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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Alterações de pele em pacientes em cuidados paliativos na terminalidade da doença e final da vida: coorte prospectiva / Skin changes in terminally ill patients near and at the end of life receiving palliative care: a prospective cohort study

Ednalda Maria Franck 04 October 2016 (has links)
Introdução: Os pacientes com doenças avançadas, ameaçadoras da vida, de qualquer etiologia, podem apresentar intercorrências ao longo do curso da doença e nem sempre é fácil para o profissional diferenciar rapidamente se ele está em terminalidade da doença ou fase final de vida, pois a piora do quadro clínico pode ser devida a algo reversível. Tendo em vista que a pele é considerada o maior órgão do corpo humano, assim como ocorre com os demais órgãos, pode sofrer disfunção quando a pessoa está em fase final de vida. Nesse contexto, a disfunção da pele está relacionada à diminuição da perfusão cutânea, que leva à hipóxia localizada, e por não conseguir manter sua função normal, alterações inevitáveis podem ocorrer. Objetivo: Identificar e analisar a incidência de alterações de pele e seus fatores preditivos em pacientes hospitalizados em cuidados paliativos, na terminalidade da doença e na fase final de vida. Métodos: Estudo de coorte prospectiva, realizado em uma unidade de internação de cuidados paliativos. Vinte e quatro pacientes foram acompanhados até a alta, transferência ou óbito. Os instrumentos Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, Malnutrition Screening Tool, Palliative Performance Scale, Escala de Braden e Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing foram utilizados para a avaliação inicial e seguimento. Empregaram-se os testes U de Wilcoxon-Mann- Whitney, Qui-quadrado e Fisher, Curva de Kaplan-Meier e Log-rank além da Classification and Regression Tree para análise dos dados. Resultados: A maioria da amostra foi de mulheres (13/ 54,2%) e idade média de 67,6 (DP=21,8), a maioria dos pacientes (23/ 95,8%) tinha funcionalidade prejudicada (50%) e algum grau de desnutrição (15/ 62,5%). A incidência de alterações de pele foi 16,7%, ocorrendo colorações acinzentada (n=2) e amarelo-esverdeada (n=1) da pele e lesões por pressão (n=9). O número de pacientes com alterações de pele que faleceram foi significativamente maior do que aqueles sem essas alterações (p=0,035); e pacientes com essas alterações apresentaram 17 vezes mais chances de falecer comparativamente àqueles sem as alterações. Idade 50 anos foi preditiva de alterações de pele na amostra estudada. Conclusão: Trata-se do primeiro estudo nacional que investiga as alterações de pele em pacientes hospitalizados em final de vida. Em coorte de 24 pacientes, constatou-se incidência de 16,7% de alterações, predominando as lesões por pressão. Verificou-se ainda que os pacientes com essas alterações de pele no final da vida tem mais chances de falecer quando comparados àqueles sem tais alterações. / Background: Patients with advanced life-threatening diseases of any etiology may experience complications over the course of the disease and is not always easy for the professional to rapidly differentiate if the patient is in the terminal phase of the disease or at the end of life, because the worsening of symptoms may be due to a reversible state. The skin is considered the largest organ of the body and, as other organs, may become dysfunctional at the end of life. In this context, skin dysfunction is associated with decreased cutaneous perfusion, which leads to local hypoxia, and for failing to maintain its normal function, inevitable changes may occur. Aim: To estimate and evaluate the incidence and predictors of skin changes in hospitalized patients in the terminal phase of the disease and at the end of life, who were receiving palliative care. Methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted in an inpatient palliative care unit. Twenty-four patients were followed until discharge, transfer, or death. Some instruments were used in the initial and follow-up assessments of patients, including the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, Malnutrition Screening Tool, Palliative Performance Scale, Braden Scale, and Pressure Ulcer Scale for Healing. The Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney U-test, chi-square test, Fishers test, Kaplan-Meier curve, Log-rank test, and Classification and Regression Tree analysis were performed for data analysis. Results: Most patients were women (13/ 24, 54.2%), the mean age was 67.6 years (SD=21.8), the majority of patients (23/ 24, 95.8%) had lost 50% of their functional capacity, and had some degree of malnutrition (15/ 24, 62.5%). The incidence of skin changes was 16.7%; cases of grayish skin (n=2), yellow-greenish skin (n=1), and pressure ulcers (n=9) were detected. The number of patients who died was significantly higher among those with skin changes than among those without such changes (p=0.035), and patients with skin changes were 17 times more likely to die than those without changes. Age 50 years was predictive of skin changes in the study population. Conclusion: This was the first Brazilian study to investigate skin changes in hospitalized patients near and at the end of life. In a cohort of 24 patients, the incidence of skin changes was 16.7%, with predominance of pressure ulcers. It was also found that patients with skin changes at the end of life were more likely to die when compared to those without such changes.

Adaptação cultural e validação inicial do instrumento MISSCARE para o Brasil: contribuição para o mapeamento de riscos para a segurança do paciente hospitalizado / Cultural adaptation and initial validation of the MISSCARE instrument for its use in Brazil: a contribution for mapping inpatient safety risks

Lillian Dias Castilho Siqueira 21 September 2012 (has links)
O fenômeno da omissão de cuidados de enfermagem é definido como qualquer aspecto do cuidado requerido pelo paciente que é omitido (em parte ou por completo) ou atrasado. Pode ocasionar consequências negativas para a assistência, tendo impacto na qualidade do cuidado e nos custos institucionais. Este estudo de delineamento metodológico teve como objetivos realizar a adaptação cultural do instrumento MISSCARE para uso no Brasil e testar parcialmente as suas propriedades psicométricas. O instrumento MISSCARE possui 41 itens distribuídos em duas partes. A parte A contém 24 itens referentes aos elementos dos cuidados de enfermagem omitidos com resposta variando de sempre omitido (1) a nunca omitido (5), e a parte B apresenta 17 itens relacionados às razões para a não prestação dos cuidados, com as possibilidades de resposta variando de razão significante (1) a não é uma razão para omissão do cuidado (4). A pesquisa, aprovada pelo comitê de ética, foi realizada em duas fases. A primeira consistiu no processo de adaptação cultural, que verificou a validade de face e de conteúdo, realizada por um comitê de cinco juízes conforme os passos preconizados pela literatura. A segunda visou analisar a consistência interna do instrumento com 60 profissionais da equipe de enfermagem de um hospital público de ensino universitário do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Os resultados demonstraram que a maioria dos participantes era do sexo feminino (75%), com idade média de 40,4 anos. Houve maior frequência de sujeitos com ensino médio (60%) na categoria de técnico em enfermagem (36,7%). Mudar o decúbito do paciente a cada duas horas, assistência às necessidades higiênicas dentro de cinco minutos da solicitação e participação em discussão da equipe interdisciplinar sobre a assistência ao paciente foram os três cuidados de enfermagem mais omitidos, enquanto o controle da glicemia capilar, banho/higiene e cuidados com punção venosa foram os elementos menos omitidos. O número inadequado de pessoal foi a razão mais citada pelos profissionais para essa omissão dos cuidados. Os valores do coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para as partes A e B do instrumento foram 0,964 e 0,924, respectivamente e, considerando-se os fatores da parte B, 0,906 para comunicação, 0,797 para recursos materiais e 0,785 para recursos laborais. Conclui-se que a versão adaptada do MISSCARE para o português mostrou-se confiável na amostra estudada. Novos estudos devem ser realizados para a avaliação de propriedades psicométricas adicionais antes que o instrumento seja utilizado no Brasil. / Missed care is a phenomenon defined as neglecting or delaying (partially or as a whole) any aspect of care required by the patient, which can imply negative consequences for the service, and, thus, affect the quality of care and increase institutional costs. The objectives of the present methodological study were to perform the cultural adaptation of the MISSCARE instrument for its use in Brazil, and perform a partial assessment of its psychometric properties. The MISSCARE instrument comprises 41 items distributed into two parts. Part A contains 24 items referring to the elements of the nursing care that was omitted, with answers ranging between always omitted (1) to never omitted (5), and part B comprises 17 items related to the reasons for not providing the care, with answer choices ranging from significant reason (1) to no reason for omitting care (4). The study, approved by the ethics committee, was performed in two phases. The first consisted of the cultural adaptation process, which was performed by a committee of five judges, in compliance with the steps recommended in literature, and found face and content validity. The second phase consisted of analyzing the internal consistency of the instrument with 60 nursing team workers of a public university hospital located in the interior of São Paulo state. The results showed that most participants were female (75%), with an average age of 40.4 years. Most subjects had a secondary level education (60%) and held a nursing technician degree (36.7%). Changing patient position every two hours, providing hygiene care within five minutes of their request, and participating in interdisciplinary team discussion about the patient care were the three most often omitted nursing care item, whereas capillary blood glucose management, bath/hygiene and venous puncture care were the least omitted. The main reported reason for the missed care was the shortage of personnel. The values found for Cronbach\'s alpha in parts A and B of the instrument were 0.964 and 0.924, respectively, and considering the factors of part B, 0.906 for communication, 0.797 for material resources and 0.785 for occupational resources. In conclusion, it was found that the adapted version of the MISSCARE instrument for the Brazilian Portuguese language was reliable for the studied sample. Further studies should be performed to assess the additional psychometric properties before the instrument can be used in Brazil.

Kunskaper om och attityder till prevention av trycksår hos distriktssköterskor och sjuksköterskor inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård

Eriksson, Lena, Persson, Sara January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund:Trycksår är ett stort och kostsamt problem för samhället som orsakar lidande ochsmärta hos patienten. Sjuksköterskan ska främja hälsa, förebygga ohälsa ochlindra lidande samt har ansvaret att identifiera risker och ordinera åtgärderför trycksårsprevention. Syfte medstudien var att beskriva och jämföra kunskap om och attityd till preventionav trycksår hos distriktssköterskan och sjuksköterskan inom kommunala hälso-och sjukvård. Metod: Beskrivande ochjämförande design med kvantitativ ansats. Enkäter delades ut till distriktsköterskor och sjuksköterskor som arbetade påsärskilt boende och hemsjukvård i fem kommuner. Det var 67 av 150 tillfrågadesom deltog i studien. Resultat: Resultatetvisade det att distriktsköterskans och sjuksköterskans kunskaper omtrycksårsprevention brister. Specifikt i frågorna omschema för lägesändring som minskar trycksårsrisken mest, avlastning av hälarpå tryckavlastande madrass, rätt sätt att reducera tryckkraften när en patientglider ner i en stol samt att syrebrist orsakar trycksår. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna fannsgällande kunskap om trycksårsprevention. Attityden hos både distriktsköterskanoch sjuksköterskan var positiv och en signifikant skillnad fanns mellangrupperna. Distriktsköterskans hade en positivare attityd jämfört medsjuksköterskan. Sjuksköterskorna kändes sig mindre säker på sin förmåga attförebygga trycksår och distriktsköterskorna svarade i högre grad atttrycksårsprevention är en viktig uppgift. Slutsats:I föreliggande studie har deltagarna bristande kunskap om prevention avtrycksår och attityden hos både distriktsköterskan ochsjuksköterskan var positiv till trycksårsprevention. En skillnad mellangrupperna fanns där distriktsköterskan hade en positivare attityd jämfört medsjuksköterskan. / Introduction: Pressure ulcer is a common and expensive problem for society which causes suffering and pain for the patient. Registered nurses should promote health, prevent illness and relieve suffering and is responsible for identifying risk and prescribing measures for pressure ulcer prevention. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare district nurses and registered nurses knowledge and attitude to pressure ulcer prevention in municipal health care. The method: Descriptive and comparative design with quantitative approach. A questionnaire was distributed to district nurses and registered nurses who worked in nursing homes and home healthcare in five municipalities. It was 67 out of 150 respondents who participated in the study. The result: The result showed that district nurse and registered nurse’s lack in knowledge about pressure ulcer prevention. Specific in the question about position change that reduces pressure ulcer risk the most, relief of heels on pressure-reducing mattress, the right way to reduce the pressure force when a patient slides down in a chair and that oxygen deficiency causes pressure ulcer. No significant difference between the groups knowledge on pressure ulcer prevention was found. The attitude of both the district nurse and the registered nurse was positive and a significant difference was found between the groups. The district nurse had a more positive attitude compared to the registered nurse. Nurses felt less confident of their ability to prevent pressure ulcer and district nurses responded to a greater extent that pressure ulcer prevention is an important task. Conclusion: In this study, participants have insufficient knowledge about pressure ulcers prevention and the attitude of both the district nurse and the registered nurse was positive to pressure ulcer prevention. A difference between the groups was where the district nurse had a more positive attitude compared to the registered nurse.

Trycksårsförebyggande arbete : En systematisk litteraturstudie ur sjuksköterskors perspektiv

Hermansson, Elin, P. Öster, Jessica January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Att ha ett trycksår innebär att huden och underliggande vävnad drabbas av en lokal skada, orsakad av syrebrist. Riskfaktorer för att drabbas av trycksår är bland annat nedsatt allmäntillstånd och begränsad rörlighet. Smärtan som ett trycksår medför kan upplevas på olika sätt, allt från att det tar över hela livet till att patienter döljer den. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av trycksårsförebyggande arbete, vid arbete på vårdavdelningar. Metod: En kvalitativ systematisk litteraturstudie, baserat på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar, som analyserats enligt en analysmetod. Resultat: Analysen presenteras i två teman: “Vikten av kunskap” och “Vikten av omgivande resurser”, som resulterade i totalt fem sub-teman: “Behov av utbildning för ökad förståelse”, “Tidigare erfarenheter av att behandla trycksår”, “Patienters roll”, “Vårdpersonalens betydelse” samt “Organisationens förutsättningar”. Slutsatser: Förebyggande av trycksår kräver en viss kunskap och kompetens hos sjuksköterskor för att effektivisera detta arbete. Sjuksköterskor beskrev även vikten av teamarbete och planering, vilket försvåras av tids- och personalbrist. Sjuksköterskor upplever en maktlöshet kring det trycksårsförebyggande arbetet, då de saknar vissa förutsättningar för att kunna optimera vården. Samtidigt kan det trycksårsförebyggande arbetet minska kostnaderna för sjukvården.

Comparison of educational interventions to impact behavioral intent toward pressure ulcer prevention among nurses on medical surgical units

Russell-Babin, Kathleen 01 January 2013 (has links)
Background: Implementation of evidence-based knowledge in healthcare is challenging with success rates less than optimal at times. This is particularly true in the area of pressure ulcer prevention. Attention to use of the affective domain in educational interventions to implement best practices may be part of the solution. Purpose: The ultimate purpose of this study was to compare the use of two different educational interventions on medical-surgical nurses' behavioral intent to use evidence-based practice in preventing pressure ulcers. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical framework for this study was the theory of planned behavior. Methods: This study proceeded in three phases and collected both qualitative and quantitative data for instrument development and instrument testing. The resultant instrument was used to collect data for hypothesis testing in a cluster randomized experiment. Results: The theory of planned behavior was not fully supported in this study. Attitudes toward pressure ulcers were predictive of behavioral intent. Nurses who experienced the affective domain educational intervention showed significant improvements over the control group on attitude and perceived behavioral control. Behavioral intent and subjective norm were not impacted. Conclusions: A reliable and valid theory of planned behavior derived instrument was created. The theory of planned behavior was partially supported. An affective domain intervention has the potential to favorably impact nurses in valuing pressure ulcer prevention, despite any barriers.

Preventiva trycksårsåtgärder. En litteraturstudie

Olsson, Emma, Kristensen, Rebecka January 2011 (has links)
Trycksår kan förekomma på alla typer av vårdavdelningar och tar lång tid att läka samt är en stor kostnad för samhället.Syftet med litteraturstudien var att undersöka åtgärder för trycksårsprevention. Metoden är baserad på en modifierad version av Forsberg & Wengströms modell för en systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökning i databaser PubMed och CINAHL utfördes och resultatet i litteraturstudien grundades på nio kvantitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Författarna kunde identifiera olika preventionsåtgärder där framför allt evidensbaserade bedömningsinstrument som Modifierad Nortonskala och MNA-SF är viktiga att använda i trycksårsprevention, men även temperaturmätning, ”Continental anal plug” (CAP), god nutrition, aktivitet samt tryckreducerande underlag som fårskinn. / Pressure ulcers may occur in all types of hospital wards and are a major cost to society, and takes a long time to heal. The purpose of the study is to examine measures for pressure ulcer prevention. The method is based on a literature review using the modified version of Forsberg & Wengström model for a systematic literature review. Search in PubMed and CINAHL were conducted, the results of this study were based on nine quantitative scientific articles. The results showed that, among other things, there is a significant correlation between pressure ulcer development and stroke. The authors were able to identify various preventive measures, particularly evidence-based assessment instruments Modified Norton Scale and MNA-SF. They are important to use in pressure ulcer prevention, but also to measure the skin temperature, “Continental anal plug” (CAP), good nutrition, activity and pressure reduction surfaces such as sheepskin.

Trycksår - under ytan på en vårdskada : En litteraturöversikt / Pressure ulcer – under the surface of a health care injury : A literature review

Lehmann, Mikaela, Olsson, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund Trycksår klassificeras som en vårdskada för att det orsakar stort fysiskt och psykiskt lidande och som hade kunnat förhindrats med adekvata omvårdnadsåtgärder. Inom trycksårspreventivt arbete finns det internationella riktlinjer baserad på evidensbaserad kunskap om hur trycksårsprevention skall utföras. Trots detta utvecklar många patienter trycksår och står för ungefär 11 procent av Sveriges 100 000 årliga vårdskador. Syfte Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är att beskriva faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans preventionsarbete mot trycksår. Metod Studien är designad som en strukturerad litteraturöversikt med inslag av metoden som används vid systematiska översikter. 15 artiklar med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ ansats valdes ut på databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat Faktorer som påverkar sjuksköterskans preventionsarbete mot trycksår finns på organistaorisk nivå där stöd och utbilning ej prioriteras. Sjuksköterskans relation med patienten är avgörande för att lyckas med en personcentrerad omvårdnad och leder till ett partnerskap i trycksårsprevention. Patientens status och förmåga till att delta i vården påverkar möjligheten till eget deltagande i preventionsarbetet. Slutsats Sjuksköterskan behöver organisatoriska förutsättningar för att kunna utföra preventivt omvårdnadsarbete mot trycksår tillsammans med utbildning, träning och systematiskt arbete och personcentrerat förhållningssätt är det faktorer till lyckad prevention. / Background Pressure ulcer is classified as a health care injury because it causes great physical and mental suffering that could have been prevented if adequate nursing were implemented. Within preventive pressure ulcer care there are international guidelines based on evidence-based knowledge of how pressure ulcers prevention should be executed. Despite this fact many patients do develop pressure ulcer and out of Sweden’s yearly 100 000 health care injuries are 11 percent pressure ulcers. Aim The aim of this litterature review is to describe factors that affect the nurse’s prevention of pressure ulcer. Method The study is designed as a structured literature review with traits of the methodolgy used in systematic reviews. 15 articles of both qualitative and quantitative analysis selected in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Results Factors that affect the nurse's prevention work against pressure ulcers are found at the organizational level where support and education are not prioritized. The nurse's relationship with the patient is crucial for the success of person-centered care and leads to a partnership in pressure ulcer prevention. The patinten's status and ability to participate in care affect the possibility of personal participation in the prevention work. Conclusions The nurse requires organisational conditions to be able to do nursing to prevent pressure ulcer along with education, traning, systematic work and a person-centred approach are factors for a successful prevention.

Möjligheter och hinder för att förebygga trycksår : en icke- systematisk litteraturöversikt / Facilitators and barriers to prevent pressure ulcers : a non-systematic literature review

Tsitlakidou, Dimitra, Yoneyama, Emi January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund Trycksår som uppstår under vårdtiden kan förebyggas. Dock utgör de fortfarande ettpågående säkerhets- och kvalitetsproblem inom vården. Olika evidensbaserade preventivainsatser finns för att undvika skadan. Trots detta är implementering i klinisk praxisbegränsad. En förståelse för de möjligheter och hinder i genomförandet av dessa insatser urolika perspektiv är av stor betydelse, så att riktade strategier kan införlivas igenomförandeplaner. Syfte Syftet var att belysa möjligheter och hinder för att förebygga trycksår. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt som baserades på 16 vetenskapliga originalartiklarmed både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL.Artiklarna kvalitetsgranskades utifrån Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag förvetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet. Resultatet sammanställdes och analyserades meden integrerad dataanalys. Resultat I sammanställningen identifierades hur olika faktorer påverkar implementeringen avtrycksårsförebyggande arbete. Dessa faktorer delades in i tre huvudkategorier:organisation, personal och patienter. Möjligheter som en stödjande organisation,regelbundna utbildningsmöjligheter, tillgång till utrustning, positiva attityder, kompetentpersonal och patientmedverkan kan underlätta implementeringen. Otillräckliga resurser,bristande kunskap och utbildning, bristande dokumentation, negativa attityder,patientmotstånd, medicinskt instabil patient samt patientens bristande förståelse förtrycksårsprevention utgör hinder för implementering. Slutsats Möjligheter och hinder för att förebygga trycksår identifieras inom flera områden.För ett framgångsrikt trycksårsförebyggande arbete som leder till en signifikant minskningav uppkomsten av trycksår behövs en stödjande organisation som är beredd att göraförbättringsåtgärder för att åstadkomma bra förutsättningar så att personalen kan jobbaaktivt och effektivt med implementering av trycksårsförebyggande åtgärder. / Background Pressure ulcers that occur during the period of care can be prevented. However, they stillrepresent an ongoing safety and quality problem in healthcare. Various evidence-basedpreventive measures are available to avoid the damage. Despite this, implementation inclinical practice is limited. An understanding of the possibilities and barriers in theimplementation of these efforts from different perspectives is of great importance, so thattargeted strategies can be incorporated into implementation plans. Aim The aim was to identify facilitators and barriers to prevent pressure ulcers. Method A non-systematic literature review based on 16 original scientific articles using bothqualitative and quantitative methods from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. Thequality of the articles was checked based on Sophiahemmet University's assessment basisfor scientific classification and quality. The results were compiled and analyzed in anintegrated data analysis. Results In the compilation, identified how various factors affect the implementation of pressureulcer prevention work. These factors were divided into three main categories: organization,health care professionals and patients. Opportunities such as a supportive organization,regular educational opportunities, access to equipment, positive attitudes, competent staff,and patient involvement can facilitate the implementation. Insufficient resources, lack ofknowledge and training, lack of documentation, negative attitudes, patient resistance,medically unstable patients, and the patient's lack of understanding of the pressure ulcerprevention measures are barriers to implementation. Conclusions Possibilities and barriers to prevent pressure ulcers were identified in several areas. For asuccessful pressure ulcer prevention that leads to a significant reduction in the occurrenceof pressure ulcers, a supporting organization is needed to prepare to make improvementmeasures to create good conditions so that the staff can work actively and efficiently withthe implementation of pressure ulcer prevention measures.

Trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder för äldre personer : En litteraturöversikt / Nursing interventions for preventing pressure ulcers among older adults : a literature review

Bjernulf, Selma, Liss, Josefine January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Trycksår är en vävnadsskada som uppkommer vid tryck samt skjuv och det finns flera kategorier beroende på svårighetsgrad. Det är ett tillstånd som kan orsaka svår smärta och orsaka ett lidande hos patienten. Den mest drabbade patientgruppen inom slutenvården är äldre personer som redan är sköra. Prevalensen är hög varpå litteraturöversikten undersöker vilka trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder som finns. Syfte Syftet med litteraturöversikten är att beskriva omvårdnadsåtgärder för att förebygga trycksår hos äldre personer inneliggande på sjukhus. Metod Examensarbetet har genomförts som en strukturerad litteraturstudie med inslag av den metodologi som används vid systematiska översikter. I litteraturöversikten inkluderades 12 kvantitativa artiklar och 2 kvalitativa artiklar som publicerats mellan år 2012–2022 i databaserna CINAHL och PubMed. Resultat Analysen bildade fyra huvudkategorier och tio underkategorier som blev litteraturöversiktens resultat. Huvudkategorierna var åtgärder för att främja en hel hud, förflyttning och lägesändring, tillgodose behov av näring och information om trycksår. Underkategorierna var god hudvård, plåster i förebyggande syfte, kuddar och dynor, mobiliserade- och sängliggande patienter, betydelsen av god nutrition, bedömning och underhållning av nutritionsstatus, god patientundervisning samt utbildning av personal. Slutsats Litteraturöversiktens resultat påvisar att det finns flera olika typer av trycksårsförebyggande omvårdnadsåtgärder. / Background A pressure ulcer is a tissue injury that occurs due to pressure and shear. There are several categories depending on the degree of severity. It is a condition that can cause severe pain and cause suffering to the patient. The most affected group of patients in inpatient care are elderly people who are already frail. The prevalence is high, which is why the literature review investigates which pressure ulcer prevention nursing measures are available. Aim The purpose of the literature review is to describe nursing measures to prevent pressure ulcers in elderly people in a hospital setting. Method The literature review has been carried out as a structured literature study with elements of the methodology used in systematic reviews. In the literature review, 12 quantitative articles and 2 qualitative articles published between the years 2012-2022 were included in the databases CINAHL and PubMed. Results The analysis formed four main categories and ten subcategories that became the result of the literature review. The main categories were measures to promote healthy skin,movement and change of position, satisfy nutritional needs and information about pressure ulcers. The subcategories were good skin care, preventive dressings, pillows and cushions, mobilized- and bedridden patients, the importance of good nutrition, assessment and maintenance of nutritional status and good patient- and staff education. Conclusions The result of the literature review presents that there are several different types of pressure ulcer prevention nursing measures.

Construção, utilização e avaliação dos efeitos de protocolo de prevenção de úlceras por pressão em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva / Construction, use and assessment of the effects of a pressure ulcer prevention protocol at an Intensive Care Unit

Vasconcelos, Josilene de Melo Buriti 28 March 2014 (has links)
A prevenção de úlcera por pressão representa grande desafio no ambiente hospitalar, especialmente na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, mediante a diversidade de fatores de risco apresentados pelos pacientes. A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da construção e utilização de um protocolo embasado em evidências para prevenção de úlcera por pressão em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, nas ações de enfermagem e na incidência do evento. Foi realizada na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva de hospital universitário, de João Pessoa, Paraíba, após aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. O percurso metodológico foi construído a partir das etapas do processo da adoção de uma inovação conforme Rogers, utilizando-se as abordagens quanti e qualitativa, em três fases: pré-intervenção, intervenção e pós- intervenção. Nas fases pré e pós-intervenção, por meio de dois estudos, investigou- se a realidade caracterizando-se as ações dos profissionais para prevenção durante a higiene corporal e a incidência de úlcera por pressão. A fase de intervenção possibilitou a construção e utilização do protocolo de prevenção de úlcera por pressão com a participação dos profissionais de saúde da Unidade de Terapia Intensiva, utilizando-se como estratégias o grupo focal, a avaliação da concordância pelos profissionais e o desenvolvimento de ações educativas, visando à persuasão para a adoção das recomendações. Os resultados das fases pré e pós-intervenção foram comparados utilizando testes estatísticos para verificar o impacto da utilização do protocolo. No estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido durante a fase de intervenção, a análise e interpretação dos depoimentos dos profissionais foram realizadas pela técnica de análise de conteúdo conforme Bardin. A comparação dos resultados dos estudos das fases pré e pós-intervenção evidenciou que a utilização do protocolo influenciou a prática clínica dos profissionais de enfermagem, observando-se mudanças significativas na adoção de medidas de prevenção como: avaliação do risco para úlcera por pressão utilizando a Escala de Braden durante a internação do paciente (p<0,001), incremento na utilização do hidratante corporal (p<0,001), inspeção da pele nas proeminências ósseas em todas as regiões corporais (p<0,001), aumento da utilização do lençol móvel para elevação do paciente do leito durante a movimentação (p<0,001), utilização de travesseiros para proteger as proeminências ósseas do joelho (p=0,015) e sob as panturrilhas para manter os calcâneos flutuantes (p<0,005). Observou-se ainda aumento na utilização de coberturas para proteção da pele nas áreas de proeminências ósseas (p=0,005). Quanto à incidência de úlcera por pressão observou-se diferença estatisticamente significante (p=0,0069) entre as duas fases da pesquisa com redução do índice de 35,7% (pré-intervenção) para 8,3% (pós-intervenção). Identificou-se que as variáveis associadas à ocorrência de úlcera por pressão foram: uso de antibióticos, vasoconstrictores, ventilação mecânica; tempo prolongado de internação; menores escores na Escala de Braden e de Glasgow. Os resultados denotam a importância da utilização do protocolo de prevenção de úlcera por pressão no serviço e ressaltam a necessidade do envolvimento da instituição na manutenção de um programa de educação permanente que envolva a equipe multiprofissional, no provimento de recursos humanos e materiais para garantir a continuidade na adoção das boas práticas para prevenção de úlcera por pressão e no monitoramento contínuo do problema / Preventing pressure ulcers poses a great challenge in the hospital context, especially in Intensive Care Unit, because of the range of risk factors the patients present. The objective in this research was to assess the effect of the construction and use of an evidence-based protocol to prevent pressure ulcers in Intensive Care Unit on nursing actions and on the incidence rates of the event. The study was undertaken at the Intensive Care Unit of a university hospital in João Pessoa/Paraíba, after receiving ethical clearance. The method was constructed based on Rogers\' steps in the innovation adoption process, using the quantitative and qualitative approaches, in three phases: pre-intervention, intervention and post-intervention. In the pre- and post-intervention phases, the reality was investigated through two studies, characterizing the professionals\' preventive actions during bodily hygiene and the incidence of pressure ulcers. The intervention phase permitted the construction and use of the pressure ulcers prevention protocol, involving health professionals from the Intensive Care Unit, through the adoption of the following strategies: focus group, assessment of the professionals\' agreement and development of educative actions to persuade the professionals to adopt the recommendations. The results of the pre and post-intervention phases were compared, using statistical tests to verify the impact of using the protocol. In the qualitative study, developed during the intervention phase, Bardin\'s content analysis technique was applied for the analysis and interpretation of the professionals\' statements. The comparison between the study results of the pre and post-intervention phases evidenced that the use of the protocol significantly influenced the nursing professionals\' clinical practice, revealing significant changes in the adoption of prevention measures, including: pressure ulcers risk assessment using the Braden scale during the patient\'s hospitalization (p<0.001), increased use of body hydrating lotion (p<0.001), skin inspection on bony prominences in all body regionso (p<0.001), increased use of blankets to raise the patient from the bed while moving (p<0.001); use of pillows to protect bony prominences on the knee (p=0.015) and under the calves to maintain the heels suspended (p<0.005). In addition, an increase was observed in the use of covers to protect areas of bony prominences (p=0.005). Concerning the incidence of pressure ulcers, a statistically significant difference (p=0.0069) was observed between the two research phases, with a reduction from 35.7 % (pre-intervention) to 8.3% (post-intervention). It was identified that the variables associated with the occurrence of pressure ulcers were: use of antibiotics, vasoconstrictors, mechanical ventilation; extended hospitalization time; lower scores on Braden and Glasgow Scale. The results indicate the importance of using the pressure ulcers prevention protocol in the service and highlight the need for the institution to engage in the maintenance of a continuing education program for the multiprofessional team, in the provision of human and material resources to guarantee continuity in the adoption of best practices for pressure ulcers prevention and in the continuous monitoring of the problem

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