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Angels In-between. The Poetics of Excess and the Crisis of RepresentationCosma, Ioana 07 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the reconfiguration of the limits of representation in reference to the intermediary function of angels. The Modernist engagement with the figure
of the angel entailed, primarily, a reconsideration of the problem of representation as well as an attempt to trace the contours of a poetics that plays itself outside the mimetic understanding of representation. My contention is that this transformation of literary referentiality was not simply a disengagement of art from reality but, rather, from the truthfalsity,
reality-fiction, subject-object dichotomies. The angel, defined as the figure of passage
par excellence, but also as the agency that induces the transformation of the visible in the invisible and vice versa, appears both as a model/archetype and as a guide towards the illumination of this intermediary aesthetic.
Working with the joined perspectives from angelology, contemporary phenomenology, and poetics, this dissertation is an extended overview of the notion of intermediary spaces, as well as an attempt to probe the relevance of this concept for the field
of literary studies. In the first case, this dissertation offers a theoretical background to the concept of intermediality, seen in its theological, phenomenological, aesthetic and ethical significances. In the second case, it presents the reader with a heuristic apparatus for approaching this problematic in the field of literary interpretation and provides examples of
ways in which such an analysis can become relevant. The primary texts discussed here are all examples of attempts to redefine the notion of representation away from the truth-falsity or subject-object oppositions, as well as to create an aesthetic space with its own particularities, at the limit between visibility and invisibility, excessive presence and absence. Nicholas of
Cusa’s “Preface” to The Vision of God proposes an ethics of reading defined by admiratio (the consubstantiation of immediacy and distance) under the aegis of the all-seeing icon of God. Louis Marin’s reading of the episode of the Resurrection reveals that history and narrative arise from the conjunction of the excessive absence of the empty tomb of Jesus and
the excessive presence announcing the resurrection of Christ. Sohravardî’s “Recital of the
Crimson Angel” is a presentation of the space-between of revelation, between cognitio
matutina and cognitio vespertina. Walter Benjamin’s “Agesilaus Santander” restores the
connections between the exoteric and the esoteric under the patient gaze of “Angelus
Novus”. Paul Valéry’s Eupalinos, ou l’Architecte explores the aesthetic of “real appearance” in the space-between the image and the perceiving eye. Poe and Malamud’s short stories reveal the affinities between poetic language and angelophany. Elie Wiesel’s Les portes de la forêt expands the apophatic itinerary from the self to the radically other in a hermeneutical gesture which has the angel as its initial and final guide. Finally, Rafael Alberti’s Sobre los
ángeles shows that the aphaeretic function of poetic language is very similar to the apophatic treatment of the world as representation; in this last sense too, the angels are indispensible guides.
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An electrophysiological examination of visuomotor activity elicited by visual object affordancesDixon, Thomas Oliver January 2016 (has links)
A wide literature of predominantly behavioural experiments that use Stimulus Response Compatibility (SRC) have suggested that visual action information such as object affordance yields rapid and concurrent activation of visual and motor brain areas, but has rarely provided direct evidence for this proposition. This thesis examines some of the key claims from the affordance literature by applying electrophysiological measures to well established SRC procedures to determine the verities of the behavioural claims of rapid and automatic visuomotor activation evoked by viewing affording objects. The temporal sensitivity offered by the Lateralised Readiness Potential and by visual evoked potentials P1 and N1 made ideal candidates to assess the behavioural claims of rapid visuomotor activation by seen objects by examining the timecourse of neural activation elicited by viewing affording objects under various conditions. The experimental work in this thesis broadly confirms the claims of the behavioural literature however it also found a series of novel results that are not predicted by the behavioural literature due to limitations in reaction time measures. For example, while different classes of affordance have been shown to exert the same behavioural facilitation, electrophysiological measures reveal very different patterns of cortical activation for grip-type and lateralised affordances. These novel findings question the applicability of the label ‘visuomotor’ to grip-type affordance processing and suggest considerable revision to models of affordance. This thesis also offers a series of novel and surprising insights into the ability to dissociate afforded motor activity from behavioural output, into the relationship between affordance and early visual evoked potentials, and into affordance in the absence of the intention to act. Overall, this thesis provides detailed suggestions for considerable changes to current models of the neural activity underpinning object affordance.
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Captured atmospheres - Rooms and interiors that tell a story in the absence of people / We have a visitorSkogsberg, Victoria January 2013 (has links)
Captured atmospheres - Rooms and interiors that tell a story in the absence of people är en undersökning av min konstnärliga praktik, återkommande teman, idéer och intressen samt bestående influenser. Genom en längre process där jag gick igenom många års samlande av texter, citat, bilder och idéer som har inspirerat och influerat mitt arbete, försökte jag skapa mig en överblick eller förståelse av denna samling och hur den reflekterar min konstnärliga praktik. I denna process valde jag ut de texter, citat och bilder som jag känner står mig närmast de ideér och verk som jag arbetat med under de senaste åren. Den utvalda samlingen kom att handla om atmosfär, stämningar, rumslighet, psykiska upplevelser, frånvaro och existens. Arbetet består av en Artist book-del där jag jobbat med att i en Artist book-format uttrycka de stämningar, atmosfärer och rumsupplevelser - som inspirerar mig och driver min konstnärliga praktik - med bilder, citat och texter från min samling. Den andra delen av arbetet består av en text där jag försöker uttrycka samma idéer och intressen i essäformat. / [I examensarbetet ingår utställningen "We have a visitor":] The exhibition - We have a visitor - is an installation based on the story of a murder case that was solved by PSI phenomena. A woman was murdered and the police had nothing to go on until another woman reported that she had been possessed by the murdered woman and gave details of the murder and the murderer that led to the case being solved. The installation shows two empty rooms; one through a large flat screen TV dropped on the floor displaying still images from a peculiar angle of a room environment, as if the camera (or somebody) is laying on the floor. A voice speaks to us, through the subtitles in the video, describing her own murder. The TV screen is placed on a piece of carpet cut in a shape emphasising the strange angle of the filmed room and points to a screen print on the wall displaying another angle of the same room. The viewer is standing in the portrayed room. The second room, projected onto a large temporary freestanding wall, display shots from a filmed bedroom, focusing on the top of the bed as if someone is laying there. Then, the camera pans to a window, as if expecting someone's arrival. Suddenly, the view drifts upwards, above the bed towards the ceiling. Next, a yellow entity takes over the image and the view descends back to the bed. The entity holds the space for a moment before vanishing as unexpectedly as it arrived. The installation deals with questions surroundng spatial atmospheres and if rooms and interiors somehow could hold or capture atmospheres or feelings after its subjects have left. Material/Teknik/Mått: Videoverk på monitor på specialskuren filtmatta, screentryck, videoprojection på fristående vägg och digitalt tryck. I anslutning till installationen visade jag ckså en Artist book med samma titel som installationen. Verk i utställningen: 1. They found my body (video installation 2013) 2. The room responded with a resounding silence (screentryck, 2013). 3. Room study (Possession) (Video projection, 2013). 4. Could not possibly be explained by normal means (digitalt tryck, 2013) / <p>Examensarbetet består av en skriftlig del och en gestaltande del. Alternativ titel anger namnet förden gestaltande delen. Tryckta publikationer finns tillgängliga på Kungl Konsthögskolans bibliotek. </p>
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The legacies of the repatriation of human remains from the Royal College of Surgeons of EnglandMorton, Sarah January 2017 (has links)
The repatriation of the human remains of Indigenous peoples collected within a colonial context has been the subject of debate within UK museums over the last 30 years, with many museums now having returned human remains to their countries of origin. Although the repatriation of human remains is often characterised as the 'journey home', there has been a lack of consideration of the physical presence and mobility of the remains and the meanings created as they move through different spaces. This study uses the repatriations from The Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) to Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii as case studies to consider three key areas: (i) the impact of repatriation on museum landscapes; (ii) the journey of the repatriated remains and how this mobility intersects with wider discussions about restitution, sovereignty, identity, relatedness, memory and memorialisation; and (iii) the repatriation archives, how they are thought about by the institutions that hold them and their future potential and meaning within a post-colonial context. Taking a more-than-representational approach and engaging with the materiality, mobility and agency of the repatriated remains and the documentation that relates to them, this study bridges the gap between research considering the approach of museums to repatriation, and ethnographic studies on the meanings of the return of ancestral remains to individual communities. Combining work on museum geographies, deathscapes and absence opens up new ways of theorising and discussing repatriation through understanding the process in terms of the tension between absence and presence, and human remains as being in or out of place. Through engaging with the materiality and agency of the remains and viewing repatriation through a spatial lens, this thesis deals with aspects of the process that have received little attention in previous studies, foregrounding the challenging nature of repatriation for communities, the issues around unprovenanced remains, and discussions about the control, management and meaning of information and data, identifying that a significant legacy of repatriation for RCS is the documentation the museum continues to hold. What the journey of the ancestral remains repatriated by RCS illustrates is the emotive materiality of the remains, and agency that they and the distributed repatriation archive have as actors within social networks. It is therefore proposed that the concept of repatriation as having problematised human remains collections within UK museums is replaced with a nuanced and contextually sensitive understanding that recognises the role of the human remains in social interactions that impact on the emotional geographies of museum practice, and that rather than framing repatriation as post-colonial act that is either political or therapeutic, the return of ancestral remains be understood as part of a process of decolonisation in which there is space for discussion, disagreement and debate amongst all stakeholders.
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Institutional Factors and Financial Development in Sub-Saharan Africa for the period 2004-2018 : Control of Corruption, Rule of Law, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, and Voice and Accountability / Institutionella faktorer och finansiell utveckling i Subsahariska Afrika för tidsperioden 2004-2018 : Kontroll av korruption, Rättsstat, Politisk Stabilitet och Frånvaro av våld, Röst och ansvarsskyldighetAchioyamen, Chichi Violet, Kazmi Johansson, Sophia January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to have an in-depth understanding of the importance of the institutional environment for financial development in 43 Sub-Saharan African countries during the years 2004-2018. Using new institutional economic theory (NIE) we study how the four institutional factors Control of Corruption, Rule of Law, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, and Voice and Accountability affect financial development. We also survey how the effect of institutional factors varies when there are either high, medium or low levels of corruption. Empirical results show a positive linear relationship between all institutional factors and financial development. However, when corruption levels are high the correlation between institutional factors and financial development varies and has a weak linear relationship. Inferential statistics results from a fixed effect regression model with robust standard errors shows; when we control for the financial environment, Political Stability and Absence of Violence is the only indicator for the institutional environment that has a positive significant effect on financial development. We thereby conclude that the institutional environment, mostly political institutions, are important for financial development. / Syftet med denna studie är att få en djupgående förståelse av institutionell miljö för finansiell utveckling i 43 Subsahariska afrikanska länder för åren 2004–2018. Med hjälp av den nya institutionella ekonomiska teorin undersöker vi hur de fyra institutionella faktorer Kontroll av Korruption, Rättsstat, Politisk Stabilitet och Frånvaro av Våld och Röst och Ansvarsskyldighet påverkar finansiell utveckling. Vi undersöker också hur effekten av institutionella faktorer varierar när det finns hög, medium eller låg nivå av korruption. Empiriskt resultat visar ett positivt linjärt samband mellan alla institutionella faktorer och finansiell utveckling. Däremot, när korruptions nivåerna är höga är korrelationen mellan institutionella faktorer och finansiell utveckling varierar och har ett svagt linjärt samband. Resultatet från inferentiell statistik med fixed-effektregressionsmodell med robust standardfel visar att; när vi kontrollerar för den finansiella miljön, kvarstår endast Politisk Stabilitet och Frånvaro av Våld som en indikator för institutionell miljö som har en positiv signifikant effekt på finansiell utveckling. Vi konstaterar därmed att institutionell miljö, särskilt politiska institutioner är viktiga för finansiell utveckling.
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INTENTION TO LEAVE OR STAY WITHIN THE PROFESSION AMONGST PSYCHOLOGISTS : Factors affecting newly graduated psychologists’ intention to leave the professionHolmberg, Tove, Lidman, Julia January 2022 (has links)
When recently graduated psychologists leave the profession, it can have a negative impact on the quality and continuity of care as well as resulting in socioeconomic costs. This study set out to investigate what personal and contextual factors affect newly graduated psychologists' intention to leave the profession (ITLP) over time. Longitudinal data was collected using a survey over three waves: 2017, 2018 and 2019. The participants were newly graduated psychologists in Sweden (n=346) who had answered two consecutive surveys. Logistic regressions were made, with the dependent variable ITLP. The independent variables were: sector (public or private), occupational self-efficacy, work related psychological flexibility, role stress. emotional demands, job satisfaction, social support (from colleagues, supervisor and family), transition between studies and internship, transition between internship and employment and sickness absence. Results showed that job satisfaction, social support from supervisors and the transition between internship and employment had a significant effect on the newly graduated psychologists’ ITLP over time. Due to data limitations some hypothesized relationships might not have been detected. Further research is needed to clarify what affects psychologists’ ITLP over time. / Att psykologer väljer att lämna yrket kan påverka vårdkvalitet och kontinuitet, dessutom innebär det samhällsekonomiska kostnader. Denna studie undersöker vilka faktorer det är som påverkar huruvida psykologer har en intention att lämna yrket (ITLP) eller inte. Longitudinell data samlades in i tre omgångar: 2017, 2018 och 2019. Deltagare var nyligen examinerade psykologer i Sverige (n=346) som hade svarat på två efterföljande enkäter. Logistiska regressioner genomfördes med den beroende variabeln ITLP. De oberoende variabler var: sektor (offentlig eller privat), arbetsrelaterad self-efficacy, arbetsrelaterad psykologisk flexibilitet, rollstress, emotionella krav, arbetstillfredsställelse, socialt stöd (från kollegor, överordnad och familj), övergång mellan studier och praktisk tjänstgöring, övergång mellan praktisk tjänstgöring och arbete samt sjukfrånvaro. Resultatet visade att arbetstillfredsställelse, socialt stöd från överordnad och transitionen mellan praktisk tjänstgöring och arbete hade en signifikant effekt på ITLP över tid. Begränsningar i data kan ha gjort så att vissa av de samband som hypotiserats inte kunde identifieras. Mer framtida forskning behövs för att klargöra vilka faktorer som påverkar psykologers ITLP över tid.
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Nulle part ailleurs : la poétique de l'absence dans le Livro do desassossego, de Fernando PessoaPereira Milazzo, Daniel 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une réflexion originale sur la construction d’une poétique de l’absence dans le Livro do desassossego (Livre de l’intranquillité) de Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Plus grande œuvre en prose de l’écrivain portugais, le Livro est une œuvre inachevée et inachevable, en raison tant de sa forme que de son contenu. En fait, c’est la négation du livre, l’anti-livre. Attribuées par Pessoa à son demi-hétéronyme Bernardo Soares, les centaines de fragments tissent en filigrane une quête vers la compréhension de ce qu’est l’absence et des modalités de sa manifestation. Participe à cette quête la réflexion sur l’absence de l’être, dont l’interrogation mobilise le dialogue avec des sources anciennes, notamment chez Parménide, Héraclite et Augustin. L’absence se manifeste aussi dans le moyen entrepris pour l’investiguer : le langage. À ce sujet, l’analyse des piliers de la théologie négative, inaugurée par Pseudo-Denys l’Aréopagite et basée sur le lien avec ce qui est impossible à dire, apporte une perspective décisive pour illuminer la démarche de Pessoa. Pour réfléchir au mystère enfoui dans le Livro, mystère qui est aussi son moteur et l’essence de la parole, l’herméneutique de certains passages de la Bible s’avère un important atout, notamment dans la question concernant le nom de Dieu. Ma thèse démontre que, comme dans les Écritures, le Livro porte un nom secret. Dans ce contexte, en comprenant la place de l’absence dans le langage de Pessoa, la thèse évoque la théorie kabbalistique du langage chez Gershom Scholem, dans laquelle le nom de Dieu et l’essence de la parole recèlent et révèlent à la fois. Cette absence se déploie aussi dans le questionnement d’une subjectivité poreuse et plurielle, qui se heurte à des énigmes existentielles et articule l’absence du je. Cette thèse met en exergue également le lien explicite entre l’absence et l’amour : le rapport à l’absence, surtout l’absence de l’autre, produit des sentiments. Du rapport affectif à l’absence surgit l’amour, qui comporte un surplus, un élan. Comme chez Dante, l’amour chez Pessoa se déplie dans l’espace de la distance et dans la jouissance d’un affect irréalisable. À travers la parole poétique, Pessoa quête l’absence par, dans et du langage. / This thesis proposes an original interpretation regarding the construction of a poetics of absence in the Livro do desassossego (Book of Disquiet) by Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). A major prose work by the Portuguese writer, the Livro is a work unfinished and unfinishable, both in form and content. In fact, it runs counter to the book; it is an anti-book. Hundreds of fragments assigned by Pessoa to his half-heteronym Bernardo Soares weave a search towards the meaning of absence and the ways it manifests itself. Such searching includes thoughts on the absence of being, whose interrogation calls for a dialogue with ancient sources, especially Parmenides, Heraclitus and Augustine. The absence also manifests itself in the medium used to investigate it: language. In that regard, the analysis of negative theology’s main ideas, initially articulated by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite and based on the link with what cannot be said, offers a decisive perspective for illuminating Pessoa’s project. In thinking about the hidden mystery in the Livro, a mystery that is both its source and the word’s essence, the hermeneutics of certain passages of the Bible offer a crucial advantage, in particular when the name of God is discussed. My thesis demonstrates that, as in the Scriptures, the Livro carries a secret name. In this context, in understanding the place of absence in Pessoa’s language, the thesis evokes Gershom Scholem’s kabbalistic theory of language in which the name of God and the word’s essence conceal and reveal at the same time. Such absence also appears in the questioning of a porous and plural subjectivity, which comes up against existential enigmas and articulates the absence of the self. In the same vein, this thesis emphasizes the link between absence and love: being attached to absence, mainly the absence of the beloved, produces feelings. From this affective link to absence comes love, which also leads to a surplus and an elan. As with Dante, for Pessoa love comes about at a distance and in the joy of unrealizable affect. By means of poetic expression, Pessoa searches the absence of language, through language and inside language. / Esta tese propõe uma reflexão original sobre a construção de uma poética da ausência no Livro do desassossego, de Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935). Mais importante obra em prosa do escritor português, o Livro é uma obra inacabada e inacabável, em razão tanto de sua forma quanto de seu conteúdo. É, na verdade, a negação do livro, um anti-livro. Atribuídas por Pessoa a seu semi-heterônimo Bernardo Soares, as centenas de fragmentos tecem em filigrana uma busca rumo à compreensão do que é a ausência e das modalidades de sua manifestação. Participa desta busca a reflexão sobre a ausência do ser, cuja interrogação mobiliza o diálogo com fontes antigas, notadamente Parmênides, Heráclito et Santo Agostinho. A ausência também se manifesta no meio utilizado para a investigar: a linguagem. Sobre este assunto, a análise dos pilares da teologia negativa, inaugurada por Pseudo-Dionísio Areopagita e baseada na relação com aquilo que é impossível dizer, oferece uma perspectiva decisiva para iluminar o projeto de Pessoa. Para refletir sobre o mistério escondido no Livro, mistério que é também seu motor e a essência da palavra, a hermenêutica de algumas passagens da Bíblia se confirma como uma importante vantagem, principalmente na discussão sobre o nome de Deus. Minha tese demonstra que, como nas Escrituras, o Livro carrega um nome secreto. Neste contexto, entendendo o lugar da ausência na linguagem de Pessoa, a tese evoca a teoria cabalística da linguagem segundo Gershom Scholem, na qual o nome de Deus e a essência da palavra tanto ocultam quanto revelam. Esta ausência se desenvolve também no questionamento sobre uma subjetividade porosa e plural, que se confronta com enigmas existenciais e articula a ausência do eu. Esta tese também destaca o elo explícito entre a ausência e o amor: a relação à ausência, sobretudo a ausência do outro, produz sentimentos. Da relação afetiva à ausência surge o amor, que comporta um excedente, um élan. Como se percebe em Dante, o amor em Pessoa se desdobra no espaço da distância e na experiência de um afeto irrealizável. Por meio da palavra poética, Pessoa busca a ausência da, dentro e através da linguagem.
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Seeing it StraightHarvey, Heather 01 January 2007 (has links)
This Master of Fine Arts thesis is divided into four main sections:FAITH and DISBELIEF: In which I reckon with the implications of faith versus rationality as a secular nontheistic artist. IDEAS: The central locus of my work is a place of indeterminacy between what is known/familiar and what is just one step outside of that. This has nothing to do with mysticism, science fiction, or anything else unmoored from established fact. Section also touches on the particular vantage of a female artist with working class roots.THE WORK: Selection of work made during graduate school, and the the guiding thoughts behind each.EMPTINESS, STILLNESS, ABSENCE, GHOSTS, DOUBT: A discussion of influential artists and ideas.
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Stress-Test Exercises and the Pricing of Very Long-Term Bonds / Tests de Résistance et Valorisation des Obligations de Très Long-TermeDubecq, Simon 28 January 2013 (has links)
La première partie de cette thèse introduit une nouvelle méthodologie pour la réalisation d’exercices de stress-tests. Notre approche permet de considérer des scénarios de stress beaucoup plus riches qu’en pratique, qui évaluent l’impact d’une modification de la distribution statistique des facteurs influençant les prix d’actifs, pas uniquement les conséquences d’une réalisation particulière de ces facteurs, et prennent en compte la réaction du gestionnaire de portefeuille au choc. La deuxième partie de la thèse est consacrée à la valorisation des obligations à maturité très longues (supérieure à 10 ans). La modélisation de la volatilité des taux de très long terme est un défi, notamment du fait des contraintes posées par l’absence d’opportunités d’arbitrage, et la plupart des modèles de taux d’intérêt en absence d’opportunités d’arbitrage impliquent un taux limite (de maturité infinie) constant. Le deuxième chapitre étudie la compatibilité du facteur "niveau", dont les variations ont un impact uniforme sur l’ensemble des taux modélisés, a fortiori les plus longs, avec l’absence d’opportunités d’arbitrage. Nous introduisons dans le troisième chapitre une nouvelle classe de modèle de taux d’intérêt, sans opportunités d’arbitrage, où le taux limite est stochastique, dont nous présentons les propriétés empiriques sur une base de données de prix d’obligations du Trésor américain. / In the first part of this thesis, we introduce a new methodology for stress-test exercises. Our approach allows to consider richer stress-test exercises, which assess the impact of a modification of the whole distribution of asset prices’ factors, rather than focusing as the common practices on a single realization of these factors, and take into account the potential reaction to the shock of the portfolio manager.
The second part of the thesis is devoted to the pricing of bonds with very long-term time-to-maturity (more than ten years). Modeling the volatility of very long-term rates is a challenge, due to the constraints put by no-arbitrage assumption. As a consequence, most of the no-arbitrage term structure models assume a constant limiting rate (of infinite maturity). The second chapter investigates the compatibility of the so-called "level" factor, whose variations have a uniform impact on the modeled yield curve, with the no-arbitrage assumptions. We introduce in the third chapter a new class of arbitrage-free term structure factor models, which allows the limiting rate to be stochastic, and present its empirical properties on a dataset of US T-Bonds.
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Le statut des tribunaux ad hoc en droit international pénal / The status of the ad hoc tribunals in international criminal lawsHassan, Kamal 30 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’examiner les tribunaux ad hoc en analysant leur définition en droit international public, leurs principes juridiques fondateurs, leur compétence face aux crimes internationaux et leurs objectifs pour déterminer s’il existe un statut international commun pour ces tribunaux. La mise en œuvre des premiers tribunaux ad hoc sur la scène internationale après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, les TMI de Nuremberg et de Tokyo, était due à l’incapacité ou à l’absence de volonté du système judiciaire interne des pays intéressés pour traduire en justice les auteurs des crimes de guerre. Par la suite, neuf tribunaux ad hoc ont été créés (soit unilatéralement par le Conseil de sécurité, soit par un accord international) en vue de juger les crimes internationaux les plus monstrueux, tels que les crimes de génocide, les crimes contre l’humanité et les crimes de guerre. Nous pouvons dire à cet égard que les tribunaux ad hoc bénéficient de tous les mécanismes nécessaires pour être efficaces, comme la responsabilité pénale individuelle, la primauté sur les juridictions nationales et l'obligation des Etats de coopérer, et ils ont réussi à satisfaire l'objectif de justice. Toutefois, ces tribunaux s'étaient vu attribuer, outre leur fonction naturelle d'assurer la justice, un objectif supplémentaire, à savoir la réalisation de la paix et de la sécurité internationales, objectif qu'ils n'ont pu réaliser, car un organe juridique ne peut pas atteindre un objectif dont les motifs sont politiques. Après avoir étudié le statut des tribunaux ad hoc, et nécessairement avoir analysé tous les textes qui organisent la fonction de ces Tribunaux, nous sommes à même de confirmer que les tribunaux ad hoc ne seront pas remplacés par d'autres types d'organes de justice, tels que la justice transitionnelle et la compétence universelle. En outre, malgré l'entrée en fonction de la CPI en 2002, en tant que Cour permanente, nous assisterons à de nouvelles créations de tribunaux ad hoc, dont les statuts pourront s'inspirer du statut commun et de nos propositions personnelles. / The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ad hoc tribunals by analysing their definition in international public law, their founding legal principles, their jurisdiction over international crimes and their goals to determine wether there is a common international status for these tribunals.The implementation of the first ad hoc tribunals on the international stage after World War II, the IMT of Nuremberg and Tokyo, was due to the inability or unwillingness of the internal judicial system in the countries concerned to bring the perpetrators of war crimes to justice.Subsequently, nine ad hoc tribunals were established (either unilaterally by the Security Council or through an international agreement) with a view to prosecute the most monstrous crimes, such as crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. In this respect, we can say that the ad hoc tribunals benefit from all the mechanisms required to be efficient, such as individual criminal responsibility, primacy over nation courts and the obligation of States to cooperate,and they have succeeded to achieve the purpose of justice.However, in addition to their natural function to ensure justice, these tribunals had been given a further aim : to achieve international peace and security. They were not able to achieve this aim, because a legal body cannot reach a goal whose motives are political.After studying the status of the ad hoc tribunals and thus necessarily analysing all the texts which organise the function of these tribunals, we are in a position to confirm that the ad hoc tribunals will not be replaced by other judicial bodies, such as transitional justice or universal jurisdiction.Moreover, despite the entry into force of the ICC as a permanent court in 2002, new ad hoc tribunals will be established. Their status could be based on the common status and on our proposals.
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