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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekstruduoto baltyminio priedo virškinamumas, jo poveikis karvių produktyvumui ir pieno sudėčiai / Digestibility of extruded protein additives and their influence on cow productivity and milk composition

Kudlinskienė, Ieva 19 May 2014 (has links)
UAB „Naujasis Nevėžis“ 2012 metais buvo sukurta ekstruduoto baltyminio priedo LAKTOMIL-1 receptūra, šis produktas skirtas melžiamoms karvėms skirtingais produktyvumo tarpsniais. Baltyminio priedo LAKTOMIL – 1 poveikio, karvių produktyvumui ir pieno kokybei, įvertinimui Lukšių žemės ūkio bendrovėje (Lauciškių komplekse) buvo atliktas 90 dienų trukmės bandymas. Bandymui analogų principu atrinkta 30 Lietuvos juodmargių karvių, jos suskirstytos į dvi grupes (kontrolinę ir bandomąją), po 15 gyvulių kiekvienoje. Kontrolinės grupės karvės buvo šeriamos įprastiniu racionu, sudarytu iš kukurūzų siloso, žolių šienainio, kukurūzų grūdainio, rapsų išspaudų, sojų išspaudų ir mineralų. Bandomosios grupės karvės šertos analogišku racionu, tačiau sojų išspaudos pakeistos baltyminiu priedu LAKTOMIL-1. Siekiant nustatyti LAKTOMIL-1 baltymų virškinamumo laipsnį didžiajame prieskrandyje ir plonosiose žarnose, bendradarbiavome su valstybiniu Estijos „Gyvybės Mokslų Universitetu“, Mitybos ir gyvūnų produktų kokybės katedra (Tartu). Baltymų ir sausosios medžiagos virškinamumas didžiajame prieskrandyje buvo nustatytas in sacco metodu. Tyrimui atrinktos trys karvės, kurioms į didįjį prieskrandį įvestos fistulos. Pašarų mėginiai buvo inkubuojami prieskrandyje 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 48 ir 72 valandas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti ekstruduoto baltyminio priedo LAKTOMIL-1 virškinamumą in sacco metodu ir įvertinti skirtingo šėrimo poveikį karvių produktyvumui ir pieno sudėčiai. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. in sacco metodu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object and tasks of work: Investigate extruded protein additive LAKTOMIL-1 ruminal digestibility, determine influence on cow productivity and milk composition. 1. Explore extruded protein additive ruminal digestibility using in sacco method; 2. Set extruded protein additive impact on dairy cows milk production and composition. Research methodology: In 2012 JSC „Naujasis Nevėžis“ specialists developed new extruded protein additive LAKTOMIL-1, for dairy cows in different stages of productivity. To investigate influence of extruded protein additive to cow’s productivity and milk composition, 90 days experiment was carried out in Lukšiai agricultural company (Lauciškiai farm). Analogues of the principle selected thirty Lithuanian Black/white breed cows, they were divided into 2 groups (control and experimental), each group containing 15 animals. The control group was fed a normal cow ration consisting of corn silage, grass silage, maize, rapeseed meal, soybean cake, and minerals. Experimental cows fed a similar diet, but soybean cake was replaced to extruded protein additive LAKTOMIL-1. During the investigation milk yield was determined by the control milking. Milk quality indices have been analyzed in PE “Milk Analysis” (“Pieno tyrimai”). Been studied milk protein, fat, lactose and urea concentration in milk content. Effective degradability of protein and dry matter was determined by the in sacco method using three fistulated cows. The cows were fed the same basal ration... [to full text]

Ūkio dydžio įtaka avių produktyvumui / Sheep farms with different size flocks

Vedegytė, Vaida 18 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Avininkystė Lietuvoje yra svarbi žemės ūkio sritis. Šio sektoriaus plėtrai šalyje yra palankios gamtinės sąlygos, susiformavusios gyvulių auginimo tradicijos, sukaupta patirtis. Gyvulininkystės sektorius yra daugiašakė ir įvairiapuse produkcija pasižyminti veikla, reikšminga Lietuvos gyventojams daugeliu ekonominių ir socialinių aspektų. Šis sektorius yra reikšmingas, aprūpinant Lietuvos vartotojus įvairiais maisto produktais bei svarbus Lietuvos eksporto šaltinis. Gyvūninės kilmės produktai yra svarbi subalansuotos mitybos dalis. Juose yra daug žmogaus organizmui reikalingų maisto medžiagų, vitaminų ir mineralų. Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkis atlieka svarbią ekonominę, socialinę, gamtosauginę ir etnokultūrinę funkciją, todėl laikomas prioritetine ūkio šaka. Jis pajėgus aprūpinti šalies gyventojus visais kokybiškais maisto produktais ir dalį jų eksportuoti. Nors ir lėtai, avininkystės sektorius plečiasi. Auga mėsos paklausa, atsigauna ir vilnos bei kailių perdirbėjai. Vidutinis avių ūkis Lietuvoje, palyginti su vakarų šalimis, dar yra labai mažas. Dauguma augintojų laiko nedaug avių. O tų žmonių, kuriems avininkystė yra verslas, tėra vos kelios dešimtys. Tačiau mažieji augintojai pamažu didina savo bandas. Įdiegus pažangias intensyvaus avių auginimo technologijas, auginant perspektyvias krypties avių veisles, galima tikėtis šio verslo sėkmės. Darbo objektas: skirtingą skaičių avių turintys ūkiai. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti ūkio dydžio įtaką avių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the thesis. Shepherding has an important place in Lithuania‘s agriculture. There are suitable enviromental conditions, established cattle herding traditions and accumulated experience needed for this sector‘s further development in the country. The area of animal husbandry is activity known for its multisectoral and multifaceted production, many aspects of which has great economical and social significance for Lithuanians. This area is also very significant when providing Lithuanian consumer with eatables, furthermore it is very important branch of Lithuania‘s export. Products of animal origin takes big part in a balanced diet. They contain many components, vitamins and minerals which human body requires daily. Husbandry has important economical, social, enviromental and ethnocultural function in the Republic of Lithuania, thus it has priority in Lithuania‘s economy. It has capability not only to provide quality eatables for citizens, but also to export some. Sheepherding sector is growing, even though the growth rate is not very pronounced. The demand for meat grows; wool and fur processors are recovering. In Lithuania average sheep farm is very small when comparing with farms in other western countries. Most livestock owners don‘t have a lot of sheep. Furthermore, there are only few who make business out of it. However the small farmers seem to be increasing their flocks. If this business were introduced to advanced sheep herding technologies as well as... [to full text]

Avaliação da tecnologia de comunicação móvel no monitoramento de equinos de esporte / Evaluation of mobile communication technology in the monitoring of equine sport

Villar, Magaly 27 March 2019 (has links)
Com o aumento do poder da computação e o surgimento de dispositivos de comunicação móvel (smartphones), cada vez mais inteligentes, acompanhado de uma variedade de aplicativos capazes de monitorar eventos externos, observa-se um crescimento no desenvolvimento de aplicações capazes de monitorar, em tempo real, processos e sistemas, usando a tecnologia disponível nos smartphones. Dentro desse contexto, este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar a possibilidade da aplicação dessas tecnologias também em sistemas biológicos, como nos equinos. Estes animais apresentam pré-disposição para a síndrome cólica, podendo levá-los a óbito, quando não socorridos em tempo hábil. Uma forma de socorrê-los é diagnosticá-los precocemente. Tal diagnóstico pode ser realizado por meio da observação e/ou detecção de alteração do padrão de comportamento cinético do animal. Logo, os smartphones, que possuem sensores de movimento, podem ser um dos mecanismos de auxílio ao diagnóstico da síndrome cólica. Para testar esta aplicabilidade foram utilizados três equinos que usaram, um por vez, um smartphone acoplado a caneleira. Para o monitoramento, o dispositivo móvel instalado no animal, possuia um aplicativo que armazenava os dados dos sensores e os disponibilizava em outro dispositivo digital, via e-mail. Os sensores foram calibrados em quatro tomadas, sendo uma no cavalo 1: treinando, duas no cavalo 2: na baia e no pasto e uma no cavalo 3: no pasto. Os animais foram analisados no momento que estiveram usando o equipamento de forma contínua. A análise comportamental foi alicerçada na interação animal-sensor baseado no conceito descrito por Henson e Hayward (2010), ou seja, o comportamento cinético do animal foi a entrada pertubativa para avaliar as respostas dos sensores. / With the increase in computer power, mobile communication or smartphones and the wide variety of applications developed for the devices that are able to track external events, there are a growing number of applications that involve the real-time tracking of processes and systems using the technology available in smartphones. This work aims to evaluate the possibility of applying these technologies also in biological systems, how the horses. These animals are prone for the colic syndrome that may lead them to death when not rescued in a time. In addition, one way to help them is early diagnosis. Such a diagnosis can be performed in part by the kinetic behavior pattern of the animal and the smartphones have kinetic (motion) sensors. Therefore, the smartphone can be one of the mechanisms to aid in the diagnosis of colic syndrome, thus defining the central objective of this project. To test the applicability three horses will be used, they will use one at a time, the smartphone coupled. The mobile device, installed in the animal, will have an application that will store the data of the sensors and make them available in another digital device via e-mail. The sensors were calibrated in four outlets, one on horse 1: training, two on horse 2: in coach horse and on pasture, one on horse 3: on pasture. The animals will be evaluated when they are using the equipment in continuous way. Behavioral analysis will be based on the animal-sensor interaction based on the concept described by Henson and Hayward (2010), that is, the kinetic behavior of the animal will be the pertubative input to evaluate the responses of the sensors.

Lietuvos vietinių veislių arklių genetinė analizė / Genetic analysis of Lithuanian native horse breeds

Juras, Rytis 30 March 2005 (has links)
1. For the first time a wide range of biochemical genetic markers and different typing techniques were used to access levels of genetic variability in Lithuanian horse breeds; 2. DNA based methods were used to access levels of genetic variation in Lithuanian horse breeds; 3. Genetic variation in Lithuanian horses was investigated using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequencing; 4. Genetic relationship and genetic distances between the breeds were estimated using a wide range of different genetic markers.

Pieno ir kefyro mikrobiologinių rodiklių analizė / Milk and kefir microbiological analysis

Adamavičiūtė, Deimantė 16 March 2006 (has links)
The aim of this work is to research milk and kefir microbiological indicators according to microbiological risk factors in the milk processing company A. Work tasks: to analyze drinking milk, ultra high temperature pasteurized milk and kefir descriptions and factors of the risk in technological process schemes; microbiological factors of the risk control schemes; samples of these products microbiological indicators according to company’s self-control plan. Conclusion: The main microbiological risk factors in drinking milk is total bacterial count, coliform bacteria, Salmonella; in the kefir – coliform bacteria, yeasts and moulds. Principals control points in drinking milk, ultra high temperature pasteurized milk and kefir technological schemes are: reception of the raw cow’s milk; freezing of the raw cow’s milk, storage and keeping; pasteurization of milk and freezing, pasteurized milk compound storage and keeping; milk warming, deaeration, homogenization, sterilization and refreshing (only for ultra high temperature pasteurized milk); repeated thermal treatment, cooling up to inoculation temperature (only for kefir); inoculation and incubation (only for kefir); storage. In the company’s A self-control plan preview principal control points microbiological risk factors are controlled by keeping a check of heating and freezing stages temperature and duration, monitoring of microbiological parameters are made not less than 4 times per year. Coliform bacteria and total bacteria... [to full text]

Rapsų sėklų maistinės vertės nustatymas ir jų panaudojimas viščiukų broilerių lesinimui / Determination of nutritive value of rapeseeds and their use for the feeding of broiler chickens

Venckutė, Giedrė 16 March 2006 (has links)
Recently rapeseed products have become more important for animals nutrition and poultry feeding. Such nutrition matters like glucosinolates, tannins, nonstarch polysacharides limit its bigger interposition. The quality of rapeseed products and seeds is changeable, because it depends on genotype of the rapeseed, fertilization conditions and their technological processing during the time of feed preparation. The aim of this work is to investigate the nutritional value of rapeseed products, estimate the influence of rapeseeds to the intensity of broiler chickens growth, consumption and digestibility of nutrients. To determine the effect of phytates ferment preparation supplement to calcium and phosphorus utilization in the organism of broiler chickens and the effect of possible rapeseed supplement in feed for broiler chickens femorals’ sensory quality.

Lietuvos žalųjų ir žalmargių galvijų genealoginė struktūra, produktyvumo, reprodukcinių bei eksterjero savybių analizė / The genealogical structure and analysis of the production, reproductive and exterior traits of the Lithuanian Red and Red -and- White cattle

Oberauskas, Darius 12 April 2005 (has links)
The study was carried out at the Laboratory of Animal Breeding Value Establishment and Selection of Lithuanian Veterinary Academy in the time of postgraduate studies from 2003 to 2005. During the last seven years Lithuanian red and red-and-white controlled dairy cattle breeds average yield increased 41.7%, milk fat production - 50.9%, milk proteins production – 46.1%. Between milk fat and milk proteins was found medium positive correlation coefficient (rp =0.36-0.56; p<0.01), which show milk fat increasing has positive effect to milk proteins increasing. Correlation coefficient between milk production and milk fat, milk proteins is very high (rp =0.87-0.96; p<0.01). The analysis of Variance showed the breed influence on reproductive traits of cow to be statistically reliable (p<0.001). The breed had the greatest influence on cows age during calving. The influence of bulls line on many traits of cows exterior is statistically reliable (p<0,001).

Aukšto raumeningumo Lietuvos baltųjų kiaulių mėsinio genotipo sukūrimas / Creation of high muscularity Lithuanian white pig meat genotype

Muzikevičius, Aleksandras 14 March 2007 (has links)
Novelty of the research: 1. Using pure and cross breeding methods competitive genotype of Lithuanian White pig was formed. 2. Method of mixed linear model multivariate analysis was used and heritability of pig productive traits was evaluated in one farm conditions. 3. Genetic evaluation of Lithuanian White breed structure – boars’ lines and sows’ families- was performed as well as their productive traits correlations were determined for the first time in country. 4. For the first time in Lithuanian pig husbandry computerized method for determination of „muscle eye“ area was used. Practical meaning of the work: Using advantages of pure breeding and applying Large White breed „blood infusion“ was created consolidated meat genotype of Lithuanian White pig with high heritability of muscularity, which is used for genetic improvement in other Lithuanian White pig breed farms. At the moment 90 % of best BLUP method evaluated Lithuanian White pig breed boars and sows are kept in UAB „Berka“.

Lietuvos pieno sektoriaus pokyčių analizė / Analysis of milk sector changes in Lithuania

Mačiulskienė, Justina 30 June 2008 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – atlikti Lietuvos pieno sektoriaus pokyčių analizę Lietuvai tapus Europos sąjungos nare. Darbe buvo tiriama Europos Sąjungos pieno rinkos, struktūrinės paramos ir rinkos organizavimo priemonių įtaka Lietuvos pieno sektoriui. Tyrimas atliktas naudojant statistinius ir matematinius duomenų analizės ir grafinio vaizdavimo, lyginamosios analizės, mokslinės literatūros analizės ir sintezės metodus. ES bendrosios rinkos atsivėrimas, struktūrinė parama ir rinkos organizavimo priemonės turėjo didžiausią poveikį Lietuvos pieno ūkių struktūriniams pokyčiams bei pieno ir pieno produktų paklausai ir konkurencingumui. 2004 – 2008 metais bendra pieno kvota ir pardavimo perdirbti pieno kvota padidėjo, o pardavimo tiesiogiai vartoti pieno kvota sumažėjo. Tačiau pieno kvotos dėl nepakankamo pieno gamybos organizavimo nebuvo įvykdytos. Pieno kvotų turėtojų skaičius kasmet mažėjo dėl pieno ūkių stambėjimo bei asmenų pasitraukimo iš žemės ūkio gamybos. Didėjant pieno gamybai, augo pieno ir pieno produktų prekyba su ES šalimis bei pajamos dėl padidėjusių rinkos kainų. 2007 metais sumažėjo sviesto, s��rių ir varškės, laktozės ir kazeino eksportas dėl sumažėjusios šių produktų gamybos ir pieno naudojimo kitų pieno produktų gamybai. Ledų eksportas ir importas didėjo dėl didėjančios šių produktų paklausos rinkoje. Stambėjant pieno ūkiams ženkliai sumažėjo pieno ūkių, kuriuose buvo laikoma 1 – 4 karvės, skaičius. Padidėjo pieno ūkių, kuriuose buvo laikoma daugiau kaip 30 karvių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the work was to analyze changes in Lithuanian milk sector after accession to EU. Impact of EU common market and support provided by structural funds and market support means was studied. Statistical and descriptive analysis of findings was applied. Study showed, that EU common market, structural funds and market support means have had the biggest impact to Lithuanian milk sector. In 2004 – 2008 common milk quota and quota for the milk delivery were increased. Quota for direct milk sale was reduced. However milk quota has never been delivered. Enlargement of farms and early retirement of farmers have reduced a number of keepers of milk quota. Growing milk production and common market has raised trade in dairy products. Milk has been used for production of variety of dairy products. In 2007 there was some decrease in trade of butter, cheese and cottage cheese, lactose and casein. There was high demand of ice-cream on the market. Enlargement and modernization of milk sector have significantly decreased a number of dairy farms keeping 1 – 4 cows. Dairy herds have improved in milk yield and milk quality.

Kiaulienos cheminių, fizinių ir technologinių savybių kitimas giluminio užšaldymo ir laikymo metu / Meat freezing and storage influence on its physical and chemical properties

Korsukovas, Audrius 28 February 2006 (has links)
Introduction. At low temperature the preservation of foodstuffs is one of the best ways of their storage and therefore this method is widely used in meat industry. The low temperature suppresses the activity of microorganisms and tissue ferments. Therefore the meat preserved by freezing keeps for a long time its initial properties and there are only minimal changes of food value and taste. At low temperature the activity of ferments slows down but does not stop. Work object. The work object is the determination of the change of physical-chemical properties of meat during freezing and keeping in - 180 C and - 860 C temperature. Work methodics. The research as fulfilled at the laboratory of the evaluation of the cattle meat properties and the meat quality. For the rersearch taken 14 Lithuanian white pig meat samples the mean weight of which was 500 g. were taken. They were put into special freezing bags and were frozen at temperature -180 C, and -860 C. Before freezing it the physical-chemical properties of the meat were determined. Two examples from each meat samples were researched. The determination of the physical-chemical properties of the meat was fulfilled every month. Also were was taken 6 Lithuanian white pig meat samples the mean weight of which was 500 g. Before freezing it the physical-chemical properties of the meat were determined. After that was made green tea extract, 500 ml. Water ant 50 g tea. All extract was inject in to the meat samples. They were put... [to full text]

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