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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Var ska jag bo? Var KAN jag bo? : En studie i hur studenter väljer bostad

Nilsson, Robin January 2022 (has links)
I universitetsstäder måste det finnas möjlighet för studenter att bo, ofta brukar det finnas speciella studentbostäder. Tidigare forskning har visat att studenter koncentrerar sig till vissa platser vilket kan leda till en nedgång av ett bostadsområdes skick, så kallad studentifiering. I denna fallstudie undersöks hur studenter väljer bostad samt hur de upplever sina respektive bostadsområden. För att få svar på detta har en kvantitativ metod använts, en enkät har delats ut till studenter i Uppsala, villkoret har varit att de hade Uppsala som studieort (i motsats till distansstudier). Agens diskuteras, något som kan påverka val av bostad, men är svårt att kvantifiera. Resultaten tyder på att det inte finns samband mellan studenters bakgrund och bosättningsmönster, men ger inga entydiga svar. Det kan däremot finnas olika studentkulturer som koncentreras till lokala studentbostadsområden. Vilka kriterier studenterna har vid val av bostad bekräftar tidigare forskning.

Tolerated, Muted, Removed: A Study of Preexisting Relationships Across Political Lines on Social Media Using SIDE, the Investment Model, and the Model of Accommodation

Diana Leigh Deyoe (13002168) 06 July 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>This study explores reactions to and interactions online with political content posted by an interpersonal connection on social media. The concepts within this study are drawn from interpersonal, political, social media, and digital affordances literature. The theoretical foundation is built on the social identity model of deindividuation effects (SIDE), the investment model of relationship maintaining behavior, and the model of accommodation. Two research questions were asked regarding the impact of preexisting relationships and political identity on participant reactions to and interactions with political content posted on social media by an interpersonal connection. A qualitative method was used to answer the above questions. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and analyzed using a thematic analysis and guided by sensitizing topics. Results show that participants did not often post or interact on social media and often chose to ignore or tolerate political content shared by an interpersonal connection. However, participants did note the potential impact of relational closeness and political identity on post-perception. These results indicate a possible shift in posting behavior despite the prevalence of online discourse. Overall, this study demonstrates the need for further research into user behavior on social media and how this impact their interactions with online connections and politics.</p>

En studie om boendekvaliteti ett nybyggt bostadskomplex : Kvalitativ undersökning som omfattar Kv. Rosteriet 7 och hur detupplevs av de boende och dess omgivning / A study of quality of housing in a newlybuilt residential complex : Qualitative survey covering Kv. Rosteriet 7 and how it is perceivedby the residents and its surroundings

Björkegren, Anna, Olsson, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Byggbranschen har ett ansvar för att skapa hållbara bostäder på individnivå med även ur ett helhetsperspektiv. Vi påverkas alla indirekt av den arkitektur vi möter i bostaden vilket inverkar på vår upplevda boendekvalitet. Målet med denna rapport är att undersöka boendekvalitet med hjälp av en fallstudie av det nybyggda bostadskomplexet Kv. Rosteriet 7. Genom enkät-undersökning, intervjuer med förbipasserande och djupintervjuer med boende i huset har denna studie undersökt om kvarteret uppfyller Ola Nylanders åtta egenskapsfält; material och detaljer, axialitet, omslutenhet, rörelse, generalitet och flexibilitet, dagsljus, rumsorganisation samt hus och stadsrum. Boende-enkäten och djupintervjuerna har även fungerat som ett underlag för att finna ytterligare faktorer som är betydelsefulla för boendekvaliteten. Studien har resulterat i att delar av egenskapsfälten har uppfyllts, däribland lägenheternas rika dagsljusinsläpp och tydliga omslutenhet. De boende anser att kvaliteter som trygghet, gemenskap, gemensamma utrymmen och kvaliteter i lägenheten som teknisk utrustning och fast inredning är av stort värde. Dessa kvaliteter tillsammans med Nylanders åtta egenskapsfält bidrar till en god boendekvalitet och uppmuntras att användas vid projektering av bostadskomplex. / The construction industry is responsible for creating sustainable housing at an individual level, even from an overall perspective. We are all affected indirectly by the architecture we meet in our homes, which affects our perceived quality of accommodation. The aim of this report is to investigate quality of housing by means of a case study of the newly built residential complex Kv. Rosteriet 7. Through surveys, interviews with people in the surroundings and deep interviews with inhabitants, this study has investigated whether the block meets Ola Nylanders eight property fields; Material and details, axiality, enclosure, motion, generality and flexibility, daylight, space organization and also house and city space. The accommodation surveys and deep interviews have also served as a basis for finding additional factors that are important for the quality of accommodation. The study has resulted in the completion of parts of the properties fields, including the rich daylight emissivity of the apartments and clear enclosure. The residents consider that qualities such as safety, community, common spaces and qualities in the apartment as technical equipment and permanent furnishings are of great value. These qualities together with Nylanders eight property fields contribute to a good quality of living and are encouraged to be used in the design of residential complex.

Korttidsboendets mål - Chefers och personals syn på målen för verksamheten

Nilsson, Jesper, Möller, Louise January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to see if there are differences in how managers and other staff looks at goals for short-term accommodation. The results show that there is a difference in views on the goals. This is manifested, among other things, in the form of managers have their focus concentrated on the financial framework for the business. Other staff have their focus directed at targets that are more about the work of the resident. The theory that the survey is based on is The sense of coherence and its three pillars: comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness.

Investigation of the impact of personal norms and environmental awareness to sustainable purchasing behaviour among tourists in Sweden : Quantitative Analysis

Adnan, Kulsoom January 2023 (has links)
This study examines into how tourists in Sweden engage in sustainable tourism by analysing the impact of personal norms and environmental knowledge on their purchasing decisions, with an emphasis on eco-friendly options for accommodation. The goal of the study is to ascertain how much sustainable tourism practices are considered by visitors in Sweden when making vacation choices. To do this, a survey was given to visitors (both domestic and international) to Sweden, and statistical analysis was done on the data gathered. The study's conclusions show a strong relationship between individual norms, environmental knowledge, and environmentally conscious purchasing practices among Swedish travelers. This shows that more environmentally conscious travelers are more likely to choose sustainable travel options, especially when it comes to choosing eco-friendly lodging. Policymakers, stakeholders in the tourist sector, and marketers wanting to promote sustainable tourism practices in Sweden can all benefit from the knowledge provided by these insights. The development of tailored measures to promote eco-conscious tourism behaviors among visitors to this Scandinavian destination can be aided by an understanding of the interaction between personal norms and environmental awareness.

Adaptive optics, aberration dynamics and accomodation control. An investigation of the properties of ocular aberrations, and their role in accomodation control.

Chin, Sem Sem January 2009 (has links)
This thesis consists of two parts: a report on the use of a binocular Shack-Hartmann (SH) sensor to study the dynamic correlation of ocular aberrations; and the application of an adaptive optics (AO) system to investigate the effect of the manipulation of aberrations on the accommodation control. The binocular SH sensor consists of one laser source and one camera to reduce system cost and complexity. Six participants took part in this study. Coherence function analysis showed that coherence values were dependent on the subject, aberration and frequency component. Inter-ocular correlations of the aberration dynamics were fairly weak for all participants. Binocular and monocular viewing conditions produced similar wavefront error dynamics. The AO system has a dual wavefront sensing channel. The extra sensing channel permits direct measurement of the eye¿s aberrations independent of the deformable mirror. Dynamic correction of aberrations during steady-state fixation did not affect the accommodation microfluctuations, possibly due to the prior correction of the static aberration level and/or the limited correction bandwidth. The inversion of certain aberrations during dynamic accommodation affected the gain and latency of accommodation response (AR), suggesting that the eye used the aberrations to guide its initial path of accommodative step response. Corrections of aberrations at various temporal locations of AR cycle produced subject- and aberration-dependent results. The gain and phase lag of the AR to a sinusoidally moving target were unaffected by aberration correction. The predictable nature of the target had been suggested as the reason for its failure to produce any significant effect on the AR gain and phase lag.

Equality Within the Ranks: A Critical Examination of the Canadian Armed Forces Aim to Create an Inclusive Workspace and Enhance Diversity

Rundle, Michael 16 November 2022 (has links)
In 2017 the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) released a revised vision and approach for the department of national defence, entitled “Strong, Secure, Engaged” (“Strong, Secure, Engaged: Canada’s Defence Policy” 2017). This document has a dedicated section on diversity and the significance of drawing upon the different backgrounds and cultural experiences each member brings with them when entering the organization. This section confirms the commitment of the Canadian government and the CAF to ensure that diversity and inclusion are priorities at all levels of supervision and management of personnel. However, many years removed from the implementation of this policy, the inclusion of diversity remains a topic of contention and is a struggle that the institution faces daily. . While the topic of equality and inclusion has many dimensions and considerations, especially within the CAF, this thesis will address the impact of the historical influence that Christian practices and traditions have had and continues to have upon the institution and its aim to enhance diversity and ensure the inclusion and equal treatment of all members. The thesis will question whether the CAF can succeed in its commitment to creating a safe and respectful workplace in light of privileges that exist for Christian beliefs and practices, which often go unaddressed or remain hidden in plain sight. This exploration of this question led to the analysis of legal rulings concerning the freedom of religious expression within the Canadian context; three crucial CAF policies that address the rights and freedoms of serving members; the summary trial of Lt(N) Scott in 2003; and an in-depth examination of the current research and scholarship regarding equality, inclusion, and the accommodation of diversity. What emerged from this analysis was an understanding that the CAF must recognize longstanding privileges favouring Christian practices if the organization intends to succeed in implementing initiatives, policies and procedures focusing on inclusion and diversity. Ultimately, this thesis aims to apply the findings of the examination of Christian privileges and to suggest practical steps that the CAF can implement to create change within the culture of the CAF. Drawing upon the concepts of the lived religion method, Lori Beaman’s deep equality approach, and the concept of mutual respect, this thesis intends to encourage the CAF to look beyond current models and approaches of managing diversity and difference as if it is a problem to be solved. Instead, this thesis intends to encourage the CAF to focus on actively listening to the complexity of the needs of its members. The research and analysis suggest that engaging in this process will permit more voices to be heard and allow diversity to strengthen the institution instead of being a problem that needs accommodation.

Living labeled: how students make meaning of their label of autism

Casola, Shona 11 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how high school students labeled with autism make meaning of their label and how, for them, the label functions in their day-to-day lives. Being diagnosed with autism can have many implications for an individual and his or her family and how a label is understood is very much connected to the impact that it has. A label can be instrumental in accessing resources and supports that enable a person to thrive, but it can also conjure stereotypes which may categorize a person or limit them in particular ways. Using critical theory and phenomenological analysis, short semi-structured interviews were conducted with high school aged participants prior to their attending a full day workshop. The workshop included half-day art creation and a half-day focus group which sought to understand participants’ experiences through their descriptions of their art and through collaborative discussion about their experience living labeled. The findings suggest that while their experiences are as diverse as the individuals who have them, there are similarities in how the label functions which may be more universal. Participants in this study discussed how the label of autism assigns positive or (more often) negative value to a person; how their label linked them with certain resources (and not others), and how they experienced and understood these resources; and the way labels can both protect and confine a person. Consideration of how high school students understand of their label of autism can prompt us all to think more critically about how labels, and the meanings we assign to them, affect and shape experience for those who live labeled. / Thesis / Master of Social Work (MSW)

Competitiveness and Sustainability in the Sharing Economy Era. Opportunities and challenges from the Tourism and Hospitality Accommodation Industry

Nannelli, Martina 13 April 2021 (has links)
The Sharing Economy is an innovative social, economic and technological paradigm which is shaping worldwide production and consumption patterns of many industries. Its strength relies on factors of competitiveness such as the use of idle capacity, temporary access to resources without transfer of ownership, the flexibility and adaptability of its models, and the participation of a growing number of players allowed by peer-to-peer digital platforms. From the management perspective, the conditions for lasting competitiveness lies on sustainability, the paradigm integrating the supply, demand, and technological dimensions in a holistic, or ecosystem, perspective. Tourism is among the industries making extensive use of sharing digital platforms and experiencing changes that foster the sustainability debate. The PhD Thesis aims to investigate the relationships between competitiveness and sustainability in the tourism and hospitality accommodation industry in the Sharing Economy Era. Its investigation is multifaced and is addressed through three studies adopting a post-modernist perspective that builds on qualitative approaches and strategies for data collection and analysis. The Part I of the Thesis explores the Sharing Economy concept’s evolution and the sustainability issues through an in-depth review of the literature. Results reveal the leading economic-technological evolution of the paradigm over the social one, and its dual links with sustainability in relation to the extensive use of peer-to-peer digital platforms. Therefore, the evolution of the Sharing Economy activities have shown that today competitiveness is built on the interactions of an ever-increasing number of actors and factors, both off-line and on-line, within a complex ecosystem for the creation of – shared – value. The tourism industry strongly challenges this relationship between extended competition and sustainability. The Part II evaluates the competitiveness model and its evolution during the Sharing eTourism Era in the tourism and hospitality accommodation sector introducing an ecosystem perspective for the creation and distribution of shared value. Specifically, it investigates how the non-traditional and informal tourist services have affected the structure of the industry and have altered the competition among the actors, through semi-structured in-depth interviews. Results show that competitiveness is given by the balance among the complex interactions of internal and external ecosystem’s actors and factors. On a micro level this imply that businesses must adopts an ecosystem vision compensating for negative externalities which translate into the adoption of Business Models promoting sustainability for the creation of sustainable shared value. Therefore, the Part III investigates through the use of an illustrative case study how peer-to-peer digital platforms in the tourist accommodation service can boost profitability while strengthening economic, social and environmental sustainability by applying the innovative Business Model for Sustainability. The research sheds light on the complex Sharing Economy literature and lays the theoretical foundations for the implementation of managerial strategies aimed at promoting extended sustainable competition-cooperation.

Learning Disabilities and the Impact of Accommodation Programs in Post-Secondary Education

Persaud, Jacqueline 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
As enrollment rates for students with learning disabilities steadily increase, post-secondary institutions must become more inclusive. Current literature reveals a gap in studies between post-secondary education and student views on access programs. Our endeavor focused on this community. The survey was distributed using SONA and by the Student Accessibility Services Office via Qualtrics. Our study looked at 312 participants, aged from 18 - over 30 years old and who varied in sex. More satisfaction with accommodations equated to more academic competence towards goals. However, the results showed less satisfaction with personal lives and self-acceptance. This is possibly due to participants having greater help with learning disabilities and less help with adjustments in their personal lives. Hopefully, this research will open new conversations between students with learning disabilities and universities, in order to better understand this special needs population.

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