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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zvíře a povinnost k náhradě újmy / Animal and duty to provide compensation for damage

Kubečková, Barbora January 2021 (has links)
Animal and duty to provide compensation for damage Abstract As of 2014, an animal is no longer considered a mere thing within the Czech legal system. The legislator thus responded to society's changing attitude towards animals. Animals have gained in importance also in private lives. It is not exceptional for an animal to take on a role of a close companion today. However, due to their unpredictability animals often find themselves out of human control. Consequently, damage to legally protected goods often occurs. This diploma thesis concentrates on damage caused by an animal as well as damage caused to an animal. The aim of the thesis is to provide a complex insight into the legal regulation of compensation for the damage in question and to evaluate whether the regulation adequately reflects the special nature of an animal as a living creature, especially in the context of dereification of animals. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to an animal and its legal status. First, the chapter focuses on the conceptual definition of an animal. Subsequently, the phenomenon of dereification of animals is discussed. The chapter identifies interests pursued by the dereification of animals and rejects the notion of dereification as a mere proclamation without practical consequences....

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění bytů v Brně Černých Polích / Comparison of Selected Methods of Apartment Valuation in Brno - Černá Pole

Barilová, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of selected methods of apartment valuation in the location of Brno - Černá Pole, in specific on the apartment valuation in brick buildings. The theoretical part describes the basic notions connected with valuation, describes the methods of valuation and also the valuated location itself. The practical part deals with the apartment valuation using these methods - the method according to price provision, specifically comparative technique, then the comparative method itself but not according to price provision and finally using the yield method for an assessment of the current price. In the conclusion there is comparison of all of these used methods.

Srovnání vybraných způsobů ocenění pro bytové jednotky v typových domech v okrajových částech města Brna / Comparison of Selected Methods of Valuation of Flat Units in Standardized Houses on the Outskirts of Brno

Vovsová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the comparison of selected methods of apartment valuation in the location of Brno, in specific on the apartment - high-rise block. The theoretical part describes the basic notions connected with valuation, describes the methods of valuation and also the valuated locations itself. The practical part deals with the aparment valuation using these methods - the method according to price provision, specifically comparative technique, then the comparative method itself but not according to price provision and finally using the yield method for an assessment of the current price.

Energy-efficient Industrial processes : An investigation in the power consumption, power number, thrust force and torque requirement on a rotating bed reactor

Ali Haji, Kasim January 2021 (has links)
Rotating bed reactors are used throughout the process industry. They are usedboth in the chemical industry and other industrial sectors, such as pharmaceuticals and the textile industry in decolorization due to by-products or contaminants.SpinChem AB manufactures rotary bed reactors (RBRs) to perform chemical reactions between liquids and solids. The solid material consists of spherical particles0.1 mm - 1 mm in diameter that are packed between two cylindrical spaces in theRBR. The goal of this project work is to determine the power number, the axial force thatthe RBRn experiences, the torque requirement on the motor and power consumptionof the the RBR when a fully developed turbulent flow is achieved. The purpose ofthe work is to optimize the technology from the energy usage point of view, makethe product simple and easily accessible for chemical and industrial processes as acontribution to the development of sustainable society. In order to achieve the purpose and goal of the projects, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) combined withexperimental models were used. Computation were made in COMSOL Multiphysicsfor two turbulence models. In it, the rotating machinery was used with moving meshtechnique for both the standard k−ε model and the SST k−ω turbulence models.The result is then compared with the empirical models. Investigation were done for two models of the rotating bed reactors (RBRs). Onemodel is called RBR S2 with relatively small size and RBR S14 which is a muchlarger version. For RBR S2 the experimental results turned out to be, an output ofpower number which is 3.4, torque requirement of 0.03 Nm, power consumption of3 W and a thrust force of 0.11 N. While the simulation results turned out to bean output of power number which is about 1.2, torque requirement of 0.013 Nm, apower consumption of 2 W and thrust force of 0.8 N. Similarly, the experimentalresult for RBR S14 was as follows. A power number of 0.53, torque requirement of0.41 Nm, power consumption of 6 W and a thrust force of 4.16 N. The simulationresults turned out to be, a power number of 0.34, torque requirement of 0,40 Nm,a power consumption of 4.14 W and thrust force of 3.61 N. With the help of the calculated power numbers, the power required to rotate theRBR can then be determined. Power number is determined when a fully developedturbulent flow is achieved. For RBRS2, a fully developed turbulent flow is achievedat Re = 2.8·104 and the angular velocity at that Reynolds number is about 830RPM. At that speed, the power is shown to be about 4 W for RBRS2. For RBRS14,a fully developed turbulent flow is achieved at Re = 1.5 · 105 and then the speed atthat Reynols number is about 83 RPM. The power need at that stage is shown tobe about 20 W. / Roterande bäddreaktorer används inom hela processindustrin. De används bådeinom den kemiska industrin och andra industriella sektor såsom, läkemedel och textilindustrin vid avfärgning på grund av biprodukter eller föroreningar. SpinChemAB tillverkar roterande bed reaktorer (RBR) för att utföra kemiska reaktioner mellan vätska och fasta material. Det fasta materialet består av sfäriska partiklar på0,1 mm - 1 mm i diameter som packas mellan två cylindrar i RBRn. Målet med detta projektarbete var att bestämma effekt nummer, effekt som krävsvid det effekt nummer, kravet på vridmoment från motorn samt den axiella kraftensom den roterande bäddreaktorn upplever när ett fullt utvecklat turbulent flöde uppnåtts. Syftet med arbetet var optimera teknologin ur energianvändningssynpunkt, göra den enkel och lättillgänglig för kemiska och industriella processer som ett bidragför hållbar samhällsutveckling. För att kunna uppnå syftet och målet med projekten användes, avancerade beräkningsmetoder i födes mekanik (CFD) i kombinationmed experimentella modeller. Beräkningar gjordes i COMSOL Multiphysics för tvåturbulenta modeller. I de användes roterande maskineriet med en medföljande mesh (moving mesh) för både standard k-ε modellen och SST k-ω modellen. Resultatet jämfördes sedan med de empiriska modellerna. Undersökningarna gjordes för två modeller av RBR. Ena modellen heter RBR S2med relativt små tillstorlek och RBR S14 som är mycket större version. För RBR S2visar den experimentella resultaten ett effekt nummer på 3,4, vridmoment på 0,03Nm, effekt förbrukning på 3 W och en axiellkraft ("thrust force") på 0,11 N. Simuleringsresultatet visar ett effekt nummer på 1,2, vridmoment på 0,013 Nm, effektförbrukning på 2 W och en axiellkraft på 0,8 N. För RBR S14 visade det experimentella resultatet ett effekt nummer på 0,53, vridmoment på 0,41 Nm, effektförbrukning på 6 W och en axiellkraft ("thrust force") på 4,16 N. Simuleringsresultatetvisade att effekt nummer var 0,34, vridmoment på 0,40 Nm, effektförbrukning på4,14 W och en axiellkraft på 3,61 N. Med hjälp av de framräknade effektnummer kan effekten som behövs rotera RBRnbestämmas. Effektnummer bestäms när ett fullt utvecklat turbulent flöde uppnåtts. För RBRS2 uppnås ett fullt utvecklat turbulent flöde vid Re = 2,8·04 och vinkelhastigheten är 830 RPM vid det Reynolds nummer. Effekten som krävs för att drivaRBRn vid det läge är ca 4 W för RBRS2. För RBRS14 uppnås ett fullt utvecklatturbulent flöde vid Re = 1,5·105 och då har vi en hastighet på 83 RPM. Vid denhastighet visas effekten vara ca 20 W.

Hra, hravost a hračka ve výtvarném umění / Play and toy in contemporary art

Nováková, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
My thesis concentrates on the game, the playfulness and the toy. At first, I was searching for where these topics were most common and how they effected our lives generally. I presented some of the definitions. Then I worked more with these definitions and I put them into a connection with the art and the padegogy. Later I made a separated point of the role of the game, the playfulness and the toy in the visual art. I introduced some artist, who have been using the topics of mainly the game and the playfulness in their art work. The toy was presented more like the theme of the art works. The final part concentrates on the visual art project, which is prepared for children at age eight to ten years. One of the range was introduced deeply. n this range present individual lessons, one of them is showed in detail. This lesson is named The painting by the soap bubbles and I had been taught it at The basic art school Na Proseku. After this lesson I wrote reflection of it. Whole thesis is ilustrated by the pictures. In the conclusion I try to summarize knowledge I reached.

Dovolání v civilním procesu / Application for an appeal review on the point of law in civil procedure

Hermanová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The thesis aims to describe the new regulation of the application for appeal review introduced by means of an amendment to the Civil Procedure Code made by the act No. 404/2012 Sb. and to assess its compliance with the Constitution. During the preparation of this amendment a part of the Civil Procedure Code (specifically sec. 237 (1) c)) governing the admissibility of the discretionary application for appeal review was cancelled due to being in conflict with the Constitution by means of the decision of the Constitutional Court of 21 February 2012, file No. Pl. ÚS 29/11. For that purpose, at first, the thesis deals with the application for appeal review itself and certain aspects of it, especially the role it has in the Czech legal system. Based on this general part a special part is built dealing with the admissibility of the application for appeal review. Firstly, the admissibility under the old legislation is described, after that the conclusions of the Constitutional Court are critically examined and, finally, the new legislation is described and confronted with the findings of the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court criticized the old legislation for not being sufficiently predictable. It concluded that in order for the new legislation to comply with the Constitution the potential...

O anticomunismo nos jornais : Correio do Povo, Di?rio de Not?cias e ?ltima Hora, uma perspectiva de an?lise

Nogueira, Maristel Pereira 14 August 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:46:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 417685.pdf: 3310238 bytes, checksum: 5172b333093d9fea20bf0667a7dbe855 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08-14 / O presente estudo analisa o anticomunismo difundido pela imprensa escrita, em Porto Alegre, durante o in?cio da d?cada de sessenta. Busca identificar e avaliar os mecanismos utilizados no combate ao inimigo vermelho. Utiliza como base os jornais Correio do Povo (pertencente ao Grupo Caldas J?nior, por ser o mais antigo, o de maior circula??o e por liderar as pesquisas de opini?o p?blica entre os jornais mais lidos), o Di?rio de Not?cias (pertencente ao Grupo Di?rios Associados, devido a sua expressividade, pois, na d?cada de sessenta, foi o segundo jornal mais lido entre os matutinos) e o ?ltima Hora (o ?nico com tend?ncia mais a esquerda, caracterizando-se por buscar sempre uma postura menos radical, e tamb?m porque atingia o terceiro lugar na pesquisa do IBOPE). Esse trabalho mostra como os jornais di?rios se posicionaram frente ao comunismo e, como o apresentaram para a sociedade porto alegrense. Foi atrav?s do estudo do conjunto de mecanismos utilizados no combate ao comunismo que se compreende como o tema foi trabalhado nesse per?odo. Nem todos os jornais se mostraram anticomunistas, neste sentido, sendo necess?rio perceber os sil?ncios e as omiss?es. O foco do trabalho ? o estudo da mensagem e visa identificar o pensamento do emissor, sua intencionalidade e quais as significa??es que as mensagens fornecem ao leitor. O trabalho usa a an?lise textual discursiva como forma de tentar entender o universo midi?tico e suas performances textuais atrav?s das quais manifestam suas ideias e ideologias.

Tutela de urgência e processo arbitral / Provisional and interim measures and arbitration proceeding

Costa, Marcos Gomes da 10 June 2013 (has links)
Esta dissertação analisa as questões concernentes às tutelas de urgência antes e durante o processo arbitral (incluindo-se a forma como podem ser pleiteadas, apreciadas e efetivadas), bem como a interação entre os árbitros, o Poder Judiciário e também entre a Câmara de Arbitragem responsável pela condução do processo arbitral (no caso de arbitragem institucional). O trabalho traz uma breve análise sobre a história da arbitragem e acerca de sua natureza jurídica, com um enfoque específico às tutelas de urgência, analisando, igualmente, os regulamentos dos principais centros de arbitragens pátrios e alienígenas, bem como a legislação nacional e estrangeira sobre o tema das tutelas de urgência em arbitragem. Os principais pontos analisados referem-se: (i) às tutelas de urgência prévias à instauração da arbitragem (quando as partes já se comprometeram, por meio de cláusula compromissória ou de compromisso arbitral, a solucionar eventual lide por meio da arbitragem); (ii) às tutelas de urgência no curso de um processo arbitral; (iii) à efetivação das tutelas de urgência, a qual exige a utilização de força e, por conseguinte, depende do auxílio e de interação com o Poder Judiciário; (iv) à efetivação das tutelas de urgência proferidas em arbitragens estrangeiras; e (v) às anti-suit injunctions. / This dissertation analyses the questions regarding provisional and interim measures previously or during an arbitration proceeding (including the means they can be pleaded, analyzed and enforced), as well as the interaction between the arbitrators, the Judiciary Power and also with the Court of Arbitration responsible for the conduction of the arbitration proceeding (in the case of institutional arbitration). The study brings a brief analysis of the history of arbitration and about its legal nature, with a specific focus on provisional and interim measures, also analyzing the regulations of the main Courts of Arbitration from Brazil and from abroad, as well as the Brazilian and foreign legislation about provisional and interim measures in arbitration. The main topics analyzed are referred to: (i) provisional and interim measures previously to the beginning of the arbitration (when the parties have already committed themselves, through arbitration clause or arbitration agreement, to resolve any conflict through arbitration); (ii) provisional and interim measures during an arbitration proceeding; (iii) the enforcement of provisional and interim measures, which requires the use of force (coercive power) and, therefore, depends on the assistance and the support of the Judiciary Power; (iv) the enforcement of provisional and interim measures rendered on foreign arbitrations; and (v) the anti-suit injunctions.

Metodologias estat?sticas aplicadas a dados de an?lises qu?micas da ?gua produzida em um campo maduro de petr?leo

Mendes, D?bora Cosme Pereira 30 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:08:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DeboraCMP_DISSERT_Pre-textuais.pdf: 440461 bytes, checksum: de18053fd5097e8172e698a19f80a5e7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / Produced water is characterized as one of the most common wastes generated during exploration and production of oil. This work aims to develop methodologies based on comparative statistical processes of hydrogeochemical analysis of production zones in order to minimize types of high-cost interventions to perform identification test fluids - TIF. For the study, 27 samples were collected from five different production zones were measured a total of 50 chemical species. After the chemical analysis was applied the statistical data, using the R Statistical Software, version 2.11.1. Statistical analysis was performed in three steps. In the first stage, the objective was to investigate the behavior of chemical species under study in each area of production through the descriptive graphical analysis. The second step was to identify a function that classify production zones from each sample, using discriminant analysis. In the training stage, the rate of correct classification function of discriminant analysis was 85.19%. The next stage of processing of the data used for Principal Component Analysis, by reducing the number of variables obtained from the linear combination of chemical species, try to improve the discriminant function obtained in the second stage and increase the discrimination power of the data, but the result was not satisfactory. In Profile Analysis curves were obtained for each production area, based on the characteristics of the chemical species present in each zone. With this study it was possible to develop a method using hydrochemistry and statistical analysis that can be used to distinguish the water produced in mature fields of oil, so that it is possible to identify the zone of production that is contributing to the excessive elevation of the water volume. / A ?gua produzida caracteriza-se como um dos res?duos mais comuns gerados durante as fases de explora??o e produ??o de petr?leo. Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver metodologias baseadas em processos estat?stico-comparativos de an?lises hidrogeoqu?micas de zonas de produ??o com o objetivo de minimizar tipos de interven??es de altos custos para realiza??o de teste de identifica??o de fluidos TIF. Para o estudo, foram coletadas 27 amostras de cinco zonas de produ??o diferentes e foram medidos um total de 50 esp?cies qu?micas. Ap?s as an?lises qu?micas foi aplicado o tratamento estat?stico aos dados, utilizando o Software Estat?stico R, vers?o 2.11.1. O tratamento estat?stico foi realizado em tr?s etapas. Na primeira etapa, o objetivo foi verificar o comportamento das esp?cies qu?micas em estudo em cada zona de produ??o atrav?s da an?lise gr?fica descritiva. A segunda etapa consistiu em identificar uma fun??o que classificasse as zonas de produ??o de cada amostra, utilizando An?lise Discriminante. Na etapa de treinamento, a taxa de acerto de classifica??o da fun??o da an?lise discriminante foi de 85,19%. A etapa seguinte do tratamento estat?stico dos dados utilizou An?lise de Componentes Principais para, atrav?s da redu??o do n?mero de vari?veis obtidas a partir da combina??o linear das esp?cies qu?micas, tentar melhorar a fun??o discriminante obtida na segunda etapa e aumentar o poder de discrimina??o dos dados, por?m o resultado n?o foi satisfat?rio. Na An?lise de Perfis foram obtidas curvas para cada zona de produ??o, baseadas nas caracter?sticas das esp?cies qu?micas presentes em cada zona. Com este trabalho foi poss?vel desenvolver uma metodologia utilizando a hidroqu?mica e a an?lise estat?stica que pode ser utilizada para distinguir a ?gua produzida em campos maduros de petr?leo, de forma que seja poss?vel identificar a zona de produ??o que est? contribuindo para a eleva??o excessiva do volume de ?gua.

Metodologia estat?stica na solu??o do problema do caixeiro viajante e na avalia??o de algoritmos : um estudo aplicado ? transgen?tica computacional

Ramos, Iloneide Carlos de Oliveira 03 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IloneideCOR.pdf: 1010601 bytes, checksum: 76bbc04aa0a456f079121fb0d750ea74 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-03 / The problems of combinatory optimization have involved a large number of researchers in search of approximative solutions for them, since it is generally accepted that they are unsolvable in polynomial time. Initially, these solutions were focused on heuristics. Currently, metaheuristics are used more for this task, especially those based on evolutionary algorithms. The two main contributions of this work are: the creation of what is called an -Operon- heuristic, for the construction of the information chains necessary for the implementation of transgenetic (evolutionary) algorithms, mainly using statistical methodology - the Cluster Analysis and the Principal Component Analysis; and the utilization of statistical analyses that are adequate for the evaluation of the performance of the algorithms that are developed to solve these problems. The aim of the Operon is to construct good quality dynamic information chains to promote an -intelligent- search in the space of solutions. The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is intended for applications based on a transgenetic algorithmic known as ProtoG. A strategy is also proposed for the renovation of part of the chromosome population indicated by adopting a minimum limit in the coefficient of variation of the adequation function of the individuals, with calculations based on the population. Statistical methodology is used for the evaluation of the performance of four algorithms, as follows: the proposed ProtoG, two memetic algorithms and a Simulated Annealing algorithm. Three performance analyses of these algorithms are proposed. The first is accomplished through the Logistic Regression, based on the probability of finding an optimal solution for a TSP instance by the algorithm being tested. The second is accomplished through Survival Analysis, based on a probability of the time observed for its execution until an optimal solution is achieved. The third is accomplished by means of a non-parametric Analysis of Variance, considering the Percent Error of the Solution (PES) obtained by the percentage in which the solution found exceeds the best solution available in the literature. Six experiments have been conducted applied to sixty-one instances of Euclidean TSP with sizes of up to 1,655 cities. The first two experiments deal with the adjustments of four parameters used in the ProtoG algorithm in an attempt to improve its performance. The last four have been undertaken to evaluate the performance of the ProtoG in comparison to the three algorithms adopted. For these sixty-one instances, it has been concluded on the grounds of statistical tests that there is evidence that the ProtoG performs better than these three algorithms in fifty instances. In addition, for the thirty-six instances considered in the last three trials in which the performance of the algorithms was evaluated through PES, it was observed that the PES average obtained with the ProtoG was less than 1% in almost half of these instances, having reached the greatest average for one instance of 1,173 cities, with an PES average equal to 3.52%. Therefore, the ProtoG can be considered a competitive algorithm for solving the TSP, since it is not rare in the literature find PESs averages greater than 10% to be reported for instances of this size. / Os problemas de otimiza??o combinat?ria t?m envolvido um grande n?mero de pesquisadores na busca por solu??es aproximativas para aqueles, desde a aceita??o de que eles s?o considerados insol?veis em tempo polinomial. Inicialmente, essas solu??es eram focalizadas por meio de heur?sticas. Atualmente, as metaheur?sticas s?o mais utilizadas para essa tarefa, especialmente aquelas baseadas em algoritmos evolucion?rios. As duas principais contribui??es deste trabalho s?o: a cria??o de uma heur?stica, denominada Operon, para a constru??o de cadeias de informa??es necess?rias ? implementa??o de algoritmos transgen?ticos (evolucion?rios) utilizando, principalmente, a metodologia estat?stica - An?lise de Agrupamentos e An?lise de Componentes Principais -; e a utiliza??o de an?lises estat?sticas adequadas ? avalia??o da performance de algoritmos destinados ? solu??o desses problemas. O Operon visa construir, de forma din?mica e de boa qualidade, cadeias de informa??es a fim de promover uma busca -inteligente- no espa?o de solu??es. O Problema do Caixeiro Viajante (PCV) ? focalizado para as aplica??es que s?o realizadas com base num algoritmo transgen?tico, denominado ProtoG. Prop?e-se, tamb?m, uma estrat?gia de renova??o de parte da popula??o de cromossomos indicada pela ado??o de um limite m?nimo no coeficiente de varia??o da fun??o de adequa??o dos indiv?duos, calculado com base na popula??o. S?o propostas tr?s an?lises estat?sticas para avaliar a performance de algoritmos. A primeira ? realizada atrav?s da An?lise de Regress?o Log?stica, com base na probabilidade de obten??o da solu??o ?tima de uma inst?ncia do PCV pelo algoritmo em teste. A segunda ? realizada atrav?s da An?lise de Sobreviv?ncia, com base numa probabilidade envolvendo o tempo de execu??o observado at? que a solu??o ?tima seja obtida. A terceira ? realizada por meio da An?lise de Vari?ncia n?o param?trica, considerando o Erro Percentual da Solu??o (EPS) obtido pela percentagem em que a solu??o encontrada excede a melhor solu??o dispon?vel na literatura. Utiliza-se essa metodologia para a avalia??o da performance de quatro algoritmos, a saber: o ProtoG proposto, dois algoritmos mem?ticos e um algoritmo Simulated Annealing. Foram realizados seis experimentos, aplicados a sessenta e uma inst?ncias do PCV euclidiano, com tamanhos de at? 1.655 cidades. Os dois primeiros experimentos tratam do ajuste de quatro par?metros utilizados no algoritmo ProtoG, visando melhorar a performance do mesmo. Os quatro ?ltimos s?o utilizados para avaliar a performance do ProtoG em compara??o aos tr?s algoritmos adotados. Para essas sessenta e uma inst?ncias, conclui-se, sob testes estat?sticos, que h? evid?ncias de que o ProtoG ? superior a esses tr?s algoritmos em cinq?enta inst?ncias. Al?m disso, para as trinta e seis inst?ncias consideradas nos tr?s ?ltimos experimentos, nos quais a avalia??o da performance dos algoritmos foi realizada com base no EPS, observou-se que o ProtoG obteve EPSs m?dios menores que 1% em quase metade das inst?ncias, tendo atingido a maior m?dia para uma inst?ncia composta por 1.173 cidades, com EPS m?dio igual a 3,52%. Logo, o ProtoG pode ser considerado um algoritmo competitivo para solucionar o PCV, pois n?o ? raro serem reportados, na literatura, EPSs m?dios maiores que 10% para inst?ncias desse porte.

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