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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comunicação e cultura: os pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" da teoria do agir comunicativo de Jürgen Habermas

Sandro Assencio 10 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto da presente pesquisa constitui-se na análise imanente dos pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" de Jürgen Habermas verificada no interior de sua magnum opus - a Teoria do agir comunicativo, publicada em 1981. O objetivo a que nos propusemos alcançar é a elucidação do modo peculiar como Habermas absorve as aquisições teóricas da pragmática linguística (em especial J. L. Austin e J. R. Searle) visando a construção de sua teoria da comunicação, cujo ponto central é a postulação do consenso entre sujeitos capazes de linguagem e ação como o \"fim último\" ou télos do agir comunicativo. A hipótese teórica - ou de trabalho -, que acreditamos ter sido confirmada ao longo de nossa pesquisa, é a de que Habermas, mesmo sendo um árduo defensor da razão e do \"projeto da modernidade\", compartilha ponto comum com os pensadores do período que se convencionou designar pós-modernidade: o chamado \"idealismo linguístico\", isto é, apreensão dos atos comunicativos como entidades autônomas, porque separados das relações materiais e sociais dos homens. / The object of this research is the immanent analysis of the Jürgen Habermas \"linguistic-pragmatic turn\" presuppositions, verified in his magnum opus - The Theory of Communicative Action, published in 1981. The goal we set ourselves to achieve is to elucidate the peculiar way as Habermas absorbs the theoretical acquisitions of linguistic pragmatics (especially J. L. Austin and J. R. Searle) for the construction of a theory of communication, whose focal point is the postulation of consensus between subjects capable of speech and action as the telos of communicative action. The theoretical hypothesis that we believe have been confirmed throughout our research is that Habermas, despite being a vehement defender of reason and the \"Project of modernity\", shares common ground with the thinkers of that period is conventionally designate postmodernity: the so-called \"linguistic idealism\", i. e. the seizure of communicative acts as autonomous entities, because separed of socials and materials relations of men

Diálogo social: a comunicação na construção dos relacionamentos das organizações com as comunidades vizinhas - o caso Ampla / Diálogo social: a comunicação na construção dos relacionamentos das organizações com as comunidades vizinhas - o caso Ampla

Eduardo Guerra Murad Ferreira 03 May 2011 (has links)
O presente trabalho é um estudo sobre a comunicação como um sistema de relacionamento, mais especificamente entre organizações, movimentos sociais, comunidades, lideranças comunitárias e demais atores sociais estratégicos dos três setores Estado, sociedade civil organizada e iniciativa privada. Entendendo-se a comunicação como processo de relacionamento, o nosso objetivo são as políticas de comunicação com as comunidades em busca da sustentabilidade dos territórios, também chamado de diálogo social. A pesquisa analisa as consequências para a empresa e para a comunidade, do diálogo social como estratégia de comunicação/relacionamento. Trata de aspectos como espaço público, reputação, mediação, recepção e interação, em processos de comunicação entendidos como ações comunicativas. / The present work is a study about the communication asa relationship system, more specifically among organizations, social movements, communities, community leaderships and other strategic social actors from the three sectors State, civil society and business community. To understand the communication as a process, wetargeted the communication policies with the communities reaching the territorial sustainability, so called stakeholders engagement. The research analyses the consequences of stakeholders engagement for the corporation and the community, while communicative/relationship strategy. It deals with aspects like public sphere, reputation, mediation, reception and interaction, in the process of communication known as communicative action.

Potência de agir e educação ambiental: aproximações a partir de uma análise da experiência do coletivo educador ambiental de Campinas (COEDUCA) - SP/Brasil / Potency of Action and Environmental Education: approaches from an analysis the experience of Environmental Educator Collective of Campinas (COEDUCA) - SP/Brazil

Alessandra Buonavoglia Costa Pinto 30 October 2012 (has links)
Esta pesquisa busca trazer subsídios para a construção teórico-metológica da Educação Ambiental a partir da aproximação do pensamento de Espinosa, em especial o conceito de potência de agir do filósofo, da experiência educativa deflagrada pelo Coletivo Educador Ambiental de Campinas (COEDUCA)/SP/Brasil, que se pautou pela Política Pública de Coletivos Educadores do Departamento de Educação Ambiental do Ministério do Meio Ambiente brasileiro (DEA/MMA). A investigação foi desenvolvida com o uso de elementos da pesquisa qualitativa e procedimentos do estudo de caso. Buscou-se identificar elementos do processo educativo socioambiental supracitado que convergissem com o conceito de potência espinosano, de modo a contribuir com a edificação de processos formativos de educadores ambientais que possibilitem um aumento da potência de indivíduos e grupos ´pré-ocupados` com a sustentabilidade local, regional e planetária. / This research seeks to provide subsidies for the theoretical and methodological construction of Environmental Education, towards the approach to the Spinoza\'s thought, especially the philosopher potency of action concept, triggered by the educational experience of the Environmental Educator Collective of Campinas (COEDUCA) - SP/Brazil, which was guided by the Public Policy of Educator Collective of the Environmental Education Department of the Brazilian Environment Ministerial (DEA/MMA). The investigation was developed with elements of qualitative research and case study procedures. There was an intention of identify elements of the socialenvironmental educational process mentioned above, that could converge with the Spinoza´s concept of potency, in order to contribute to the edification of the formative processes of environmental educators, that could increase individuals and groups potency \'pre-occupied` with local, regional and global sustainability.

Le rapport entre l’Histoire et le roman dans les deux derniers volumes des Thibault de Roger Martin du Gard et La Trilogie de Naguib Mahfouz / The relation between History and Novel in the last two volumes of Thibault of Roger Martin du Gard and the Trilogy of Naguib Mahfouz

Al Suraihi, Abdulrahman 03 March 2011 (has links)
Comment l’historique s’incorpore-il dans le projet romanesque et comment cette incorporation vient-elle répondre à l’ambition romanesque de deux auteurs qui, malgré leur appartenance à deux cultures différentes, écrivent une fiction qui raconte l’histoire d’une famille à travers l’Histoire, plus précisément pendant la première moitié du XXe siècle ?Comment comprendre les rapports entre roman et Histoire ? Notre recherche étudie commenta pu s’opérer la contamination entre les deux : contamination mutuelle entre l’historique et l’inventé qui sert d’une part à authentifier le monde fictif élaboré par l’écrivain mais aussi à questionner l’Histoire. L’étude détaillée des marqueurs de l’historicité à savoir les dates, les personnages historiques et les documents nous montre que la fiction s’historicise non pas en rapport avec le genre de l’histoire académique mais en rapport avec les formes nouvelles de l’écriture de la presse comme le reportage dans le cas de Roger Martin du Gard et le feuilleton dans le cas de Naguib Mahfouz. / How is the historical incorporated in the novel and how does this incorporation serve theambition of two novelists who, even though belonging to different cultures, write fictionswhich tell the story of a family through history, and more precisely during the first half of theXXe century? How to understand the relationship between novel and history? Our researchinvestigates how the contamination between them proceeds: between historical facts and theinvented ones, a mutual contamination is used to authenticate the fictive world created by thenovelist, but also to question history. The detailed study of the marks of historicity, namelydates, historical characters and documents, shows us that the fiction historicizes itself, not inrelation to history as an academic genre, but in relation to new writing forms of the press likethe reportage in the case of Roger Martin du Gard and the feuilleton in the case of NaguibMahfouz


Simionato, Marli 16 December 2014 (has links)
This thesis approaches the journeys and meetings I have had in the teaching. Part of subjectivity understanding produced from multiple heterogeneous components, social experience and their singular routes. Today, more than ever, subjectivity is convened to singularize itself. It is in this perspective of singling that this research enplanes. The analysis was done by lines of affection, which were treated as potency to act, not as feelings themselves, but based on speeches and writings fragments, when I approached my perception of what produces me in teaching, rubbing with what I experience in the daily of Farroupilha Federal Institute - Panambi campus, and the readings I have done. The research is sustained in the theoretical assumptions of Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Baruch Espinosa, in particular in the concepts of arrangement, subjectivity, potency to act and meetings. The des/reterritorialization, lines of escape and the subjectivity out of the subject insert as folds in the research. In this cartographic confection, among authors and fragments, it was necessary to find a method that could sustain the intense anxieties that follow these moments of creation. Thus, the cartography allowed me to trace the intensive lines that gave rise to the concerns presented here. The care I had was to not fall into the representation of the subject who produces and who is produced on campus Panambi, but rather think of the arrangements that this space allows, because the individual only constitutes himself when broker. I highlight as one of the contributions of this study, the teaching when takes on new proportions, having the possibility to consider producing up teaching as a micropolitics found every step of the way, in a move that pulses, that intends and finds resonance in the creation, in the collective production, in the authorship, in the transversality of saying and listening, in the constitution of new senses to see in its vents, pipes that leaves the air circular with the outside, even at the risk of not always find good winds: this was my trip s script, this was my proposal. / Esta tese aborda os percursos e encontros que tenho tido na docência. Parte da compreensão da subjetividade produzida a partir de múltiplos componentes heterogêneos, da experiência social e seus percursos singulares. Hoje, mais do que nunca, a subjetividade é convocada a se singularizar. É nessa perspectiva de singularização que esta pesquisa se insere. A análise se deu pelas linhas de afeto, que foram tratadas como potência de agir, e não como sentimentos em si, com base em fragmentos de falas e escritas, quando abordei minha percepção em relação ao que me produz na docência, friccionando com o que vivencio no cotidiano do Instituto Federal Farroupilha campus Panambi, e as leituras que tenho realizado. A investigação encontra-se nos pressupostos teóricos de Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari e Baruch Espinosa, em especial nos conceitos de agenciamento, subjetividade, potência de agir e encontros. A des/reterritorialização, as linhas de fuga e a subjetividade fora do sujeito inserem-se como dobras na pesquisa. Nesta confecção cartográfica, entre os autores e os fragmentos, foi necessário buscar um método que pudesse sustentar as intensas ansiedades que sucedem esses momentos de criação. Assim, a cartografia me permitiu traçar as linhas intensivas que deram origem às inquietações aqui apresentadas. O cuidado que tive foi o de não cair na representação do sujeito que produz e que se produz no campus Panambi, mas, sim, pensar nos agenciamentos que esse espaço possibilita, pois o indivíduo só se constitui ao se agenciar. Destaco como uma das contribuições deste estudo a docência quando assume novos contornos, tendo a possibilidade de considerar o produzir-se docente como uma micropolítica encontrada a cada passo do percurso, em um movimento que pulsa, que tenciona e que encontra ressonância na criação, na produção coletiva, na autoria, na transversalidade do dizer e do escutar, na constituição de novos sentidos para nela enxergar respiradouros, tubulações que deixa o ar circular com o exterior, mesmo com o risco de nem sempre encontrar bons ventos: este foi meu roteiro de viagem, esta foi minha proposta.

O trabalho docente interpretado no dizer de um professor do/no campo

Rosângela Aparecida Ribeiro 30 April 2015 (has links)
The present dissertation it is about the docents work in the fields, of how this work is expressed in the speech of the teachers at/from the fields, and the family-school as a part of this work. In the years of 2009 and 2012, there was an uprising, leaded by the rural community against the activities developed by the school professionals that attended this community, culminating in some of them dropping out to work in this location. Parents and school showed to have goals that should converge, however, at this school there were some conflicts that put an end in the dialog and the partnership between parents and school. In this dissertation, the objective is to identify and interpret the representations about the professors work at/from the fields and the family-school relationship as partners. This research relies on theoretical assumptions of an Interactionist social-discursive approach, as well as contributions of Ergonomics and Clinicof Work, pursuing a review of the activity of the teacher from the rural area. The research that composes this work was made by analyzing texts from reports of docent practices, made by a teacher. To know better the representations about the docent work, in the context presented herein, brings to light possibilities, perspectives for transformation of the relationship between school and community. / Esta dissertação tem como tema a linguagem, suas relações com o trabalho docente e está vinculada ao projeto `Análise do trabalho do professor de línguas expresso em textos produzidos por, para e sobre esse profissional da educação, coordenado pela professora Adriana Cintra de Carvalho Pinto, do Programa de Pós-graduação de Linguística Aplicada da Universidade de Taubaté. Sendo assim a dissertação tem como objetivo geral interpretar e avaliar como o trabalho do professor de línguas é representado em textos produzidos por e sobre ele, com a finalidade de descobrir e compreender o conjunto de significações construídas sobre esse trabalho. Esta pesquisa também procura significações para o trabalho de uma professora do/no campo, por meio da avaliação das figuras interpretativas desse trabalho e foi realizada mediante a análise do relato sobre a prática docente, feito por uma professora que atende às crianças de área rural, colhida após a prévia aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa e em consentimento esclarecido da relatora. A fim de analisar a atividade dessa profissional, os dados obtidos foram estudados à luz dos pressupostos teóricos de uma abordagem interacionista sociodiscursiva, bem como de contribuições da Ergonomia e da Clínica do Trabalho. Os dados da pesquisa revelaram figuras interpretativas do agir do professor, tanto tradicionais quanto progressistas, unindo o conhecimento que tem de seu aluno e do conteúdo a ser trabalhado para driblar as dificuldades inerentes à profissão, principalmente a falta de prescrições para o professor do campo. Conhecer essas representações sobre o trabalho docente na zona rural trouxe à tona o vislumbre de possibilidades e perspectivas de transformação dessa relação da escola com a comunidade, bem como contribuições para o professor que trabalha com alunos oriundos da área rural.

Les savoir-agir langagiers professionnels des enseignants débutants / Beginning teachers’ professional language know-hows

Deret, Lydia 18 November 2019 (has links)
Ce travail s’inscrit dans la lignée des recherches portant sur la professionnalité des enseignants. Nous nous intéressons plus particulièrement à l’activité langagière des débutants. L’hypothèse centrale est qu’il est possible d’identifier, au sein du discours des enseignants en interaction avec leurs élèves, des indices de leur développement professionnel. Le cadre théorique croise les apports de la didactique professionnelle avec ceux de la pragmatique du langage et de la théorie interactionniste linguistique. Replacé dans un contexte didactique, nous envisageons le langage comme premier instrument stratégique pour enseigner et nous nous situons dans une approche instrumentée de l’activité enseignante. Nous avons mené une enquête ergonomique auprès de trois néo-titulaires, à partir de vidéos réalisées au cours de séances de mathématiques et d’entretiens d’auto-confrontation. Les interactions langagières entre les enseignantes et leurs élèves ont été analysées quantitativement et qualitativement, en relation avec l’identification de fonctions pédago-didactiques. Les résultats caractérisent des savoir-agir-langagiers-professionnels, révélateurs de la professionnalité et du développement professionnel de chacune des enseignantes enquêtées. / This work takes place within a line of research regarding teachers’ professionalism. We are looking particularly at the language activity of beginners. The central hypothesis is that it is possible to identify, within teachers’ conversations as they interact with pupils, clues regarding their professional development. The theoretical framework links the contributions made by professional didactics with those of language pragmatic and interactional linguistic theory. Set within a didactical context, we consider language as the first strategical tool to teach and we are placed within an approach orchestrated by teacher activity. We lead an ergonomic investigation alongside three newly qualified teachers, from videos shot during mathematics lessons and from self- confrontation interviews. Language interactions between teachers and their students have been analysed qualitatively and quantitatively, in relation with the identification of pedago-didactic functions. Results highlight professional language know-hows, revealing of the professionalism and the professional development of each of the teachers investigated.

L’agir professionnel des enseignants dans la gestion des difficultés “ordinaires” d’apprentissage au primaire : analyse d’un cas dans une perspective historico-culturelle

Lamouric, Marc January 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’agir professionnel d’enseignants dans la gestion des difficultés “ordinaires” d’apprentissage, notamment à travers les gestes professionnels qu’ils peuvent mobiliser pour aider les élèves à les surmonter. L’originalité de cette étude réside dans sa capacité à documenter, à l’appui d’assises conceptuelles pertinentes, le “paradigme manquant” (Roiné, 2014) dans les analyses actuelles sur les difficultés d’apprentissage, tout en se démarquant des approches dites pathologisantes. En d’autres termes, elle s’efforce de déplacer le centre de gravité de l’interprétation des difficultés d’apprentissage vers la sphère pédagogique et didactique tout en œuvrant à la définition d’un agir spécifique dans le cadre de la classe. Au sein de cette approche, qui se veut psychopédagogique (Benoît, 2005), les difficultés d’apprentissage sont considérées comme normales et inhérentes à l’apprentissage, ce qui met l’agir enseignant au centre des solutions à envisager. En cherchant à documenter la manière dont ce type de difficultés peut être pris en compte dans le cadre même de la classe, nous avons défini la notion de difficultés “ordinaires” d’apprentissage et mobilisé le concept d’agir professionnel (Jorro, 2004, 2006a ; Jorro et Crocé-Spinelli, 2010). Ce dernier s’articule autour de quatre gestes professionnels (les gestes langagiers, les gestes de mise en scène des savoirs, les gestes éthiques et les gestes d’ajustement dans la situation). Nous avons inscrit notre démarche dans le cadre de la théorie historique-culturelle proposée par Vygotski (1997, 2016) dans la mesure où le concept de zone de développement le plus proche contient en soi, à notre sens, la notion de difficulté, d’une part, et d’accompagnement (agir) de la part de l’enseignant, d’autre part. À l’instar d’autres travaux portant sur l’agir professionnel d’enseignants, la présente recherche, portant sur une étude de cas (Savoie-Zajc, 2011), permet de poser quelques hypothèses signifiantes quant à l’impact des gestes professionnels mobilisés par un enseignant pour intervenir auprès d’élèves éprouvant des difficultés “ordinaires” d’apprentissage en contexte de classe. Cette étude tend à montrer aux acteurs de l’éducation que l’agir enseignant peut détenir tout le potentiel nécessaire au développement d’une approche psychopédagogique visant à intervenir dans la gestion des difficultés “ordinaires” d’apprentissage, sans qu’il soit systématiquement nécessaire d’externaliser leur prise en charge ou de recourir aux professionnels du soin (Morel, 2014).

Stratégies de collaboration pour un écrit intéractif en FLE dans une communauté virtuelle d'élèves blogueurs

Koenig-Wiśniewska, Anna 16 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse relevant du domaine de la Didactique des langues (français langue étrangère) concerne l’apprentissage/enseignement enrichi par les TICE. Elle définit et analyse les stratégies de collaboration pour un écrit interactif, pratiquées par une communauté virtuelle d’élèves blogueurs. Le cadre théorique s’inscrit dans la perspective actionnelle (CECRL), instrumentée des TICE, et il embrasse les réseaux sociaux et leur application dans l’éducation, les caractéristiques de l’écrit interactif en tant que nouveau cybergenre. La méthodologie appliquée est principalement qualitative et relève de la recherche-action et, en particulier, de la recherche-développement appliquée à la conception de ressources multimédia. La construction d’un blogue communautaire a permis le recueil des données pour la partie empirique. Dans cet environnement numérique d’apprentissage, des élèves de 15 à 17 ans de Pologne, Ukraine, Tchéquie et Italie, stimulés par un scénario d’apprentissage, ont réalisé des interactions écrites pendant huit mois. La recherche a montré que les extensions intégrées au blog ont facilité l’émergence d’une communauté d’apprentissage. Elle a également montré comment ces artefacts ont été exploités, en se concentrant notamment sur une analyse des stratégies mobilisées pour l’écrit, ainsi que les caractéristiques de cet écrit interactif produit. / This dissertation belongs to the field of foreign language didactics (French as a foreign language) and it focuses on the use of ICT in learning and teaching. Its objective is to define and analyse the collaborative strategies in interactive writing practiced by a virtual community of blogging students. The theoretical framework is mainly qualitative, based on the principles of action research and more specifically Research and Development. The data for empirical studies were collected through a digital learning environment – a Communitarian Blog, specifically constructed and enriched with different plug-ins. In this learning environment, students, aged 15-17, from Poland, Ukraine, Italy and the Czech Republic, stimulated by a learning scenario, developped written interactions for eight months. The study has demonstrated that the added extensions have facilitated the emergence of a new learning community. It has also shown how the added artefacts have been used, allowing for an extensive analysis of the strategies mobilised for writing and the characteristics of this interactive writing.

O comunicado da razão: crítica da razão funcionalista na Teoria do Agir Comunicativo / The statement of reason: critique of the functionalist reason in the Theory of Communicative Action

Souza, Tulio Augustus Silva e 27 August 2013 (has links)
O objetivo desse trabalho é rastrear a dimensão de influências específicas que moldaram Jürgen Habermas na construção da Teoria do Agir Comunicativo. Em sua obra maior, a pretensão habermasiana foi harmonizar um vasto leque de autores e teorias que uma vez trabalhados em suas especificidades convergissem para a existência de um projeto emancipador possibilitado por uma racionalidade de teor comunicativo. Com esse propósito, a atenção está voltada para o segundo volume dessa obra, em especial para o papel de Talcott Parsons e sua teoria de sistemas, a sociologia de Émile Durkheim que faculta a interação por meio da linguagem e seu entrelaçamento com Habermas por mais de uma via, as discussões metodológicas com Popper e a disputa com o positivismo, bem como a presença da teoria crítica e seus personagens diversos. / The aim of this work is to track the size of specific influences that shaped Jürgen Habermas in the construction of the Theory of Communicative Action. In his major work, the habermasion intention was to harmonize a wide range of authors and theories that treated in their particularity would be able to converge to an emancipatory project made possible by a rationality of communicative content. For this purpose, the attention is focused on the second volume of this work, especially on the role of Talcott Parsons and his systems theory, on the sociology of Émile Durkheim that provides interaction through language and its relationship with Habermas through several ways, on the methodological discussions with Popper and the dispute with positivism, and on the presence of critical theory and its many characters.

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