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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Approche systémique pour la composition d’œuvres acousmatiques, mixtes, vidéomusicales et pluridisciplinaires

Dufort, Louis 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Jeux d’espace et spatialisation du son dans la composition de paysage sonore. Entre réflexions, créations sonores et développement d’outils numériques

Frisoli, Mélanie 11 1900 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette maîtrise, Mélanie Frisoli s’est penchée sur un travail de compositions spatiales qui impliquent des dispositifs de haut-parleurs conséquents (de 16 à 64 haut-parleurs) et qui s’inspirent fortement de l’esthétique du paysage sonore et des théories de l’écologie sonore. Le médium multiphonique en trois dimensions (proche de notre vécu sensoriel quotidien) s’est avéré un support de choix pour expérimenter la sensibilisation aux bruits et à notre environnement sonore via la composition musicale. Mélanie a également tenté de comprendre pourquoi la spatialisation pouvait être intéressante et ce que ce paradigme proposait d’original et de sensible par rapport à la composition stéréophonique. En parallèle, la composition musicale de paysage sonore a été explorée avec tout ce qu’elle implique en tant que posture artistique. L’ensemble de ces questionnements et de ces recherches ont permis d’élaborer des stratégies compositionnelles pour la mise en espace du son sous des dômes de haut-parleurs. Sont ainsi nées trois œuvres acousmatiques (fixes sur support) et une performance en direct qui explorent les thématiques de l’espace, de la pollution sonore, de l’immersion et de la conscientisation de l’écoute. Enfin, différentes technologies pour la spatialisation du son sont présentées dans ce mémoire, avec un intérêt particulier apporté à celle utilisée dans ce travail de recherche-création. Mélanie Frisoli a également développé cinq outils informatiques afin de mieux appréhender le travail de spatialisation et de faciliter l’intégration du paramètre d’espace au processus de composition. / As part of this master’s degree, Mélanie Frisoli worked on spatial compositions that involve substantial loudspeaker devices (16 to 64 loudspeakers) and are strongly inspired by the aesthetics of soundscape composition and the theories of sound ecology. Due to its close connection to our daily sensory experience, the three-dimensional multiphonic medium was ideal for experiencing awareness of noises and our sound environment through musical composition. She also attempted to understand why spatialization could be interesting and what was original and sensitive compared to stereo compositions. In parallel, the musical composition of soundscape was used to study what it implies as an artistic posture. All these questions and research led to the development of compositional strategies for setting sound in space under loudspeaker domes. Three acousmatic works (fixed on support) and a live performance were created, all of which explore themes such as space, sound pollution, immersion, and awareness of listening. Finally, Mélanie presented various existing technologies for sound spatialization in this thesis, but mainly focused on the one used in this research-creation work. She also developed five computer tools to support her work in spatialization and facilitate the integration of the space parameter within the composition process.


MARIA DE ABREU ALTBERG 08 August 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese reflete sobre o estatuto contemporâneo da voz no cinema a partir do tratamento a ela dispensado em um recorte de trabalhos audiovisuais cujos procedimentos artísticos singulares convidam à investigação — em especial no que tange ao que se tem reconhecido como manifestações espectrais da voz acusmática. O trabalho se compõe de três ensaios complementares, que investigam de que maneiras e com que efeitos estético-políticos as produções em exame subvertem formas historicamente calcificadas de destituir a palavra de qualquer corporeidade, o que inclui a materialidade da voz. Com esse horizonte, o estudo se debruça sobre as seguintes criações: A paixão de JL (2016), de Carlos Nader; Hilda Hilst pede contato (2018), de Gabriela Greeb; Imagem e palavra (2018), de Jean-Luc Godard; e Vaga carne (2019), de Grace Passô e Ricardo Alves Jr. Por atenção aos modos como esses filmes trabalham e pensam a matéria vocal, distinguem-se e exploram-se três manifestações interligadas da voz acusmática: (1) propomos pensar como vocobiografias espectrais os tratamentos dados por Nader e Greeb aos arquivos de voz de Leonilson e Hilst, com destaque para os movimentos que se ali desdobram entre presença e ausência, indivíduo e coletivo, ficção e realidade; (2) derivamos a noção de um vozerio tátil dos procedimentos com que Godard atende ao imperativo pensar com as mãos, que abre Imagem e palavra, no plano da miríade de vozes ali convocadas; e por fim, (3) refletimos sobre a invenção de uma voz polimorfa no média-metragem de Grace Passô e Ricardo Alves Jr., que, disparado por encenação (2016) e livro (2018) homônimos de autoria da atriz e dramaturga, tem como surpreendente protagonista uma voz com o poder de transitar por diferentes matérias. Mostra-se como, ao mobilizarem a materialidade da voz por diferentes caminhos e com diferentes ênfases, os filmes estudados agem no sentido de deslocar modos arraigados – e passivos – de escuta. / [en] This thesis reflects on the status of the voice in contemporary cinema by examining a selection of audiovisual works whose unique artistic procedures invite investigation — especially with regard to what has been recognized as spectral manifestations of the acousmatic voice. The work is composed of three complementary essays, which investigate how and with what aesthetic-political effects these productions subvert historically calcified forms of depriving the word of any corporeality, notably of the materiality of the voice. With this horizon, the study delves into the following creations: JL s passion (2016), by Carlos Nader; Dead ones, do you live? (2018), by Gabriela Greeb; The image book (2018), by Jean-Luc Godard; and Dazed flesh (2019), by Grace Passô and Ricardo Alves Jr. By attending to the ways in which these films work with and think about the vocal matter, we distinguish and explore three interconnected manifestations of the acousmatic voice: (1) we propose to think about the treatments given by Nader and Greeb to the voice archives of Leonilson and Hilst as spectral vocobiographies, with emphasis on what evolves in between presence and absence, individual and collective, fiction and reality; (2) we derive the notion of a tactile buzz from the singular ways in which Godard combines the myriad of voices he summons, as yet another means to respond to the imperative that opens the film, namely, to think with the hands; and finally, (3) we reflect on the invention of a polymorphous voice in the medium-length film by Grace Passô and Ricardo Alves Jr., which, triggered by homonymous staging (2016) and book (2018) by Passô, has as its surprising protagonist a voice with the power to transit through different subjects. I show how, by mobilizing the materiality of the voice through different paths and with different emphases, the studied films act in order to displace entrenched — and passive — modes of listening.

La pensée mixte : une approche de la composition par l'interaction des pensées instrumentale, électroacoustique et informatique

Dall'Ara-Majek, Ana 01 1900 (has links)
La « pensée mixte » est une approche de la composition caractérisée par l’interaction de trois pensées: la pensée instrumentale, la pensée électroacoustique et la pensée informatique. Elle prend la forme d’un réseau où le compositeur fait des aller-retours entre les trois pensées et réalise des équivalences paramétriques. La pensée instrumentale se rattache à la tradition de l’écriture occidentale, la pensée électroacoustique fait allusion aux pratiques du studio analogique et de la musique acousmatique, et la pensée informatique fait référence aux pratiques numériques de la programmation visuelle et de l’analyse spectrale. Des lieux communs existent où s’opèrent l’interaction des trois pensées: la notion du studio instrumental de Ivo Malec, la notion de musique concrète instrumentale de Helmut Lachenmann, la composition assistée par ordinateur, la musique spectrale, l’approche instrumentale par montage, la musique acousmatique s’inspirant de la tradition musicale écrite et les musiques mixtes. Ces domaines constituent les influences autour desquelles j’ai composé un corpus de deux cycles d’œuvres: Les Larmes du Scaphandre et le Nano-Cosmos. L’analyse des œuvres met en évidence la notion de « pensée mixte » en abordant la pensée électroacoustique dans ma pratique instrumentale, la pensée informatique dans ma pratique musicale, et la pensée instrumentale dans ma pratique électroacoustique. / “Mixed-method thinking” is an approach to composition characterized by the interaction of three streams of compositional thought: instrumental, electroacoustic and computing-based. It takes the form of a network within which the composer goes back and forth between these three types of conceptualization and succeeds in finding equivalences between parameters. Instrumental thinking is connected to the Western notated compositional tradition, electroacoustic thinking alludes to practices derived from the analog studio environment and the acousmatic music tradition, and computing-based thinking refers to visual programming and spectral analysis practices. Common areas exist where all three forms of thinking interact: Ivo Malec’s notion of the instrumental studio, Helmut Lachenmann’s notion of musique concrète instrumentale, computer-assisted composition, spectral music, the montage approach to instrumental composition, acousmatic music inspired by the written musical tradition and genres combining instruments with fixed media or electronics. These areas comprise the influences around which I composed a corpus of two cycles of works: Les Larmes du Scaphandre and Nano-Cosmos. Analysis of these works demonstrates the notion of “mixed-method thinking” through the adoption of electroacoustic thinking in my instrumental composition practice, computational thinking in my musical practice, and instrumental thinking in my electroacoustic practice.

Between Liminality and Transgression: Experimental Voice in Avant-Garde Performance

Johnston, Emma Anne January 2014 (has links)
This thesis explores the notion of ‘experimental voice’ in avant-garde performance, in the way it transgresses conventional forms of vocal expression as a means of both extending and enhancing the expressive capabilities of the voice, and reframing the social and political contexts in which these voices are heard. I examine these avant-garde voices in relation to three different liminal contexts in which the voice plays a central role: in ritual vocal expressions, such as Greek lament and Māori karanga, where the voice forms a bridge between the living and the dead; in electroacoustic music and film, where the voice is dissociated from its source body and can be heard to resound somewhere between human and machine; and from a psychoanalytic perspective, where the voice may bring to consciousness the repressed fears and desires of the unconscious. The liminal phase of ritual performance is a time of inherent possibility, where the usual social structures are inverted or subverted, but the liminal is ultimately temporary and conservative. Victor Turner suggests the concept of the ‘liminoid’ as a more transgressive alternative to the liminal, allowing for permanent and lasting social change. It may be in the liminoid realm of avant-garde performance that voices can be reimagined inside the frame of performance, as a means of exploring new forms of expression in life. This thesis comes out of my own experience as a performer and is informed both by theoretical discourse and practical experimentation in the theatre. Exploring the voice as a liminal, transgressive force requires analysis from an experiential perspective.

Are you ready for a wet live-in? : explorations into listening

Holmstedt, Janna January 2017 (has links)
Listen. If I ask you to listen, what is it that I ask of you—that you will understand, or perhaps obey? Or is it some sort of readiness that is requested? What occurs with a body in the act of listening? How do sound and voice structure audio-visual-spatial relations in concrete situations? This doctoral thesis in fine arts consists of six artworks and an essay that documents the research process, or rather, acts as a travelogue as it stages and narrates a series of journeys into a predominantly sonic ecology. One entry into this field is offered by the animal “voice” and attempts to teach animals to speak human language. The first journey concerns a specific case where humanoid sounds were found to emanate from an unlikely source—the blowhole of a dolphin. Another point of entry is offered by the acousmatic voice, a voice split from its body, and more specifically, my encounter with the disembodied voice of Steve Buscemi in a prison in Philadelphia. This listening experience triggered a fascination with, and an inquiry into, the voices that exist alongside us, the parasitic relation that audio technology makes possible, and the way an accompanying voice changes one’s perceptions and even one’s behavior. In the case of both the animal and the acousmatic, the seemingly trivial act of attending to a voice quickly opens up a complex space of embodied entanglements with the potential to challenge much of what we take for granted. At the heart of my inquiry is a series of artworks made between 2012 and 2016, which constitute a third journey: the performance Limit-Cruisers (#1 Sphere), the praxis session Limit-Cruisers (#2 Crowd), the installations Therapy in Junkspace, Fluorescent You, and “Then, ere the bark above their shoulders grew,” and the lecture performance Articulations from the Orifice (The Dry and the Wet). The relationship between what is seen and heard is being explored and renegotiated in the arts and beyond. We are increasingly addressed by prerecorded and synthetic voices in both public and private spaces. Simultaneously, our notions of human communication are challenged and complicated by recent research in animal communication. My work attempts to address the shifts and complexities embodied in these developments. The three journeys are deeply entwined with theoretical inquiries into human-animal relationships, technology, and the philosophy of sound. In the essay, I consider as well how other artistic practices are exploring this same complex space. What I put forward is a materialist and concrete approach to listening understood as a situated practice. Listening is both a form of co-habitation and an ecology. In and through listening, I claim, one could be said to perform in concert with the things heard while at the same time being changed by them. / <p>Avhandlingen är även utgiven i serien: Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University: DoctoralStudies and Research in Fine and Performing Arts, 16. ISSN: 1653-8617</p>

Cathédrales, une approche immersive à la composition d'une musique spatialisée en 3D : intentions, stratégies et réceptions

Ledoux, David 04 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création / L’expérience sonore immersive est souvent associée à la spatialisation du son. Mais, le phénomène d’immersion est plutôt complexe et le réduire au seul emploi d’un dispositif technique ne permet pas d’en apprécier les causes multiples sur le plan de la réception. Ce mémoire présente un projet de recherche-création intitulé Cathédrales, dont l’objectif est de mieux comprendre la réception d’une œuvre de musique acousmatique spa- tialisée en 3D et intentionnellement immersive. Ce travail porte notamment sur les stratégies de composition adoptées et leurs effets, au regard des intentions de départs et de l’analyse des commentaires émis par un ensemble d’auditeurs-participants. Les trois premiers chapitres présentent les aspects conceptuels soutenant la démarche de création des œuvres Ville Aux Cent Clochers et Réverbérence. Le premier chapitre vise à préciser d’entrée de jeu ce que signifie l’immersion sonore, de sa compréhension plus générale jusqu’à ses significations plus particulières; le deuxième chapitre présente ensuite l’immersion sous l’angle d’une narratologie naturelle de la musique; tandis que le troisième chapitre intègre cette approche narrative au langage du cinéma pour l’oreille et adapte le tout au contexte multidirectionnel du médium de diffusion sonore. Les deux parties qui composent l’œuvre Cathédrales : I. Ville Aux Cent Clochers et II. Réverbérence, sont présentées au quatrième chapitre. Après avoir introduit le propos de l’œuvre dans son ensemble, les intentions et les stratégies spécifiques à chacune de ces pièces y sont également développées. Enfin, le cinquième chapitre présente les résultats de deux études de réception, impliquant un certain nombre d’auditeurs, sur l’écoute de musiques spatialisées pour dôme de haut-parleurs. L’analyse esthésique découlant de ces enquêtes permet de proposer différentes catégories conceptuelles de l’expérience sonore immersive. Ces catégories peuvent éventuellement servir à schématiser les effets de certaines stratégies de composition, combinées à l’emploi d’un dispositif technologique particulier, sur la réception d’une musique spatialisée en 3D. / The immersive sound experience is often associated with sound spatialization. But the immersive phenomenon is rather complex and reducing it to the sole usage of a technical device does a disservice to our appreciation of its multiple causes in terms of a work’s reception. This memoir presents a research-creation project, entitled Cathédrales, that aims to better understand the reception of an intentionally immersive 3Dspatialized acousmatic music. This work focuses on the adopted compositional strategies and their effects, with regard to initial intentions and the analysis of comments made by listener participants. The first three chapters present the concepts underlying the creative process for the works Ville Aux Cent Clochers ("City of a hundred bell towers") and Réverbérence ("Reverberence"). The first chapter clarifies the meaning of sound immersion from the outset, from its more general understanding to its more specific meanings; the second chapter then presents immersion under the scope of a natural narratology of music; while the third chapter integrates such narrative approach within the language of a "cinema for the ear", while adapting it to the multidirectional context of the sound diffusion medium. In the fourth chapter are presented the two parts composing Cathédrales ("Cathedrals") : I. Ville Aux Cent Clochers and II. Réverbérence. After introducing the concept of the work as a whole, the intentions and strategies that are more specific to each part of the work are then exposed. Finally, the fifth chapter presents the results of two case studies on the reception behaviors of multiple participants listening to spatialized music over a loudspeakers dome. Aesthesic analysis arising from these surveys allows to provide different conceptual categories of the immersive sound experience. Such categorization may eventually serve to schematize the effects of certain compositional strategies, in combination with the usage of a particular technological device, on the reception of 3D spatialized music.

Dedans/Dehors : récit introspectif autour des méandres d'une démarche de création musicale : questionnements, outils musicaux et témoignage

Desmarais, Louis-Olivier 04 1900 (has links)
Mémoire en recherche-création. / Ce mémoire est un journal de création intime et introspectif. Il s’intéresse aux doutes et difficultés qui peuvent ponctuer la vie de création. Et cette vie, c’est un ensemble complexe, habité par des préoccupations et phénomènes contradictoires : ombre/lumière, intimité/vie publique, solitude/exposition, émission/réception, dedans/dehors. Le filon, derrière tous ces questionnements, est cette recherche d’unité dans la vie de création ainsi que la pacification du processus créatif. Le premier chapitre de ce mémoire s’intéresse à cette tension entre les aspects intérieurs et extérieurs liés à la vie de création. Le deuxième chapitre décrit les outils musicaux utilisés dans les compositions réalisées pendant cette maîtrise et qui font écho aux réflexions exprimées dans le premier chapitre. Y sont abordés, entre autres choses, la narrativité en musique, le jeu sur les hauteurs, la pulsation, l’écriture filmique. Enfin, le troisième chapitre s’intéresse au processus de création, au propos, ainsi qu’au bilan autour des trois œuvres présentées dans le cadre de ce mémoire Abîmes, Rainbow Odyssey : La rédemption et Flots. À-travers le survol de toutes ces préoccupations sont esquissés les contours d’enjeux majeurs ayant tous influencé à leur manière la musique composée durant cette maîtrise. / This essay is an intimate and introspective creation diary. It is about the doubts and difficulties that can punctuate the artistic life. And this life is a complex whole, inhabited by contradictory preoccupations and phenomena: shadow/light, intimacy/public life, solitude/exposure, emission/reception, inside/outside. The vein, behind all these questions, is this search for unity in artistic life as well as the pacification of the creative process. The first chapter of this essay is about this tension between the interior and exterior aspects linked to the life of creation. The second chapter describes the musical tools used in the compositions made during this master's degree and which echo the reflections expressed in the first chapter. It discusses, among other things, narrativity in music, playing with music notes, pulsation, film writing. Finally, the third chapter focuses on the creative process, the subject, as well as the assessment around the three works presented as part of this essay: Abîmes, Rainbow Odyssey: La Rédemption and Flots. Through the overview of all these concerns are sketched the contours of major issues that have all influenced in their own way the music composed during this master's degree.

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