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Får du vad du betalar för? : Sambandet mellan tillväxtmarknadsfondernas avgifter och dess riskjusterade avkastning / Do you get what you pay for?Ali, Perwez, Håkansson, Jakob January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: En stor andel av de svenska invånarna sparar idag i fonder. De senaste åren har utbudet av fonder ökat allt mer, dels genom antalet fondbolag samt spridningen över olika marknader. Fonder allokerade mot tillväxtmarknader, Emerging Markets samt Frontier Markets, är en av de fondtyper som fått större uppmärksamhet på sistone. På grund av lägre grad av transparens från dessa marknader har investerare inte tillgång till lika mycket finansiell information från tillväxtmarknader, de ses även som mindre effektiva jämfört med de mer utvecklade marknaderna. Tillväxtmarknadsfonder tenderar även att ta ut höga avgifter för förvaltningen. Det för oss vidare till att analysera hur förvaltare av tillväxtmarknadsfonder lyckas med sina investeringar sett till den årliga avgift de tar ut för sin förvaltning. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur sambandet ser ut mellan fonders årliga avgifter och den riskjusterade avkastningen hos fonder med full allokering mot tillväxtmarknader kategoriserade inom Emerging Markets samt Frontier Markets. Metod: Genom studien har en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod tillämpats för att undersöka samband mellan flertalet variabler mot den beroende variabeln, Total Expense Ratio. Vi har hämtat in månadsdata från ett urval av 50 fonder via Thomson Reuters som vi sedan analyserat genom nyckeltal samt regressioner. Slutsats: Studiens resultat tyder på att det finns ett negativt samband mellan fondernas riskjusterade avkastning och dess årliga avgift. Vi ser att fonderna med högre avgift tenderar att resultera i en lägre riskjusterad avkastning. / Background: Today most of the swedes saves in mutual funds. The past few years we have seen an increase in the supply of mutual funds. Funds allocated to Emerging Markets and Frontier Markets has gotten more attention as well. These markets have a lower grade of transparency and has a lack of financial information compared to more developed markets. Studies has shown that they are also less efficient than the developed. Mutual funds in Emerging Markets tends to charge higher fees for their management. These factors make it interesting to analyze how the trustees of the mutual funds succeed in their investments related to the Total Expense Ratio that they charge. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between mutual funds’ Total Expense Ratio and their risk adjusted return for funds allocated to Emerging Markets and Frontier Markets. Methodology: The authors have used a deductive approach and a quantitative methodology to fulfill the aim of this study. We have gathered data by observing 50 mutual funds and retrieved the data from Thomson Reuters. We have then analyzed the data by calculating key ratios and by regression analysis. Conclusion: The results of this study show that there is a negative relationship between mutual funds’ total expense ratio and their risk adjusted return. We note that mutual funds with higher expense ratios tends to result in lower risk adjusted return.
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Ansvarsfullt investerande eller en ren förlustaffär? : En komparativ studie mellan hållbara och konventionella aktiefonder i Sverige och IrlandAbedi Tameh, Dana, Edstam, Oscar January 2023 (has links)
Utifrån den tidigare forskningen har det varit skiljaktigheter angående hur hållbara investeringar presterar i förhållande till avkastning och risk jämfört med konventionella investeringar. Samtidigt har intresset för hållbara investeringarna ökat vilket medför att det finns ett intresse att analysera hur hållbara investeringar förhåller sig inom avkastning och risk.Denna studie avser att beskriva och analysera hur hållbara aktiefonder förhåller sig i avkastning och risk jämfört med konventionella aktiefonder. Vidare studeras om det råder ett samband mellan hållbarhet och avkastning. I denna kvantitativa studie analyseras den svenska och irländska aktiefondmarknaden under 2016–2022 med totalt 310 slumpmässigt valda aktiefonder, både hållbara och konventionella, med måttet Jensens Alpha. Studiens resultat visade att ett statistiskt signifikant samband mellan hållbarhet och avkastning inte kan fastställas. Följaktligen visade det ingen statistisk signifikant skillnad i avkastning för det svenska aktiefonderna medan irländska hållbara aktiefonder hade en statistisk signifikant lägre avkastning jämfört med de konventionella motsvarigheterna. Vidare visade irländska hållbaraaktiefonder en lägre risk medan svenska hållbara aktiefonder innehade en högre risk jämfört med marknadernas konventionella aktiefonder. / There have been conflicting results from previous research regarding sustainable investing and its financial return compared to regular investment alternatives. Simultaneously, the trend towards sustainable investing has grown significantly in recent times, prompting a keen interest in understanding the effect of sustainable investing on investors, specifically in terms of returns and risks. This study aims to provide insights into sustainable investments in equity funds, specifically in terms of returns and risks, when compared to conventional equity funds. Using Jensen's Alpha methodology, a quantitative study was conducted on 310 randomly selectedequity funds, from both sustainable and conventional categories in Sweden and Ireland during the period of 2016-2022. The main findings showed that there is no strong statistical correlation between sustainability and financial returns. Furthermore, the study revealed that there was no statistically significant difference in returns for Swedish equity funds, whereas Irish sustainable equity funds exhibited statistically significantly lower returns in comparison to their conventional counterparts. Regarding risk, the study demonstrates that Irish sustainable equity funds carried lower risk, while Swedish sustainable equity funds performed with a higher risk when compared to their conventional counterparts.
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E, S eller G : Vilket kriterium har störst betydelse förriskjusterad avkastning? / E, S or G : Which criterion is most important for risk-adjusted return?Blume, Lina, Svensson, Melinda January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Historiskt har många faktorer spelat roll för investerare vid val av investering, framförallt betydande har varit faktorerna finansiell prestation och finansiella prognoser. Under de senaste åren har en rad nya faktorer tagit mer plats och ESG-faktorer har blivit några av de viktigaste aspekterna, både för investerare och andra intressenter. ESG står för Environmental, Social och Governance och är ett mått på investeringens hållbarhet. Även om det ofta diskuteras om ESG som ett helhetsbetyg, så är det mer sällan man diskuterar varje kriterium var för sig. I denna studie har E, S och G separerats för att undersöka om det är hållbarhet inom ett visst område som är mer gynnsamt än ett annat för att uppnå högst riskjusterad avkastning. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilket kriterium av E, S och G som genererar högst riskjusterad avkastning på OMXSPI. Metod: Studien har en deduktiv forskningsansats och grundas på en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod. All data har inhämtats från Refinitiv Eikon och man har sedan använt statistiska metoder och skapat regressionsanalyser för att undersöka variablernas samband. Variabeln som används för att mäta riskjusterad avkastning är sharpekvoten. Slutsats: Resultatet av denna studie visar att det finns ett statistiskt säkerställt positivt samband mellan betyget för S året 2018 och riskjusterad avkastning. Resterande år och kriterium finns det både positiva och negativa samband, men inget av dessa är signifikanta. / Background: Historically, many factors have played a role for investors when making decisions about an investment, especially significant have been the factors regarding financial performance and financial forecasts. In recent years, a number of new factors have become important, such as ESG factors. Those have become some of the most important aspects, both for investors and other stakeholders. ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance and is a measure of the sustainability of an investment. Although ESG often is discussed as an overall rating, it is less common to discuss each criterion separately. In this study, E, S and G have been separated to investigate whether sustainability focus in one specific area is more favorable than another to achieve the highest risk-adjusted return. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate which criterion of E, S and G that generates the highest risk-adjusted return on OMXSPI. Methodology: The study has a deductive research approach and is based on a quantitative research method. All data were obtained from Refinitiv Eikon and statistical methods with regression analysis were created to investigate the relationship of the variables. The variable used to measure risk-adjusted return is the sharpe ratio. Conclusion: The results of this study show that there is a statistically significant positive relationship between the grade for S year 2018 and risk-adjusted return. The remaining years and criteria have both positive and negative relationships, but none of these are significant.
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Portföljförvaltarens kamp mot index : En kvantitativ studie om riskjusterad avkastningpå den svenska aktiemarknadenTewodros, Abel January 2023 (has links)
Titel: Portföljförvaltarens kamp mot index Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva och analysera aktiv fondförvaltning genomriskjusterad avkastning. Metod: En kvantitativ studie har genomförts för att uppfylla syftet och besvara studiensfrågeställning för undersökningsperioden 2018–2022. Riskjusterade prestationsmåtten somanvänds är jensens alfa, sharpe- och treynorkvoten. Empiriskt resultat: Studien är baserad på 21 aktivt förvaltade fonder som är registrerad iSverige. Vidare har dessa fonder placeringsinriktning på industrisektorn samt har 80% av sittinnehav på svenska aktier. Slutsats: Mer än hälften av alla fonder genererade ett positivt jensens alfa. Dock visar etttvåsidigt t-test att inget alfavärde var statistiskt signifikant med både 90% och 95%konfidensgrad.Nyckelord: Riskjusterad avkastning, Aktiv fondförvaltning, Treynokvot, Sharpekvot, Jensensalfa, Marknadsindex, Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) och Modern Portföljteori. / Title: Fund manager’s battle against index. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze active funds through riskadjusted returns. Methodology: The study uses a quantitative research method with data from secondarysources that contains fund’s net asset value (NAV). The research period of this study is 2018 to 2022. The study uses jensens alpha, treynor- and sharperatio as risk adjusted measurements. Empirical foundation: This study uses 21 active mutual funds that are registered in Sweden.The mutual funds that were obtained has an investment strategy that focuses on industry.Furthermore, these mutual funds have 80% holdings in Swedish stocks. Conclusion: More than half of the active mutual funds generated a positive jensens alpha.However, according to a two-sided t-test of a 90% and 95% confidence level, none of themutual fund’s alpha showed to be statistically significant and therefore no conclusions weremade.
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Sambandet mellan ESG-screening och portföljprestanda i Europa : En empirisk komparativ studie om sambandet mellan ESG-rating och riskjusterad avkastning vid portföljkonstruktionFrisell, Sebastian, Macek, Simon January 2024 (has links)
Det ökade fokuset på hållbarhet har gjort miljö-, social- och styrningsfaktorer (ESG) till kritiska faktorer när man fattar investeringsbeslut. Denna studie beskriver och analyserar sambandet mellan ESG-screening och finansiella prestandan hos portföljer inom STOXX Europe 600-indexet mellan 2019 och 2023. Studien tillämpar en kvantitativ ram för att analysera tre portföljer, var och en med olika tröskelvärden för ESG-screening, och undersöker om högre ESG-rating korrelerar med högre avkastning. Genom att tillämpa CAPM tillsammans med Fama Frenchs trefaktormodell samt prestationsmått som Sharpekvoten, Beta och Jensens Alfa, syftar studien till att ge en fördjupad jämförelse av portföljer med olika ESG-kriterier mot det europeiska aktieindexet. Resultaten visar att ESG-screenade portföljer inom STOXX Europe 600 inte överträffade indexet i hänsyn till deras riskjusterade avkastning. Denna studie bidrar till diskussionen om de ekonomiska fördelarna med hållbara investeringar, genom att visa att även om ESG-screenade portföljerna har högre hållbarhetsgrad, leder de inte nödvändigtvis till förbättrade finansiella resultat på de europeiska marknaderna. / The increasing focus on sustainability has made Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors critical elements when making investment decisions. This study evaluates the relationship of ESG screening and the financial performance of portfolios within the STOXX Europe 600 index between 2019 and 2023. Using a quantitative framework, this study analyzed three portfolios – each with different ESG-screening thresholds – to investigate whether higher ESG-rating correlates with higher financial returns. By applying CAPM and the Fama-French three-factor model along with performance metrics such as the Sharpe ratio, Beta and Jensen’s Alpha, the study aims to provide an in-depth comparison of portfolios with ESG-criteria against the European stock index. The results indicate that ESG-screened portfolios within STOXX Europe 600 did not outperform the unscreened index, in terms of risk-adjusted returns. This study adds to the ongoing discussion about the financial benefits of sustainable investing by showing that whilst ESG-screened portfolios have higher sustainability measures, they do not necessarily lead to improved financial results in the European markets.
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Investigating price performance on initial public offers: a comparative analysis of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Nigerian Stock ExchangeMutemeri, Pauline 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The advancement and development of the financial sector is fundamental for building an efficient economic system that enhances foreign and domestic investments. The aim of this study was to compare the relationship between the price performance of initial public offerings and macroeconomic indicators in the South African and the Nigerian economy. With the increase of IPO listing on both stock exchanges, it is of paramount importance that an analysis and examination of IPO performance and its contribution to the economy is conducted. Using the 91 and 19 initial public offerings that were listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange and the Nigerian Stock Exchange respectively during the years 2005 to 2015, price performance was measured by using the market-adjusted abnormal returns and the wealth relative model. The linear ordinary least squares regression model was used to measure the relationship between initial public offering performance and macroeconomic indicators. Based on the mean market adjusted returns, initial public offerings listed between 2005 and 2015 were under-priced. The regression model established that the first day, week and month price changes in Nigeria were 0.19, 0.48 and 0.77 times higher respectively than to South Africa. The regression analysis found that inflation and interest rates were positively correlated with price changes at the end of the first month of trade, whereas gross domestic product growth was not statistically significant. Therefore, to evade financial loss, investment decision making processes should consider factors such as geographic location, interest rates, inflation and the industry prior to making the decision. / Die bevordering en ontwikkeling van die finansiële sektor is fundamenteel vir die ontwikkeling van ʼn doeltreffende ekonomiese stelsel wat buitelandse en binnelandse investering aanmoedig. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die verhouding tussen die prysprestasie van aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge en makro-ekonomiese aanwysers in die Suid-Afrikaanse en Nigeriese ekonomie te vergelyk. Met die toename in AOA-notering op albei aandelebeurse, is dit uiters belangrik dat ’n ontleding van en ondersoek na AOA-prestasie en sy bydrae tot die ekonomie uitgevoer word. Deur gebruikmaking van die 91 en 19 aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge wat onderskeidelik op die Johannesburgse Effektebeurs en die Nigeriese Effektebeurs gedurende die tydperk 2005 tot 2015 genoteer is, is prysprestasie gemeet deur gebruikmaking van die markaangepaste abnormale opbrengste en die rykdomrelatiewe model. Die lineêre gewone kleinste kwadrate-regressiemodel is gebruik om die verwantskap tussen die prestasie van aanvanklike openbare aanbod en makro-ekonomiese aanwysers te meet. Op grond van die gemiddelde markaangepaste opbrengste was aanvanklike openbare aanbiedinge wat tussen 2005 en 2015 genoteer is, onderprys. Die regressiemodel het vasgestel dat die eerste dag-, week- en maandprysveranderinge in Nigerië onderskeidelik 0.19, 0.48 en 0.77 keer hoër as in Suid-Afrika was. Die regressieontleding het bevind dat inflasie en rentekoerse ’n positiewe korrelasie gehad het met prysveranderinge aan die einde van die eerste handelsmaand, terwyl bruto binnelandse produk se groei nie statisties beduidend was nie. Derhalwe, om finansiële verlies te ontduik, behoort investeringbesluitnemingsprosesse faktore soos geografiese ligging, rentekoerse, inflasie en die bedryf in aanmerking te neem voordat besluite geneem word. / Ukuqhubekela phambili kanye nentuthuko yomkhakha (sector) yezezimali kubalulekile ekwakheni inqubo yezomnotho esebenza kahle neqhubekela phambili ukutshalwa kwezimali zangaphandle kanye nezangaphakathi ezweni. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqhathanisa ubuhlobo phakathi kokusebenza kwentengo yama-initial public offerings kanye nezinkomba zama-macroeconomic kumnotho weNingizimu Afrika kanye nowase-Nigeria. Ngokwenyuka kwe-IPO listing kuwo womabili ama-stock exchange, kubaluleke kakhulu ukuthi kwenziwe uhlaziyo nohlolo lokusebenza kwe-IPO kanye nomthelela wakho kumnotho kumele kwenziwe. Ngokusebenzisa ama-initial public offerings ka 91 no 19 kwi-Johannesburg Stock Exchange kanye nakwi-Nigerian Stock Exchange ngokuhambisana phakathi kweminyaka ka 2005 kanye no 2015, ukusebenza kwamanani entengo kwakalwa ngokusebenzisa ama-market-adjusted abnormal returns kanye ne-wealth relative model. Imodeli ye-linear ordinary least squares regression model kwasetshenziswa ukukala ubuhlobo phakathi kwama-initial public offering performance kanye nezinkomba ze-macroeconomic. Ngokulandela i-mean market-adjusted returns, ama-initial public offerings okwafakelwa kuhla phakathi kweminyaka ka 2005 kanye no 2015 kwakufakelwe ngentengo ephansi. I-regression model yathola ukuthi ngosuku lokuqala, ngeviki, kanye nenyanga, ukushintsha kwamanani entengo eNigeria, kwakungu 0.19, 0.48 kanye ne 0.77 ngezihlandla eziphezulu kuneNingizimu Afrika. Uhlaziyo lwe-regression analysis lwathola ukuthi i-infleshini kanye namazinga enzalo achaphazeleka ngendlela enhle ngokuhambisana noshintsho lwentengo ekupheleni kwenyanga yokuqala yokuhwebelana, lapho khona ukukhula kwe-gross domestic project kwakungakhulile kakhulu ngokwezibalo. Ngakho-ke, ukugwema ulahlekelo kwezezimali, izinqubo zokuthatha izinqumo ngotshalo-mali kumele kubonelele izinto ezifana nendawo okuyi-geographical location, amazinga enzalo, i-infleshini kanye nemboni ngaphambi kokuthatha isinqumo. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Business Management)
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Tydsberekening binne 'n APT-raamwerk / Market timing in APT frameworkBrevis, Tersia, 1967- 06 1900 (has links)
Die studie vergelyk die prestasie van 'n koop-en-hou-strategie met die van 'n
tydsberekeningstrategie binne die raamwerk van die arbitrasie-prysbepalingsteorie
(APT) op die nywerheidsindeks van die Johannesburgse Aandelebeurs (JA). Die
periode van die studie is oor twee tydperke, naamlik Januarie 1970 tot September
1987 en Januarie 1989 tot Junie 1997.
Die langtermyntendens van die nywerheidsindeks en APT-faktore is bepaal deur die
beste nie-reglynige model vir elke tydreeks te vind. Reglynige meervoudige
stapsgewyse regressie-ontleding is gebruik om die bewegings van die
nywerheidsindeks rondom die langtermyntendens te voorspel. Die sloeringsreekse van
die langtermyntendensresidutelling van die APT-faktore en die sloeringsreekse van die
eerste-ordeverskiltelling van die langtermyntendensresidutelling is as moontlike
voorspellers gebruik. Gegrond hierop is beslissingslyne ontwik:kel wat gebruik is vir
die implementering van 'n tydsberekeningstrategie.
Die resultate van die studie is die volgende:
• Waar die sloeringsreekse van die langtermyntendensresidutelling van die APTfaktore
as moontlike voorspellers gebruik is, is die risiko-aangepaste
opbrengskoers van 'n tydsberekeningstrategie 6, 41 persent en 0, 71 persent b6
die van 'n koop-en-hou-strategie vir tydperk een en twee onderskeidelik.
• Waar die sloeringsreekse van die eerste-ordeverskiltelling van die
langtermyntendensresidutelling van die APT-faktore as moontlike voorspellers
gebruik is, is die risiko-aangepaste opbrengskoers van 'n tydsberekeningstrategie 10,40 persent en 1,04 persent b6 die van 'n koop-enhou-
strategie vir tydperk een en twee onderskeidelik.
Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking van die studie is dat die APT en 'n
tydsberekeningstrategie teoreties en prakties versoenbaar is op die JA. Aanbevelings
vir toekomstige navorsing is die volgende: ( 1) sistematiese risikofaktore, anders as
makro-ekonomiese faktore, behoort identifiseer te word wat die voorspellingswaarde
van die faktore in die tweede tydperk van die studie kan verhoog; (2) elke stap van die
model wat ontwikkel is, behoort op elke indeks van die JA toegepas te word om die
risiko-aangepaste opbrengskoers van 'n tydsberekeningstrategie toegepas op elkeen
van die indekse met die van 'n koop-en-hou-strategie te vergelyk; en (3) die invloed
van transaksiekoste en dividende op die potensiele voordele van tydsberekening moet
bepaal word. / The study compares the performance of a buy-and-hold strategy with that of a markettiming
strategy in the framework of the arbitrage pricing theory (APT) applied to the
industrial index of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE). The study period is
divided into two parts, namely January 1970 to September 1987 and January 1989 to
June 1997.
The long-term trend of the industrial index and every APT factor is determined by
finding the best nonlinear model for each time series. Linear multiple stepwise
regression analysis, with the lagged time series of the long-term trend error terms of
the APT factors, is used to forecast the movement of the industrial index around its
long-term trend. Decision lines were developed to implement a market-timing
The results of the study are as follows:
• Where the lagged time series of the long-term trend error terms of the APT
factors were used as possible predictors, the risk-adjusted return of a markettiming
strategy was 6, 41 percent and 0, 71 percent higher than that of a buyand-
hold strategy for periods one and two respectively.
• Where the lagged time series of the first-order difference of the long-term trend
error term of the APT factors were used as possible predictors, the riskadjusted
return of the market-timing strategy was 10,40 percent and 1,04
percent higher than that of a buy-and-hold strategy for periods one and two
The main conclusion of the study is that the APT and a market-timing strategy are
theoretically and practically reconcilable on the JSE. The main recommendations of
the study are the following: (1) systematic risk factors, other than macroeconomic
factors, should be identified in order to increase the forecasting value of these factors
in the second period of the study; (2) each step of the model developed in this study
should be repeated on every index of the JSE; and (3) the influence of transaction costs
and dividends on the potential benefits of a market-timing strategy should be
determined. / Business Management / DCom (Sakebestuur)
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Utvärdering av svenska aktie- och aktieindexfonder : En empirisk studie av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot och M-kvadrat, år 1998-2008 / Analysis of Swedish equity and equity index funds : An empirical study of Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and M-square, year 1998-2008Bodin, Andreas, Peteri, Marko January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Utvärdering av svenska aktie- och aktieindexfonder : En empirisk studie av Sharpekvot, Treynorkvot och M-kvadrat, år 1998-2008 / Analysis of Swedish equity and equity index funds : An empirical study of Sharpe ratio, Treynor ratio, and M-square, year 1998-2008Bodin, Andreas, Peteri, Marko January 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Can intangibles lead to superior returns? : Global evidence on the relationship between employee satisfaction and abnormal equity returns.Ballout, Rami, Nygård, Fredrik January 2013 (has links)
Subject background and discussion: In recent decades, issues of human rights, labor and environmental change has been hot topics world wide, which also has influenced the financial market. More and more investors use socially responsible investing (SRI) screens when constructing their portfolios. One form of SRI screen is to choose companies that have satisfied employees. Existing theory says that employee satisfaction is an intangible asset to the firm that will positively affect a firm’s performance in the future. Intangible assets are often unrecognized by the market and thereby not incorporated in the stock price. The efficient market hypothesis has been studied and debated for several decades. Proponents of the EMH argue that all available information is incorporated in the stock price, thus it is not possible to systematically beat the market. However, EMH is controversial, since research has shown different results regarding the possibility to make abnormal return from various investing strategy. Research question: Is it possible to make abnormal returns by investing in a portfolio of worldwide firms with top scores on the SRI screen employee satisfaction? Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to examine investor’s possibility to make abnormal return with controls for multiple risk factors by investing in worldwide firms with top scores in employee satisfaction. One sub-purpose is to examine how the market values intangibles depending on the degree of market efficiency. Another sub-purpose of the study is to test two different portfolio weighting methodologies, equally- and value weighted, and observe the differences between them. Theory: This study deals with the efficient market hypothesis and the concepts of SRI, employee satisfaction, intangible assets and several risk-adjusted measurements. Method: We have chosen to perform a quantitative study with a deductive approach to answer our research question. We used a sample size of 696 firms based on “Great Place to Works”- lists of companies with high employee satisfaction to construct sex portfolios with different holding periods and strategies. These portfolios have been explored and tested significantly with both equally and value weighted methods. Result/Analysis: The study finds significant evidence of an average annual abnormal return of 3,66% and 2,43% for our main portfolio over the market for equally- and value weighted, respectively, using the three-factor model. When adjusting for momentum, thus employing the four-factor model, all the predictive variables still identify strong persistence in the abnormal return, with statistical significance. Conclusion: The results show that it is possible to make abnormal returns, during the observed time period, regardless of the weighing methodology, although the equally weighted received higher abnormal returns. Thus, the market efficiency appears to be in weak form and does not fully value intangibles.
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