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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunikation på skadeplats : Ambulanspersonals uppfattning av informationsöverföring / Communication on the scene of an accident : Paramedics experiences of the exchange of information

Karlsson, Barbro, Pettersson, Joakim January 2008 (has links)
Introduktion: För att en räddningsinsats på olycksplats skall lyckas är en väl fungerande kommunikation nödvändig. Kommunikationen har visat sig vara ett vanligt problem vid utvärderingar av allvarliga händelser. Patientsäkerheten kan äventyras om det brister i informationsflödet mellan aktörerna i vårdkedjan. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka ambulanspersonalens uppfattningar av informationsöverföringen mellan sjukvårdens personal på olycksplats. Studien gjordes för undersöka om det fanns omständigheter som försvårar respektive underlättar informationsöverföringen. Metod: Enkätstudie bland ambulanspersonal (n= 103). Resultat: Tolv procent  ansåg att informationsöverföringen på olycksplats fungerade helt tillfredsställande. Av respondenterna var det 16,5 % som kände sig tillräckligt utbildade för att leda sjukvården på olycksplats, män kände sig signifikant oftare tillräckligt väl utbildade än kvinnor (p= < 0,02). Det var också fler män än kvinnor som kände sig säkra i rollen som sjukvårdsledning (p=< 0,01).  Det framkom att både mänskliga och tekniska faktorer påverkar kommunikationen samt att olycksplatsens geografiska läge, storlek och typ också hade påverkan. Konklusion: Faktorer som försvårar kommunikationen är låg tillit till en del av den tekniska utrustningen samt känslan av att vara otrygg i rollen som sjukvårdsledare. Erfaren personal samt erfarenhet av sjukvårdsledning anses vara faktorer som underlättar kommunikationen.  Fler studier behövs om  kommunikationen på olycksplats och även validerade skalor som mäter kommunikation bör utvecklas. / Introduction: Well-functioning communication is essential for the success of rescue efforts at the scene of an accident. Problems in communication have proved to be a common occurrence in evaluations of serious incidents. Security of the patient might be adventured if there are problems in the flow of information between the actors in the chain of care. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate paramedics’ experiences of the exchange of information within the medical service at the scene of accidents. The study was carried out to investigate if there were circumstances that aggravate or help the transfer of information. Method: A survey study among paramedics (n = 103). Result: Twelve percent perceived that communication of information worked completely satisfactorily. A total of 16.5 % of respondents felt well enough trained to lead the medical service at an accident scene and men felt significantly more often than women that they were well trained enough for the task (p= < 0,02). There were also significantly more men who felt confident in the roll as leader of the medical service(p=< 0,01).   Conclusion: Factors which make communication difficult included diminished trust in technical equipment and feelings of uncertainty in the roll of leader. Experienced personnel and leaders are seen as factors which positively affect communication. More studies concerning communication at accident scenes are needed and also validated scales for the measurement of communication skills.

Hawthorne's Transcendental Ambivalence in Mosses from an Old Manse

Eisenman, Matthew S 11 August 2011 (has links)
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s collection of short stories, Mosses from an Old Manse, serves as his contribution to the philosophical discussions on Transcendentalism in Concord, MA in the early 1840s. While Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and the other individuals involved in the Transcendental club often seem to readily accept the positions presented in Emerson’s work, it is never so simple for Hawthorne. Repeatedly, Hawthorne’s stories demonstrate his difficulty in trying to identify his own opinion on the subject. Though Hawthorne seems to want to believe in the optimistic potential of the spiritual and intellectual ideal presented in Emersonian Transcendentalism, he consistently dwells on the evil and blackness that may be contained in the human heart. The collection of short stories written while Hawthorne lived in Concord and surrounded himself with those dominant literary figures represents the clearest articulation of his ambivalent position on Transcendentalism.

A narrative inquiry into refugee students' high school experiences

Fedorchuk, Arlene J. 29 January 2009
The increasing numbers of refugee students in our schools present under-prepared and under-resourced schools with particular challenges because of the students diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, language acquisition processes, and ways of knowing and learning. Refugee students stories are unique in their texture and context compared to other stories, with their themes of oppressive governments, war trauma, loss of home and family, loss of cultural identity, and diaspora. These narratives shape the stories they live by (Clandinin & Connelly, 1999, p. 4). According to Clandinin & Connellys (2000) notion of four directions (p. 50) when researching experiences, this narrative inquiry involved looking inward and outward, and backward and forward into students lived experiences. Listening to the refugee students narratives of their past lives, their present experiences in high school and in the community, as well as their hopes for the future provides educators, administrators and policy makers with a clearer picture of their complex lives. The students narratives in this research give educators an opportunity to reflect on the ways we inspire and give hope to refugee students in our classrooms.<p> As the researcher, I have interwoven my personal experiences with war as a daughter and a mother along with my personal practical knowledge (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000, p. 3) as the students EAL (English as Additional Language) teacher together with the students narratives. The goal of this study is to provide participants with an opportunity to have their voices heard and attended to, especially in light of current teaching practices and proposed school transformation in their high school. This narrative inquiry identifies ways in which refugee students exist on the borderlands in high school and areas in schools that require attention. At the same time, it contributes an understanding of what needs to change to provide responsive educational practices in high school.

Entre la folie d'un seul homme et les violences faites aux femmes : la mémoire collective du 6 décembre 1989

Blais, Mélissa 04 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le 6 décembre 1989, quatorze femmes sont tuées à l'École polytechnique de Montréal par Marc Lépine, un homme qui se dit en guerre contre les féministes. Notre recherche analyse la place du féminisme dans la mémoire collective de cette tuerie telle que construite par des quotidiens à grand tirage (La Presse, Le Devoir, The Globe and Mail) et des journaux étudiants de l'Université de Montréal (Le Continuum et Le Quartier Libre). Notre corpus couvre deux périodes, soit les années 1989-1990 et 1999-2000. Nous analysons les différents discours de la mémoire collective, ainsi que le traitement des commémorations, dans leurs relations d'opposition et de complémentarité. Nous poursuivons l'hypothèse que malgré les variations dans le temps - découlant de l'observation des rapports de force à des moments clés (1989-1990, 1999-2000) -, les discours féministes seront marginalisés, évacués ou récupérés au profit d'interprétations qui ne remettent pas en question le statu quo de la hiérarchie masculine. Par exemple, l'accent sera mis sur l'arme à feu et sur la psychologie de Marc Lépine, plutôt que sur la nature sexiste de son geste meurtrier. Nous observerons également l'évolution de la mémoire collective, dix ans après la tuerie, dans le contenu des articles, dans les traitements des commémorations pensées en tant que lieux de mémoire imprimés, figés et éphémères et dans les témoignages publiés. L'analyse comparative des deux périodes permet de constater que le rapport de force des féministes est parvenu à influencer quelque peu l'expression de la mémoire collective lors du dixième anniversaire de la tuerie. Pour mener à bien notre démonstration, nous utilisons une grille d'analyse féministe de manière à comprendre les rapports sociaux de sexe qui s'inscrivent à l'intérieur des médias étudiés (soit 555 articles de journaux), ainsi que le contexte social au sein duquel se développe la mémoire collective. De plus, nous nous inspirons des travaux d'auteures et d'auteurs qui pensent la mémoire collective comme le résultat de forces en conflit. En plus de constituer la première étude historique sur le sujet, notre recherche enrichit la discipline par notre approche féministe des médias pensés en tant que lieux et vecteurs de mémoire collective, et par notre innovation conceptuelle au sujet d'une mémoire collective créée dans l'immédiateté. Notre recherche a également permis de démontrer que l'attentat contre les femmes de l'École Polytechnique se révèle un sujet ouvrant des perspectives de recherches importantes en histoire du féminisme, des femmes et du Québec. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Féminisme, mémoire, médias, 6 décembre 1989, antiféminisme

A narrative inquiry into refugee students' high school experiences

Fedorchuk, Arlene J. 29 January 2009 (has links)
The increasing numbers of refugee students in our schools present under-prepared and under-resourced schools with particular challenges because of the students diverse cultural and educational backgrounds, language acquisition processes, and ways of knowing and learning. Refugee students stories are unique in their texture and context compared to other stories, with their themes of oppressive governments, war trauma, loss of home and family, loss of cultural identity, and diaspora. These narratives shape the stories they live by (Clandinin & Connelly, 1999, p. 4). According to Clandinin & Connellys (2000) notion of four directions (p. 50) when researching experiences, this narrative inquiry involved looking inward and outward, and backward and forward into students lived experiences. Listening to the refugee students narratives of their past lives, their present experiences in high school and in the community, as well as their hopes for the future provides educators, administrators and policy makers with a clearer picture of their complex lives. The students narratives in this research give educators an opportunity to reflect on the ways we inspire and give hope to refugee students in our classrooms.<p> As the researcher, I have interwoven my personal experiences with war as a daughter and a mother along with my personal practical knowledge (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000, p. 3) as the students EAL (English as Additional Language) teacher together with the students narratives. The goal of this study is to provide participants with an opportunity to have their voices heard and attended to, especially in light of current teaching practices and proposed school transformation in their high school. This narrative inquiry identifies ways in which refugee students exist on the borderlands in high school and areas in schools that require attention. At the same time, it contributes an understanding of what needs to change to provide responsive educational practices in high school.

Aktivitetsnivå och måltidsvanor bland skolungdomar efter en intervention : - En kvantitativ studie / Activity level and eating habits among schoolchildren after an intervention : - a quantitative study

Kronkvist, Irene, Wiktorsson, Heléne January 2009 (has links)
Syftet var att undersöka aktivitetsnivå och måltidsvanor hos skolungdomar i årskurs 6-9 efter en intervention, och jämföra de uppnådda resultaten med en kontrollgrupp, samt jämföra mellan flickor och pojkar. Hallands Idrottsförbund startade med stöd av Region Halland ett projekt på en skola i Halland, för att öka den fysiska aktiviteten bland eleverna i samarbete med olika idrottsliga föreningar. Detta var en kvantitativ studie och enkäter användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Resultatet visade att den aktiva gruppen hade fler idrottslektioner i veckan än kontrollgruppen. Inga andra skillnader påvisades. Mellan flickor och pojkar sågs betydligt fler skillnader. Pojkar var genomgående mer fysisk aktiva än flickorna. Mer fokus bör därför läggas på att nå flickorna och öka utövandet av den fysiska aktiviteten. Förutsättningar behöver skapas för alla, men framför allt för de som är fysiskt inaktiva.

The Colonizer and the Colonized in Kazuo Ishiguro's Novels, An Artist of the Floating World and The Remains of the Day

Johansson, Monique January 2012 (has links)
This essay investigates the colonized self in Kazuo Ishiguro’s An Artist of the Floating World and The Remains of the Day, by analyzing the novels from a postcolonial perspective. Furthermore, it discusses how and why Masuji Ono and Mr. Stevens are affected by Japanese imperialism and British colonialism. Through a close reading of the novels, this essay argues that the protagonists are ‘colonized’ by their own countries, and eventually also ‘imperialized,’ or influenced, by America following the Second World War. Ono is ‘colonized’ by his colleague Matsuda, while Mr. Stevens is ‘colonized’ by his employer, Mr. Darlington. Later on, they are both ‘imperialized’ through the American occupation and influence.

Composite condensates and phase transformations via pulsed laser ablation on Zn, Zn-Cu and Cu-Au targets in liquid or vacuum

Lin, Bo-Cheng 19 August 2012 (has links)
This research deals with the synthesis and characterization (transmission electron microscopy and optical spectroscopy) of composite nanocondensates produced by pulse laser ablation (PLA) on Zn, Zn-Cu and Cu-Au targets in liquid or vacuum. First, wurtzite-type (W)-ZnO and

Are China and Japan gregarious? The Japanese academic circle how to regard China and face the controversy of ¡§China as an emerging superpower¡¨ in epistemology and methodology form modern times to now.

Chen, Chien-Ting 07 February 2007 (has links)
In recent years, ¡§China as an emerging superpower¡¨ becomes popular discussion issue, Japan as the neighboring country also makes response to this. However, Japan-China relation was not only the simple relations of country to country; two countries were influenced by Confucian culture very deep in history, having the complicated emotion each other. This topic of this article is the Japan academic circle how to think and regard China in epistemology and methodology form modern times to now. This article orders the Japanese scholars in modern times how to regard China in first, then using the train of thought to conjecture the visions that contemporary Japan face ¡§China as an emerging superpower¡¨. Finally, the author compares Japan academic circle how to regard China to find out those thought communicates or joins during that time.

Gis Based Assessment Of Excavation Difficulty By Tbm-epb Along Mecidiye - Tandogan Segment Of The Tandogan - Kecioren Metro Tunnel

Ozbas, Bengi 01 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Tunnel structures are important investments especially for urban areas. Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren - Tandogan metro alignment is one of those investments executed by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality. The purpose of this research is to evaluate Tunnel Boring Machine (Earth Pressure Balance type) (TBM-EPB) performance within different lithological units encountered along Tandogan -Mecidiye segment of the Ke&ccedil / i&ouml / ren - Tandogan metro tunnel. The evaluation is based on the data obtained from traditional site investigation methods, statistical approaches and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Complex geological and hydrogeological conditions are found to be effective in the advancement of a TBM implemented in tunnel boring works. A good understanding of the geology is essential in such cases. Available field (in-situ) and laboratory tests have been used in order to determine geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical properties of the metro tunnel alignment. Advancements in the tunnel boring process also proved that hydrogeological conditions are effective on the performance of TBM so related data are considered carefully while preparing cross-section layers and calculating weights in order to display the distribution of excavation difficulty classes through the tunnel alignment.

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