor och fysisk aktivitet. Exempel på stöd och aktiviteter som är eftertraktade är workshops om stress och ångesthantering, gemensamma luncher och fysisk aktivitet i liten grupp. Analysen visar att faktorer som kön och etnisk bakgrund påverkar elevernas val av stöd och aktiviteter.
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Die voorligtingsbehoeftes van Sekondêre leerlinge in 'n benadeelde gemeenskap en die implikasies daarvan vir hul groepvoorligtingsprogram:'n opvolgstudieGouws, Andre January 1990 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / Hierdie ondersoek is onderneem om die voorligtingsbehoeftes van leerlinge in sekondêre Kleurlingskole in Wes-Kaapland te bepaal en die implikasies daarvan vir hul groepvoorligtingsprogram aan te toon. Die navorser het ook die bevindings van die huidige ondersoek met die van sy meningsopnames in 1979 en 1983 vergelyk. 'n Literatuurstudie is aangewend om die aard, doelstellings en beginsels van groepvoorligting te kelingstake van die Westerse en Afrikaanse - adolessent te ondersoek, formuleer, die ontwikspesifiek die Suiden lig te werp op die
spesifieke ontwikkelingsbehoeftes en -probleme waarmee Kleurlingjeugdiges te kampe het. Vraelyste deur leerlinge en skoolvoorligters voltooi, het die relevantheid van die amptelike program se groepvoorligtingsonderwerpe beoordeel, aangedui watter moontlik bestaande onderwerpe kan vervang of daarby gevoeg kan word, en kommentaar oor die inhoud en aanbieding van die huidige program gelewer.
Ten opsigte van di,e~~rd van groepvoorligting is bevind dat die huidige Handleiding en Program slegs enkele vereistes toelig en dus hersien behoort te word om alle essensiale aspekte van voorligting te dek. Die afwesigheid van spesifieke dQelá!allinaá vir groepvoorligting
in die amptelike handleiding voorsien nie die nodige riglyne aan voorligters vir hul taak nie, en dus is 'n reeks doelstellings in funksionele terme geformuleer. Havighurst (1972) se formulering van adolessente ontwikkelingstake, aangevul deur die navorsing van Burns (1988), kan
as n bruikbare raamwerk vir die terrein van groepvoorligting gebruik word. Dis is voorgestel dat elke sekondêre standerd persoonlikheidsvoorligting, voorligting, opvoedkundige voorligting en voorligting behoort te ontvang. sosiale beroeps- Ten opsigte
het die onderwerpe van die inhoud van 'n groepvoorligtings programliteratuurstudie onder andere aangetoon dat by die leerlinge se ontwikkelingsvlak en veranderende behoeftes aansluiting moet vind, die program buigsaam moet wees om by plaaslike vereistes te kan aanpas, en dat die klem op die bevordering van leerlinge se persoonlike waardestelsels behoort te val Dit het uit die resultate van die empiriese ondersoek geblyk dat beide leerlinge en voorligters die oorgrote meerderheid onderwerpe van die amptelike program as van besondere belang beskou. Weens die erns en omvang van die voorligtingsbehoeftes wat geIdentifiseer is, blyk egter 'n aansienlike
uitbreiding van die program aangewese te wees. Binne elke standerd behoort 'n beperkte aantal "verpligte" onderwerpe aangebied te word, terwyl minstens die helfte van dievoorligtingstyd aan opsionele onderwerpe in ooreenstemming met leerlinggroepe se besondere behoeftes bestee behoort te word. Persoonlikheids- en sosiale voorligting enersyds en opvoedkundige en beroepsvoorligting andersyds moet die twee
gelykwaardige komponente van so 'n program uitmaak Dié response van die leerlinge en voorligters stem in 'n hom mate met die van die vorige ondersoeke ooreen. n Veel groter sensitiwiteit ten opsigte van gemeenskaps probleme en interpersoonlike verhoudings, asook 'n sterker behoefte aan probleemoplossingsvaardighede en geslags- en beroepsvoorligting het egter geblyk. Dus is onder andere aanbeveel
dat geslagsvoorligting as n afsonderlike program aangebied en die bestaande samewerking met privaat tingsinstansies voortgesit sal word. In verband met die aanbieding van groepvoorligtingslesse is die skep van 'n ontspanne atmosfeer, bevorderlik vir aktiewe
leerlingdeelname, vrye meningswisseling en persoonlike meningsvorming, beklemtoon. Bepaalde administratiewe maatreels is voorgestel ten einde die sukses verseker. van 'n hersiene groepvoorligtingsprogram te help Verder is sekere aanbevelings gemaak om
voorligters se professionele status te verhoog.
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Satisfacción con la vida y Espiritualidad en universitarios de una Universidad Privada de Lima / Satisfaction with life and Spirituality in university students from a Private University of LimaBobadilla Castro, Yahir Alexander 08 February 2021 (has links)
El presente trabajo es cuantitativo, transversal, con diseño correlacional, su objetivo es relacionar la satisfacción con la vida y la espiritualidad en universitarios peruanos. Se empleó la Escala de Satisfacción con la vida (Diener, 1985) y el Cuestionario de Espiritualidad (Parsian & Dunning, 2009). Participaron 169 universitarios (60 hombres y 109 mujeres) de una universidad privada de Lima. Se encontró que existe una correlación positiva, es decir, a mayor satisfacción con la vida, mayor espiritualidad. Entre los principales resultados, los hombres obtuvieron un mayor puntaje en satisfacción con la vida, así como en las dimensiones de conocimiento de vida interior y sentido de vida. Mientras que, las mujeres puntuaron más en importancia de la espiritualidad y necesidades espirituales. En relación con quienes viven con otros familiares puntuaron más en satisfacción con la vida. En cuanto a los participantes que solo trabajan, presentaron mayor satisfacción con la vida, así como el menor puntaje en necesidades espirituales. Por otro las, las personas que se consideraban ateas obtuvieron un mayor puntaje en satisfacción con la vida. Por último, quienes son convivientes tuvieron mayor puntaje en satisfacción con la vida, conocimiento de vida interior, importancia de espiritualidad, sentido de vida y necesidades espirituales. / The present work is quantitative, cross-sectional, with a correlational, its objective is to relate Satisfaction with life and Spirituality in Peruvian university students. The Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener, 1985) and the Spirituality Questionnaire (Parsian & Dunning, 2009) were used. 169 university students (60 men and 109 women) from a private university in Lima participated. It was found that there is a positive correlation, that is, the greater the satisfaction with life, the greater the spirituality. Among the main results, men obtained a higher score in satisfaction with life, as well as in the dimensions of knowledge of inner life and meaning of life. While women scored more in importance of spirituality and spiritual needs. In relation to those who live with other relatives, they scored more in satisfaction with life. As for the participants who only work, they presented the highest satisfaction, as well as the lowest score in spiritual needs. On the other hand, people who considered themselves atheists obtained a higher score in satisfaction with life. Finally, those who are cohabiting had higher scores in satisfaction with life, knowledge of inner life, importance of spirituality, meaning of life and spiritual needs. / Tesis
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