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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Smith, Logan A. 10 August 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The Construction and Impact of Power in Cross-Sector Partnerships: An Interpretive Phenomenological Study

Walker, Kimberly Allyn 23 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Ledarskapets betydelse för medarbetarnas sjukfrånvaro : En komparativ fallstudie / Leadership importance for employee sickness absence : A comparative case study

Berggren Quintana, Clara, Consoli, Isabella January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sjukfrånvaro har länge varit ett centralt och politiskt samhällsproblem i Sverige. En orsakande faktor för medarbetarnas ohälsa är stress och psykiska påfrestningar, vilket bland annat kan påverkas av ledarskap. Det finns olika ledarstilar som chefer kan tillämpa, vilka har olika påverkan på medarbetarnas hälsa. Dessa är transformativ och transaktionell ledarstil samt demokratisk eller relationsorienterad ledarstil och auktoritär eller uppgiftsorienterad ledarstil. Fördelaktigt för de anställdas hälsa är ledarskap som tillämpar Kaizen som arbetsmetod vilket förklaras som att verksamheten kontinuerligt ska förändras till det bättre. Således visar tidigare forskning att ledarskapet kan ha betydelse för medarbetarnas psykosociala hälsa på arbetsplatsen. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att beskriva och analysera skillnaden mellan chefers ledarskap på avdelningar med hög respektive låg sjukfrånvaro. För att besvara syftet utgår studien från teorier om ledarstilar och arbetsmetoden Kaizen. Metod: För att besvara studiens syfte har både chefers och medarbetares perspektiv på problemet tagits tillvara på i undersökningen genom en kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie med en iterativ växelverkan mellan deduktiv och induktiv ansats. En komparativ metod har genomförts då två jämförbara avdelningar, med hög respektive låg sjukfrånvaro, har studerats. Slutsats: Studiens resultat är att chefers ledarskap skiljer sig utifrån vilka ledarstilar som tillämpas samt i vilken grad chefer arbetar enligt Kaizen. Chefer som har olika ledarskap har även medarbetare med olika sjukfrånvaro, således kan chefers ledarskap ha betydelse för medarbetarnas sjukfrånvaro. / Background: Sickness absence have long been a central and political societal problem in Sweden. One factor that has caused employee’s ill health is job strain and psychic stress which may be influenced by leadership. There are different leadership styles that managers can apply which have different effects on employee health. These are transformative and transactional leadership styles as well as democratic or relationship-oriented leadership styles and authoritarian or task-oriented leadership styles. Advantageously for employee health is leaders who apply Kaizen as a working method. Kaizen can be described as continuous improvements. Thus, leadership is significant for employees' psychosocial health in the workplace. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the difference between managers' leadership in departments with high and low sick leave. To answer the purpose, the study is based on theories of leadership styles and the Kaizen method. Method: To answer the purpose of this study, both managers and employees have given their perspective to the problem. They have participated in the survey through a qualitative and quantitative study with an iterative interaction between deductive and inductive approach. The study has been carried out using a comparative method by studying two comparable departments with reported high or low sickness absence.   Conclusion: The result of this study is that the leadership differs according to the leadership styles applied and to what extent managers work according to Kaizen. Managers with different leadership also have employees with different sickness absence. Thus, manager’s leadership can be important for employees' sickness absence.

Making the Invisible Visible

Knox, David Jonathan 08 September 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Absence That Is Present: Civil War Photography. 1862-2015

Stricker, Kirsten E. 19 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Bat Community Structure and Habitat Selection Across an Urban-Agricultural Landscape

Galen Edward Burrell (13171299) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Bats serve important ecological and economic roles in their communities. However, due to anthropogenic land use and human-introduced disease, bat populations in North America are facing unprecedented declines. To better inform conservation efforts for bat species in northeastern Indiana, I studied two aspects of bat ecology: (1) the effects of urbanization and agriculture on bat community composition in northeastern Indiana and (2) the roosting behavior of a population of state endangered/federally threatened northern long-eared bats (<em>Myotis septentrionalis</em>; hereafter northern myotis) in a restored mesic forest adjacent to a moderately sized city (Fort Wayne, IN). To study the first aspect, I deployed acoustic detectors in green spaces throughout Fort Wayne and the surrounding rural areas of Allen County. For each detector site, I compared species occupancy rates with site-specific characteristics at the plot scale (e.g., % canopy cover, midstory density) and at multiple landscape scales (e.g., % impervious cover within 1 km). Across 429 survey nights, acoustic detectors recorded calls from eight unique bat species, of which six species were abundant enough to conduct occupancy modeling. In four of the six species, measures of the amount of forest and forest edge in the landscape were included in one or more of the top models. The top models for the two other bat species, tricolored bats (<em>Perimyotis subflavus</em>) and silver-haired bats (<em>Lasionycteris noctivagans</em>), included measures of urban land cover and revealed a negative relationship between probability of occupancy and the proportion of high-density urban land in the area. The effect of habitat scale also differed between species. For example, models in the confidence set for eastern red bats (<em>Lasiurus borealis</em>) included variables associated with the plots surrounding detectors and with landscape features within 100 m of detectors. In contrast, the top models for hoary bats (<em>Lasiurus cinereus</em>) included landscape features at larger scales, within 500m and 1 km of detector sites. These findings suggest that both generalist and forest-obligate bat species in this study area selected spaces with greater levels of forested habitat. Furthermore, heavily urbanized areas were less likely to support the same levels of bat diversity as areas with forests and other green space.</p> <p>To accomplish the second aspect of my project, I captured bats in Fox Island County Park (Fort Wayne, IN) using mist-nets and affixed temperature-sensitive radio transmitters to four northern myotis individuals. I tracked these individuals back to day roosts, where I recorded roost characteristics (e.g., tree height, # of roost trees within 0.1 ha) and monitored bat skin temperatures (Tsk). I compared the characteristics of selected roosts to those of randomly assigned available trees in the same landscape to determine trends in roost selection preferences. Northern myotis in this study strongly preferred standing dead trees within a 31-ha patch of flooded forest on the northern border of Fox Island. These trees were highly exposed to solar radiation and were consistently warmer than ambient weather conditions, which suggests they may provide important thermoregulatory benefits to reproductive females and other members of the population.</p> <p>My research offers valuable information regarding resource use by bat communities in a landscape dominated by anthropogenic development. Urban areas containing large stretches of forests with trees in various stages of decay will be more likely to meet the needs of bats that would otherwise struggle in developed landscapes. The results of this study can be used to inform conservation efforts aimed at protecting populations of bats throughout Indiana and the Midwestern United States.</p>

Étude du champ magnétique interne de deux matériaux magnétiques et d'un supraconducteur sans symétrie d'inversion

Desilets-Benoit, Alexandre 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse est divisée en trois parties. Une première section présente les résultats de l'étude de la formation de polarons magnétiques liés (BMP) dans le ferroaimant EuB6 par diffusion de neutrons à petits angles (SANS). La nature magnétique du système ferromagnétique est observée sous une température critique de 15K. La signature des BMP n'apparaît pas dans la diffusion de neutrons, mais ces mesures permettent de confirmer une limite inférieure de 100\AA à la longueur de cohérence des BMP (xi_{Lower}). Dans un second temps, l'étude du LaRhSi3, un supraconducteur sans symétrie d'inversion, par muSR et ZF-muSR nous permet de sonder le comportement magnétique du système dans la phase supraconductrice. Aucun champ magnétique interne n'a été détecté en ZF-muSR sous la température critique (T_c = 2.2K). Cela indique que la phase supraconductrice ne porte pas de moment cinétique intrinsèque. L'analyse du spectre d'asymétrie sous l'application d'un champ magnétique externe nous apprend que le système est faiblement type II par l'apparition de la signature de domaines magnétiques typique d'un réseau de vortex entre H_{c1}(0) et H_{c2}(0), respectivement de 80+/- 5 et 169.0 +/- 0.5 G. Finalement, la troisième section porte sur l'étude du champ magnétique interne dans l'antiferroaimant organique NIT-2Py. L'observation d'une dépendance en température des champs magnétiques internes aux sites d'implantation muonique par ZF-muSR confirme la présence d'une interaction à longue portée entre les moments cinétiques moléculaires. Ces valeurs de champs internes, comparées aux calculs basés sur la densité de spins obtenue par calculs de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité, indiquent que la moitié des molécules se dimérisent et ne contribuent pas à l'ordre antiferromagnétique. La fraction des molécules contribuant à l'ordre antiferromagnétique sous la température critique (T_c = 1.33 +/- 0.01K) forme des chaines uniformément polarisées selon l'axe (1 0 -2). Ces chaines interagissent antiferromagnétiquement entre elles le long de l'axe (0 1 0) et ferromagnétiquement entre les plan [-1 0 2]. / This thesis is divided in three sections. The first section presents the results from a small angle neutron scattering (SANS) investigation of the formation of bound magnetic polarons in the ferromagnet EuB6. While the magnetic nature of the system was observed below 15K, we could not resolve the q dependent signature of the polarons, thus putting a lower limit of 100\AA to the coherence length of the phenomenon (xi_{Lower}). Secondly, we investigated the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaRhSi3 by muSR. The absence of an internal field below T_c = 2.2 K in ZF-muSR, indicates that the superconducting wave function does not carry an intrinsic magnetic moment. The asymmetry spectrum taken under external magnetic field shows the magnetic signature associated with vortices between H_{c1}(0) and H_{c2}(0), respectively 80 +/- 5 and 169.0 +/- 0.5 G, suggesting the system is weakly type-II. Finally, the third section presents the zero field muSR study of internal magnetic fields in the organic antiferromagnet NIT-2Py. The temperature dependent oscillating signal in the ZF-muSR spectrum confirms the presence of a long-range magnetic interaction between the molecules. By comparing the measured internal magnetic fields to calculated values based on density fonctional theory calculations, we confirm that half the molecules dimerizes while the other half forms the antiferromagnetic order under the critical temperature (T_c = 1.33 +/- 0.01K). In this antiferromagnetic order, the moments on the magnetic molecules are uniformly aligned along the (1 0 -2) axis. They interact antiferromagnetically along the (0 1 0) axis and ferromagnetically between the [-1 0 2] planes.

« Quelque chose en moi n’a jamais été là » : écriture de la dépersonne dans Putain, Folle et À ciel ouvert de Nelly Arcan

Flipot Meunier, Gabrielle 08 1900 (has links)
Les trois premiers récits de Nelly Arcan présentent des narratrices (Putain, 2001 ; Folle, 2004) et des protagonistes (À ciel ouvert, 2007) habitées par un état d’absence à soi et au monde. Paraissant n’être jamais tout à fait là, elles ont en commun une présence au monde spectrale ainsi qu’un sentiment de vacuité dont émerge le désir de pousser à son paroxysme l’effacement de soi. C’est à ces personnages féminins dont la subjectivité paraît rompue d’emblée que s’intéresse ce mémoire, en proposant de qualifier cet état trouble de « dépersonne », terme employé par Marguerite Duras pour décrire l’héroïne de son roman Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964) avec qui les personnages d’Arcan partagent plusieurs ressemblances mais aussi certaines divergences. Il s’agira d’interroger, dans une perspective féministe et à la lumière des concepts psychanalytiques de l’inquiétante étrangeté et du stade du miroir, les manifestations et conséquences de la « dépersonne » en postulant qu’elles s’articulent principalement autour du rapport qu’entretiennent ces figures féminines à leur corps-objet et à l’altérité. Il sera question du décalage entre la conscience et le corps que produit « l’acharnement esthétique » qui cristallise l’image d’un vide intérieur et inscrit sur le corps et dans la psyché le paradoxe spectral d’une présence/absence. De cette obsession du corps naît également une difficulté à se différencier de l’autre féminin, de sorte que se profilent l’inquiétante figure du double ainsi qu’une conception sérielle de la féminité, lesquelles compliquent un rapport à autrui déjà fragilisé par un besoin désespéré, chez ces personnages, d’être vues et désirées, comme pour éprouver leur propre réalité sans cesse remise en doute. / Nelly Arcan’s first three publications feature narrators (Putain, 2001; Folle, 2004) and characters (À ciel ouvert, 2007) afflicted by a state of absence from themselves and the world. Seemingly never quite there, they share a spectral presence, and a sense of emptiness from which emerges a desire to bring their self-effacement to its completion. This dissertation focuses on these female characters whose subjectivity seems fractured from the outset, proposing to name this troubled state “dépersonne”, a term used by Marguerite Duras to describe the protagonist of her novel Le ravissement de Lol V. Stein (1964), with whom Arcan’s characters share many similarities but also some divergences. From a feminist perspective, and in light of the psychoanalytical concepts of the uncanny and the mirror stage, this research will examine the manifestations and consequences of this “dépersonne”, postulating that they mainly revolve around these female figures’ relationship to their bodies and to others. It will analyse the offset between the conscience and the body that is produced by the relentless work the characters operate on their physical appearance, which is called by Arcan “l’acharnement esthétique” and which crystallizes the image of an inner void and inscribes on the body and psyche the spectral paradox of a presence/absence. This obsession also creates a difficulty in differentiating oneself from the feminine Other: this evokes the troubling figure of the double and a serial conception of femininity, both of which complicate a relationship to alterity that is already fragilized by a desperate need in Arcan’s characters to be seen and desired, as to test their own reality constantly called into question.


15 September 2020 (has links)
[pt] Narrativas acerca de intervenções de infraestrutura e de segurança nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro são construídas em torno da chegada do Estado onde ele supostamente estava ausente com o objetivo de resolver o problema favela, tanto em termos da dita informalidade e precariedade, quanto em termos da suposta marginalidade dos seus habitantes, e integrálas ao restante da cidade como forma de superar a cidade partida. A concretude de sucessivas intervenções de infraestrutura e as frequentes intervenções de segurança, no entanto, permitem o questionamento desse mito da ausência do Estado nas favelas, enquanto a proximidade geográfica entre favela e asfalto, a circulação do espaço e a mão de obra que sustenta as relações na cidade empreendidas por seus moradores, e toda a sua vibrante produção social e cultural permitem o questionamento do mito da cidade partida. A principal pergunta que se coloca, portanto, é como o Estado brasileiro atua sobre esses espaços e corpos onde tradicionalmente é visto como ausente e frágil. Para tal, o presente trabalho partirá da literatura de Relações Internacionais para entender a relação entre discursos de falência, fragilidade, desordem e práticas específicas de intervenção e reconstrução no âmbito global (a partir dos conceitos de Estado falido, peacebuilding e nexo segurança-desenvolvimento), passando por uma literatura que mobiliza esses conceitos para pensar o urbano, pensar a cidade como um problema e suas possíveis soluções (em termos de peacebuilding urbano, cidades frágeis, urbanismo militar). Então, a partir da literatura brasileira especializada em favelas, questionará a construção da favela enquanto problema e as soluções articuladas por meio de formas específicas de presença do Estado, de forma a repactuar o problema como sendo um problema da atuação seletiva e imperfeita, muitas vezes racista, do Estado nesses espaços. Finalmente, a partir das contribuições e insuficiências dos conceitos e literaturas anteriores, o trabalho refletirá como as intervenções estatais, com foco em intervenções de infraestrutura e segurança, materializam-se especificamente no Complexo da Maré, reproduzindo exclusões e desigualdades, e como os moradores e organizações locais resistem a elas. / [en] Narratives about infrastructure and security interventions in Rio de Janeiro favelas are often built around the arrival of the State in places where it was supposedly absent, aiming at resolving the favela problem, both in terms of their informality and precariousness, and in terms of the marginality and criminality, and at integrating them with the formal neighborhoods so as to overcome the divided city. The concrete reality of successive infrastructure and security interventions, however, allows us to question the myth of State absence in favelas, whereas the territorial proximity between favelas and the rest of the city, their residents labor and circulation across the city and their vibrant social and cultural production allow us to question the myth of the divided city. Therefore, the main question posed is how the Brazilian State acts upon these spaces and bodies where it is traditionally seen as fragile and absent. With this aim, the presente work mobilizes International Relations literature to understand the relation between failure, fragility, disorder and practices of intervention in the global realm (which involves concepts such as failed State, peacebuilding and security-development nexus), and also literatures which mobilize such concepts in order to understand the urban realm, to understand cities as problems and their solutions (in terms of urban peacebuilding, fragile cities, military urbanism). Then, departing from a favela-focused Brazilian literature, the work questions the myth of the favela problem and also the solutions which are articulated in terms of specific forms of state presence, so as to reframe the problem as a problem of selective and imperfect, often racist, state actions. Finally, building upon those literatures contributions and limitations, the work reflects upon how state interventions, especially insfrastructure and security interventions, materialize in Complexo da Maré, reproducing exclusion and inequality, and how residents and local organizations resist those interventions.

Absence epilepsy as a barrier for effective teaching and learning in underprivileged communities

Mabele, Pretty Zakhi 01 1900 (has links)
After the dispensation of the White Paper 6 in schools, there were no detailed guidelines to accommodate the learners with invisible impairments like absence epilepsy, especially those who live in underprivileged communities. Affected learners are still struggling and not receiving proper instruction in ordinary schools because of the nature of absence epilepsy. It seems like it is unknown that they are suffering, because the symptoms are absent. These learners are performing poorly; they are having learning and behavioural problems. At home parents are ignorant of their plight, teachers are oblivious of their problems and at schools they are being discriminated against by other children. As a result, they repeat grades and some end up leaving school to join the unemployed. They have a low self-esteem and remain unsociable. This is because they suffer from absence epilepsy which is a medical problem. Absence epilepsy is unknown to both parents and teachers in these communities. Cultural beliefs and ignorance prevent parents from taking these children to clinics for identification, which results in them not being supported in schools. / Inclusive Education / M. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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