Spelling suggestions: "subject:"actiontheory"" "subject:"activitytheory""
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Why monitoring doesn't always matter : the situational role of parental monitoring in adolescent crimeHardie, Beth Nicole January 2017 (has links)
Parental monitoring of settings is not always relevant for the prevention of adolescent crime because adolescents with strong personal moral rules and the ability to exercise self control are unlikely to offend even when they are unsupervised and know that their parents have little knowledge about their activities. Parental monitoring, commonly operationalised as parental supervision or parental knowledge, is often shown to have a negative relationship with crime involvement. However, research often ignores both the mechanism by which these relationships occur and the conditions under which they might (and might not) be found. This thesis uses specialist Space-Time Budget data (from the Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study) to allow the comparison of adolescent crime rates in settings characterised by the of convergence of i) the physical presence or absence of parents and other guardians, ii) the psychological presence or absence of parents (represented by adolescent-perceived generalised parental knowledge of the circumstances of unsupervised activity) and iii) personal crime propensity (moral rules and ability to exercise self control). The conclusion derived from the results is that the physical presence of parents and other guardians in settings reduces the rate of adolescent crime committed in those settings; and the psychological presence of parents reduces the criminogenic impact of unsupervised time. Crucially however, these effects of parental monitoring are almost irrelevant for adolescents with a lower personal crime propensity, who are not likely to offend in settings irrespective of the physical or psychological absence of parents and other guardians. These findings provide support for person-environment interactions inherent in the causal model of Situational Action Theory, and provide a novel addition to evidence that could be used in future to inform policy-relevant recommendations concerning parenting behaviour and adolescent offending. Although this thesis provides new evidence about the relationship between parental monitoring and crime, the bulk of its contribution is relevant to a much wider audience. It contributes to the debate on approaches to the study of crime and crime prevention, adds clarity to key concepts and develops theoretical arguments in the field of parental monitoring and crime, develops a novel application of Situational Action Theory, extends theoretical and methodological discussions surrounding situational analysis, applies novel data and analytical methods to the study of the psychological and physical presence of guardians, generates and situates unique findings about the situational role of aspects of parental monitoring and crime, and makes some policy recommendations and suggestions about the nature and direction of future research.
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Investigating the adoption of banking services delivered over remote channels : the case of Chinese Internet banking customersWu, MeiMei January 2012 (has links)
Customers adoption of Internet banking has become a widely-researched topic, although it is fair to state that some research gaps still exist. This research aims to fill some of the research gaps by examining the factors that determine the relevant behaviour of three different categories of Internet banking customers in China (i.e. current users, non-users, and discontinued users), and by developing two conceptual models that are derived from different, but complementary, theoretical approaches. The Decision Making Model and the Service and Relationship Evaluation Model are developed in this research. The Decision Making Model is grounded in the technology acceptance model (TAM) and it incorporates an additional construct of perceived value of using Internet banking. Additionally, the Service and Relationship Evaluation Model is derived from the service quality evaluation and relationship quality evaluation literature. Unlike in most other Internet banking adoption studies, these two conceptual models are used complementarily to deliver a comprehensive understanding of customers Internet banking adoption in China. The models are tested using a sample of 614 Chinese Internet banking customers collected via mall-intercept personal interviews based on questionnaires. Partial Least Square (PLS) path modelling and mediation analysis are applied to test the hypotheses advanced in the two models. The key findings of this research show that perceived value is a major factor for explaining customers Internet banking adoption, thus indicating to the banks that they should reduce costs associated with using Internet banking while providing more (perceived) benefits to customers; the importance of incorporating perceived value in Internet banking adoption model(s) is also demonstrated. The findings also confirm that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use are important factors that determine the adoption of Internet banking by all categories of customers. Current users and non-users perceptions of their behavioural control over using Internet banking contribute to their adoption of Internet banking, and such control perceptions are shaped by self-efficacy, perceived government support and technological support. Additionally, it is demonstrated that both current users and discontinued users perceived value and perceived service quality of Internet banking have positive associations with their satisfaction with Internet banking, which lead to their Internet banking adoption. Moreover, the findings reveal that current users are more likely to continue with Internet banking if they are affectively committed to their banks; they are less likely to continue with Internet banking if they are calculatively committed to their banks due to the costs associated with leaving the banks. These therefore indicate the importance of establishing high-quality customer-bank relationships and placing less strict switching cost barriers that impose less pressure on their existing customers. This research contributes to the Internet banking adoption literature by (i) identifying the important category of Internet banking discontinued users, apart from current users and non-users; and (ii) using two complementary conceptual models, which are grounded in different theoretical streams, to investigate the relevant adoption behaviour of all three categories of Internet banking customers. It hence delivers a comprehensive understanding of personal customers adoption of Internet banking in China.
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Conditions d'avancée des savoirs et déterminants de l'action professorale : étude de cas sur l'enseignement des phases de la Lune au cycle 3 / Caraterization of knowledge progression and teachers’action determinants : a case study concerning the phases of the moon in higher level of primary schoolBoivin-Delpieu, Géraldine 15 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose d'étudier les conditions d'avancée des savoirs dans la classe à partir de situations de classe en cycle 3 de l'école élémentaire française. Ces situations concernent la compréhension des phases de la Lune. Les analyses de pratiques effectives visent à inférer les déterminants de l'action professorale et leur rôle. Trois déterminants ont été retenus, à savoir l'action adressée du professeur, son épistémologie pratique ainsi que les savoirs en jeu. Afin d'identifier ces déterminants dans l'action in situ, leurs caractéristiques ont préalablement été établies à travers une analyse a priori des savoirs en jeu, des instructions officielles et de l'épistémologie pratique des enseignants. Une enquête, diffusée à l'échelle nationale, a permis de mettre en évidence les représentations des enseignants vis-à-vis des sciences et de leur enseignement. L'élaboration des items de cette enquête repose sur une étude épistémologique des démarches scientifiques et du statut des savoirs. Cette étude a également été mobilisée pour l'analyse des instructions officielles. Les analyses de l'action professorale s'appuient sur la théorie de l'action conjointe en didactique (TACD). Les notions de tâches épistémiques et de niveaux de modélisation ont été convoquées pour la description de l'avancée des savoirs dans la classe. Ces notions permettent une analyse fine de l'action didactique en documentant notamment le triplet des genèses et en particulier la chronogénèse. Cette recherche précise le rôle des tâches épistémiques et des niveaux de modélisation sollicités dans l'avancée des savoirs et montre que le poids des déterminants varie d'une part selon la phase de travail du professeur et d'autre part selon l'anticipation de l'action enseignante en réaction / This PhD analyses the conditions to advance knowledge in class during a science lesson in higher level of primary school (5th grade,10-year-old pupils) of the French elementary school. The teaching situations concern the phases of the moon. From the analysis of effective practices, this research deduce the determiners of teacher’s action and their role.The determiners analysed are : the knowledge, official instructions and teachers’ representations towards science and science teaching. In order to identify these determiners through effective pratices, their characteristics have been established: an a priori analysis of knowledge, official instructions and practical epistemology of teachers is proposed. A questionnaire aiming at collecting data on teachers’ views of science and sciences teaching have been disseminated at the national leevl. An epistemological study of science approach and knowledge guided the elaboration of items and underlies the analysis the official instructions.. The analysis the teachers’ activities is based on the Joint Action Theory in Didactics (JATD). Additional theoretical tools have been integrated to describe the way knowledge progresses in the classroom : epistemic tasks and modeling levels. These additional concepts allow a detailed analysis of the didactic action including the triple genesis, especially chronogenesis. Our research precises the role of epistemic tasks and modeling levels requested in order to advance knowledge and shows that some determinants act primarily to other, depending on the teachers’ tasks concerning the lesson and the anticipation of students’ actions
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How Facebook Comments Reflect Certain Characteristics Of Islamophobia: A Critical Discourse AnalysisCurci-Wallis, Annabell January 2019 (has links)
This study is a contribution to the limited knowledge of how different types of media content (about Muslims and extremism) posted and shared on Facebook might influence corresponding user comments. Through analyzing the discourse of user comments this study aims to identify how comments might reflect certain characteristics of Islamophobia, and to which themes in Facebook posts commentators relate to the most. The linguistic analysis is guided by the use of critical discourse analysis. For the purpose of this study, three different types of articles/video and the corresponding comments are analyzed. Two of the articles/video that I will analyze are from unreliable media sources, and one of the articles is from a credible media source. The linguistic analysis showed that the majority of commentators expressed that they believe the claims made in the articles/video about Muslims and extremism are true. The discourse analysis further showed, the majority of articles/video and the majority of the analyzed corresponding comments reflected the [in the study] defined characteristics of Islamophobia. My findings confirmed similar studies done in the past.
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Travail coopératif entre professeurs et chercheurs dans le cadre d'une ingénierie didactique sur la construction des nombres : conditions de la constitution de l'expérience collective / A didactic engineering cooperative programme composed of teachers and researchers on the construction of numbers : a study of the conditions of the collective experienceMorellato, Mireille 04 May 2017 (has links)
Nous avons cherché, dans ce travail doctoral, à caractériser les pratiques de coopération de professeurs, formateurs, encadrants et chercheurs. Ceux-ci ont œuvré à la constitution et la mise en place conjuguées d’une ingénierie didactique sur la construction des nombres au début de l’enseignement primaire. Ils ont fondé pour cela un collectif, considéré comme une institution au sein du projet de recherche Ace-Arithmécole. Nous avons décrit une telle institution au travers d’un dialogue spécifique, le dialogue d’ingénierie.Pour analyser un tel dialogue, nous nous sommes appuyés principalement sur le cadre de la théorie de l’action conjointe en didactique. La notion de contrat / milieu nous a permis d’appréhender les transactions entre les membres du collectif dans une perspective didactique et de montrer qu’elles ont construit des faits d’expérience, c’està-dire des faits appris de l’expérience vécue collectivement. En effet, les transactions ne relèvent pas d’un jeu de questions /réponses entre les protagonistes mais d’un travail d’enquête commune sur la mise en place d’une ingénierie didactique coopérative. Chacun est alors capable de passer du topos de celui qui apprend au topos de celui qui désigne ce qui pourrait être appris, remarqué ou étudié. Au sein de cette nouvelle forme de l’étude, après un certain temps de pratique ingénierique, chacun est à même de réorienter l’action didactique collective et de participer à l’élaboration de praxéologies d’ingénierie. / This doctoral thesis seeks to characterise the cooperative practices of a team of teachers, pedagogical trainers, pedagogical advisors and researchers during the implementation of a didactic engineering on the construction of number concepts for 6-year-old and 8-year-old pupils (first & second grades). The collective group founded by these various actors are viewed as an institution within the research project Acearithmécole with a specific dialogue, that of the engineering dialogue of the project.In order to analyse this dialogue, we use the Joint Action Theory in Didactics. We refer to the notion of the dialectic of contract / milieu in order to identify the transactions between the collective members from a didactic point of view. We show how experience-facts have been developed by these transactions, that is to say facts that have been learnt from the collective, lived experience. Such transactions are not about a game of questions and responses between the various members of the group, but rather the result of a common investigation of the didactic engineering in which each member of the group is able to change learning positions and indicate a factor which they could learn, observe or study. Therefore, after an initial period of engineering practice, this new form of study enables each member to re-orientate the collective engineering action and to take on a share of the construction of the engineering knowledge.
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Didactisation de pratiques de savoir scientifiques, transactions avec des publics scolaires et non scolaires : Des scientifiques, de leur laboratoire à la Fête de la science / Didactisation of scientific knowledge practices transactions with school groups and other visitors : Scientists, from their laboratories to the french 'Festival of science'Goujon, Catherine 06 December 2016 (has links)
Que savons-nous de la didactisation des pratiques de savoir scientifiques dans le contexte d’un événement public comme la Fête de la science ? Notre recherche étudie ces questions ; nous avons retenu comme terrain d’enquête trois stands d’un village des sciences, à propos des os et articulations, des eaux souterraines et du sable. Les ateliers sont menés par des scientifiques ; le public sur lequel nous enquêtons est scolaire ou non scolaire. Nous menons nos enquêtes auprès des chercheurs dans leur laboratoire pendant la préparation de l’événement, mais aussi dans leur activité ordinaire. Nous suivons une classe d’école élémentaire avant, pendant et après l’événement. Nos cadres théoriques sont la théorie de l’action conjointe en didactique, et l’approche documentaire. Notre méthode qualitative est basée sur des études de cas et s’appuie sur des films d’étude. Nous développons une méthodologie adaptée à cette recherche, sur la base de traitements d’images et de curation des données. Nous donnons à voir nos descriptions, nos analyses et nos résultats avec des systèmes hybrides texte-image-son. Nous proposons une typologie des transactions didactiques en situation de travail conjoint de plusieurs professeurs avec le même groupe d’élèves. Dans ce cadre spécifique, nous contribuons à la modélisation de certaines notions clés : le triplet des genèses (topogenèse, mésogenèse et chronogenèse), les transactions didactiques, les sémioses. Notre recherche met en évidence que l’activité de didactisation des pratiques scientifiques est contiguë et parallèle à leur production. Elle est nécessaire au sein même des laboratoires et s’ajuste aux publics. L’activité de didactisation sur les stands prend en compte toute pratique de savoir. Elle vise à replacer dans leur contexte les pratiques incompatibles avec les pratiques scientifiques. Elle prend en compte les pratiques de savoir compatibles avec les pratiques scientifiques, et amène le public à voir les thématiques abordées comme les scientifiques les voient. Les artefacts utilisés par les « chercheurs-médiateurs » sont ainsi conçus pour donner à voir des phénomènes ciblés. Ils sont combinés entre eux et associés à d’autres ressources matérielles et symboliques, sémiotiques et proxémiques. Le travail empirique a été conduit dans un contexte spécifique et sur un public particulier. Nos résultats doivent être mis à l’épreuve dans d’autres situations. Les ressources méthodologiques et technologiques demandent à être développées, testées et intégrées dans le système de ressources d’autres chercheurs. / What do we know about scientific knowledge practices in the specific context of the French event « Festival of science »? The research studies this question. We have chosen to investigate three stands in a “Life sciences village” about bones and articulations, underground water and sand. Activities are being carried out by scientists; the public can come from schools, but can also be a general public. We investigate in the scientists preparation of the event in their laboratory, and we look at their ordinary activity too. We observe students of an elementary school before, during and after the event. We refer to the theoretical frameworks of the Joint Action Theory in Didactics, and the Documentational Approach. Our qualitative method is based on case studies. The central data we analyze are videos shot during the investigations. We develop a suitable methodology for this research, based on image processing and digital data curation. We provide descriptions, analysis and results with text-picture-sound hybrid systems. We map out a typology of didactic transactions in the case of joint work of teachers with the same group of students. In this specific framework, we contribute to model concepts as: the genesis triplets (topo genesis, meso genesis and chrono genesis), the didactic transactions, the semiosis process. The research highlights that the activity of didactisation of scientific practices is contiguous with and parallel to its production. It is necessary within research labs themselves and has to adjust to the public. In the stands all knowledge practices are studied: some knowledge practices, inconsistent with scientific knowledge, are replaced in their original context. The activity of didactisation associates knowledge practices (consistent with scientific knowledge) with this scientific knowledge. Its aim is to bring the views of the public closer from those of the scientists. Researchers communicate their scientific activity to a public of non-specialists with artifacts which evidence phenomena. These artefacts are linked and associated with other material and symbolic, semiotic and proxemic, resources. The empiric work had been done in a specific context and with a particular public. These results now need to be implemented in other situations. Methodological and technological resources must be further developed and tested in other research.
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Jeu et critique. Objet, méthode et théorie de la société dans la philosophie de Th. W. Adorno / Play and critique. Object, method and theory of society in the philosophy of Th. W. AdornoChrist, Julia 08 March 2013 (has links)
Ce travail réinterroge la philosophie sociale critique d’Adorno à partir des concepts de règle et de jeu. Il a pour objectif d’exposer la théorie de la société d’Adorno et d’en questionner les fondements. Ces fondements, telle est notre thèse, peuvent être conceptualisés dans un langage propre à la sociologie de l’action si on les reformule en termes de « règles », de « suivi des règles » et de « jeu » – concepts qu’Adorno lui-même utilise afin de décrire le social, plus précisément la société capitaliste dans laquelle il vivait. Le fameux tout « non-vrai », qu’est la société selon Adorno, peut ainsi être compris comme un jeu réglé par lui-même, indépendamment de l’intentionnalité des acteurs. Cette reformulation de la philoso-phie sociale d’Adorno nous permet de la faire dialoguer avec d’autres conceptions du social (Weber, Ha-bermas, Descombes, Searle et le structuralisme) et de montrer à quel point l’objet d’Adorno diffère de celui de Weber, de Habermas et de Searle alors qu’il est commensurable à celui du structuralisme. La méthode pour saisir cet objet, à savoir les règles non intentionnelles qui structurent le jeu social, est celle de Freud (interprétation, lecture symptômale). Adorno, toutefois, se distingue du structuralisme et aussi de Freud en ce qu’il pense pouvoir établir un lien entre société capitaliste et le social réglé comme un jeu inaccessible aux acteurs : ce jeu est non seulement l’objet de recherche d’Adorno mais aussi l’objet de sa critique. Notre travail s’emploie à étayer la possibilité de cette critique qui ne vise rien de moins que les conditions de possibilité du vivre en commun telles qu’elles ont été établies par la philosophie sociale structuraliste ainsi que par Freud : des règles à effet inconscient qui font en sorte que tous les acteurs ne réalisent ou ne di-sent pas les mêmes significations font l’objet de la critique adornienne. Critiquer ces règles implique de montrer qu’une critique de l’institution verticale des sujets est possible sans détruire ni poser comme abso-lu la subjectivité elle-même. Cette critique devient envisageable à partir du moment où l’on examine la pratique qui est incluse dans le suivi aveugle de la règle : au sein de cette « fausse » pratique – qu’Adorno appelle la pratique d’identification – se dégage une pratique autre qui met en question la soumission aveugle à la règle. Cette pratique critique est également appelée « jeu ». Notre travail se conclut sur l’exposition de cette pratique et de son potentiel critique au sein du jeu qu’est la société capitaliste. / This work reexamines the social critical philosophy of Adorno, starting form the concepts of rule and of game. It aims to expose the social theory of Adorno and to question its foundations. These foundations can be conceptualized in a language specific to the sociology of action if they are rephrased in terms of rules, rule-following and game; concepts which Adorno himself uses to describe the social, spe-cifically the capitalist society in which he lived. The famous all "non-true" which society is according to Adorno, can be understood as a game working in itself, regardless of the intentionality of the actors. This rephrasing of the social philosophy of Adorno allows us to dialogue with the other approaches of the social (Weber, Habermas, Descombes, Searle and the structuralism) and to show how the object of Adorno differs from that of Weber, Habermas and Searle, how it is commensurable with that of structuralism. The Method to seize the object, i.e. the rules that structure the unintentional social game, is the method of Freud (interpretation, symptomatic reading). Adorno, however, differs from structuralism and also from Freud’s conception of the social because he thinks that he can establish a link between capitalist society and the social regulated as a game inaccessible to players: for Adorno this game is not only the object of research but also the object of his criticism. Our work goes on to justify the possibility of such criticism that targets nothing less than the conditions of possibility of common living. What was established by structur-alist social philosophy as well as by Freud is the subject of criticism of Adorno: rules whose effects are unconscious, which ensure that all players do not realize or do not say the same meanings. To criticize these rules implies showing that the critique of vertical instituted subjects is possible without destroying subjec-tivity nor positing it as absolute. This criticism becomes possible from the moment you look at the prac-tice included in the blind following of the rule which is the "wrong" practice - Adorno calls this practice of identification ; the right practice included in practice of identification challenges the blind submission to
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Tillbaka till arbetsmarknaden? : Fem individer med sjukersättning resonerar kring att återgå i arbete.Emlén Klaman, Alida, Lindén, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study was to examine how individuals with disability pension reason about a return to work. Action theory, as presented by Berglind, was used as theoretical approach. Qualitative interviews were conducted with five individuals who have disability pension due to mental illness. The respondents describe how they weigh benefits and disadvantages against each other. The main reason for a return to work is economical. The greatest disadvan-tage is the risk of losing their right to disability pension, which seems to limit their motivation to return to work. All respondents stress benefits associated with work but they do not all wish to return to work. Work is not described as equal to paid work but as an essential part of life. All respondents’ express a belief in their ability to work but are doubtful concerning their chances of getting employment, which seems to have a negative impact on their motivation as well. Furthermore, the respondents criticize the public authorities in the field of rehabilitation for not contributing to a return to work process. However, they give an example of how a non-governmental organisation has been important for increasing their possibilities of a return to work.</p>
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Tillbaka till arbetsmarknaden? : Fem individer med sjukersättning resonerar kring att återgå i arbete.Emlén Klaman, Alida, Lindén, Camilla January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how individuals with disability pension reason about a return to work. Action theory, as presented by Berglind, was used as theoretical approach. Qualitative interviews were conducted with five individuals who have disability pension due to mental illness. The respondents describe how they weigh benefits and disadvantages against each other. The main reason for a return to work is economical. The greatest disadvan-tage is the risk of losing their right to disability pension, which seems to limit their motivation to return to work. All respondents stress benefits associated with work but they do not all wish to return to work. Work is not described as equal to paid work but as an essential part of life. All respondents’ express a belief in their ability to work but are doubtful concerning their chances of getting employment, which seems to have a negative impact on their motivation as well. Furthermore, the respondents criticize the public authorities in the field of rehabilitation for not contributing to a return to work process. However, they give an example of how a non-governmental organisation has been important for increasing their possibilities of a return to work.
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Constitution des acteurs collectifs et dynamique de développement régional : le cas d'une association régionale en santé et services sociaux /Duperré, Martine. January 2002 (has links)
Thèse (D.D.R.)-- Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, 2002. / Document électronique également accessible en format PDF. CaQCU
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