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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conditions de vie des personnes âgées en Afrique Subsaharienne : cas de la vie dans un ménage à génération coupée au Niger

Ibrahima, Mahamane 08 1900 (has links)
Comme dans la plupart des pays francophones d’Afrique Subsaharienne, la question du vieillissement ou la situation des personnes âgées ne sont pas encore d’actualité au Niger, principalement à cause de la jeunesse de sa population d’une part et d’un intérêt plus porté sur les enfants, les adolescents et les mères d’autre part. Pourtant le Niger fait face à une crise économique sans précédent qui peut avoir des conséquences néfastes sur les conditions de vie des personnes âgées. D’un côté, selon la coutume, la personne âgée (généralement grand parent) s’occupe principalement des petits enfants (orphelins ou non) qui lui sont confiés par leurs parents vivant dans la même localité ou ailleurs, ou qui sont décédés. De l’autre, l’absence d’un jeune adulte dans un ménage où vit au moins une personne âgée est considérée comme un phénomène social préoccupant dans les pays à forte prévalence de VIH/SIDA. Le Niger fait partie des pays où la proportion des personnes âgées vivant avec des petits enfants en l’absence de leurs parents adultes est la plus élevée. Cependant, malgré une forte mortalité adulte, l’absence de données fiables ne permet pas de le classer parmi les pays à forte mortalité adulte due au VIH/SIDA. La raison de cette situation est donc à chercher dans les différences individuelles et communautaires. Jusqu’au début des années 1990, la plupart des études sur les personnes âgées réalisées en Afrique Subsaharienne étaient basées sur les études qualitatives, tandis que les plus récentes sont faites à partir des données des recensements ou enquêtes sociodémoraphiques et économiques. Les conditions de vie des personnes âgées et les conséquences de la pauvreté et du VIH/SIDA sur celles-ci sont les principaux thèmes jusque-là couverts à l’aide des données existantes. Mais, il manque encore de données longitudinales essentielles à l’analyse de certains aspects du cycle de vie des personnes âgées. L’étude n’étant pas sociologique, c’est à l’aide de données démographiques quantitatives, plus précisément le recensement général de la population, que nous tenterons d’expliquer le phénomène sur une base exploratoire. L’analyse au niveau individuel a été faite à l’aide de la régression logistique sous STATA, tandis qu’au niveau contextuel, nous avons utilisé l’analyse multiniveau à l’aide du logiciel HLM (version 6.0). Les résultats indiquent que la vie en l’absence d’un jeune adulte et dans un ménage à génération coupée dépendent principalement du statut sociodémographique de la personne âgée au Niger. Par exemple, il ressort que le mariage avantage l’homme âgé, tandis que le veuvage l’isole plus que la femme âgée. Au niveau contextuel, ce sont les facteurs socioéconomiques qui influencent les conditions de vie des personnes âgées. L’étude montre, en effet, que le degré d’urbanisation d’une commune augmente le risque d’isolement d’une personne âgée qui y réside, alors que le niveau de pauvreté le réduit. Toutefois, nos résultats sont à prendre avec prudence parce qu’en premier lieu il n’existe pas d’études références sur le sujet tant au Niger que dans la sous-région d’Afrique francophone sahélienne. Ensuite, parce que le phénomène étudié pourrait être mesuré de plusieurs manières en fonction du contexte et des données disponibles, et que l’analyse approfondie des effets du statut matrimonial nécessiterait une plus grande connaissance du phénomène chez les personnes âgées. Enfin, compte tenu de la faible prévalence du VIH/SIDA au Niger, les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la vie dans un ménage à génération coupée (aussi bien pour les personnes âgées que pour les enfants) pourraient être le confiage des enfants ou la mortalité adulte due aux autres causes telles que le paludisme, la tuberculose et les maladies infectieuses. Toutefois, l’absence d’informations relatives à ces aspects dans les données utilisées n’a pas permis de les intégrer dans notre étude. Ainsi, compte tenu de la difficulté d’appréhender les contours du phénomène, les futurs programmes en faveur des personnes âgées au Niger et en Afrique Subsaharienne francophone doivent se baser sur des études concrètes relatives aux dimensions sociale et économique du phénomène. Mots clés : Niger - personnes âgées - conditions de vie - mode de vie - cohabitation intergénérationnelle - études comparatives - absence d’un jeune adulte - ménage à génération coupée - Afrique. / Niger, like many other countries in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, has a young population and the living arrangements of older people are not high on the list of priority issues for politicians and researchers. However, Niger is one of the poorest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the ongoing economic crisis there can have adverse impacts on the welfare and alter the living arrangements of both old and young people. In many African societies like Niger, grandparents traditionally take care of grandchildren, and older people living in households with no younger adult present is not an unusual situation. At present, the living arrangements of the older population and orphans has attracted considerable attention especially in high HIV/AIDS prevalence countries where many younger adults have died. While HIV/AIDS is not yet a major problem in Niger, the proportion of older people who live with grandchildren in the absence of the middle generation (called the “skipped generation”) is nonetheless high – roughly the same level as that observed in some high HIV/AIDS prevalence countries in Africa. Many studies on older people in Sub-Saharan Africa were done in the 1990s, using qualitative approaches or cross-sectional survey data (appropriate longitudinal data generally lacking in Africa). The main topics examined by these studies have tended to be the living arrangements of older people in high HIV/AIDS contexts, and the poverty consequences of those living arrangements. In this study, we use quantitative data to examine the living arrangements of older people in Niger, focusing both on individual and contextual covariates. Census data provide our main source of data, and the large number of observations available allows us to examine a relatively large number of covariates and situations. Logistic regressions estimated with STATA are used to study individual determinants, and HLM (6.0 version) software is used for the multilevel (contextual) analysis. With respect to the determinants of living with no (younger) adult or in a skipped generation household, the results show that socio-demographic status of older people is the most important variable for explaining the large sex differences in living arrangements. Interestingly, married women are more likely to live in such a household, while after the death of a spouse, men instead appear to be disadvantaged. At the contextual level, the results show that the socioeconomic characteristics are the most important factors. Specifically, the risk of living without a younger adult or in a skipped generation household is explained is larger in more urban areas, and smaller in communities that are relatively more impoverished. Insofar as this is the first study to examine the issue in this part of Africa – the Francophone Sahel – no comparative results from nearby countries exist and the generality of our findings have yet to be confirmed. The living arrangements of older people can be measured in various ways, differing by context and availability of data, and a more detailed analysis, for example, of the effects of marital status requires a deep understanding of marriage among older people in the Nigeran context. Given the low prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Niger, the likely causes of the high prevalence of households in which older people live without the presence of a younger adult or in a skipped generation are high levels of adult mortality from other causes and child fostering practices. Unfortunately, information on these factors is largely missing from our data, making it impossible to directly examine their importance. Finally, given the difficulties of studying these issues with existing data, evidence-based policy and programs targeting the elderly must pay more attention to social and economic dimensions, often requiring the fielding of surveys targeting the elderly. Key words: Niger - Older people - living arrangements of older people – intergenerational living arrangement - comparative studies-living with no adult - skipped generation- Africa.

Affine and generalized affine models : Theory and applications

Feunou Kamkui, Bruno January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

O lançamento por homologação como ato imprescindível ao processo de positivação do direito

Luz, Otávio Loureiro da 02 March 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Otavio Loureiro da Luz.pdf: 714470 bytes, checksum: 1c2f11f1cd3807178a534750bc5dd36b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-03-02 / The objective of this work is to develop the theme the homologation assessment as essential to the process of recognition of the law. For this purpose, sought to demonstrate the importance of the assessment (individual and concrete standard) as bond between the hypothesis and the consequence, it´s function of incidence between these two elements in the process of building the rule of law is essential for the establishment of tax credit that only the administrative authority has the competence to carry it out, the modalities of release, as the taxation pending official recognition by the tax authorities in deontic operation and in case of its failure the need of the official assessment and the establishment of the administrative process to be possible payment or difference or to remedy any irregularity on the part of the taxpayer in his "statement", as well as the violation of constitutional and legal principles, if the tax authorities directly tax enforcement further without the launch by the administrative authority / O objetivo do presente trabalho é desenvolver o tema o lançamento por homolação como ato imprescindível ao processo de positivação do direito. Para tanto, procurou-se demonstrar a importância do lançamento (norma individual e concreta) como liame entre a hipótese e a consequência, sua função de incidência entre esses dois elementos no processo de contrução da norma jurídica, imprescindível para a constituição do crédito tributário que somente a autoridade administrativa detém a competência para realizá-lo, as modalidades do lançamento, como se dá o lançamento por homologação na operação deôntica e no caso de sua inobservância, a necessidade do lançamento de ofício e da instauração do processo administrativo para haver eventual pagamento ou diferença ou ainda para sanar alguma irregularidade por parte do contribuinte em sua declaração , bem como da violação dos princípios constitucionais e legais, caso o Fisco promova diretamente a execução fiscal sem o lançamento pela autoridade administrativa

Iterabilitet, upprepning och permanens : En kritisk analys av debatten mellan Derrida och Searle / Iterability, repetition and permanence : A critical analysis of the debate between Derrida and Searle

Gardfors, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>The essay seeks to clarify some of the decisive but often obscured issues in the famous debate between Jacques Derrida and Jonn F. Searle. The debate commenced in 1977 with the publication in <em>Glyph</em> of Derrida’s lecture <em>Signature Event Context</em> from -71, followed by Searle’s <em>Reiterating the Differences</em>. A Reply to Derrida and subsequently Derrida’s reply <em>Limited Inc a b c …</em> which encouraged Searle to renew his criticism. I situate the debate within a philosophical context where questions of the aim of philosophy and the nature of philosophical writing cannot be excluded from the specific topics that are being discussed. Starting from Derrida’s controversial reading of Austin, where a few key points of criticism are placed under scrutiny, I proceed to problems of writing and communication where special attention is paid to the concept of iterability and Searle’s remark that this has been confounded with permanence in Derrida’s exposition. The concept of ”writing” is examined as a crux in the understanding of the two philosophers. And iterability is then found to be derieved from the theorization of absence in relation to that very concept. Iterability designates an essential possibility of absence and implies the possibility of every mark to be grafted onto new contexts of significance. Thus it draws the consequences of a general repeatability, within which difference is underscored as the inevitable outcome. The last section of the essay relates to the phenomenological project of investigating the genesis of idealization and traces the emergence of iterability in Derrida’s further writings on Husserl, where repetition can be perceived of as constitutive for ideality and thus for identity. Bearing on this observation, the type/token-distinction, proposed by Searle to undo the problem of iterability, is subjected to further inquiry and linked to the process of idealization, within which iterability is revealed to have a temporal relevance that also affects the notion of permanence. The claim is then made that iterability should be understood as a fundamentally ambiguous phenomenon through its dual relation to identity and difference. Its utility is found to be hinged upon the status of the possible. Finally, the question of iterability as concept is posed, which entails its interdependence upon notions of dissemination and différance.</p>

Presenting the Absent : An Account of Undocumentedness in Sweden

Sigvardsdotter, Erika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides an ethnography and critical phenomenology of undocumentedness in the Swedish context. By attending to the forces and processes that circumscribe the life-worlds of undocumented persons, as well as the phenomenology and essential experiences of their condition, a complex and multi-layered illustration of what undocumentedness is and means is successively presented. Employing a dual conceptualization of the state, as a juridico-political construct as well as a practiced and embodied set of institutions, the undocumented position emerges as a legal category defined only through omission, produced and reproduced through administrative routine and practice. The health care sector provides empirical examples of state-undocumented interaction where the physical and corporeal presence of the officially absent becomes irrefutable. This research suggests that the Swedish welfare state – universalistic, comprehensive and with digitized administrative routines – becomes a particularly austere environment in which to be undocumented. Drawing on interviews with regional and local health care administrators, NGO-clinics’ representatives and health professionals, as well as extensive participatory observation and interviews with undocumented persons, I argue that the undocumented condition is characterized by simultaneous absence and presence, and a correspondingly paradoxical spatiality. I suggest that the official absence and deportability of undocumented persons deprives them of the capacity to define space and, in an Arendtian sense, appear as themselves to others. There are, however, some opportunities for embodied political protest and dissensus. The paradoxical qualities of the absent-present condition manipulate the undocumented mode of being-in-the-world and I argue that alienation and disorientation are essential experiences of the undocumented situation.

Iterabilitet, upprepning och permanens : En kritisk analys av debatten mellan Derrida och Searle / Iterability, repetition and permanence : A critical analysis of the debate between Derrida and Searle

Gardfors, Johan January 2009 (has links)
The essay seeks to clarify some of the decisive but often obscured issues in the famous debate between Jacques Derrida and Jonn F. Searle. The debate commenced in 1977 with the publication in Glyph of Derrida’s lecture Signature Event Context from -71, followed by Searle’s Reiterating the Differences. A Reply to Derrida and subsequently Derrida’s reply Limited Inc a b c … which encouraged Searle to renew his criticism. I situate the debate within a philosophical context where questions of the aim of philosophy and the nature of philosophical writing cannot be excluded from the specific topics that are being discussed. Starting from Derrida’s controversial reading of Austin, where a few key points of criticism are placed under scrutiny, I proceed to problems of writing and communication where special attention is paid to the concept of iterability and Searle’s remark that this has been confounded with permanence in Derrida’s exposition. The concept of ”writing” is examined as a crux in the understanding of the two philosophers. And iterability is then found to be derieved from the theorization of absence in relation to that very concept. Iterability designates an essential possibility of absence and implies the possibility of every mark to be grafted onto new contexts of significance. Thus it draws the consequences of a general repeatability, within which difference is underscored as the inevitable outcome. The last section of the essay relates to the phenomenological project of investigating the genesis of idealization and traces the emergence of iterability in Derrida’s further writings on Husserl, where repetition can be perceived of as constitutive for ideality and thus for identity. Bearing on this observation, the type/token-distinction, proposed by Searle to undo the problem of iterability, is subjected to further inquiry and linked to the process of idealization, within which iterability is revealed to have a temporal relevance that also affects the notion of permanence. The claim is then made that iterability should be understood as a fundamentally ambiguous phenomenon through its dual relation to identity and difference. Its utility is found to be hinged upon the status of the possible. Finally, the question of iterability as concept is posed, which entails its interdependence upon notions of dissemination and différance.

Conditions de vie des personnes âgées en Afrique Subsaharienne : cas de la vie dans un ménage à génération coupée au Niger

Ibrahima, Mahamane 08 1900 (has links)
Comme dans la plupart des pays francophones d’Afrique Subsaharienne, la question du vieillissement ou la situation des personnes âgées ne sont pas encore d’actualité au Niger, principalement à cause de la jeunesse de sa population d’une part et d’un intérêt plus porté sur les enfants, les adolescents et les mères d’autre part. Pourtant le Niger fait face à une crise économique sans précédent qui peut avoir des conséquences néfastes sur les conditions de vie des personnes âgées. D’un côté, selon la coutume, la personne âgée (généralement grand parent) s’occupe principalement des petits enfants (orphelins ou non) qui lui sont confiés par leurs parents vivant dans la même localité ou ailleurs, ou qui sont décédés. De l’autre, l’absence d’un jeune adulte dans un ménage où vit au moins une personne âgée est considérée comme un phénomène social préoccupant dans les pays à forte prévalence de VIH/SIDA. Le Niger fait partie des pays où la proportion des personnes âgées vivant avec des petits enfants en l’absence de leurs parents adultes est la plus élevée. Cependant, malgré une forte mortalité adulte, l’absence de données fiables ne permet pas de le classer parmi les pays à forte mortalité adulte due au VIH/SIDA. La raison de cette situation est donc à chercher dans les différences individuelles et communautaires. Jusqu’au début des années 1990, la plupart des études sur les personnes âgées réalisées en Afrique Subsaharienne étaient basées sur les études qualitatives, tandis que les plus récentes sont faites à partir des données des recensements ou enquêtes sociodémoraphiques et économiques. Les conditions de vie des personnes âgées et les conséquences de la pauvreté et du VIH/SIDA sur celles-ci sont les principaux thèmes jusque-là couverts à l’aide des données existantes. Mais, il manque encore de données longitudinales essentielles à l’analyse de certains aspects du cycle de vie des personnes âgées. L’étude n’étant pas sociologique, c’est à l’aide de données démographiques quantitatives, plus précisément le recensement général de la population, que nous tenterons d’expliquer le phénomène sur une base exploratoire. L’analyse au niveau individuel a été faite à l’aide de la régression logistique sous STATA, tandis qu’au niveau contextuel, nous avons utilisé l’analyse multiniveau à l’aide du logiciel HLM (version 6.0). Les résultats indiquent que la vie en l’absence d’un jeune adulte et dans un ménage à génération coupée dépendent principalement du statut sociodémographique de la personne âgée au Niger. Par exemple, il ressort que le mariage avantage l’homme âgé, tandis que le veuvage l’isole plus que la femme âgée. Au niveau contextuel, ce sont les facteurs socioéconomiques qui influencent les conditions de vie des personnes âgées. L’étude montre, en effet, que le degré d’urbanisation d’une commune augmente le risque d’isolement d’une personne âgée qui y réside, alors que le niveau de pauvreté le réduit. Toutefois, nos résultats sont à prendre avec prudence parce qu’en premier lieu il n’existe pas d’études références sur le sujet tant au Niger que dans la sous-région d’Afrique francophone sahélienne. Ensuite, parce que le phénomène étudié pourrait être mesuré de plusieurs manières en fonction du contexte et des données disponibles, et que l’analyse approfondie des effets du statut matrimonial nécessiterait une plus grande connaissance du phénomène chez les personnes âgées. Enfin, compte tenu de la faible prévalence du VIH/SIDA au Niger, les principaux facteurs explicatifs de la vie dans un ménage à génération coupée (aussi bien pour les personnes âgées que pour les enfants) pourraient être le confiage des enfants ou la mortalité adulte due aux autres causes telles que le paludisme, la tuberculose et les maladies infectieuses. Toutefois, l’absence d’informations relatives à ces aspects dans les données utilisées n’a pas permis de les intégrer dans notre étude. Ainsi, compte tenu de la difficulté d’appréhender les contours du phénomène, les futurs programmes en faveur des personnes âgées au Niger et en Afrique Subsaharienne francophone doivent se baser sur des études concrètes relatives aux dimensions sociale et économique du phénomène. Mots clés : Niger - personnes âgées - conditions de vie - mode de vie - cohabitation intergénérationnelle - études comparatives - absence d’un jeune adulte - ménage à génération coupée - Afrique. / Niger, like many other countries in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa, has a young population and the living arrangements of older people are not high on the list of priority issues for politicians and researchers. However, Niger is one of the poorest countries in Sub-Saharan Africa and the ongoing economic crisis there can have adverse impacts on the welfare and alter the living arrangements of both old and young people. In many African societies like Niger, grandparents traditionally take care of grandchildren, and older people living in households with no younger adult present is not an unusual situation. At present, the living arrangements of the older population and orphans has attracted considerable attention especially in high HIV/AIDS prevalence countries where many younger adults have died. While HIV/AIDS is not yet a major problem in Niger, the proportion of older people who live with grandchildren in the absence of the middle generation (called the “skipped generation”) is nonetheless high – roughly the same level as that observed in some high HIV/AIDS prevalence countries in Africa. Many studies on older people in Sub-Saharan Africa were done in the 1990s, using qualitative approaches or cross-sectional survey data (appropriate longitudinal data generally lacking in Africa). The main topics examined by these studies have tended to be the living arrangements of older people in high HIV/AIDS contexts, and the poverty consequences of those living arrangements. In this study, we use quantitative data to examine the living arrangements of older people in Niger, focusing both on individual and contextual covariates. Census data provide our main source of data, and the large number of observations available allows us to examine a relatively large number of covariates and situations. Logistic regressions estimated with STATA are used to study individual determinants, and HLM (6.0 version) software is used for the multilevel (contextual) analysis. With respect to the determinants of living with no (younger) adult or in a skipped generation household, the results show that socio-demographic status of older people is the most important variable for explaining the large sex differences in living arrangements. Interestingly, married women are more likely to live in such a household, while after the death of a spouse, men instead appear to be disadvantaged. At the contextual level, the results show that the socioeconomic characteristics are the most important factors. Specifically, the risk of living without a younger adult or in a skipped generation household is explained is larger in more urban areas, and smaller in communities that are relatively more impoverished. Insofar as this is the first study to examine the issue in this part of Africa – the Francophone Sahel – no comparative results from nearby countries exist and the generality of our findings have yet to be confirmed. The living arrangements of older people can be measured in various ways, differing by context and availability of data, and a more detailed analysis, for example, of the effects of marital status requires a deep understanding of marriage among older people in the Nigeran context. Given the low prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Niger, the likely causes of the high prevalence of households in which older people live without the presence of a younger adult or in a skipped generation are high levels of adult mortality from other causes and child fostering practices. Unfortunately, information on these factors is largely missing from our data, making it impossible to directly examine their importance. Finally, given the difficulties of studying these issues with existing data, evidence-based policy and programs targeting the elderly must pay more attention to social and economic dimensions, often requiring the fielding of surveys targeting the elderly. Key words: Niger - Older people - living arrangements of older people – intergenerational living arrangement - comparative studies-living with no adult - skipped generation- Africa.

Affine and generalized affine models : Theory and applications

Feunou Kamkui, Bruno January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Presenting the Absent : An Account of Undocumentedness in Sweden

Sigvardsdotter, Erika January 2012 (has links)
This thesis provides an ethnography and critical phenomenology of undocumentedness in the Swedish context. By attending to the forces and processes that circumscribe the life-worlds of undocumented persons, as well as the phenomenology and essential experiences of their condition, a complex and multi-layered illustration of what undocumentedness is and means is successively presented. Employing a dual conceptualization of the state, as a juridico-political construct as well as a practiced and embodied set of institutions, the undocumented position emerges as a legal category defined only through omission, produced and reproduced through administrative routine and practice. The health care sector provides empirical examples of state-undocumented interaction where the physical and corporeal presence of the officially absent becomes irrefutable. This research suggests that the Swedish welfare state – universalistic, comprehensive and with digitized administrative routines – becomes a particularly austere environment in which to be undocumented. Drawing on interviews with regional and local health care administrators, NGO-clinics’ representatives and health professionals, as well as extensive participatory observation and interviews with undocumented persons, I argue that the undocumented condition is characterized by simultaneous absence and presence, and a correspondingly paradoxical spatiality. I suggest that the official absence and deportability of undocumented persons deprives them of the capacity to define space and, in an Arendtian sense, appear as themselves to others. There are, however, some opportunities for embodied political protest and dissensus. The paradoxical qualities of the absent-present condition manipulate the undocumented mode of being-in-the-world and I argue that alienation and disorientation are essential experiences of the undocumented situation.

Angels In-between. The Poetics of Excess and the Crisis of Representation

Cosma, Ioana 07 March 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the reconfiguration of the limits of representation in reference to the intermediary function of angels. The Modernist engagement with the figure of the angel entailed, primarily, a reconsideration of the problem of representation as well as an attempt to trace the contours of a poetics that plays itself outside the mimetic understanding of representation. My contention is that this transformation of literary referentiality was not simply a disengagement of art from reality but, rather, from the truthfalsity, reality-fiction, subject-object dichotomies. The angel, defined as the figure of passage par excellence, but also as the agency that induces the transformation of the visible in the invisible and vice versa, appears both as a model/archetype and as a guide towards the illumination of this intermediary aesthetic. Working with the joined perspectives from angelology, contemporary phenomenology, and poetics, this dissertation is an extended overview of the notion of intermediary spaces, as well as an attempt to probe the relevance of this concept for the field of literary studies. In the first case, this dissertation offers a theoretical background to the concept of intermediality, seen in its theological, phenomenological, aesthetic and ethical significances. In the second case, it presents the reader with a heuristic apparatus for approaching this problematic in the field of literary interpretation and provides examples of ways in which such an analysis can become relevant. The primary texts discussed here are all examples of attempts to redefine the notion of representation away from the truth-falsity or subject-object oppositions, as well as to create an aesthetic space with its own particularities, at the limit between visibility and invisibility, excessive presence and absence. Nicholas of Cusa’s “Preface” to The Vision of God proposes an ethics of reading defined by admiratio (the consubstantiation of immediacy and distance) under the aegis of the all-seeing icon of God. Louis Marin’s reading of the episode of the Resurrection reveals that history and narrative arise from the conjunction of the excessive absence of the empty tomb of Jesus and the excessive presence announcing the resurrection of Christ. Sohravardî’s “Recital of the Crimson Angel” is a presentation of the space-between of revelation, between cognitio matutina and cognitio vespertina. Walter Benjamin’s “Agesilaus Santander” restores the connections between the exoteric and the esoteric under the patient gaze of “Angelus Novus”. Paul Valéry’s Eupalinos, ou l’Architecte explores the aesthetic of “real appearance” in the space-between the image and the perceiving eye. Poe and Malamud’s short stories reveal the affinities between poetic language and angelophany. Elie Wiesel’s Les portes de la forêt expands the apophatic itinerary from the self to the radically other in a hermeneutical gesture which has the angel as its initial and final guide. Finally, Rafael Alberti’s Sobre los ángeles shows that the aphaeretic function of poetic language is very similar to the apophatic treatment of the world as representation; in this last sense too, the angels are indispensible guides.

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