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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Osgood, Karina, Burke, Larry, Webb, Amy, Muir, John, Dearstine, Christina, Quaglietta, Anthony 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 21, 2002 / Town & Country Hotel and Conference Center, San Diego, California / M/A-COM, Inc. has previously developed a highly integrated transmitter chip set for wireless telemetry applications for the military L and S band frequencies and the commercial 2.4GHz ISM band. The original chip set is comprised of a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO), a silicon phase locked loop (PLL), and a family of power amplifiers (PA's). Using these components, M/A-COM has produced a miniature IRIG-compliant transmitter module, which has been flight-tested by the U.S. Army’s Hardened Subminiature Telemetry and Sensor System (HSTSS) program. Since the initial offering, several product enhancements have been added. The module performance has been improved by tailoring the VCO specifically for direct frequency modulation applications. In addition to improving noise performance, these enhancements have produced improved modulation linearity, decreased lock time and increased carrier stability. Modulation rates in excess of 10Mbps have been demonstrated. High efficiency power amplifiers operating at 3V have also been added to the family of amplifiers (PAE > 50%). This greatly enhanced efficiency allows higher RF power output while maintaining the same miniature form factor for the transmitter. Further, M/A-COM has added a silicon-on-sapphire PLL to the chip set, which operates at frequencies up to 3.0GHz. This paper details the enhancements to the components within the chip set, and the improvement in performance of the transmitter module. Test data is presented for the transmitter modules and individual components.

The design of an analogue class-D audio amplifier using Z-domain methods

Kemp, Pieter Stephanus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The class-D audio power amplifier has found widespread use in both the consumer and professional audio industry for one reason: efficiency. A higher efficiency leads to a smaller and cheaper design, and in the case of mobile devices, a longer battery life. Unfortunately, the basic class-D amplifier has some serious drawbacks. These include high distortion levels, a load dependent frequency response and the potential to radiate EMI. Except for EMI, the aforementioned issues can be mitigated by the proper implementation of global negative feedback. Negative feedback also has the potential to indirectly reduce EMI, since the timing requirements of the output devices can be relaxed. This thesis discusses the design of a clocked analogue controlled pulse-width modulated class-D audio amplifier with global negative feedback. The analogue control loop is converted to the z-domain by modelling the PWM comparator as a sampling operation. A method is implemented that improves clip recovery and ensures stability during over-modulation. Loop gain is shaped to provide a high gain across the audio band, and ripple compensation is implemented to minimize the negative effect of ripple feedback. Experimental results are presented. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die klas-D klankversterker geniet wydverspreide gebruik in beide die verbruiker en professionele oudio industrie vir een rede: benuttingsgraad. ’n Hoër benuttingsgraad lei tot ’n kleiner en goedkoper ontwerp, en in die geval van draagbare toestelle, tot langer batterylewe. Ongelukkig het die basiese klas-D klankversterker ernstige tekortkominge, naamlik hoë distorsievlakke, ’n lasafhanklike frekwensierespons en die vermoë om EMI te genereer. Behalwe vir EMI kan hierdie kwessies deur die korrekte toepassing van globale negatiewe terugvoer aangespreek word. Negatiewe terugvoer het ook die potensiaal om EMI indirek te verminder, aangesien die tydvereistes van die skakel stadium verlaag kan word. Hierdie tesis bespreek die ontwerp van ’n geklokte analoog-beheerde pulswydte-modulerende klas-D klankversterker met globale negatiewe terugvoer. Die analoogbeheerlus word omgeskakel na die z-vlak deur die PWM vlakvergelyker as ’n monster operasie te modelleer. ’n Metode word geïmplementeer wat die stabiliteit van die lus verseker tydens oormodulasie. Die lusaanwins word gevorm om ’n hoë aanwins in die oudioband te verseker en riffelkompensasie word geïmplementeer om die negatiewe effek van terugvoerriffel teen te werk. Eksperimentele resultate word voorgelê.

Solid state optical conjugated polymer amplifier, with ultrafast gain switching

Amarasinghe, Dimali C. V. January 2008 (has links)
Conjugated polymers are organic materials which are attractive as optoelectronic devices because they have a combination of broad band emission, high gain, versatility in processing, are ductile and can be electrically pumped. This thesis describes work conducted on such conjugated polymers as amplifier devices. The conjugated polymers used in this thesis were MEH-PPV, F8BT, GP1302 and ADS233YE. The amplifier devices used were grating coupled and end coupling waveguides. Amplification of light was demonstrated and characterised on single and multiple pulses using the grating coupled structure. Single pulse measurements obtained gains of 21 and 17 dB in a 1 mm long waveguide using the conjugated polymers MEHPPV and F8BT. Annihilation rate was also analysed in the single pulse method with MEH-PPV, giving a value of γ ≈ (3 ± 0.1) x 10⁻⁹ cm³/s. Amplification of a single pulse led to demonstrate amplification and the capability of the amplifier to function with multiple pulses, which resulted in F8BT being used as the gain medium. An average gain of 18 dB was obtained with F8BT in a 1 mm waveguide channel. Amplification was also investigated with end coupled waveguides. This led into investigating a suitable material or suitable combination of material for amplification with the waveguides. Switching of an amplified pulse was attempted on F8BT and GP1302 in the amplifier device at 5 kHz. Switching of F8BT was problematic which lead to attempt switching in GP1302 which was a co-polymer of PFO and F8BT. A 70 % switching effect was obtained with GP1302. Gain recovery dynamics of F8BT, GP1302 and ADS233YE was also investigated. These measurements established a switching rate of 500 GHz for GP1302 and ADS233YE, and F8BT showed partial gain recovery indicating the presence of long lived species. Switching was also attempted on a polymer laser. This resulted in a 100 % switched pulse with a combination of weak pump and strong switch pulse of 40 nJ and 2 μJ respectively. And a strong pump and weak switch pulse of 200 and 50 nJ respectively. Temporal delay of the switch pulse relative to the pump pulse resulted in re-timing of the laser output. Amplification and switching of light pulses were also attempted at a higher repetition rate of 50 kHz with F8BT, GP1302, ADS233YE and MEH-PPV. This resulted in strong amplification of light in MEH-PPV and F8BT with gains of 21 and 13 dB respectively in a waveguide length of 422 μm. Weak amplification of light in ADS233YE and GP1302 was also obtained with a maximum gain of 8 and 3 dB respectively. Switching was attempted on MEH-PPV and ADS233YE.

Quasi-Phasematched nonlinear processes in KTiOPO4 isomorphs

Fragemann, Anna January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis explores the use of nonlinear crystals from theKTiOPO<sub>4</sub>(KTP) family with the aim to extend the possibleapplications for laser sources and to gain more knowledge aboutthe material’s benefits and limits. The work focussed onoptical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and optical parametricamplifiers (OPAs), which employ second order nonlinearprocesses. Both devices transfer energy from a laser beam at aparticular wavelength to a different wavelength, which istuneable. In OPOs two new beams at different wavelengths aregenerated, whereas in OPAs an existing weak beam is amplified.The essential part of these devices, which enables theoccurrence of the energy conversion, is a nonlinear crystal. Inthis work the ferroelectric crystals KTP and RbTiOPO<sub>4</sub>(RTP) have been utilized.</p><p>By modifying the material’s structure,quasi-phasematching can be obtained, which is a crucialrequirement for achieving efficient energy conversion betweenthe incident and the generated waves. The fabrication ofquasi-phasematched crystals is dependent on the controlledreversion of the material’s spontaneous polarisation,which is accomplished by periodic electric field poling.</p><p>Nanosecond pulses of more than 200 kW were generated in the“eye-safe”region by employing a double pass OPA.Small signal gains exceeding 75 dB were obtained for anessentially diffraction limited beamwithout spectralbroadening of the seed. By subsequent signal coupling intofibres substantial broadening was accomplished. A systematicmeasurement series of several RTP crystals allowed us toaccurately determine the wavelength and temperature dispersionof the refractive index, which are two essential requirementsfor further employment of this material. The OPOs based on RTPwere widely tuneable by controlling the temperature. It wasalso concluded that RTP behaves similar to KTP in parametricdevices, thus being a material, which can sustain high powers,possesses large nonlinear coefficients and can operate in abroad wavelength region.Efficient Raman oscillation concurrent with parametricoscillation was observed and analysed in several KTP samples.This gave further insight into the processes taking placeinside the material when performing as a frequency converter,if the generated idler lies in the absorption band.This thesis also covers the investigation of afemtosecond optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier.Temporally stretched seed pulses were amplified to 85 µJ,resulting in a gain above 60 dB, and subsequent recompressionresulted in 270 fs pulses.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>nonlinear optics, KTiOPO<sub>4</sub>, optical parametric oscillator, optical parametricamplifier, RbTiOPO<sub>4</sub>, quasi-phasematching, electric field poling,stimulated Raman scattering.</p>

A multi-channel front-end for synthetic aperture sonar

Bonnett, Blair Cameron January 2010 (has links)
Synthetic aperture sonar (SAS) is a wide-beam sonar technique commonly used for mapping the seafloor at high resolution. The Acoustics Research Group at the University of Canterbury operates a towed SAS system known as KiwiSAS-IV. This is currently being redesigned with the aim of reducing the weight, size and power requirements of the system. The long term goal is to make it capable of being mounted on an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) so that mapping of remote and/or dangerous waters can be accomplished without human interaction. This thesis presents the design of the front-end electronics used to drive the 36 transducers to produce the acoustic beam and receive the returning signals after they have reflected off a target. To achieve sufficient range, the transducers are driven with a 200 Vₚ₋ₚ signal with a maximum frequency of 110 kHz. This design uses class D switching amplifiers to generate these waveforms. The AD9271 integrated circuit, which can handle eight transducers simultaneously, is used to amplify the incoming signals and sample them at up to 50 MHz. This high sampling rate multiplied by all 36 transducers results in an amount of data which is too great for a conventional microprocessor-based system to handle. Instead, an FPGA is used to receive this data, decimate it using multiplier-free cascaded integrator-comb (CIC) filters, and then pass it to the back-end system for further processing and storage. A prototype circuit was created to test the theory developed in this thesis. This showed that the system is capable of generating the necessary waveforms and amplifying, capturing, and decimating the returning signals. However, further refinement is required before it is able to be used in the sonar system.

Design and analysis of an integrated pulse modulated S-band power amplifier in gallium nitride process

Sedlock, Steve January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering / William B. Kuhn / The design of power amplifiers in any semi-conductor process is not a trivial exercise and it is often encountered that the simulated solution is significantly different than the results obtained. Oscillatory phenomena occurring either in-band or out of band and sometimes at subharmonic intervals can render a design useless. Other less apparent effects such as jumps, hysteresis and continuous spectrum, often referred to as chaos, can also invalidate a design. All of these problems might have been identified through a more rigorous approach to stability analysis. Designing for stability is probably the one area of amplifier design that receives the least amount of attention but incurs the most catastrophic of effects if it is not performed properly. Other parameters such as gain, power output, frequency response and even matching may have suitable mitigation paths. But the lack of stability in an amplifier has no mitigating path. In addition to the loss of the design there are the increased production cycle costs, costs involved with investigating and resolving the problem and the costs involved with schedule slips or delays resulting from it. The Linville or Rollett stability criteria that many microwave engineers follow and rely exclusively on is not sufficient by itself to ensure a stable and robust design. It will be shown that the belief that unconditional stability is obtained through an analysis of the scattering matrix S to determine if K>1 and [delta][supscript]s<1 can fail and other tools must be used to validate circuit stability. With the emphasis being placed on stability, a 1W pulse modulated S-band power amplifier is designed using a battery of analysis tools in addition to the standard Linville or Rollett criteria to rigorously confirm the stability of the circuit. Test measurements are then presented to confirm the stability of the design and illustrate the results. The research shown contributes to the state of the art by offering a detailed approach to stability design and then applying the techniques to the design of a 1W pulse modulated S-band power amplifier demonstrating the first with 20 nanosecond pulse width switching and single digit nanosecond rise and fall times at 1 Watt power levels.

Conception d’amplificateurs de puissance en technologie CMOS pour le standard LTE / Design of power amplifiers in CMOS technology for LTE applications

Mesquita, Fabien 30 May 2018 (has links)
Le standard LTE permet l’accès au très haut débit mobile et évolue afind’adresser les applications embarquées de type objets connectés. Mais dans la perspectived’un émetteur-récepteur LTE fabriqué dans une technologie CMOS faible-coût ethautement intégrable, l’amplificateur de puissance (PA) reste le seul bloc actif non intégréà ce jour. De plus, l’utilisation de modulations en quadrature oblige la conceptiond’amplificateurs très linéaires, générant une consommation statique plus importante.Dans ce contexte, ces travaux de thèse portent sur la recherche de composants etde circuits permettant d’atteindre de fortes puissances de sortie et de résoudre le compromisentre la linéarité et la consommation du PA. Deux axes de travail sont identifiéset développés dans cette thèse. Le premier axe porte sur l’utilisation d’un transistor depuissance intégrable en technologie CMOS. Trois cellules de puissance basées sur ce composantsont présentées, de l’étude théorique aux résultats de mesure. Dans le second axede recherche, ce transistor est intégré dans une architecture avancée de PA entièrementréalisée en CMOS. Une méthode de conception de transformateurs intégrés est égalementdéveloppée. Le PA proposé est reconfigurable pour adresser les différents besoinsimposés par le standard LTE : puissance de sortie, haute linéarité et faible consommation. / The LTE standard has been intended for mobile communications. Focusingnot only on higher data rate, LTE now aims at an implementation for the Internetof Things (IoT). The main challenge, in the perspective of a LTE front-end fully manufacturedin a low-cost and high integration level CMOS technology, remains the design ofpower amplifiers (PA). Furthermore, the use of complex quadrature modulation resultsin stringent linearity requirements resulting in an important quiescent dc consumption.In this context, this work focuses on the research of devices and circuits generatinghigh output power and solving the compromise between linearity and consumption ofthe PA. Two strands of work are identified and developed in this thesis. The first oneuses a power transistor available in CMOS technology. Three power cells based on thisdevice are proposed, with detailed theoretical and experimental results. In the secondone, this transistor is then used in a fully-integrated CMOS PA. A design methodologyfor integrated transformers is also presented. The proposed fully-integrated PA is reconfigurablein order to address the main LTE challenges : output power, high linearity andlow consumption.

Development of a Simple and Cheap Equipment for monitoring the solar Irradiance on PV modules.

Casanaba, Pablo January 2019 (has links)
Increased use of renewable energies that is taking place all over the world is having a very important impact on the photovoltaic solar energy industry. This means of obtaining electrical energy is one of the most promising ones nowadays, thanks to the fact that it is a technology of easy installation and maintenance. However, the number of hours that a photovoltaic system works at maximum power depends almost entirely on environmental conditions, mainly in terms of solar irradiance.Solar irradiance is a magnitude that measures the power released by sunlight per unit area; the higher it is, the more power the photovoltaic system will generate.Therefore, it is very important to measure this magnitude in order to obtain data that either can give information about which is the best place to install a photovoltaic system or expect the device performance.Unfortunately, sensors used nowadays to measure this magnitude are quite expensive. The most widely used are the so-called pyranometers, with an average cost of between 8000 SEK to 10000 SEK, and solar reference cells, which can be quite cheaper (1000 SEK), but also can be the most expensive devices on the market depending on the features they have (some reference cells cost 20000 SEK).In this thesis, a solar irradiance sensor based on the treatment of a current generated by a silicon photodiode has been designed, built and calibrated. The signal generated by the device is a voltage that has been obtained by means of a current-to-voltage converter amplifier stage. Once the construction of the circuit was completed, it was tested on the roof of Hall 45 located in the University of Gävle. The testing was carried out on 13, 14 and 15 May 2019, and it consisted in the comparison of the signal generated by the new device and the signals generated by a pyranometer and a solar cell.The result is a device priced at 200 SEK, which shows acceptable levels of accuracy during central daylight hours but shows a strong angular dependence on incident light during sunrise and sunset.

Contribution aux techniques dites d'ajout de signal pour la Réduction du Facteur de Crête des signaux OFDM. / Contribution to reduction the Peak-To-Average Power Reduction in OFDM systems by thanks to the Adding Signal Based Techniques

Diallo, Mamadou Lamarana 08 June 2016 (has links)
Comme toutes modulations multiporteuses, l'OFDM souffre d'une forte variation d'amplitudes qui se traduit par un PAPR élevé. Cette caractéristique de l'OFDM la rend très sensible aux non-linéarités de l'amplificateur de puissance. Pour faire face à cette problématique, on peut surdimensionner l'amplificateur de puissance (solution non efficace en terme de rendement énergétique), linéariser l'amplificateur via les techniques de pré-distorsions, ou réduire le PAPR du signal avant amplification. L'objectif de cette thèse s'inscrit dans cette dernière thématique et plus particulièrement sur les techniques dites d'ajout de signal.Dans cette thèse, après une étude sur l'état de l'art des techniques de réduction du PAPR et en particulier les techniques dites d'ajout de signal, nous avons développé et proposé de nouvelles techniques de réduction du PAPR. Ces contributions s'articulent principalement autour des techniques de Clipping et de la Tone Reservation. / One of the main drawbacks of the OFDM modulation scheme is its high Peak-To-Average Power variation (PAPR) which can induce poor power efficiency at the transmitter amplifier. The digital base band pre-distortion for linearisation of power amplifier and the PAPR mitigation are the most commonly used solution in order to deals with efficiency and linearisation at the high power amplifier. This thesis is focused on the PAPR mitigation solution, and particularly on the adding signal based techniques. The proposed solutions in this report are about improving the Tone Reservation method which is the most popular adding signal based technique for PAPR mitigation, and also the classical clipping method which is the most simple method (in terms of computational complexity) actually.

Produção de compósitos metal-dielétrico, a partir de sistemas GeO2 - Bi2O3 dopados com Tm3+ e nanopartí­culas metálicas, para aplicações com guias de onda que atuem como amplificadores na região do infravermelho. / Production of metal-dielectric composites from Tm3+ doped GeO2-Bi2O3 systems and metal nanoparticles for waveguide applications that act as amplifiers in the infrared region.

Maylon Miranda Martins 21 August 2018 (has links)
Durante este trabalho foram produzidas amostras vítreas (na forma bulk) de composição Bi2O3-GeO2. Na primeira parte do trabalho foram analisadas condições de preparo. Para analisar a influência do cadinho foram usados cadinhos de alumina (Al2O3) e aluminosilicato (Al2O3 - SiO2) mantendo-se fixas as concentrações de Bi2O3 e temperatura de fusão. Para analisar o efeito da temperatura de fusão foram usadas temperaturas de 1100°C e 1200°C mantendo fixa a concentração de Bi2O3 e o tipo de cadinho. Por último para analisar o efeito da concentração de Bi2O3 foram usadas amostras com diferentes concentrações de 32 %, 42% e 62% (% em peso) mantendo a temperatura de fusão. A segunda parte do trabalho consistiu em analisar a transferência de energia entre os centros de luminescentes Bi+ e os íons de túlio (Tm3+) adicionando 2 % de óxido de túlio (Tm2O3) na composição dos vidros Bi2O3-GeO2, a fim de comparar com resultados da amostra sem o referido dopante. Posteriormente foi adicionada a concentração de 0,05 % de AgNO3 para aumentar a intensidade luminescente da emissão de Tm3+ segundo a teoria do efeito plasmonico, assim como o ganho em 1470 nm. Foi montado posteriormente arranjo para medir o ganho relativo das amostras na forma bulk Bi2O3-GeO2 dopadas com Tm3+, com e sem prata, para justificar a aplicação destes vidros como materiais para uso em dispositivos amplificadores na área de telecomunicação; o uso das amostras na forma de bulk é menos dispendioso do que a fabricação dos dispositivos, e nos permite avaliar o potencial do material previamente. Foram feitas medidas de emissão para comprovar as propriedades fotoluminescentes do material, e medidas de absorção para comprovar a presença de íons de bismuto, plasmon da prata, e incorporação dos íons de Tm3+; as medidas de MET (Microscópio Eletrônico de Transmissão) foram feitas para verificar o tamanho médio das nanopartículas de prata e difração de elétrons para identificar a estrutura cristalina das nanopartículas, comprovando assim a presença da prata nos vidros. Na presença da prata o ganho aumentou em 500% atingindo 4,5 dB/cm. Os resultados que serão reportados mostram o potencial de vidros de composição Bi2O3 - GeO2 com nanopartículas de prata e Tm3+ para aplicações que requeiram luminescência intensa de banda larga na região de 1300 - 1600 nm e amplificação óptica em 1470 nm. / During this work, we produced glass samples (in bulk form) with Bi2O3-GeO2 composition. In the first part of the work, we analyzed the preparation conditions. In order to evaluate the influence of the crucible we used alumina (Al2O3) and aluminosilicate (Al2O3 - SiO2) crucibles, keeping the concentration of Bi2O3 and melting temperature fixed. To analyze the melt temperature we used the temperature of 1100 °C and 1200 °C keeping the concentration of Bi2O3 and type of crucible fixed. Finally, to analyze the effect of the concentration samples we used different concentrations of 32%, 42% and 62% (in % wt) and the melting temperature and the crucible type remained fixed. The second part of the work consisted in evaluating the energy transfer between the Bi+ luminescent centers and the Tm3+ ions by adding 2% of Tm2O3 in the composition of the Bi2O3 - GeO2 glasses, in order to compare the results with those without the rare earth ions. Subsequently, 0.05 wt % of AgNO3 was added to increase the luminescent intensity of thulium ions (Tm3+) according to the theory of the plasmonic effect as well as the gain at 1470 nm. It was later assembled an arrangement to measure the relative gain of bulk samples Bi2O3 - GeO2 doped with thulium oxide (Tm2O3), with and without silver nanoparticles, to justify the application of these glasses as materials to be used in amplifying devices; the use of bulk sample is less expensive than the fabrication of devices and allows us to evaluate previously the material potential. We carried out emission measurements to verify the photoluminescent properties of the material and absorption measurements to verify the concentration of bismuth ions, the silver plasmonic effect, and the incorporation of Tm3+ ions. TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) was used to verify the average size of silver nanoparticles and electron diffraction to identify the crystalline structure of the nanoparticles and to prove mainly the presence of silver in the glasses. Enhancement of about 500% was observed for the relative gain that reached 4.5 dB/cm. The reported results show the potential of Bi2O3 - GeO2 composite glasses with silver nanoparticles and Tm3+ for applications requiring intense large bandwidth luminescence in the 1300-1600 nm region and optical amplification at 1470 nm.

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