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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L'héritage nu. Mises en fiction du "témoin historique". Primo Levi - Aharon Appelfeld - Philip Roth / Towards a Literary Reappraisal of the "Historical Witness". Primo Levi - Aharon Appelfeld - Philip Roth

Furci, Guido 04 July 2017 (has links)
Pendant de nombreuses années, Aharon Appelfeld, Philip Roth et Primo Levi entretiennent une sorte de « dialogue à distance », interrompu en 1987 par la mort de ce dernier. Notre travail vise à analyser les modalités à travers lesquelles la production de ces trois écrivains – marqués de manière plus ou moins « directe » par l’histoire de la deuxième guerre mondiale et la mémoire de la Shoah – complexifie, avant tout sur le plan fictionnel, une certaine conception du témoignage, dont les enjeux esthétiques sont loin d’être anodins. Certes, dans un premier temps il a été important de reconstituer la correspondance triangulaire entre Levi, Appelfeld et Roth ; bien que fondamentale, ce n’est pas la composante philologique de notre recherche que nous avons souhaité mettre en avant, mais plutôt la pertinence d’un rapprochement de corpus en apparence distants, et pourtant liés par des questionnements analogues. Il est évident que si la possibilité de consulter, donc de disposer de documents d’archive pour la plupart inédits et d’accéder à des échanges parfois publics – quoique destinés à un auditoire en quelque sorte « communautaire » – a été précieuse afin d’alimenter la réflexion, le fait de lier de manière trop manifeste les considérations au sujet des démarches (poétiques ou politiques) de nos trois auteurs à leur complicité intellectuelle et, le cas échéant, à leur amitié aurait pu minimiser la portée de certaines observations – et suggérer de faux rapports de cause à effet. / My doctoral thesis explores the relationship between literature and historical witnessing. By focusing on the works of Primo Levi, Aharon Appelfeld, and Philip Roth (authors who relate in very different ways the trauma of the Holocaust), my research aims at investigating the enmeshment of aesthetic and epistemological issues. My comparative exploration of these authors is motivated by and allows for a conceptual layering of the problem along three distinct research axes : (1) each author maintains a different degree of autobiographical involvement with the genocidal facts he evokes, ranging from maximum directness (Levi) to an oblique post hoc distance (Roth) ; (2) each author thematizes the problem by framing fictional situations in which characters have to cope with the plastic tension of narrative recollection ; (3) there is a twofold factual link between the three authors consisting in (a) explicit or covert intertextual quotations (e.g. Levi and Appelfeld become characters in Roth’s "Operation Shylock") and, more significantly, (b) an under-investigated circular correspondence in which each of them discusses at length the gains and losses of (literary) historical witnessing. The core of my project, therefore, is grounded in the long-distance conversation on the reworking of memories between Aharon Appelfeld, Philip Roth and Primo Levi – a three-way conversation that perforce ceased with Levi’s death in 1987.

Effet de la symétrie sur la supraconductivité de LaRhSi3 et la frustration magnétique du SrRE2O4 (RE = Dy ou Ho)

Desilets-Benoit, Alexandre 04 1900 (has links)
Dans la première partie, nous présentons les résultats de l'étude du supraconducteur sans inversion de symétrie LaRhSi3 par spectroscopie muonique. En champ nul, nous n'avons pas détecté de champ interne. Ceci indique que la fonction d'onde de l'état supraconducteur n'est pas dominée par l'état triplet. Les mesures en champ transverse de 35G présentent une transition en accord avec la transition de phase attendue sous le champ critique Hc1. Nous avons répété ces mesures pour un champ entre Hc1 et Hc2, 150G. Le spectre obtenu pour ces mesures conserve l'asymétrie et relaxe rapidement à basse température tel que prédit pour un supraconducteur dans la phase d'Abrikosov. Néanmoins, les relaxations produites par ce balayage en température présentent une transition à près de 2 fois la température critique attendue. Dans la deuxième partie de ce mémoire, nous donnons l'interprétation des résultats de la diffraction neutronique inélastique par l'étude des champs électriques cristallins. Ces mesures ont été effectuées sur des aimants frustrés SrHo2O4 et SrDy2O4 sous la forme de poudre. L'étude des niveaux produits par les champs cristallins par la méthode des opérateurs de Stevens indique une perte du moment cinétique dans les deux matériaux. Pour le SrDy2O4, l'état fondamental serait constitué de quatre états dégénérés quasi accidentellement qui portent un moment magnétique total non-nul. Toute fois, nos mesures de susceptibilité magnétique ne montrent aucun ordre au-dessus de 50mK. Pour le SrHo2O4, le fondamental est formé d'une paire accidentelle. Nous obtenons un moment magnétique de 6.94(8)$\mu_B$ ce qui s'accorde avec les données expérimentales. / In the first part of this thesis, we present our muon spectroscopy results of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor LaRhSi3. Zero magnetic field measurements showed no internal field, suggesting at most a very small triplet component in the superconducting wave function. A temperature scan taken in 35G transverse-field geometry showed a phase transition at Hc1. The asymmetry of the muon relaxation spectrum measured at 20mK and field of 150G, which is between the lower and upper critical fields, shows a faster relaxation rate compared to the spectrum obtained at 4K, a behaviour expected in the presence of vortices in the type II superconductor. However, the temperature dependence of the relaxation rate begins to increase all the way to a temperature twice Tc of LaRhSi3 in a field of 150G. In the second part of this document, we present the interpretation of inelastic neutron scattering by crystalline electric fields. These measurements were carried out on powder samples of frustrated quantum magnets SrHo2O4 and SrDy2O4. Using Stevens operators method, we determined the level scheme du to crystalline electric field effects using a point charge model and fitted it to the experimental data. For the SrDy2O4 we found a ground state that appears to be composed of four quasi-accidental degenerate states that carry a non zero magnetic moment even though susceptibility measurements did not indicate magnetic order above 50mK. For the SrHo2O4, the ground state is a pair with a 6.98(8)$\mu_B$ magnetic moment. This lat value fots with experimental data.

Den gode, den onde, den fulle : En narrativ analys av journalister på vita duken

Svensson, Gustav, Jerner, August January 2015 (has links)
This study highlights the stereotypical depictions of journalists in film using a narrative analysis of four major Hollywood productions, starting with All the President’s Men from 1976 through The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo from 2011. Its purpose is to highlight traits given to journalists in the movies and re-occuring themes in the portrayal of the media and the journalistic occupation. Differences and commonalities between the films are concluded in a discussion of ethics, personalities and the media’s self image. The paper can be seen as a contribution to the paradigm in which journalism in the movies is perceived at the moment. It offers a wide explanation to how the image of the journalist is conveyed to the public, an image that differs from how real life journalists go about in daily work life. This is essential, since most people never get to experience journalistic work in reality – but solely from popular culture – which distorts the perception of the media as the fourth estate.

Philosophical controversies in the evaluation of medical treatments : With a focus on the evidential roles of randomization and mechanisms in Evidence-Based Medicine

Mebius, Alexander January 2015 (has links)
This thesis examines philosophical controversies surrounding the evaluation of medical treatments, with a focus on the evidential roles of randomised trials and mechanisms in Evidence-Based Medicine. Current 'best practice' usually involves excluding non-randomised trial evidence from systematic reviews in cases where randomised trials are available for inclusion in the reviews. The first paper challenges this practice and evaluates whether adding of evidence from non-randomised trials might improve the quality and precision of some systematic reviews. The second paper compares the alleged methodological benefits of randomised trials over observational studies for investigating treatment benefits. It suggests that claims about the superiority of well-conducted randomised controlled trials over well-conducted observational studies are justified, especially when results from the two methods are contradictory. The third paper argues that postulating the unpredictability paradox in systematic reviews when no detectable empirical differences can be found requires further justification. The fourth paper examines the problem of absence causation in the context of explaining causal mechanisms and argues that a recent solution (Barros 2013) is incomplete and requires further justification. Solving the problem by describing absences as causes of 'mechanism failure' fails to take into account the effects of absences that lead to vacillating levels of mechanism functionality (i.e. differences in effectiveness or efficiency). The fifth paper criticises literature that has emphasised functioning versus 'broken' or 'non-functioning' mechanisms emphasising that many diseases result from increased or decreased mechanism function, rather than complete loss of function. Mechanistic explanations must account for differences in the effectiveness of performed functions, yet current philosophical mechanistic explanations do not achieve this. The last paper argues that the standard of evidence embodied in the ICE theory of technological function (i.e. testimonial evidence and evidence of mechanisms) is too permissive for evaluating whether the proposed functions of medical technologies have been adequately assessed and correctly ascribed. It argues that high-quality evidence from clinical studies is necessary to justify functional ascriptions to health care technologies. / <p>QC 20150312</p>

"Man är ju inte mer än människa" : Långtidssjukskrivning ur ett emotionellt, relationellt och strukturellt perspektiv

Eriksson, Ulla-Britt January 2009 (has links)
The background to this thesis is the dramatic increase of the long-term sickness absence that took place in Sweden from the late 1990s. There was also a shift in the diagnostic pattern with rising mental diagnoses. The overall purpose was to describe and try to understand the process leading to long-term sickness absence from the perspective of the sickness absentees, in order to get a better knowledge base for preventive and rehabilitative actions. The thesis comprises four studies (I-IV). Research methods have been both qualitative and quantitative. In study I data from individual interviews with 32 persons on long-term sick leave due to burnout was analyzed using a grounded theory approach. In study II the study population comprised of 2064 employed sick-listed persons, a sub sample derived from the 2002 national Swedish survey on health, working conditions, life situation and sick-listing. It was analyzed if persons with burnout had higher probability of having experienced the steps in the burnout staircase compared to other diagnostic groups in accordance with the previously suggested hypothesis of "the burnout staircase". Study III comprised of 2521 employed persons, a sub sample derived from the same national survey as in study II. It was analyzed if psychosocial work environment and conflicts and losses in private life independently or in combination were more strongly associated to sickness absence with mental diagnoses as compared to a healthy population. In study IV individual interviews with 25 professional rehabilitation actors and 14 unemployed sick-listed persons were conducted. Data were analyzed according to grounded theory method. The process that led to sicknes absence can be described as an emotional deprivation process, illustrated as a flight of stairs (the burnout staircase) describing a sequence of steps toward sickness absence (I). In accordance with the tested hypothesis persons with burnout to a noticeable higher extent reported expereince of being in the different steps in the burnout staircase compared to sickness absentees with other diagnoses. The model seemed to be valid also for persons with other mental diagnoses (II). Reorganization and conflicts at work as well as adding adverse private life events were associated with increased risk for sickness absence with mental diagnosis (III). Three significant factors behind the weak co-operation between local social insurance and employment agencies were identified: indistinct regulation of co-operation, shifting political goals over time and conflicting goals between agencies (IV). In this thesis it has been suggested that the course of events preceding sickness absence might be understood as a process of emotional deprivation, where the individual is gradually emptied of the life-giving emotional energy revealed in joy, commitment, and empathy. This life-giving force finds its nourishment in safe and secure social relations with others and in a social structure that promotes this type of social relations. The profound changes in the Swedish labour market during the 1990s influenced not just the psychosocial work climate but also the rehabilitation efforts for unemployed sick-listed persons. When the political goal of reducing the unemployment level came to the forefront the indistinct regulation and the conflicting goals in addition were factors that impaired co-ordinated rehabilitation. In this process also the physicians were involved. A labour market problem was turned into a medical problem.

Legitimacy Work : Managing Sick Leave Legitimacy in Interaction

Flinkfeldt, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies how sick leave legitimacy is managed in interaction and develops an empirically driven conceptualization of ‘legitimacy work’. The thesis applies an ethnomethodological framework that draws on conversation analysis, discursive psychology, and membership categorization analysis. Naturally occurring interaction is examined in two settings: (1) multi-party meetings at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, in which participants assess and discuss the ‘status’ of the sick leave and plan for work rehabilitation; (2) peer-based online text-in-interaction in a Swedish forum thread that gathers people on sick leave. The thesis shows how mental states, activities and alternative categories function as resources for legitimacy work. However, such invocations are no straight-forward matter, but impose additional contingencies. It is thus crucial how they are invoked. By detailed analyses of the interaction, with attention to aspects such as lexicality and delivery, the thesis identifies a range of discursive features that manage sick leave legitimacy. Deployed resources are also subtle enough to be deniable as legitimacy work, that is, they also manage the risk of an utterance being seen as invested or biased. While legitimate sick leave is a core concern for Swedish policy-making, administration, and public debate on sick leave, previous research has for the most part been explanatory in orientation, minding legitimacy rather than studying it in its own right. By providing detailed knowledge about the legitimacy work that people on long-term sick leave do as part of both institutional and mundane encounters, the thesis contributes not only new empirical knowledge, but a new kind of empirical knowledge, shedding light on how the complexities of sick leave play out in real-life situations. Traditional sociological approaches have to a significant extent treated legitimacy as an entity with beginnings and ends that in more or less direct ways relate to external norms and cognitive states, or that focus on institutions, authority or government. By contrast, the herein emerging concept ‘legitimacy work’ understands legitimacy as a locally contingent practicality – a collaborative categorially oriented accomplishment that is integral to the interactional situation.

« Forcer, au besoin, leur obéissance » ? : la Gendarmerie nationale et la Grande Guerre des Français (1914-1918) / ‘To force, if need be, their obedience’? : the french gendarmerie during the First World War (1914-1918)

Panel, Louis N. 03 May 2010 (has links)
Par sa durée autant que par l’ampleur des effectifs engagés, la Première Guerre mondiale pose particulièrement la question du maintien de l’ordre et de la discipline aux armées. Déployés dans la zone des armées dès la déclaration de guerre, des détachements de gendarmerie y sont réorganisés à plusieurs reprises. Après avoir dirigé la mobilisation générale, ils veillent à la fluidité et à la sécurité de la circulation et assurent la régulation du trafic. Dans les cantonnements, les gendarmes des prévôtés interviennent également pour maintenir les hommes dans l’obéissance et le respect des directives du commandement. Ils sont aussi disposés en barrage, durant la bataille, pour réprimer la désertion qu’ils traquent jusqu’à l’intérieur. Leur échoient en outre la gestion et la surveillance des prisons prévôtales, bientôt réputées être le « cauchemar » de l’arme. En certaines circonstances, et alors que sont massées des troupes en nombre considérable, leur mission s’étend au contrôle de l’hygiène et aux soins des soldats. Pourtant, à l’issue de la guerre, l’image de la gendarmerie s’est considérablement dépréciée, comme en témoigne le développement du thème des gendarmes pendus par la troupe. / Because of its long duration as much as because of the vast number of troops engaged, the First World War posed the problem of maintaining order and discipline in the French armies in a particularly acute form. The task fell in a large part to the Gendarmerie, detachments of which were stationed in the armies’ sector since the outbreak of war. On several occasions the Gendarmerie had been reorganized. After having supervised the mobilization, it provided security for army movements and was responsible for traffic control. In the troop encampments the gendarmes of the military police enforced obedience to orders and ensured the implementation of directives from the (army) command. During the battle, they were arranged in roadblocks to repress deserters, whom they pursued up to the inland. Among their duties, there was also the administration and surveillance of military prisons, a task soon recognised to be a ‘nightmare’ for the service. In certain circumstances, when large masses of troops were jam-packed together, the Gendarmerie even assumed responsibility for soldiers’ personal hygiene and welfare. However, by the end of the war, the men’s respect for the Gendarmerie had declined markedly, evidenced by the spreading of the legend of gendarmes hanged by the rank-and-file.

Determining the causes of the high rate of absenteeism in the East Vaal area of the South African Post Office

Kgaphola, Sekgale Colbeck 08 1900 (has links)
The East Vaal area of the South African Post Office is faced with a high rate of teller absenteeism, which has been observed to be as high as 15 per cent. This adds to the cost of providing quality service to the company’s customers. The objectives of this study are to determine the factors that lead to the high rate of absenteeism in the East Vaal area and to make recommendations to the area management that could improve the attendance behaviour of the tellers in the area. To achieve these objectives, 51 questionnaires were prepared and handed out to the tellers with absenteeism rates of more than three percent in the East Vaal area to be completed. Face-to-face interviews with both the tellers and their branch managers were conducted. Absenteeism records and Employee Assistance Programme reports were also studied to collect more data. The findings highlighted lack of rewards for employees who reported for work regularly; employee illness; no recognition for good work performance; tellers receiving insufficient remuneration for their work; poor working conditions; and poor management style as the main reasons for the tellers taking unscheduled leave of absence. Based on the key findings, the main recommendations were that appropriate mechanisms for acknowledging and rewarding good work performance and attendance behaviour should be in place; a sick-leave pool system accessible to tellers should be introduced; establishment of performance evaluation and rewards for tellers; and introducing management practices which lead to a more open expression of opinion and participatory problem-solving / Business Management / Thesis (M.Tech. (Business Management))

Problematique de l'identite Juive dans des oevres choises de Patrick Modiano / Issue of Jewish identity in selected works of Patrick Modiano

Isaacs, Carole Ann 01 1900 (has links)
Towards the end of the 1960s in France we witness the awakening of the memory of the Holocaust and the Occupation which coincides with the publication of Patrick Modiano’s first novel, La place de l’étoile. It is from this time that Jewish memory of the Holocaust begins to surface and we see the emergence of a literature of the post-Holocaust generation. Modiano belongs to this generation that, being deprived of a personal memory of the Holocaust, turns to this period in a quest for roots and identity. Like his Jewish colleagues, Modiano struggles to come to terms with a past that he has not experienced and an absence of memory. This dissertation analyses Modiano’s use of the period of the Holocaust as signifier of Jewish identity in four of his novels in order to highlight the role of the issue of Jewish identity in the construction of a textual identity / Vers la fin des années 60 on voit en France le réveil de la mémoire de la Shoah et de l’Occupation qui coïncide avec la publication du premier roman de Patrick Modiano, La place de l’étoile. C’est à partir de cette époque que la mémoire juive de la Shoah va pouvoir se faire entendre et qu’on constate l’émergence d’une littérature de la génération d’après la Shoah. Modiano appartient à cette génération qui, étant dépourvue d’une mémoire personnelle de la Shoah, se tourne vers cette période dans une quête de racines et d’identité. Comme ses confrères juifs, Modiano a du mal à se réconcilier avec un passé qu’il n’a pas vécu et une absence de mémoire. Cette étude examine de près le recours de Modiano aux années de la Shoah en tant que signifiant de l’identité juive dans quatre ouvrages afin de mettre en exergue le rôle de la problématique de l’identité juive dans la construction d’une identité textuelle chez cet écrivain / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M. A. (French)

Avaliação de testes diagnósticos na ausência de padrão ouro considerando relaxamento da suposição de independência condicional, covariáveis e estratificação da população: uma abordagem Bayesiana

Pereira, Gilberto de Araujo 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:04:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4040.pdf: 1510214 bytes, checksum: 7dfe4542c20ffa8a47309738bc22a922 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The application of a gold standard reference test in all or part of the sample under investigation is often not feasible for the majority of diseases affecting humans, either by a lack of consensus on which testing may be considered a gold standard, the high level of invasion of the gold standard technique, the high cost of financially large-scale application, or by ethical questions, so to know the performance of existing tests is essential for the process of diagnosis of these diseases. In statistical modeling aimed to obtain robust estimates of the prevalence of the disease (x ) and the performance parameters of diagnostic tests (sensitivity (Se) and specificity (Sp)), various strategies have been considered such as the stratification of the population, the relaxation of the assumption of conditional independence, the inclusion of covariates, the verification type (partial or total) and the techniques to replace the gold standard. In this thesis we propose a new structure of stratification of the population considering both the prevalence rates and the parameters of test performance among the different strata (EHW). A Bayesian latent class modeling to estimate these parameters was developed for the general case of K diagnostic tests under investigation, relaxation of the assumption of conditional independence according to the formulations of the fixed effect (FECD) and random (RECD) with dependent order (h _ k) and M covariates. The application of models to two data sets about the performance evaluation of diagnostic tests used in screening for Chagas disease in blood donors showed results consistent with the sensitivity studies. Overall, we observed for the structure of stratification proposal (EHW) superior performance and estimates closer to the nominal values when compared to the structure of stratification when only the prevalence rates are different between the strata (HW), even when we consider data set with rates of Se, Sp and x close among the strata. Generally, the structure of latent class, when we have low or high prevalence of the disease, estimates of sensitivity and specificity rates have higher standard errors. However, in these cases, when there is high concordance of positive or negative results of the tests, the error pattern of these estimates are reduced. Regardless of the structure of stratification (EHW, HW), sample size and the different scenarios used to model the prior information, the model of conditional dependency from the FECD and RECD had, from the information criteria (AIC, BIC and DIC), superior performance to the structure of conditional independence (CI) and to FECD with improved performance and estimates closer to the nominal values. Besides the connection logit, derived from the logistic distribution with symmetrical shape, find in the link GEV, derived from the generalized extreme value distribution which accommodates symmetric and asymmetric shapes, a interesting alternative to construct the conditional dependence structure from the RECD. As an alternative to the problem of identifiability, present in this type of model, the criteria adopted to elicit the informative priors by combining descriptive analysis of data, adjustment models from simpler structures, were able to produce estimates with low standard error and very close to the nominal values. / Na área da saúde a aplicação de teste de referência padrão ouro na totalidade ou parte da amostra sob investigação é, muitas vezes, impraticável devido à inexistência de consenso sobre o teste a ser considerado padrão ouro, ao elevado nível de invasão da técnica, ao alto custo da aplicação em grande escala ou por questões éticas. Contudo, conhecer o desempenho dos testes é fundamental no processo de diagnóstico. Na modelagem estatística voltada à estimação da taxa de prevalência da doença (x ) e dos parâmetros de desempenho de testes diagnósticos (sensibilidade (S) e especificidade (E)), a literatura tem explorado: estratificação da população, relaxamento da suposição de independência condicional, inclusão de covariáveis, tipo de verificação pelo teste padrão ouro e técnicas para substituir o teste padrão ouro inexistente ou inviável de ser aplicado em toda a amostra. Neste trabalho, propomos uma nova estrutura de estratificação da população considerando taxas de prevalências e parâmetros de desempenho diferentes entre os estratos (HWE). Apresentamos uma modelagem bayesiana de classe latente para o caso geral de K testes diagnósticos sob investigação, relaxamento da suposição de independência condicional segundo as formulações de efeito fixo (DCEF) e efeito aleatório (DCEA) com dependência de ordem (h _ K) e inclusão de M covariáveis. A aplicação dos modelos a dois conjuntos de dados sobre avaliação do desempenho de testes diagnósticos utilizados na triagem da doença de Chagas em doadores de sangue apresentou resultados coerentes com os estudos de sensibilidade. Observamos, para a estrutura de estratificação proposta, HWE, desempenho superior e estimativas muito próximas dos valores nominais quando comparados à estrutura de estratificação na qual somente as taxas de prevalências são diferentes entre os estratos (HW), mesmo quando consideramos dados com taxas de S, E e x muito próximas entre os estratos. Geralmente, na estrutura de classe latente, quando temos baixa ou alta prevalência da doença, as estimativas das sensibilidades e especificidades apresentam, respectivamente, erro padrão mais elevado. No entanto, quando há alta concordância de resultados positivos ou negativos, tal erro diminui. Independentemente da estrutura de estratificação (HWE, HW), do tamanho amostral e dos diferentes cenários utilizados para modelar o conhecimento a priori, os modelos de DCEF e de DCEA apresentaram, a partir dos critérios de informação (AIC, BIC e DIC), desempenhos superiores à estrutura de independência condicional (IC), sendo o de DCEF com melhor desempenho e estimativas mais próximas dos valores nominais. Além da ligação logito, derivada da distribuição logística com forma simétrica, encontramos na ligação VEG , derivada da distribuição de valor extremo generalizada a qual acomoda formas simétricas e assimétricas, interessante alternativa para construir a estrutura de DCEA. Como alternativa ao problema de identificabilidade, neste tipo de modelo, os critérios para elicitar as prioris informativas, combinando análise descritiva dos dados com ajuste de modelos de estruturas mais simples, contribuíram para produzir estimativas com baixo erro padrão e muito próximas dos valores nominais.

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