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銀行保險商品與風險分析 / Product and risk analysis in bancasurance field陳姿錡, Chen, Tzu Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究貢獻在於透過簡易的測試,設算出實際數值,可望提供壽險公司在資產負債管理方面的新思維。 / In recent year, baccasurance has become one of the major channels for life insurance companies. Therefore, adding up the risk the baccasurance channel imposes, life insurance companies has undertaken heavier risks. Due to the fact that the interest rate has been comparably low for the last ten years, more and more consumers choose to buy deposit insurance (EX:interest sensitive annuity ) the substitute for periodic deposit. As the vital product in baccasurance channel, managing the risk of deposit insurance become more and more important.
This study adopted the idea of mixing products to achieve complementary effect, so that the risks might be better managed. Interest Sensitive Annuity was chosen to represent deposit-oriented products, and Injury Insurance and Periodical Annuity Life Insurance to represent traditional commodities. The method used for analysis was Cash Flow Test, in which stress test and sensitivity analysis were included, through which the researcher attempted to induce a rule from various situations and compute out the optimum ratio of the major products on the bancassurance channel.
The simulation result showed that traditional insurance products are able to compensate the deposit-oriented insurance, and the maximum percentage this product accounts for should be computed abiding by to controllable interest gain under various kinds of stress tests, for which the companies need to take into account its capital size, total premium, products being promoted, declared interest rate, and interest rates to help simulate all kinds of situations. It is possible to compute out the optimum ratio for the products when the goal surplus more than or equals to zero. In addition, it was also found that injury insurance is a better substitute for interest sensitive annuity insurance than term life insurance. It is suggested that insurance companies to carefully gauge the respective proportion for Periodical Annuity Life Insurance, Injury Insurance, and Interest Sensitive Annuity Insurance. Finally, it is hoped that the numerical number tested out by the current study provides insurance companies a new insight in asset liability management.
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Annuity DivisorsHelmersson, Madeleine January 2017 (has links)
This paper studies the differences and similarities between the discrete annuity divisor of the income pension compared to the continuous annuity divisor of the premium pension in Sweden. First discrete and continuous annuity divisors are compared and found to be equivalent given the same underlying mortality. The income divisor is based on observed mortality in a period setting while the premium divisor which is based on projected mortality in a cohort setting. The expected performance of the two methods is studied by constructing prediction intervals based on Lee-Carter models with either a Binomial or Poisson distribution. Prediction intervals are constructed using either residual bootstrap or parametric bootstrap. The premium annuity divisor is found to outperform the income annuity divisor, there is a large risk that the latter underestimates the future mortality. / Den här uppsatsen studerar skillnader och likheter mellan inkomstpensionens diskreta delningstal och premiepensionens kontinuerliga delningstal i Sverige. Först jämförs diskreta och kontinuerliga delningstal och finns vara likvärdiga när de baseras på samma dödlighet. Inkomstpensionens delningstal är baserad på observerad period-dödlighet medan premiepensionens delningstal är baserad på projekterad kohort-dödlighet. Prediktionsintervall används för att skatta hur bra de två metoderna är. Med hjälp av Lee-Carter-modellen baserad på antingen poissonfördelning eller binomialfördelning konstrueras prediktionsintervall. Bootstrap, antingen parametrisk eller baserad på residualerna, används för att skapa prediktionsintervallen. Premiumpensionens delningstal stämmer väl överens med prediktionsintervallen medan det för inkomstpensionens delningstal finns en stor risk att framtida dödlighet underskattas.
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The evaluation of different retirement investment options as savings and tax planning toolsKokott, Justin 26 March 2012 (has links)
Throughout South Africa, people are faced with various decisions with regard to planning for their future, but more so in planning for their retirement. It happens quite often that these investment decisions are postponed until only a few years before retirement, whether it is because of personal circumstances (cash flow restrictions) or changing employment. A number of people simply forget to plan for their retirement. Investment for retirement has become increasingly complex because of the great number of investment choices available and therefore this research attempts to identify and evaluate the most commonly used retirement investment opportunities in the market with their respective advantages and disadvantages. The research focuses on investment opportunities from a savings point of view and also evaluates each option from a South African income tax point of view which includes the cash inflows and outflows at the different stages (during the investment period as well as the maturity/retirement period). A number of investing options might seem very attractive at the initial phase, but may be less attractive at retirement or maturity date (especially looking at the tax benefits). This study focuses on both the current and newly proposed legislation as presented during the recent budget speech by the current Minister of Finance, Pravin Gordhan. AFRIKAANS : Regoor Suid-Afrika word mense gekonfronteer met besluite ingevolge die beplanning vir hul toekoms asook die beplanning vir hul aftrede. Dit gebeur gereeld dat hierdie beleggingsbesluite uitgestel word as gevolg van persoonlike omstandighede (wat kontantvloeibeperkings insluit) asook as gevolg van verandering van werkgewers. Party mense laat eenvoudig na om vir aftrede te beplan. Om te belệ vir aftrede word toenemend moeiliker as gevolg van die hoeveelheid beleggingsopsies beskikbaar. Hierdie navorsing poog dus om die mees algemene beleggingsopsies wat beskikbaar is, te identifiseer tesame met elkeen se individuele voordele en nadele. Die navorsing fokus op beleggingsgeleenthede vanuit „n besparingsoogpunt asook die Suid-Afrikaanse inkomstebelasting gevolge van elk van die opsies. Die Suid-Afrikaanse inkomstebelasting gevolge sluit in die kontantinvloeie en -uitvloeie tydens die duur van die beleggings asook by aftrede. Baie beleggingsopsies lyk aantreklik op die beleggingsdatum maar kan nadelig wees by aftrede. Die belastingontleding fokus op beide die huidige wetgewing asook die voorgestelde verandering in die wetgewing soos voorgestel tydens die begrotingsrede deur die huidige Minister van Finansies, Pravin Gordhan. Copyright 2011, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Kokott, J 2011, The evaluation of different retirement investment options as savings and tax planning tools, MCom dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-03262012-124429 / > F12/4/182/gm / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Taxation / unrestricted
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Návrh efektivního financování bytového domu hypotečním úvěrem / Proposal of Effecive Financing of Flat-building by means of Mortage LoansLemon, David January 2008 (has links)
The object of my thesis work called "Suggestion of an effective financing of Flat-building by means of mortgage" is to compare possible investment, choosing an optimal alternative and propose potential changes in a specific mortgage already offered by a bank. It is analyzing particular products for financing rent-destined real property on the Czech market and realization study, which also includes client demands. We are focusing on theoretical and practical information that are contributing to high effectiveness and customer adjustment of offered services.
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An Analysis of the Use of Gift Annuity Agreements at Selected United States Colleges and Universities for the Period 1988-93McIntosh, Clifford Joe 08 1900 (has links)
The objective of this research was to describe the extent to which Gift Annuity Agreements were used by United States higher education institutions in raising private philanthropic support during the period 1988-93.
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Совершенствование ипотечного кредитования на примере ПАО «СКБ-банк» : магистерская диссертация / Improving mortgage lending on the example of «SKB-Bank»Мухамедьянова, М. А., Mukhamedyanova, M. A. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация посвящена вопросам совершенствования ипотечного кредитования. Целью исследования является выявление проблем ипотечного кредитования в России и поиск возможностей для совершенствования ипотечных продуктов. Также в работе проведен обзор ипотечных программ ряда банков и представлен корреляционно-регрессионный анализ зависимости показателей ипотечного рынка от социально-экономических факторов. В качестве научной новизны предложено и обосновано внедрение ипотечного продукта с комбинированным методом уплаты процентов, который позволяет повысить привлекательность ипотечного кредитования для граждан. / The master's thesis is devoted to the improvement of mortgage lending. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of mortgage lending in Russia and to search for opportunities to improve mortgage products. The paper also reviews mortgage programs of a number of banks and presents a correlation and regression analysis of the dependence of mortgage market indicators on socio-economic factors. As a scientific novelty, the introduction of effective mortgage product with a combined method of paying interest is proposed and justified.
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政府在勞工退休金計劃管制中角色扮演之探討郭俊甫, Kuo Chin-fu Unknown Date (has links)
傳統由家庭負責的老年經濟安全在老年人口日益增加,子女數目的減少及產業結構改變的衝擊下已漸漸的暴露出問題的嚴重性。其責任也漸漸地由家庭轉移到整體社會。世界各國政府多將如何確保老年經濟安全列為主要的施政內容,我國自然也不例外。證諸已開發國家的實際情況,大多以多層次的年金體系(multi-tier pension system)提供老年經濟安全完整的保障。近年來也有多位學者發表文章以探討如何利用這種多層次的年金架構達成各種社會及經濟目標。
第一章 緒論------------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的---------------------------------------1
第二節 研究範圍與研究限制---------------------------------------3
第三節 研究大綱-------------------------------------------------4
第二章 職業退休(年)金計劃的必要性--------------------------6
第一節 老人福利需求與經濟安全保障的重要性-----------------------6
第二節 現階段老年經濟安全所面臨的威脅---------------------------7
第三節 老年年金的功能與性質------------------------------------12
第四節 職業退休(年)金制度應該扮演的角色----------------------14
第三章 職業退休(年)金計劃的歷史演進及種類----------------21
第一節 職業退休金的歷史演進與發展-------------------------------21
第二節 職業退休金計劃的種類-------------------------------------22
第三節 確定給付計劃與確定提撥計劃-------------------------------25
第四節 選樣OECD國家之職業退休金現況----------------------------39
第四章 政府對退休金計劃在資產方面的管制--------------------47
第一節 政府對退休金基金加以管制的必要性-------------------------47
第二節 政府在提撥基金方面的管制措施-----------------------------48
第三節 政府對賸餘資產所有權歸屬的管制---------------------------68
第四節 政府對投資組合的管制-------------------------------------70
第五章 政府對退休金計劃在負債及其他方面之管制-------------76
第一節 政府對計劃清償退休金債務的能力保險之管制-----------------76
第二節 政府對退休金計劃在賦益權及可攜性方面之管制---------------85
第三節 政府對退休金給付的指數化之管制---------------------------92
第四節 其他與政府管制有關的問題---------------------------------93
第六章 我國勞工退休(年)金管制問題之檢討-------------------103
第一節 我國勞工退休所得保障制度之沿格-------------------------103
第二節 我國現行勞工退休金制度所面臨之問題---------------------106
第三節 勞工退休金條例草案內容分析-----------------------------121
第七章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------125
附表二 每年薪資增加率---------------------------------------
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投資型人壽保險於脫退模型下之風險價差 / Risk bearing spreads of unit liked life insurance incorporating lapse rate modeling吳湘媛 Unknown Date (has links)
本文針對附保證年金型投資商品進行評價,其中被保險人脫退因素除受到死亡解約因素之外,對經濟環境影響因素產生解約問題,如利率攀升、經濟成長率、失業率等亦須考慮。附保證年金型投資商品公帄價值為保險公司販賣投資型年金商品須對負債面進行評價,以確保被保險人之權益,保險商品價值除因投資市場環境變動造成投資商品價值累積變動之外,對於被保險人因應市場環境轉變造成脫退問題亦影響保險公司對於投資型商品準備金價值評估,本篇依照Kolkiewicz & Tan(2006)之研究,假設附保證年金型投資商品評價方式,除投資標的受到市場變動影響外,對於經濟環境變動造成被保險人解約狀況亦考慮於核保模型中,因脫退因素考慮層面過廣,故本篇主要以死亡、經濟環境變動劇烈與利率上升導致解約因素為主要考慮狀態。
本研究推導之模型主要得出下列結果:(1)附保證年金型商品的公帄價格以保險年期的影響最大,其次為風險性資本市場長期帄均波動,而死亡率影響附保證投資年金型商品主要由風險性資本市場價值決定。(2)契約初始為主要解約期間,當解約力持續增加至一定值,契約後期解約率將趨於帄坦,本研究推估契約前期經濟市場波動易造成被保險人解約狀況,故解約程度增加。(3)主要投資型商品風險價差問題影響因素為長期市場波動程度,因風險價差之衡量主要考慮風險因子變動因素導致與公帄價值或期初保費差距,依照模型假設變動因子以風險性資產價值波動程度影響最巨,其次為保險期間,因此歸納出風險價差因子主要變動來源為風險性資產價值。 / In this paper, the goal is to evaluate fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products. In addition to death factors, the insured terminate by other reasons, such as interest rates raising, economic growth rate, and unemployment rate. Accordance with the liabilities side, the reserve of guaranteed annuity-type investment products must match it’s fair value. There is a question how to accurately evaluate fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products. The price of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is affected by two parts. One is cumulative index price change in value of investment goods, the other one is withdrawal rates. Kolkiewicz & Tan’s research assume guaranteed annuity-type investment products evaluation methods which is affected by market environment and termination status of the insured.
The results show that (1) The major impact on fair value of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is mainly from the period of the insurance contracts. The secondary effect is long-term average risk capital market volatility. (2) The main terminate time is the beginning of the contracts. When the lapse rates continued to increase to a certain value, lapse rate tends to smooth.(3) The major impact on risk spread of guaranteed annuity-type investment products is mainly from long-term market volatility. To sum up, the major changes in sources of risk spreads factor are from asset value.
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匯率風險下壽險業經濟資本之探討 — 以利率變動型年金商品為例 / Discussion on economic capital of life insurance industry under currency risk — a case of interest sensitive annuity policies邱俊智 Unknown Date (has links)
依據現行壽險公司資金運用決定投資之標的,並以Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (1985)模型模擬國內外短期利率,在無拋補利率平價說下建立匯率模型,以Heston (1993)隨機過程描述資產的變化,並考量壽險公司投資策略決定投資比率,再加入資產之相關性進行模擬;以與壽險公司投資連結之利率變動型年金為商品,加入各項風險因子進行負債價值模擬,諸如死亡率、解約率等因子;資產與負債皆在風險中立測度下以蒙地卡羅法進行模擬10,000次,探討公允價值下壽險公司之清償能力。
I.現行RBC風險資本總額介於VaR 99.5%與95%所計算之經濟資本間。
IV.利率變動型年金商品宣告利率之擬定將顯著影響公司面臨之違約風險。 / The amendment of Article 146-4 of Insurance Act extended the overseas investment ceiling in 2014 that the International Bond was not included to be counted in overseas investment. Since we have been suffering from the low interest rate for a long time, life insurance industry often uses carry trade to enlarge their earnings.
In this paper, the investment targets are chosen on the basis of the current life insurance industry. We simulate the short-term interest rate based on Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (1985) model, establish the exchange rate model by Uncovered Interest Rate Parity, and use Heston (1993) model to simulate stochastic process of assets. Then we consider the life insurance industry’s investment strategy to determine the investment ratio and also import the asset correlation into our models. The interest sensitive annuity policies we used to evaluate the liabilities are linked with life insurance companies’ investment. Some risk factors are also been considered, such as mortality, surrender rate and other factors. Through Monte Carlo simulations by 10,000 times, we analysis the life insurance companies’ solvency under risk neutral measurement by using Risk-Based Capital and Economic Capital. The results show that:
I.Risk-Based Capital is between Economic Capital calculated by VaR 99.5% and 95%.
II.When the volatility of exchange rate and overseas investment ratio increase, the Economic Capital will also increase significantly.
III.With the increase in the proportion of foreign bond investment, the increase in the Risk-Based Capital will accelerate the growth.
IV.The declaring interest rate of interest sensitive annuity policy will significantly affect the default risk faced by the life insurance company.
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Lagerplats och logistiklösningar / Stock location and logistic solutionAnongdeth, Alexander, Mikaelsson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Examensarbetet utfördes under våren 2021 på ett svenskt företag i Centrala Sverige. Uppdraget har som syfte haft att få en objektiv inblick i företagets lagersituation för försäljningen i EMEA. Uppdragets mål var att undersöka vart kostnadsbesparingar kunde göras, hur koldioxidutsläpp kunde reduceras för transporter av SMT produkter och hur servicenivån till kunderna kunde öka med att korta ned interna och externa ledtider. För att möjliggöra dessa kriterier undersöktes den befintliga lagersituationen mot en omställning för att komma närmare kunderna i EMEA. Med syfte att minska på transportdistanserna från lager till kund och från produktion till lager. För att möjliggöra arbete har information givits av företaget där ansvariga personer för respektive avdelning och en förstudie om vart ett lager bör placeras. Förstudien har jämförts mot den interna datainsamlingen. Interndatasamlingen har bestått av intervjuer och analyser utav tidigare arbeten i form av säljvolym och kundlokalisation granskats för att få en inblick i hur materialet flödar vid försäljning i EMEA. Logistiken för nuläget har gett en djupare förståelse i hur problemet uppstått och varför förbättringar önskats. När slut produktionen ligger närmare slutkunden än vad det befintliga central lagret gör i dagensläge antas att förbättringar kan göras. Med en granskning av företagets transportkostnader, lagerkostnader och distansen till samtliga kunder har resultatet visat på att vinningar kan göras på samtliga punkter. / This thesis project was carried out in the spring of 2021 at a Swedish owned company located in central Sweden. The purpose of the assignment was to gain an objective insight into the company’s stock situation for sales in EMEA. Then to investigate where cost savings could be made, how carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced for transport of SMT, and finally how the level of service to customers could increase by shorting internal and external lead times. To enable these criteria, the existing stock situation was examined towards a changeover to get closer to the customers in EMEA. Thus aiming to reduce the transport distance from warehouse to customer and from production to warehouse. To enable this project, information has been provided by the people responsible for each department and a feasibility study was carried out on where the warehouse should be located. The feasibility study has been compared with the internal data collection. This collection has consisted of interviews and analyzes of previous work in the form of sales volume. Customer locations has also been examined to get an insight into how the material flows during sales in EMEA. The logistics for the current situation provide a deeper understanding of how the problem arose and why improvements were needed. When the finishing production is closer to the customers of the company than what the existing warehouse does in the current situation, it is assumed that improvements can be made. With a careful examination of the company’s transport costs, warehouse costs and the distance to all customers in EMEA, the results have shown that gains can be made on all points.
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