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Transferszenarien: Bedingungen erfolgreicher Kooperationsbeziehungen zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft in InnovationsprozessenKrause-Jüttler, Grit, Bau, Michael January 2012 (has links)
Aufbauend auf einer Darstellung der Relevanz von Wissens- und Technologietransfer sowie einem theoretischen Abriss der bisherigen clustertheoretischen Forschungsdiskussion werden die Forschungsfragen der Studie entwickelt. Diese konzentrieren sich auf einen handlungstheoretischen Ansatz und möchten ermitteln, welche sozialen Rollen im Kontext kooperativer Innovationsprozesse zwischen Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft von Bedeutung sind, damit diese zu einem erfolgreichen Ende geführt werden können.
Die Publikation stellt das komplexe Untersuchungsdesign der Studie dar, das qualitative und quantitative Methoden verbindet, um ein umfangreiches Bild sozio-ökonomischer, organisatorischer und technischer Voraussetzungen von kooperativen Innovationsprozessen zu eruieren.
Die Ergebnisdarstellung liefert einen Überblick der erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse der Studie und stellt neben den jeweiligen Transferförderungsstrategien der untersuchten Bundesländer, die Resultate der Befragungen (Leitfadeninterviews, Fragebögen) dar. Deren Kern stellt ein empirisch fundiertes Rollenmodell kooperativer Innovationsprozesse dar, welches einen transparenten Überblick zu notwendigen Aufgaben im Rahmen von Transfervorhaben zwischen Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft und unterstützenden Organisationen liefert.
Abschließend werden Empfehlungen zur Unterstützung von Transferprozessen zwischen Wissenschaft und vor allem mittelständischer Wirtschaft sowie dafür erprobte Transferformate und Werkzeuge dargestellt.
Die Publikation enthält im Anhang die eingesetzten Erhebungsinstrumente der empirischen Studie (Fragebogen, Interviewleitfäden). / Based on a description of the economic relevance of knowledge and technology transfer as well as the theoretical outline of the previous cluster discussion the text develops research questions for an empiric study. These questions are concentrated on action theory and try to determine which social roles are necessary to support cooperative innovation processes between the scientific and economic system.
A complex survey design is described which combines qualitative and quantitative research methods to identify an extensive picture of socio-economic, organisational and technical conditions for cooperative innovation processes.
The study results present a short overview of funding structures for technology transfer in the investigated German federal lands as well as the findings of the survey (questionnaire, interviews). Core result of the study is the empirically-grounded role-concept of cooperative innovation processes which delivers a transparent overview of all tasks necessary for transfer processes between science, economic system and supporting organisations (e.g. transfer centres).
Finally suggestions are made for the support of transfer processes between science and esp. medium-sized enterprises including the presentation of tested transfer formats and tools.
In the appendix the publication contains questionnaires and interview guidelines used in the empirical investigation.
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The Adoption of Battery Electric Vehicles in Sweden : What are the adoption barriers of BEVs for Small & Medium Enterprises in Sweden?Marklund, Erik, Rehnberg, Max January 2022 (has links)
The shift towards electric vehicles has during the last years increased; nevertheless, the rate has not been fast enough. Electric vehicles have several environmental benefits as reduced CO2 footprint and a lower climate impact. On the other side, the reality shows that there are several adoption barriers on an individual level for electrical vehicles. These are technical, economic, infrastructure, policy, and social. However, a low amount of literature focuses on the business sector. This thesis examines and explores what the different adoption barriers are concerning battery electric vehicles for small and medium enterprises in Sweden, and why they occur. The purpose of this is to fill the current research gap and provide valuable data to vehicle providers/manufacturers in Sweden. To reach the objectives, an extensive theoretical framework has been created to accurately utilize current literature. In the thesis, five small and medium enterprises participated, and interviews were conducted with nine informants at the specific companies. The findings display that the technical, economic, and infrastructure barriers have the most negative effect on the possibility to adopt battery electric vehicle. It further shows two new barriers, planning and customer/competitors which influence the adoption of battery electric vehicles. These findings solely display the barriers for small and medium enterprises, and by linking together with current literature, new barriers have been presented in terms of planning and customers/competitors.
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Die Pianistin spricht. Überlegungen zur Epistemologie von Vertonungsanalysen und ihrer Funktion in musikwissenschaftlicher ForschungHuber, Annegret 30 October 2020 (has links)
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the premise that a pianist like Clara Wieck/Schumann ‘speaks’ in her song compositions. This, however, raises a number of epistemological questions that will be discussed in this article. First of all, an explicit distinction is made between the examination of the ‘technical’ aspects of her compositional practice – in German: Praktik – (which may allow conclusions to be drawn about the pianist’s implicit knowledge) on the one hand, and the social aspects of her discursive practice – in German: Praxis – on the other. Thus, it is also necessary to discuss the criteria that the structural-analytical methodology must satisfy, as well as to consider to whom the pianist is actually speaking: to us music researchers of the 21st century? Or should we ask ourselves whether our analysis is not rather a “reading of traces” in the sense of Sybille Krämer, through which we invent the ‘producer’ of the analyzed ‘trace’ in the first place? Or to put it another way epistemologically: how do we make the pianist speak? What function does our ‘speaking’ of her compositions – namely the piano parts in her songs – have in scholarly argumentations?
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The interaction between self-control and morality in crime causation among older adultsHirtenlehner, Helmut, Kunz, Franziska 24 September 2019 (has links)
Situational Action Theory (SAT), a recently developed explanation of criminal conduct, is becoming increasingly studied. Hitherto, however, nearly all tests of the theory and its hypotheses have been based on samples of adolescents or young adults. Studies drawing on the older population have been missing so far. This work addresses the interplay of moral beliefs and the ability to exercise self-control in crime causation among respondents aged 50 years and over. In line with SAT and the results obtained previously for young people, our analyses show that self-control ability affects offending among older adults too, particularly when personal morality is weak.
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BIDRAGSBROTTSLIGHETEN I MALMÖEngstrand, Amanda, Andersson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker bidragsbrottsligheten i Malmö och dess utveckling. Utifrån en kvantitativ ansats med tvärsnittsdesign syftar studien till att belysa utvecklingen av bidragsbrott samt hitta bidragande faktorer till utvecklingsförloppet. Bidragsbrott är relevant utifrån dess frekvens, konsekvenser för välfärdssystemet och kopplingen till den organiserade brottsligheten. På uppdrag av Malmös avdelning för ekonomiskt bistånd och boende har forskningsfrågorna besvaras med statistik från dem samt Brottsförebyggande rådet. Efter en deskriptiv univariat analys fann denna studie att bidragsbrottsutvecklingen i Malmö inte påvisar en stabil ökande eller minskande trend utan är fluktuerande. Med hjälp av Strainteorin och Situationella handlingsteorin förklarades denna ojämna utveckling utifrån ekonomiska faktorer, extern/intern kontroll samt motivation och frestelser. / This study investigates the social welfare crime development in Malmö. Using a quantitative approach with a cross-sectional design this study aims to illustrate the development of social welfare crime and also find contributing factors to the development. Social welfare crime is relevant due to its frequency, consequences to the welfare system and connection to organized crime. At the request of Malmö City department of economic aid and housing, the research questions have been answered using data from the department and Brottsförebyggande rådet. After a descriptive univariate analysis, this study found that the social welfare crime development is neither showing a stable rising or decreasing trend but a fluctuation curve. The uneven development was explained using Strain theory and the Situational action theory and was able to identify contributing factors such as economic factors, internal/external control, motivation and temptations.
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Att främja ett säkert och hälsosamt självbestämmande : En kvalitativ studie om personalens hantering av dilemman mellan omvårdnad och självbestämmande inom LSS / To promote safe and healthy self-determination : A qualitative study of dilemmas between care and self-determination experienced of staffs at group housing and service housing for persons with functional impairmentsAlmquist Pessoa, Hanna, Gorab, Ione January 2022 (has links)
Denna studie syftade till att undersöka hur personal på grupp- och serviceboenden hanterar dilemman mellan omvårdnad och självbestämmande. Fokus låg på vilka erfarenheter personalen har av dilemman, hur de hanterar dessa samt vad som avgör hur de handlar. Datainsamlingen skedde genom sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer med personal på grupp- och serviceboenden och analyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att personalen möter många dilemman i sitt arbete där hantering av dessa utgår ifrån individens självbestämmande. Kommunikation var en betydande del av personalens sätt att hantera dessa dilemman på. Studien visade också att personalen hanterar dilemman utifrån sin egen avsikt - att främja självbestämmande och omvårdnad. Personalens handlingar påverkas av vad de moraliskt och organisatoriskt kan göra samt brukarens handlingar. / The aim of this study was to investigate how staffs at group housing and service housing manage dilemmas between nursing and self-determination. Experiences of dilemmas, how they manage these dilemmas and factors that determined their actions were explored. The data were collected through six semi-structured interviews with staffs in group housing and service housing and was analyzed using a thematic analysis. The result showed that the staff face many dilemmas, and their management of these situations is always based on self-determination. Communication was also a significant part of how they manage the dilemmas. Furthermore, the study showed that staffs deal with dilemmas based on their own intention - to promote self-determination and nursing. Their actions are based on what they can do morally and organizationally as well as the patients’ actions.
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Stöld på arbetsplatsen. En kvantitativ studie av stöld som begås av anställda utifrån Situationella handlingsteorinGrundberg, Clara, Ahlström, Fanny January 2015 (has links)
Den aktuella studien undersöker stöld som begås av anställda utifrån en kriminologisk teori som integrerar individuella och kontextuella faktorer – Situationella handlingsteorin. Syftet med studien är att testa huruvida denna teori utgör en lämplig förklaringsmodell för stöld som begås av anställda inom den svenska café- och restaurangbranschen samt detalj- och partihandeln. Studien ämnar även undersöka om individers stöldbenägenhet skiljer sig åt på respektive utanför arbetsplatsen. Studien grundar sig på primärdata inhämtad med hjälp av en webbenkät, distribuerad på det sociala nätverket Facebook. Materialet analyserades statistiskt och de huvudsakliga resultaten visar att individens benägenhet, i form av moral och självkontroll, samt motivation i form av frestelser, kan bekräftas som viktiga prediktorer för stöld som begås av anställda. Med grund i de samlade resultaten dras slutsatsen att Situationella handlingsteorin kan anses vara en lämplig förklaringsmodell för stöld på arbetsplatsen. / The present study examines theft committed by employees from a criminological theory, which integrates individual and contextual factors – Situational Action Theory. The purpose of this study is to test whether this theory is an appropriate model of explanation for theft committed by employees of the Swedish café and restaurant industry as well as retail and wholesale trade. The study also intends to examine whether individuals differ in their propensity to steal in, compared to outside of, their workplace. The study is based on primary data acquired with an online questionnaire, distributed on the social network Facebook. The material was analyzed statistically and the main results showed that individual's propensity, in the form of morality and self-control, and motivation in the form of temptations, can be confirmed as important predictors of theft committed by employees. With the foundation of the overall results the conclusion is that the Situational Action Theory could be considered a suitable model of explanation for theft in the workplace.
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According to Wikstörm’s (2012) Situational Action Theory (SAT), engaging incriminogenic behaviour is influenced by a person’s crime propensity, such as self-control and morality. Moral rules applied to a setting, and their degree ofenforcement, are stated as crucial since individuals are in constant interaction withtheir surroundings. Criminogenic exposure, such as having criminal friends and thetime spent with friends, is according to SAT (ibid.) influential on criminogenicbehaviour. The purpose of this study was, through hypothesis testing, to investigatethe applicability of SAT based on different environmental contexts. Aggressivecriminogenic behaviour was measured through bullying. Offline- andcyberbullying corresponded to aggressive criminogenic behaviour in differentenvironmental contexts. This study found that morality, self-control, andcriminogenic exposure, were significant in relation to offline bullying. Self-controland having criminal friends were significant in relation to cyberbullying. Genderwas used as a confounding variable and showed that girls are more prone tocyberbullying than boys, and that boys were more prone to offline bullying thangirls. Testing SAT applicability by comparing online and offline criminogenicbehaviour is understudied, further research on other online criminogenic behavioursis therefore encouraged, as well as the relationship between gender and anonymityas well as their influence in SAT.
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Under vilka omständigheter förekommer försäljning av cannabis? : En fältstudie i Stockholm / In which conditions does dealing of cannabis occur? : A field study in StockholmGliori, Gabriel January 2021 (has links)
Cannabis är den vanligaste illegala drogen i Sverige, och dess konsumtion är ständigt växande. De senaste årens massiva ökning av dödsskjutningar tros vara ett resultat av konflikter mellan kriminella nätverk i fråga om just cannabisförsäljning. För att ta itu med dessa problem måste vi först lära oss mer om de platser där hantering av cannabis sker, i synnerhet försäljning. Den här studien ämnar ge en inblick i hur de här platserna ser ut, vad som kännetecknar dem, och varför just dessa blir utvalda för drogrelaterade aktiviteter, med målet att formulera förslag på hur de kan utformas så att försäljningen av cannabis förebyggs. Studien utfördes genom fältarbete och tillämpandet av ett särskilt fältprotokoll där variabler avsedda att beskriva förhållanden i miljön bedömdes. Dataunderlaget kom från polisens register över arresteringar för misstanke om överlåtelse av cannabis under åren 2019–2020. Vad som kan sägas är att en typisk plats låg i ett bostadsområde med flervåningshus, avskild från stora folkmassor och trafik, öppen med god sikt, och med god tillgänglighet. De erhållna resultaten analyserades sedan i relation till kriminologiska teorier, i syfte att skapa en större förståelse om varför brotten inträffar just där. För att kunna förhindra cannabishandeln på dessa platser har lösningsförslag baserade på principer i CPTED-strategin framförts. Dessa gäller bland annat ökad övervakning från byggnader runtomkring samt att ta upp kampen om det sociala rummet genom att skapa en känsla av ökad territorialitet på platserna. Rapporten avslutas med en utvärdering av den nyttjade metoden samt en diskussion om komplexiteten i att lösa problemen enkom genom åtgärder i stadsmiljön, då det finns en rad andra faktorer som spelar in. Det vi samhällsplanerare kan erbjuda är lösningsalternativ som må stävja brottsligheten, men i slutändan är det individer som väljer att begå dessa kriminella handlingar. / Cannabis is the most common illegal drug in Sweden, and its consumption is constantly increasing. The massive rise in fatal shootings in recent years is believed to be a result of conflicts between criminal networks regarding cannabis sales. To address these issues, we must first learn more about the places in which cannabis occurs, particularly dealing. This study aims to provide an insight into what these places look like, what characterizes them, and why these are selected for drug-related activities, with the aim of offering suggestions on how they could be designed to prevent the dealing of cannabis. The study was carried out through fieldwork and the utilization of a special fieldwork protocol in which variables intended to describe conditions in the environment were assessed. The data came from police records of arrests for suspicions of selling cannabis during the years 2019– 2020. What can be said is that a typical place was in a residential area with multi-storey buildings, separated from large crowds and traffic, open with good visibility, and with good accessibility. The results obtained were then analyzed in relation to criminological theories, to create a greater understanding of why the crimes occur right there. In order to prevent the cannabis dealing in these places, proposed solutions have been put forward based on principles in the CPTED strategy. These include increased surveillance from surrounding buildings and taking up the fight about the social space by creating a sense of increased territoriality in the places. The report ends with an evaluation of the method used and a discussion about the complexity of solving the problems solely through measures in the urban environment, as there are a number of other factors that come into play. What we urban planners can offer are alternative solutions that may curb crime, but in the end, it is individuals who decide to commit these criminal acts.
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Penser le meurtre politique à partir de SartreCasset-Tostivint, Jules 01 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire propose d’élaborer une philosophie du meurtre politique, entendu comme mise-à-mort de l’oppresseur dans un contexte de lutte d’émancipation, à partir de celle que l’on peut trouver dans l’œuvre de Jean-Paul Sartre. Il nous faudra d’abord identifier cette philosophie en commençant par ses prémisses dont il sera suggéré qu’elles se trouvent dans le corpus dramatique de l’auteur puis en examinant les prolongements de celles-ci dans son œuvre philosophique. Après l’exposition de la cohérence de ces deux ensembles, ce mémoire s’intéresse à la réception critique de cet aspect de la philosophie sartrienne, afin d’en relever les limites et apories auxquelles il s’agira de proposer des solutions, en greffant à cette philosophie les apports d’autres perspectives que l’on trouve dans les pensées féministes et décoloniales contemporaines. / This dissertation proposes to develop a philosophy of political murder, understood as the killing of the oppressor in the context of an emancipatory struggle, based on that found in the works of Jean-Paul Sartre. We shall first identify this philosophy, starting with its premises, which we shall suggest are to be found in the author's dramatic corpus, and then examining its extensions in his philosophical work. After demonstrating the coherence of these two bodies of work, this dissertation will turn to the critical reception of this aspect of Sartre's philosophy, in order to identify its limitations and aporias, and propose solutions by grafting onto this philosophy the contributions of other perspectives found in contemporary feminist and decolonial thought.
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